#eow conde
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echoesofwisdomcountup · 18 hours ago
157 Days Since Echoes of Wisdom Release.
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sanchoyoscribbles · 5 months ago
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pelted condé with teddy bears because i need him to know id die for him
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echoesofwisdomcountup · 2 months ago
92 Days Since Echoes of Wisdom Release. It's so nice to have time to play Echoes. I'm gonna do my best to get as far as possible before law school comes to drag me back. As usual, gameplay photos and thoughts under the read more.
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I have no clue how you were supposed to do this room. I just parkoured using the strandula spiders. I def got frozen a few times and fell. But it worked.
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So my thought process on this puzzle was ah yes I should move the ice so that both sides are matching. Then I moved the ice block and it worked except this isn't matching but mirroring. Anyway, first try.
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I thought the melting fan puzzle mechanic was really interesting. I liked that you could grab the little fire orb and move it around to warm up rooms and later there was even a version for you to freeze a room. So goodbye and good riddance wall, you shall no longer keep me out.
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This room was... entertaining to say the least. I pretty much stood in the middle of the room watching these things duke it out. Somehow my echo ended up on the head of this guy for a minute before falling off. Sadly, didn't get a picture of that.
The green jello mini boss took me a bit because I just didn't know how to damage it. I kept trying to hit the red bump on his head using the sword but kept bouncing back. My friends were watching me get knocked back for like 5 mins before I figured out you could freeze the darn thing. It was kinda funny. The monster didn't do any damage to me and I didn't do any to it.
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And finally, the end of the Lanayru area. I beat the rift and fake Conde's older brother. Conde beating himself up for not being good was literally tearing my heart in two. Nintendo you jerks. They still wouldn't let me hug him but I'm glad he eventually cheered up and ran around super happy.
Alright. The end for today. The gameplay posts are probably my least interacted with posts so uh does anyone read them? Do you like them or am I just throwing my thoughts into the void.
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the-east-art · 5 months ago
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Echoes of wisdom doodles
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echoesofwisdomcountup · 1 month ago
120 Days Since Echoes of Wisdom Release.
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echoes of wisdom zelda, my beloved
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socialc1imb · 5 months ago
Do NOT repost my art without asking/without credit.
(Comic continued under cut)
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theshyowldraws · 3 months ago
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A little quick something I made of best boy Condé 🏔 ❄
(I will protect him with my life 😭❤)
Follow for more! ✨
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leftforread · 4 months ago
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Crying over triangles again.
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echoesofwisdomcountup · 2 months ago
110 Days Since Echoes of Wisdom Release. THIS IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE.
Zelda in the Zora Performance, but everyone is invited!
Available as a free animated phone background from my ko-fi shop:
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cloudycrossings · 2 months ago
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leche-flandom · 2 months ago
Just when I think I'm in a good mood...
My husband is playing Zelda Echoes of Wisdom, which he received for Christmas. He's reached the part where some snowy woolly looking creature named Conde tells Zelda & Tri that he's been missing his big brother, but he thinks he wasn't good enough for his brother to come home. And his big brother pushed him down. And their dad became a star while they were gone. I am on the fucking verge of tears as I demand my husband to fix this situation immediately.
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wrensflight · 1 month ago
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Hi my friend Made me Condé!!!
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echoesofwisdomcountup · 2 months ago
90 Days Since Echoes of Wisdom Release. I continue my playthrough. Still haven't finished the Mount Lanayru rift.
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I'm so excited to save Link. I love Zelda's hair under the hood. I also love the new outfit change. I also immediately used amibo to get the extra clothes. The surprise when Ganondorf gave me the black cat outfit lol.
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I love using the blue outfit. Also who named this guy Capnut. Who hurt your parents Mr. NPC. Still, with a name like that he better become a captain eventually. Capt'n Capnut.
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Smog... yeah pollution is annoying. This boss was very creepy with the whole "play with me" voice coming out of the dark temple entrance. This fight also took me a bit cause I kept getting Zelda electrocuted.
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Conde. I love him. He's the sweetest Yeti in existence. I want to give him a hug. PLEASE NINTENDO LET ME GIVE HIM A DANG HUG. He saved me from those annoying snowman monsters.
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This part made me tear up. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS NINTENDO. HOW COULD YOU HURT HIM. I really hope that Conde's older brother was just an echo and we will rescue his actual brother. However, if we find out that his older brother has already died then I'm gonna riot. (I haven't finished that part yet).
Ok that's it for now. I hope someone is enjoying reading my playthrough thoughts.
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thegeminisage · 5 months ago
SHORT VERSION: minor nitpicks but rad as hell
what i loved about eow:
zelda getting her own adventure, FINALLY. it matters so much to me <3
the thinking aspect of it. i'm used to trying a puzzle a few times and then looking it up if i can't get it, but eow made me WANT to throw myself at the wall until something clicked. it made solving puzzles even more satisfying than in link games, somehow. though i had my initial concerns over not getting a "real" sword, i didn't really miss it until the final fight, and most of the time, i went out of my way to avoid using it if possible, because i wanted to be creative. in fact, even while playing, i looked forward to being able to watch other peoples playthroughs to see how they tackled certain puzzles differently from me. it's so fitting to who zelda is in the lore that it's crazy to me she wasn't een in the original concept - she just fits so PERFECTLY here, as if they'd designed it for her from the ground up.
the way link mattered in the story without stealing the stage (everywhere except the final boss, which i have mixed feelings on). i know that link's function is to act as a stand-in for us, but in this project especially, it's nice to see him get some personality - i think he's earned it!
i ALSO really loved, of course, the final dungeon and working together with link to solve puzzles. the last zelda co-op game we had was four swords where everybody had the same abilities bc they were all link, but what if we had one with link and zelda where they had different abilities? it was so exciting and rewarding to finally get to work with link after all the mystery surrounding him and the fights with his evil duplicate.
the stilled realm stuff was incredible. i had so much fun in the rifts i wish there had been more of them. picking your way around that fucked up landscape is great
being able to cheat your way around any landscape is great also. like i can get to hebra from the ground with enough platbooms, i can jump over tree barriers, etc. it made me feel like a master of the world.
i liked tri! not the most standout companion, but they were just confused enough about basic emotion and nonplussed about things in general to be funny and make me fond
in fact, most of the secondary characters were a lot of fun. i was pretty neutral on wright and lefte and the gerudo ladies, but the zora leaders, impa and lueberry, and of course, conde - they were all fantastic. zelda's dad not being shitty for once was a really nice touch, too.
loved all the callbacks to other games - the deku scrubs, the river vs sea zoras, volvagia, big blue pig ganon even though he sin't my fav
speaking of, i'm not mad about the lore either. it fits with what we know so far and it was GREAT to hear from the three goddesses again when it's been like 20-something years. i was kinda mad when they got shunted aside for hylia and i'm glad nintendo is bringing them into co-existence again
most of the time the music was just okay but when it was good it was REALLY fucking good.
overall, the story was absolutely charming, filled with mostly fun characters and environments and a creative mechanic and a world i cared about saving. none of that feeling i got from totk sometimes where i went "wait, what?" or "this is bullshit!" except maybe when the goron had to break the picture of his dead dad lol.
what i did not love about eow:
my absolute #1 main complaint is the quality of life bs. i should NOT have to go through so many dialogue boxes for a task that is repetitive. minigames that have a 20-second time limit where i spend almost as much time skipping thru the dialogue to try again? come on. smoothies? the dojo? these are things we do dozens, perhaps hundreds of times per playthrough. there is NO NEED to make it that tedious. i would have had a LOT of fun experimenting with smoothies if it hadn't been so tedious, but instead i went out of my way to avoid using them because i was dreading having to sit through the animations and dialogue boxes for more. and there's no quick retry for minigames, either. for the dojo where one misstep means you'll have to start over, all you can do is quit early and then go through the dialogue ALL. OVER. AGAIN. it is 2024!!! surely when they played the game they got annoyed by this too! what are we doing!
similarly, while i didn't hate the slidey menu as much as everyone else cuz i got pretty good at skimming it, it's still nuts to me that they couldn't come up with anything better, perhaps involving some sort of category. sometimes i want platforming echoes and sometimes i want combat ones. separate them!!
while the final boss was FANTASTIC in mood and presentation, my echoes and automatons being kind of useless + me being denied a sword made me feel like i had nothing to do but run around and dodge and watch link and my lynel fight the boss. this is a tricky one because i'm not sure what could possibly be changed to make me a more active participant and still leave link his sword (his presence elevated it so much - much like zelda's does in final fights against ganon), but it felt just an inch to the left from perfect for me
automatons in general - i was really hype for them, but most of them don't even move around on their own, and they're so slow a fast-paced combat sitch will obliterate them instantly. which would have been PERFECT for the final boss where i wanted a more direct means of attack, but they'd get toasted before i had a chance to wind them up. JUST removing the winding element would have improved these greatly without any other change at all, but it's another quality of life thing
the horse was also useless, but the horses have been useless in every game since majora's mask, and even in majora's mask it's iffy.
the world DID feel a little small sometimes, but i think that's the natural result of being able to cheat your way around it - and i wouldn't change that.
finally, the music - most of the music for the overworld sections was boring, where the dungeon music occasionally had more character. i was a little disappointed there wasn't more of the old melodies aside from little snatches of them here and there. i definitely understand composers wanting to do something new, but if their new something is this atmospheric, unhummable stuff...that just doesn't feel like a zelda score, you know? that said, again: when it was good, it was GREAT. that final boss fucking rocked.
overall this made me SOOOO ready for an oracle or minish cap remake from grezzo and absolutely RABID for zelda to have her own 3D adventure someday. they thought it wasn't possible but it ABSOLUTELY is, and the co-op sections near the end were especially wonderful and something i'd love to see in a mainline title someday. yes, this game was flawed, but it wasn't flawed the way totk was, it was overall a great joy to play and well worth both my time and money. there's very little i would change.
and, on a mushy real life note, echoes of wisdom did also help me get through the 15-day power outage after hurricane helene...i started the game just before the hurricane hit and finished it just after i got my power back, so helene kind of defined the experience of playing it for me. i'll never forget sitting in my dark bedroom with all the windows open and the generators going outside and my switch just propped up on my monitor stand, surrounded by battery packs, my only light from flashlights or candles, trying to help the time pass and enjoy the game while keeping a clooose eye on my battery life. it was one of the very, very few things i could look forward to in an uncomplicated way every day, and having something to keep me going was vital to my not just going nuts. zelda games usually seem to come out when i need them most! and i'm grateful to her too <3
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zelda-photography · 5 months ago
Some EoW thoughts
So cute and adorable! I'm less bothered by the art style than I was when I first saw it, but I do feel like the cute-chibi-toy aesethic might stop them from showing as much expression in some of the characters could have had.
The beginning I feel is especially really strong! The fact that Zelda doesn't know Link, Zelda having to escape bc her dad's been replaced, Impa being a badass, and then getting to hear about some of the things Link's been up to since then is all cool! I was worried at first that Zelda would perpetually be following in Link's footsteps, but actually I wish they'd carried mentions of Link further into the story.
I love all the races in it! So cute and fun! I do wish they'd pushed the designs on some of them, especially the Zora. But they all have a surprisingly distinct feel to them, and I'm glad we finally have a game with both river and sea Zora :D (Conde may be my fav character tho haha)
I can't speak too much on the game play - I uh admittedly have only played through two dungeons, but I watched my sister play so we could experience the story together :) - but I kinda go bath and forth. The echo mechanic is a lot more fun than I was expecting, but it does keep the game play pretty easy and you do end up doing a lot of kinda waiting around for your echoes to kill off the enemy.
I feel like they should've pushed the plot just a little bit further? Like it was just a step or two away from what I think would've really made it feel good. It was alright, I enjoyed it, but for me it was missing that bit of umph that would've brought it home. This + the gameplay makes it feel like a game aimed towards a younger audience, which isn't bad per se - I had and am having fun with it! - but I don't want it to be a trend I guess that a top-down Zelda game is a kid's game, I guess?
I need more outfits. The outfits are cute and fun, and I need more of them <3 let me play dress up.
There's a lot of little details and callbacks to older zelda games, especially other top-down ones! There's a boss from Oracle of Ages! Yippee! Yahoo! We are so back, baby! Oracle remakes when?
Overall, I like it! It has a lot of cuteness and charm to it, it's not difficult but getting favorite echoes is fun and figuring out the best way to get things done is neat. It's also cool just noticing the different strats as far as echoes that my sister has vs me.
While simple, it does have the dungeons and puzzles and feel I was missing in Tears of the Kingdom.
If anyone else has finished, let me know what you think!
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karaloza · 2 months ago
Brainstorming My Theme Park...
When I eventually completely re-do the map for my LoZ theme park (it sorely needs doing, those proportions are...not good), I think I want to move Gerudo Desert over toward the other end of the Dark World and put an ice-themed area where the desert is currently, for balance.
This means I need ideas for attractions and other features in the ice area. So far I'm thinking a walkthrough/explorable ice cavern "maze," a gentle coaster-type ride based on TP snowboarding/BotW shield surfing, a shop themed to Conde's house in EoW, and a...restaurant...of some sort...
I need more ideas.
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