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falconheart0 · 7 months ago
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This one of the sweetest fanart with Eri and Dadzawa what I've ever seen❤️😍
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greengreenye · 1 month ago
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Available here!
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moonyartsblog · 2 years ago
And do you think I missed the opportunity to draw this beautiful little girl again? 
How could I resist that little face?  😭❤❤❤🌸
There's also a second sweeter version, but ssssh, I didn't say anything 😂❤
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toolshedstool · 16 days ago
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"Do you really think people would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?" aka ive discovered i can just make whatever AU i want and no one can stop me. anyways. thank u rasie for the username idea and thank u to all 3 of my followers for not killing me with hammers ♥
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hollystarquarium · 1 year ago
bnha being our special interest but not our favorite anime is the funniest thing to me. its up there but no. skateboarders took the n1 spot
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doll-princesse · 3 months ago
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So I have been collecting Erichan outfits whenever I find myself at Daiso. Licca and Creatable World dolls can wear the same clothes, with some key exceptions. CWs are taller and have wider hips, so the school uniform was too short.
So, I seam ripped the skirt off of it to make the vest/ shirt a separate, then I made two skirts. Wisty is modeling the maroonish red pleated version, while Mako has on a lace trimmed, blue plaid gathered skirt instead.
I had fun making these skirts. Skirts are easier on this scale than tops.
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swtorpadawan · 11 months ago
SWTOR Headcanon: The fate of Leontyne Saresh
The failure of Leontyne Saresh to usurp the Outlander as Commander of the Eternal Alliance is one of the most talked about moments during "Knights of the Eternal Throne". Many if not most players thoroughly enjoy her downfall, and I've seen more than a few just "take her out" even if their characters were not particularly dark-side.
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My main OC in the Halcyon Legacy is Corellan Halcyon. To those who aren't familiar, he's… a bit of a goody two-shoes. Former Jedi Knight. I literally only have two dark-side choices on my playthrough.
So killing Saresh wasn't a real option for him, tempting as it was.
But what happens to her?
In my headcanon, she is given a (very) secure prison cell on the lowest level of the Alliance base, with security measures designed by Lana Beniko and Theron Shan keeping her under lock and key.
The (current) Supreme Chancellor and (most of) the Galactic Senate want nothing to do with Saresh. And they recognize the necessity of maintaining relations with the Eternal Alliance. BUT - politically, they need to keep Saresh's old supporters in line. There are too many of them, and if the Senate didn't try to free her, at best, they would force a constitutional crisis. At worst, they could spark a violent uprising.
So once a year, the Senate of the Galactic Republic formally requests that Saresh be released, all while privately imploring the Alliance to keep her locked up.
It got to the point where - during negotiations on a formal treaty - Lana Beniko threatened her counterpart with releasing Saresh. The diplomat quickly caved to her terms.
Meanwhile, Saresh is still locked up.
Eventually, she gets a next door neighbor in Syndic Zenta, the Chiss head of House Inrokini from "A Traitor Among the Chiss".
More on that another time.
Tagging! @domnorian @reconstructionlegacy @raven-of-domain-kwaad @0alix0 @ospreyeamon @theshijlegacy @pineaberry @defira85 @palepinkycat @angstmongertina @erichan-legacy
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lebfilm · 3 months ago
https://erischan.org/index.html A GEM TO BE READ BELOW Click to access DPH-1004.pdf FROM https://discordiahouse.com/ THE EYE EXISTS BECAUSE YOU FEED IT
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falconheart0 · 7 months ago
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Well yes, run Kacchan
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kozidraws · 2 years ago
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Eri's favorite story 🐇🎑🌙
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mirillua · 9 months ago
Thank you, Erichan (@herzzgeist), for the tag 💜
I was sure I replied to it, but probably I forgot to press the reblog button 🤣 Sooo, time to reply!
Favourite colour: Purple and most of its shades (especially cold and light ones >>>). I am addicted to this colour.
Last song: actually, it was an OST from Mulan, the song you hear playing when she decides to cut her hair for saving his father's honour. If we want to exclude it, then Die for you (remix)
Currently reading: I don't want to bring any book from university- Two days ago I bought some books, the one I will start this evening is "Come petali di ciliegio - Mia Another". If manga counts, then I add One Piece weekly (or so) chapters! And a few fanfics about Law (I still have to find an Italian version of his novel, it is as rare as one piece itself 😭)
Currently watching: nothing, unfortunately. But the urge of rewatching Modern Family is huge. Pretty huge.
Currently cravings: today is pretty hot here, I would love an ice cream with my favourite flavours: Zuppa inglese + stracciatella (= chocolate chips). The first one can be literally translated as English soup, but I am not sure of it. So I add a pic!
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Coffee or tea? Coffee. I am more than simply addicted to coffee. Always with me when I have to study (even if I am so used to its effects that I take it after dinner and still falling asleep without problems). During summer, however, the "crema caffè" (= coffee cream) is *chef kiss*
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No tags, feel free to join!
I was tagged by @hoppkorv Hey thank you for tagging me!! 😊
Rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with .
favorite color: Green!
last song: Wanted For Love by Jerry Jeff Walker
currently reading: Song of Susannah by Stephen King (almost done with the Dark Tower series!)
currently watching: I haven't really been watching a lot of shows lately mostly just stuff on youtube and random episodes of Seinfeld. The last full series I watched was The Sopranos and I'm literally already thinking about a rewatch.
currently craving: A deeper connection with the people and world around me. Or something idk.
coffee or tea: I enjoy tea but I'm obsessed with coffee.
Tagging @carmichaelthepolarbear @brian-mays-hair @warrenzevon @someguywriting @tantamount-treason @ninetimesbluedemo @bluehairandproverbs @fr0ggi3b0i (if you'd like to do this!)
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aroiteroi · 2 years ago
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♠Eri in Wonderland♥
Junio 2021
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years ago
bnha spoilers kinda.
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trying to describe bnha to my friend who's never seen anything related to it is crazy cuz it's like "yeah so in the fourth season thibgs get a lot darker there's this six year old who's been experimented on and who's been torn apart and put back together before she can die and the guy who helped save her lost his quirk and in this current arc he literally hit a villain with his ass. that was his attack. his full moon. mid fucking battlefield. also one of the main villain is the son of the now number one hero and he got the scars by burning himself alive but he didn't die he actually got picked up by the oldest villain ever and his mad scientist doctor and they stapled his body back together and tried to make him into an inhuman soldier for them but he missed his family so he lit up the entire hospital and ran back home only to see his dad now beating the shit out of his youngest brother during training so he leaves and becomes a villain and when he finally meets up with his dad in the final battle to commit a murder suicide he starts dancing" like yeah it sounds crazy when i say it
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diced-rice · 4 years ago
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monkey see monkey do
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miiiiiigz · 3 years ago
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I cant wait for the interaction of these two in the 5th novel
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tttrashmouth · 4 years ago
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stan erasermic family or die by my sword
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