#erica corsano
gruppolusso · 9 years
Chic Sheet W Boston
Diego Terranel says that you must impress people with the fundamentals in order to be successful...especially in your mode of dress....sorry, I'm paraphrasing... here's his quotation: “To be successful, you must impress people with the fundamentals – the most important being your mode of dress as an expression and extension of your developed character. “ - Diego Terranel
Tuesday night, I along with a few other Gruppo Execs, attended a reception held at the W Boston for a list of the city's most fashionable and chic people. Sponsored by the Boston Herald, Absolut, and Neiman Marcus, the event brought in all sorts of types and differing personas and varying degrees of luxury and sprinkles of personal style. Bravo to the show's producers and sponsors for assembling so many finely-dressed Bostonians under one roof.  
I think that Diego had it right when he indicated people can instantly spot a successful person by their clothing.  But to be the true beacon of luxury, I believe that a person must take care of their outward appearance and balance it with the understanding that the true permanent fundament exists beneath the clothing.  
Where Diego calls the relationship an “expression and extension of developed character” I would like to reach a bit deeper, underneath the superficial evidence of success – the disposition. Or, dare I say, one's outward expression of their soul – the part of them that no fortune can buy or change. The soul's disposition is only developed by time, experience, wealth of knowledge, and seasoned with a touch of agony, and as a result – empathy.  It comes forth in moments of provocation in order to manifest its true worth. Truly, it must be a luxury to possess something so profound as a pleasant one … because of its scarcity. You see, simply put...sometimes the clothing cannot conceal what the lips can reveal.  
Much like the appreciation of fine artisan craftsmanship and the blister behind every stitch of your hand-made bag...the true proof of luxury and those who are worthy of it, is the ability to appreciate and understand the story behind the façade.  And perhaps equally important, that seasons change and fashions come and go, but the soul...it lasts for eternity. So, remember to have fun and let your heart experience all that life has to offer – your disposition is counting on it!
Be the life of the party - may your lips be the evidence of a full life lived!
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