#eren: ya like jazz?
melishade · 2 years
Attack on Prime: The foils between brothers
Main Story
What’s funny about me writing this in the spur of the moment is because I thought people were aware of this. But I was having a conversation with @echoblaze5 about it and now I gotta do a full in depth about it. 
 So as I’ve written Attack on Prime for years, I’ve come to the remarkable conclusion that Armin and Eren are a parallel to TFP Optimus and TFP Megatron. Because...it’s really right there if you think about it. Friends before bloodshed. Fight each other. All that jazz. I will be talking spoilers so be mindful.
Let’s do Armin and Optimus first.
Both are idealistic in nature. They have a desire to learn and a natural curiosity. Both have a desire to sit down and try to talk things out instead of resorting to violence immediately. It’s an innate desire for peace, but Armin also sees talking things out as a way of mature thinking, since resorting to violence would be stooping to the attacker’s level. Both were burdened with a great power and responsibility. Optimus being tasked to take on the role of Prime during the war, and what ultimately kick-started the war in the first place. Armin, canonically, took on the powers of the Colossal Titan. It was in order to save his life and gain the Colossal Titan’s power, but it’s a lot of responsibility. And the powers of the Colossal Titan are equivalent to that of a bomb. It’s a dangerous and heavy power to have. On top of that, when it comes down to it, both will be willing to take action if peace talks don’t work. Armin would be a little more reluctant to do that, but Optimus is a seasoned war veteran. But Armin has a bit of sadistic streak compared to Optimus. Remember this face:
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And this: 
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My man needs to chill out.
Armin and Optimus were easy, but I can go on and ON about the similarities between Eren and Megatron and both would fucking hate it. LETS GO!
First of all, violence. It is not the solution. It is the question and the answer is yes. Megatron being forced to be a miner, then turned into a gladiator, and then flung to war, violence is all he’s ever really known. I don’t necessarily fault him for that. He had to rely on violence in order to survive, and I think if Megatron had grown up in a different environment, he would not have become a violent person.
BUT EREN! I know he did it to save Mikasa’s life, and I respect that because they were literally human traffickers who killed her parents mere hours ago. They deserved what they had coming and deserved to suffer. I get that, but 9 year old Eren fucking STABBED ONE IN THE THROAT AND THEN LURED THE OTHER ONE OUT TO STAB REPEATEDLY! Like Jesus Christ man! And his response to Zeke about it in the Paths: bitch, I’ve always been like this. Eren lived a normal life before the Shinganshina attack and had no issue hunting human traffickers down and killing them to save Mikasa. OMG the distress Carla must’ve gone through that night! Coming home with a little girl and finding out her nine year old son has a body count now!
I digress.
Second, the head strong personalities. They are both extremely stubborn in their own right and it’s led them to make extremely foolish and reckless decisions. Eren always running headfirst to attack the enemy without any real plan. And I can go on and on about the millions of blunders Megatron has made. A book could made about the stupidity of tampering with dark energon alone! But no! Megatron doesn’t listen to his only medic about injecting his own ship (a literal flying corpse) with dark energon (something that can revive the fucking dead). Oh my god, that man lost all thought process when it came to both dark energon and Optimus Prime.
Three, the descent into madness. Cause ya know, Eren destroying the world and Megatron’s revolution of equality turning into one of conquest. ‘Cause Megatron had good intentions, but with his reliance on violence and the war just going on, he just cracked. He literally did everything he ever could to gain power to the point where he just jammed dark energon into his spark and doomed himself from ever experiencing reincarnation ever again by not joining the Allspark. 
Meanwhile Eren, oh boy, I need to shit talk this man. Yes, the situation was complicated, and yes, Eren wanted to protect his friends, and yes the hatred the world had was intense and unforgiving. But you cannot forgive genocide! Megatron is your one-dimensional evil villain. He wanted to conquer Earth to rule it. There’s no need for complexity or even sympathy. And at times, it sucks seeing Eren in pain, but Eren literally dragged his friends into hell on the off chance that they would survive and live long lives. And Eren really did not take into consideration what they wanted because they did not want a full scale Rumbling. We know that Eren cares for his friends. But reading those last few chapters...it makes you feel like Eren cared more about this idealistic version of freedom that doesn’t exist compared to the lives of his friends. His selfish desires weigh out more. Eren said so himself: if he wasn’t stopped, he would’ve completed the Rumbling in full. And Eren knows what he was doing was wrong because he’s literally disassociating while doing the Rumbling and regressing back to a child because he literally cannot handle the weight of what he’s done. Whether or not it was foretold, pre-determined, or whatever because of his future visions, it was just horrible. It’s an action that can’t be forgiven. There’s actually a quote TFP Optimus says to Megatron that definitely applies to Eren.
“I am but a soldier, Megatron. And you, are a prisoner of your own twisted delusions.”
Eren was a slave to his idealistic, non-existent version of freedom. He couldn’t escape it.
And the fact that both Armin/Eren and Optimus/Megatron went from brothers to enemies is really adding to this too. Eren wants to destroy the world; Armin wants to save it. Because he believes in a world that exists beyond what they’ve seen. Optimus wants to protect; Megatron wants to rule. Ideologies clash and...they fight. 
I could be missing shit. I know I am. This is more of a rambling if anything, but if anyone wants to add then go for it.
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pickalilywrites · 7 years
Ereannie - La La Land or Jeankasa - Kubo and the Two Strings for the movie/pairing ask. Take your pick!
Don’t call me out for never watching La La Land I just really liked the trailer and music ;~; (Kubo is also an excellent movie though! Laika studios is incredibly underrated and deserves more recognition!) 
I know the difference between a song and a piece please don’t murder me for using it somewhat interchangeably. 
Who knows? Is this the start of something wonderful and new?Or one more dream that I cannot make true?
“Do you like music?” he asks her once. He taps away on the piano keys, a repetitive but hypnotic melody that keeps her rooted to where she’s standing. She’s never been very entranced by musicians, particularly struggling artists. They reminded her too much of herself and she’s surprised she’s stuck around him so long. She blames the cursed melody he keeps playing, this song he continues to play over and over. It’s the same song, he insists, he’s just adding things here and there so that it feels complete. It always sounds brand new when she listens to it though, and she always feels compelled to stay and listen to the whole thing in its entirety if he ever does finish it. Is he purposely taking so long composing it so she’ll stay? No, he’s not that smart.
She considers his question and doesn’t have an answer. She’s never paid attention to music very much. It’s the sound that plays in the background of movies she’ll never be in. It’s more pleasant that chatter in a crowded diner, but it was completely removed she doesn’t think she’d even notice. “Do you like music?” she asks him. How stupid, asking a musician if he loves music, but the question has already fallen from her lips.
He doesn’t laugh at her or smirk. He simply smiles and says, “Music is the language of love.” He either doesn’t care or doesn’t notice when she scoffs. It’s probably the latter because he’s turned to her now, the piano composition completely forgotten, and he’s gesturing with his hands the way he does when he gets excited. “I’m serious! The movies and the romantics say that French or Italian are, but they’re all lying. Because music, Annie, is universal. It’s eternal.”
“Eternal?” she snorts. But maybe he would know about love and music and eternity since he seems to be the expert on romance and love languages, declaring the other romantics to be fakes and amateurs. “You think your song is going to live forever?”
“I’m not that pompous,” he grins. He turns back to his piano and begins to play again, that slow, mesmerizing piece. It seems to loop over and over in a circle, but each rendition is something she’s never heard before. “No, it’s a smaller kind of forever. It’s like a picture that captures a moment and you return to it whenever you hear those familiar chords.”
And it’s the first time she’s ever really stopped and listened to music. The way he describes it, she thinks that just focusing on a few notes will soon transport her to a memory from her distant past. All she hears is the same melody and nothing really comes to mind. The first time she ever heard it comes to mind and she remembers waking up in his messy apartment and silently cursing herself for not getting up early enough to leave it as a one-night stand. He surprisingly made her breakfast, eggs and toast that were cold and sitting on the counter because he had forgotten to wake her up right after and instead ran to the piano to compose a song that had come to mind.
“Anything?” he asks after a few measures.
“Nothing,” she says as the memory fades.
He’s not discouraged though. “You’ll get it someday,” he says.
She’s not so sure.
Is it their talk that has her listening to all the sounds around her? It used to be just the music in clubs she watches Eren perform in. She used to shrug and tell him it was alright whenever he asked if she liked the show but now she can pinpoint what sections appeal to her most, what instrument she likes best with the piano he plays, or the swells and decrescendos in a piece and how that heightens each piece. And she starts to hear rhythm in the way people walk. Worst of all, she can hear it in the way he talks.
“Annie,” he says, and he must be teasing her because no person should be able to make her name sound like a song. Or maybe he’s always talked like that and she’s never noticed it.
“You were great,” she lies.
“Yeah? What was your favorite part?”
The part where you said my name, she wants to reply, but she lies and tells him she likes the trills after the last run.
The piano reminds her of happier moments, him playing the piano for her and asking her what she thinks even though she hardly knows anything about the technical terms and only knows what sounds good to her. He laughs less often now but when he does it transports her back to a simpler time, back when complaining about her auditions and the rude casting directors would make him smile. And she likes the sound of the door opening and closing at the end of the day because it’s the sound of him coming home even if they don’t enjoy each other’s company the way that they used to.
And she thinks she’s starting to understand what he said about those little eternities that he spoke about so long ago because she clings to the memories that all the sounds bring no matter how little they are. They’re better than everything she listens to now. His sighs are tinged with impatience and hers with frustration. The doors in the house slam too hard whenever one of them leaves. They speak in tense conversations, him about her failing acting career and her about his failing music career, and it’s quiet but she can hear their voices rising with every word and she wonders at what point their arguments will just be a series of shouts.
But she hates the stretches of silence the most. The other sounds, even the arguing and the slamming doors, allow her to see something – her leaving to go somewhere other than there and him staying at home, drinking instead of composing – but the quiet scares her because all she sees in it is her being alone and nothing else.
She doesn’t listen to music very much anymore. She doesn’t like the images they conjure in her head, but she allows him to take her to a small jazz club one night to celebrate. She doesn’t want to celebrate but he’s so excited that she can’t say no. A drink or two wouldn’t hurt anyway, she decides.
Annie sits down beside him, some stupid fruity alcohol in her hand. She doesn’t really pay attention to the figure sitting at the piano, but the first bars of the song starts, and she takes a second glance at the pianist and she realizes she knows the man sitting on stage just as well as she knows the song he’s playing.
It’s that dreamy melody again, quiet and romantic like he had always been. She always thought she had understood what he meant, that thing he said about music being able to capture a moment forever, but now she’s sure she does. As she listens, she can see their past stretched out behind her and the future that could have been laid out in front of her.
A romantic but beaten down pianist meets a cynical but hopeful actress. He takes her home for one night and she unexpectedly falls in love with him. He plays her a melody she will never forget, one that will haunt her until the day she leaves. He supports her in her worst hours and she listens to him during his. He tells her she’ll be wonderful at her at her next audition and she believes him. Except she’s not and she doesn’t even get a callback, all she gets is upset and angry. And he brings her flowers even though she’s not a fan of things that stay pretty for a day before wilting and rotting away. The music speeds up, it’s more frantic now instead of the calm it was before. It’s the arguments and the fights and avoiding each other by pretending to be busy in different rooms. It’s him slamming on the piano keys to fill up the dreadful silence and it’s her opening the windows all the way to let in the sounds of the bustling city so she can forget they’re not talking anymore. How the hell is he replicating that painful silence as the music slows back down again, the key changing to something minor and tragic only to emphasize the moment that she says sorry and walks out the door.
She looks up then and expects it to be over then, but his fingers continue to dance across the keys. It’s supposed to be over, she knows because she was the one who walked away and the one who never came back, so why does it continue?
The piece returns to the beginning, but it’s not the same. She closes her eyes and takes it in, listening to it deeply like she did back when she really listened to music so long ago. At first, she thinks it’s her returning to him. Then she thinks its him chasing her. It’s a mix of both in the end, she realizes, an alternate ending where they fall back together. It’s them meeting halfway, pausing to take each other in before he reaches for her face and saying her name in that beautiful way he had before she interrupts him to press her lips against his. She can see them returning to his apartment – it’s messier since she’s been away – and her sighing but not in the tired and frustrated way she had done in the days before she left. She sees him pulling her into his arms to dance in the middle of the night, celebrating the finished song despite not even knowing if it would ever be successful. They watch her first role on the big screen, a secondary role, but he whispers to her that she’s wonderful and that it’ll surely be the start of something good. He becomes a hot-shot musician, she becomes a big-name star. He travels with her to various shoots, writing songs about all the things they do in between in the beautiful places they go. And they’re together.
Had this song always been this beautiful? It must have been, she just didn’t realize it until now.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” the man besides her whispers as the song ends. He claps along with the rest of the audience, but she doesn’t move a muscle. “Should we stay for another?”
She’s reminded that the visions the piece conjures only exist within its notes. So she turns to the man beside her, away from the musician at the piano, and says, “It’s late and I’m tired. Let’s go.”  
It’s a beautiful piece - it always had been, and it still is - but she doesn’t want to say it out loud. Maybe it would make everything about it real, the things that had happened and everything that could have happened if things had turned out differently, and she doesn’t want to dwell on it. It’s too late to do that.
But he already knows how beautiful his song is. He’s played it a hundred times, probably a hundred times more after she left, and went back to those moments in the piece.
And before she leaves she glances back to see his eyes meet hers. He doesn’t smile or nod at her but then again, she doesn’t either. It’s enough though, she thinks, because they used to know each other, and they still do. They know what happened, what they both wanted, and why things are the way they are now.
Too soon, he turns away, counting under his breath like he always did before he starts a new number and she almost smiles thinking about how there are things that she’d always know.
She pushes open the door and follows the other man out, away from Eren, and returns to her life without the beautiful pianist, the melody of his last song forever echoing through her mind.
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angwritez · 3 years
CANDY: Chapter 1
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Next Chapter
SUMMARY: Venus, is a popular strip club known nationwide for being the best of the best. Everyone goes there from high rollers to regulars to just your everyday janes and joes. You’ve been working there for about 6 months, your life's been pretty good and simple. That was until you met him. Someone who would change your life. For better or for worse, you weren't sure. But you'll damn well find out.
WARNINGS: Swearing (I think that's it.)
PAIRING: Mob Boss! Eren Jaeger x Fem!Stripper! Reader
(Not really proofread. All mistakes are my own)
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You walk into the neon lit club getting ready to start your shift. Tonight was a special night, they called these theme nights. These were held at least once a month sometimes twice but that rarely happened. Theme nights were what made Venus' one of the best.
Theme nights were always a mystery up until the day it happened that way no one knew what was to come. It was a thrilling surprise that the clientele would enjoy.
The whole club design and look would change just to fit whatever the theme was for  the night.
Tonight’s special theme was masquerade, all staff working at Venus' were required to wear a mask for obvious  and weren’t allowed to remove it for the rest of the night. This assured that the fantasy being created for the night would be fulfilled.
As you’re walking you noticed how everyone is still running around trying to do the finishing touch ups of the club before it opened for the night.
Venus' tonight is expected to have one of the  largest turnouts they’ve had in a long time, everything was expected to be perfect. Aside from the dancers, this even included floor staff. "No fuck ups" were allowed per the bosses orders.
Heading towards the change room you reached to turn the knob on the door. That was when it swung open before you could even do so.
It was Jazmine, one of your colleagues, and besties. Jazmine always referred herself as Jazz especially when she was on stage her.
“Hey sis! You ready for tonight?” Jazz, asked you with a look of excitement on her face.
“Yeah, of course! Just a bit nervous is all. It’s basically my debut ya know.” You responded with some hesitation. You were really trying to not let it get to you, but the pressure was real.
Jazz looked at you with a smile on her face, “Girl, you’re gonna be fine. Just think of it like any other night. You know you’re gonna kill your set, they love you for a reason, you and I both know that.”
“Girl bye! They probably just love my ass.” You responded trying to hold back your laugh but busting out laughing anyways while she did the same.
“As much as I wanna say that may be true, you know it’s not. If that was the case you’d probably be working on the floor like Jessica tonight.” Jazz nudged you lightly trying to not laugh again.
“Bitch! If you don’t stop trynna be shady and get out of my way! I still need to change and get ready.” You responded as you playfully rolled your eyes and sucked your teeth.
As much as you loved Jazz she was always one to try and stir up some shit, and with how the night was planned out you did not need shit to hit the fan.
Jazz looked at you lifting one of her eyebrow tilting her head, “ I mean you and I both know I ain’t lying. The girl has the personality of a damn box! But I’ll leave it alone for tonight! After all we need to do well tonight. As a matter of fact lemme stop distracting you so you can get ready.” And with that being said, Jazz turned her back and left.
As all the other girls we’re still getting ready you also began getting ready yourself.
Your outfit was a skin tight two piece that was a soft pastel pink. It was embellished with rhinestones placed on the bralette and the bottom piece. It was outlined on the bottom with gold and the straps of the bralette were in gold as well. There were also small rhinestone chains on the outfit accentuating your brown thighs and figure. Your mask was gold accented with the rhinestones, matching your tall thick sparkling bottomed heels.
While finishing adjusting your outfit. You took off your bonnet to fix up your thirty inch straigh black Brazilian lace front making sure everything was secure. You did not need your wig to go flying mid performance.
After checking to make sure your long manicured silver and gold sparkling acrylics were still intact.
You looked in the mirror making sure everything looked perfect. You thought to yourself, that you looked pretty good. Then again, you always did understand the assignment.
With one last glance you walk out the doors ready to start your shift for the night.
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Eren sat down at his brown oak desk in his office looking at some papers. While he was reading them he noticed something was off. His money was short. Why was his money short? His money was never short.
“Armin!” Eren yelled. He really needed to get behind the reason. It didn’t make any sense. Either way he had to get it one way or another.
“Arm-” Before Eren could fully yell his name again Armin opened the door to his office.
“Yes Eren. What do you want now?” Armin sighed out.
An annoyed expression came across Eren's face. “The money. It’s short this month. Do you know why?” Eren leaned forward placing his head in his right palm tilting his head waiting for a response.
“Ah! So you’ve read them. I actually came to talk to you about that. It seems that one of the clubs haven’t paid us yet.” Armin explains.
“Which one is it? I need to get it now!” Eren says rising from his chair.
“It’s the owner of the strip club, Venus. Maybe we should send Mikasa? It’s a special night tonight. We can’t just let you go storming in like you do!” Armin intercepts.
“Absolutely not. I need to go now. It’s long overdue, plus I also need to have a quick talk with Franko anyways. It’s not up for discussion either. Just tell the driver to bring the car around." Eren replies while putting on his jacket.
Armin looked at Eren one last time before leaving. "Alright, fine. Just try not to do too much tonight, please." Armin was not about to argue with Eren. It'd be pointless if he did. Eren would get his way anyways.
Eren nods to Armin, "I won't do anything. Just a little talk and to get what's mine. That's all. I Promise."
It was time to go to club Venus.
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angwritez© 2021. Do not modify, claim, translate, or copy my work without my permission.
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welkinsky · 3 years
Hii! can you write about how it is like to work with Levi. I mean I see alot of content of y/n being his junior but I'd really like to see them as a higher up this time. I hope it's not too much! Loved the Katsuki one by the way
Hi! you are the first ask for this account! obviously, I’d write for you! Thank you so much!
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Levi X Reader | Working with Levi
Note: This is when Eren, Mikasa & Armin have just joined the scouts.
You are one of the higher-ups and were assigned to handle the sudden increase of population as Wall Maria collapsed with Levi since he knew the situation best.
You both were working late nights because let's be honest the man doesn't have a social life and you were new. Plus a lot of people didn't like you because you were ordering them around so you were not planning on getting murdered on a work trip. Ya.. it was that bad because people were already in distress and to hurt their ego *which was HUGE in higher-ups* and ask them to follow a stranger? Nope, not their cup of tea.
This brings me to my next point you found out a lot about him like he was into tea. He made you try so many different ones too. And trust me when I say that he was PASSIONATE when it comes to his tea. And you didn't seem to mind since you always wanted to try something other than coffee anyways.
He loves the Jazz type of music, you still don't know the name of the songs buuut you knew every lyric. He was a bit shy at first to show what he liked in music but once he found out that you loved his music too, your office was full of records that he gave you to listen to.
To your shock, he had a crazy sense of humor! Yes! Levi Ackerman, the man known for his hostile behavior did actually had good humor! He would sense that you were feeling tired and sleepy and start telling a story that was definitely made up, just to make you laugh and get your energy back up.
Believe it or not, this man was caring too. Not only to you but to his comrades too. Sometimes he would just start talking about how reckless Hange can be sometimes or how Eren is just a dumb kid with 2 others to back him up. He would realize a lot later what he was doing and then go all silent and wouldn't speak even if you say it is okay to ramble off about stuff.
Another thing that you observed about him is that he may not talk a lot, especially around people. Like during dinner or having lunch or just in meetings. But he talks a lot through his eyes. Someone made a lame joke and you can see from the corner of your eyes that this man is giving you the -_- and you caught on to it pretty easily to which he actually smirked because not a lot of people pick on this slightest thing he does.
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lotustriestowrite · 2 years
Chapter 3
Hi me, you’re not me
Things im gonna disclose: mentions of peeing (it sounds so weird when i say it out loud)
“Now that we are all acquainted with the situation, does anyone have any questions?” Said the master, he reminded them of a teacher. A nice one, the type that lets you chatter quietly in class.
Giyuu raised a hand and, with absolutely no hesitation- albeit a small blush, simply said, “How do i relieve myself and should i consult Y/n before i do so?”.
The courtyard was silent, he was the only one brave enough to touch upon the subject.
Y/n choked on air after fully processing his words. That was a fair point. “Um, I think I’ll assist you with that Giyuu-san.” That would be uncomfortable. It was admirable in a way that he wanted your consent but. Weird. It was a weird situation though so it didn’t make much difference either way.
“I see.” He said, cold façade returning once again. They looked over at the Kamado squad, all showing clear discomfort (they couldn’t blame them). Inosuke was wearing his boar head so it was anyones guess as to what he was feeling. Tanjiro (the poor thing) looked like he wanted to curl in on himself from sheer second hand embarrassment. And Zenitsu was a violent shade of red and looked severely traumatized.
“You’re all dismissed.” A slightly exasperated master said. He wasn’t paid enough for this, no sum of money was enough for this.
After one of the most traumatic experiences of his life, Giyuu walked out of the bathroom a new man.
Y/n trailed after him, also questioning their existence. After collecting their thoughts (and sanity), they clapped their hands together,
“Now that that’s over, would you like to get a bite to eat? To get to know each other!”
He simply nodded, not even looking at her (what a pleasant guy). Containing a snappy remark, they stayed silent.
On the walk there, they bumped into none other than the Kamado squad. How fortunate.
The boarheaded child screamed at the top of his lungs. They cringed at the smell of the head up close. It smelled, a bit like how suffering and death smelled. Point is, he was just awful at taking care of it. Would it hurt to take the thing to a taxidermist?
“Inosuke stop!
A very panicked Tanjiro was restraining the feral beast. Next to them was Zenitsu, who seemed to be chatting up a clearly uninterested woman.
“PLEASE FORGIVE HIM, HE GREW UP IN THE MOUNTAINS!” Tanjiro screamed as he bent a perfect 90 degrees.
At that moment, Giyuu started to run away. With a completely straight face and stiff body, he started to bolt in the other direction. Completely leaving you with these boys.
“So, ya like jazz?”
“-and then, he eats his dad and then a load of other stuff happens but anyway that’s for another time.”
The three boys looked at them with pure horror and confusion, why would someone eat their father. The entire body and everything that entailed.
Whatever this “Eren” creature was, it sounded like it was insane.
“So, anything else?”
Hey guys sorry i hvnt been writing anything, Ive been rlly busy and not in the greatest place rn
Anyway sorry about the short chapter and have a great day!
Taglist: @mindlesschicca
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amesstm · 4 years
Headcannon: Jean as a boyfriend Modern!
A/N: Okay, I think I finally established a schedule where I’ll TRY to post every Wednesday. But ya girl has a hecka busy life, so we’ll see. Anyways, I low key have a scatter brain so... sorry if this is all over the place.
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- He would be that one guy to stutter when asking you out, if he was a teenager at the time
- But sexy stallion Jean?! Talk about smooth AF
- The first date would be nice and he’d be super considerate.
- Think a classic gentleman type; holding doors open for you, all that jazz
- Obviously, the first date would go well otherwise this post would be short lol
- I can see him taking you to his place to cook for you as a date (but I’m a foodie, so I may be biased)
- “Jean, I didn’t know you were such a good cook!”
- He’d be trying to act all humble but boi, we all know that buttered you up lol
- “So how do you feel about dessert?” ;)
- you.exe stopped working
- Also you two would go on art museum dates. Sorry if that ain’t up your alley, but I bet it’d happen at least once 🤷🏻‍♀️
- “Jean, why aren’t you looking at the art?” You’d ask, seeing as your boyfriend’s eyes stare at you and nothing else.
- “Because I want to look at a masterpiece,” he smirks, waiting for your reaction.
- You’ll blush and stuff, die on the inside, but be like “Babe, we spent like $60 on tickets. Look at the art.”
- Okay but when he holds your hand 🥺
- I am CONVINCED he would kiss each individual knuckle and squeeze your hand if you were upset about something. Would probably get a bit sweaty though if I’m being real
- His cuddles are 10/10. I imagine he’d really like having your head on his chest. Both because he’d love to pet your hair but also because uhhh cake
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- ALSO, emotional support??
- Amazing. He’d let you spill your guts out on his shoulder (not literally; this show makes it all too real omfg), then offer you words of encouragement, and finally give you advice
- “Hey, I’m here. Focus on me instead, not whatever’s bothering you.”
- “Whoever’s making you feel this way right now isn’t worth it. I’ll deal with them if this gets more serious.”
- “Do you want me to bring blankets, ice cream, and a face mask?”
- Once it’s all over, he’d definitely treat you however you want. Be it a night out with your favorite foods (high-end, most likely) or a day in with cuddles and his omelets and pancakes
- Like if you were bffs with Eren, he’d suffer through that boy’s presence if it made you feel better
- But what helps depends on the person and situation
- I do see Jeanbo getting stressed about money and that could be a problem between you two
- I don’t imagine you two having arguments that are small and petty, but more so about important decisions like “Where should we move?” “Should we really invite Floch to the wedding?” “What do you mean you put the milk in the bowl before the cereal?!”
- Stuff like that.
- Otherwise, I imagine a relationship would be pretty stable with Jean. Solid 10/10
- Sidenote: I’ve been watching Fantasy Restaurant because my Idol Producer babies are on there. So, here’s a picture of Dong Yanlei who basically looks like Jean (almost the same height, can cook, and have the same hair):
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h2bakugou · 3 years
ive slowly developed into calling katsuki katsu, i had a dream the other night where i was in ua and all that jazz and me and him were cuddling and i like mumbled "i love you katsu" AND HE WAS SO JUST KDFJSJFJEH AND AFTER A MINUTE HE JUST KINDA GRUMBLED "love ya too, teddy bear." AND SJFHJEBFJXHHSHFEUDUU i am a simp for the king🥺
honestly mood, i keep having dreams about eren yarger and light yagami.....
BUT THATS SO CUTE AWEEE okay but bakugou and cuddling is like just mnnfnnfnfff he loves to cuddle idc
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stariwrites · 3 years
your song ask game is juicy! oooo what about Eren or Connie ? :-) whichever characters inspires ya!
Thank you love! I’m gonna do Eren for rail and Connie for cuddle if that’s okay.
I associate Eren yeager with Chase Atlantic which is why I think he’d absolutely rail you to this song. Eren is rough and passionate, all teeth and no tongue desperate for you and you alone. He loves being rough but also slowing down when you need it, changing the speed of his thrusts from fast to a shallow grind. Don’t be surprised if he flips you over and has you ride him when the chorus hits.
Connie seems like he would enjoy jazz. He’d play this on a rainy day while the two of you are basking in the warmth of your apartment. There’d be red LED lights surrounding the room, creating a comforting warmth that only adds to everything. He’d trace shapes and write things on your back singing along to this song until the two of you fall asleep.
Ask game-CLOSED
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julystorms · 7 years
I just read ghostmartyr's post about eren and his relationship with the survey corps, and I love reading everyone's ideas, so I was wondering what your thoughts were about the same thing? Like what do you think about eren's relationship with levi and hange and how it is now, is he working with the survey corps or not? Ya know all that jazz lmao
I’m so late with this, and for that I do apologize. I didn’t think I’d be without a home PC for this long!
We have three potential options IMO:
1.) Eren is acting under the directions & blessing of the Survey Corps.
Hange and Levi know he’s there, he has a plan, and he’s following that plan.
2.) Eren is in Marley under the blessing of the Survey Corps but is leading his team as he sees fit (perhaps even against orders/the initial plan).
Eren and a small team were sent to Marley with an initial plan but it went awry or wasn’t plausible for some reason and they’ve taken matters into their own hands. (This would do nicely to mimic/parallel RBA’s situation in Paradis, where they arrived with a plan and a leader, but lost the plan with their leader and had to wing it.)
3.) Eren is in Marley with a few pals doing his own thing without the Survey Corps’s approval or direction.
Eren had a disagreement with Hange/Levi/maybe Armin and hotfooted it, possibly with some others, to Marley to do what he felt needed to be done.
Ch99 dropped and brought with it a great many thoughts from the fandom, myself included. Personally, I prefer #2 above: Eren’s working with the Survey Corps but he’s not still working on whatever the initial plan was because for some reason, it wasn’t possible to do so. 
I’m not convinced that Hange and Levi are with Eren in Marley right now, but I find it a little anxiety-inducing to imagine that Hange and Levi sent a few kids over there with the fate of Paradis riding on their shoulders and no real backup/support. That said, too many cooks spoil the broth, and the idea of being covert is to, you know, be covert. That could go either way and work, it’d just require a lot more trust if they set Eren and a few pals free.
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commodorecliche · 7 years
fandom taggy tags
i got tagged by the amazing @littlespacebeans - thank you, you’re a doll. 
RULES: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions
I choose:
Check, Please (I thought about doing YOI, but I haven’t paid CP as much attention lately, so here it is)
The first character you loved:
holy shit definitely Shiro
Jean (followed shortly by Marco) 
Bitty (probably because he was the focus, but also because I relate as a southerner lmao) 
The character you never expected to love so much:
Pidge, honestly. I never cared much for him in the original iterations, but I just loved all the changes VLD made to her (HER being a big part of it!)
Erwin. I always liked Erwin but was never super invested in him until I gave a re-read and started paying more attention to his character and his interactions with Levi. 
Kent Parson, holy shit. Ya come in expecting to hate the asshole and realize he’s suffered too and ya just want to protect him and help him move on. 
The character you relate to most:
I think this is a big tie between Allura and Shiro. Maybe more so with Allura - just because she and I both lost our fathers, we both had to ‘grow up’ earlier than we had to, we both learned to be hardened leaders when we had to be, etc... I just relate. Shiro I relate more to his emotional side - how he handles his trauma, his fatalistic sense of humor, his dedication to those around him, his tenderness with the few people he’s close to *cough keith cough*, all that jazz. 
Jean - I think that’s why I liked him so much right away. I don’t think I’m as.... cocky.... as he is... But I am pretty headstrong, I can be stubborn, and I’m often not actually as strong as I pretend to be. Behind all the bluster and confidence, is someone wrought with insecurity, grief, etc... who still pushes themselves and fights for their companions. 
ya know, what’s weird is that I don’t heavily see myself too deeply in any of the characters. but if i had to pinpoint one, I’d say maaaaaybe Kent? Constant need to be the best (especially in my sport), when I care about someone, I get really attached, and often times will have trouble letting go (even if outwardly I act like I’ve already moved on). 
The character you’d slap:
i - much like shiro - would every now and then like to give slav a slap
i’d like to give eren a good slap tbh
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
shiro, keith, allura
jean, marco, erwin (two of my three faves are fuckinG DEAD) 
bitty, jack, and chowder (even if he likes the Sharks, blegh)
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
lance, i guess. i still like him, but not as much as i did at first. 
eren, honestly. i don’t care that much for him or mikasa anymore, really. not after some of the shit they pulled in the manga (thanks isayama, thanks for that.) 
shitty - i mean.... i don’t DISLIKE him now, but i just don’t care that much anymore? and frankly, he kind of reminds me of a lot of the bros i knew in my college days who had a lot of trouble moving on from their frat. idk, just don’t care that much. still like him well enough though i suppose. 
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
haggar, I guess? she’s grown on me in the sense that i really am VERY interested in her back story now. 
levi! it’s hard to care a whole lot about an overall distant/cold character - but with levi, it just took a little time for the manga to show me more of who he is, and once it did, he really quickly grew on me. 
kent. after his first appearance, i had that gut reaction of “this dude is a fucking douche” - but LORD DID HE GROW ON ME. 
3 OTPs:
sheith. allurance. hance. (but plance is REALLY growing on me)
jeanmarco. eruri. reibert. (shhhh, and yumikuri, don’t tell anyone I added a fourth) 
zimbits (duh), nurseydex, and even the ot3 bitty/jack/kent. 
tagging: @shiroganekeith @koganeshiro @calcyfer @firegrilled @mochalatt3 @hellafreckledhorses @shiekah @pilindiel and @satari-raine 
and as usual, you guys don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!!
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