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lunanerdderg · 13 days ago
(Page 1) The Pulchritudinous, Horrific Story of the Foolish, Impatient Doctor Diggory Avarus
Dr. Diggory Avarus had done it.
He’d seen this technology before, done by fascinated nonprofits who just wanted to “make the world a better place” or “improve the life of the everyman” or something like that, but they hadn’t shared their techniques, and the tech was relatively new. There were a couple people who used it regularly, and reported a changed view of the world; rating it an overall pleasant and enjoyable experience. But Dr. Avarus saw so much deeper..
The multiverse. Limitless potential. An infinite storage space, or a race of people who loved to work without pay, or perhaps yet undiscovered technologies ripe for the “borrowing”; all in order to feed the corporate empire Dr. Avarus owned and operated. His late grandfather, Dr Sage, (who always insisted on being referred to by his first name,) had built it from the ground up, and Dr. Avarus wasn’t about to allow such a trusted brand to grow destitute and die; especially not with how easily it made money for him and his shareholders.
The multiverse. Quiet and easy access to any universe within its limitless bounds could grant one anything they desired. Perhaps there was a universe with fully functioning matter generators, or a universe where quantum physics had been cracked, and nanobots could be bought at corner stores like cheap drones. And the button in Dr. Avarus’s hand made it all possible.
Months of hard labor and many sleepless nights had allowed the creation of this device: a machine that temporarily bridged universes, allowing one to cross from one universe into the next. Dr. Avarus was not a patient man, and these past six months had taken a toll on him, as he’d worked as fast as possible to bring such a machine into being. But he’d finally done it. All he had to do now was press the big, red button.
Doubts flooded the mind of his employees as they watched him ponder the device they’d created. Had production been too rushed? How safe was this machine? What if it failed?
What if it destroyed the multiverse?
It wasn’t their job to worry about such things, however. All that was required of them was that they were to bring to life Dr. Avarus’s vision; and so they had. They needed to feed their families, after all. Dissent was above their pay grade.
And so that night they’d gone home, the thought gone from their minds. They kissed their spouses, embraced their loved ones, and enjoyed their family dinners.
But Dr. Avarus didn’t go home that night . He stared at the button, desiring to press it. The temptation was beginning to overcome him as the moon reached its peak. It was a full moon, bathing the seductive button in its light. It glowed radiantly, more vibrant than anything else in the room. It was all black as night, save for this singular spot of color, holding his rapt attention, making him unable to focus on anything else. HIs arm moved almost without his input, swimming toward the button like a pandalid shrimp to an anglerfish. He hesitated, however, his hand hovering above the object of his temptation. His every sense, his every organ, every fiber of his being begged him to press it.
No, he thought, stopping his hand. WIth effort, he pulled it back. It is unsafe. We have not yet finished this machine. We have not incorporated any of the necessary redundancies and safety measures. It would not be right, (and even be needlessly foolish and impatient,) to press it.
And so he walked away, leaving it untouched and unattended, not giving into his temptation.
Yet, even though in an infinite number of universes he did not press the button, in an equally infinite number, he did.
And this is what happened to the foolish, impatient Dr. Diggory Avarus.
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libraryofcirclaria · 1 year ago
The John Waysworth Scandal
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Remikra, 1264 to 1308
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Canticula, 1267 to 1287
Deep-Trade: Definition
Deep-trade is the spellfire practice of assigning special tradestones to represent certain shares of certain assets of value for a particular business. Licensed spellcrafters can "explode" deep-trade stones in order to produce currency or items of value equal to the value the said stones represent. However, since this is an end-use and there are far more tradestones than licensed spellcrafters available to engage them in a timely fashion, it is a more economic practice for a stoneholder to purchase a tradestone at a particular value, then sell it whenever it increases in value, in order to make a profit.
Retun and Prove: Established Relations
In 1285, a trade arrangement signed between the Lykian and Retunian Republics split the Galapolgis Island of Vantacula between the two nations and allowed private businesses to establish themselves here. Legally, all of Vantacula was under Lykian jurisdiction, but the Lykians had decided through the trade deal to lease the Western half of the Isle to the Retunians. Thus, Retunian businesses, primarily deep-trade firms, were allowed to open alongside similar Lykian businesses. Furthermore, a mutual agreement in the trade deal exempted deep-trade transactions between Lykian and Retunian businesses from tariffs or taxation. There was no deep-trade arrangement yet between the two nations, politically speaking, although there was the potential for such an arrangement to materialize in the future, sparking excitement among investors across both nations. In the meantime, deep-trade transactions were facilitated as John Waysworth, a prominent representative of the Bucksworth Financial Institute, headquartered in Hasphitat, established a branch office in Vantacula.
In November 1285, the National Bank for the Lykian Trust, or NBLT, extended an invitation to John Waysworth to establish a Provan chapter for the Bucksworth Institute Tradestone Commission in a high-value office space in the city of Prove proper.
John Waysworth in Prove
John Waysworth accepted the invitation and established the Provan chapter in January 1286. Before long, he began selling valuable deep-trade stones to Lykian banks and businesses, and using the proceeds from this to purchase Lykian deep-trade stones to sell to Retunian tradestone markets. Net proceeds from all of this paid into lucrative dividends, particularly for Waysworth as well as Bucksworth shareholders back in Remikra.
On November 10, 1286, John Waysworth's office in Prove was sacked by Lykian officials, who conducted a thorough search of the premise and arrested John Waysworth, himself. Waysworth was charged with fraud and espionage, and faced a possible death sentence. Retunian Prime Minister Arthur Cummings had just returned from a Summit in Vantacula with Lykian President Restara Unjoy when he was informed of this. Immediately, Prime Minister Cummings sent his best known lawyers to defend John Waysworth in the Lykian court proceedings, an approach that succeeded in convincing the Lykian Justice System to reduce Waysworth's sentence to deportation. On November 14, John Waysworth was taken to a holding cell at a border crossing between the Lykian Republic and the nation of Umcings, where he would wait until a Retunian air reconnaissance unit came to pick him up.
John Waysworth was not informed on when the reconnaissance unit would come. So he decided to escape custody and flee into the surrounding countryside. The issue here was that the border crossing was located in the highlands of the Chokian Mountains, where the climate was cold, snowy, and harsh. Furthermore, the landscape was filled with dangerous wildlife animals such as bears, wolves, and predatory wysps. Supposedly, John Waysworth escaped a close encounter with a bear on the first night, and a close encounter with a wysp on the second night. Finally though, on November 16, an air rescue reinforcement team launched by Cummings upon news of Waysworth's escape assisted the original reconnaissance unit, and spotted John Waysworth. They rescued him and flew him back to Remikra.
The Lykian War
Lykian President Restara Unjoy condemned the so-called Waysworth Scandal, holding the Retunian government responsible. As it turned out, Lykian authorities received a tip that John Waysworth had been selling stagmarcated tradestones, or tradestones worth almost no value being sold to unknowing clients for a falsely high value, hence the reason for the sacking of John Waysworth's office in Prove on November 10. And when they searched the premise, Lykian officials had spellcrafters "explode" three of John Waysworth's tradestones, which turned out to be duds.
How did the Lykian authorities find out about John Waysworth's scandal in the first place? During the Summit between Prime Minister Cummings and President Unjoy, which took place on November 6, Prime Minister Cummings sent a letter to President Unjoy asking for her and her family to join in on the Scandal. The issue with this approach was that the NBLT, the primary bank victimized by the Waysworth Scandal, was the very institute in which the Unjoy family had deep stakes. The Retunian public in years to come would condemn Prime Minister Cummings not only for taking part in the Waysworth Scandal, but also for his daft judgement behind writing the letter to President Unjoy. Needless to say, the Retunian Prime Minister's decision at the Summit made absolutely no strategic sense.
Regardless, President Unjoy, on December 24, 1286, issued executive orders freezing all trade relations with the Retunian Republic and revoking the lease in Vantacula. Subsequently, she ordered Retunian authorities to evacuate all Retunian civilians and businesses off the Isle. However, Retunian authorities refused such orders and called on Prime Minister Cummings, who more than obliged to send in Retunian Marine and Army forces to defend the Retunian settlers from local pro-Lykian partisans consisting mostly of Vantaculan natives. While doing this, Prime Minister Cummings news of the hostility from Lykian leadership be withheld from the Retunian public, as well as informed the Retunian Department of Defense of a "possible local partisan terrorist threat."
In short, Cummings aimed to preserve the newly-gained status quo by defying orders from the Lykian government while trying to prevent the Retunian public from becoming aware of possible Lykian hostility.
Between January 2 and January 23, 1287, Retunian and partisan forces engaged in numerous skirmishes. On January 24, the Lykian Navy arrived, engaging with Retunian forces in a heavy battle across the Isle, another development that Prime Minister Cummings prevented from being disclosed to the Retunian public. Between February 4 and 5, Cummings sent the Retunian Navy, which succeeded in driving all Lykian forces off of Vantacula. Cummings then summoned the Lykians to an "emergency counsel" in order to negotiate peace and territorial concessions, an invitation to which the Lykians responded with cold silence.
On February 6, 1287, President Unjoy ordered high-flying Lykian aircraft to drop Red Desert bombs upon South Masonia, Hasphitat, and the Basin District of Retun proper. Each of those targeted cities was devastated by the attack as the entire Retunian population went into panic. President Unjoy gave a second order for Prime Minister Cummings to surrender all of Vantacula.
Prime Minister Cummings refused to comply to this. Between February 7 and 16, 1287, the Lykian Navy renewed its assault upon Vantacula and attempted to take it by force. The Retunians held their ground; and on February 15, Prime Minister Cummings ordered an airstrike on the Lykian base in Gyrosak responsible for the Vantacula initiative.
On February 16, 1287, President Unjoy responded with Red Desert bomb attacks on Egdir and Retun. Later that evening, in the wake of these events, particularly with the city of Retun proper being struck by two Red Desert bomb attacks, Prime Minister Cummings signed a mutual cease-fire with the Lykian Republic. On February 17, the island-nation of Rakara, allied to the Lykian Republic, facilitated the signing of a Treaty by the Retunians to surrender not just Vantacula, but most of the Galapolgis Isles to the Lykian Republic. The consolation here was that the Retunian Republic was allowed to keep the five Westernmost Isles.
Thus, the war was over.
Retunian businesses lost many of their trade posts. Roughly seventy-five percent of the Retunian trade network around the Circlarian Ocean would eventually be recovered; although the apex of Retunian trade achieved in the early-to-mid-1280s would never be achieved again.
The Retunian population would lose trust not only in Prime Minister Cummings and his Administration, but also the Retunian establishment as a whole. The public was outraged at the John Waysworth Scandal and the gag orders given by Cummings to hide from the public the truth about the Lykian War. A group of Representatives in Retunian Council filed a motion to have Prime Minister Cummings impeached.
In the midst of all this, however, emerged a significant question: Why did Prime Minister Cummings explicitly tell President Unjoy about the John Waysworth Scandal? Speculation arose from this, because in 1285, Cummings and Waysworth had become involved in a conflict of interest over a revised tax code. During that brief exchange of civil hostility, Waysworth vowed to have his firm reduce funding to Prime Minister Cummings' prospective 1290 re-election campaign. This led to speculation over whether or not Cummings' reveal of John Waysworth to President Unjoy was, in fact, a form of retaliation. However, there was no hard evidence to back up this theory.
A major revelation came in the year 1359 with the discovery of a letter to Arthur Cummings from his mother, who lived until the year 1302. It was dated March 10, 1286, months before the Summit in Vantacula. And that letter contained advice from his mother for Cummings to invite President Unjoy to partake in the "lucrative business arrangement" involving John Waysworth.
Scholars initially rejected the so-called "ridiculous and completely ludicrous notion that an elected public official would act on the whimsical advice of a personal family member in this way." However, there are quite a few factors now known about Arthur Cummings. First was that he was known to take advice from his mother without question, even in matters where his mother, though undoubtedly well-intentioned, was not well-versed. Also, Cummings was raised in a very affluent socioeconomic environment; and though he was good at the practice of business, particularly in banking, he did not ace his college courses in history and political science. All of these factors in combination led Arthur Cummings to become extremely, and even dangerously, complacent when it came to making serious decisions like those in a public office.
The impeachment motion against Arthur Cummings in 1287 never made it past a vote in the Retunian House of Representatives. Cummings would encounter another impeachment motion against him in 1295, but that failed as well. However, Cummings would lose the 1296 election against the Progressive candidate, John "Red" Waltmann.
John Waysworth, meanwhile, announced an early retirement in December 1286 and moved to the Mid-Westerlies, where he would remain until his death in 1310.
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ibrahimmardambey · 1 month ago
Finance The Backbone of Economic Stability and Growth
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Finance is the cornerstone of every individual’s, business’s, and government’s journey toward sustainability and growth. It encompasses the management of money, investments, and other financial instruments, playing a pivotal role in decision-making and strategic planning. Professionals like Ibrahim Mardam-Bey, a distinguished expert in structured finance and global investment, emphasize that understanding and mastering financial principles is essential for navigating today’s complex economic environment. This article explores the multifaceted world of finance, its key components, challenges, and future trends.
What Is Finance?
At its core, finance involves the allocation of resources under conditions of uncertainty. It helps individuals and organizations achieve their goals by managing money effectively. Broadly, finance is categorized into three areas:
Personal Finance: Involves budgeting, saving, investing, and planning for future financial needs.
Corporate Finance: Focuses on funding business operations, maximizing shareholder value, and managing risks.
Public Finance: Deals with government revenues, expenditures, and debt management to support economic stability and growth.
Importance of Finance
1. Economic Stability
Finance provides the framework for economic stability, enabling individuals and businesses to weather financial challenges and capitalize on opportunities.
2. Business Growth
For businesses, effective financial management ensures operational efficiency, profitability, and long-term sustainability.
3. Investment Opportunities
Finance drives investment in sectors like technology, real estate, and healthcare, fostering innovation and job creation.
4. Risk Mitigation
Through financial instruments like insurance and hedging, finance helps manage risks and protect against unforeseen losses.
Key Concepts in Finance
1. Budgeting
Budgeting is the foundation of financial planning, helping individuals and businesses allocate resources to meet their goals.
2. Investment
Investment involves committing resources to generate returns over time. Diversification and risk assessment are critical for success.
3. Capital Markets
These markets facilitate the trading of financial securities, enabling businesses to raise funds and investors to grow wealth.
4. Liquidity Management
Liquidity ensures that sufficient funds are available to meet short-term obligations, critical for both personal and corporate finance.
5. Debt Management
Properly managing loans and liabilities helps maintain financial health and avoid insolvency.
Challenges in Finance
1. Economic Uncertainty
Fluctuations in global markets, inflation, and geopolitical tensions create challenges for financial planning and investment.
2. Technological Disruptions
While technology enhances efficiency, it also introduces risks like cybersecurity threats and the need for constant adaptation.
3. Regulatory Compliance
Navigating complex and evolving financial regulations can be resource-intensive for businesses.
4. Inequality in Access
Not everyone has equal access to financial resources, tools, and education, which can exacerbate economic disparities.
The Role of Financial Professionals
Finance is a vast and intricate field that requires expertise and strategic insight. Professionals like Ibrahim Mardam-Bey play a vital role in guiding businesses and governments through complex financial landscapes. Their expertise in areas like capital transactions, structured finance, and cross-border investments ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and risks are managed effectively.
Finance in Everyday Life
Finance isn’t limited to corporations and governments—it’s a crucial aspect of everyday life. From managing household budgets to planning for retirement, understanding basic financial principles empowers individuals to make informed decisions.
1. Savings and Investments
Building a habit of saving and investing can help individuals achieve their financial goals and secure their future.
2. Credit Management
Using credit wisely and maintaining a good credit score is essential for accessing loans and favorable interest rates.
3. Insurance
Insurance provides a safety net against unexpected events, offering financial security for individuals and families.
4. Tax Planning
Strategic tax planning helps minimize liabilities and maximize savings, enabling better resource allocation.
Trends Shaping the Future of Finance
1. Digital Transformation
Technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and fintech are revolutionizing financial services, making them more accessible and efficient.
2. Sustainability and ESG
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are becoming central to investment decisions, reflecting a growing emphasis on ethical and sustainable finance.
3. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
DeFi is disrupting traditional financial systems by using blockchain technology to create decentralized financial services.
4. Globalization
As markets become increasingly interconnected, finance professionals must navigate complex cross-border transactions and regulations.
5. Financial Inclusion
Efforts are underway to bring underserved populations into the financial system, enabling broader access to financial services.
Finance for Businesses
For businesses, finance is the lifeblood that supports operations, innovation, and expansion. Key aspects include:
Capital Structure: Determining the optimal mix of debt and equity to fund operations.
Cash Flow Management: Ensuring sufficient liquidity to cover expenses and invest in growth.
Profitability Analysis: Evaluating revenue and costs to identify areas for improvement.
Risk Management: Using financial instruments to hedge against market volatility and other risks.
Finance is an indispensable tool for achieving economic stability and growth, whether on a personal, corporate, or global scale. Its principles guide individuals in managing their resources, businesses in driving innovation, and governments in fostering development.
Experts like Ibrahim Mardam-Bey underscore the importance of mastering financial principles and staying abreast of emerging trends to navigate the evolving financial landscape successfully. By leveraging technology, embracing sustainability, and fostering financial inclusion, finance can continue to drive progress and prosperity in the years to come.
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stockmarketanalysis · 1 year ago
Annual Report Analysis: Understanding the Bigger Picture
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Annual reports may sound like something only accountants or investors care about, but they’re so much more than that. They tell the story of a company—its challenges, successes, and vision for the future. Whether you're a curious shareholder, an employee, or someone simply interested in understanding businesses better, annual report analysis is a skill worth exploring. Let’s break it down in simple, relatable terms.
What is an Annual Report?
An annual report is like a company’s report card for the year. Imagine a student summarizing their grades, achievements, and extracurricular activities—it’s similar but for a business. Companies use annual reports to share how they’ve performed financially, what challenges they’ve faced, and what they aim to achieve next.
Why Does Annual Report Analysis Matter?
Why should anyone bother analyzing an annual report? Because it’s the closest you can get to peering into the soul of a business. It helps:
Investors decide if their money is in the right place.
Employees understand their company’s stability and growth.
Consumers see if the brand aligns with their values.
Think of it like reading a map before embarking on a journey; it gives direction and clarity.
Key Sections of an Annual Report
A typical annual report isn’t just numbers and charts—it’s a mix of stories and stats. Here are the major sections:
1. Financial Statements
This is where the raw numbers live—income, expenses, profits, and losses.
2. Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)
Here, company leaders share their perspective on the past year and future strategies.
3. Risk Factors
This section highlights potential bumps on the road.
4. Sustainability Reports
More companies are sharing their environmental and social impact initiatives.
How to Read the Financial Statements
At first glance, financial statements might look like gibberish. But with a bit of guidance, they become crystal clear. Here’s what to focus on:
Income Statement: Like a movie script of how the company made and spent money.
Balance Sheet: Think of it as a snapshot of the company’s assets and debts.
Cash Flow Statement: The lifeblood of a business—where the cash is coming from and going.
Spotting Trends in Financial Performance
Looking at just one year’s numbers is like judging a book by its cover. Instead, compare multiple years to spot trends. For example:
Is revenue growing consistently?
Are expenses eating up too much profit?
How are debts being managed over time?
This helps predict if the company is headed for growth or trouble.
Understanding the Management Discussion
The MD&A section is where the story gets personal. It’s like hearing a coach’s game plan after a match. Leaders talk about challenges, victories, and strategies for the future. Pay attention to:
How realistic their goals seem.
Whether they address failures transparently.
Plans for adapting to industry changes.
Assessing Risks and Opportunities
Every company faces risks, but not all risks are equal. Think of it as crossing a river—some stones are slippery, others are solid. The annual report outlines these risks so you can gauge whether the company’s journey ahead looks stable or shaky.
The Role of Sustainability Reporting
Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword anymore; it’s a key business strategy. Companies now include details about their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts. This section helps you understand:
How seriously the company takes its environmental impact.
Community initiatives and employee welfare programs.
Ethical practices in business operations.
What Do Shareholders Look For?
Shareholders want to see value—both in the short and long term. Key areas they focus on include:
Dividends: Are they consistent and growing?
Market Position: Is the company a leader or lagging behind?
Innovation: How is the company adapting to industry trends?
How Annual Report Analysis Helps Employees
Employees aren’t just workers; they’re stakeholders. Analyzing the annual report gives them insights into:
Job security and growth prospects.
How well their efforts are paying off for the company.
Opportunities for innovation or expansion.
Investors’ Perspective: To Buy or Not to Buy?
Investors often treat annual reports like treasure maps. By analyzing:
Profit Margins: Is the company making enough profit per sale?
Debt Levels: Are they manageable or overwhelming?
Future Plans: Does the company have a clear growth strategy?
They decide whether to invest, hold, or sell.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Here are a few mistakes people make when analyzing annual reports:
Ignoring Context: Numbers mean little without industry benchmarks.
Relying Only on One Year: Trends matter more than snapshots.
Overlooking Risks: Even profitable companies can face huge risks.
Practical Steps for Beginners
Want to start analyzing annual reports? Follow these steps:
Download a Report: Most are freely available on company websites.
Skim the Highlights: Focus on the summary pages first.
Dive into the Details: Look at financials, MD&A, and risk factors.
Compare Reports: Analyze multiple years for trends.
Use Tools: Online platforms can simplify data visualization.
How Technology Enhances the Process
Today’s tools, from AI-based analytics to user-friendly dashboards, make annual report analysis faster and easier. Apps like Excel and specialized software highlight trends, risks, and opportunities, making it accessible even for non-experts.
Final Thoughts on Annual Report Analysis
Annual reports aren’t just for accountants or executives—they’re for anyone curious about the inner workings of a business. By learning to analyze these documents, you empower yourself to make informed decisions, whether you’re investing, working, or simply exploring.
1. What is the main purpose of an annual report?
An annual report provides insights into a company’s financial performance, strategies, and plans, helping stakeholders make informed decisions.
2. Can anyone analyze an annual report?
Absolutely! With basic knowledge and the right tools, anyone can understand the essentials of an annual report.
3. How do annual reports differ between companies?
While the structure is similar, the content varies based on the company’s industry, size, and priorities.
4. Why is trend analysis important in annual report analysis?
Trend analysis helps identify patterns over time, providing a clearer picture of a company’s stability and growth.
5. What should I focus on first in an annual report?
Start with the summary or highlights, then move to financial statements and the management discussion for deeper insights.
By mastering annual report analysis, you’ll unlock a wealth of knowledge about the businesses shaping our world!
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oracle-global · 1 year ago
Oracle's Vision for a Strong, Systematic, Organic, and Shared Digital Economy
Oracle, with its high-performance aggregated cross-chain oracle protocol, is revolutionizing the landscape of decentralized exchanges through efficient data interactions, extensive data storage, and a reliable operational framework.
The Oracle trading platform, backed by the high-performance aggregated cross-chain oracle protocol, aspires to become the world's foremost "value-decentralized" digital asset trading platform. Its guiding principles include "trading equals mining, promotion equals earnings, contribution equals value." The platform leverages a technological ecosystem comprising blockchain, smart contracts, AI, big data, 5G, IoT, cloud computing, and edge computing. It incorporates one-click trading, spot trading, bulk trading, contract trading, leveraged trading, Staking, Launchpad, DEX, research center, innovation system, and asset security system, creating a comprehensive digital asset ecosystem. Additionally, it pioneers a decentralized platform coin economic model, heralding a historic transformation in production relationships with the realization of "users as shareholders." Oracle attracts participants from the global digital economy to collaboratively build, govern, and share, culminating in the formation of an international consensus DAO organization. By continually expanding its ecosystem boundaries, Oracle is poised to establish a strong, systematic, organic, and shared digital economy, driving forward the historical trajectory of the digital asset era and unlocking its revolutionary value.
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International premier media outlets collaborate to shape a new digital economic landscape.
Oracle has garnered robust support from international premier media outlets, including Coindesk, TodayOnChain, CoinTelegraph, NewsBTC, Bitcoinist, CryptoSlate, and numerous partners in the global digital asset sector. Teaming up with industry chain partners, Oracle provides substantial support for the advancement of the digital economic industry, preparing for the future of the digital economy, and diligently crafting a fresh global digital economic ecosystem.
The oracle network system facilitates blockchain network data interactions.
Oracle can introduce external data sources and events to blockchain insurance applications, aiding decentralized insurance products in rendering claims decisions and scheduling automatic payouts. Recent innovations in technologies like blockchain and smart contracts hold the potential to address issues related to insurance transparency and mitigate mutual distrust arising from a lack of transparency. By merging blockchain, on-chain smart contracts, and decentralized oracles, the insurance infrastructure can be elevated, offering solutions to transparency concerns, streamlining the insurance process, and extending coverage to more underserved groups globally. Decentralized insurance protocols can enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize trust, ultimately shortening the insurance claims, arbitration, and payment processes.
In summary, Oracle's continuous expansion of its ecosystem boundaries positions it to establish a powerful, systematic, organic, and shared digital economy. This initiative is set to advance the historical trajectory of the digital asset era and unearth its revolutionary value.
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
Schlumberger NV is also popularly known as SLB and Schlumberger Limited. It is an oilfield services company. It is one of the largest offshore drilling and offshore contractor companies by revenue. Schlumberger is incorporated in the Netherlands, Antilles. The company’s stock trades in various trading exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, and the SIX Swiss Exchange. In 2022, the company was ranked 349th largest company in the world among the Forbes Global 2000. The dividend yield by Schlumberger for the year 2022 is 1.22% and the company has an EPS of 2.77 USD which means that the SLB makes $2.77 on each share. The SLB share follows a beta of 1.17 which means that Schlumberger’s stock relatively moves equal to or higher than the whole market and its returns may vary with the same frequency. The current ROE of the Schlumberger NV is 21.64 following a neutral ROA of 8.79% and the current PE ratio of the company is 20.29. The following ratios represent that the company is at a strong position and the investors are ready to pay higher prices for the stock. Also, the current market cap of the company is $78.734B trading with an average volume of 9.18M followed by the last 3 months. Schlumberger N.V. Stock Performance Analysis Following the previous year, Schlumberger has shown a good advance in the revenue of the company resulting in $28.18B. The net income of the company has also advanced from $1.88B in the year 2021 to $3.44B in the year ending 2022. SLB has a profit margin of 12.21% for the same year. Schlumberger also has managed to reduce its debt over the years. It has reported a debt of $11.34B in Q2 2023 following a decline of -12.4% year-on-year. Price Targets for SLB Stock Source: Tradingview Based upon Tradingview’s experts, 30 analysts have given a stock rating of buy for SLB stock. This is followed up with reliable fundamentals and the meeting estimates of revenue and EPS of the company. Experts are aiming for a maximum target of $77.00 in SLB share and the minimum expected target is $62.00. SLB Stock Technical Analysis Source : SLB: 1W: NYSE The SLB share price has been trading in an uptrend for a long time. This is because the SLB stock is following a rising wedge pattern on the weekly timeframe. Currently, the share is making bearish candlesticks in the same timeframe witnessing the presence of sellers.  As the share price of the stock was consistently advancing to a higher level, the EMAs were trading in a golden cross. SLB stock price is also currently trading above the 50-day and the 200-day EMA. The RSI for the SLB share is following a bullish cycle. It is currently trading above the 50 level. Following the bullish cycle, the RSI has declined below the 14-day SMA. This indicates mild bearishness in the stock price. Conclusion Schlumberger N.V. is a relaible company. It has stable finances and also gives dividends to its shareholders. Despite good fundamentals, the company’s stock price is trading negatively. It is following bearish price action making declining candlesticks. The RSI and the EMA are still indicating bullishness. As the SLB share price is trading inside a rising wedge pattern, it can decline up to the lower band of the channel. If the stock price further breaks below the channel pattern, SLB can witness further decline or it may continue to advance again. Technical Levels Support levels- $30.00 and $44.00 Resistance levels- $62.00 and $75.00 The information provided in this article, including the views and opinions expressed by the author or any individuals mentioned, is intended for informational purposes only. It is important to note that the article does not provide financial or investment advice. Investing or trading in cryptocurrency assets carries inherent risks and can result in financial loss.
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harbourfronttechnologies · 2 years ago
How to Balance a Balance Sheet
A balance sheet is a financial statement that presents a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific moment. It has three main components: assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. Assets represent what the company owns, liabilities represent its obligations, and shareholders' equity represents the residual interest of shareholders in the company's assets after deducting liabilities.
At the end of each financial period, companies prepare the balance sheet, which follows the accounting equation. Essentially, the sum of all assets should be equal to the sum of total liabilities and shareholders' equity. If it doesn't, companies must balance the balance sheet.
Why should companies balance the Balance Sheet?
Balancing the balance sheet is a critical practice for companies to assure the accuracy and reliability of their financial statements. It is crucial since it ensures the following.
Verify financial accuracy
Balancing the balance sheet confirms that the equation "Assets = Liabilities + Equity" is satisfied, ensuring that all recorded financial data is accurate and consistent. It helps identify errors or discrepancies in the accounting records and allows prompt correction.
Ensure compliance
Balancing the balance sheet is a requirement for financial reporting per accounting standards such as GAAP or IFRS. It helps companies adhere to these standards, ensuring transparency and consistency in financial reporting.
Enhance stakeholder confidence
A balanced balance sheet inspires trust and confidence among stakeholders. It demonstrates the company's commitment to accurate financial reporting, fostering better relationships with investors, creditors, and regulatory authorities.
How to Balance a Balance Sheet?
If a company's balance sheet does not balance, indicating a discrepancy between assets, liabilities, and equity. Resolving balance sheet imbalances is crucial for accurate financial reporting, compliance with accounting principles, and providing stakeholders with reliable financial information. Companies can balance the balance sheet using the following steps.
Review recorded entries
Companies must thoroughly examine the recorded entries on the balance sheet to identify any potential errors, such as misclassifications, miscalculations, or missing information. They must also pay close attention to each line item to ensure accuracy.
Check supporting documentation
Companies must also verify the accuracy of the recorded data by comparing it with supporting documentation, such as bank statements, invoices, contracts, and other relevant financial records. It helps identify any discrepancies between the recorded values and the actual transactions.
Reconcile accounts
Companies must perform a detailed reconciliation of accounts, including cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and other significant balances. Then, they must compare those balances with external records to ensure consistency and accuracy.
Investigate transactional errors
Companies must examine individual transactions to determine if any errors occurred during data entry or if there are any duplicated or missing entries. They must also cross-reference with subsidiary ledgers and supporting documents to identify and rectify any discrepancies.
Adjust entries
Companies must make necessary adjustments to correct the imbalances on the balance sheet. It may involve reclassifying items, correcting amounts, or adding missing entries. However, they must ensure adjustments are documented and supported by appropriate evidence.
Maintain audit trail
Companies must keep a clear and comprehensive audit trail of all adjustments made to the balance sheet. Consequently, they must document the reasons for the adjustments, supporting evidence, and additional explanations to ensure transparency and accountability.
The balance sheet is a financial statement that reflects a company's financial position. At the end of each financial period, this statement must "balance". However, sometimes it may not. Therefore, companies must follow some steps to ensure the balance sheet balances at the end of that period. It is crucial to do so as it ensures compliance and accuracy.
Article Source Here: How to Balance a Balance Sheet
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the-firebird69 · 2 years ago
Couple other companies that we're getting signed over to us other than plastics and we were working on them that are being signed over some of them and the heavy equipment companies there are some hospitals too and we should mention those and some retailers kick them out quick hopefully
John Deere there's a huge company and they make giant trucks and giant tractors and gigantic equipment up to 10 miles and we're actually helping to make those as they stopped and they need them to go down there in huge ones too and they're heavily armored and we make the engines and those engines. We acquired it this morning and the final agreements were all signed and we decided to make all sorts of things go and that's for farming pretty huge amount of land that needs to be tilled and was sending the tractors out as soon as we build them and we're managing them and we're starting to farm and we're doing it right of course it's a humongous industry and it would fail if we didn't do this now we have about 600,000 tractors that are built and they're going out today and we're going to start tilling almost immediately if we have interference we will apprehend them immediately or stop them using absolute Force just as they see out here being used.
*Case tractor is a gigantic company second only to Caterpillar globally is 40% of the heavy equipment industry unlike John Deere which has about 15%. This company rocks it is gigantic and we are now in control and we are building and building fast and accepting orders even from Mac as he wants to make heavy tanks and heavy trucks for armor for war we're going to start making them for work and a lot of them mostly 10 miles and a giant number of them we need them now they're about 50 that were in production but we can pump out about 10 or 20 a day and we're going to start doing it and that's out of one plant and they're 20 plants they're starting up today
*rest of the companies are smaller but we're going to take them over and we thought we'd mention them one of them is komatsu and it's a giant giant company it's still about 20% of the industry and absorb the huge amount of it and yeah casein caterpillar about equal at 30%, but they make huge equipment and they've always made huge equipment they're really good at it and they're going to start up now we took it over if you did all the contracts and our building equipment
*it's a giant company Hiel, they make gigantic trucks regular trucks huge equipment and most of it is for transport no they build those huge wheels for mining and they still use them they're just bigger about a half mile big and they rip out tons of soil in minutes it strip behind all sorts of areas and you have to fill it back in nowadays but it's gigantic okay and it's probably only 10% of the industry or so but their equipment the second or none and it's German and really we took it over to Lock stock and barrel and we are in control of the company and we are the only shareholders who are chairman there's no other chairman but us our kind
*there's a few more companies we should mention and they are hospitals one is the Blue Cross Blue shield group and we signed over today they only have two remaining chair people and it's been and Mac it's about time and we handle the insurance end of it too.
*healthcare systems signing today they will have two chair people it's the same too it's a huge huge company between the two they're 35 to 40% of the industry and they produce their own hospital equipment too not all of it it's only about 20% that's outside of the hospital industry hospitals
*Aetna health Care and they're probably the remaining percentage except for a few small companies and it's signing today completely and it is a huge company this is a very big company they just have a lot of agents and they go all over the place it's kind of necessary and we don't mind it needs to be laid off because they don't really do anything and we're going to do that shortly
*just mentioned before some big retailers are signing today and the agreements Target Costco Sam's BJ's came up today and they agreed to come to the signing and it's still bja Walmart is not practically everyone else Marshall's JCPenney Macy's Sears are all signing over seriously the only one who wants two chair seats and that's been in back again ben and Mac. JCPenney 2 they want to have two chairs same people and along with them are other companies that were signing Craftsman and a lot of tool companies in a lot of small tool companies are signing over today Bostitch Makita and some big name ones that our son was using. It's a few other companies are pretty big they're signing all their agreements today one is worth mentioning
*IBM and it's the world's largest micro computer maker and supercomputer maker and also personal computer maker and tablets use both platforms Mac and they use Windows and we are reprogramming because their program is a disaster and we are making these computers right now tons of them
*Intel in celuron both of these companies are signing over today and their gigantic they're the largest chip manufacturers on Earth they make more chips than all silicon valley for 10 years in a row globally they're huge huge companies every day is probably $700 octillion chips and more is going to be made shortly
*Apple computer we're taking over today everybody is signing their agreement we only have two chairs that are going to remain it's the same guys they're both in on the Apple IBM deal in the beginning
There's several more companies and we're going to come back to it shortly but we should publish to get this out
Thor Freya
Wow how annoying he'll sit there trying to needle no matter what they're doing they expect something we keep telling them we're taking this we're taking that and they don't get it they still have way too many idiots
We're working on that and we will cut them down now
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skillstopallmedia · 2 years ago
the Alliance at the crossroads of roads and shareholdings
Rebalancing of cross-shareholdings between Renault and Nissan The Alliance now seems to be placed under the sign of equality and the strategic autonomy of the two manufacturers Renault and Nissan. After years of tension, the two groups now want to rebalance the respective power of each within the Alliance. If until now Renault owned 43% of Nissan, Nissan only owned 15% of Renault. Eventually,…
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years ago
Nissan, Renault formally agree to make cross-shareholdings equal
KYODO NEWS – 13 minutes ago – 16:53 | All, Japan, World Nissan Motor Co. and Renault SA said Monday they formally agreed to make their mutual cross-shareholdings equal at 15 percent. Under the agreement, the French company will reduce its 43.4 percent stake in the Japanese automaker while Nissan will maintain its current stake in its alliance partner. Related coverage: Nissan, Renault agree to…
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gbwhtspro · 2 years ago
Automakers Renault and Nissan make cross-shareholdings equal at 15%
Nissan and Renault have changed their mutual cross-shareholdings equal at 15 per cent, ironing out a source of conflict in the Japan-French auto alliance. Renault Group will transfer 28.4 per cent of the Nissan shares it owns into a French trust, so its stake will be the same 15 per cent that Nissan Motor Co. has in the French automaker. Voting rights would be neutralized for most decisions,…
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libraryofcirclaria · 6 months ago
The John Waysworth Scandal
Library of Circlaria
Blog Posts
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Remikra, 1264 to 1308
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Canticula, 1267 to 1287
Deep-Trade: Definition
Deep-trade is the spellfire practice of assigning special tradestones to represent certain shares of certain assets of value for a particular business. Licensed spellcrafters can "explode" deep-trade stones in order to produce currency or items of value equal to the value the said stones represent. However, since this is an end-use and there are far more tradestones than licensed spellcrafters available to engage them in a timely fashion, it is a more economic practice for a stoneholder to purchase a tradestone at a particular value, then sell it whenever it increases in value, in order to make a profit.
Retun and Prove: Established Relations
In 1285, a trade arrangement signed between the Lykian and Retunian Republics split the Galapolgis Island of Vantacula between the two nations and allowed private businesses to establish themselves here. Legally, all of Vantacula was under Lykian jurisdiction, but the Lykians had decided through the trade deal to lease the Western half of the Isle to the Retunians. Thus, Retunian businesses, primarily deep-trade firms, were allowed to open alongside similar Lykian businesses. Furthermore, a mutual agreement in the trade deal exempted deep-trade transactions between Lykian and Retunian businesses from tariffs or taxation. There was no deep-trade arrangement yet between the two nations, politically speaking, although there was the potential for such an arrangement to materialize in the future, sparking excitement among investors across both nations. In the meantime, deep-trade transactions were facilitated as John Waysworth, a prominent representative of the Bucksworth Financial Institute, headquartered in Hasphitat, established a branch office in Vantacula.
In November 1285, the National Bank for the Lykian Trust, or NBLT, extended an invitation to John Waysworth to establish a Provan chapter for the Bucksworth Institute Tradestone Commission in a high-value office space in the city of Prove proper.
John Waysworth in Prove
John Waysworth accepted the invitation and established the Provan chapter in January 1286. Before long, he began selling valuable deep-trade stones to Lykian banks and businesses, and using the proceeds from this to purchase Lykian deep-trade stones to sell to Retunian tradestone markets. Net proceeds from all of this paid into lucrative dividends, particularly for Waysworth as well as Bucksworth shareholders back in Remikra.
On November 10, 1286, John Waysworth's office in Prove was sacked by Lykian officials, who conducted a thorough search of the premise and arrested John Waysworth, himself. Waysworth was charged with fraud and espionage, and faced a possible death sentence. Retunian Prime Minister Arthur Cummings had just returned from a Summit in Vantacula with Lykian President Restara Unjoy when he was informed of this. Immediately, Prime Minister Cummings sent his best known lawyers to defend John Waysworth in the Lykian court proceedings, an approach that succeeded in convincing the Lykian Justice System to reduce Waysworth's sentence to deportation. On November 14, John Waysworth was taken to a holding cell at a border crossing between the Lykian Republic and the nation of Umcings, where he would wait until a Retunian air reconnaissance unit came to pick him up.
John Waysworth was not informed on when the reconnaissance unit would come. So he decided to escape custody and flee into the surrounding countryside. The issue here was that the border crossing was located in the highlands of the Chokian Mountains, where the climate was cold, snowy, and harsh. Furthermore, the landscape was filled with dangerous wildlife animals such as bears, wolves, and predatory wysps. Supposedly, John Waysworth escaped a close encounter with a bear on the first night, and a close encounter with a wysp on the second night. Finally though, on November 16, an air rescue reinforcement team launched by Cummings upon news of Waysworth's escape assisted the original reconnaissance unit, and spotted John Waysworth. They rescued him and flew him back to Remikra.
The Lykian War
Lykian President Restara Unjoy condemned the so-called Waysworth Scandal, holding the Retunian government responsible. As it turned out, Lykian authorities received a tip that John Waysworth had been selling stagmarcated tradestones, or tradestones worth almost no value being sold to unknowing clients for a falsely high value, hence the reason for the sacking of John Waysworth's office in Prove on November 10. And when they searched the premise, Lykian officials had spellcrafters "explode" three of John Waysworth's tradestones, which turned out to be duds.
How did the Lykian authorities find out about John Waysworth's scandal in the first place? During the Summit between Prime Minister Cummings and President Unjoy, which took place on November 6, Prime Minister Cummings sent a letter to President Unjoy asking for her and her family to join in on the Scandal. The issue with this approach was that the NBLT, the primary bank victimized by the Waysworth Scandal, was the very institute in which the Unjoy family had deep stakes. The Retunian public in years to come would condemn Prime Minister Cummings not only for taking part in the Waysworth Scandal, but also for his daft judgement behind writing the letter to President Unjoy. Needless to say, the Retunian Prime Minister's decision at the Summit made absolutely no strategic sense.
Regardless, President Unjoy, on December 24, 1286, issued executive orders freezing all trade relations with the Retunian Republic and revoking the lease in Vantacula. Subsequently, she ordered Retunian authorities to evacuate all Retunian civilians and businesses off the Isle. However, Retunian authorities refused such orders and called on Prime Minister Cummings, who more than obliged to send in Retunian Marine and Army forces to defend the Retunian settlers from local pro-Lykian partisans consisting mostly of Vantaculan natives. While doing this, Prime Minister Cummings news of the hostility from Lykian leadership be withheld from the Retunian public, as well as informed the Retunian Department of Defense of a "possible local partisan terrorist threat."
In short, Cummings aimed to preserve the newly-gained status quo by defying orders from the Lykian government while trying to prevent the Retunian public from becoming aware of possible Lykian hostility.
Between January 2 and January 23, 1287, Retunian and partisan forces engaged in numerous skirmishes. On January 24, the Lykian Navy arrived, engaging with Retunian forces in a heavy battle across the Isle, another development that Prime Minister Cummings prevented from being disclosed to the Retunian public. Between February 4 and 5, Cummings sent the Retunian Navy, which succeeded in driving all Lykian forces off of Vantacula. Cummings then summoned the Lykians to an "emergency counsel" in order to negotiate peace and territorial concessions, an invitation to which the Lykians responded with cold silence.
On February 6, 1287, President Unjoy ordered high-flying Lykian aircraft to drop Red Desert bombs upon South Masonia, Hasphitat, and the Basin District of Retun proper. Each of those targeted cities was devastated by the attack as the entire Retunian population went into panic. President Unjoy gave a second order for Prime Minister Cummings to surrender all of Vantacula.
Prime Minister Cummings refused to comply to this. Between February 7 and 16, 1287, the Lykian Navy renewed its assault upon Vantacula and attempted to take it by force. The Retunians held their ground; and on February 15, Prime Minister Cummings ordered an airstrike on the Lykian base in Gyrosak responsible for the Vantacula initiative.
On February 16, 1287, President Unjoy responded with Red Desert bomb attacks on Egdir and Retun. Later that evening, in the wake of these events, particularly with the city of Retun proper being struck by two Red Desert bomb attacks, Prime Minister Cummings signed a mutual cease-fire with the Lykian Republic. On February 17, the island-nation of Rakara, allied to the Lykian Republic, facilitated the signing of a Treaty by the Retunians to surrender not just Vantacula, but most of the Galapolgis Isles to the Lykian Republic. The consolation here was that the Retunian Republic was allowed to keep the five Westernmost Isles.
Thus, the war was over.
Retunian businesses lost many of their trade posts. Roughly seventy-five percent of the Retunian trade network around the Circlarian Ocean would eventually be recovered; although the apex of Retunian trade achieved in the early-to-mid-1280s would never be achieved again.
The Retunian population would lose trust not only in Prime Minister Cummings and his Administration, but also the Retunian establishment as a whole. The public was outraged at the John Waysworth Scandal and the gag orders given by Cummings to hide from the public the truth about the Lykian War. A group of Representatives in Retunian Council filed a motion to have Prime Minister Cummings impeached.
In the midst of all this, however, emerged a significant question: Why did Prime Minister Cummings explicitly tell President Unjoy about the John Waysworth Scandal? Speculation arose from this, because in 1285, Cummings and Waysworth had become involved in a conflict of interest over a revised tax code. During that brief exchange of civil hostility, Waysworth vowed to have his firm reduce funding to Prime Minister Cummings' prospective 1290 re-election campaign. This led to speculation over whether or not Cummings' reveal of John Waysworth to President Unjoy was, in fact, a form of retaliation. However, there was no hard evidence to back up this theory.
A major revelation came in the year 1359 with the discovery of a letter to Arthur Cummings from his mother, who lived until the year 1302. It was dated March 10, 1286, months before the Summit in Vantacula. And that letter contained advice from his mother for Cummings to invite President Unjoy to partake in the "lucrative business arrangement" involving John Waysworth.
Scholars initially rejected the so-called "ridiculous and completely ludicrous notion that an elected public official would act on the whimsical advice of a personal family member in this way." However, there are quite a few factors now known about Arthur Cummings. First was that he was known to take advice from his mother without question, even in matters where his mother, though undoubtedly well-intentioned, was not well-versed. Also, Cummings was raised in a very affluent socioeconomic environment; and though he was good at the practice of business, particularly in banking, he did not ace his college courses in history and political science. All of these factors in combination led Arthur Cummings to become extremely, and even dangerously, complacent when it came to making serious decisions like those in a public office.
The impeachment motion against Arthur Cummings in 1287 never made it past a vote in the Retunian House of Representatives. Cummings would encounter another impeachment motion against him in 1295, but that failed as well. However, Cummings would lose the 1296 election against the Progressive candidate, John "Red" Waltmann.
John Waysworth, meanwhile, announced an early retirement in December 1286 and moved to the Mid-Westerlies, where he would remain until his death in 1310.
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hclygrailed · 2 years ago
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FULL NAME robyn freya lind AGE , D.O.B. thirty-nine, june 14th PLACE OF BIRTH montpelier, vermont. OCCUPATION political campaign manager, business shareholder EDUCATION bachelors in political science from columbia university GENDER, PRONOUNS cis woman, she / her ORIENTATION lesbian RELATIONSHIP STATUS chronically single.
POSITIVE TRAITS rational, intellectual, reliable, astute, sophisticated NEGATIVE TRAITS domineering, mercurial, obsessive, cynical, repressed.
TW parental neglect / abuse, slight body horror mention
the threads that connect you to the earliest recollections of your childhood are mostly superimposed, but you remember morsels of the truth. you are but a babe, one who is subject to your birth mother’s advances the very moment you enter worldly fruition. bathed in her blood, she may not want you but you are hers and hers alone. but she was inept to care for a child when she was nearly one herself. so you become the one she will blame for her ruin. a child that would leave her young body ravaged and a stranger to herself. you would not see this woman again until your thirty-first birthday. rather you find yourself in the arms of another, an odd child bestowed upon an equally off-beat couple. you meet in footnote circumstances, unbeknownst to an empire with a singular piece missing – an heir. how strange to have everything but to be hollowed by a singular absence. the reason they wanted you for was — well, no one really knows exactly why. you were never bold enough, or maybe cruel enough to demand an answer. perhaps they felt they wanted a child because it was the last bastion to cross, the last fence in the orchard of adulthood. maybe they had simply seen a challenge, as it was so often their style, and launched headlong into it. they would approach child-rearing with the precision of mass reviews, as journalists do with great disasters, until it had the featherweight touch of a quantitative analysis: a rulebook to be followed to the letter.
they did all they were supposed to, adjusted you according to this litmus test. doctor visits, stellar extracurricular programs, language exchanges & debate clubs overseeing genovese lakes. they provided the bare essentials for this aluminum blueprint; anything superfluous, of course, would skew the results. you were the experiment they invested in, a uniform whole, rather than a sum of parts. if you judge it by any other name, the trial was a success. you had become the best version you could’ve ever been, all things considered. what if it was hollow, as all polished shells are? it was light enough to float. given the haphazard turns of your mind, the way it led itself to a fool’s gold chase that could’ve ruined you long ago — yes, given all these fatal flaws, your parents tempered as much as they could. you are not the first in line, but you are the first daughter, and god, isn’t that worse somehow? you are their sweet, golden bird. a cluster of feathers they smother in their palms. they chide and you are expected to fall in line – that you do. but sometimes when you’re alone with yourself, you begin to consider why you think of flight as an illness. why are you so afraid to simply take what you want? is what you’ve been given enough – is it too much?
the others follow you in quick succession and there is both sadness and elation in the notion that you are no longer alone in your loneliness. ( but isn’t that odd? isn’t it cruel? ) the answer still perturbs you but you do what you can stop the softness of childhoods from slipping as easily as yours had. you become a shoulder to cry upon or a hand to squeeze beneath the dinner table when father comes inquiring about your grades. it matters little how your mother’s eyes sharpen when you misstep during ballet recitals or how your father secludes you in the thing he calls love. you become everything except yourself. adapt to the needs of others and make yourself useful, maybe then someone could love you properly – without asking for everything in return. you carry the habit of giving too much of yourself onward into adulthood, no funeral held for it with the rest of the girlhood niceties you buried in the crawlspace between your bedroom and father’s study. in the meantime there are glimpses of want, of interest, but no true fulfillment of either. you show interest in bohemia early on, always a bit too eccentric for your parent’s taste so they push you in the opposite direction. you became theirs to command, because if you couldn’t will yourself to do as you pleased, you would allow them to mold you. they urged you to attend university so off to columbia you went. and perhaps for the first time in a very long time, there are peeks of who you are beneath that friendly, only slightly on edge expression of yours. you make yourself useful, earn a degree that would serve you well had you been inducted into the ranks of the family business. for once you had something of your own, and if it were merely a political sciences degree, then so be it.
getting your foot in the door means it’s no longer about what you know, but who you know, and as it turns out, maybe your pedigree isn’t so bad. father deems your occupation superfluous, that you could do more than your ill-defined, and frankly a bit foggy job. but you’re happy, even if your only reward is the satisfied looks you get from the old foxes when you’ve done well enough to keep them in political good-graces. they appreciated your curated coldness, that glacial calm, the luxury of a sublimely cut suit in a soul-crushing deposition. your parent’s contacts helped a lot, of course, but otherwise it was all you. there’s something better than the power sex gives you, and that’s ambition.
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crones-trash · 3 years ago
My teenage son is diabetic and recently we changed from Blue Cross to United Healthcare which we are enrolled in through my husband’s work. We recently got a bill for over $700 because it turns out the new insurance didn’t cover his blood work, AT ALL. We pay $1000 a month, plus co-pays for everything, and yet they don’t cover his blood tests to determine his A1C, cholesterol, etc. luckily they do cover most of his insulin, but we still pay over $100 a month in co-pays for that. Our healthcare system is an absolute joke. My husband and I have GOOD jobs, we HAVE healthcare, yet we can’t afford to go to the doctor. Please tell me how the richest country in the world allows this to happen.
The same way teenagers are allowed to buy assault rifles to mow down blameless citizens AND CHILDREN...again...and again.
It's all about money.
Insurance providers OWN Congress Critters to insure they continue to amass ill-gotten wealth for their CEO's & shareholders. Gun manufacturers OWN the NRA & successfully OWN almost the entire Republican Party! Since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of corporate bribery by treating it as equal to the free speech of individuals, too many members of Congress in both parties have been bought by campaign "contributions" to serve the 1%—not their voters.
It feels like our country is at a breaking point & I despair. But I'm going to tell you how to fight back! Get your doctor to print out the order to the Lab. Go directly to the Lab that does your son's blood work, present the order, & yourself as a "Self-Pay" (someone w/o insurance), and NEGOTIATE!
I swear this works because I've done it. I have gone entire decades w/o insurance that forced me to learn how to bargain w/ doctors & other healthcare providers. You need to understand all medical services are grossly inflated to cover the costs inflicted on them by insurers. Remind them you will pay them directly, spare them the paperwork, & waiting months to be paid by an insurance company. They will give you a Self-Pay discount. Depending on who they are & your level of desperation, you might get as much as 70% off & they'll offer a payment plan that you can afford to pay off the balance.
It's not too late to negotiate a payment plan for your current bills but you can get a discount & better terms if you deal w/ them before it goes thru insurance. Sparing them that effort is your prime bargaining chip AND THE FACT that the people you will talk to face-to-face are human beings who are in healthcare because they care. They absolutely want to help you work around the system.
Now I'll tell you a funny story: Back in the 80's, I got a fucking boil on my butt that I couldn't reach & went to a doc-in-a-box to get it lanced. They referred me to a General Surgeon! I saw him & he wanted to admit me for out-patient surgery at a nearby hospital. There would be an anesthesiologist & I'd feel no pain.
I said, "Stop, wait, I don't have insurance. How much is all that going to cost?"
"I don't know exactly," he furrowed his brow, "Maybe $3500."
I exclaimed, "To lance a boil! That's ridiculous! Do it right here & now! I'll lean over this examining table, you jab it w/ a scalpel, squeeze, clean, slap a bandage on it, & your work is done. I'd do it myself but I can't reach it."
He argued w/ me about the pain & I replied, "I have gone thru natural childbirth—twice. I can handle it."
He started to get excited, said, "Wait, I think I've got a form," & hurried off. He returned w/ a waiver that absolved him of liability for performing a procedure outside of "normal" protocols. I signed it & he got even more excited, "I haven't done anything as direct & simple as this since I was a medic in Nam. I pay a fortune for medical liability insurance & they dictate the protocols."
He was absolutely thrilled to work outside of the system & called me brilliant for not even flinching when he jabbed me. I got my boil lanced for the discounted price of a Self-Pay office visit—$60 paid in full upon receipt of services. He also gave me a free sample of antibiotic ointment & a few waiver forms to use in the future, which I did.
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
Tesla is known to be a clean energy company. It is generally known for the production of electric vehicles, stationary battery energy storage, and other solar energy-related products. It is also known to be one of the most valuable companies in the world. The company was incorporated in July 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. The company was named as Tesla Motors. The current CEO of the company is one of the most popular billionaires “Elon Musk”.  The beta of the company is 1.98. It indicates that the stock moves relatively more than the whole market. The average volume of the company is 116.453 Million following a float of 2.76B shares in the market available for trading. Tesla Inc. does not offer any dividends to its shareholders. Tesla has an ROE of 26.55%, which indicates a good return. The company’s return on asset ratio is also 13.46%, following a huge PE ratio of 71. This again indicates how optimistic buyers are about buying Tesla shares. The current P/B value of the company is 15.28.  Tesla Inc. Stock Performance Analysis The best factor of the Tesla share is, that its revenue has been consistently advancing year-on-year. The company’s revenue is following an ascending pattern, resulting in $81.46B in the year 2022. The company made a net income of 15.45% out of the total revenue. The debt for the company has also declined by more than $3 Billion. The following financial data indicates the company to be in a very strong position. Price Targets for TSLA Stock Source: Tradingview The analysts are neutral on the stock aiming for an equal advance and equal drawdown in the stock. Currently, the TSLA share price is trading nearly 5% below its average price and the maximum target is 62.35% above the current market price. The lowest drawdown expected is 65%. TSLA Stock Technical Analysis Source : TSLA: 1D: NYSE The TSLA share price is trading in an uptrend following a higher-high pattern. This advance in price has also followed a rising wedge pattern and the TSLA share is currently trading inside the same. The share has hit the lower band of the wedge and can advance to higher levels as it is making a bullish candlestick. The Tesla share price is trading inside the 50-day and the 200-day EMA. This price behavior can lead to volatility in share prices. Therefore, we must wait for the stock to break above the 50-day EMA and continue the advance in price. The RSI for the share is currently following a bearish wave, advancing from the oversold zones. The RSI value has again declined below the 50 level. The drawdown has also followed a cross below the 14-day SMA. Conclusion Tesla company’s share is trading inside a rising wedge pattern. The share is making bullish candlesticks. The finances of the company are also reliable. It indicates strength and growth potential in the stock. The EMAs are following a golden cross and the RSI is bearish on the share. Therefore, if the share breaks below the wedge pattern, it can result in a huge decline. Otherwise, the share may continue to advance to higher levels. Technical Levels Support levels for the TSLA share are – $165.00 and $212.00 Resistance levels for the TSLA share are – $298.00 and $363.00 The information provided in this article, including the views and opinions expressed by the author or any individuals mentioned, is intended for informational purposes only. It is important to note that the article does not provide financial or investment advice. Investing or trading in cryptocurrency assets carries inherent risks and can result in financial loss.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years ago
RE BigHit vs Jikook
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I appreciate you trying to clear things up after my last post on this topic.
I skimmed through your rejoinder and I get where you are coming from. But it seems the point of my response to you flew right over your head too.
You know what gaslighting is great but do you know what whistling is and how the erroneous use of reductios- reductio ad absurdums, the act of reducing another's argument to absurd extremities in order to critique is a form of whistling- exposing a person to online attacks or placing a target on an individual's back?
I really, really don't believe BigHit would HIDE TWO PEOPLE interacting within the group either you know?
I don't think asking two people to tone things down or slow down because they are acting risqué is the same as HIDING those two peole. That's gaslighting and is tacky.
Are you aware that by intentionally misconstruing and misinterpreting my theories in the way that you are doing in your reblogs can subject me to unwarranted negative attention and could potentially lead others who come across your reblogs out of context to attack, disparage and critique me harshly unprovoked?
Cyber Trolls and bullies looking for attention on the bird app often use this tactic to direct hate and abuse towards individuals they've tartget.
They intentionally distort their targets words, twist it around, reduce it to something absurd that they know will inflame passions or take it out of context, and post it online to incite and direct mass hate and violence towards people knowing full well that not everyone who comes across the content they've posted would grasp the context or go out of their way to find the right context of those texts.
These people try and often succeed at weaponizing the mass attention by appealing to the crowds sense of 'cancel culture' as a means to suppress and oppress people they've targeted on the internet.
I have been subjected to this form of online abuse one too many times, I'm used to it by now. But I don't find it funny at all. People will intentionally distort and reduce my theories to extreme absurdities or take certain bits out of context and would post these to Twitter, facebook, their GCs or whatever platforms they have in order to fuel or direct hate towards me either because they don't like me as a person or they don't like the things I say out here.
And their go to code word of attack is always, Taekook_lives because they know how passionate half the fandom is about that person.
You refer to your statement, 'BTS are ashamed of ships' and 'Jikook gets punished whenever they look at eachother' as a literary resource, whatever you mean by that, but you made it seem in your post like it's a theory coming from me or one I had espoused when in fact it's a reductio from you.
Am I the author of those statements? No. Have I said or implied those premise. No. But you have. Those are your assumptions about my posts. The emphasis is yours not mine. It's your interpretation of my work and like you said YOUR opinion on my work.
But ask yourself. Would you be dragged and attacked for it if it gained attention or would I ?
Do you see the problem here?
I get called out for people's interpretations of my posts all the time which to me is ridiculous.
There is nothing wrong with misunderstanding a post, or falling on the fallacy of reductio ad absurdum to argue your points, it can be humorous sometimes but understand it's a fallacy especially if you are appealing to the extremes of the argument like you keep doing in your reposts- please credit those posts appropriately next time you quote me by using disclaimers such as 'the emphasis is mine' where you assume a a meaning out of my posts or use 'the reductio is mine' or 'I assume by this statement you mean' 'correct me if I'm wrong'
Get creative with it. Lol.
Where none of these markers are used I assume without prejudice malice rooted in the fiery pits of hell are intended and I treat it as such.
As for the rest of your argument about Jikook not being a brand. It's fine. Do you.
But I disagree. Jikook is a brand in of themselves within BTS.
I see them as a brand. I see them as being managed by BigHit as a brand.
Also, I believe BigHit is aware they are dating and they are well aware of instances where Jikook gets negative attention too like whenever Christian organizations in South Korea lead online protests against them for promoting homophobia in South Korea because of their 'fan service.'
Side note: People are out here screaming Jikook is fan service every day but apparently South Korean Christians disagree. Lmho.
As for how BigHit manages Jikook in instances where they attract negative attention, I think their approach to JK's Tattoo girl scandal says it all.
The company asked the shop to lay low until it all blew over. I assume this is the protocol. I don't think it's crazy for me or anyone to assume that BigHit does the same with Jikook and ask them to tone things down when they are recieving negative attention or are moving in a way that is likely to attract negative attention.
I don't know how you arrived at 'BigHit is hiding Jikook' when all I said is I felt around a period BigHit had asked Jikook to tone things down- perhaps because they had a strategic partnership in the pipelines but sure go ahead and compare me to Taekook_lives because what better way to punish me for the opinions you don't agree with or shut me up than to get the do before complain gassed up 13 year olds roaming these streets to come for me😊
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Or better still set loose the Kookie monsters of tumblr on me- those are a lovely bunch😊
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Unfortunately, tactics like these don't work on me honey.
I'm gay and a Christian.
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Hell fire doesn't stop me from doing the gay. I don't think retweets from faceless chipmunks will slow me down out here💀
As for my theory on JK and Jikook getting punished when they breach company policies or come close to breaching their glass closet- actions have consequences.
They are employees at the end of the day and as much as they have self autonomy they are required to honor their contracts, terms of service, and obey company rules in order to continue to be employed by the company.
BTS themselves have talked about recieving punishments for defying company rules every now and then. Tae Kook have said they are partners in crime because they often get into trouble with the company and get 'scolded' for it. Jin have said he got into trouble with the company for cutting his hair himself or something. He's said he was pulled into a long meeting with staff over his hair once when he dyed it by himself- cross check, I don't remember accurately what that long meeting was about.
Jimin have said the same thing- getting in trouble for doing certain things that defy company polieces. BTS have said they aren't allowed to do certain things like drunken tweets, drinking or even swearing on VLive.
Do I think they get pulled into long meetings for a word or two when they act risqué yea. Do I think sometimes drastic measures are taken to serve as a warning or deterrent to others yes.
I really don't know why you find it absurd that I assume Jikook get punished for certain actions or that they get regulated by the company.
The look on RM and JM's face in the Be. TS Vlive when JK talked about preferring white to black to me is indication JK was going off script in that moment and was acting defiant as fuck. I don't think it's far fetched for me to assume JK wasn't supposed to say what he said or that he was going against the collective will of the group to uphold the kumbaya image of the group in that instance.
It's equally not far fetched for me to assume JM or RM would ask him as politely as possible to check his attitude next time during a VLive.
Hell, we've seen Hobi advice Jikook to be careful the way they conduct themselves on stage.
We've seen RM glare at, tap, and touch JK and the others several times on stage or during interviews and awards to get them to behave themselves and Tae has explained its because RM wants and tries to get them to act and look 'cool' in front of the cameras most times.
Tae did say he wasn't allowed to record a song with Jimin now didn't he?
Aren't all these a form of regulation? Why then do you think it's absurd for me to believe Jikook are sometimes regulated?
Please listen to BTS's song, A Typical trainee's Christmas to understand in what ways the company controls them. They've said it themselves, not I.
I recommend you watch Rookie King to understand the relationship between the boys and the company. Tae and Jin were not complaining about the company for no damn reason.
Of course they've matured now and their success guarantees them more status and freedom within the company as they are royalty and shareholders of BigHit but they are employees nonetheless.
Listen to RM- the leader of the group talk about that the company disregards their ideas and their creative inputs into their visuals and marketing I presume during the TaeNamKook YouTube live in 2020.
I promise you, just think of Jikook as real and in real life settings and the mystery will go away.
They are two gay men who work together under a company that is queer friendly but set up in homophobic society.
What advice would this company give them?
There you have your answer and if you still believe it's too fantastical to assume then agreed to disagree.
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