#ep: 5x13 blood ties
on-this-day-btvs · 8 months
February 6, 2001
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Blood Ties aired for BTVS season 5, episode 13. There are two important developments in this episode. Dawn - Buffy's sister - learns who she really is, and the Scoobies and Spike do too. (Buffy, Joyce, and Giles already knew.) Dawn does not take the news very well.
The audience also learns about the connection between Glory (shown above) and Ben - a medical intern and friend of Buffy's.
Dawn Summers is played by Michelle Trachtenberg. Glory is played by Clare Kramer. Ben Wilkinson is not shown but is played by Charlie Weber.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newseltter, Thursday, September 21
Anya: I think we shouldn't've brought Buffy back. I knew it was going to end badly. I should've said something. Xander: Okay, fine, but ... what are we gonna do? I mean, I'm feeling the need for some vigorous doing, you know? Willow: It's okay. We, we just k*ll the beastie and then all is good. We're rolling in puppies! ... Right?
~~After Life~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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scraped off my knees, i drink the honey (Buffy/Spike, E) by evesock
Overflowing (Anya/Cordelia, G) by underfallingstars
Finding Amy Part 2 (Ensemble, T) by AJ Fields
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Du Passé au Présent (French language, T) by guepard54
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Night Swimming (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Day I'll Never Remember, And Those That Followed, Chapter 2 (Jenny Calendar, G) by Jess_Ann_Perreault
Deep Dark Sky, Chapter 8 (Dawn/Connor, T) by Cornerofmadness
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Plenty of Fish, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by all-choseny
New Normal, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by holetoledo
Because I could not stop death, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Desicat
From Hell with Love, Chapter 27 (Buffy/Spike, R) by temporarytitle
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Chocolate and Emeralds, Chapter 6 (Multiple crossings, FR15) by acs
The Wolf Who Sees, Chapter 3 (Multiple crossings, FR15) by calikocat
The Guardians of Magic, Chapter 13 (Multiple crossings, FR13) by MarcusSLazarus
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The Art of Dying, Chapter 31 (Buffy/Spike, R) by disco-tea
What the Drabble?, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
Give Up the Ghost, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Chelle, Megan and sandy_s
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Icons: 15 BtVS (Season 6, Episode 1) Icons by debris4spike
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Artwork:Keep Your Enemies Closer by disco-tea
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Video: The Guys of the beholder Play Buffy by Guys of the Beholder
Video: Buffy edit || Where’s your head at? || Buffy the Vampire Slayer edit by Torch
[Reviews & Recaps]
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No-Good Blood-Sucker | Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x1 "Buffy vs Dracula" | The Normies Group Reaction! by The Normies
Dark willow is in the house..Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E20 'Villains''♡Reaction & Review♡ by SoFieReacts
*BEST EPISODE!!!* Buffy the Vampire Slayer S5 Ep 7 "Fool for Love" Reaction: FIRST TIME WATCHING by Nick Reacts
Listening to Fear: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x09 Reaction by Dakara
"I Only Have Eyes For You" & "Go Fish" (2x19-2x20) | BTVS REACTION by cass reacts
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction [ 3X1 ] "Anne" ( Buffy Reaction / Review ) by Java Java Reactions
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x8 "I, Robot...You, Jane" Reaction by Justalowly Channel
Let's Rewatch Buffy! Season 1, Episode 2 by Jenny Trout
Once more with feeling-5x13 Blood Ties(Buffy the Vampire Slayer) by Nerd Subculture Podcast
[Fandom Discussions]
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[Xander's lack of character growth] by chronicpcssimist
[Riley wasn't so bad] by dgcatanisiri
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Is Willow worse than Faith? by fauxindigo
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Cordelia the Vampire Slayer by multiple authors
What’s a moment or plot in Buffy that affects you differently as you’ve gotten older? by multiple authors
The Witch (S1 E3) is such a fantastic episode by multiple authors
At the time it first aired, did people see the whole Willow ending up being the s6 big bad thing coming? Or was it a cool plottwist? by multiple authors
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What is something a character in Buffy did that you wouldn't be able to forgive? by multiple authors
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x13 recoil
I love the editing in the clips here, we get the info we need, but also while I'm sure we all remember that some ppl were killed, like roy montgomery, we also get to see the dramatic clip of him getting shot & lockwood with blood on his face & these things are mostly for the drama, not the recap, really really well done bc we still get the recap.
I also like how she hits him immediately after he says he has the power.
Garbage can fire babey. gonna be a dead body. See? Plenty of people throw up when they see (& probs smell) a dead body burning!
RC: Well, I haven’t met him or approved of him yet, so it can’t be serious. All suitors must be met and intimidated by me personally before they can be considered for official boyfriend status. So true
Ew yucky
no dental records then... Ryan looks nice lol. & esposito's jacket is nice
Ryan pretty but meh. Esposito perfectly fine but meh Castle also pretty enough. Becks looks shiny shirt dc!? multiple times in just 20m? Might as well stay on the line.
Why would the boyf have an unlisted number? oh no ooof oof oof ooooooof she left a message hhhh
the phone falls & clatters... oof that is the best... except how would she end the recording? AFTER the phone clatters? the audio changes during "happens" like she moved to a different area, or passed a wall
Yeah smth falls & then like a ring hits the wall zippo? Or maybe he was ALREADY burning the body
Yeah lol u can't remember ppl when you are seeing a hundred a night, or more. unless she comes here often! She was a high end prostitute! BRACKEN? oh of course it was him, this is a plot heavy ep.
No wonder the phone call. & also dealt with OTHER people too! He did not just kill melanie & johanna & attempt beckett, & also raglan & montgomery & mccallister & possibly those other two lawyers or whoever beckett nice coat lol.
ESPOSITO NICE JACKET (& nice scarf on ryan) JE: You know, I was really hoping the next time I saw this guy would be down the barrel of my gun.
*fidgeting with his hand hanging by his legs* Met her there works for you non-paid consultant *stops* I know where I've seen you. I can't believe that he doesn't already have pics of beckett's close circles: friends, work, family,, gym
of COURSE he wouldn't do it himself! Ooh y'all got the fbi to do analysis? Nice! My grampa was able to tell what car, make model, year, idk, just by the sound of the engine.
Why do they need sirens on? They Ooh audio. Echo, loud, yells, I love it when ryan yells beckett's name. Why would they draw a diagram of the gun & do that sort of thing?
I thought beckett was ryan for a sec. That shiny suit jacket, I loved it, really shows off her waist. Then I realized ryan is amab he does not have a waist that small. Becks looks great tho & I like her with her hair back like that. Castle's red jacket & dark shirt are nice too & gates looks good with her red shirt adding colour from behind her black jacket/cardigan. Oh & ryan! light purple shirt with a square pattern (love that for ryan), dark thin tie (I'd call it black but it is not that dark) with multicoloured tiny equally sized polka dots, vest, ooh he's good. I grabbed a pic but idk if it is any good. at least I got a pic of beckett. Update from later in the episode: HIS WAISTCOAT HAS A SHINY SILVERY BACK PANEL SDLKFKSJFDLSKJF & it is tied in such a way that it hugs his hips man I'm such a lesbian fot him (both men) sounds like a disguise bright red shiny tie, really pops
this guy is assassinating him. that's why he insists that the senator goes. Gates my beloved Man has a jacket AND a coat. At least they are different colours
ugh the way she gestures for him to take a seat hhhhh so gooooood KB: Senator Bracken, do you have any enemies? Is there anyone you can think of that would like to kill you? cough cough WB: A man doesn’t get to my position without upsetting people along the way. Most of them aren’t crazy enough to want to kill me. (he gestures) Present company excluded.
JE: I’ll tell you something. If I’m her, I sit in there shuffling papers until whoever it is puts a bullet in Bracken’s head. KR: KR: No you wouldn’t. Because that would make you no better than he is. (well you are just not changing the trolley path. He's the one who tied people to it.) JE: The guy murdered Beckett’s mother. Captain Montgomery. Who knows who else?. ((exactly!)) Bracken’s got it coming to him. So I say let it come. KR: *uncomfy* I mean just two episodes ago esposito threatened to kill someone.
Nice pattern on esposito's shirt. Not an actual pattern, just the weave of it making it textured almost like heather. 24 hours exactly?
RC: Man, these people need to get a life. Most of these guys it seems like their only companionship is the space alien that talks to them through their microwave. *coincidentally finds the letter just as she says that* RC: No, I did actually. I liked the way you uh, dotted the ‘I’ in kill with a little heart. It was a nice touch. Oh yeah chinese food babey Man doesn't take his mug to the break room to wash it?? wait it was not the same writing my bad. it is all caps... In fact, it is the same letter, it was a rough draft.
Senator Bracken When you sleep at night do you dream of the blood dripping off your hands leaking into the ground filling up the valleys and the craters with new lakes and oceans lake hemoglobins the red ocean rivers of blood or do you drift away to some peaceful place unburdened by the endless bodies piling on your shoulders always more bodies never ending as you count the sheep dancing over fences but it isn't the sheep that calm your icy nerves it is their destination as they leap the fence toward the slaug//hter how their bleats and screams must fill that cavity in your chest where a heart should be with bostalgic joy for the suffering you have caused so many he was a boy a precious boy so filled with hope and aspirations and you took that in and you fed on him that boy my boy in the lion's den there is no way to avoid the night calls and the roats of the fearsome loathsome ((cut off)) ((Not going back to change typos; I touch typed this & my touch typing needs work))
Ooh the music also it is late she managed an appointment at this time of night? Are you sure that he is much worse? The one you can live with oof burning...
Coffee <3 Ryan looks nice, his clothes are dark which is less common. espt is wearing some kind of zip up hoodie like that's professional. Becks nice brown leather jacket with a good shape to it. "nothing significant"
Seeing gates with the half sister she kept the eltter phew
Why is castle Sitting at ryan's desk & then ryan leaning over castle pointing the stuff out to him? *interrupts* *looks at the letter while walking back & giving directions*
JE: I’m pretty sure we left Patterson five shops ago. *smacks the badge on the door* "How you doing?" McManus
Ryan looking like my hair lol
*sees him* Oh ooh ooh ooh it's him *shoots just a bit late*
No, castle. She did not miss. (tho it's kind of messed up that when they think that this fellow is an assassin you're allowed to shoot them...) you didn't & that's the good part. *hides her tears*
Not only do you know him but you also looked into him so you know about him. People say ryan is the touchy feely one in terms of emotions & yeah he himself acknowledged the cheesiness of the toast he was giving at the double date last season but esposito is the one to approach kate & talk to her.
She's good She's revealing that!? don't you remember what happened last time you revealed personal information without knowing who is behind the glass? gates is a cop tho, she was a detective, she does interrogations, she can see becks is truthing this room is so big & empty, DP did well. he DOES control everyone lol robert points to three people behind the glass lol, he can't see them blood on OUR hands. She's right, it is in hers bc she let him go! Except if she shot him he would not be available for questioning he might even be dead.
Oh thank goodness, we all thought gates was talking to her about That
What did you say that was right about her?
RC: Check this out. What better way to celebrate the end of a difficult case then with a bottle of – (he trails off when he sees her work) – what are you doing? YEAH NO IF HE'S OFF HIS MEDS THAT AIN'T GOOD KB: And what about Melanie’s body? He burned it and he knocked out her teeth to keep it unidentifiable. Me: Schiz often comes with paranoia, he wanted to be safe KB: And then he leaves a duffle bag in a stolen car for us to find? Me: ... That is not very meticulous of him......
I don't (usually) smoke & I still have a lighter & matchbook music hhh not ALL the evidence, remember? Right, people OFTEN believe that the psychoaffected people don't know what they're doing or are dangerous or planted the bomb, nobody would look further into it
If you're right then you have gained his trust back. 41319 is her badge # btw
secondary area search? man is upset. He lost his temper, this is not normal.
THE LIGHTER I play with em like that too lol WHAT IF THE LIGHTER IS A DETONATOR btw I was right! It IS the assistant person (no they are both just nondescript white guys)
He was BESIDE the car, even if beckett was NOT there he would have been fine
Castle just TACKLED that guy
Five years, long play. Or paid money lol CASTLE ADMITTING HE WOULD HAVE STOOD & WATCHED
Ryan nice light grey jacket, pink shirt, possibly striped, dark tie to contrast, ugh he's so good. Esposito just wearing the kind of "I'm at home today" clothes I wear "just like you would have done" WB: Someone who’s gotten rich making powerful people promises that I need to keep. ((PARDON ME?)) What does a kingmaker do when the king no longer follows orders?
WB: You saved my life. KB: (rolls her eyes) Yeah well, you can’t win ‘em all, can you? a friend? He's right when he says "If I said no, would you really believe me?"
Nice transition to watching tv at home Benjamin Moss? Ah kingmaker. "plane crash" or "car accident" better story. oof.
Wow I'm half an hour ahead of schedule! I started watching at 9.30, so I should have been done the day's first ep by 11 but I was 20m early, now I should have been done by 12.30 & it is only five after, I'm doing well!
0 notes
thewhumpproject · 8 years
Crime Shows Whump Catalogue (WIP)
Crime/Cop/Detective/Investigative dramas/whodunnits/Murder mysteries/whatever you want to call them. Incomplete and will be updated as I write it all up.
NCIS - DiNozzo:
Found this halfway through making this list. Goes as far as 8x15. Has every little thing [x]
1x20 – Drugged, kidnapped
2x22 – Plague
2x23 – Still lowkey weak from Plague, gets almost blown up and ‘collapses’, continues to need rest
3x08 – Tied to a chair (w/ Ziva) and punched
3x12 – ‘Shot’ (scratched) in arm
3x16 – Injures ankle
3x23 – Bloody nose
4x04 – Knocked out
6x24 – Fight, breaks arm
6x25 – Still has broken arm, gets tackled by Ziva
9x01 – Shot in head, amnesia
10x21/22 – Car crash, unconscious, cut nose (Ziva hurt more these eps)
NCIS: LA – G. Callen:
[NCIS 6x23] – Shot multiple times
1x08 - Hit over head/‘concussion’
4x01 – Captured, beaten
4x20 - Poisoned
5x04 – Thrown/knocked out by explosion
6x12 – Exposed to ‘deadly’ virus
7x01- Tased (tasered? Shot with a Taser? ...Mildly electrocuted)
8x24 - Shot in vest
NCIS: NOLA – Christopher Lasalle
1x15 – Gassed/high
1x22 – Shocky (emotionally)
2x02 – Shot in Kevlar
JAG – Harmon Rabb:
1x20 – Captured, tied up, drugged, interrogated
2x03 – Head injury, blinded
2x13 – Hit by car, nasty gash, ligament damage, slight concussion
2x14 – Knocked out, hits head again
3x01 – Deteriorating concussion
4x01 – [After ejecting from plane, wakes up in a tree] Knocked out
7x01 – Head injury, severely hypothermic, amnesia
9x01 – Knocked out in plane crash, head injury
Criminal Minds – Spencer Reid:
An in-depth breakdown [x]
1x06 – Hostage, kicked
2x15 – Kidnap, torture, drugged (begins drug addiction arc)
4x24 – Anthrax
5x01 – Shot in leg (covers actor’s own injury) on crutches in further episodes
6x12 – Headaches (storyarc that sort of fizzles out)
9x23 – Shot in neck
Derek Morgan:
4x18 – Tackled through window, knocked out
5x23 – Knocked out, tied up
9x23 – Shot in arm
11x16 – [11x15, drugged and kidnapped] drugged, tortured, chemical burns
Chicago PD – Antonio Dawson:
[Chicago Fire 1x13 – shot. 1x14 – Shooting aftermath]
1x13 – Shot
1x14 – Shooting aftermath, hospital
Jay Halstead:
3x01 - Torture
CSI:NY – Don Flack
2x24 – Explosion
6x08 - Beaten up
Mac Taylor:
4x10 - Knocked out, drugged, kidnapped
8x18 - Shot
Danny Messer: 
6x01 - Shot
CSI (Las Vegas) – Nick Stokes:
2x19 – Pushed out window
5x25 – Buried alive
Greg Sanders:
3x22 - Caught in explosion, hospital
7x04 – Beaten up
Numb3rs - Don Eppes
1x02 - Shot
2x24 - Drugged
5x20 - Stabbed
Hawaii 5-0 – Steve McGarrett:
1x01 - Fight
1x20 – Falls off cliff, head injury, broken arm
2x01 – Stabbed, collapses off-screen
2x10 – Captured, tortured
2x16 – Hit by car
4x08 – Shot in arm
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse
4x21 – Captured, beaten, tortured
5x01 – Shot in leg
5x07 – Gassed, drugged, tortured
5x13 – Car crash
6x06 – Fight
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Shot on a plane
7x01 – Continuing issues from liver transplant
7x04 – Stabbed (but apaaaarently he’s too tough for being stabbed in the back with a kitchen knife to do more than be momentarily inconvenienced)
7x25 - Peaky, turns out he has radiation poisoning
Danny Williams:
1x01 – Bullet grazed arm
1x23 – Sarin poisoning
3x10 - Shot
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse, impaled
5x16 - Stabbed
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Donates some liver
Lethal Weapon – Martin Riggs:
[Emotional whump like every episode especially the first half of the season]
1x01 – Shot twice, shoulder + foot
1x02 – Bar fight, black eye, crashes through window from building across street,
1x03 – Cattle prod-ed
1x04 – Fight
1x07 – Hit by car door, tortured,
1x10 - Drugged
1x12 – Almost drowns
1x13 - Shot with nail gun
1x16 – Angsty, smashes head into mirror
Quantico – Ryan Booth:
1x01? - Shot
1x07 – Shot
1x08 – Continued from shooting
1x09 – Tortured
Bones – Seeley Booth:
1x15 – Explosion
2x18 – Knocked out, tied to chair, beaten
3x05 – Shot in leg
3x08 – Car crash/explosion (Bones in car too)
3x14 – Shot and ‘dies’
4x13 – Breaks his hand punching someone, knocked out, concussion
4x14 – Kidnapped, trapped in box then on ship, hallucinating, explosion
4x25 – Hallucinations
4x26 – Brain surgery, coma
5x10 – Explosion
9x24 – Shot
11x01 – Shot
Graceland – Mike:
1x09 – Stabbed
1x10 – Continued stab wound, attacked
2x01 – Tortured
2x13 – Shot, suffocated
3x01 – Continued shooting injuries (drug addiction arc begins)
3x07 – Drug withdrawal, sweats, vomiting, delirious, ice bath
Rush – Michael:
1x09 – Car crash, knocked out
1x10 – Head injury
2x10 – Captured
3x07 – MMA fight, nasty fight later (attempted eye-gouging involved)
3x15 – Tumbles down hillside
3x22 – Speared
4x06 – Knocked out (beginning of story arc to 4x08)
4x07 – Kidnapped, head injury, shot
4x08 – Coma hospital scenes
1x04 – Hit on head, collapses
1x06 – Smoke inhalation
2x08 – Shot in leg
2x11 – Kneed by suspect
3x09 – Fight, stabbed, injures arm/shoulder, hospitalised
3x14 – Falls through ceiling, dazed for a second, shot (in vest)
4x06 – Fight
4x11 – Comes to on a boat, shot, falls overboard
2x01 – Caught near explosion, minor head injury
3x17 – Hit by a car
4x12 – Hit on head
3x19 – Knocked out
1x10 – Caught in explosion, hospitalised for head trauma
2x18 – Glass in face
1x04 – Hit in face
1x10 – Caught in explosion, collapses, hospitalised
1x03 – Shot in vest 
New Blood: Stefan –
1x02 (Case 1, Part 2) – Drugged
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 (Case 2, Part 1) – Dog bite, drunk, punched
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up
1x06 (Case 3, Part 1) – Car crash (tbc)
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 – Kicked in the nads, drunk
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up, punched
1x06 – Car crash (tbc), hit, thrown to ground
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
The Glades – Jim Longworth:
1x01 – Alligator bite
2x01 – Dog bite
2x08 – Snake bite
2x11 – Fight – sand in eyes, knocked out, attempted drowning
4x13 – Shot (cliffhanger, last episode)
The Finder – Walter Sherman:
1z12 – Shot (fine, later complications: subdural hematoma)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine – Jake Peralta:
1x06 – Concussion from falling from ceiling
2x13 - Exercises, flops to the ground
2x19 - Kidnapped
2x20 – Falls through car sunroof, various broken and bruised bones, later hit by car, hospitalised
3x10 - Knocked out
3x16 - Knocked out
4x01 - Run over by go-kart
4x02 - Fight
4x03 - Hostage, shot in leg
4x04 - cont. shooting recovery (cane)
4x17 – Hungover, mentions that he might have injured his ribs
Psych – Shawn Spencer:
3x11 – Knocked out
4x09 – Shot
5x04 – Barely poisoned
6x13 – Appendix burst
7x08 – Head injury, concussion
Endeavour – Morse:
0x01 – Faints
1x02 – Stabbed
1x04 – Shot
2x01 – Knocked out, tied up, beaten up
2x02 – Falls through floor
4x02 – Drugged
4x04 – Head/ear injury from grenade
Lewis – James Hathaway:
2x03 – Drugged, trapped in fire, caught in explosion
4x01 - Shot
5x04 – Mild arsenic poisoning
7x01 – Whiplash
Midsomer Murders – Ben Jones:
15x02 – Knocked out, tied up, concussion
19x03 – Knocked out, tied up
Grimm – Nick Burkhardt:
1x01 - Injected with a toxin, collapses
1x08 – Brutal fight
2x13 – Drinks a potion, stomach pains, collapse
2x15 - Blinded
3x01 – Zombified, enraged and gets into fights
3x02 – Continued ‘zombification’, fights as his pals try to capture him, injected with painful cure
4x02 – Sudden headache
4x06 – Sudden headache develops into general weakness gets worse over time
5x21/22 – Fight, torture, hallucination, shot
6x04 – Lightheaded for a moment
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