#ep: 6x14
frankiebirdsedits · 27 days
icons of the team in 6x14 - sense memory
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catnipster69 · 10 months
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Episode 6x14 "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning"
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on-this-day-btvs · 7 months
February 12, 2002
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Older and Far Away aired for BTVS season 6, episode 14. The gang ends up trapped at The Summers house. Guests also include a non-Scooby friend of Xander's and Spike's demon friend Clem. Clem's demon appearance is "explained" to Xander's friend as a skin condition.
Tara - already aware of what has been going on between Buffy and Spike - inadvertently runs into Buffy and Spike alone in the hallway.
(Spike has put Buffy's hand on Spike's thigh.) SPIKE: I had a... muscle cramp. Buffy was, uh, helping. TARA: (grinning) A muscle cramp? In your... pants? (This flusters Spike and he leaves Buffy and Tara alone. Later as they all play cards Tara teases Spike further.) TARA: How's that cramp Spike? Still bothering you? SPIKE: What? Oh... yeah. TARA: Maybe you uh... wanna put some ice on it. (smiles innocently)
(mod note: apologies for Clem's photo, click on the image to see it full size without being cut off.)
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chaosandwolves · 1 year
So they've referenced the shooting subtly and not to subtly in three consecutive episodes now
Buddie actually talking about the shooting
They brought a man back from his acting retirement so he could once again play Captain Metha in a Buddie related scene
Ravi's "Do you think some people are not worth saving" (to Chim who's training his Captain skills) vs the sniper's "Some lives just don't deserve saving" (to Cap)
I'm wondering where they're going with this
Surely it's not about Eddie allowing himself to decide for himself and allowing himself to want, connecting it all to the shooting, possibly the moment where he first realized just how important Buck is for him
Surely it's not about Buck having to deal with his own mortality and the trauma of having died
Surely it's not about the unspoken thing that's been hanging over and between them since that day
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eg515 · 2 years
love that moment in TVD 6x14 when Caroline walks out of the house and sees Stefan there on a ladder, fixing things with his sleeves rolled up, muscles flexing, like some kind of romance novel cover
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hurricanejane · 2 years
Wait I didn't even realize Dean asks Sam to be his Valentine twice, two separate episodes, a season apart. Obvi a callback but still. Man loves flirting with his brother.
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sorryimlatecapt · 1 year
something about Eddie telling Bobby he hasn't collected his thoughts and needs to go do more collecting. something something about being asked to put his thoughts and feelings to the forefront and panicking. something something about Eddie not feeling ready to express those thoughts and feelings yet, even when 'only' in relation to Bobby. something something about the performance of it all and not putting on a performance for the people that matter the most, only you have to collect the pieces of yourself to put forward in order Not to perform. the to be seen is to be found of it all
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cowboylikeddie · 1 year
i need 3-5 business hours to recover from the post ep pessimistic blues
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
i know everyone ignores 6x14 because their favorite white boy wasn't the centre of attention for once but. - not to be controversial on main but I think a lot of takes come from either people who genuinely haven't watched some of the eps/entirety of season 1 and watch via gifs and those who are so deep in the ao3 sauce that canon has kind of become null. Just look at how people still talk about Chris as a little kid or the Diaz parents. Eddie, despite functioning fine by himself, has been attempting to put himself out there because we know its not what he wants. He's a "nester", he likes being married etc. Thats what makes this sl more fucked. He's messy but has at least been attempting to move forward.
no i fully agree lol i feel like people have been consuming the show solely through gifs and other people’s meta instead of actually watching it, which is why “eddie’s trying to check the boxes” and “eddie’s relationships haven’t worked out because he’s been trying to recapture what he thinks he had with shannon and subconsciously replace her since she died” - the latter being an internal issue that he has literally never even recognized as being a thought pattern let alone a problem - has turned into “eddie is actively and knowingly hunting down (a large number of) women and pursuing them with the sole intent of making them christopher’s stepmother, then discarding them when it doesn’t work out that way, to the extent that christopher realizes that this is happening and feels shame and anger over his father’s behavior.”
like this is not what’s happening! at all! if you actually watch the show and pay any attention to his interactions with people who aren’t buck this is very clear! this is also why it annoys me so much when people try to make his panic attacks over ana about him being gay - HE WAS PANICKING BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY DIDN’T WANT ANA TO BE CHRIS’S MOTHER AND HE DIDN’T WANT HER TO BE HIS WIFE, HE JUST THOUGHT THAT WAS THE EXPECTATION HE NEEDED TO MEET (AGAIN, SUBCONSCIOUSLY, AFTER NO LESS THAN 3 PEOPLE PUSHED HIM INTO THE RELATIONSHIP)!!!!!! HE SAYS THAT OUTRIGHT TO BUCK WHEN HE SAYS HE’S NOT READY FOR A READYMADE FAMILY!!! i know the show likes to rewrite some things but what is happening right now?
that’s also why i’m so confused about people acting like buck’s (and even chris’s) first instinct should be to get angry and turn eddie away and call him out for being awful - maybe that would be the response if eddie did have a habit of going through women and cheating and leaving them for the next pseudo-shannon. but actually the fact that eddie is lying to his best friend and cheating on his perfect girlfriend and risking putting his kid in a bad place is indicative of a real crisis-level issue with his grief and trauma (which buck has had a front-row seat to) in an unbelievably fucked up one-in-a-million situation. cheating is obviously fucking horrible and wrong - eddie is doing it because he’s being self-destructive and not thinking rationally! ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS HIM WILL KNOW THIS!!!
i literally hate this storyline and i understand that it’s controversial and that’s fine, but genuinely some of the takes i’ve been reading suggest unironically that a lot of people DO actually need to watch the show. because wtf do you mean eddie needs to learn to be alone?
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glorious-spoon · 11 months
Kitchen Table Talks [9-1-1 | Gen | 1/1]
Title: Kitchen Table Talks Pairing: None; mentioned pre-relationship Buck/Eddie Characters: Eddie Diaz, Christopher Diaz, Tia Pepa Wordcount: ~1500
I re-watched 6x14 last night, so have a little post-ep that wouldn't leave me alone.
The lights are still on in Christopher’s room when he gets home. He pulls off his shoes, drops his keys in the bowl by the door, and pads into the kitchen, where Pepa is at the sink, sleeves rolled up, cardigan draped over the back of a chair, scrubbing at a pan. La Raza is playing on the little speaker on the counter, the same station that always played at her house when he was a kid. He remembers walking in on her and his tío dancing in the kitchen to it more than once. There’s a wistfulness to that thought now, for a lot of reasons.
“Tía Pepa,” he says, shrugging his jacket off. “Come on, you don’t have to do my dishes.”
“These are my dishes, I cooked,” she says, without turning. The admonishing fondness in her voice makes him smile as he drapes his jacket over her cardigan on the back of the chair. “Go say goodnight to your son, he’s waiting up.”
“Yeah, I see that,” Eddie says, and heads down the hall before she can swat at him with the dish towel like he’s ten years old again.
Christopher is propped up against a stack of pillows in a pool of light from his lamp, his nose buried in the Stephen Hawking book that he got out of the library after his latest scientific enthusiasm strained the limits of Buck’s Wikipedia-diving skills. He sets it down when Eddie raps on the door frame.
“Hey, Dad. How was your date?”
“It was, you know.” Eddie wobbles a hand ambivalently, because he knows it’ll make Chris laugh and because he can’t exactly do that with Pepa. She really will swat him with a dish towel, date clothes and all. “It was okay.”
Chris does laugh, bonking his head back against the pillow with that sunny, beautiful grin that he inherited from his mother. “No second date?”
“No, I don’t think so.” 
He’s still trying to get a read on how Chris feels about all that. The dating. Eddie dating. The possibility, someday, of Eddie getting serious about someone, which seems unlikely right now, but—it could happen. Someday. He never thought he’d miss the broken salad bowls and the stolen phones and the secret Uber rides, but Chris hasn’t been giving anything away, and that’s almost worse. 
Or maybe he’s just using his son as an excuse again. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Okay. So maybe it’s time you put the book away, huh?”
“I’m not finished reading it,” Chris says, flapping the pages at him.
“You’re not gonna finish it tonight. Come on, it’s after ten.”
“Yeah, and you have school in the morning, mijo, get to sleep.”
Chris heaves a sigh like he’s the most beleaguered kid in the world, but he takes the bookmark off his night stand and tucks it between the pages. Eddie slips into the room to turn off the light and press a kiss to the tousled crown of his head, and he doesn’t protest that as an affront against his preteen dignity either, so that’s something. 
“Good night, Christopher.”
“Good night, Dad,” Chris says on another deep sigh, and flops over onto his side. Thus dismissed, Eddie stifles his laughter and retreats out into the warm light of the hallway.
The pan is in the drain and Pepa is at the table with half a glass of wine when he comes back into the kitchen. She raises her eyebrows at him, and Eddie fights not to hunch his shoulders like a kid sneaking in late. Or, in this case, early.
“You didn’t stay very late,” she observes.
“We had dinner,” Eddie protests, because he’s trying, okay. He put on a suit and he went out for dinner and drinks with the daughter of another one of Pepa’s friends—Isabella, 31, veterinary tech with freckles and a fondness for hiking and live theater—and he really did try to see if there was something there other than a nice meal and some pleasant conversation with a stranger he’s never going to see again.
There wasn’t. There never is.
“So what was wrong with this one?”
“Nothing,” Eddie says honestly, in the least exasperated tone he can manage. His tía loves him. She wants him to be happy. She’s making a lot of effort to set him up on dates he doesn’t really want to be on with people he doesn’t really want to be dating, because she wants him to be happy. It’s his own fault that he keeps agreeing to them when he knows they’re not going anywhere. “Nothing, Pepa, she was a really nice woman. They’ve all been really—nice women.”
He doesn’t really mean the last word to come out with an emphasis, but it does. He can hear it the moment it leaves his mouth, and he can see it land. Pepa narrows her eyes thoughtfully. An echo of that old fear rises up to choke him, but he swallows it down.
His tía loves him. She wants him to be happy.
She’s quiet for a long moment, looking at him. Then, in a cautious tone that is very unlike her, she says, “My friend Yolanda—I don’t know if I ever mentioned her—she has a nephew about your age. Very handsome. He works at one of those boat companies, you know, that do the whale watching tours—”
A helpless, breathless burst of laughter escapes Eddie. He collapses into a chair, braces his elbows on the table, and buries his face in his palms. After a moment, Pepa reaches over to pat his arm.
“Should I not have said that?” 
“No, it’s—you’re not. You know. Wrong.” He lifts his head, finally, just enough to rub both his hands over his face. 
“Is that why the dates haven’t been working out?”
“No. I mean, not exactly.” He lifts his head to meet her warm gaze. She pats his arm again, then slides her wine glass over.
“Here. I think you need this more than me.”
Eddie takes a deep breath, nods, and takes it. “Thanks.”
“So should I—”
“I don’t think it’ll be any different with your friend Yolanda’s nephew,” he blurts, because if he’s going to own up to it he might as well own up to all of it.
“His name is Matias.”
“Okay. With Matias. I don’t think it’ll be any different.”
“Edmundo.” She sounds exasperated now, which is easier to deal with than that careful tone. Eddie takes a swallow of wine and avoids her eyes. “How are you going to know if you don’t try?”
“I know, I know, I just…” he sighs. “There’s somebody.”
“Somebody, like, a boy somebody?”
“Really, Tía Pepa, a boy, you make me sound like I’m Christopher’s age, come on.” He’s laughing though now, full of relief that feels almost giddy. Later, maybe, he’ll stress about this again. Probably he will. But for now, despite Pepa’s loving meddling—or because of it—he’s glad he finally told her. Or at least cracked the closet door enough for her to figure it out on her own.
“Well, you’re acting like you’re Christopher’s age.” She leans back in her seat, folding her arms and arching an eyebrow at him. “So? Tell me about him.”
“He’s not—we’re not together.”
“Obviously, or you wouldn’t be letting me set you up with every woman your age in Los Angeles. Tell me anyway. I want to know who captured my nephew’s heart. Make sure he’s good enough for you.”
For a reckless instant, Eddie thinks about actually telling her. She knows Buck, and she’s kindly inclined toward him after all of Christopher’s glowing stories about zoo trips and school bake sales, plus that time when Buck came with Eddie to help out with a (non-fabricated) plumbing issue in the basement. She’d fuss some more about it—can’t you find a nice Mexican boy, Edmundo?—but not seriously. It might be nice to say it out loud for a change.
Still. There’s some absurd little part of himself tucked away behind his ribs that thinks maybe, just maybe, he’ll eventually work up the courage to tell Buck the truth about how he feels, and that if he ever does, Buck should be the first person he says it to. It’s a toss-up whether or not he’ll ever actually manage it, but Pepa knows now that he likes men and the world hasn’t ended, so anything’s possible.
“Not yet,” he says finally. 
“Not yet?”
“I’m not ready yet.”
“Excuses. I told you. You’re never going to be ready.”
“I don’t know. I think—maybe. Maybe I will. Sometime soon. But not yet.”
Pepa purses her lips at that. For a moment, he thinks she’s going to argue some more, but finally she sighs, kisses her fingertips and presses them to his cheek, then cups it in her warm palm.
“Okay,” she says finally. “I won’t set you up on any more dates. For now.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. This boy, whoever he is—you should tell him. Or you should let him go.” She shakes him a little—gently, fondly, then releases him. “You can’t live your entire life for a dream, Eddie. You deserve something real.”
Trust his tía to never pull her punches. Eddie laughs, rueful, and lifts the wine glass to his lips again. 
“I’ll think about it,” he says, and almost lets himself mean it.
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mayasdeluca · 7 months
I know you had to of already answered but can you point me to a post where you’ve said your fave Marina episodes are?
So I had thought I answered this kind of recently but I literally went through 40 pages of my asks tag and it still wasn't there so I'll just answer it again lol
Season 3: 3x05 for obvious reasons, their first meeting has everything and we get Maya back story as well! 3x07 for the lasagna scene because it's perfection...everything about it just makes you fall in love with them and the chemistry is just 😍🔥 3x11 for all the fun vacation scenes and then the panic attack scene at the end...this is when I personally really started falling for them and got obsessed because we got to see them just be together for a whole storyline in an episode and it was everything. Special shoutout to the makeout scene in Maya's office in 3x14 because 🥵 we deserved more of those while Maya was captain!
Season 4: 4x06-4x07 hands down. These are at the top for me. Seeing Maya being so protective and worried about Carina once she finds out what she's doing with Andrew. Leaving her job and first inspection as captain because she was more worried about her girlfriend's well being...seeing her support Carina through her grief and stand by her side and help her in any way possible. It was all so truly beautiful and well done. Honorable mention to 4x08 because the jealousy scenes with Gabriella were fun and the scene at the end of them discussing it was so important for their relationship and well done. 4x14 is also at the top for obvious reasons. We went through a rollercoaster of emotions through it all but we learned so much about Marina and they learned a lot about each other and then the proposal at the end was beautiful. 4x16 the kitchen scene in this episode is one of my all time favorite scenes for them. Just seeing how happy and excited they were to get married and how at peace and safe they are in each other's arms. It's everything. Of course I wish their wedding was more focused on them but still overall a good episode.
Season 5: Honestly the only episode in full I truly enjoyed in Season 5 was 5x07. I thought it was very well done overall (really hoping Leah is getting an episode in Season 7 because her solo eps are so good) and of course all the Marina scenes were perfect. The 'I want to hold a little you scene' is an all time favorite. Some honorable mentions for scenes regarding Marina is the wedding scene in 5x01, the conversation at the end of 5x03, the beginning scene in 5x05, and the last scene in 5x17 (another all time fave).
Season 6: 6x10 was so good and everything was on point from Maya bringing Carina lasagna (while on shift) to then immediately going over to her hotel once finding out she was sick (again on shift) and then taking care of her while respecting her boundaries and both of them expressing their feelings and of course the forehead kiss 🥰 6x13 solely for "Every time I'm near you I just want to let gravity pull me back to you" and "Carina DeLuca will you go on a date with me?" 6x14 because the beginning of them pretending it was a first date, jealous Maya towards Pam, 'you are my conscience,' and of course their first kiss in forever and 'can i take you out again?' 'Maybe. Call me.' Carina being a menace. 🥵 6x15 is an all time favorite for obvious reasons and the last scene is an all time favorite. The bar scenes were great and the shower scene was too but that conversation afterwards was so needed and the hug and Carina burying her face in Maya's chest 😭 it was everything! Also them cuddling in bed like they were...we need that for longer in Season 7 🤞🏻
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sibylsleaves · 26 days
Okay 3 replies in 1 lol
1. Thank you for confirming buck never told taylor it was lucy he cheated with LMAO I literally thought I was going crazy… im working it into my belief system that her being able to do that stems from her top notch reporter skills which is why Im like taylor kelly needs to be studied. (Also when I was writing the minor character part I was also thinking of defend in place!! So weird to me how the minor character focus worked so well in some instances and not others. And its also why I wished they did more with claudette. She was so good in 5x08/5x16)
2. I have seen s6 and I can now confirm that before this past week I had seen the whole series except 5x07-5x09 and 5x14-5x18 (id seen like clips and gifs of a lot of it but not whole episodes and arcs). But I am going to be moving on to s6 and would love to dump any thoughts I had somewhere if you were interested in reading :) 6b did radicalize me re:buddie canon (or, s6 lit the fuse and s7 blew my whole world up) and I actually quite liked s6 outside some of the denny bio dad plot and bucktalia eddisol stuff so Im actually really excited rewatch
3. Episodes of all time. Okay to preface this I am not the kind of person who will re watch / re read things several times over. Like usually I need years between watches (hence why this is my first time rewatching the show in whole. When the first time I watched through/binged was between s3/4). And while there are some episodes I really really enjoy they are just not the kind of episodes that stick with me in a way where I would re watch them any time any place, which is why the list ends up being exclusive lol. So my rewatch any time list would probably be: 2x06, 4x06, 4x13/14 (always watch together), 5x16 (yay), 6x14. Maybe 5x11 Im still deciding. Bubble on that list (pending re watch) would probably be 6x06, 6x12, 7x01, 7x06. And then episodes of all time would be like all those plus like the classics. Worst day ever/point of origin. Chimney begins/fight or flight. Tsunami arc. Taking of dispatch. Boston. Maybe step nine.. I love a bobbysode. So kinda basic maybe but they are special to me (especially 6x14 … if dosed and jinx and survivors didnt exist maybe my favorite ep of the whole series…). I also really love 2x04, 2x18, 3x01, 3x12, the madney plot specifically in 3x13, 4x07, and 5x14, but they all kinda just miss the rewatch list cut for me. ALSO very special re watch exception for 3x10 when Im in the holiday spirit. Yay buck making gingerbread houses with denny and chris
6b also radicalized me, anon. although i'll be honest i found much of 6a highly boring. i've gone back to rewatch MAYBE two of those episodes ever?? I did just rewatch Tomorrow.
6x14 is such an underrated episode. I truly adore it as well!! Ravi!!!!! and 4x07, also such a fave.
these are some solidly good episodes!!
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aspecbuddie · 6 months
oh the amatonormativity of 6x14 bugs me so much but the ep does give off such fantastic aro!eddie vibes
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Ichigo; Bleach Whump Arrancar Arcs
Shinigami Arc & Soul Society Arc (S1-S3) Bount Arc (S4-S5) Zanpakuto - Arrancar Finale Arcs (S9-S14)
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Arrancar: The Arrival Arc
6x02 / Ep 111 Shock! The Father's True Identity - Thrown, forced to the ground, weak 6x03 / Ep 112 The Commencement of War, Visored and Arrancar - Manipulated 6x04 / Ep 113 Prelude to the Apocolypse, Arrancar Offensive! - Punched in the head, knocked down, weak, depressed, hears the hollow 6x05 / Ep 114 Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia and Soul Reapers - Restrained by hollow, panic attack, kicked in the stomach, knocked down, punched multiple times, paralyzed, bloody mouth, bruised, bandaged, insomnia, guilty 6x06 / Ep 115 Mission! The Soul Reapers Have Come - Kicked in the face, restrained, unconscious body, kicked off a roof, punched multiple times, restrained by hollow, confronted, exhausted 6x08 / Ep 117 Rukias Battle Begins! The Freezing White Blade - Painfully restrained 6x12 / Ep 121 Clash! The Protector VS The Bearer - Kicked in the gut, blood, crashes from a great height, weak, bloody forehead, punched a million times, hollow form taking over, collapse, worried for Rukia 6x13 / Ep 122 Vizard! The Power of the Awakened - Missing 6x14 / Ep 123 Ichigo, Complete Hollowification!? - Bloody forehead, hollow eye, sliced multiple times, crashed into wall, bleeding, passes out into hollow form, restrained, table thrown at chin, knocked out, carried, transforms into hollow, falls from great height 6x15 / Ep 124 Collision! Black Bankai and the White Bankai - Manipulated, face cut, kicked, elbowed in the gut, knocked back, bleeding, sliced, painfully restrained, thrown multiple times, punched in the gut, weak, impaled 6x16 / Ep 125 Urgent Report! Aizens Terrifying Plan! - Jumpscared, manipulated, completely hollowfied, impaled, bleeding, sliced from the inside, bleeding, collapse, unconscious, weak 6x17 / Ep 126 Uryu VS Ryuken! Clash of the Parent-Child Quincy - Kicked/knocked back multiple times 6x18 / Ep 127 Uraharas Decision, Orihimes Thoughts - Smacked into a wall 6x19 / Ep 128 The Nightmare Arrancar! Team Hitsugaya Moves Out - Kicked into a wall, blasted away
Arrancar: The Hueco Mundo Sneak Entry Arc
7x07 / Ep 138 Hueco Mundo moves again! Hitsugaya VS Yammy - Kicked 7x08 / Ep 139 Ichigo VS Grimmjow, the 11-second battle! - Sliced, exhausted 7x09 / Ep 140 Ulquiorra's Scheme, the Moment when the Sun Sets - Exhausted, kicked into oblivion, pinned down, hand unpinned (blood) 7x10 / Ep 141 Goodbye…, Kurosaki! - Coma, carried 7x11 / Ep 142 Strict Order! The Forbidden Rescue of Orihime - Startles awake, falls on head, emotional, depressed, punched into window 7x13 / Ep 144 Isida and Chad, The Quickening of a New Power - Elbowed to the head, pushed twice 7x15 / Ep 146 The Names Nel! The Appearance of a Strange Arrancar - Uppercut, punched 7x16 / Ep 147 Forest of Menos! Search for the Missing Rukia - Knocked on the head x3 7x19 / Ep 150 Oath! Back Here Alive Again - Knocked on the head x3 7x20 / Ep 151 The Raging Storm! Encounter with the Dancing Arrancar - Kicked in the gut, knocked on the head, knocked through wall, kicked in the gut twice, uppercut, knocked down, bloody forehead, weak
Arrancar: The Fierce Fight Arc
8x01 / Ep 152 Ichigo Strikes Back! This Is My Bankai - Kicked + knocked down multiple times, bloody forehead, hit to the gut multiple times, weak, getting absolutely beaten up, restrained, hollow form 8x10 / Ep 161 The Cruel Arrancar, Ulquiorra's Provocation - Emotional 8x11 / Ep 162 Szayelaporro Laughs, The Net Trapping Renji is Complete - Hollowified, exhausted, hit with multiple huge blasts, bleeding, stabbed in the chest, collapse, dies 8x13 / Ep 164 Ishida's Strategy, 20-Second Offense and Defense - Corpse, weak 8x14 / Ep 165 The Murderous Intent Boils! The Joyful Grimmjow - Weak, sliced 8x15 / Ep 166 Desperate Effort VS Desperate Effort! Hollowfied Ichigo - Orihime sees him Hollowfied for the first time, intense solo battle, punched multiple times, shot in the back multiple times, blood, exhausted 8x16 / Ep 167 The Moment of Conclusion, The End of Grimmjow - Stabbed twice, blood, exhausted, knocked back
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eg515 · 2 years
whyyyyyyyyyy are Jess and Robby suddenly third cousins??? why are they even still together in the first place? they should have broken up several episodes ago.. they are really struggling with plotlines for Jess, huh?
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, April 11
Buffy: (shrugs) I'll be fine. Spike: Buffy. You're not happy here. Buffy: Please don't make this harder. Spike: You don't belong here. You're something... You're better than this.
~~Doublemeat Palace~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Elope (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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Followup Tests (Angel/Maggie Walsh, E) by MadeInGold
A Strange Sort of Afterlife (Multiple Crossings, T) by Ditsyjo and Wolfcubx2
Daisies (Buffy/Spike, T) by desicat
I Know I Should Figure This Out on my Own (but if you come back, could you take me home?) (Cordelia, Wesley, T) by purple_mechanicalpencils
Cooking Together (Crossover with Dawson's Creek, G) by Julikobold
Rock Concert Tickets (Buffy/Spike, G) by Julikobold
Spilling (Crossover with The Golden Girls, G) by Julikobold
A Year of Judgement (Ethan Rayne, T) by NAOA
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Say Yes to Heaven (Buffy/Spike, R) by Maxine Eden
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Scooby Family Therapy, Chapter 1 (Joyce/Everyone, E) by Anne_Hathagay
Highlands and Tropical Islands, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Faith, M) by QuillBard
Ripped Stockings, Chapter 1 (Giles/Jenny, E) by TheClowniestLivInExistence
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Written in the Stars, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12
Celebrating You, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by DeamonQueen
Army Wife, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by though_you_try
Keep You Ghosted, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, R) by hydranjenna
The Boyfriend Swap, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
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The Stars to Hold Our Destiny, Chapter 10 (Crossover with Star Trek, FR15) by Hermionetobe
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Blood and dust, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by hulettwyo
Coming Through, Chapter 55 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by hulettwyo
Service Unit, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by hulettwyo
Hope is the thing with feathers, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by will_
What The Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
In Your Dreams, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Geliot99
We're Going to be Friends, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Build a Bridge, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Niamh
Love Lives Here, Chapter 47 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Dark Willow Fan Art by erin_m_creates
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Artwork:🌸🌸🌸 by novivi
Comic:favorite scene by fox-toothed
Gifset:Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1.07 & 5.18 by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma
Gifset:S01:E09 - The Puppet Show (Part 1) by thecrazyknight
Gifset:The Zeppo by dailybuffysummers
Gifset:Anne by detectivedawnsummers
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Video: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: Portrait Painting | Time Lapse - Fan Art Series by TIM NARDELLI
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Joan the Vampire Slayer (and Randy) | 6x8 "Tabula Rasa" | The Normies Group Reaction! by The Normies
"The I in Team" (4x13) | *Buffy the Vampire Slayer* Reaction by cass reacts
Older and Far Away: Buffy 6x14 Reaction by Dakara
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992) - Film Review by VIDEO ZONE
The Re-Watcher's Council | "Reptile Boy" Buffy the Vampire Slayer S02E05 Spoiler Review by LGRN - Entertainment
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Podcast: Angel S4E1: Deep Down by Booze & Buffy
Publication: The 10 best Angel episodes, ranked via digitaltrends
[Recs & In Search Of]
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spuffy fanfics where drusilla plays a major role in the story recced by mcgnagallsarmy
[Community Announcements]
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New "Good Vibes" Flair Announcement by r/buffy
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Fandom5K 2024 Schedule by fandom5k
[Fandom Discussions]
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[on Buffy being 'kicked out'] by moistvonlipwig
[Riley's ending] by breezybeej
[Xander in the S2 finale] by nicnacsnonsense
[S6 as a Willow fan] by aingeal98
[Ask: Lies My Parents Told Me meta] by momsforroadhead and explosionshark
[Meme: why is the library closed?] by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
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Conflicted feelings on the show so far... by multiple authors
Which Firefly transplant to Angel did you enjoy most? by multiple authors
Questions about souls by multiple authors
Do you think Dawn existed within the Wishverse? by multiple authors
What are some pieces of dialogue that you hated? by multiple authors
What are some of the most mind-blowing Buffyverse moments? by multiple authors
Most interesting Wishverse character? by multiple authors
Season 7: did anyone ever say whether the lighting and wardrobe were intentionally meant to be so gloomy/dark? by multiple authors
Buffy's reaction by multiple authors
Giles' reaction to Joyce blaming him for Buffy leaving Sunnydale by multiple authors
Faith, Hope, and Trick by multiple authors
What are the best moments of each season? by multiple authors
Ryles comeback was poorly done by multiple authors
Just started reading the comics and I have questions about Buffy's relationship with Angel and Spike by multiple authors
Does becoming a vampire mean the body is possessed? by multiple authors
Which one time/small recurring character you wish became a main cast member? by multiple authors
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