#erik killmonger ff
writerbee-ffs · 7 months
MBJ/Killmonger fics still alive and well ?
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killmongerkink · 5 years
Slumber Party
Summary: Erik sleeps over for the first time. 
Pairing: Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens X Black!Reader
Warning: fluff, slight slight slight smut? (i guess)
Length: 1.6k
BTW: i’ve been slacking on my writing and i’m sorry for that. since i’m not 100% done with my other stories (11:37PM and Behind Closed Doors), i decided to drop this little short that’s been sitting in my drafts for a minute now. hope you enjoy!
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“Really? That’s the reason? Bitch please, explain and don’t leave out any details.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes as you began to remember that night.
With your arms crossed over your chest, you entertained yourself as you watched Erik attempt to get comfortable on your old hand me down couch. It was probably in the family for at least 10 years and when you finally moved, your parents gave it to you as a gift. For being 10 years old, it was still in great shape and it was perfect for cuddling and watching tv, but sleeping? You’d rather lay on the floor. That’s why you were so confused when Erik insisted that he was okay and that it was actually comfortable, as if your ass didn’t lay on it from time to time. Sleeping in your bed was off limits, you had never shared a bed with a man before and felt awkward just thinking about it, especially since that man was Erik. Although you both had been talking for a couple weeks and you found yourself thinking about him 24/7, you didn’t want to rush things. Sure, waiting months wouldn’t make a difference if he had plans of hitting and quitting, but for your own mental health, you decided to wait. He was prepossessing, captivating and had this aura that pulling you in. You knew better than to get too comfortable with him too fast. 
The only reason he was at your place anyways was because he had ran into some problems with his old apartment. After a major leak broke out due to some “fuck ass neighbors” as he put it, there was no other option but to find some place to stay until it could get repaired. All his homeboys were either living with their girls or their parents, and he didn’t have anyone else close that he could stay with, so that left you. You couldn’t lie, you were kinda offended when he said you were his last option. He explained over the phone how he had tried all his connects, even going as far as trying to room with one of his co-workers that he absolutely hated and you really didn’t know how to take that. 
“Well, you know where everything is. If you need anything, just grab it.” You turned to walk to your bedroom before stopping abruptly and turning back around. “Unless it’s my Naked smoothies, they’re off limits. So don’t even think about sneaking one, cause I counted them.”
“Relax ma. Nobody want them thick ass juices anyways, shit be taking ten years to pour out the bottle.”
Sucking your teeth, you waved him off. Only his goofy ass would pour it out the bottle when he could’ve just drank out of it. Making a few kissy noises, you watched your cat bounce down from the table and job off into your room. After entering, you made sure to close the door behind you which was uncommon since you always left it open. Just the thought of someone in your space was weird, but it was also nice to not be alone for a change. You unsnapped your bra from under your shirt and tossed it onto the chair, embracing the feeling of no longer being restricted. After finishing up your nighttime routine, you made sure to secure your bun with a scarf before getting into bed. Tomorrow was Friday, known as Fly Fri’s at your job where everyone was allowed to wear jeans and sneakers of their choice, and your hair had to be on point to set off the rest of your fit. You were not one to play games and everybody knew you came through on Friday’s, you couldn’t disappoint. 
* * * * *
Snickers ran back and forth throughout your living room, bouncing off furniture and nearly knocking your vase over as he tried to dodge it. After a while, he wore himself out and jogged up to you. He sat there and stared, contemplating if he wanted to jump up or not. 
“What are you waiting for? Come here.”
He jumped up, resting himself on your lap and licking his nose. You fake meow’d, causing him to look up at you as you whined at how cute he was. His paw slapped the top of your hand and you grabbed it, messing with his hair before rubbing it softly. You really loved this cat as if he was a baby, which he was in his own way. You pet him back and forth lightly, feeling his skin move with your hand as you tried your best to calm him down. He was always overly-excited, but you chucked it up to him being a stray on the streets for so long before you got him. His paw kept moving, almost as if he was trying to pull away from your hold, but he continued to purr, showing his appreciation of your touches.
“You’re such a good boy, hm?”
His other paw came up and he began to knead your bare thigh, his nails digging into your skin, harder than usual. You heard your name being called and looked around, your once bright apartment now turning dark. 
* * * * *
“What?” You mumbled,  blinking your eyes as you tried to get used to the dark. 
No longer were you sitting on your couch, you were now laying down in your bed, the sound of the distant traffic meeting your ears. All you could hear was heavy breathing and light pants, not realizing that the latter was coming from you. It felt as if you were moving in slow motion as you turned your head, your cracked door not registering in your sleepy state as you turned and expected to find an empty spot, only to see a figure. Freezing immediately, you wondered if your eyes were playing tricks on you. This had to be a dream, one of those that felt extremely real, almost as if it was happening in real life. It had to be. 
Erik laid beside you, his eyes moving back and forth quickly under his lids as he continued to breath heavily, groaning every now and again. You felt movement by your feet and looked down, finding your cat stretching before going still again. What the hell was going on? How could you be rubbing your cat if it was down- your felt something jerk under your hold as Erik shuffled closer to you, his hand pushing itself deeper in between your thighs. It didn’t take a second longer to realize what was going on and you gasped, pulling your hand off of him as if it burned you. You attempted to scramble off the bed, but that turned out to be impossible as his grip tightened on your leg, forcing you to stay still.
"What you doing girl?” He sucked his teeth, mumbling groggily.
“What are you doing? You’re supposed to be on the couch!” You didn’t know why you were whispering, but you were. Almost as if you were scared that speaking out loud would somehow make the situation realer than what it was.
“You told me come in here. Plus, that couch is uncomfortable as fuck. Why you let me sleep on it?”
“I told your dumbass it was uncomfortable and you said you were okay.”
“So? You knew I was lying and you just left me there to suffer when you got this nice ass bed all to yourself. You don’t care ‘bout me.”
You sucked your teeth, half annoyed and half happy that he was here. Erik was just .. ugh. It was hard to put into words how freaking annoying, but cute he was. He was just such a big baby about everything, and it wasn’t until he was mumbling a “what?” under his breath did you realize you had said that outloud.
He scoffed, releasing your thigh just to pull you closer to him in a near death grip. It seemed as if he was harder than before, the constant pulsing making you feel some type of way. You still couldn’t believe that what you thought was a dream was actually happening and although you told yourself you wouldn’t have sex yet, that didn’t mean you couldn’t think of ways to do other stuff. You wondered if he masturbated as much as you did? Did he think of you when he did? You were hoping so, since all you could picture was him whenever you were pleasing yourself. You acted as if you were getting comfortable, consistently back it up against him and releasing heavy sighs out of fake frustration when you couldn’t find a good position. Chuckling and deciding to tease you back, his fingers began to dig into your side, your surprised squeal and heavy laughter filling the room as you tried your hardest to release yourself from his hold. He finally showed some mercy after a chorus of out of breath “i’m sorry’s”, a pleased laugh filling the air.
“I hate you, you know that right?”
“Mhm. Now girl get comfortable, we ‘bout to do something you’ve never done before.” The warm air from his nostrils kissed the back of your neck, his lips joining in soon after. You wanted to cackle at him singing, but he was actually holding the tune pretty good. Since when did he have vocals?
“And just cause I’m letting you slide now doesn’t mean I will next time. You gonna stay in the living room tomorrow, period. Okay?”
“She say period, I be like periaaaawwwwwd!”.
“Eriiiiik, shut up dang.” Your body bounced as you laughed, he was forever being goofy. “I’m serious though, okay?”
“I’ll try baby, you know I gotta hard head.” He mumbled, grazing his nose against your neck and making you smirk at his innuendo. 
taglist: @madamslayyy @chaneajoyyy @thehomierobbstark @destinio1 @softnani @mareethequeen @honeytoffee @maddiestundentwritergaines @vikkidc @blackgirlreadsfanfic
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panels-of-interest · 7 years
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First appearance of Killmonger.
[from Jungle Action (1972) #6]
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sonofnjobu · 6 years
It’s so hard to let go when a story writes itself in a completely different direction than you planned.
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madam-o · 3 years
What if...? Ep 6: Erik likes Anime (Spoilers)
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I kinda feel like ppl are failing to realize the point of the What If...? series/comic: it does things that you can't do in continuity by exploring alternate story paths, which yes, involves killing a lot of the main characters over and over again. It's kind of the point. If you knock over one domino in a line, everything else falls.
I dunno why everyone's more upset about Tony dying over all the other characters, though. I find Chadwick's work in this series especially poignant, like he's sending actual messages from beyond the grave. His voice was strong in his first episode, but in the last two it's sounded rough and weak, which is heartbreaking. The fact that T'Challa was in the afterlife in that last scene didn't especially help, either.
But damn, is Killmonger a good villain. He's way too intelligent and effective to let live, obviously. Lol. He was dropping fools like flies the whole episode (ntm throwing missile bombs with his bare hands ffs). But I saw how the women in the room kept giving him the stink eye and knew he'd eventually find out what happens when you fuck with the Potts.
Gwyneth Paltrow isn't exactly a favorite person among fans, understandably, but goddamn is Pepper a great character regardless. So, good thing Paltrow didn't voice her in this, right? And cute little Shuri is gonna design the final nail as well as the coffin to put Killmonger in. Between them and Queen Ramonda leading the charge against the Gundam drones I was a pretty happy chica despite the bummer developments of this ep.
From the many spoiler images that I find impossible to avoid, the finale is gonna rock because we're gonna see characters from all the other episodes get together to kick Ultron butt. I'm very impressed with this series overall, despite a few meh moments. Apparently the viewer numbers aren't what they hoped for, but I'm not surprised that people are less interested in watching an animated show with no physical stars on screen. I'd be shocked if it's not renewed for S2 though.
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mdccanon · 3 years
Thoughts on Superfamily (Marvel)?
Magnificent. Comprehensive.
I love good old-fashioned "Steve and Tony work on their team dynamic until the accidentally start dating" stories.
I love "Tony originally adopted Peter" stories.
I love "Steve slowly realizes EXACTLY what JARVIS is" stories. Love the bots and AIs, love Vision.
I love "Steve is a nervous wreck in the presence of Pepper Potts" stories.
But I'm a sick bitch, so I love all the hurt and all the comfort.
I love reconciliation stories for every movie, and I waited with bated breath after Winter Soldier for Civil War because Tony didn't know, Tony didn't know who killed his parents. I love "The Winter Soldier pretends to be Bucky Barnes" stories. I want Bucky, Tony, Natasha, and Bruce to all look back on all the lives they've ruined and decide to make their lives worth something more. I love Steve and Sam being there for them. Sam is the most amazing therapist, the ultimate Helpful Guy.
My headcanon has been that Johnny and Susan are Steve clones since Chris Evans was cast as both, so I like Superfamily stories where Peter has Complicated Feelings about Johnny.
But I don't mind throwing Michael B. Jordan into that and having Johnny be Killmonger's clone because the wrong person found out Erik is Wakandan royalty and Peter having Complicated Feelings about Johnny from that. XD
Now that Zemo has been elevated to amazingness, I kinda want his storyline merged with Victor von Doom's....
So, at this point in the Superfamily legacy, I would pay money for a fanfiction where Zemo discovers two Steve Roger clones living in a Truman Show fake community inside of a NASA research center in Long Island, use them to restart his tirade on "50 Reasons the US Military should Eat a Dick". Insert NASA accident that makes FF+1. Sam's got the shield and he's not afraid to use it. Bucky is watching it all on the TV in Louisiana, holding Morgan, confused as always. Add Steve, Tony, and Pepper trying desperately to get custody of Johnny, who is still atleast 17, but Zemo wants to take his two favorite propaganda pieces with him to reconquer Sokovia with his newfound electrical powers. Toss in Zemo meeting Wanda "I'm the Scarlet Witch Now" Maximoff who informs Zemo that magic is in fact real. You know what would make sure that no one ever fucked with Sokovia again? Magic. Throw in Billy, Tommy and Vision. Tony is grappling with instantly becoming a grandfather to two ten-year-olds when his first daughter is only 5. Steve and Susan connect instantly and Steve's very annoyed that his poor, sweet, 21-year-old ingenue daughter is so enamored with some NASA scientist 10 years her senior that she can't start a sentence without "Reed always says--". Thank GOD Steve never talks that way. Bucky always said he did, but he doesn't see how. Pepper is trying to explain to Wakanda that if they declare war on Sokovia, as private US citizens, the Avengers cannot choose a side. And Peter is still trying very hard to suppress is Complicated Feelings about Johnny, a boy he has to fight on missions as the Human Torch, who he hung out with in Brooklyn before the scandal broke that he's Steve's clone, who he really would rather prefer to see as his brother like Morgan is his sister, but he isn't, and that's bad, that's very bad.
Every ten chapters would have Pepper, Tony, and Steve meeting Buck and Sam in Louisiana, to review what new hot garbage is happening and their NEW new plans to deal with it, over a large platter of jambalaya. Bucky always provides the chocolate cake.
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
Do you know any images that has plus size characters and Erik in them that I can read? I’m kind of new to the whole fan fics!
I sure do! 
- how i feel, right now, animal, chains series, purple herbs & gardens, risks & new beginnings series, better with time, let’s play, without a doubt, sizzling pans & slow jams, misinterpretations, visions of gold, out business, come through and chill series, nights, slow burn, a siren’s allure, venom, the one, maybe they’re right, sore loser series, i’ll be alright, spooky cookies & vampire fangs, screams in the night series; knock, knock series; imagination, the cure series, poptart man series, this must be our song, conversation starter, heaven is a place on earth, twins?, say it, i’m there, his princess, his for the night, sugar baby series, authority series, baby shark, lemme try, take our time, say the word, sudden reunions series, memories of you, more ways than one, lemme try it again (that’s my face), not in budget, i would like to see it, pease mama bear, she likes me, guess what, times like these, tell me your secret series, he gets it from me, baby see baby do, see what had happened was, who me?, so relax, three kings of dreams, deck the b-…halls?, do it again, be quiet, you so crazy, how that sound?, you’re so handsome, sit still, leave me aloneee, don’t hide, or maybe, send it to mommy, but i’m sick.., you thought i wouldn’t find out, he’d make you his, ballet baba, ain’t that right?, he wasn’t having that, being honest, that’s all it took?, then stop ignoring me, since you can, but i thougth…, jealous, i won’t tell you again series, hit me, no reply, i’ve alway been, you sure?, no more tummy time, toss ‘em, you done now?, sing it baby, doped up, battle it out, for however long, bath time, bedtime stories, i’m sorry, was that so hard?, i owe you that, whatchu say?, hard headed, it should’ve been you, take our time series, baba’s day, whatever she wants, nope, can’t even look at you, not again, nose wide oen, just a bit longer, come on over to my place, fences & bullriders, right now, designated command strips,mr. telephone man series, autumn leaves & cookie thieves, one way or another, you ain’t hear that?, open up, better?, huh? nuh uh, cute enough to eat, she likes me- @supersizemeplz
- all erik fics and headcanons- @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
- all erik fics and headcanons- @eye-raq
- teach me series, when you’re mad series, waffles series, slow ride series, movie night series, let’s talk about sex series, mines, thunderstorm, girl fuck you, eat your breakfast seres (with eat your dinner), secret admirer, amusement park fun, displays of affection, night at the movie theaters, silent hearbeats series, kissing strangers series, worship, loving the way you love it, day drunk, smile for me daddy series, just like you, we goin to hell, breeding time- @thehomierobbstark
- late again, halloween party, imprint, a man in love, v.i.p (includes m/baku), daddy’s home, y’all again?, okay? okay, prisoner of love, family cookout, kiss, what’s cooking good looking, expecting headcanons, food headcanons, crying headcanons, nsfw headcanons, foot fetish series, halloween headcanons, lingerie headcanons, jealous headcanons, kevin’s  heart series, untitled series- @madamslayyy
-carnal stimulation series, next lifetime series, hoe ass erik series, dirty little secrets series, hennything is possible, sunday dinner series (with payback), a.d.i.d.a.s., green goddess, suddenly stevens, beauty is her name, it’s complicated. i’m sorry, the great reveal, neighbors know my name series (part 2 to @hearteyes-for-killmonger‘s story of the same name), the devil speaks xosha, mile high, trap card, act up, let me smell it, up late, i’ll take your man, carry on, dreams & nightmares- @goddessofthundathighs
- headass youtube couple series, fix my crown series (with ‘the puppy’), all skate, cutting ties series, #tsrbaewatch- @apantherinmypastlife
- all erik fics-  @wawakanda-btch
- all fics- @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- say my name series, beg for it, the coat room, charley horse, full court press, house party, boyfriend makeup challenge, gumby, the let out series, disorderly, token, all i wanted for christmas is you, hit the showers, neo, erica; veni, vidi, vici, i will be here, trick or treat, the wakandan boys when they’re sick (includes t’challa and m’baku- @sonofnjobu
- mine, unravel me series (includes belong to you), i missed you series (inlcudes you a’ight and if they ain’t looking), rated e, on braodway, no average bitch,  @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers (scroll for erik killmonger x reader and erik killmonger imagine)
- all tasting mellow fics- @tastingmellow
- laid up series- @pastelastronomy24
- come lay with me, house hunting series, stretch marks, the footbal jerseyy, you sure?- @marvelmaree
- the deal series, nuggest of truth, girlfriend, all i want is you, care for you- @wakandamama
- rated e for extra petty, elbow deep series- @puffmamaa
- she got game, where’s the smoke, s.d.m., from paris with love, where the hoes at? (with t’challa and m’baku), written all over your face, baby bump series (wit cuddle buddy,, and hc: chubby!erik trying old clothes), not in that way, here kitty kitty, computer blue series, chunk series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- all erik fics- @stripper-patrick
- he spills series (with t’chala and m’baku)- @captainsaveasmut
- i’m cleva series, do me baby (part 2 of @killmongersgurl‘s serieserik’s created a monste)-, @killmongerdispussy
- sorry he’s gone, mad issues series, curiosity happy weight- @curls-and-crosses
- nah baby i got you- @inxan-ity (scroll for erik killmonger)
- all fics- @writerbee-ffs
- paragone series- @dynastynoire
- all fics- @eriksjournal
- the sweetest taste series, late night drive- two of a kind series (includes ‘03 bonnie and clyde prequel), beyond the lights series, mad love series- @wakandaforeverwrites
- all erik fics and headcanons- @plussizeappreciationfics
-thanksgiving w/ mr. stevens and the udakus series (with valentine’s gumbo),  @mermaidchansons
- all erik fics- @muse-of-mbaku
- all fics- @eerythingisshaka
- all fics- @artisticestheticreads
- return the favor series,”you wake up to find your bed void of your sick boyfriend erik killmonger and you’re not very pleased- @taint3dvirgin
- a day at the beach with erik, prompt 19 “what’s cooking, good looking”, stay here tonight, greater purpose of chaos, sharing disney movies with erik, 90s disney movies with erik-  @hidden-treasures21
- new year’s surprise series- @thefantasyride
- for the love of money?, my first & his only, the big chop, braid my hair, short staffed, visiting hours- @bakarilennox
- insecure series, “erik x wakandan!reader where he says ‘you are your own perso. you are not mine. but i hope you will let me love you.”, sabotage, sweet like honey series- @erikslulbaby
- kissing strangers series- @halcyonscry
- baby bump series (with cuddle buddy, hc:chubby!erik trying on old clothes) (chubby!erik), chunk series, special delivery, here kitty kitty,  s.d.m., she got game, computer blue series, where’s the smoke, from paris with love, where the hoes at?, written all over your face, not in that way series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- not enough, a little insecure - @maybecoolwords
- french inhale series- @jewelofwakanda
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Thigh riding Erik.
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The autum rain splashed the side of the curb, wetting your canvas sneakers. Rainy days in San Fansisco were your favorite days. It was the smell and the cool breeze that followed. Drenched from head to toe, you jog up the small flight of stairs to his apartment complex. Once you were secure inside, you allow the revolving door swish past you, your back pressed firmly to the wall next to a series of mail boxes belonging to the many residents.
He was on the 8th floor.
Apartment 8B.
He had the best apartment on that floor. Spacious, wide windows, not much furniture but very urban and artistic like you liked.
You take both of your hands, stroking back your wet box braids before shivering slightly. The AC was blasting in that hallway. All of you was drenched, your light weight cropped spaghetti strapped shirt colored white exposing your hardened nipples and areolas. Catching a final breath, you walk across from you to the elevators, pressing the ascending button. You waited, eyes looking about you and hair dripping onto your lower back. The soft ding of the elevator caught your lingering eyes, stepping one foot forward swiftly, followed by the other before encasing yourself fully within that freight elevator. You close the gate, pressing the 8th floor button and allowing the old elevator to move upward. You look to the ceiling, bouncing back and forth on your heels.
The higher you went, the more you anticipated this moment. He’d been gone for a very long time and you wondered if he would ever return. The phone call that sent chills down your spine this morning was exactly what you needed. His smooth deep voice called out your name. You could have sworn your heart stopped circulating. He didn’t forget about you. How could he? You were his favorite. He showed you things...things that you never dreamed of.
Daring. He lived on edge. You missed when he would pick you up while he was driving his motorcycle. How could you forget the time he took you to the tallest building in the city at night to watch the city bustle down below. You watched him walk on the edge like a dare devil. He even took you up there. In that moment you forgot how afraid of heights you were. It’s because you were with him.
Oh... the way he talked to you. If a man ever told you to shut up, any other man besides him, there would be hellfire. But when he told you to shut up with that slight grin, you melted, you sassed him and made him mad on purpose so he could reprimand you and give you that angry dick that you always craved. Or even the way he would instruct you in the bedroom. His words were so encouraging and his tongue and dick were so generous. He had you having withdraws when you were alone.
The slow elevator comes to a screeching halt, the grip on you cross body bag tightening. Reaching out you open the elevator door, stepping out and into the hall. There, just ahead, was his place. He was expecting you. You walk forward without hesitation, reaching out to knock on the painted black door only for it to creek open. A small smile graces your luscious lips, hand pushing it fully open for you to enter. Once there, you spot him straight ahead, leaning against one of his wide windows that overlooked the city. He wore a black wife beater, his fathers ring still hanging from the gold Cuban link chain around his neck. The Fresh scars littering his body and the scruff to his hair made him look even more intimidating, even more like Killmonger. The black cargo pants and boots finished the look, leaving you speechless.
“My dangerous man is back,” you walk over to him slowly, dropping your bag. The sexy look in your eyes had him smiling down at you softly. It was soft but you knew he wanted to eat you alive. That was the Jaguar in him. The moment you stepped within his space, he picks you up, taking both of your legs himself to wrap around his waist. He turns you quickly, slamming your back against the glass. You wince before his lips encased yours, his large hands squeezing and gripping you everywhere.
“Erik,” You accept his rough kisses from your lips down to your throat. He grunts in response.
“Erik, say something,” you whisper between moans.
“Mhm,” he simply says, the deepened sound of it vibrating against your chest.
“Mhm, what?” You ask, grabbing the sides of his face to make him look at you, “Mhm, what? You miss me?”
His hard eyes look over your face before kissing you deeply, his tongue down your throat. He stops, taking a breath, “what you think? Stop asking stupid fucking questions.”
“But,” you pause when his teeth bit down on your lower lip, “I want you to tell me you miss me. I’ve missed you, baby.”
Erik strokes your cheek with his finger. His lips peck your lips, after each peck he would look into your eyes with intensity. Now his tongue licked your tongue. He then sucked on your tongue, the taste of him making your mouth water. Erik bites his lip before gripping your jaw, kissing you passionately again, showing you more than telling you that he misses you. He removed his lips from yours, his face with dreads framing his forehead looking at you. The side of his mouth twitches faintly before a sly grin surfaces.
“I missed the fuck outta you when I was away. So bad that I don’t wanna waste that shit talking.”
Before you knew it he had you fully in his arms now, carrying you over to his couch. The infamous couch. So many things happened here you were suprised it was still standing proudly. He places you within his lap, grinding up against you while his hands gripped your ass from behind. All while kissing, he moves you up and down. You brace yourself by holding onto the couch, gripping it so tight your nails almost ripped the black leather. He gives both your ass cheeks a hard slap, bringing his hands to your braids. He hyper extended your head, his lips and tongue attacking your neck.
This motivated you to arch your back and grind on his thigh. You move your hips harshly, his hand in your hair tilting your head down at him. His hungry eyes watch as you move your hips, his eyebrows pinched together with arousal.
“Fuck,” he grabs your ass, helping you out, “Baby girl, you thigh riding Daddy?” He asks with a tilt of his head. You bit your lip as the wetness against your panties lubricated your clit.
“Baby girl,” he takes in a sharp breath.
Erik takes his hands, undoing his pants. This caused you to lift from him briefly, helping him out as you pull them all the way down and to his ankles. Next was his briefs. This you did slowly so you could remind yourself of all the dick you would be taking all day and night. The thing you craved for jerked out of its confinement, hard and just as beautiful as before. You caught your lip within your mouth to fight the automatic drool.
“Fuck, Daddy.” You hop back into his lap, “I missed this, you had me missing you like crazy.”
The moment you sat within his lap you began to undress yourself. You pull your thin shirt over your head, exposing your full breasts to his primal eyes. Like a magnet he grabs a hand full of warmth and soft flesh, twirling your nipples. You lift to your knees, pulling your panties and skirt off. Erik gazes at your full naked brown body, his rough hands jiggling you’re ass. Like you never left, you start grinding on his thigh again, your now wet pussy rubbing against the muscles in his thigh. Erik purposely flexes his thigh muscles to give you more friction. You close your eyes in ecstasy, opening your legs wider to grind on him. With a roll of your hips you moan and whimper at the feeling of your hard wet clit circulating over his skin.
“Damn, that shit feel so good I just might squirt on this mother fucking leg,” you stroke his dick, leaning forward to lick his face, “stroke this fucking dick Daddy?”
“Shit, you know what to do,” he bites his lip, “get used to that big dick cuz I’m filling you up with all of that.”
“Mmm,” you continue to grind, the sounds of your pussy and the smell of your arousal turning you both on, “ahhh, so damn good.”
Erik places his hands on your hips, helping you out. Damn, your pussy was leaking on this man’s leg. Who knew thigh riding could make you just as wet as getting fucked in the pussy.
“You creaming on my leg, Baby girl?” Erik grabs your hips harder, lifting you up to see your mess, “Yes that ass is, damn you nasty bitch.” He takes his fingers, scooping up some of your wetness before placing them within his mouth.
He lowers your hips, both hands on your ass as he forcefully grinds you against his leg.
“I wanna be nasty and cum all over you like this.” You moan in his ear, “fucking make me cum on you like this...”
Your belly grows tight, thighs trembling. The stream of moans echoed within Erik’s ear, your hand jerking him faster and faster. The more you jerked, the stiffer he became.
“Ah, Erik, yessss, ff-fuckkkkk.” You shake, bouncing on his thigh until you leaked all over him, wetting the couch as well. Erik jiggles you’re ass through your orgasm, telling you how proud he was of you and how you were Daddy’s good fucking girl.
“Such a good girl,” he kisses you, “now be a good girl a fuck Daddy dick.”
You don’t hesitate, positioning yourself on your top toes since the dick went deeper that way for you. Erik rubs your clit, watching you lower yourself over him. You stop half way, bouncing slightly and clenching him up.
“Ooooo, shit,” you close your eyes with a shake of your head, “This dick belongs to me.”
“Then sit all the way on your dick then,” He grabs your hips with his wet hands, “You want me to help?”
You nod your head while biting your lip, bracing yourself as he slams you down, his dick so deep it tickled your cervix.
“OH! YES!” You push at his chest, taking in a sharp breath, “Yeah, Daddy.”
“There you go,” he slaps your ass since he loved it so much, “Such a good fucking girl, be a big girl for Daddy...I know it’s been a minute.”
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tastingmellow · 5 years
A/N: it’s part two to a request I did a while back. I’ll reblog it after I post this so you guys can read them in order! This is for @thickemadame !
Summary: Erik is an ass and gets what he deserves.
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x Black!Reader
Warnings: Erik is a jackass. ERIK GETS HIS ASS BEAT. That is all.
Word Count: Don’t know, why do you even bother looking at this part?
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“Yeah, and then he kissed me.” You paced back and forth in front of Jeremy as he sat, legs spread out while he watched you. “You’re gonna set the floor on fire with all that pacing, baby.” You stopped and looked at him, dropping your arms. “Are you not taking this seriously?” Jeremyshook his head and stood up, his height towering over you as he rubbed your arms. “I am taking it seriously but I rather conceal my anger for a moment and let you get your emotions out.”
You looked up at him and sighed, plopping down on the couch. “I’m mad. Pissed even. Why the fuck would he do that?! And after I told him I was happy!” Jeremy slipped his hands into the pockets of his sweats and shrugged. “It’s like you said. He was a selfish asshole, ma. Don’t let that shit get to you. What happened after he kissed you?”
“Well, I was shocked for a moment but when I realized what was happening I slapped him and pulled away. Gave him a few choice words, got in my car and left.” Jeremy nodded and sat beside you, rubbing your back before pulling your body against his. “I’m not gon’ lie to you, baby. I’m pissed that the nigga had the nerve to touch you at all. But...I think the two of you should talk. At least about what happened and why it happened.”
You bit your lip, playing with the strings attached to his sweatpants. “Maybe. I just...he friend zoned ME. Why the fuck would he do that?” Jeremy shrugged and gently played with your curls. “Probably because he’s done it before and it worked with other girls. So he figured it would work with you too.” You looked up at him and he glanced down at you, a gentle smile on his face. “I see why I’m with you. You’re not just pretty.” You spoke and Jeremy leaned his head back, letting out a laugh. “Oh, that makes me feel good, Princess. Thank you.”
“Oh and here’s another reason.” You gestured to the very poorly hidden print of his outer appendage and he looked down. “And the truth comes out. I’m still just a piece of meat to you.” You smacked his chest and giggled before standing up. “I’m gonna go make dinner.” Jeremy lazily tapped your ass, watching your figure walk away while he bit his lip. “When your done, can you make dessert too?”
You nodded. “Yes, only because I feel generous. What do you want?” You looked over your shoulder, smiling at him. “You.” Jeremy shot you a bright, white smile and you chuckled before winking. “Well, only because you’ve been so sweet and you’ve been my voice of reason.”
You called Erik shortly after dinner and explained to him in minimal words that the two of you needed to speak. You gave him a time and place, not wanting to have to speak with him longer than necessary and hung up the phone. He told you he’d make the reservation. It was as short as you hoped it been.
“You want me to be there?” Jeremy asked quietly while lightly tracing his fingers over your shoulders. You shook your head and hugged his large body closer to you. He chuckled and ran his finger over your head full of curls. “You don’t need to be. I don’t expect anything extreme to happen. And if it does happen you work like 5 minutes away.”
Jeremy laughed and tightened his hold on you. “I’m assuming you did that on purpose.” You nodded. “I know Erik. His ego is huge and even though he is relatively harmless, he throws tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants.” You sighed and Jeremiah kissed your forehead, letting the kiss linger.
“Just call me if you need me then.” You nodded and kissed his lips. He pulled your body closer to his, dipping you down a bit causing a giggle to bubble out of your chest. Your nails scratched at his beard and he pulled away, smiling down at you. “I’ll see you later, baby.”
You nodded and pecked his lips again before he walked to his car. You waved to him as he pulled off before turning around and walking inside. You made your way to the hostess, giving her a polite smile. “Hi, I’m here to meet a friend of mine. Stevens?” She nodded and led you to the table and sure enough he was sitting there. “What can I get you to drink?” She asked kindly and you gave her another smile. “Just a water for now.”
You sighed looking at Erik and he gave you a weary half grin. “Hey, uh, you look great.” You nodded and gave him small smile. “Thank you. You as welll.” He nodded, picking at his palm. “How’s things with uh...Jeremy? He seems like a great guy.” You nodded in agreement. “He is. I remember telling you that. Which is why I don’t get why you felt kissing me would be appropriate. Even after you friend zoned me.”
“And there it is...” Erik spoke, looking down at the menu in front of him. “Yeah, there it is. That’s what I’m here for. To get an understanding of what demon possessed you into thinking kissing me was the proper thing to do when I was gushing over my boyfriend moment prior.” Erik took in a deep breath, looking up at you with a slightly irritated look in his eye.
“No, you don’t get to give me that look. You were the one that fucked up. You were the one that attempted to play me and use me because you saw I wasn’t sulking about you rejecting me. So, give me the damn truth. I already know it. But you need to say it.”
Erik scoffed, shaking his head as you took a sip of your water. “What do you want me to say? I already told you I’m sorry and I really don’t know what else you want me to do.” You looked at him, revelation and disbelief taking over your features. “Are you kidding me right now? You don’t see the issue in you kissing a person that you clearly have no feelings for, the only reason being because you want control and power over who you THINK should be miserable?”
“What the fuck are you talking about? It was an accident and I said I was sorry. This ain’t got shit to do with me wanting ‘power’ over you.” You shook your head, biting your cheek. “Stop bullshitting me, Erik.”
“Bullshitting you? Don’t. Because last I remember you were trying to get at me and what? You’re all of a sudden over it? You ain’t even like a nigga forreal in the first place.” You tilted your head. Did this nigga just—? He did, sis. He did. You stood to your feet, grabbing your phone and keys. “I’m not about to sit here and try to explain something to you that you obviously don’t get. You weren’t interested! What the fuck do I need to hold on to you for?” Your voice began to raise. You reached in your pocket and left a tip for your waitress.
You turned around, walking toward the door with Erik close behind you. The moment you stepped outside he gripped your arm. “Fucking listen to me.” You tried yanking your arm from but his grip tightened. “Get your fucking hands off me, Nigga. I’m not about to let you take me out my fucking character.”
“I’ll let you go when you listen to me.” Erik huffed out and you continued to try to pry he hands from you. “Or you could let her go now.” You turned to the voice, visibly relaxing as you spotted Jeremy making his way toward you in his nicely fitted dark jeans, white t-shit, and gold chain swinging with each step.
Erik’s hand dropped from your bicep and you leaned against your car, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. “Look man, all due respect. This ain’t got shit to do with you. This is between me and her. “ Jeremy shook his head, stopping in front of you. “Well, you know, when I’m making my way up here to see how my girl’s doing and I see her ex-best friend gripping her arm, I get worried and then all this shit? Becomes my business. Now, step back or we gon’ have an issue.”
You looked up, lightly rubbing your hand over Jeremy’s back as Erik clenched his fist. “This really don’t concern you man just let me talk to her.” Erik took a step toward you and Jeremy placed his large hand on Erik’s chest. “I said, no. I’d hate to hurt you, bruh. Just keep it moving.” Erik glanced down at his hand, pushing it off his chest.
Everything happened a bit too quickly. It started with Erik pushing Jeremy and ended with Erik on the ground, blood running from his nose and a scowl on his face. Jeremy’s fist clenched and unclenched a few times, his large body heaving. You sighed and politely helped Erik to his feet before pulling his shirt over his nose. “Go to the hospital, Erik. But don’t mistake me helping you up as me saying I forgive you. I don’t. You’re selfish, egotistical, and you’re an asshole. You proved that to me today. Delete my number, unfollow me on all social media, delete my damn email. I don’t want anything to do with you.”
You let him go, taking Jeremy’s hand and the two of you walked away to your car. Erik expected you to turn back, give him a fleeting look but the only time you did turn was to stop and to give Jeremy a kiss of gratitude. He’d never been an expert at reading lips but he could clearly tell, even through the large smile on your face that you were thanking Jeremy. Thanking him for standing up for you. Thanking him for being there for you. Thanking him being everything Erik wasn’t.
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writerbee-ffs · 5 years
He was Erik...
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So I came across MBJ’s interview onset gifs and the video (again) a couple of weeks! I also remember him interviewing w/ Oprah saying the role had began to make him depressed because he had to really dig deep to find the hurt Erik felt sooo I wrote the little one shot as MBJ’s significant other going through the lows of the role. Hope it’s good and someone likes it 🥴😅
“Me and Ryan … we’ve worked together a few times.” He stammered on his words. “And this is a project that we -you know- spoke about and once he heard about it” He rubbed his nose more signaling his irritation from all the questions. “Wanted me to do something different and play a villain” The sinister gleam had become evident in his now midnight black orbs. “my initial thoughts was like cool … when do we start?” He shrugged towards the interviewer.
Glancing at Michael one last time on your laptop screen, you’d realized the water on the brim of your eyes threatening to fall. While everyone loved the thought of an all black major cast and celebrated Michael for his role as one of Marvel’s greatest antagonists, you hated the role deep down in your core. You would never tell a soul that especially your friends and family but you saw what Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens did to your once happy, loving, and caring boyfriend.
The role had Michael eating different and even spending more and more of his time away from the house avoiding you like the plague. When he did decide to make an appearance at home, Michael isolated himself from you by taking up residency in a completely different room on the other side of your shared home. He shut you out of his life and one night ended up telling you how much he hated you and how much he wanted you to pack up and leave. Oddly enough you couldn’t leave. You didn’t want to leave him alone to go through this role. After awhile you two rarely spoke. He’d been quiet these days simply writing in his one of his many journals he always used to prepare for any role he had. His appearance was even different from the Michael you knew and so was the way he smelled. He was no longer the love of your life. This was a stranger...
The stream of tears fell down your cheek as you sat in there against the bed frame. Watching his Black Panther interviews had became a dirty habit of yours. You were desperate to figure out what happened to Michael. Searching for any clues in the context. Anyone on the outside would see Mike’s interviews and swoon over his appearance as Killmonger but you knew the truth. You knew how the role was eating him from the inside out but he wouldn’t dare admit. You knew how irritate and angry he was becoming when it came to interviews or being social. You knew and the only thing that you could do was cry.
“Michael?” You hummed hearing footsteps coming from the hallway of your shared home breaking you from your thoughts. He’d been ignoring you since his dive into that character. “Bakari…” You whispered before planting your feet on the plush carpet making your way towards ‘his room’. “Mic-“
“Would you stop calling my damn name!” He growled at you through clenched teeth. His dark eyes looked through you as if you were nothing to him. “I heard you the first fucking time!” His chest moved up and down rapidly. “What do you want, (Y/N)?”
Standing there feeling small under his harden glaze, you chewed on your bottom lip nervously attempting to muster up the courage to speak to him. “I-I” You hummed out playing with the hem of his once favorite t-shirt you wore. “I miss you.” Your breath hitched as he made way towards you looking at you intensely. This was the first time Michael had been this close to you .
The devilish grin spread across his face, “Nah.” He chuckled slightly. “I don’t believe that.” His head swayed back and forth before going back to his suitcase to ignore you again.
The hot tears flowed from your face once agin like a facet turned on high, while you stood there feeling completely shut out. “Where is Michael?’ You hummed looking at this angry stranger. “I fucking hate what this character did to you!” You snapped throwing one of the African souvenirs you’d bought when you went to set with him for a couple of weeks.
“You hate it?” Mike chuckled stopping mid fold. “You didn’t hate the shit when you were trying to fuck Killmonger.” He laughed deeply making his way towards you. “Or what about all the shit you bought with my money … off this role that you hate so much?” The only sound in the room was Michael’s panting breath against your left temple.
You wanted to deny what he said but you simply couldn’t. “You know what?” You peeped out lowly tired of the constant cries, the lonely dark nights and mourning mornings. “I can’t do this, Michael.” Your eyes averted to the left to look into those unknown eyes. “This role has done something to you You’re always hostile, sad, angry… ju- just not yourself.” The tears were flowing slowly onto your already stained cheeks. “Always looking as if you want to kill everything or everyone in sight.. including me.” You mumbled the last part. “I understand you have to do what needs to be done for this role but you need help.”
His eyes rolled at the thought of help. What help did he need? Michael knew once he was done with this role he could put Erik “Killmonger” Stevens to rest with all his other roles. (Y/N) was just being a spoiled brat because he was always away for the movie. He wasn’t angry nor hostile. He wasn’t sad or depressed. He didn’t have built up rage. That was all Erik and Erik wasn’t real. He had to make Erik come to life so he had to do what he needed to. He was angry. He was depressed. He was filled with rage. He was Erik and Erik was him. He was losing everything and everyone he loved. He needed help.
(Y/N) couldn’t look at Michael anymore. He wasn’t himself and although she loved him, she couldn’t continue to be his punching bag. She couldn’t continue to hold hate for the breakthrough role Michael so desperately was excited about. She loved him too much but you loved yourself even more. “I’ll always be here for you but I can’t stay here with you.” You mumbled into Michael’s chest. “Enough is enough.” You stood on your tiptoes as you placed a light kiss on his cheek, feeling him flench at the action.
As much as you didn’t want to leave you had to ....
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uzumaki-rebellion · 4 years
Soon Come... “Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 2, Chapter 30″ Finale
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This has been a two-year journey from when I posted my first N’Jobu Udaku book chapter of Volume 1 back in April of 2018.
Back then, everyone in the fandom was writing about Killmonger, T’Challa, M’Baku, Nakia, Shuri, and Okoye, but I went the way back route out of curiosity. Although N’Jobu was in the movie for maybe less than ten minutes (if even that). I was curious as to how he would end up having a secret child with a Black American woman. I was curious to know why there was no mention of Erik’s mother in the movie, even when he was an adult and confronting T’Challa.
I looked all over the usual places for fics about N’Jobu, and although he is mentioned in a few other stories, I had yet to find that many that focused on him exclusively and how he came to shake-up Wakanda. I used to be sad when I found stories that started out great, and then the authors left them abandoned to pursue other stories (or life happened. I totally get that). With Sterling K. Brown’s fine ass, I was disappointed that I couldn’t read a bunch of N’Jobu sexy times. Also, it’s hard competing against your own son. I mean Killmonger stories seem to be more prolific than even T’Challa stories, and T’Challa is the damn hero, lol! Sexy bad guys will do that.
So I had to write it myself.
To write two books out of ten minutes of Sterling K. Brown screen time has been quite a task. Creating my own Erik Killmonger family canon has been fun. 
And I learned something about myself and Erik Killmonger.
When I first saw the Black Panther movie, I used to think Nakia was the right way to handle the world. I was one of those people that understood why Killmonger was the way he was, but also criticized how he treated Black women in the movie. (I also recognized a Dom when I saw one, cuz when he choked and lifted up that elder, I was not the only freak that said silently, “Yes, Daddy”) At the time I felt like Killmonger was doing the most but wouldn’t get what he wanted because he was too blinded by his rage and wasn’t open to pragmatic solutions like Nakia. But...
Writing about Erik’s parents before he was born and the transformation of N’Jobu through Erik’s mother has changed my mind about everything. Writing about Erik being born and raised by a mother who had the Diaspora on her mind and connected to Black women doing the work of shaping the world as they saw fit, and instilling that in Erk changed my mind. I made Erik be surrounded, nurtured, and taught by Black women. He has great respect for them (even when he is being a hoe at times!). Erik has the right to burn any and everything down, including other Black people that get in the way of true change, even if they are kin on the continent of Africa...and even if they are Black women that he thinks hinders progress.
Now ain’t that some shit?
Writing about him made me love him more than T’Challa. You all will see a spicey T’Challa when I have these two cousins meet back up even after the famous death scene.
I can’t wait until I am deep into Volume 4 when Erik is faced with Nakia and all of the rest of his Wakandan family. Everyone is catching hands. For the better.
Thanks to everyone who has been riding with this story. There aren’t that many of you, so I like to pretend we are a very special niche N’Jobu group. Honestly, people didn’t begin reading a lot of my stuff or following me until I started writing my Killmonger stories. I hope people will want to read these first two volumes. I have a deep love for N’Jobu and his tragic story. But Volume 4 will make amends for what he sacrificed with his wife Califia. I wanted to write books that showed how much Erik’s parents loved him, and why he would later go to the ends of the earth to bring Wakanda a reckoning. He is worthy of that.
I’m excited to finish up this final chapter. I have a lot of interesting things in store for the Stevens-Udaku family before T’Chaka shows up. I’m writing some things that give this family a final moment of respite before I move on to Volume 3 & 4.
As a reminder, Volume 4 is also the sequel to “Wet Sugar”. And if you haven’t read “Wet Sugar”, you should so you can follow along. If you don’t. Volume 4 won’t make any sense.
Be ready!
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panels-of-interest · 7 years
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Black Panther vs. Killmonger.
[from Iron Man Annual (1970) #5]
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marvelvsmarvel · 5 years
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thexmensource’s xmcu celebration
WEEK 2: Favorite Minor Character -
Agent Zero played by Daniel Henney
And I continue to point out that while Wolverine Origins is more than forgettable due to the ill-conceived depiction of Deadpool and a story that still hurts my head that there were some great characters including Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth or Taylor Kitsch as Remy Lebeau. But the best part of this film and my favorite minor character of any X-Men film was Daniel Henney as Agent Zero. I mean look at him! ARE WE JUST GONNA IGNORE THAT?!?! And the action while I would usually look cheesy as hell was actually a lot of fun. But admittedly his best action moment was quick-drawing a shot at Logan’s cigar. Moody, tension, hot AF! Yes this was the role that put Daniel on my radar but there’s precedence here between Fox and the MCU. Chris Evans as Johnny Storm was adorkable and easily the best aspect of those Fantastic Four films and he went on to being an even better Captain America. Coincidently also Johnny Storm many went to watch the last FF movie just because of Michael B Jordan only for him to have an enormous following after being the villain of Black Panther Erik Killmonger. And yes I’ve said this a million times but Daniel Henney should be Namor! He’s got the looks (god he has the looks), he’s tall (don’t neglect height just because RDJ), he’s got a great voice (check Tadashi from Big Hero Six), and he can be an arrogant lovable badass! I rest my case. Agent Zero - cool AF, hot as hell. Throw that in a speedo with some wings on his heels? Imperius Rex.
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acthenerd · 6 years
An essay I sent my friend about why Killmonger shouldn’t’ve been prosecuted:
K so like. Lemme just. Theorize for a second. So, Erik(Killmonger) refused medical aid at the end of Black Panther because he believed he would be imprisoned, correct? My essay today will start with the fact that he’s really just a dramatic bitch. For example, he went through so much trouble just to steal one(1) piece of vibranium when, in fact, the plan was to have Kraue be kidnapped, and then Erik would kill him as a way to be let into Wakanda. Not only is this excessively convoluted(he already has the mouth thing so he could’ve just McFucking gotten in), he even stole a fancy-ass mask for no reason other then “I’m just feelin’ it”. He wears furs ffs! He is so extra it’s insane. He has got dang War Dog markings covering his entire body. Why? BISH WANTED TO LOOK EXTRA!!! So now that we have acknowledged that he is extra af, I will move on to the point of today’s essay. He didn’t. Have. To die. He refused medical help on the premise that he would henceforth be locked up if he lived. But if the court reviews the evidence, he technically never did anything wrong. I shall now bring forth evidence against the accused and disprove it using facts from the movie itself. From starting order: 1) “He stole the vibranium.” Actually, he just took it back. 2) “He killed people in the museum.” Lies! Kraue and his men did, and his girlfriend killed the lady. All he did was kill Kraue’s accomplices which is something that Wakanda would thank him for in any other situation, no doubt. 3) “He kidnapped and killed Kraue.” And? T’Challa was going to the same, as were Okoye, Nakia, and W’Kabi. He did Wakanda a favour! 4) “He murdered T’Challa.” Ok a) he never killed him, he violently maimed him. B) T’Challa agreed to the challenge. C) As was pointed out multiple times, it was in rITUAL COMBAT. AS WAS HIS BLOOD RIGHT. THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT HE DID. 5) “He killed Zuri.” Well, Zuri McFucking intruded in a ritual combat, didn’t he? He is Not Allowed™️ to do that, so *shrug* Plus, he asked to be killed! 6) “He burned down the garden of the heart shaped herb.” HE’S. KING. IT’S HIS RIGHT TO DO AS HE PLEASES. 7) “He sent out weapons for the War Dogs to distribute to instigate wars.” Like hi, hyenlo, yes, W’Kabi suggested to do the same thing before Erik arrived, and the only reason he didn’t was because T’Challa said no. Erik was king; it was his prerogative. 8) “He attacked Shuri, and killed a Dora Milaje.” Ok, on all points here, they attacked him first. The Dora were committing treason by attacking the king. And Shuri fired first! 9) “He tried to kill T’Challa.” AND T’CHALLA TRIED TO KILL HIM. ERIK WAS STILL KING, THEREFORE. T R E A S O N . This is why Erik only died because he’s super McFucking extra, not because he would’ve been locked up. Had he known what T’Challa was going to do, I have no doubt he would have agreed to live as a peaceful citizen in Wakanda. He at most would have had to pay some penance temporarily, but he never committed any major crime. Thank you.
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honeysunned · 7 years
Mistakes (Erik Killmonger x Reader)
I might make a part 2, might not. If the smut looks familiar, its because I literally combined three scenes from three of my Dramione FFs on FF.net.
Warnings: Smut
Part II Part III Part IV Part V
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summary:  In which King N’Jadaka conquers more than just Wakanda
You stood behind Shuri, hands clammy and heart racing as everyone within the throne room waited for W’Kabi to bring this man in. This…outsider who claimed to have killed Klaue, the man who’d taken your parents’ lives. You had been just a baby when the explosion happened, only a month old, just barely settling into the world. You had never even gotten to know them, but you’d heard from numerous people, the late King T’Chaka and Queen Mother included, that they were great people.
It was Ramonda herself who’d made the decision to take you in, vowing to raise you as her own alongside T’Challa, and later, Shuri. You had been welcomed into the royal family with open arms, despite the fact that there were no blood ties to give you a more permanent place there. For the longest time, you were kind of just…there, still too young for them to decide what to do with you. It wasn’t until Shuri came along that you became something akin to a protector of sorts.
You were only eight years old when she was born, but you had been told that you went wherever baby Shuri went from the moment you first laid eyes on her. If she was being changed, you were right there, learning how. If she were being fed, you begged to do it too, wanting to take care of the girl you were convinced was still too tiny to be real. You only ever had T’Challa to play with growing up, and another girl in the house excited you. As the years went by, your “protector” title became more casual as the two of you grew to be just like sisters. The same could not be said of T’Challa.
Despite the fact that you had been raised in the household as if you were family, you could not look at T’Challa as a sister would a brother, no matter how much you tried. As the both of you grew and matured, you found yourself falling for the puppy-eyed young man. He was always your knight in shining armor, there for you whenever you needed him. You looked at him like he hung the moon, and he looked at you like he looked at Shuri. It broke your heart that he would never see you in the way you saw him, but it was a numb ache that you had grown to live with. Despite the fact that his heart would always belong to another, you still loved him and wanted nothing but the best for him.
Which was why, standing behind Shuri, eyes focused on T’Challa with something akin to anxiousness, the most awful feeling began to settle in the pit of your gut. You weren’t sure as to why, but you had a bad feeling about this outsider who was on the way to see the King at this very moment. Shuri often teased you about your gut feelings, her mind always focused on the rational and practical. Still, your feelings had never been wrong before, and in a panic, you began to pray.
Your eyes flew open as the doors slammed against the wall, W’Kabi striding inside alongside the man who you assumed was the outsider. You were still deep in thought, prayers and pleads clouding your mind before your eyes finally focused on what was in front of you. Your brown eyes lifted to land on the strange man, and you inhaled, body freezing as you took him in.
He stood slightly taller than W’Kabi, his frame wrapped in thick bands of muscle, the blue shirt pulling tightly around his arms. He stood proudly, like a warrior, and you resisted the urge to take a step back. His frame was tense, like a Cobra coiled to strike, just itching for a fight. His facial hair complimented his face, framing his lips and giving his otherwise baby face a dark countenance. His dark brown eyes were swirling with a myriad of emotions as he gazed around the room, neat locs falling onto his forehead, his scrutiny dangerous and hungry. Hungry for what, you did not know. Blood, violence, money?
You had seen many men in your life, but you had never seen a man like him before. Something about him was different, and that unnerved you. You blinked, and his eyes found yours then, something so carnal and savage lying in there that you were forced to look away. Your eyes landed on T’Challa like they always did, and unbeknownst you, this was your first mistake.
Your eyes never left his lithe frame as he moved towards the outsider, form taught with tension, their faces only a few inches from one another. Your heart hummed within your chest, not liking this man being in such close proximity to T’Challa, despite the fact that you knew he could protect himself. You watched with baited breath as the outsider lifted his head, eyes sweeping around the room before finally landing on you, eyes holding yours captive as he uttered the words that would ultimately destroy you;
“I want the throne!”
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“C’mon T’Challa!”
Shuri’s words wrapped themselves around you before eventually falling away, clear that they weren’t being taken in. Your mouth was parted, eyes glassy as you fought to fathom what was happening in front of you. Zuri, a kind and old soul who you had enjoyed talking with on a regular basis, was dead. His prone form was face down in the water, the area around him darkening with his own blood. You reached out, wanting to find anything to hold on to, when feminine fingers intertwined with your own.
Your eyes briefly met Nakia’s, the love and fear you felt, reflected in her eyes as well. You looked away, heart overflowing with emotion, and she squeezed your hand. Did she know? It was a possibility. After all, women were usually perceptive about these kinds of things. Still, you welcomed her comfort nonetheless and returned the gesture, gently squeezing her hand as well.
You flinched as T’Challa collapsed again, Erik Killmonger’s form standing over him proudly.
“Is this ya King?” he shouted, teeth bared and eyes crazed.
When he uttered those words, declaring that he wanted the throne, everyone laughed. Everyone scoffed, everyone but you. That nauseating feeling wouldn’t go away, and when the truth was revealed, when Erik Killmonger confidently stated, in your native tongue no less, that he was N’Jakada, son of the late Prince N’Jobu, your heart sank. Now, your heart was lying in the water, being viciously beaten by the man whose challenge he accepted.
“Is this ya King? Huh? This is the King who supposed to lead you into the future?”
None of the other elders said a word. Beside you, Shuri and Queen Mother wept, and you could hear Nakia begging for T’Challa to get up. You silently did the same. You lost yourself for a moment, attempting to leap forward when N’Jakada lifted T’Challa over his shoulders. You would have fought him yourself, forgetting all about tradition, if Nakia had not been holding you back.
The anguished cries that Queen Mother and Shuri released as N’Jakada threw T’Challa over the cliff’s edge resonated with you. Beside you, Nakia gasped, voice catching in her throat as you stumbled, her arms holding you up. N’Jakada slowly turned around, savoring his victory as his eyes roamed over those who came to witness the challenge. His eyes found yours again, something in them that your mind had yet to understand.
“Nah…I’m ya king.”
You watched, frozen as the Shaman unsteadily walked towards him, the victor’s necklace held within her trembling fingers. You were numb as he bent down just the slightest to allow her to pull it over his head, the teeth and claws resting gently over his scarred chest.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!”
It didn’t register that someone was calling your name nor that someone was pulling on your arm. Your eyes were focused ahead, your mind nothing but white noise as the pain finally hit you, and your face crumbled.
“We must go! (Y/N)!”
You finally turned your head, eyes catching Shuri and Nakia’s as they held their hands out towards you. You were thankful that you finally snapped out of your reverie…but it was too late.
“Don’t let that one get away…”
The wind carried his voice over to you, and foolishly, but rightfully so, you thought he was talking about Shuri. Your eyes widened as you looked at her, worried, only gasping when strong hands wrapped around you instead.
“Go,” you yelled to them as you struggled against the arms holding you captive.
Nakia hesitated, but Shuri eventually dragged her away as you continued to fight to get free. You knew that it was useless, despite how often you yourself had trained, you didn’t stand a chance against the Dora. It was clear that you were going back home, but for what, you did not know. You looked over your shoulder as they dragged you away, your terrified eyes clashing with the cold ones of King N’Jakada.
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Your nails dug into the plush couch beneath you, mind buzzing with all sorts of thoughts as to why you were left waiting in the King’s chambers. You had only been in here once, and that was with Shuri when she’d decided to play a harmless prank on T’Challa. You smiled fondly at the memory, before the corners of your mouth fell, a tear skipping down your cheek once again.
You loved him. You watched him grow, watched him mature and become the prince he was meant to be. You watched him laugh and love…and you watched him die. Your heart cried for the love that was lost, and you knew that whatever you felt, Nakia probably felt twice as hard. You let your head fall and cried for the both of you.
You only stopped when the door opened, and he entered the room. You swallowed, wary eyes resting on him as he strode along the plush carpet, intense gaze focused on you. He was dressed comfortably. A little too comfortably, you thought as your eyes quickly raked over his frame. He wore sweat pants, the ends of them brushing along the floor and his bare feet as he walked. His chest was left bare, showcasing the many scars that littered his upper body. Each one for a kill, he’d said, and the thought of someone killing that many people caused a shudder to breeze through you. A long black robe fell over his shoulders and arms, billowing behind him. The panther necklace, one of Shuri’s newer designs, rested just below his collarbone, and you looked away with a frown.
He didn’t deserve that. He wasn’t fit for it.
“You cook?” he suddenly asked, his foreign accent thick.
You turned your nose up and away from him as you replied.
“Not for you…”
He chuckled then, a menacing sound as he approached you.
“They tell me that you some kind of protector… Y’know, for the princess.”
Your jaw clenched.
“I was…yes.”
“Well, I expect you to do the same for me. I ain’t stupid. Everybody here ain’t down with what I’m tryna do and I’m not tryna sleep with one eye open,” he explained.
You scoffed, finally standing as you looked at him, eyes full of anger and sorrow.
“Do you take me for a fool?”
His grin was predatory as he reached out towards you, pushing your braids off of your shoulder. You trembled as his fingers grazed the bare skin of your shoulder, and you frowned.
“What could you possibly need a personal protector for? You have the entire Dora Milaje behind you. I am no fool…I know of men like you,” you said, taking a step back.
He sat on the couch that you were just occupying, legs spread and arms thrown over the back of it, his eyes never leaving you. He looked completely relaxed, and he was clearly making a point at you. You were not a threat.
“Tell me…what you know about ‘men like me’?”
You didn’t respond, and instead crossed your arms over your chest, just wishing that this was all a nightmare that you could wake up from.
“Why am I here? Why did you allow Queen Mother, Shuri, the princess, and a spy to escape, but demanded that I stay?”
He didn’t respond, dark eyes simply drinking you in as he tossed the question around in his head.
“Why do you think you here?”
You didn’t want to answer that, afraid that your guess would be true. He suddenly stood, heading towards the door behind you that held his bedroom, shoulders brushing yours as he went.
“Believe what you want, but you here because I want you here. You are whatever I say you are, and if I want you to be my personal protector, then that’s what the fuck you are.”
He glared at you over his shoulder, and you bit your tongue, determined to not respond when his fingers were suddenly grasping your chin. You winced, his grip tight enough to leave dark purple or black bruises as his nose brushed against yours.
“Got that shit?”
You nodded, eyes frantic as he suddenly let you go, his door slamming in your face.
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Defiance. That was your next mistake.
As King N’Jakada reigned, you were never seen parted from his side. You stood beside the throne as he sat, going over his next course of action for the day. When he was eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you were in the seat to his right, eating alongside with him. Your room was located just outside of his chambers, and at night, you tried your best not to dwell on just how close he was. How easy it would be for him to wrap his hands around your neck and kill you with a snap of his fingers.
People had begun to whisper, judgmental eyes following your every move as you walked along the halls, eyes downcast. You weren’t stupid. You knew exactly what they were saying, and despite the fact that it wasn’t like that in the slightest, you could see how it could look that way. You were ordered to always wear something gold, and it wasn’t until recently that you realized it matched the gold on his Golden Jaguar suit. Yes, you could only imagine how this was all beginning to look. Still, it hurt your heart to know that they thought you could turn your back on T’Challa so easily.
You loved him. There had never been room in your heart for anyone else because T’Challa was all you saw, all that you wanted. What’s more, you could never even look at the man who had viciously taken him from you in that way. N’Jakada was a murderer, a tyrant. He’d burned the entire garden of heart shaped herbs, declaring that there would never be another king. He was single handedly ruining Wakanda’s entire way of life, and you were sick of it.
“I wanna go out. Meet and greet my people and shit…,” he said to you on a Wednesday evening.
You looked up at him from your place on the couch.
The two of you stared at one another for quite some time before he raised an eyebrow, looking a cross between amused and annoyed.
“So you not gone get up?”
You sighed, almost huffing.
“I’m tired. I’m not feeling the best, and I would much rather just stay here and rest,” you replied.
“Well, that’s too bad. You’re my-.”
“We both know that is something I am in title only. You just wanted an excuse to keep me around,” you hissed, glaring up at him.
He grinned then, his gold fangs on display, glinting in the light. You swallowed at the predatory look in his eyes, body heating up with something you could not place.
“You smarter than you look.”
“I don’t want you,” you told him simply.
He seemed unbothered by your harsh rejection.
“You will,” he replied with the utmost confidence.
You found yourself getting angry now, and you stood, throwing your book at him. He easily dodged it, and his eyes grew darker as they focused on you.
“You’re a monster. You’re a murderer who-.”
“I didn’t make ya boy accept my challenge. He did that shit all on his own, and guess what? I beat that nigga fair and square. It wasn’t a murder, it was a defeat,” he spat through his teeth.
“You never even gave him a chance to yield!”
“That’s right! I came here for the throne, and he was in the way.”
You took a step back as he approached you.
“You don’t deserve the throne. You want to pillage and destroy and take lives. That is not what we are, that is not our way,” you found yourself pleading now.
“Maybe y’all need a new way,” he said.
“No! I don’t care what you say. You will never be fit to be King. You will never be my King. T’Challa-.”
“…Was a pussy. That’s what he was. He and all y’all other wack ass leaders just sat in that chair and didn’t do shit. Where were they when we was getting carted off in slave ships? Where they asses was at when my moms got shot? Huh?”
You sharply inhaled at the raw emotion in his voice, eyes the most vulnerable you had ever seen them. You looked away, taken aback before rubbing your arms.
“I cannot speak for past Kings, but T’Challa was different. Had he known, he would have helped you. You are his family…”
Your eyes met his, and a slow smirk danced along his lips.
“He was never gonna love you like you loved him,” he suddenly said.
Your eyes widened, and you swallowed, heart hammering inside of your chest. He bent down just a bit, tilting his head as he grinned at you.
“You think I’m stupid? I saw the way you was looking at him in that throne room. Barely even glanced at me, so quick to focus in on that nigga…”
“Shut up,” you whispered.
“That’s gotta hurt, though, huh? You thirstin’ after his ass, and he’s chasing after somebody else. He didn’t even have the balls to tell you that he didn’t feel the same way,” he continued.
“He didn’t know,” you quietly replied.
N’Jakada laughed then, a mocking sound, and you felt tears spring to your eyes.
“Oh, he knew. I can tell you that, right now. What man wouldn’t notice some pretty girl giving him googly eyes all the damn time? He was a pussy, plain and simple-.”
Your hand connected with his cheek just as the words barely escaped his mouth. Your lips trembled as he caught hold of your wrist, slamming your back into the wall.
“You will not speak of him in that way,” you gasped.
“I’ll say whatever I want about him. He’s gone, and he ain’t coming back. You better let that shit sink in,” he said.
His eyes ran over your face, and you turned your head away, refusing to look at him. Your eyelids fell closed as he leaned in, brushing his lips against the warm skin of your neck, teeth a hair’s width away.
“I’m your King, and when I’m finished with you, his name will be the farthest thing from your mind.”
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Your last mistake was compassion.
You stood on the balcony, eyes roaming over Wakanda as another sob escaped you. You never liked crying. No one ever looked good when they cried, and your face always looked a puffy mess afterwards. Besides, in your eyes, crying held no purpose. It never solved anything, but these days, crying was all you seemed to do. You prayed that Shuri, Queen Mother, and Nakia were okay. You hoped that wherever they were, they were doing just fine.
You cried for them often, but you also cried for yourself. You could feel the hardness around your heart cracking the more you got to know N’Jakada. Sometimes you cried for him and the childhood he could have had, but didn’t. You wept for the life that was denied him and often wondered how he might have turned out. King T’Chaka had been a great father and a wonderful husband, but was he a great king? W’Kabi seemed more pleased with N’Jakada than he ever did with T’Chaka.
You sighed, accepting that N’Jakada on the throne, was perhaps a way of the universe trying to right a wrong. You just wished that T’Challa hadn’t been collateral damage in the process. You wrapped your arms around yourself, ashamed at the hatred that began to grow in your heart for the late King T’Chaka. There was so much that he could have done differently, but he didn’t. His actions had created a monster, and it seemed that you were destined to reap the horrors of said monster.
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Your bare chests brushed together as he ground his hips against your aching center, a moan escaping your lips and into the room. He repeated the action more aggressively, his locs tickling your forehead as he did so.
“Fuck,” he hissed, his head buried in your neck.
Your nails ran down his back, N’Jadaka peppering kisses into your shoulder as you tightened your legs around him, bucking your hips. His hand slipped underneath your thighs then, hooking your knees underneath his arms as he pressed them into the mattress, his chest flush with yours.
Your eyes slammed shut, lips parted, a moan ripping from within your chest as you wrapped around him like a glove. The bed knocked into the wall, the room filling with the sounds of your whimpers and his occasional grunts.
His hips were rolling into your own, rising and falling, and you could feel his eyes on you as yours fell shut, head pressed into the pillows, toes curling.
“Look at me, (Y/N),” he purred.
Your eyes fluttered open with some difficulty, focusing on him. His teeth were sunk into his bottom lip, eyes unwavering as they bore into your own. He suddenly released his lip, letting out a groan. It was a struggle to keep your eyes open, fingers tightening around his own as you clenched around him.
One of his hands released you, finding rest on your neck as his thumb pressed against your skin. He bit into your neck, the mixture of pain and pleasure going straight to your core. Your hand slipped on his shoulder, nails digging into his skin as you hissed his name. Your skin was slick with sweat, bodies gliding against each other between the silken sheets.
“N’Jadaka,” you groaned, teeth clenched as he tightened his hand around your throat.
“Who’s your king?”
“You,” you moaned, unaware of the words escaping your lips.
“What’s my name,” he demanded.
You let out a gasp as he slammed your hips into the bed, gold teeth glinting in the low light.
“What’s my name?”
“Erik,” you hissed, nails no doubt leaving bloody trails down his back.
You lifted your head, teeth nipping at his neck as you rocked back and forth from the force of his thrusts, hands tangled into his hair. His nose brushed against yours as he snapped his hips, and you shuddered. His lips grazed yours, breaths intermingling as his eyes bore into your own.
“C’mon baby,” he whispered.
The last thread of control slipped as your back arched. You were a crumbled mess beneath him, feet pressing into the mattress as he continued to thrust into you. He came with a vengeance, sinking his teeth into your neck. He thrust into you a few more times, the two of you riding out the wave together before he collapsed onto you, his teeth still embedded into your skin.
Your heart screamed as you gave yourself to him, something you’d never done for anyone else. He’d taken the love of your life, he’d taken the throne, and he’d taken Wakanda. Never did you think, he would take you too.
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
Hey gwirrrrl! Can you pointe in the direction of Erik Killmonger x plus sized reader fics?
Hey miss mamas!!! I sure can!! 
- how i feel, right now, animal, chains series, purple herbs & gardens, risks & new beginnings series, better with time, let’s play, without a doubt, sizzling pans & slow jams, misinterpretations, visions of gold, out business, come through and chill series, nights, slow burn, a siren’s allure, venom, the one, maybe they’re right, sore loser series, i’ll be alright, spooky cookies & vampire fangs, screams in the night series; knock, knock series; imagination, the cure series, poptart man series, this must be our song, conversation starter, heaven is a place on earth, twins?, say it, i’m there, his princess, his for the night, sugar baby series, authority series, baby shark, lemme try, take our time, say the word, sudden reunions series, memories of you, more ways than one, lemme try it again (that’s my face), not in budget, i would like to see it, pease mama bear, she likes me, guess what, times like these, tell me your secret series, he gets it from me, baby see baby do, see what had happened was, who me?, so relax, three kings of dreams, deck the b-…halls?, do it again, be quiet, you so crazy, how that sound?, you’re so handsome, sit still, leave me aloneee, don’t hide, or maybe, send it to mommy, but i’m sick.., you thought i wouldn’t find out, he’d make you his, ballet baba, ain’t that right?, he wasn’t having that, being honest, that’s all it took?, then stop ignoring me, since you can, but i thougth…, jealous, i won’t tell you again series, hit me, no reply, i’ve alway been, you sure?, no more tummy time, toss ‘em, you done now?, sing it baby, doped up, battle it out, for however long, bath time, bedtime stories, i’m sorry, was that so hard?, i owe you that, whatchu say?, hard headed, it should’ve been you, take our time series, baba’s day, whatever she wants, nope, can’t even look at you, not again, nose wide oen, just a bit longer, come on over to my place, fences & bullriders, right now, mr. telephone man series, designated command strips, one way or another, you ain’t hear that?, autumn leaves & cookie thieves, open up- @supersizemeplz
- all erik fics and headcanons- @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
- all erik fics and headcanons- @eye-raq
- teach me series, when you’re mad series, waffles series, slow ride series, movie night series, let’s talk about sex series, mines, thunderstorm, girl fuck you, eat your breakfast seres (with eat your dinner), secret admirer, amusement park fun, displays of affection, night at the movie theaters, silent hearbeats series, kissing strangers series, worship, loving the way you love it, day drunk, smile for me daddy series, just like you, we goin to hell, breeding time- @thehomierobbstark
- late again, halloween party, imprint, a man in love, v.i.p (includes m/baku), daddy’s home, y’all again?, okay? okay, prisoner of love, family cookout, kiss, what’s cooking good looking, expecting headcanons, food headcanons, crying headcanons, nsfw headcanons, foot fetish series, halloween headcanons, lingerie headcanons, jealous headcanons, kevin’s  heart series, untitled series- @madamslayyy
-carnal stimulation series, next lifetime series, hoe ass erik series, dirty little secrets series, hennything is possible, sunday dinner series (with payback), a.d.i.d.a.s., green goddess, suddenly stevens, beauty is her name, it’s complicated. i’m sorry, the great reveal, neighbors know my name series (part 2 to @hearteyes-for-killmonger‘s story of the same name), the devil speaks xosha, mile high, trap card, act up, let me smell it, up late, i’ll take your man, carry on, dreams & nightmares- @goddessofthundathighs
- headass youtube couple series, fix my crown series, all skate, cutting ties series, #tsrbaewatch,  @apantherinmypastlife
- all erik fics-  @wawakanda-btch
- all fics- @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- say my name series, beg for it, the coat room, charley horse, full court press, house party, boyfriend makeup challenge, gumby, the let out series, disorderly, token, all i wanted for christmas is you, hit the showers, neo, erica; veni, vidi, vici, i will be here, trick or treat, the wakandan boys when they’re sick (includes t’challa and m’baku)- @sonofnjobu
- mine, unravel me series (includes belong to you), i missed you series (inlcudes you a’ight and if they ain’t looking), rated e, on braodway, no average bitch,  @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers (scroll for erik killmonger x reader and erik killmonger imagine)
- all tasting mellow fics- @tastingmellow
- laid up series- @pastelastronomy24
- come lay with me, house hunting series, stretch marks, the footbal jerseyy, you sure?- @marvelmaree
- the deal series, nuggest of truth, girlfriend, all i want is you, care for you- @wakandamama
- rated e for extra petty, elbow deep series- @puffmamaa
- she got game, where’s the smoke, s.d.m., from paris with love, where the hoes at? (with t’challa and m’baku), written all over your face, baby bump series (wit cuddle buddy,, and hc: chubby!erik trying old clothes), not in that way, here kitty kitty, computer blue series, chunk series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- all erik fics- @stripper-patrick
- he spills series (with t’chala and m’baku)- @captainsaveasmut
- i’m cleva series, do me baby (part 2 of @killmongersgurl‘s serieserik’s created a monste)-, @killmongerdispussy
- sorry he’s gone, mad issues series, curiosity happy weight- @curls-and-crosses
- nah baby i got you- @inxan-ity (scroll for erik killmonger)
- all fics- @writerbee-ffs
- paragone series- @dynastynoire
- all fics- @eriksjournal
- the sweetest taste series, late night drive- two of a kind series (includes ‘03 bonnie and clyde prequel), beyond the lights series, mad love series- @wakandaforeverwrites
- all erik fics and headcanons- @plussizeappreciationfics
-thanksgiving w/ mr. stevens and the udakus series (with valentine’s gumbo),  @mermaidchansons
- all erik fics- @muse-of-mbaku
- all fics- @eerythingisshaka
- all fics- @artisticestheticreads
- insecure series- @erikslulbaby
- return the favor series- @taint3dvirgin
- a day at the beach with erik, prompt 19 “what’s cooking, good looking”, stay here tonight, greater purpose of chaos, sharing disney movies with erik, 90s disney movies with erik-  @hidden-treasures21
- new year’s surprise series- @thefantasyride
- for the love of money?, my first & his only, the big chop, braid my hair, short staffed, visiting hours- @bakarilennox
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