#eremika vampire au
sunflowersunite · 2 days
we're baaack yet again with a glimpse to Hange's past, an unforseen Eremika situation, Levihan have to parent their way around it and a not at all jealous Levi, what are you talking about lol.
“We’re going to Stohess, we found new leads on the case and we have to investigate. There are people who turn others into vampires somehow, everything leads to Stohess and this is a big criminal thing by the way so there is a chance that we might get killed in the process,” she said in one breath as she searched for her car keys. “If we don’t come back you three can have my house, I’m leaving all my money to Moblit and don’t let Nana throw away any of my inventions. Bury me in Ehrmich and bury Levi next to me.”
We had so much fun with this 😄
@quillsandblades, the mic is yours 🎤
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kayliraine · 1 month
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quillsandblades · 9 days
Chapter 11 of the vampire au by @sunflowersunite and I is here!
“Ilse was a smart woman. She’s left a code I’ve been struggling with for months! She said it herself in the passage you decoded, she’s leaving her findings about the vampires behind, for us to find. The key to her code is somewhere there, I’m sure of it. In her house, or…” “Or?” “Or her workplace. Berg Newspapers.”
The mystery continues with a moment of relaxation for them all. Featuring a frustrating journalist, a suprise party, some new characters and a break in.
Happy reading!! 😊
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 11 months
"house of the rising sun" has been tugging at my brain lately — so I pulled up chp 1 and found myself editing it a bit. for readability's sake :)
I'm also glad that I've started watching the second cour of s1 these past couple days bc it def got the ereri brainworms going...
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cream-no-sugar · 2 years
excerpt: "house of the rising sun" (ererivamika dark vampire au)
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fandom: aot/snk
characters: vampire!eren jaeger x vampire!mikasa ackerman (background established vampire!eren jaeger x vampire!levi ackerman)
synopsis: levi and eren have maintained a quiet co-existence for the past few decades — until eren saves and brings home a young girl that will inevitably disrupt their manufactured domesticity; or: polyamorous vampire au loosely inspired by "interview with the vampire"
tags & warnings: 1950s setting; age difference; underage; polyamory; blood drinking + blood kink; sex education; grooming; gratuitous pet names; light dom/sub; daddy kink; loss of virginity; dacryphilia; mikasa is a little brat; eren is her vampire creator who teachers her "his ways"
a/n: yet another one of my kinktober fics for the @deaddovekink event over on twitter! part one, which is eremika heavy, is already posted on ao3. part two is coming soon — and will feature ereri, rivamika, and ererivamika 😈
word count: ~3.6k
As Eren had hoped, Mikasa proved to be an ideal addition to his and Levi’s home. She broke the monotony of the rhythmic co-existence they established over the past few decades — in a highly pleasant manner. Her youth added levity to their quiet home.
However, Eren also loathed that Levi was right: as his husband rightfully warned him, Mikasa proved to be quite the handful. 
Not because she adapted miraculously well to her new lifestyle and new abilities. Eren was confounded by her strength, agility, and heightened senses; her quick inclination to vampiric life was the most manageable part of his newly created charge.
No — she was a handful because Mikasa was, undeniably, a teenager. A bratty one, at that. She loathed the boundaries Eren and Levi set for her, no matter how well-intentioned those boundaries were, and she took every opportunity possible to loudly and whiningly express her discontent.
“I’ve been so hungry, Eren!” She pouted up at him from where she lay on his home office’s carpeted floor.
Eren loved that Mikasa frequently gravitated to his side — like a true pet, of sorts. She even wanted to stay near while he completed monotonous tasks like paying bills or reviewing patient cases. However, after some time, she demanded his attention.
“You’re still getting adjusted to your new diet, love — it’s why your appetite is still so ravenous,” Eren responded in an even tone. “However, we can’t have you go out to hunt just yet. Not when you’re still growing accustomed to your new instincts.”
Mikasa grumbled. Eren wanted to smile, entertained by her antics, but he kept his eyes on his letters and his face stoically composed.
“Go get another drink from the cabinet,” he told her. “There’s more than enough to satiate your appetite."
"Yuck," Mikasa scoffed. "I'm sick of drinking all that preserved crap. I want something fresh, Eren. I think I can manage going outside for a night — especially if you came with me."
She scrambled from her back onto her knees, and she hurriedly crawled across his office floor — right next to Eren's chair. She rested her chin on his lap and blinked up at him with wide eyes. "Pretty please, Eren?" she begged.
Eren ignored her, but his expression cracked with a gratified smile.
"Begging won't get you anything, dear,” he gently scolded. “Levi and I agree: you're not ready."
Mikasa furrowed her brow and stuck her tongue out at him. (Eren tried, miserably, to prevent his lips from twitching again.)
“You two are the worst.”
“And you, miss, are becoming quite insufferable.” Eren sighed, then put his pen down, removed his glasses, and unfastened and rolled up his sleeve, exposing his pristine wrist. “Here — this will keep you satiated for a while, until we’re able to get you a proper food source.”
Mikasa blinked, surprised at Eren’s offering. Nevertheless, he saw the undeniable curiosity and eagerness beneath her nervousness.
“Go ahead, doll,” he encouraged. “It’ll improve your condition, I assure you.”
“Will I hurt you?”
He shrugged. “Maybe a little. But I never mind a little pain.”
Mikasa giggled. A deceptively innocent sound that devilishly stirred Eren’s insides.
“Go on,” he whispered.
Mikasa slowly positioned her lips over his skin — and Eren winced slightly as Mikasa sank her fangs into his wrist. She was unpracticed, so she bit harder and more deeply than necessary. 
He watched, pleased, as her eyelids began to slowly droop shut — as she quietly hummed her contentment as she drank.
“Tastes better, right?” he whispered, entranced.
Mikasa drowsily nodded, her lips still latched onto Eren’s wrist. He bit back a moan when she looked up at him, violet irises peeking under heavy lids. He felt his own fangs start to come out, felt his cock twitch. Especially when she began to drink with such vigor, the blood spilled out the sides of her lips and began to stain her cheeks red.
“That’s enough now, love,” Eren panted, near breathless. He pushed her face away with a strong and gentle hand — and he stifled a groan at how her usually pristine face was covered with gore.
“Eren, please!”
Eren leaned back in his chair and let out a shaky exhale. He gave himself a brief moment to compose himself, to allow his erection to soften and his breathing to slow.
“Now, love,” Eren softly chastised as he wiped her face clean with his palms — Mikasa ravenously chased after his hands, eager to lick them clean. “If you want more, I cannot simply give it to you freely. An eye for an eye — you should know that.”
“Then what can I do? I want more.”
Eren surveyed her for a moment — then his face split into a devilish grin. He pushed away from her and scooted his chair away from his desk, before patting his knees with his palms.
“Come here, doll,” he demanded. “Get up and take a seat.”
Mikasa scrambled to her feet, eager to listen. She smiled beatifically as she straddled him, one strong thigh on either side of his lap.
“Now,” he said, as he slid her skirt up to expose her skin. “I have an idea.”
He moved his hands from her thighs to her blouse. He marveled as her eyes darkened and her chest heaved with anticipation, as he unbuttoned her shirt dress. Eren chased each inch of her exposed skin with a gentle kiss. Mikasa whimpered.
“I’ve been curious to taste you again, love,” he murmured against Mikasa’s neck. “Your blood was *truly* near impossible to stop drinking. I would have drained your entire body that day, if I weren’t so eager to keep you for myself.”
He slid the top of her dress off her shoulders and down her arms, so her collarbones and the tops of her breasts — spilling out of her wired cups — were visible to him. 
“Now, if you want another drink from me,” Eren began, as he traced lazy circles on Mikasa’s bare skin. “I demand a drink of my own.”
Mikasa’s violet eyes were now black. And Eren’s fangs were truly out and sharp, dripping with his saliva and venom.
“May I indulge in another taste, Mikasa?” he whispered.
“Yes, please,” she sighed with a shy smile and glisteningly eager eyes.
And, before she could change her mind, Eren plunged his fangs into her chest, right over her heart. The sweetness of her blood coated his tongue, dripped down his throat. 
And Mikasa dug her fingertips into his neck. A loud moan fell from her panting lips — a joyous sound that reverberated in Eren’s chest and (he was certain) echoed throughout the house.
After her initial shock at her new state of life, Mikasa began to adjust surprisingly well to immortality.
It helped that she had learned how to control her heightened sense of smell, her strength, her bloodlust. She was now able to go out and hunt on our own — a development that spared Eren’s and Levi’s reserve supply and satisfied Mikasa's restlessness from being cooped up in the older men's home.
Mikasa did not loathe being around them, however. Even though she needed time to get adjusted to their peculiarities, they ran and maintained a comfortable and luxurious household. Mikasa never wanted for anything. Whenever she asked for something — a new dress, new shoes, a new record or book, a paint set or an instrument to satisfy some newfound creative endeavor — Eren or Levi would present it to her a few hours later. No questions asked. It was a comfort that she had never experienced before.
Over the first few months of her new life, Levi mostly kept to himself. The distance worried her sometimes — she wondered if her presence was more disruptive than she hoped. However, Eren assured her that Levi's self-afflicted solitude was very typical. "Levi has walked this earth for quite some time," he reminded her. "He needs some quiet every once in a while, and a few months is nothing in the grand scheme of eternity."
Eren, though, was doting and nearly omnipresent — and, therefore, a key component to her vampiric adjustment. He gave her everything she requested with a nurturing smile and contagious enthusiasm, including his own blood. Even though she now could freely hunt, he still eagerly allowed her to feed from him — an aspect of their relationship that she savored. Consuming his blood not only satiated her hunger in a way that the countless reserve bottles failed to do, but also left a lingering desire within Mikasa to *please* him as much as possible.
After all, he healed her from near death. He housed her and clothed her and overwhelmed her with care and concern. Thus, her initial fear of eternity alongside a man who changed her nature without her consent eventually was replaced with an agonizing devotion: she owed everything to Eren, and she was grateful.
She supposed that this was what love was.
This was also why she never hesitated to bare her wrists or neck to him, whenever he — with darkened eyes and a desperate voice — begged her for a taste of her blood. She always happily obliged, and Eren would hungrily take her into his arms.
She had learned to enjoy — had even begun to long for — the pleasure and pain that came from Eren’s feedings. There was something simultaneously soothing and spine-tingling about Eren’s breath on her neck, his teeth buried into her skin, the thought of her blood leaving her veins and coating Eren’s tongue. At the end of these feedings, she panted heavily and felt a curious ache in her chest and a wetness between her legs.
At first, when she had asked Eren about her bodily reactions, his eyes would flash, and he would lightly chuckle. “That’s normal, doll,” he would whisper against her hair. Then, he would gently kiss her temple.
Dissatisfied with his non-answer, Mikasa would press him for more information. He continued to brush off her questioning. Until, one day, when she was perched on his desk and as he stood between her legs after drinking from her neck, he finally elaborated.
“You are persistent, aren’t you?” he said, chuckling and lightly tapping the tip of her nose. “Fine. If you must know, it’s arousal, doll. Lust. Desire.”
Mikasa involuntarily squeaked, upset that her body would betray the thoughts she believed were safely housed in her private moments. Despite her best intentions, hazy daydreams of Eren above her, beside her, *overpowering* her in some unknown manner had begun to frequently cloud her mind.
“It’s okay,” Eren crooned as he smiled and soothingly rubbed Mikasa’s clothed thigh. “Truthfully, I would be disappointed if you didn’t lust for me after all this time. We share blood and venom in more ways than one; it’s only natural.”
Eren continued to placate her with soft, laving kisses on her neck, over his bite marks. And Mikasa sighed, contented.
“I’m just embarrassed,” she confessed.
“You have nothing to be ashamed of — especially with me, Mikasa.”
She sighed and dipped her chin. “I just wouldn’t know what to do,” she mumbled.
Eren forcefully tipped her chin back up, and Mikasa unwillingly looked him in the eye. Playfulness and violence danced behind his bespectacled blue-greens. Mikasa trembled.
“I’d be happy to teach you, little love,” Eren whispered as he caressed her jawline. “I could show you how to satisfy this particular type of hunger. Would you like that?”
Mikasa bit her lip, hesitating. Then, peering up at Eren through her long lashes, she nodded. Shy, but eager.
“Then open up, doll,” he commanded, tapping her knees so that she could widen her legs for him. “And lift your skirt for me.”
She obliged, hurriedly bunching her skirt at her waist and opening her legs wider atop his desk. Before Mikasa could ask what he would do, Eren slipped his hand between her legs and pressed his thumb over her dampening underwear. She gasped at the contact — before she moaned, low and loudly, as Eren continued to press deliberately and rhythmically on her clothed center.
“You are an eager thing, aren’t you?” Eren kissed the corner of her lip as he drew circles at her center. 
Mikasa struggled to breathe. She dug her free hand into Eren’s arm, while the other gripped her skirt. And Eren picked up his pace until Mikasa began to squirm, a hot tension building at her center.
“Eren,” she whined, overwhelmed and a little frightened.
He pressed his lips against the corner of her mouth, and Mikasa squeezed her eyes tightly. “Don’t fight it, Mikasa,” he mumbled — and Mikasa could feel the sharp pain of his fangs against her trembling lips.
She scrambled to anchor herself, one hand still clinging to her dress and the other hand painfully gripping the edge of Eren's desk. She could barely register his mumbled words — terms of endearment, words of encouragement — over the growing fire in the pit of her stomach.
There was a part of her that wanted him to stop; his fingers felt too rough, and the new sensations were too overwhelming. But a much larger part — the part eager to please, to show Eren that he deserved every bit of her after he saved her life — diverted her focus to Eren's lips against hers and his thumb furiously rubbing her center. 
Her chest began to heave. Her thighs shook with the effort to keep them apart. And, after a few minutes of the tension steadily building, Mikasa felt like a band had snapped inside her. She wailed as euphoria washed over her, as she tasted blood — her blood — as Eren bit down on her lips and slowed his circles at her pulsing center.
“There you go,” Eren whispered against Mikasa’s bleeding and panting lips, before he licked into her mouth with abandon. 
He had never truly kissed her before this. Only pecks on her temple, on her cheek, and on the corner of her lips; eager bites at her throat and any other bare expanse of skin he could access. But this kiss — all hungry lips and glistening teeth and laving tongue — left her wanting more.
“Eren, please,” she whimpered, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck.
"I know, love," he muttered. And, because Mikasa knew he never denied her anything, he pulled her closer and plunged his fingers inside of her — caressed where she was sensitive and wanting, pressed deeper and upward until he coaxed another orgasm from her.
They continued in this way for days, weeks, maybe even months (in truth, Mikasa wasn’t sure because time blended together in their house). And with every moment they spent together, Mikasa’s carnal knowledge expanded, thanks to Eren’s tutelage.
He helped her to discover how sensitive her nipples were, how quickly she would come undone when he worked her clit with his deft fingers or his assured tongue. How she always needed to hold tightly onto something — the back of the couch, the edge of his desk, his hair — when she finally burst under his ministrations.
He showed her how to properly hold a cock, how firmly to hold him between her small hands until he orgasmed, how to relax her jaw and throat so she could more fully take him into her mouth. She marveled at the creamy liquid that spurted from his cockhead, and — before he could protest — she greedily lapped up the cum that spilled onto his unclothed torso, his thighs, her hands. 
But he still refused to give her what she really wanted because he insisted that she wasn’t ready. No matter how damp her underthings became, how enthusiastically she rubbed herself against his erection.
One day, as she sat on his lap and allowed him to suck and kiss her neck, she grew frustrated at Eren's constant insistence that he knew what was best for her. She didn't care what he said: she knew what she wanted, and she was determined to take it. Emboldened, she pushed him away from her. Before he could admonish her, she took his right hand and sucked his fingers between her lips.
Eren moaned, and she felt him shift beneath her. "No biting," he muttered. 
With his fingers pressed down on her tongue, Mikasa could only glare. She fumed at his audacity to utter a command, when she sat atop him and yearned to take control. Incensed, she bit down on his fingers, felt the crunch of his bones between her strong jaw — and Eren cursed. Loudly.
“I told you not to bite, you brat," he spat. His face contorted with rage, and — surprisingly — Mikasa felt only unbridled joy at this provoked crack in his nurturing demeanor. She smiled, wide, and she saw Eren's eyes flicker over her bloodied-pink teeth and her twinkling eyes.
"You are a disrespectful little thing," he growled, and Mikasa giggled at his anger. Even when he quickly stood, carrying her so easily by her thighs, and dropped her violently and unceremoniously onto his desk, she felt elation. This was all she had wanted: for Eren to stop treating her like she were a delicate thing; for him to show her that he desired her — as a woman, as an *equal* — as much as she desired him.
Furious, Eren ripped her shirtdress apart, her buttons falling delicately onto his office floor, and tore her sodden panties to shreds. He forced her legs apart with one hand and thrust his bloodied, bitten fingers deep into Mikasa's cunt.
He had never fingered her so forcefully before. Mikasa watched through heavy lids as Eren hurriedly pumped his wrist, as his fingers disappeared inside of her, as her milky arousal stained pink with the blood from Eren's mangled fingers.
"Don't ever disobey me again," he growled. 
Mikasa whined.
"Maybe you need to give me your cock, then," she hurriedly muttered, before her courage disappeared. "Maybe then I'll learn to treat you more respectfully."
Eren's eyes flashed, and he removed his fingers from her center. Mikasa feared — just for a moment — that she had truly angered him with her audacious ask. But her fears disappeared as, with his glistening and bloody hand, he unbuttoned and lowered his pants, his cock falling hard and heavy toward her spread-out legs.
"Maybe you're right — maybe I do need to teach you a lesson," he said. Mikasa's heart pounded as she watched him lazily pump his erection; she could see beads of precum glistening on his tip. "But I have no desire to rip you apart, love. I intend to keep you for a long time. Shall we see if you can handle me?"
And before she could respond, Eren thrust three fingers into her center. Mikasa cried out at the sudden intrusion; she felt tears prickle at the pain.
“You are dripping,” he muttered. "But there's no way in hell that I'm giving you my cock if you can't even take three fingers, love."
Mikasa whimpered, but she let out a shaky exhale — told herself not only to relax but to prove Eren wrong. Eren kept his hand, unmoving, between her dripping lips. But, as soon as she felt herself adjust, and when her initially pained sounds melted into lusty moans, Mikasa began to move her hips and thrust against his fingers as she lay atop his desk.
Eren watched her hips move, bewitched, before he mischievously grinned. “It seems I stand corrected, love," he said. 
Mikasa whined as Eren removed his fingers, as she mourned the sudden emptiness. But she marveled as Eren hurriedly removed his shirt and pulled her toward him, her legs spread wide and her buttocks at the edge of his desk. She watched, wide-eyed, as he took his cock into his hand and lined it up at her entrance. She shivered; Eren's smile grew into a sinister sneer.
"Don't take back your words now, love," he taunted, his tip probing her sopping entrance. "Just keep breathing, and you'll be just fine."
And Mikasa painfully moaned as she watched Eren slowly enter her, inch by inch. She held onto his desk so tightly, she feared she would splinter the wood. She wailed in earnest when Eren pushed his final inch into her, his hips fully flush with her center, Mikasa's breaths falling from her lips in pained pants. The tears pooling at the corners of her eyes spilled down her face, as she adjusted to feeling full — nearly torn apart — for the first time. 
“Eren,” she sobbed. “It’s too much.”
“Sshh, doll,” Eren murmured, as he peppered soft kisses on her bare shoulders and massaged her legs splayed open below him. “You said it yourself: you can take it. Don't worry: you’ll adjust; I know you can.”
Then Eren snaked his hand to where they were joined, and he began to thumb lazy circles on the sensitive spot she loved so much. Mikasa shakily exhaled — and she began to feel relieved. The burning pain at her core dissolved into a pleasurable heat. 
After a few minutes, Eren didn't even have to direct her: just as she moved her hips against his fingers, she began to move her hips against his cock. The obscene squelch of her pussy wrapped around him filled the air, and Mikasa whined loudly as Eren hummed in approval at her movements.
“See?“ Eren smiled, his fangs glistening. “I told you so, love; you can take it. Now let me take care of you.”
He gently grabbed her wrists and lazily rested her forearms on his shoulders, around his neck. And she braced herself — thread her fingers into his hair, dug her fangs into the crook of his neck — as Eren picked up his pace, his desk creaking beneath their movements, his skin slapping loudly against hers.
"My love," Eren chanted into her ear, his delicate words discordant with the harsh pace with which he fucked her. "My love, my love, my love..."
And, when Mikasa threw her head back as she fell over the edge, warmth filled her center as Eren finished inside of her. And fire burned at her neck as he bit her neck, drinking her blood, taking as much of her as he could.
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youre-ackermine · 6 months
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Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin // Attack on Titan
Fanfiction, headcanons & moodboards posted here on Tumblr
Fanfiction & headcanons posted on AO3
English is not my usual language
Posted: 03/30/2024 || Last update: 06/09/2024
©2022/2024 youre-ackermine || Do not use or repost my works || Do not translate without permission
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Levi Ackerman x Reader
Under the Mistletoe • Tumblr // AO3
Don't you dare! • Tumblr // AO3
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
Sunburst • Tumblr // AO3
Belated Birthday • Tumblr // AO3
Echo • Tumblr // AO3 • for @dont-f-with-moogles
Dumbstruck • Tumblr // AO3
Night Out • Tumblr // AO3
Flushing • Tumblr // AO3
Lips like Sugar • Tumblr // AO3 • fanart by wolfstar13_ on Instagram
Troublée (part one) • Tumblr // AO3
Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral (Rivetra)
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Erwin Smith (Eruri)
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Miche Zacharias (Rivamike)
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Erurihan)
[coming soon]
Hange Zoe x Pieck Finger (Pikuhan)
Behind the Scenes • Tumblr // AO3
Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Eruhan)
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Reader
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Miche Zacharias (Mikeeru/Erumike)
[coming soon]
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Levi Ackerman
Levi's Birthday 2023 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
Postwar!Levihan Valentine's Day 2024 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Our First Christmas + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Sunday Walk • Tumblr // AO3 • inspired by @ashh-ketchup 's fanart
Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Eruhan)
[coming soon]
Jean Kirstein x Reader
Jean Kirstein x Fem!Reader Valentine's Day 2024 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Historia Reiss x Ymir (Yumihisu)
Yumihisu Band AU + headcanons • Tumblr // AO3
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Levi Ackerman
Love Bites (NSFW) with @leviismybby • Tumblr // AO3
Levi's Fingers (NSFW) • Tumblr // AO3
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Levi Ackerman / Levi Week 2023 Event
for @leviweek2023
Day 1 Tea Shop
Day 2 Underground City
Day 3 Affection and Fondness
Day 4 Dad / Family
Day 5 Vampire AU // No Name Band
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Levi Ackerman x Reader
TattooArtist!Levi for @stellar-smth || fanfiction Under your Skin
Postwar!Levi fanfiction inspo "Mursa" for @sixpennydame || fanfiction North Star
Postwar!Levi fanfiction inspo "Postwar Fort Salta" for @sixpennydame || fanfiction North Star
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
No Name #1
No Name #2 [coming soon]
Postwar!Levihan Valentine's Day 2024 + headcanons
Our First Christmas + headcanons
Student!Levihan for @smol-lydia || fanfiction I Wanna Make a Couple Bad Decisions (with you)
Scouts!Levihan for @this-is-krikkit
Valentine's Day 2023
Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral (Rivetra)
Rivetra for @love4-bunny
Levi Ackerman x Farlan Church (Levifar)
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Reader
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Miche Zacharias (Mikeeru/Erumike)
[coming soon]
Eren Jaeger x Mikasa Ackerman (Eremika)
[coming soon]
Jean Kirstein x Reader
Jean x Fem!Reader Valentine's Day 2024 + headcanons
Historia Reiss x Ymir (Yumihisu)
Yumihisu Band AU + headcanons
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Header & dividers: @youre-ackermine || Do not use without credit 💟
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dead-dolphins · 1 month
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Hello! Welcome to my Tumblr AUs masterlist! These AUs have come to life through ideas shared here on Tumblr or on Twitter, with some even dating back to 2022! They’re truly a collaborative effort, born from everyone’s creativity and imagination. Before you explore, here are a few important things to keep in mind:
Content Warning: Many of these AUs explore themes meant for a more adult audience, and some links might lead to sites that aren’t suitable for everyone. Please use discretion as you browse.
Final Versions on AO3: While Tumblr asks are great for imagining different scenarios, the final version of any AU that becomes a fic will always be published on AO3—if I decide to write it, of course.
Ongoing Projects: Some AUs are still works in progress, and I’m always open to suggestions and feedback! If you have ideas, thoughts, or headcanons you’d like to share, I’d love to hear them. This is a space for collaboration and creativity, and your input is always welcome.
That’s it, enjoy!
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Idol Mikasa & Actor Eren (Chemical Hype Boy)
Sugar Baby AU or Sugar Daddy Eren (Soon to be Sugar Rush)
Cheating AU (Soon to be Illicit Affairs)
Medieval AU (The Promised Princess)
Cat Girl Mikasa or kittykasa
Catholic Mikasa & Delinquent Eren
Vampire Eren
Predator Mafia Boss Eren
Bartender Eren (Soon to be Barte-te-tender)
OG Metalhead Eren (I apologise if you feel something)
Dark Metalhead Eren / exes to lovers (Soon to be Demolition Lovers)
Rent a Mikasa
Alpha Eren & omega Mika
Mafia Eren & Princess Mikasa
Professor Mikasa
HOTD eremika
Alpha warlord Eren (Soon to be Venus in Furs)
Robert Rebellion AU
Little betrothed and Senator Eren (Soon to be Mr. Senator)
Apocalypse a/b/o AU
Serial killer AU
Actress Mikasa & director Eren
Pacific Rim AU
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UPDATED: 14/08/24
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jaegerisim · 13 days
EM layouts
EM rambles and ideas
EM moodboards
EM snippets
You can't get rid of it ('cause you remember it all too well)
Ongoing (3/?)
Single Dad!Eren
eventual smut
The Heartbreak Prince
Ongoing (1/?)
Arranged Marriage AU
I Played My Part (and you play your game)
Hogwarts AU
Evil Will Byers
Screaming And Crying (and kissing in the rain)
Actor AU
Rivals to Lovers
Say You Want Me (back in your life)
Stoner Mike Wheeler
New guy Will Byers
What If The World Could Be Ours Tonight?
Catfisher Will Byers
Casino owner Mike Wheeler
Well, I Got Down On My Knees (and I pretend to pray)
S5 prediction
Will Byers has a gun
Why Would You Ever Kiss Me? (I am not even half as pretty)
Cursed prince!Will Byers
I Don't Know How To Feel (but someday I might)
S4 rewrite
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loneghostss · 15 days
do u have plans to write a fantasy eremika au in the future?
my bestie and i have been brainrotting a vampire fic and i absolutely love everything about it. but tbh we don’t know when or if it will be posted ♥️
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mistystarshine · 27 days
🍐 + 🍌
Ask about my writing via fruit!
WOOPS I fell into the void and forgot to finish answering these. But! Better late than never!
Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Honestly? Not really. I'm the sort of person who's driven to write because I enjoy the canon. I will absolutely fill in empty spaces, explore alternate paths, expand on things that I think could have been explored more in-depth, and fill in empty spaces. But for the most part, hating something won't drive me to write fix fic, it will just make me pull away from the series/character. It's why I don't touch BNHA anymore, dropped out of SNK for a good while after Ymir died, and when I got back into it (thank you Reiner for returning from the void), didn't touch Eremika in SNK until I realized it was a tragedy that I was absolutely going to love. It's also why I don't write much Alastor; I've been told that I'm good at it when I do, but there isn't anything there to interest me, and instead of being compelled to flesh him out myself, I'm just apathetic toward the character. I know that none of those examples (apart from BNHA) are hatred, but there actually isn't anything that I hate about Hazbin. Season one was rushed, but not to an extent that ruined it for me. Additionally, I know it's the uncommon stance among Guitarspear stans, but I honestly really like what Vivzie is saying about heaven/hell/redemption.
The SOLE exception to this rule is Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel. That IP is my FIRST hyperfixation that's stuck around. It is a part of me. It is FLAWED AS ALL SIN, but I WILL fix Cordelia and Drusilla and Faith's plotlines even if it kills me. (When I someday get back to Dust and Bone. Although I may also do it vicariously through Hazbin fic if I write my Buffy AU.)
In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
Adam repeatedly getting Valentino's name wrong in The Great Overlord Pissing Contest. And Lute in VaB. Just. VaB Lute in her entirety.
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theotherackerman · 2 years
Someone stop me from making a buffy the vampire slayer eremika au.
It's been in my mind for a while now.....
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kayliraine · 3 months
Vampire Eremika 🩸
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quillsandblades · 24 days
Chapter 9 of the vampire au by me and @sunflowersunite is out!! This is a wild one I promise
Featuring, some explosions, a car chase, a vampire attack, some kids finally meeting their parents, and the only right way a levihan date should go 🔥
Right, he wouldn’t want her dead. Never. Least of all by his own hands.
Happy reading!! 😁
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 10 months
wips masterlist
this is a list of all my ongoing wips! i'll share some snippets and updates here as i continue to work on them. my ask box is open, if you're ever curious about any of these (or anything else i might be working on).
but, actually...: 90s eremika au based on the movie "Clueless" (long fic, teen, posted & ongoing)
Gaudete: nun mikasa x slighted childhood sweetheart eren (two-shot, explicit, currently hidden)
house of the rising sun: polyamorous vampire ererivamika au (two-shot, explicit, currently hidden)
my heart, my life — everything is yours: cannibalism/mutilation cabin eremika fic (one-shot, explicit, not posted)
sins of our fathers: modern day rival gang eremika au (longfic, explicit, posted & ongoing)
the names they gave us: marleyan warrior eren x hizuran princess mikasa (multi-chapter, explicit, not posted)
you, me, and the sea: post-canon arumika (three-parter, explicit)
other fandoms:
[CSM] untitled private sector au: canon-divergent akihime/akimeno au
[JJK] through the mist: no curses road trip megumiki
[JJK] untitled serial killer love triangle au: megumi x tsumiki x yuuji love triangle
[TPW] untitled concubine au: canon-divergent rinezha au
updated 12 Dec 2023
🔗 intro masterpost || aot/snk masterlist || other fandoms materlist || tumblr aus
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jerryko-fiction · 2 years
The Bloody Red String - Chapter 1 - JerryKO - Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan [Archive of Our Own] https://archiveofourown.org/works/45515614/chapters/114524686
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Mikasa lay there, her parents dead around her. But salvation came in a most unexpected form. A monster hunter, took her, a vampire, in, wrapped his scarf around her and promised to protect her. That day she made a vow, she would grow strong, so that one day, she could repay him.
An Attack on Titan EreMika urban fantasy AU based on European, specifically Germanic folklore
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inuma55 · 2 years
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.  
Tagged by: @heichou-espurr (love you <3)
Tagging: honestly i barely know anyone on here hah so if you find this post I’M TAGGING YOU
grumpy snowman untitled document santa baby blue christmas we should take our shirts off and kiss the western one. EA marjorie halloween store FJ obsessive armin eremika 4 years vampire fj SOM-FJ actor/manager au
i actually have more lmao but these are the ones that i consider CURRENT WIPS that i actually see myself continuing to work on
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