#eremiie aot matchups
eremiie · 4 years
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hi! in honor of hitting 500 follows & bc of my eagerness to do this; i’m hosting an attack on titan matchup event!
matchups are now closed!
what are matchups?
so i’ll be matching you up to an attack on titan character based on a description of you that you’ll send to my ask box!
you can choose whether you want me to match you up to an attack on titan female or male or if you have no preference that’s great too!
matchups will be out of these characters;
eren jaeger, reiner braun, porco galliard, armin arlert, connie springer, jean kirchstein, erwin smith, levi ackerman, marco body, & zeke yeager
sasha braus, hange zoe, mikasa ackerman, pieck finger, historia reiss, annie leonhart, ymir, & hitch dreyse
(if you absolutely don’t want a character to be picked let me know, for example; hey i feel uncomfortable getting _____. can you leave them out of matchups?)
matchup rules...
matchups are not going on, but this is for future reference!
please drop a description with as many of these details as you can;
a short physical description of yourself
zodiac sign & mbti personality type
personality description (good & bad traits as well)
your love language & what you need from others in terms of love language
hobbies/future goals (opt but it helps)
turn offs & turn ons
general info you think i should know!
only send your matchup in once (unless you’re adding more information)
i prefer if you are not anonymous for matchups so i can tag you & you get the notification when i do yours
please give me time of course!
i hope we can have fun! send them in as you please <3
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eremiie · 4 years
HEY GIRLL yak i wanted a matchup 😏 also congrats on 500!! i'm so happy for you ♡. you deserve it all ❤✨, also sorry if this is long 😀 my ass wanted to make it as detailed as possible lmao. i also would prefer a male 😳 if that's cool.
so uh for my physical description: i'm 5'8, blonde, blue eyes, i have glasses and braces, i'm kind of on the slimmer side? my hair is long.
idk my personality type 😳 if u need it lmk, but my zodiac sign is cancer!
my personality: i'm kinda shy when meeting new people, but as i get closer with them i tend to become more outgoing and talkative. i have a good sense of humor. i'm very loyal to my friends and i always try to be very honest with them. some bad traits i have are that i can be insecure and my confidence can get pretty low, i also can get upset sometimes 😳 sometimes over small things.
my love language is definitely touch or like reassurance? if that makes sense. i need a lot of reassurance from others. i like to be appreciated lmao. i'd like someone who can be there for me and stick around.
some of my hobbies are that i like to write, listen to music, go out with friends, or dance occasionally. my future goals are to become a teacher.
my turn ons are remembering small things about me, making me laugh, being tall, communicating with me, actually wanting to talk to me and making time for me. i also like when they do little things to show appreciation!
turn offs are probably lack of communication, toxicity, lying, hypocrisy, showing little to no emotion towards me, arguing over stupid shit, not really showing much interest, not caring about school or family.
i think that should be it, lmk if you need anything else 😭 sorry again that this is long. congrats again on 500 <3
i match you up with...
eren jaeger.
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i pair the two of you up because...
eren doesn’t mind that you’re shy at first glance. he’s the instigator of it all, and once you start to become talkative and outgoing he falls even harder, he loves that you’re more up to par with him than he thought. you’re good sense of humor pairs up with his, he could crack a corny joke and you’d probably still laugh. your loyalty means so much to him, and although he still can be worried about your relationship your words of affirmation relax him and he doesn’t do as much pondering on the relationship either because you’re so loyal and honest. whenever you’re feeling insecure or less confident eren’s always there to give you your words of affirmation & hug you and kiss you and tell you you’re beautiful. the two of you definitely argue over small things constantly but the fact that you’re you somehow always has him half assedly apologizing first, unless you were totally in the wrong. he appreciates you much and he makes sure you knows it, always being somewhat clingy with you, lots of physical affection and small gestures that he might not even know he’s doing because he does them so often. he indulges in your hobbies time to time and finds them somewhat interesting! although he’s not the best at remembering little things about you unless he pays much attention to them, he can still make you laugh, communicate with you well, and somewhat naturally has a lot of time for you anyways.
whenever you’re feeling insecure he doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his lap and tell you how beautiful you are
you guys have the most stupidest inside jokes nobody understands
apologizes to you when you get mad at him without apologizing; like he’ll come in and be like “there’s no milk.” and then you guys start talking again😭
you’re somewhat what he needs when he’s in a bad mood, your energy balance is perfect for him
loves you’re height because it makes him feel taller than he ALREADY is, like your 5’8? doesn’t matter cause he’s 6ft. he feels like a giant LMFAO
talks to you about the most random stuff at the most random times, “hey, did you know that the eiffel tower is 980ft tall?”
overall a really chill couple, but you can spice up each others life in the funniest & coolest of ways!
your runner up was jean!
i hope you liked your matchup<3
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eremiie · 4 years
guys, matchups are closed. i’m not doing them, i’m only completing ones for the people who asked for one before i closed them. please do not send in a match up!
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eremiie · 4 years
Hey heyyy! This seems rlly fun so why not do it ^.^ . For physically I’m really short ( 4’11 ) ,, hazel eyes , black wavy hair , short hair above elbow, curvy hips! I have a somewhat muscular body, && that’s all I think?? Zodiac Sign is an Aries! Such as personality && I’m not sure what MBTI is ^^’ lowkey forgot but I’m guessing it’s Virtuosos.
- The best way to put my personality is ‘ actually quite enigmatic. Friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, Virtuoso personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones ‘ . Good traits are = I’m great at handling crisis, Optimistic and Energetic, Spontaneous and Rational. some bad traits are is when I tend to go through something I’ll push the person away and rather lock myself from the world and come back whenever I feel like I’m okay again. I DISLIKE Commitments, Easily bored, Private, I’m pretty Insensitive when coming to talk to someone with their emotions ^.^
- Hobbies umm, I really enjoying reading, writing, being alone, cooking- my main future goal is just to travel the world and become a poetry writer. Oh- and I really enjoy just learning martial arts
- Turns off are: Being disrespectful to someone older / parents, Being too formal or uptight, daddy calling 😃 SORRY 😭🙏🏼 , being too touchy unless I’m really comfortable with you doing it, Acting like a know-it-all, I can’t really think of anything else. Turns on: whispering soft resurrection, a good sense of humor, adventures, understanding && knows the boundaries, a gentlemen- but knows the difference between being too former in a way? That’s all tbh! Sorry if it’s a lot 😭😭🙏🏼
i match you up with...
erwin smith.
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i match you up because...
erwin finds your enigmatic personality compelling and alluring. the fact that you’re hard to interpret and somewhat a hard shell makes him want to get down to the bottom of you as a person; figure you out. he respects the fact that you are a private person but you aren’t private in a rude way, a friendly personality is a charm to anyone. your optimistic self and your energy can brighten his day and pull a small chuckle from him after a long days work, and your rationality & way of handling tough situations is just what someone like the commander would find amazing. the fact that you are curious and like adventurous people is nice because on his days off he would like someone willing to try new things & explore a bit. he completely respects the fact that you want your alone time and is quite understanding about your way to cope, as a matter of fact, you’re alone time just gives him more time to reflect on his self and indulge in his work practices. reading and writing are some of your hobbies that he’d have no problem joining you in, complete with his own book, or stack of papers. he has a nice mature sense of humor that makes you laugh time to time, and he’s the perfect gentlemen, in the perfect way, just how you like it, not too uptight or formal, but definitely knows how to treat a women.
definitely have quiet moments where nobody speaks while you indulge in your books & he just works in silence
he tries to take you somewhere you’ve never been a couple times a month
spends a lot of time just pondering and trying to interpret you, like he’ll literally just sit and stare at you and you’re just like “hm?”
let’s you wear his suit jacket after fancy dates if you’re cold, as a matter of fact he does chivalrous things quite often
the two of you spend time making meals together, you don’t eat out much because the two of you cook so often
you’re friends with most of his friends, he introduced you to them and they all think you’re so sophisticated lol
he definitely values your opinion and goes to you for lots of advice, which speaks volumes because he values his opinion just as equally
your runner up is levi ackerman!
i hope you enjoyed your matchup! let me know how i did <3
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eremiie · 4 years
Hi! I love how you write and I wanted to do this match up because it sounded fun:)) for physical appearance I’m 5’4 , Blue eyes , brown puffy/frizzy type of hair ,short hair slightly below shoulders , and I’m rather on the slimmer side. I’m a Gemini and very much an introvert (male version)
-I’m not the best at describing myself but my personality is rather quiet /friendly ,, at moments I can be really loud and hyper if I’m with the people I love. I can’t focus on things particularly a lot but I’d rather keep my real life a little private but still have a story to tell?
-love language? Umm , I’ll have to go with resurrection , here and there just to know that you deeply care for me and I don’t over think or doubt their love! Also affection , such as hugs , cuddling , gifting , etc
good traits are= I’m great at helping friends if they are in need of advice , and I can bond easily with people! :)
Bad traits are= telling someone TOO much about my private life to the point where it hurts me in the end , I’d rather hide away then have to be in public situations
-HOBBIES, I enjoy doing Art , reading , learning instruments.
-TURN ONS: people that love every body type with no hesitation.
Sorry if it’s too long! I can’t wait to see who I get :) <3
the fact that you like the way i write makes me so happy because i get self conscious about it sometimes. thank you so much i hope you enjoy this🥺🥺!
i match you up with...
what can i say? she brings out the personality in you; while you spend time trying to figure her out and cater to her, she sits back and watches you unfold yourself. her optimism and energy brings out your loud and hyper side, and when you’re together the two of you have so much fun; you never allow her to get too bored. her spontaneous side allows the two of you to want to do the most random and adventurous things, and if you don’t want to do them she coerced you to in a way. both of you being private people let’s you guys have the opportunity to figure each other out and not have to worry about the other prying too deep.
OKAY OKAY WE’RE JUST KIDDING IT WAS A PRANK THAT @aephaboyy WANTED TO PULL😭, here is your real matchup;
armin arlert.
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i match you up because...
you’re a simple person, not someone he has to do too much to be with which is nice because he’s naturally a sweetheart and a giving person so you don’t walk over him. he’s a sweetheart to you and him as a person makes you and him flow nicely, and the fact that you be loud and hyper when you’re with someone you love makes him really happy, it sends joy through his heart knowing that you’re that comfortable with him and feel you can express yourself when he’s around you. he never pushes or tries to barge in on your private life, and when you do end up over sharing with him it’s always perfectly fine; you can trust that information is safe between you and him. both you and him give each other the affection the other person needs and he is susceptible to giving you the encouragement you need when you need it. when he’s in a rock and hard place he definitely turns to you for advice and your brains working together is absolutely flawless, you guys are great partners when it comes to problem solving, etc. he can indulge in your hobbies with you, the two of you constantly reading or painting together. and of course, he’s not judge mental so you’re perfect in his eyes.
when the two of you paint together he leans over and gushes at your artwork, telling you how good it is!
one time you went on a ramble about yourself then started profusely apologizing and he just laughed and said “it’s alright! i love learning more about you.”
people think you guys are absolutely the cutest. like constantly telling y’all how cute you are & the two of you just blush and thank them aweee
your hyper side is so cute to him! he tries to reciprocate the energy as much as possible
he was drawn to how friendly you were, it was nice seeing someone who kind of matched his energy compared to the rest of his friend group
you calm him in a way; he’s so used to giving and helping and being overly nice that since he doesn’t have to do that with you it’s relaxing and you give him the same energy back
he gets so happy when he gets to be with you for a while, you unnerve him and he just becomes putty in your arms, you really are his baby omg
your runner up was marco bodt!
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i hope you enjoyed your matchup and the prank, let me know how i did!<3
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eremiie · 4 years
hi!! i want a matchup pls 🥺 i’m 5’2, shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, bangs, glasses, i’m a thicker gal and super athletic. i’m a cancer and my MBTI is ENFP. i’m an ambivert, i have dozens of energy boosts throughout the day. i am very clingy and get super annoyed by a lot of things easily. i love very hard. my love language is reassurance, gift giving and physical touch. i’d also love to receive the same thing from my SO. turn offs are being absolutely mean for no reason and using others’ insecurities as jokes. i have lots of turn ons, but some are being sarcastic when trying to poke fun, unconsciously touching someone (like when guys i know put their hands on my waist when trying to get by me), and a good sense of humor. thank you!!!
i match you up with...
reiner braun.
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so the reason why i paired you and mr braun together is for multiple reasons;
reiner doesn’t mind your energy for starters, as a matter of fact he finds it endearing. he can deal with it no matter what and when he’s in a bad mood your energy is just what he needs. if you’re ever doing a bit too much for his liking he will attempt to distract you and calm you down instead of being rude or mean about it! there’s not a lot of things that he does that annoy you, and the little things he does do he definitely apologizes as soon as you mention it and tries to not make it a habit. your clinginess, like your energy isn’t too much for him neither and he finds it comforting that someone wants to be as close to him constantly as you do. the way that you love very hard is just what he needs because he has a lot of ups & downs in life and your love and affection is one of the things that keeps him sane and feel needed. he appreciates that about you a lot. your love languages are reciprocated indefinitely; you give him exactly what he needs and vice versa. that’s why i pair you with reiner!
he loves surprising you with mini gifts or things he’d think you like at random
when you’re feeling sad his arms are open for you to cuddle with him
the two of you always talk your arguments through, he doesn’t like when you’re mad at him for too long
likes to make breakfast for the two of you in the morning when he has time, he finds it endearing and a way to make time for your relationship
holding hands in public is a subconscious occurrence at this point
forehead kisses are also your thing, the two of you are so cute🥺
definitely spoils you on accident
your runner up was armin! (ty @alert-arlert for the runner up idea<3)
i hope you liked your matchup, let me know how i did! <3
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eremiie · 4 years
hi may i have a matchup please? 🥺 im SE asian with black hair going a bit past my shoulder,5’4, and a slight tan. physically most say im pretty petite in build since i dont have a lot of muscle ;;
my mbti type is infj-t and im an aquarius. i tend to come off shy but im really open to talking to everybody- and supposedly im “ too” kind, sometimes gulliable, and very impulsive according to my friends. though despite my kind demeanor i enjoy dark humor very much. im very goal oriented which is both a good and bad thing for me as it leads me to be very determined, and precise, yet pessimistic and stressed at the same time.
as for hobbies I love classical music with me being able to play 3 instruments, and i often find joy in doodling, and fashion. i have dreams of becoming a nurse or something in the medical field as i want to be able to work with doctors without borders, and travel the world- as i wanna seek out the good in the world if that makes sense.
In terms of a relationship i hope to have someone who can push me to do better, is open minded, and has goals of their own (major turn on). lowkey craving that shoujo/ first love type of romance- i ultimately wanna feel cherished. my biggest turn offs is complacency, lack of goals, and not being open-minded, and picky eaters haha.
i just wanted to say i just found your blog and your writing is top TIER! im so happy i found you and congrats on 500! 💕
i match you up with...
eren jaeger.
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i match you up because...
the fact that your goal orientated resonates with eren very well. your determination draws him in. don’t worry about being stressed and pessimistic because he is too and he’s most likely to try to encourage you through your hard times even though he’s going through the exact same thing. eren is there to push you to do better like you want, and of course has his own goals that he wants to accomplish alongside you. he cherishes you very much and you’ll know it whether you want to or not. he’s a little corny with your relationship sometimes but it’s cute, it gives you kind of the vibes of that shoujo romance even though he’s just messing around and being his playful self. eren loves your aspirations and finds all your hobbies pretty fascinating.
eren doesn’t let people push you over, he’s the limit that you’ve always needed when it comes to your kindness
you’ve caught eren trying to play one of your instruments and you gave him basic lessons that he was still bad at
he likes to go through your sketches when he’s bored even if he’s seen them 18293839 times
you and eren both stress together but he still yells at you his words of encouragement even though he’s stressed out himself, it’s unfair—
sometimes he throws your dark humor jokes back at you but most of the time when you use them he doesn’t really understand them anyways
you and eren do a lot of spontaneous things together because you’re both pretty impulsive
you and eren have a lot of days where you both aren’t feeling it and just like to lay down and bask in each other’s presence even if it’s silent
i hope you enjoyed your matchup, your runner up was jean!
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eremiie · 4 years
hiii eremiie! first of all congratulation for your 500 follows you really deserve them! sending youuu all the hapiness you need!☺️☺️
I hope it's okay if I send you a request for a matchup (i already made one with apimpnamedlo and alert-arlert and they were so good, i just found them so cool😌).
i'm a 19 yo girl with short brown hair (kinda like mikasa?), brown eyes, i'm 5'4”.
I'm a sagitarius, my personality type is INTP and i'm a hetero person.
i'm shy, smile and laugh a lot, verryyy stubborn, honest.
((i have zero trust in myself but wellll)), but i'm very open-minded and i think i try most of the time to be nice.
Also, I wear a lot of black clothes, i study the history of art and archeology, oh and im french😉, i looooove horror movies but seen that i have a loot of issues with sleeping, I stop watching them😔, i practise archery! i love to draw and play video games!
basically i'm like an adult child, i say some dumb shit a lot (without trying please i try to be smart but failed everytime😭), i try to be organised and failed a lot.
hmm i also have a hard time expressing my feeling and a hard time to accept them from others.
even if most of the time i think i'm a soft person, when feelings or just interactions with others come in the game I just switch to an angry baby bear? (im so dumb help)
but when (few) people are able to approach me, i'm all love and maybe a little clingy.
i think i just need someone reassuring and fun to live with.
((is the fact of being horny all the time count? no? oh well i didn't say anything then))😂😂
I really hope i didn't forget anything (and hope that it wasn't too long or annoying and that my english was okay🥺) and i wish you a happy dayyyyy❤️❤️❤️
first of all thank you so much, and i’m sending happiness back as well, i hope you like this matchup💓
jean kirchstein.
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i match you up because...
let’s start off with the fact that he’s an aries and you’re a sag, which pair well together despite both being fire signs. on top of that your mbti’s make up where the other lacks, in other words they are somewhat opposite. your shyness is somewhat an ego booster for jean, it gives him an opportunity to somewhat “protect” you and have you cling onto him which he finds pride in and finds it cute, and who doesn’t like a laugh and smiley person? real talk, your stubbornness/anger/hard time accepting feels are all negative on his part, it’s gonna lead to a lot of arguments because he can also be stubborn and let his anger get the best of him, but what can overcome that is the way both of you love hard and will cling to each other; so apologies will come quick. he respects your honesty and doesn’t mind that you aren’t organized. both you have your dumb moments and brain farts together so that isn’t a problem neither. you might be an over thinker and fairly open minded but jean doesn’t even need words to reassure you that he wants you and likes you; have you seen the way he somewhat flaunt his love for mikasa so shamelessly? you don’t even have time to second guess your relationship because he is always doing something to prove you relationship. when you are having doubts he gives his reassurance in his own jean way; it comes off as quite aggressive and misunderstanding but he means good, i swear.
you and jean have sex a lot. like a lot, i don’t make the rules
he likes to wrap and arm around you to show off to his friends when you start getting shy in public
as soon as you start doubting yourself he is on your ASS; “what? why would you even think that you’re literally so gorgeous😡???”
you guys agreed on something so dumb one time and then realized how stupid you both sounded and burst out laughing
he gets really clingy and possessive of you, especially when you guys are around friends (cough eren cough)
one time you got in a really bad argument and he apologized profusely like 2 hours later and took you on a date
you actually get him so flustered it’s hilarious, like when you compliment him or are just being sweet he just like gets so cute and gets butterflies🥺
your runner up was connie!
i hope you enjoyed your matchup! let me know how i did<3
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eremiie · 4 years
i'm a female, 5'0, Mexican-American, wear baggy/oversized clothes & eyeliner! i'm a sag & an INTP! i love nature & anything involving outdoors. i don't like being around many people. hobbies consist of any form of art! i'm a bad procrastinator & get lazy. i'm tired most of the time & don't sleep much. my love languages are quality time & acts of service! turn ons: good hygiene, grammar; turn offs: lack of effort! i'm low on pda & shy w/ affection // no erwin or zeke tho pls and thank you :) <33
i match you up with...
connie springer.
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first let’s start off with your style, connie finds it cool, and thinks it’s out of the box! he probably dresses like you hisself time to time. connie’s extroverted side brings out your introverted side but in a small scale, he never forces you to do anything and you guys have the most fun together with just the two of you. he’s willing to be outdoors with you, and doesn’t mind going places you want to go, but beware he may try to drag you to hang out with his friends time to time. but the fact that both of your love languages are quality time works perfectly, the two of you hanging out together is just enough for him to not mind the fact that you rather not be around too many of his friends. he leaves you alone when you’re tired, and if you’re up late at night he’s probably up with you! connie isn’t really an affectionate person so you don’t have to worry too much about this. his ideal of a good relationship is that bestfriend like bond that the two of you just happen to have.
y’all go out to gas stations in the middle of the night for snacks like once a week
the two of y’all definitely have your own hand shake
he has dragged you to hang out with his friends a couple times🌚
but you have also dragged him to nature walks, but he actually enjoyed them a lot and asks you to go sometimes just to get some fresh air
the two of you do the most random stuff together, like do diy projects or try weird recipes, you guys have the most fun when it’s just the both of you
he likes going shopping with you, and he probably has a hint of a streetwear style because of the way you dress
people assume you guys are bestfriends and never expected y’all to date
your runner up was reiner braun!
i hope you enjoyed your matchup, let me know how i did!<3
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eremiie · 4 years
okay and for the matchup!!! im gonna try and make this as descriptive as possible but if u want more info pls lmk :)) also it would be cool if it was a guy and it would be REALLY cool if it wasn’t zeke (him and i just don’t click idk i hope that doesn’t mess u up:()
for physical i use she/her pronouns, i’m a about 5’6 and a little on the thicker/curvier side! idk if this is tmi or not but i’m pretty hefty in terms of 🍒 but i got NOTHING for 🍑 :(( breaks my heart aNYWAY i have long light brown hair and my two front pieces are dyed blonde/silver ish, i have blue eyes and wear glasses!! in terms of makeup i tend to do more natural stuff like basic foundation and mascara and that stuff but that’s mostly bc i suck at everything else 😭
my zodiac sign is sagittarius (november sag if that helps) and i’m an enfp!! i tend to be a little shy when i first meet people but once i warm up it’s hard to make me shut up lmao i loooooooove meeting new people and getting to know them and ngl i do tend to over share a little bit so that can be a little overwhelming but i’m pretty good at reading ppl so i know when it’s too much you know ?? i also think i’m one of the funniest ppl i know LMAO i’m always laughing at my own jokes and i love to make other ppl laugh it makes me so happy!! in terms of my type of humor it’s pretty sarcastic but i will literally laugh at anything (except things that are messed up i’m not down for DARK humor). also i’m like hella nice tbh i’m probably overly nice to a lot of ppl BUT i also stand up for myself when need be and i’m not afraid to be honest and blunt!
as for bad personality traits i can definitely be a little jealous and i tend to overthink things a lot. i am NOT a morning person if i wake up any earlier before like 10am i’m usually pretty cranky for the rest of the day which is pretty annoying lmao. i’m pretty forgetful so if someone tells me to do something they usually have to do it a few more times before it hits me. also i’m the absolute worst at math and i was pretty careless in school :/ i didn’t like get into trouble or anything but i definitely slacked off in terms of grades and caring about things like that.
i’m p sure my love languages are quality time and physical touch bc i’m a HUUUUGE sucker for hugs and hand holding and stuff like that 🥺 i also really think 1 on 1 time with a s/o is important but i for sure think it’s good to have time apart or time with like a group of friends too!!
for hobbies i love to play video games, hang out with friends, listen to music, watch movies and tv and write!! i spend way too much time playing games like minecraft and legend of zelda and i can pretty much listen to anything except for country lol i love comedy and horror movies and tbh i’m kinda a sucker for romance movies 😳 i go to target like every day and just kinda walk around and before covid i loved going out to eat with friends and going to the arcade!!! i’m for sure more of a city person than a country girl and i love spending time downtown just walking around or going to baseball games or whatever!!
for future goals tbh i’m not really sure yet ?? i’m interested in maybe being a therapist or a teacher when i’m older but like i said i don’t have any like set goals career wise. i do want to get married but i don’t really want kids unless i maybe adopt ?? (fun fact i’m TERRIFIED of pregnancy for some reason lmao is that weird). i would L O V E to travel the world someday and see all of the different cultures and places i think that would be so unbelievably fun :))
turn ons include bondage, degradation, wax, dirty talk, and idk if this has a name but having to be quiet 😳😳😳 tbh pretty much everything except for feet, blood, p!ss, and pet (those are the turn offs) but idk besides those id probably be willing to try anything at least once
i hope this wasn’t too long or not descriptive enough!!! again if u need more info pls don’t hesitate to message me and ask i’m an open book :))) thank u sm for doing this muah ur an angel <33333
i match you up with...
connie springer.
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i match you up because...
connie could care less how shy you were at first because he definitely opened you up, but not by his own will, you just felt so comfortable around him to open up in the first place. he just listens to what you have to say, it might seem like he doesn’t care but he’s really listening. you think you’re real funny? when you’re with connie you guys are both hilarious together and crack up at the stupidest stuff but it’s literally so funny because it’s with him. he appreciates that you can stand up for yourself and you’re straight forward so he doesn’t really have to jump in when you’re getting in it with other people— not that he won’t if you ask, he just isn’t a fan of drama if he isn’t watching it. connie isn’t great at reassuring you when you get jealous and start overthinking but i think there aren’t many moments when you do with him because you guys are always spending immense quality time together that is such a vibe it leaves no room for any thinking. connie doesn’t wake up early and neither do you so you don’t have to worry about waking up early when you live with him. you and connie are forgetful but you’re forgetful together— that’s not really a positive but it’s funny. you guys also both slack off in school work, which you probably both tried to fix but it didn’t work out. he enjoys that your love language is quality time becayse like i said, y’all spend a lot of it together. he doesn’t mind your affectionate but don’t expect much back in return. 
you guys play video games together all the time, in the same house but different rooms, or sitting on the floor in front of the couch together
both of you once slept in together until 3pm and decided it was too late to even start your day, so got up and then went back to bed together
you and connie constantly go places together, and always try to go new places at that as well
you guys go out to eat at fast food chains really late at night 
both of you tried to study together but y’all literally laughed like the whole entire time and got no progress done
you like watching movies with him but he always falls asleep like 15 minutes in so you take pictures of him sleeping
you guys go to walmart & target all the time to literally just look around
your runner up was eren, hope you enjoyed your matchup!
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eremiie · 4 years
this is for the matchups! Thank you again for helping me figure it out. If you could chose a male for me i would be so happy!
I have brown eyes, brown hair, around 5’3-4” and am very athletic! I’m a gemini and my mbti is ENFJ-T. I’m passionate and think of myself as an analyzer, so i’m charismatic and reliable to others. I am a perfectionist though, it’s caused my self esteem to decrease a lot in only a few years from not thinking i’m good enough:( I’d prefer physical love language, simple things like hand holding or cuddles for reassurance. tbh not too focused on it sadly, i’ve got a lot on my plate rn. Not into selfishness/ cockiness and/or being too kind lmao. (I like the courageous type😭) An extra note is i’m a competitive dancer, so i basically revolve around always trying to be the best. Thank you so so much!!
let me tell you, this is the fastest match up i’ve ever done😭. i matched you up so quickly that i almost forgot that i still had to find you a runner up LMFAOOO
i match you up with...
eren jaeger.
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let me tell you girl... i read off your description and every single attribute of yours immediately checked off so many of eren’s attributes in my head. you are so much like me, we even have the same mbti, but this isn’t about me, this is about you and eren; you are both extraverts (y’all will have the most fun together omg), but listen, he is a sensor while your intuitive, he’s a feeler like you, and while you judge he perceives. your personalities click and you guys rile each other up in the best way possible, you’re both passionate and that’s great for your relationship, constantly showing each other your love for one another leaves little to no doubts about you as a couple. you’re charismatic while he is charming which compliments each other nicely (not gonna lie he fell for you charms and he fell for them HARD, he can’t 1up you in that sense) you’re a perfectionist and he’s a determined person so in a way you’re both always trying to get things done in the best possible way. even though your self esteem is low he is trained on making sure you feel like the best version of yourself, trying to boost your confidence and making you feel like the prettiest, smartest person to exist. both of your love languages are physical touch which means both of you are always hands on and half of the time it’s subconscious. it’s so natural for you guys to hold hands or for him to hold you close, it’s absolutely adorable. he can get a little selfish but it’s always for a good reason, and he has some bark to him so he’s not too kind! you’re a competitive dancer which i presume means that carries on into your day to day life, making you a competitive person in general so you and eren go toe to toe against each other in a good way. your relationship is so playful and so fired up, it’s so evident that you’re a couple when out in public and the two of you love each other HARD.
you guys naturally compete at everything together, who can get each other the best gift, who can cook the best meals, etc
PDA is so apparent in this relationship, he’s always kissing up on you, holding you close, he just loves clinging to you
he was definitely crushing hard on you before the two of you started dating, and he probably knew you because people compared the two of you so often
y’all are so playful; tickle fights, play fighting, you name it you guys probably do it😭
he likes to come to your dance competitions and he’s always cheering you the FUCK on
your arguments are literally so bad... they get so heated and you end up not talking to each other for days
when you start doubting yourself his favorite thing to do is pull you into his lap and tell you how beautiful and amazing you are and basically force your bad thoughts away🥺
your runner up was jean!
ngl this is one of my favorite matchups i did, i hope you liked your matchup and tell me how i did<3
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eremiie · 4 years
Hi! Can i request a aot matchup? I’m a straight female, long curly blonde hair, blue eyes and i’m 5’1.
My personality type is Intj and my zodiac sign is Virgo.
I would say that i’m kind of quite and reserved before getting to know people, but i know how to start and continue conversation.
When i warm up to people i start to show more of my personality; Sarcastic + witty + creative+ ambitious+ lax + observant. Sometimes i can be really loud and energetic but i know when to calm down.
Some of my hobbies are writing and drawing. I’m not really a affectionate person so i tend to do little things throughout the day for others. I also try really hard to consider people’s mood and emotions, so i know when i should check up on them. I don’t really have a type but i guess someone who is like a best friend in a way? Ahh sorry this was so over the place but thank you sm in advance ! <3
 i match you up with...
connie springer.
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i match you up because...
your quiet and reserved personality never bothered connie at all especially since you were good at conversing with him and you guys got to know each other so well so effortlessly. he loved how sarcastic and witty you can be because it’s kind of like something he doesn’t see everyday? it’s almost refreshing hearing someone actually respond to his dumb comments in a sly way and not like straight up attacking him or taking him seriously 100%. he doesn’t mind how loud and energetic you get and can usually match your energy when you are, the both you having a great time together, vibing so well. he doesn’t mind your hobbies, he thinks they’re pretty cool! the fact that you do little things throughout the day is nice because connie can be a handful-ish, you might have to do basic things for him like pick up after him/remind him to do certain tasks so that would help him in a way. both of you aren’t really affectionate people so that works perfect, instead he repays you with quality time! you considering peoples moods and emotions is important because when connie’s upset he can get irritable and if you’re able to understand where he’s coming from and know when to pitch in or to leave him alone that’d be really helpful on his end as well. he is the perfect best friend partner out of the whole entire aot cast so you got lucky! it feels more like dating your best friend than anything when you’re with connie.
connie sometimes feels bad with how lazy he can be so he likes to repay you by taking you out places or randomly cashapping you money
the first time the two of you met you hit it off really well and bonded over funny memories that you could relate to
connie hates when people are around him and irritating him when he’s upset but he enjoys your presence when you’re around as long as you aren’t doing a lot
he’ll sometimes just read your writings out loud to you for fun, it’s nice because he catches your mistakes for you
he likes to just chill with you, whether it be watching movies or just taking naps together, the both of you relaxing is one of his favorite past times
connie has tried to do your hair one time and knotted it up and you haven’t let him touch your hair since then
occasionally he’ll still fiddle with the ends of your hair when he’s bored and your laying with him though!
i hope you enjoyed your matchup, your runner up was jean!
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eremiie · 4 years
this is for the matchup! congrats on 500!!
can you only include the men please?
i have short brown hair with an undercut, but enough hair to be pulled back in a man bun. 5'3, freckles all over, green and brown eyes, glasses, a slimmer build but a little bit of pudge in my belly and thighs.
im an aquarius and a ISFP-T
my personality: im definatly enjoying quarintine cause i dont have to talk to people as much lol. i have a core group of friends that i prefer to stick with and im pretty outgowing with them, but meeting new people makes me shy. i like to think im funny but its mostly just dad jokes. i can be so stubborn sometimes its not even funny, and if i dont like a conversation ill just ghost you then feel bad about it, but it'd only be like for a day then id talk to you again. if i dont do something perfectly the first time it's hard for me to find the motivation to continue it.
love language: hug me, please? just a little hug? im so touchstarved if someone would hug me i think id die. gift giving is a big one too, i love to give my friends/partners gifts and see them so happy when they open it. pet names, please. sharing interests too. ill watch stuff you like with you if you watch stuff i like with me
hobbies: writing, drawing, d&d, binging tlc shows & anime. i want to be a florist later on.
turn ons: remembering small things about me that others probably wouldn't, like what my favorite characters are or what my favorite food is. listening to me info dump about whatever im obsessing over at the moment and not getting upset over it, even if they don't like the topic, a nice voice is a plus too.
turn offs: lying, manipulating me, pretending to care just to shut me up, yelling, being a homophobic/transphobic piece of shit, putting very little effort in the the relationship.
i hope thats everything !!
thank you for the congrats, i hope you enjoy your matchup <3.
i match you up with...
reiner braun.
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i match you up because...
reiner being an extravert and you being an introvert pairs well. he doesn’t mind that you’re shy at first and lets you take as much time as you need to open up to him. he laughs at your jokes no matter how corny you think they are, even if he doesn’t think they’re funny. your stubbornness doesn’t bother him and he probably just lets you do things as you please and will correct them when he gets the chance instead of trying to push on with you. reiner will give you all the hugs you want, pls, any form of physical touch you want he’s on it. oh, and gift giving? it’s literally right up his ally, did you see all the food he bought the eldians in that one episode?? so you reciprocating makes everything 10x better as well. he’ll indulge in your hobbies with you if you ask and has no problem listening to you go on and on about things you enjoy. he definitely remembers small things about you, and will point them out time to time to remind you that he remembers them. he’s genuine about everything even if he’s just trying to please you so he crosses out any of your turn offs.
he constantly brings you back things he finds in the store that remind you of him
you guys literally have couch conversations where the two of you just lay together as you tell him about things you obsess over
he likes to poke each of your freckles when you guys lay together and try to count them sob sob
he gets you to tell him about stuff to help him fall asleep at night
you always get him to proofread your works or pose for your drawings
he plays d&d with you when you ask but you always beat him
he likes to buy you flowers to arrange, and he’ll pick out ones of your favorite colors
your runner up was armin, i hope you enjoyed your matchup!
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eremiie · 4 years
hiiii id like a match up please also congrats on hitting 500 followers 🥳!! I’m 5’2, black, black kinky collarbone length hair, and petite but thicc kinda muscular too (I love to run and sometimes workout ). I’m a Sagittarius my mbti is INFP. My personality is humorous, generous, compassionate, open-hearted, intelligent + clever, straight forward, bold, free-spirited, honest, loyal, optimistic, and dynamic. But I am also blunt, hotheaded, over thinker, impulsive, restless, repress my anger, skeptical, unpredictable, sarcastic, satire, and don’t like being told what to do. My love language is words of affirmation and I want to receive from my s/o physical touch and words of affirmations. Some of my hobbies are drawing, writing, debating, looking up random stuff, running, listening to music, traveling and self-care +buying hella combat boots and vans. My goal is to make a change in society to better the world and the next generations so they can further change and progress intellectually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. So that everybody is safe, happy, and healthy :)). Some turn ons are caring for others, having a strong sense of passion, having a goal in life, being humours and optimistic even when situations aren’t the best, energetic/fiery, smelling good, and being able to stand up for what is right. Some turn offs are never giving clear answers, lacking in compassion and understanding, liars, being mean to others for no reason at all, ignorance and pessimism. (Sorry if it’s too long :) also keep up the amazing work your writing is amazing)
thank you for the congrats, here is your matchup!
i match you up with...
eren jaeger.
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i match you up because...
girl please, you are just like me first of all, which i think is so cool. let’s start off with all those personality traits you named, eren adores everyone of them. he loves how smart you are and how you have cleverness to go with it, he loves that you don’t beat around the bush with him, how compassionate and generous you are with others and that you have a sense of humor. both of you are hot headed, impulsive, restless, and unpredictable which causes a lot of conflict but eren always comes back to apologize sooner or later if not you. it’s kind of a good duo because you know whenever one has a problem with the other they won’t have an issue bringing it up, meaning nothing is hidden between the two of you; you guys call each other out on a lot. eren needs affirmation and you give that just to him, while he returns the same + the touch you need, which he enjoys immensely. eren loves your passion and how you want to change society for the better, because canonly that’s what he wants to do too— but back to the modern au; eren checks out for majority of your turn ons as well. 
your friends literally get scared when you guys start arguing because it gets heated asf
he always sits down and tries to draw with you when you’re drawing but he gets frustrated and pretty much sucks
he will do face masks and stuff with you but questions the rest of your selfcare products. probably tries to use them in the shower too, and smells you a lot as well lolll
you guys have jammed out to music in the kitchen way too many times to count
you guys act so goofy together, i mean the weirdest stuff that you wouldn’t do in public that makes you laugh so hard your stomach hurts
eren likes to go running with you
he asks so many hair care questions and watches you do your hair + tries to help out with your wash days
your runner up was reiner, hope you enjoyed your matchup!
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eremiie · 4 years
okok hi for your matchups- im around 5’4 i have short black hair, blue eyes im a sagittarius and my personality type is infp, i mainly do singing for my hobbies nd i occasionally draw- i tend to be outgoing and outspoken around people i know but super quiet and kept to myself around others i personally find people being rude/disrespectful to be a bigg turn off- and i like people who treat others with respect, nd my love language is mainly touch,,ty for your time <33
i match you up with...
eren jaeger.
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i match you up because...
i didn’t have toooo much information to work with so i based this off of your zodiac and personality type mainly! aries and sagittarius are both fire signs and excel in their personalities, aries being passionate and fiery, sagittarius being optimistic, quite funny, spontaneous, etc. they can turn life into a real adventure. two fires signs can uplift each other in multiple ways, especially with someone like eren who is determined, and passionate. of course two fire signs can be trouble together as well since they both have that spark to them but this is where your personality plays in; eren being an esfp and you being an infp, the two of you are almost on opposite ends. while you’re introverted eren is extroverted and can bring out your outgoing side fairly easy and help you ease up. while eren senses you are intuitive which makes up for where he lacks and vice versa. both of you feel and perceive which could be a great argument starter but what relationship doesn’t get into arguments? eren loves physical touch which you can give and he can reciprocate in the best way possible. physical touch is somewhat a way of reassurance too which he needs time to time. he’s respectful to who he needs to be respectful too and wouldn’t have a problem defending you when it comes down to things like that.
he gets into conflict with other people over you a lot; if someone looks at you wrong he’s on there ass😭
he tried to get you to open up to him by force at first, like he would constantly try to get you to talk to him & he just didn’t understand why you were so quiet sksnsj
he loves bringing you around his friends and he brags about you on the low a lot
you guys are that sweet couple that are almost opposites, but this is an opposites attract case almost; kind of like a good girl and a bad boy trope LMAO
he’s actually always the first to apologize to you and something special about your case with him is that he’s susceptible to even apologizing to you even when he’s wrong (which is RARE) because it makes him feel guilty in a way...
for some reason he really like surprising you?? like he’ll take you to new places around the city or bring home random gifts
he kind of babies you in a way? like he lowkey treats you like a baby, i can’t even explain why i headcanon this it just makes sense in my head🧍🏽‍♀️
your runner up was jean!
i hope you liked your matchup! tell me how i did<3
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eremiie · 4 years
Heya! Congrats on 500! I am somewhat new to your blog, but man do I love your stuff :) may I plz request a male matchup?
My pronouns r she/her and I am 5’2 with light brown hair, freckles and green eyes. My zodiac is aries and my mbti is Infp. I am pretty awkward/reserved but I like talking to new people. I have been told I am intimidating tho because of my RBF, but I’m like the least confrontational person ever. I love it when people rant to me about any of their issues or when they need a shoulder to cry on, however never expect me to talk about my own emotions because that shit scares me. I’m very loyal and devoted to people who stick by me, and I love to goof of and have a good time (though I know when to be professional) I can drift off into daydreaming and becoming quiet, but usually my friends are there to bring me back. My love language is quality time and I need someone who can just spend time with me wether we’re conversing or just doing our own thing. Though never someone to clingy or affectionate because I am bad with physical touch. Hobbies: swimming, painting and drawing, bike riding, writing, world building and star gazing. Turn ons: Someone endlessly loyal and who has a bit of humour and can be goofy. Turn offs: rude people and dishonesty
I am so sorry if this is too much, I got a little passionate but once again congrats, I hope to maybe interact with You more in the future and have a lovely week 🥰❣️
hi! thank you so much, i hope you’re enjoying your time here on my lil blog & welcome :))
i match you up with...
connie springer.
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i match you up because...
one thing connie disregards about you is your resting bitch face. he actually finds it kind of funny. your awkwardness and weird way of moving is what drew him in at first; you seem a little off putting at first but if you guys kept trying to keep up a friendship and get closer he’ll learn more about you and find you endearing. your relationship would be more like a bestfriend/boyfriend kind of relationship, most people probably assume you’re just really good friends at first. he never coaxes you to talk about your problems which i’m sure you appreciate, as a matter of fact he gives you your much needed alone time when you need it because he can always find other things to do in the meantime. both of you give & need to receive quality time which works perfectly, you guys are goofballs together and are like partners in crime. he’s definently not to clingy and not too affectionate, once again relating back to the whole bestfriend type of lovers trope. you both adore each other and are more like twin flames than soulmates but that makes your relationship all the more better.
the two of you probably laugh at people in public when you go out (not in a mean way but like if someone’s wearing a spongebob costume you’ll start joking about it)
he practically made you and sasha really good friends, he gets slightly upset in a joking manner when the two of you leave him out of plans
which leads to him doing face masks and mani-pedis with the two of you when he gets pouty, literally too cute😭
you can’t even count how many times people have said to you, “no way! that’s not your boyfriend.” theyre always so surprised haha
connie definitely poked at your awkwardness at first, but it also made you more comfortable around him in a way
the two of you take frequent naps together, like you both just fall asleep beside eachother at random, too adorable
you’re the type of couple to wake up at 3am and go get mcdonald’s together, sitting in the parking lot, eating & listening to music🥺
your runner up was reiner!
i hope you enjoyed your matchup! tell me how i did <3
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