#erestor vs tree sentinel
No magic, heals, nor health flasks left at this point either, but FUN (read: not fun) FACT about the controls of this game, left stick of course controls directions, but if you press it, you dismount from your horse.
I have to say, suddenly being more vulnerable than I already am in the middle of a battle *chef's kiss*
No, you can't remove it either. You can replace it with another button, but in a game where you actually need more buttons to place commands in and where you can very easily kill an NPC by pressing the wrong thing... no, there's actually no button you can spare in exchange.
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Still alive! And surprisingly SO CLOSE!
But wouldn't you know it, wife calls me from somewhere in the house because she needs me for something. Now, Elden Ring has no pause button, but any gamer married to a non-gamer will understand that there is no expaining that, which means you either find a way to get out or suck it up and just die. 🥲
So! No pause button, but fortunately some people figured out that if you go to your equipment menu and look up the tutorial text, the game essentially pauses while the instruction panel is up. And... yeah, that's the ridiculous roundabout way you can pause this game. Orz
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Final part!
I'll confess, I never "paused" in the middle of battle before, I was lowkey ready to get hit and die. (You can tell my wife calling and me just dying in games because I had to go to her is a common enough occurrence lol)
I got lucky! After the initial panic of trying to get out fast from the menu screen, during which I had no control outside of riding, it took a while to calm down and get the momentum back.
But finally done! And for what! A weapon I will never use! 🙌
Lil skeleblorbo running to me at the end makes it all worth it though.
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Still have writer's plus art block and rl is beating me up rather badly actually, so I figured today was a good day for Erestor to take on the Tree Sentinel. ✨
Half-way mark and I'm already out of FP (magic) flasks and I'm down to one out of an original three skele-blorbos (they're even supposed to respawn but this big guy kills them fast and for good, LOVE that) but I figured yeah let's see how far this last round takes us BECAUSE WHY NOT-
Truly, I love enemies that can kill me in two shots 👍
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