#eredhes cave horses
eredhes · 3 months
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[ID Photos of a small painted clay sculpture of a horse with simplified features with short pointed legs, small rounded tail, and in a standing pose with an arched neck. It is painted to look like prehistoric cave art. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
I posted this one unpainted a while ago. Not sure why I went with the short tail.
Edit: I've turned off reblogs temporarily because the version without the full caption is going around where it's unclear this is my work.
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eredhes · 2 months
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[ID: Photos of five small painted clay horses inspired by the Lascaux Cave paintings. They all have a stocky build and simplified features. Each photo shows a different horse. End ID]
I've made five more small cave horses. This lot will be up on my Etsy tomorrow (Wednesday 8th of May at 9am BST). I'm still in the process of setting up a customisable made to order listing, aiming to have it ready for the 20th of May.
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eredhes · 3 months
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[ID: Photos of a brown clay sculpture of a horse modelled to look like horses from prehistoric cave art. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
A bit bigger than my previous ones. I couldn't quite get it into the more dynamic pose I wanted, maybe next time. Trying some new clay as my normal one is no longer available.
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eredhes · 1 month
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Here are all of them compiled together! (please see previous posts for individual IDs) There will be two separate listings on Etsy with 1-5 in one listing and 6-10 in another. Up on my Etsy tomorrow Tuesday the 28th of May at 9:00AM BST.
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eredhes · 2 months
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[ID: Photos of a small painted clay horse inspired by the Lascaux Cave paintings. It is balanced on its round belly with legs extended in a leaping pose. It has a stocky build and simplified features. The main body is yellow ochre, with white on the belly and upper legs. The head, mane, tail, dorsal stripe, five shoulder stripes, and lower legs are black. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Fourth of current batch, up on my Etsy tomorrow (Wednesday 8th of May at 9am BST).
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eredhes · 2 months
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[ID: Photos of three small clay horses with a glossy finish painted to look like horses from the Lascaux Cave paintings. They all have a stocky build and simplified features. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Re-taking some photos with a black background. I've given them a glossy coat of waterproofing agent to better protect them (it's helped stabilise a few wobbly cracked legs). In person it has made the colours look richer, but I'm personally not that fond of the glossy look.
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eredhes · 3 months
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[ID Photos of a small painted clay sculpture of a horse with simplified features. It is painted to look like prehistoric cave art. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
I did not have cave art (consciously) in mind when sculpting this one (hence the tail, long legs, and stance) but wanted to use it for painting practice alongside the previous two.
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eredhes · 3 months
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[ID Photos of a three small clay horses painted to look like horses from the Lascaux Cave paintings. They all have a stocky build and simplified features. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Bought a big book on the Lascaux Caves to use as a reference while painting. (The Cave of Lascaux: The Final Photographs by Mario Ruspoli - ended up getting a German copy because the English one is expensive but it is available on the Internet Archive). I made each of these at different times and then painted them altogether which is why they're so varied. Wanted to use acrylics as I've been painting sculptures with gouache because it keeps a rougher look, and I was worried acrylics would look too shiny and plastic but that wasn't the case so I've been making things unnecessarily complicated. C'est la vie.
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eredhes · 2 months
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[ID: Photos of a small painted clay horse inspired by the Lascaux Cave paintings. It has a stocky build and simplified features and standing in a neutral pose with the head slighltly turned to the left. The head is dark orange. The main body is yellow ochre with black spots covering the rump. The chest and upper fronts legs are white. The mane, dorsal stripe, two shoulder stripes, and lower legs are black. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Fifth of current batch, up on my Etsy tomorrow (Wednesday 8th of May at 9am BST).
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eredhes · 3 months
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[ID Photos of a small painted clay sculpture of a horse with simplified features. It is painted to look like prehistoric cave art. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
The colours went a little odd on this one because I changed my mind a few times on how it should look.
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eredhes · 1 month
Thought I'd compile a side by side of the specfic Lascaux paintings/engravings I have used as references. The majority were only used as painting reference and not for the actual model, with the exception of the Axial Gallery pair and the Black and Red Horse. I've used the names and photos from the official Lascaux website, except for the photo of the two 'Chinese' horses which was taken by J. Vertut, from A. Leroi-Gourhan's 1984 book.
Second and Third 'Chinese' Horses - Axial Gallery
Black and Red Horse - Axial Gallery
Polychrome Headless Horse (near bear) - Hall of the Bulls
Horse ext to the Black Cow - The Nave
The Great Red and Black Horse - Hall of the Bulls
Frieze of the Small Horses (piebald pony) - Axial Gallery
First Red Horse - Axial Gallery
First 'Chinese' Horse - Axial Gallery
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97 notes · View notes
eredhes · 3 months
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[ID: Photos of a painted clay sculpture of a horse modelled to look like horses from prehistoric cave art. The head, mane, dorsal stripe, two shoulder stripes, and lower legs are black. The main body is yellow ochre, then white on the chest, belly, and upper legs, wrapping around the body. Each colour is solid and does not blend into the other. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Pretty happy with how this turned out!
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eredhes · 1 month
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[ID: Photos of two painted clay horses inspired by the Lascaux Cave paintings. They look very similar, but one is big and one is small. They have a stocky build and simplified features and stand in a neutral pose. They are a dark reddish orange colour. The face, mane, dorsal stripe, two lower neck stripes, and lower legs are black. The first photo shows the larger horse on it's own. End ID]
And the other large one plus side by side! All up on my Etsy tomorrow Tuesday the 28th of May at 9:00AM BST.
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eredhes · 1 month
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[ID: Photos of a small painted clay horse inspired by the Lascaux Cave paintings. It is balanced on its round belly with legs extended in a leaping pose and head arched. It has simplified features. The main body is yellow ochre, with dark orange on the chest, belly, and upper legs. The head, mane, dorsal stripe and tail are black. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Fifth of newest batch. Up on my Etsy tomorrow Tuesday the 28th of May at 9:00AM BST.
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eredhes · 1 month
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[ID: Photos of two painted clay horses inspired by the Lascaux Cave paintings. They look very similar, but one is big and one is small. They are balanced on their round bellies with legs extended in a leaping pose. The main body is yellow ochre, with white on the belly and upper legs. The head, mane, tail, dorsal stripe, five shoulder stripes, and lower legs are black. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Here they are side by side! All up on my Etsy tomorrow Tuesday the 28th of May at 9:00AM BST.
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eredhes · 1 month
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[ID: Photos of a small painted clay horse inspired by the Lascaux Cave paintings. It has a long body, pointed legs, simplified features and stands in a neutral pose. It is a dark red-orange, with white patches running across the side of the face and down the neck, and another from the shoulder across the belly to above the knee. It has dark brown spots on the rump and rear legs, and a dark brown mane, dorsal stripe, and tail. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Ninth of newest batch. Up on my Etsy tomorrow Tuesday the 28th of May at 9:00AM BST.
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