sunlittgoddess · 2 years
A shudder goes through the wolf, her hackles lifting up. Something is stirring... something dark.
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She doesn’t like it very much. 
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yaut-jaknowit · 11 days
The reader is a hunter, getting meat and furs for Gawtin, the reader sets off on another hunt, to get more food, but they never returned Gawtin went off to find her mate, only to find her, in the middle of the of the forest, became a egg host from the xenomorphs. A couple more hrs before the eggs hatch. What will she do???
Female reader x Gawtin.
Pairings: Gawtin (female Yautja) x Reader
Word Count: 3309
Summary: Over the two years with Gawtin, you've adapted from being an artist to wielding weapons. A skill you're thankful to have. When Qui'oky gets sick, it's up to you to hunt for food. So, you set out into the jungle. But, these hunting grounds are different than before. You find out the hard way what resides there now.
Author Note: I hope you're prepared for the emotional rollercoaster I've strapped this to. Eheheh!
Under the watchful eye of Gawtin, you’ve bloomed into a proficient hunter. It’s been a long way from wielding pencils to manhandling a weapon at your will. There are some things you still lack in. Say, going against a Yautja. That is a battle you would lose. But just to simply go out and hunt for a snack in the day. That you could do all by yourself.
On this day, little Oky wasn’t feeling well. Gawtin had to be the one to take care of him. That left the fridge a bit bare. As the mate to Gawtin, you took it upon yourself to venture out into the jungle in search for food.
Calm and humid made up the jungle. The early morning leaving you enough time to travel miles away from the cottage you called home. Unlike the Yautjas, you were forced to jog along the jungle’s floor. The muscles in your legs nowhere strong enough to leap from tree to tree. Not that you minded though. The sights of the jungle were still beautiful and pleasing to an artist’s eye from this angle. You pressed forward and moved towards spot where some little rodent looking creatures roamed. They were at least ten miles away from the cottage. It would take you most of the morning to reach the spot and settle in a tree for the hunt.
Feet hardened after two years of walking on Yautja Prime prevented the thick bark from biting into your soles of your feet. You sat perched up high in a tree while your gaze searched the area. The tracks you had along the way to this tree were a week old. It was a little unusual, but this was the correct spot to be. If nothing appeared within the next two hours, you would move.
The longer you sat up in your perch, the more you felt uneasy about the strangeness surrounding the tracks. A deafening silence engulfed the area. Your entire body tensed at the realization. There was something dangerous nearby. Not a normal predator that roamed the jungle. This felt different. It felt wrong. It made your skin crawl without even knowing what disturbed the land.
All of your senses entuned to every little noise possible. Your hearing trying to listen to anything alive. Yet, it sounded like the jungle had died and was left a husk in its wake. You had to stop yourself from shuttering at the thought.
Apparently, you had stepped into the danger zone.
One branch after another, you climbed down the tree and took the time not to make a sound. The last thing you wanted was to bring this unknown danger straight to you.
Three quarters down, something darts between the foliage in front of you. You stopped in your tracks and attempted to see through the thick bushes. It was pointless. The jungle was dense and left little to be exposed.
Now though, you had to decide to take the risk of being found or staying hidden in the tree. Either become a sitting duck or possibly expose yourself on the move. You knew this dangerous creature was near. You gnawed on your lip and scanned the surrounding area again.
Both a good and bad sign.
It was like the jungle had been removed of any creature. You steeled your nerves finally and lowered yourself the rest of the way down.
Once the balls of your feet the ground, you slithered way into a bush to bring forth your bow. The texture was a comforting feeling on the palms of your hands. It offered security in a time of uncertainty. An arrow was knotched, ready for the pull back and release. You moved towards and retraced your steps.
Your head was on a swivel. Not only side to side, but up in the trees and down to the ground for tracks. Nothing changed. It still felt like you were the only one alive in the jungle. Goosebumps grew from your wrists all the way up to your shoulders. You were being watched.
Then, your gaze drifted down. Monstrous tracks were embedded in soft mud. Fresh tracks. Less than an hour old. Your heart jumped into your throat. This was a battle you weren’t prepared for. You were barely a hunter able to provide food on the table. The most you do was wield pencils. A bow was not natural to you.
Human instinct ran its course. The prey you were caused your heart to beat wildly in its bony cage. Your grip on the bow tightened. Yet, somehow, you were able to get a grip on yourself. Barely reining in your anxiety to see movement out of the corner of your eye.
Instincts that Gawtin has nurtured reared up at the same time you drew your bow and spun around. A black, horrifying monster was soaring through the air at you. The arrow notched into place flew directly at its elongated head. It embedded into the hard, shiny surface. You rolled out of the way just as the dead monster slammed into the ground you once stood on. A horrible crunch echoed through the tense air. It flopped around before coming to stop, dead.
You heaved for oxygen the atmosphere lacked. The embedded device in your lungs working overtime to get what your body needed. Your eyes scanned the creature, unsure of its nature. Only thing you did know… it wasn’t native Yautja Prime.
Screeching off in the distance had your head whipping in the sound’s direction. Curses rolled around inside of your head. Apparently, you had pissed something off.
Instantly, you go to turn around and book it back into the safety of Gawtin’s arms. Before you knew it, your face was shoved into the harsh, unforgiving dirt while some hissed into your ear. Drool plops down next to your head. The leaves and other fallen foliage disintegrate. A warning: that could be you next. You tensed up underneath the creature above. It’s weight far too much for you to throw off; nor could you roll onto your back and use your bow. The only weapon that you were versed with well.
The ground left your belly. A scream pierced the air. Hope boiled in the pit of your stomach. Maybe… Gawtin would hear your cry for help. Even over ten miles away from home.
It traversed the jungle in a rush. The black, shiny creature was swift as it carried you. Only a few minutes passed until it entered a den of sorts in the ground. The den reminded you of burrowing wasps but a lot more deadly to you. You struggled the entire time and hoped for a moment its grip would loosen. The bow you once held onto was lost to the jungle’s floor amidst your attempts for freedom.
When a snarling hiss resonated in your ear once inside the den, you stopped your struggles. Clearly, you were making the creature mad. With it’s former display of how it could harm you, you begrudgingly listened. You wanted to be mostly whole if Gawtin found you.
After a few long grueling hours with a sick Qui’oky, the child finally was put down for a nap. Night was nearing, Gawtin noted when she glanced out a nearby window. Her brows lowered. It had been early this morning when you, her mate, had taken the mantel as hunter. She knew where you had gone. A common place for hunting. It shouldn’t take you this long to grab dinner and return. Even if your ooman body made you slower, you should’ve had at most a five-hour turnover. A couple of hours to get to the spot on foot, an hour to hunt, then the same amount of time to return.
Since Qui’oky has come down with an illness, he has taken up her mind to ensure he’s comfortable and safe. But now, with you unusually late, she adorned her biomask and found your location easily. Ten miles southwest of your home’s location. It… it says you haven’t moved in four hours. Strangely enough, you are thirty feet underground.
The longer she looks at it, the more a distasteful feeling of unease boils in her stomach. A first in a while. Fear. If you had been injured. This was merely a hunting trip to a local, well known hunting ground. A place where the unblooded learn to hunt.
Her feet carried her out of the door and down the trail towards Bziut-ty’s dwelling. Gawtin had to go out and find you. Her sister had to be called upon for help.
Once she told Bziut-ty of the situation, the sister immediately stepped up and ensured little Qui’oky would be safe in her care. Some weight was lifted off of Gawtin’s shoulders. The mother returned home and adorned herself in her hunting gear, prepared for the worst to appear. This is Yautja Prime. A planet that is more than likely to kill you than let you live.
The main weapon of choice was her beloved crossbow. Other tools such as a Combistick and smart disk were clipped to her belt. She decorated herself well before departing the dwelling with less than a goodbye to her sister. The first on her mind was finding you. Or if it came down to it, your body. Her little artist.
The trees were her main mode of transport. The Yautja leaped from branch to branch. Her powerful legs able to propel her the need distance each time. A hunter. Through and through.
Gawtin stopped and placed a hand on the truck of a tree to steady herself. The map showed her to be half a mile out from your location when a deadly smell waft up to her position high above the ground. It was a scent she may have only encountered three times in her life. One she could never forget though.
Kiande amedha. Hard meat.
This close to home. On her home planet. Someone had royally screwed up.
She pressed forward and went through the motions until she was right above where your ping was sending a location. The Yautja lowered herself into a crouched position and peered over the edge of the branch. There was no sign of the kiande amedha besides their pungent scent. That didn’t mean the hunter laxed her guard. She a seasoned hunter. She knew better than that. Including letting her worry get the best of her. An emotion she wasn’t versed well with. Having you around for two years has exposed her to ooman emotions.
Slowly, the hunter ventured down the tree until her feet met the ground. Purple eyes scanned the surrounding area and only came up with the sign of tracks. Kiande amedha tracks. She hissed silently to herself.
One precisely placed step after another. The hunter moved forward and followed the ever-growing tracks in a certain direction. In hopes of finding the entrance. Her honed senses were on high alert. Any little noise would be investigated before she pressed forward.
It was like the jungle’s critters around her had vanished. None of the croxcs were here. It smelled like they hadn’t been for the last week. An entire week for a kiande amedha infestation to take root so close to her home. To where her son and mate reside. Where her mate may succumb to the terrible dealings of why this race was held high even to Yautjas.
Spotted where a scuffle possibly occurred, she found the bow she gifted to you when she first deemed you a hunter. You had proven yourself strong and skilled enough to hunt on Yautja Prime. Yet, here it lies. Gawtin gingerly picked up the weapon and looked down at it in her hand. Her grip threatened to snap the metal until she reigned her strength. She will find you. That was a promise.
Now, with your scent picked up, she swiftly followed it. The odor and the tracks of a kiande amedha carrying you in a certain direction.
A large hole could be seen through the dense foliage in the area. The Yautja stepped closer only to halt in her tracks when a kiande amedha freed itself from the nest. It reeked of your terror. It took all of her patience not to launch out and kill the offending alien for taking her mate. The creature stopped and turned its elongated head this way and that. When it found the area cleared, it moved onward.
That was a drone. From the tracks, there was only a handful. The nest still seems small. They were most likely ecstatic to find you. The perfect host for them. One she wasn’t going to let you become. She will save you. You are her mate after all. You saved her life two faithful years ago.
Gawtin stalked forward through the bush and peered down into the tight-fitting hole. With her lumbering size, it would a squeeze to crawl into. Like any hive, the tunnel would open up to different chambers. With a smaller hive such as this, the queen’s chamber could possibly be the first.
The Yautja checked over her crossbow before taking the plunge.
Dirt walls squeezed at her sides, nearly trapping her in a death sentence. But the Yautja used her superior strength to press forward. The dirt turned into a sticky, goopy mess under her arms and belly.
As thought of before, the tunnel opened up to reveal a massive chamber. Plenty of space to house the queen and… the eggs. About ten eggs sat in the middle of the room. Three of the ten were open. Gawtin narrowed her eyes at the sight and quickly scanned around the walls.
Trapped in the same goop that dripped down onto the Yautja was you, her mate. Your eyes were closed, chest softly rising and falling. Alive. She glanced around to ensure the chamber was free from prying eyes before racing over to you. Her hands cupped your chin. You were covered head to toe in this stuff. It would take days of scrubbing to rid the smell from you.
A groan roused from your throat. Warm hands touched at your skin. Different than the ones that pinned you to this wall for their entertainment. Your weary eyes cracked open and blinked away the gross gunk that covered them.
Before you stood the powerful form of your mate. Relief flooded you like a broken dam. You struggled in your bonds to wrap your arms around her. But, they held strong. Your mouth opened to speak but Gawtin covered it with her palm. A shake of her head told you not to. You obediently listened. If it meant your survival, then you happily obey her.
Her massive head tilted down then back up as she scanned over your form. There was no injuries to be seen. But, you had been effectively trapped. Gawtin grasped at the harden wall pinning you to the wall when the Yautja paused. Her breath catches in her throat as the biomask looked down at you.
One of her hands gingerly touched at your chest. Your head jerked back, not understanding why she became suddenly touchy. “Gawtin,” you whispered her name to regain her attention. The hunter looked over her shoulder at the strange, fleshy looking eggs in the middle of the room. Three of them had been open. The strange looking petals exposing the inside to the outside world.
“H’ko.” You heard tumble from her mandibles. A heart-breaking sound falling from the towering Yautja. Fear struck you deep in your stomach. You didn’t understand why she was acting sad. Only wanting to be freed from the uncomfortable bonds.
That was ‘no’ in Yautja.
“W-what is it?” You could no longer act strong. Not when faced with the uncertainty in your mate’s voice. Not when she sounded like the world around her was collapsing and there was nothing to stop it.
Deadly claws tapped at your sternum before the Yautja raised her gaze to be fixed on yours. “Kiande amedha. Hard meat. You have been infected by one,” she explained. You still looked up at her with confusion. What she was saying didn’t make sense. Infected? “Here-“ she taps her talons again “-is where it resides… It will break free soon and-“ Gawtin cuts herself off. Her hand curls into a fist and brought your shirt into her grasp.
“And-and what?! You ca-n’t just stop there,” you begged her with a pleading, breaking look in your sparkling eyes.
Whatever this thing was, it had infected you and lies in your chest. If it… breaks free from there, you will surely die. Not even Yautja medicine could save you. Even if she takes you to a main city where they had the tools, it would be too late for you. No human could survive that.
She leans forward and nuzzles the unforgiving metal of her biomask against your forehead. “You will die. There is nothing I can do. Paya,” she curses and pulls away from you.
You could only imagine the agony that would put you through. For it burst from your chest. Will it… Oh god. It’ll turn into one of those monsters you saw earlier. At the cost of your life.
Once again, you pulled desperately pull on your bonds and leaned closer to her. “Gawtin, you’ll have to kill me. Please. I beg for mercy. I know it’s not the Yautja way. But please, I beg for a quick death by your hand than at that monster’s hand.” Words tumbled from your mouth freely. You couldn’t believe you were asking this. Asking this of her. Your mate. She… she didn’t deserve this, to be put through this torment. But, you were only human.
A pained whine left the Yautja’s mouth. Her hands grasped your jaw. Through the mask, you felt her eyes roaming across your features. As if this would be the last time she would see you alive… It would be.
Tears pooled in your eyes. “Do it. Please. I don’t want to die this way. Put…” Oh god. “Put me out of my misery. Your chest heaved, lungs trying to gather all the oxygen in the chamber underground. Yet, you came to the realization. It wasn’t from the lack of air but something pressing against your lungs. The… chestbuster.
“Gawtin, I love you,” you declared to her like the many times you’ve confessed to her. “I give you my heart. My soul is yours. I’ll always be with you.”
She brought her head towards yours again and pressed your foreheads against each other. The gaze of her biomask may be emotionless but you knew the pain that filled her gorgeous eyes were hidden behind it.
Staring in the face of Gawtin’s biomask was the last thing you saw.
A sharp crack pierced the tense air, slicing through it like a knife. The hunter held your limp head in her hands for a while longer despite how dangerous it was staying in the chamber. Your death had been swift. Even you didn’t know it was coming before she acted upon the action.
In the vision of her biomask, she caught sight of the squirming infection inside of you. The Yautja hesitated at first, fist hanging in the air, before it thrusted through your chest. A tiny screech sounded from the little kiande amedha. It fought against her strong, mighty grasp until she, too, snapped its neck, effectively killing it.
With precision, Gawtin sliced through her dead mate’s bonds. The ooman’s body was caught before it fall to the ground. Gingerly, the hunter slid the ooman on her shoulder and headed towards the door.
The Yautja would be back. She’ll burn the whole forest down to rid of the infection. No more lives to be taken.
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bi-bard · 4 months
dodie Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Felix Catton - Felix Catton Imagine [Saltburn]
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Title: dodie Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Felix Catton
Pairing: Felix Catton X Reader
Word Count: 2,558 words
Warning(s): self-doubt/self-esteem issues
Summary: Three songs by dodie that would describe a relationship with Felix Catton.
Author's Note: I feel like I could make one of these for almost every character in this film because each one of them has a very specific vibe that fits a different artist.
**Not intentionally written in chronological order**
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What goes on behind the words? Is there pity for the plain girl? I'll close my mouth, I won't say a word A nod of pity for the plain girl
To say that Saltburn was overwhelming would be the understatement of the century.
I knew that it would be a lot when Felix invited me out. He had told me a few stories. It painted a picture in my mind of a grand castle with endless hallways and countless rooms. If he had told me that they had kept a dragon hidden under the house, I would have believed him.
Being there was entirely different than the stories. I felt like a child being thrown into the deep end of the pool. His family was a glowing example of old money and nothing to do with it. Grand rooms, extravagance following you everywhere you went. It was all very fairytale-like.
It was during the first dinner that I thought about running for it in the middle of the night.
The dinner was treated as a grand event, even though it was seemingly their normal routine.
Felix tried to make me comfortable, truly he did. He helped me find some clothes that would fit in with the rest of them. He tried to pull me into conversations whenever possible. Still, I felt like a sore thumb. A complete fake.
No one was openly rude to me. I just couldn't help but feel like I was getting questioning looks and judgmental glances whenever I spoke or didn't make direct eye contact with someone. Some part of me knew that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. The other part of me was convinced that each and every one of them hated me.
I went out late one night to stand on the balcony. I was trying to enjoy the cold, fresh air but I couldn't help but look out at the estate around me. Was it ever going to feel like it wasn't suffocating me?
"Is that Felix's jacket?"
I jumped at the sound of a voice. I turned around to see Elspeth standing by the door. Even this late at night, she looked almost royal.
Her question registered a few seconds later and I looked down at myself.
"Oh, um, yeah, it is," I said. "I just grabbed the first one that I saw. Sorry."
"It suits you," she replied. "More than it does him."
I grinned slightly at the joke.
"Trouble sleeping?"
"Just a bit," I shrugged. "Needed some fresh air."
"I see," she hummed, walking forward to stand next to me. "Gorgeous, isn't it?"
"Yes," I answered, almost instinctively.
"Are you going to tell me why you're really out here?" she turned to me. She almost seemed comforted by the stunned look on my face. "It's best to learn now that no one can keep secrets from me here. I am incredibly entuned to the feelings of others. Honesty would serve you much better."
I took a deep breath. I didn't know how to explain this feeling. She likely had never dealt with it before.
But she tilted her head at my hesitation and that seemed to make me crack under the pressure.
"I just... I have been a bit overwhelmed," I admitted. "I'm not from this kind of environment. I was lucky when my family could all sit together at the table, never mind being able to dress up together. And it's... It's all lovely but... we both know that I wasn't built for this kind of life. And I'm not very good at pretending like I am."
Elspeth listened in silence.
"And Felix, bless him, has been so sweet," I continued. "But I know that I'll never fit here. No matter how hard I try. I'm just destined to be... incredibly plain."
There was something about her silence and her eyes that made it easy for me to confess all of that. As if she had gotten access to my brain and had started poking around in there to get me to tell her things.
I finally looked away, staring at the yard again.
"Felix doesn't think that," Elspeth finally spoke up.
I looked at her. She was now also looking out at the yard.
"You are likely the most brilliant thing in his mind," she explained. "He called the house after you both first got together. I have never heard him speak about someone the way he spoke about you. I knew then that he was completely in love with you. I would never say that to him, mind you. Boys tend to get so defensive when confronted with their emotions."
I felt my face only turn into a more stunned expression. Felix hadn't said that he loved me yet, so the idea that she knew from one phone call was more than enough for me.
"He adores you," she continued. "He is convinced that you are going to find your place here. And I agree with him. You, my dear, are anything other than plain."
A smile began to stretch across my face. This was easily the most down-to-earth she had ever been with me. And it meant the world to me.
"Thank you, Elspeth," I said quietly.
She smiled back. "I feel like I need a drink before I go back to bed. Care to join me?"
I nodded. "That sounds very nice."
I followed her inside. Maybe it was the darkness in the building, maybe it was just how my mind had settled, but I could have sworn that the walls seemed a little shorter than they were before.
If I'm Being Honest
Could you love this? Will this one be right? Well if I'm being honest, I'm hoping it might Could you love this? Did you plan to fall? Well if I'm being honest, oh I bet it's not that at all
Part of me hated how good Felix was with people.
He was charming and funny and that was dangerous. He could get people to do almost anything he wanted. That included me... quite embarrassingly.
I had only started going out at all because of Felix. He explained it as being a way to combat burnout, but I think it was just because he wanted me to go out.
Felix and I had an interesting friendship. We were pretty close. The only problem was that he had this tendency to say things that could be read as flirty. Logically, I knew that it was just his personality. He was just like that. But that didn't stop me from getting incredibly flustered when he did it.
Sometimes I would try to flirt back, but either I was really bad at it, or he was just immune to getting flustered.
It was another night where Felix had talked me into joining him and his friends. I had been chatting with a few people when I spotted Felix in another corner of the room. He was chatting with someone. He looked very close to them.
Usually, I wouldn't care. But there was something about that night that got under my skin.
"I'll be back in a minute," I told my friend before making a beeline for the other door.
I didn't see that Felix had even noticed me moving. Not until I made it outside.
"Hey, you alright," Felix asked as he followed me out.
I hummed, my brain taking a moment to process the question. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just needed some air. Go back inside."
"What's going on?" he furrowed his eyebrows at me. "You seem... off."
"It's nothing."
"You're a terrible liar, you know that, right? I can always see through you."
I shook my head, looking down.
"(Y/n)...," he murmured, reaching out to touch my arms. "You can talk to me. Please."
I looked back at him. "It's stupid. Please, just go inside. I'll be there in a minute."
He crossed his arms over his chest, planting his feet where he was.
"You are... such a child."
He just shrugged.
"For fuck's sake," I muttered. "Fine! I got... I got jealous."
"Jealous," he repeated.
"I told you that it was stupid!"
"No, no," he shook his head. "Jealous of who?"
"Whoever you were flirting with in the corner earlier," it was my turn to cross my arms like a child.
"I wasn't flirting with anyone," he replied.
"Yes, you were."
"Nope. Didn't happen."
"You probably wouldn't know because it's your natural state of being," I argued.
"Yeah," I insisted. "That's why you flirt with me sometimes."
Felix didn't respond. If I hadn't been so focused on defending myself, then I would have seen the way his eyes go wide as he made some kind of realization.
"And that's fine," I continued. "Or I thought it was, but then I saw you tonight and it just... it hit different, okay? It's just because I... I don't know, I got too sentimental about it. It made me nervous and flustered and that was weird for me. And maybe that led to me getting really confused about... this."
Felix started to chuckle and ran his hand over his mouth.
"I... I like you, Felix," I confessed before I could even think to stop it. "I really like you. And I know that you don't feel the same way and that's fine. It was just the flirting and dragging me out with your friends and holding my hand sometimes and- you're laughing. Why are you laughing? Stop laughing!"
"Sorry," he said quietly. "(Y/n)... my flirting with you was very intentional."
"Yeah, I'm friendly with people," he explained. "But I was flirting with you. I was very purposefully flirting with you. I... I thought I was being horrendously obvious, but I guess not."
"Why do you think," he asked.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
He chuckled again before going to cup the sides of my face. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I froze where I was. I suddenly had no idea what to do with my hands or my lips or anything. All I could think to do was close my eyes and enjoy the feeling.
He pulled away and I opened my eyes.
"Get it?"
"I think so," I muttered. "I still feel really stupid."
He chuckled. "Wanna head inside?"
"Not really," I said. "Wanna walk me home?"
The smile on his face got a little wider. "Sounds amazing."
I stepped back and held my hand out for him. "Come on."
He took my hand. This time, it felt a little different.
It was a very good kind of different.
Party Tattoos
And we're not bruised they're just party tattoos And that colourful mess is just colourful regret Black lipstick will never be a sin We'll regret it when we're old with wrinkled up skin
I had been sitting at a table in the library, frantically scribbling in my notebook when someone plopped into the chair next to me. I looked up and saw Felix sitting there with a grin on his face.
"Hello...," I said, suspicious of why he was being so quiet.
"Hi," he replied.
"Can I help you," I asked.
"Well, I was going to offer to help you," he explained. I raised an eyebrow at him, placing my pencil down and folding my arms over my chest. "You should come out to get a drink with me and a few of my friends tonight."
There was a pause before I spoke up, "I'm failing to see how this is you helping me."
"Well, you told me a while back that you were having trouble making friends here. And it'll get you a night away from your studies."
"Why would I want that?"
"Because I've seen how you study," Felix replied. "You're burning yourself out."
I rolled my eyes and turned back to my notes.
Felix's hand landed on my paper, blocking what I had been trying to read. I raised an eyebrow at him. He looked like he immediately regretted his course of action, but he was too stubborn to back down now.
"Come ooon," he begged. "One drink. If you're not having fun, then I'll get you back home to your notes safe and sound. I promise."
I sighed. "Fine."
He threw his hands up in the air, cheering. I frantically shushed him and waved for him to shut up.
I put my hands over my face, feeling like everyone was staring at me. "Oh my-"
He stood up and started walking out. "I'll meet you outside your building tonight at 7! This will be fun, I promise!"
"Shut up," I hissed at him. He laughed and continued his path out of the building.
That night, I found myself walking out of my building while I constantly adjusted my clothing. I don't know why I owned these clothes. They were anything other than my style. I just knew that I was very thankful that I hadn't lost them.
Felix was pacing outside the door when I made it out. He stopped when he heard the door open.
He smiled at me. "You look amazing."
"I look like an idiot."
He shook his head. "Not even close."
I felt my face warm up. He always said things like that. Sickeningly sweet things that made me feel like a fool. My stomach would do flips. It wasn't fair. I never got to do that to him.
"Come on," he held out his hand. I grinned and grabbed his hand.
Felix's friends had secured a table in the corner before we had made it.
I felt a pang of nervousness in my stomach. That was a lot of people. A lot more than I was prepared for.
I almost tripped when Felix pulled me over to the bar instead of the table. I could barely hear him ordering two drinks for us.
I just followed his lead. He handed me a drink and guided me over to the table. He let me slide into the large booth before sitting next to me.
I didn't expect myself to slide into conversation so naturally, but after a matter of minutes, I found myself laughing with this group that I had never really met before.
I felt very peaceful. There was something about being in this group and not feeling judged that made everything just click into place for me. I couldn't think of a time when I felt like this before. It was nice. Really nice.
It was an hour in when Felix poked my side. I turned to him. He leaned over so I could hear him properly, "How are you feeling? Wanna head home?"
I leaned back and shook my head. "I'm alright."
"You sure?"
I nodded, leaning over to talk to him. "These people are really nice."
He grinned. "Maybe you should take my advice more often."
I scoffed, leaning a bit closer to his ear. "Don't get your hopes up, Catton."
"Can't blame a guy for trying."
I leaned back again, looking at the rest of the table. If this was the company that I could expect when I went out for the night, then I could see myself getting used to this kind of thing.
Maybe I could adjust to Felix's world a bit easier than I assumed.
Overall - @geeksareunique
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clearlydiamondz · 1 year
Can you do Erik with a bratty gf glasses wearing girl ????
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Rule #1: Refer to me as only daddy or sir
Rule #2: No panties
Rule #3: No cumming unless given you permission
Rule #3: No touching unless given permission
Rule #4: Always be honest
Rule #5: Don't be a Brat, Punishment will meet actions
(Y/N) sadly looked at Erik as he got ready for work. She knew that he was going to be busy all day for his 12 hour shift, probably not being able to see her for the rest of the day but that didn't matter. She needed him. She was mad at herself for being tired when she came over. Her classes had her stuck in her laptop and books, so as she soon as she saw his bed she was out like a light.
Erik didn't mind though, he knew that (Y/N) was working hard to become a RN, and he also knew that she needed her rest. Matter of fact, he needed her to have all her rest for Spring Break that was ahead. He was determined to use her to his content, (obviously with her consent) and he needed her to have all her rest. He took off the entire week just to spend time with her. This was the last day.
"Don't look at me like that." he told her. Her pouting, and her eyes enhanced by the glasses made him want to just call out and fuck her senseless now.
"I just miss you. I haven't had you in what.. two weeks?" she complained. He closed his eyes sighing. The way this girl was so persuasive didn't help his need for her. He grabbed her by his cheeks making her look at him. "Please daddy, I just want to put my mouth on it. Two minutes, please?" she pouted again. His squeeze tightened as her glasses moved on her face, being crooked. She fixed her glasses by pushing them with her middle finger in the middle.
"Be a good girl, okay? Daddy will take care of you when he gets home if your good okay? We will go to one of your favorite restaurants, I promise." he told her grabbing his coat and his lunch. He was dreading going into his 12-hour shift at the hospital as a neuro-surgeon.
The two of them met at a medical convention in L.A almost a year ago. Her school decided to do a field trip for all medical students to be able to have a chance of networking. He was a speaker at the convention, and immediately she caught his eye. She was in the front row, taking notes with her iPad with her red zee-loo framed glasses. She asked the most questions, and was the most entuned in the conversation. Obviously, a lot of the girl students were asking questions about him personally because of how good looking he was. (Y/N) was different, she wanted to get all of the details on the health field.
Now, here they are almost a year later, and Erik has have her heart and he has hers. Helping her with her studies, letting have a place to lay her head when she didn't want to be with her roommates.
Her pouting face was now angry, Erik automatically realized it. "Fix your face." he gave her a kiss on the lips as she rolled her eyes. Luckily, he didn't see it as he turned around walking to the door. "Break a rule and your ass is mine! Daddy loves you!" he yelled and he was out the door. She turned around looking at his empty apartment.
12 fucking hours.
She was on hour 8 and she did everything she could think off. She turned in some last minutes assignments, did the laundry, clean out his refrigerator, and cleaned up the entire apartment. She still had time to herself, so she decided to have a little fun. She'll start of small.
Recently just getting out the show, she sat in front of his wide body mirror taking pictures of herself. Some were innocent, some were not so innocent.
Erik sat down exhausted from the five hour surgery of a a traumatic car crash. Grabbing his phone, he saw that their was a few text messages from his dear (Y/N) grabbing it. Opening the text, he immediately put it back to his chest as he saw glimpses of what she was doing.
He turned around to make sure that there was no one staring from behind, before lowering his brightness and looking at the photos. "My God..." he whispered to himself.
There she took an innocent looking picture on the bed with nothing on. He could even see in the picture how she sat where her thighs and ass making her thickness more provident. The only piece of clothing (more like accessory) was those same red framed glasses that made him fall in love even more. The things he wanted to make her do was dangerous.
The next photo was her sitting on the floor, leaned against the bed with her spreading her pussy wide enough for him to see but not enough to see everything. The hints of red on her toes, on her fingers, and her glasses was something that was sending him on edge, especially with her dark skin.
Erik : Did I not tell you to touch yourself.. you tryna get that ass spanked I see.
(Y/N): Daddy I haven't touched myself, I just sent you pictures.
(Y/N): But it's so hard, can I play with one of your pillows daddy?
(Y/N): Technically I wouldn't be touching myself...
Erik : No little girl, what the fuck did I tell you
It was a minute before he received a response. He assumed she was upset with him for denying her a rightfully and much needed orgasm but he didn't care.
He was sadly mistaken.
There in their text thread, was a video of her riding one of his pillows, nipples hard, and clitoris grinding against the pillow. She was definitely in need of a orgasm with the way her clit was swollen and moving against the pillow.
Her eyes was to the back as she continued winding her hips, gripping onto the pillow with one hand and playing with her titties on the other hand.
With his eye twitching, his dick damn near pulsating, he knew he couldn't finish the rest of the shift.
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dominimoonbeam · 5 months
Soo... Darlin accidentally electrocute themselves / drowned and is in dire need for mouth to mouth from the vamp they just started seeing.. 👀
Just a suggestion. I love your work and know you're really busy so no pressure with that.I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤️
ANON! Thank you so much for this ask! I went with electrocution... This definitely got a little angsty but how could it not with these two? I hope you enjoy it! <3 <3 <3
tags: near death experience, cpr, angst, fear of loss, idiots in love, first kiss
You Taste Like Life
He came over at sundown to help out with the remodel. Darlin bought a place, a dump, and wanted to fix it up. He’d warned them it was too much work but only half-heartedly because he was hoping they’d ask him to help.
They did.
It was the first time since he became a vampire that he had a friendship with no connection to his life before or his turning. It was… real, in a way nothing had been since. They were friends. Real friends. Friends that flirted sometimes…
He went back out to the truck to grab the rest of the painting supplies. They were finally done with the repairs and onto making at least a couple of the rooms livable.
A light flicked inside the house and he froze. It was like they’d plugged in the big spotlight lamp and the bulb had burst.
But it was the silence that hit him first, incomprehensible and yet instantly registering. It was a shock to his system, jerking his body upright and turning even before his hearing caught the sound of their body crumpling to the floor inside.
Sam hadn’t realized how entuned he’d become to them—to their heartbeat, until it went silent.
He hadn’t known he loved them like that, until the idea of them being gone rocked him.
He dropped the paint cans and was back inside the house in a flash. The living room was moon lit but his eyes took in everything. A scorch mark up the wall from the light socket, the scent of that burn still in the air, and their body on the floor beside it, hand still gripping the melted plug of the lamp.
“No,” the word fell out of him, not even a whisper. He was on his knees next to them, hands hovering. Their eyes were open but they weren’t seeing him—they weren’t there. It was like the life inside them had just been turned off. “Oh god, no.” He touched their sides, gently rearranging them on the floor on their back. “Please.” He didn’t know he was talking. The words streamed across his mind in a flood of panic and heartbreak he had never prepared for.
“Wait. Wait.” He wanted to heal them, to lean back on those powers, but there was nothing to heal when they were just… dead. He tipped their head back, thumbed their jaw down and leaned over them. Lips to lips, he blew air into their lungs and then sat up, hands together and pressing down on their chest.
“Come back. I’ll heal everything else. Just come back,” he pleaded, unaware of any of those words. He blew another breath into their lungs and then did compressions, cringing when he heard a rib crack but didn’t stop. He’d heal it. He’d heal it after they… After they…
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been doing CPR. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop. Someone would have to find him and tear him away. He couldn’t just let them go. He couldn’t…
Darlin came back to life with a gasp, arching off the floor and then jerking to the side to cough hard. Their heart was a rampage in his skull, his hands always on them. He knew he should say something, should tell them they were okay, but his own mind needed those seconds to catch up. It felt like his whole world had ended and now it just wasn’t.
They groaned, hanging onto the arm he had around them. “Fuck… What…” They croaked and winced, pulling the lamp plug from their hand, plastic and skin melted. “Damn it!”
He could heal that. He would. He just…
“Sam?” Their voice was rough and their eyes, one red where it should be white, turning up to him and filling with panic. “Your crying… Are you hurt?” They sat up, pain a flicker across their face at those broken ribs but it didn’t stop them from reaching for him with their good hand, eyes quickly scanning him for injury.
“I… No… I… You…” He closed his eyes. Fuck. He had to get himself together, but his heart was pounding and his emotions rampaging in all directions. “You were dead.”
They were still for a minute, sitting there on the floor facing him. “I was?”
He sighed and opened his eyes, really hating how unbothered they were about the fact, still just worried about him. “Darlin…” When he opened his eyes, they had a little smile he hadn’t been expecting.
They reached up slowly and thumbed the tear off his cheek with their good hand. “Did you save me, cowboy?”
He sighed, leaning his face into their hand. “I broke your ribs.”
Darlin shrugged. “That one always breaks. Not your fault.”
He frowned reaching out with the same slowness that they had—giving all the time to be stopped—before his fingers touched the hem of their shirt, sliding up under it to palm their naked side underneath. Their heart beat faster, their eyes on him. He poured magic into them, gently healing the delicate bones he’d broken inside their chest.
“Thank you,” they said. “And for saving me…”
He winced and shook his head, not sure he could talk about that yet. His hand moved slowly from their side to their arm, sliding down to their wrist and easing more magic through his touch to heal their palm. They shivered and sighed.
He hadn’t wanted to be left behind when he faced a world without their heartbeat. That was a lot to unpack. “Darlin…” Their hand had settled on the side of his neck, their eyes fluttered shut from the magic in their system. A little tug and they were sitting in his lap. Their heart beat faster and their eyes opened, one still violently red. He needed to explain how scared he’d been, how this changed things, but could only stare back at them and hope they got it.
A funny smile played at the corner of Darlin’s mouth. “Did you kiss me?”
He touched their temple, more magic, healing their eye. “I gave you CPR.”
“That sounds like some bullshit excuse for a kiss, cowboy.”
Sam sighed, inches between them, their body practically melting into his now that they had magic rolling through their muscles. “Are you really complaining?”
“I’m just saying… I would have liked to remember being kissed by you,” they countered in a mumble.
It was his heart that skipped beats then.
Their eyes opened again, meeting his gaze and waiting.
Sam had missed a lot of moments in his life—and his death. He had a habit of hesitating and letting things pass him by, of overthinking and talking himself out of things. But if he let it happen now, if he didn’t kiss Darlin the way he wanted to so badly… they’d think he didn’t want to. They’d accept that, of course, and they’d continue to be friends, but he would have hurt something he could never heal, no matter how much magic he burned. And life was so fragile. One second they were there and the next they were gone.
Fuck that.
He touched the small of their back, bringing them that inch closer to his chest and sealing their lips in a kiss. He felt their surprise melt away, arms curling around him and lips parting.
How could someone that had just been dead taste so much like life?
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x-jinxa-x · 2 years
Since Velma happened I’ve been reminded of my CW take on Scooby-Doo that would have been set in a small town, followed magically entuned Shaggy struggling with his powers, new money Daphne being pressured to keep up the family’s appearance, struggling bisexual Velma who just wants a damn scholarship to get her out of this town, and sweet swole theater kid Fred all teaming up to solve the undefined mystery of their small town while dealing with their senior year project that brought them all together. 
Also Shaggy accidently enchants his emotional support dog Scooby so now he talks and gang has to try to keep that from getting out so neither Shaggy or him will get taken away. 
And they all get together in a polycule by the end and go to prom together before leaving for college cause they all want to stay together. 
Like, its not well thought out, but I feel like it could have been fun in a messy CW way. 
Edit after 200 notes: Do I need to write this?
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homelanderbutbig · 10 months
Can't Take My Eyes Off You (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1709 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
You share your first dance. Link to the song referenced.
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Homelander has never enjoyed the Vought galas he is forced to attend, especially when it's for some dumb charity he couldn't care less about. He sticks out like a sore thumb in this confined space, as even the tallest of the mudpeople barely reaches his chest. Having to put on a happy face and mingle with these meatsacks and their nervous hearts is something he goes back and forth on. It feels like a constant battle deciding on if he should thrive on their fear, or loathe it.
Generally, he comes to these events alone, but tonight is a special occasion. He asked you to be his 'plus one', an honour he's never bestowed on anyone else before. As much as he wants you here to show you off as his prized possession, you're really there to keep him grounded. The way you so easily calm him down when he gets overstimulated is a godsend to him.
You are running a bit late, which Homelander has taken an immense notice on. Although he smiles as he engages in pointless discussions with the guests, he is a bundle of nerves. His arms are crossed behind his back, hiding his jittery fingers tapping on his wrists as he scans the crowd for any sense of you. He is doing his best to keep his anxiety under control, but he can't stop his fears from creeping up in the back of his mind. What if you got lost? What if you never arrive? What if you're leaving him?
Just as Homelander is about to leave the gala to search the city for you, he hears your heartbeat approaching the building's front door. A wave of relief washes over him; you didn't forget him… you're here. You're really here. Without even excusing himself from the conversation he is in the middle of, he rushes over to you. He could care less that people practically have to jump out of the way as he nearly plows through them. He needs to see you.
As soon as you enter the ballroom, you see Homelander's massive form quickly walking over to you, beaming down at you as he takes up your entire vision. You can't help but return his smile, you love seeing how happy he gets by just your presence. It's almost like you're the one with the superpowers.
"I'm sorry I was running late," you apologize, running your fingers through your hair. "I just wanted to make sure I looked alright."
"You look perfect," Homelander tells you breathlessly, kneeling down to be eye-level with you. He holds his large hand over yours, combing his own fingers through your hair. "I'm just…" he hesitates, his eyes briefly closing as he regains his composure. "I'm just glad you came."
"Do you need a minute, honey?" you ask, entwining your fingers around his big hand. You've become quite entuned to his moods, and the little twitches his face makes when he gets overwhelmed. From the looks of it, he was getting pretty stressed by your tardiness.
"No, no… I'm fine," Homelander reassures you, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead before standing back up to his full height. "Let me take you to the ballroom."
As much as he is trying to put on his best 'party' face, you can still see his frayed nerves peaking through his expression. If it were up to Homelander, he'd get his comfort by carrying you around in his arms all night. However, as that would only cause more prying eyes to ogle at him, he does the next best thing and offers you his hand to hold. He adores the way your tiny hand fits so snugly in his oversized palm, and how you lightly stroke his knuckles with your thumb.
The evening drones on for what feels like an eternity. As part of his job, Homelander has to socialize with the guests to ensure their donations to the charity Vought is supporting. The high-society jargon in these chats completely flies over your head, and none of the partygoers have any interest in talking with you. Not that you have anything to say to them, but you can't help but feel invisible. Instead, you spend your time keeping an eye on Homelander, doing your best to curb his tension. Having never let go of your hand, you do what you can to let him feel your touches, occasionally tapping your fingers on his knuckles and lightly squeezing his palm.
Eventually, you breathe a sigh of relief as all of the schmoozing finally dwindles. A house band is brought into the gala to wind the night down, encouraging the guests to slow dance. While everyone else gathers in the centre of the ballroom, Homelander's grip keeps you from joining in. You look up to see him standing still like a statue, brow furrowed as he observes the happy couples dancing.
In his mind, he remembers back to the countless films he watched as a child in the lab, and all the sappy romantic scenes of two people becoming one with dance. Yet another thing he has never been allowed to experience. Even when he was with Maeve, she never danced with him. She always used the excuse of their height difference, and she refused to let him pick her up 'like his plaything'.
Seeing the way Homelander fixates so heavily on the dancing, you very effortlessly put two-and-two together of what is upsetting him. It's times like these that make you appreciate how simple he is to figure out, it makes it all the easier to make him happy.
"Can you let me go for a second?" you ask him, your words snapping him out of his frustration and pulling his attention to you. "I won't be long, there's just something I have to do quickly."
Although Homelander is thoroughly confused, he relents and releases your hand from his grasp. He watches in silent fascination as you run over to a nearby table, grabbing a stray pen and writing something on the back of a place card. Even with his super-vision, he can't make out what you have written. He nearly chases after you when he sees you sprint to the other end of the ballroom, bewildered as you hand the card over to the band's lead singer, who nods when you point over to him.
Usually his ears are filled with the sounds of everyone else's heartbeats, but right now all he can hear is his own loudly pounding through his skull. You have some sort of scheme cooked up, one that you are hiding from him.
You run back over to Homelander, giggling as you note the worry painted all over his face. He's cute when he's clueless.
"It's okay, just trust me," you promise him, spreading your arms out as a signal for him to pick you up. He swallows, unsure of your intentions, but he lets himself believe you as he delicately lifts you up to his chest. Just as he is about to ask you what you are planning, the band begins performing a new song.
"You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you."
Homelander starts to understand what you've done, as he glances back from the band to you. Smiling, you nod at him as you place one of your arms on his shoulders, the other raised for him to hold.
"You'd be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much."
While he can't stop his butterflies from bubbling to the surface, he tries his best to remember what he saw from the movies, to not mess this slow dance up. Carefully, he moves one of his hands from your back to hold your own. Keeping his eyes focused on you, he begins moving his feet and swaying back and forth.
"At long last love has arrived. And I thank God I'm alive."
You mouth 'you're doing great' to him as he finally begins to relax, moving along with your body as you sway in his arm. As much of a sight it is to see Homelander dancing with such a small person in his arms, he ignores everyone else's stares as he is consumed by your praise. He leans in for a kiss, closing his eyes as he becomes one with you. For once in his life, the sounds of everyday life have quieted in his hears. Nobody else exists at this gala except for the two of you, and your song.
"You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off you."
Breaking from his kiss, Homelander keeps his forehead lightly pressed onto yours. Your noses are nuzzled together as he opens his eyes, gazing into you as if you are his entire reason for living. Throughout his life, he had convinced himself he would never find someone to care for him. And now that he has found you, he can never get enough of how much you truly love him.
"Thank you," he whispers, quiet enough to ensure only you hear these words. In every part of his daily interactions, you have never heard him thank or apologize anyone else but you. Another small way that he trusts you, that you keep his hidden emotions safe from harm. Moving your arm from his shoulder to caress his cheek, he sighs deeply as he tilts his head into your palm.
"I love you too, big boy," you respond, feeling a smile creep onto his face. Homelander kisses you again, letting the outside world fade away as you take over his senses. Your pulse, your scent, your touch, your lips… he melts into you as you become his everything. The only other sound he hears is that lovely song, the one you picked out just for him. The one that will remind him of this night forever.
"I love you, baby, and if it's quite alright."
"I need you baby, to warm the lonely night."
"I love you baby, trust in me when I say."
"Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down, I pray."
"Oh pretty baby, now that I found you, stay."
"And let me love you, baby, let me love you."
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buddy-io · 9 months
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When the wizard decides he needs to adopt an apprentice, he actually enlists Emily over Abigail because she is more naturally entuned with the wisdoms and inherent magic of Stardew Valley!
ART BY: Beautiful-Hawk7738 on Reddit
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Always Him : Chapter 29
Word Count : 1.2k
Warnings : swearing, fighting, hospital, death mention, police station
          Class had just started but both Kayla and Mae ran out of their respective classes, running as fast as they could to the hospital, nothing caring how crazy they looked. Their baby was awake and they were going to see her as soon as they could.
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            If it was up to them, they never would have left her side. But Jongho promised to take care of her, practically pushing both of them out the door. And when they got to her room, they could see that Jongho lived up to the promise he made them days ago.
            Holding the straw up to her mouth so she could take a drink, feeding her slowly, brushing her hair out of her face. He looked at her with a softness in his eyes that neither of them have seen before. It was as if Jongho and Y/n were in their own world, as if nothing else existed to them. Kayla and Mae gave them a couple more minutes to themselves.
            “You going to come in or are you just going to stare as us some more?” Jongho teased making Y/n laugh. God did he love her laugh. It was his favourite sound. Something he wishes he could have on repeat.
            “Sorry, you two just looked cute.” Kayla said as the two stepped inside the room. “You scared the fuck out of us, Y/n.”
            “I know.” Her voice was quiet, but everyone heard her. The three of them were too entuned to her to not hear her. “Can I have my hugs now?” Both Mae and Kayla practically threw themselves on top of her, both trying to hold their tears back. She was alive and that’s all the matters. The what ifs don’t matter anymore, not when she’s awake.
            “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” Mae said causing Kayla to look over at her. Kayla could tell by the look on her face that red was the only thing Mae could see.
            “It’s a good thing you showed up when you did. Any later and she would have died.” The doctor’s mouth kept moving but Mae heard nothing. She turned around, storming out of the hospital. Kayla called after her to no avail.
            “I’m sorry. She’s protective.” Kayla told the doctor before telling him to continue, listening to every word, taking mental notes of everything. She peered into the room every so often, seeing her and Jongho smiling at each other. Jongho was holding her hand, his thumb running over her knuckles. Y/n looked so genuinely happy, her wide smile being something Kayla hadn’t seen in a long time. And she hopes it’s here to stay.
            People moved out of Mae’s way as she stormed through the hallways of the school. She saw no one, heard nothing. She was on a mission, red clouding her vision. Class was in session but she didn’t care; she slammed the door open and stormed right up to Hongjoong, punching him in the face with no hesitation. “She was minutes away from dying, you cunt muffin.”
            She wanted to yell at him, scream at him, but her voice was wavering as the reality slammed down on her. Hongjoong just stared up at her, holding his face where she punched him. The rest of the class was silent and unmoving, not wanting to get in the way of Mae in this moment.
            Reality hit her again and anger filled her veins once more. “I almost lost my fucking best friend because of you!” Hongjoong stood from his desk, trying to stop the attacks coming his way. The other students rushed out the door as the professor called the police, knowing better than to get in the middle.
            “Stop hitting me!” Hongjoong yelled, throwing a punch himself. It turned into a full fledged fight between the two. Mae was clearly winning, but that didn’t stop Hongjoong from trying his best.
            When the police showed up, handcuffing them both to take them into custody, the tears starting flowing down her face. “She almost died.” She whispered too quietly for anyone to hear. But Hongjoong knew. He knew it was his fault. That if Y/n didn’t wake up he would have been the one everyone blamed. He blamed himself. Why couldn’t he just love her the way she deserved? Why did he have to keep pretending that she was just a friend to him when she meant the world?
            “Mae? What the fuck is going on?” Wooyoung asked as she was escorted passed him towards the police car. When Hongjoong was escorted passed him, his face bloodied, Wooyoung knew exactly what happened. And he couldn’t help but be a little turned on seeing her in handcuffs.
            Kayla wasn’t surprised when she got the call to go to the police station, knowing exactly what was about to happen when Mae stormed out of the hospital. “She fought him, didn’t she?’ Y/n asked when she saw the look on Kayla’s face. Everyone else in the room looked towards Kayla, not a single person surprised by the news. It was expected, common knowledge. Mae was protective and she hated Hongjoong almost as much as she hated Jeongin.
            “Yeah. Hwa could you come to the police station with me?” Seonghwa nodded. “Wooyoung is already there working on getting Mae bailed out. You guys take care of my wife okay?” Kayla said to the others standing around the room.
            “I know you’re not going to want to, but please bail Hongjoong out.” Y/n said as Kayla and Hwa walked towards the door. The stopped in the doorway for a second, looking at Y/n who looked at them with tears in her eyes. Kayla nodded.
            “Anything for you.” She said before they left. Even after everything he did, Y/n still loved him. The love she had was unwavering, unconditional, and Hongjoong would never know. He’s too blind to realize that Y/n is the only one who would ever love him like this, flaws, and all.
            “Leave him to fucking learn his lesson.” Mae said when she realized what Kayla and Seonghwa were doing. Wooyoung had his arms wrapped around her, pressing soft kisses to her skin here and there. He wanted to remind her he was there, that he loved her.
            “We have a special request from Y/n to bail him out even though we don’t want to.” Kayla said. Seonghwa glared over to Hongjoong, silently asking him if he heard what Kayla said. Hongjoong was prepared to stay until they released him the next day, but of course Y/n would be the one to save him, even if indirectly.
            Part of him wishes she wouldn’t love him this much. He’s done nothing but hurt her, selfishly keeping her when he knew she deserved more than he could give her. Yet the other part of him couldn’t help but feel happy. His heart swelled and his eyes filled with tears. Even after everything is said and done, she still loves him.
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saltydoesstuff · 2 years
I've been seeing so many AUs and such for Rise! but not so much on if the boys were raised wild/more heavily entuned to their animalistic nature (if there is already, I'd love to see!) So here are some personal head canons on how I think they would act (All characters are portrayed as 18+! Unless stated otherwise)
---------------------------- - The turtles after mutation and saved by Splinter would have either somehow escaped and got lost, or if we want a darker twist Splinter had shortly perished after being mutated. Whether it is was due to the mutagen being too much for his body to bear long term, or other reasons is up to interpretation - They had ended up in the surrounding woods around New York through the sewer systems and had settled where it felt more natural. They had stayed hidden in abandoned burrows and ponds for the most part of their very early years - Raph being the biggest, even when they were small is the one that protects him and his brothers from predators growing up when they did eventually venture out into the open for food. Being a mutant turtle has some serious perks when it comes to survival, that includes a nastier bite force when push comes to shove. I feel like he would be the most defensive when it comes to Donnie's safety, as he's most at risk due to his softer shell - Because of this, Raph carries many scars from throughout their childhood and teens. Most of them he got from getting his brothers out of dangerous situations. Sometimes he swears his brothers have no self-preservation, it only got worse when they got curious about the humans and society - As you might expect, the brothers cannot speak english. They were never taught, so they communicate through hisses, chirps, churrs, etc instead. They believe others can just magically understand them, they soon realize this is not the case - Leo, Mikey and Donnie are the ones that are fascinated by humans first and try to find out more. Raph simply comes along to make sure they don't get themselves killed, he does start to see why they love them after a few trips into the city though - They get around via the sewer tunnels, and spy on people through storm drains - Donnie likes collecting trinkets and broken tech pieces that people throw away while Mikey takes a shine towards the more colorful things that get tossed, including used art supplies. He likes to use them on himself or his brothers if they let him, or just simply decorate whatever surface he finds suitable - Leo just likes stealing food from people when they aren't looking, maybe their wallets too if it's just sitting out in the open. Just about anything he can get his hands on honestly without being caught - He has a collection of random ID cards and Drivers Licenses stacked up somewhere in the den they had made when burrows got too small for them, he just thinks their neat even if he doesn't know what they are. He'll make fun of the pictures and try to mimic them with his brothers - Raph mainly just takes things he thinks will benefit their home, thrown away blankets and stuffed animals is his go to- but he will nab anything he thinks his brothers will like if he can get it - He's the one that actually got them their masks, he thought that it could be used as camouflage if they ever got spotted by humans since they see humans dressed up with colors all the time - It does not work at all, but A for effort big guy Okay so it is word count, at some point it just doesn't save your work anymore lol. I'll be sure to post more stuff and how our dear Y/N gets mixed up in this
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Just read your story about Jaune fighting that fireman, and I LOVE how creative you are with the fighting! It's a cool spin on Bioshock's fighting mechanics with a touch of added realism. It also appears this Jaune is well entuned with using the environment to help him in a battle. Such great detail.
Thankyou!! That actually means alot to me. I'm trying to get better with action scenes, so it's a relief to hear this. I plan to make quite a few more of these fights for the Bioshock stuff so keep an eye out!
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
Terzo x Omega vignette
A/N: me??? trying to kill writer's block and self-doubts with some short Terzomega scene????
I must admit @coreyvoss fanarts of Terzo and Omega made me like the ship, so I had to write something about them.
Tags: a bit of angst, around 800 words.
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Satan, have mercy on his soul.
In the living room, Terzo’s fingers hoover over the piano keys. His voice is muffled, nothing but a faint mumbling escaping his tightly pressed lips. The melody is slowly paced, floating harmoniously in the open space before hitting the walls.
A love ballad.
Lucifer, how fucked he is.
Still, eyes narrowed and body gently swaying with each note, Terzo sings. He’s a fool, always has been one, but lately he has become a fool in love. He doesn’t comprehend what his lover possesses or what is the reason for his intense bewitchment. Terzo merely knows that when the wind blows through the other’s clothes or the sun shines down on that silver mask, he feels like crying.
Oh, Satan. If there’s any mercy in Hell, he needs it.
Note after note, the melody grows in volume. Terzo’s voice is strained, deep and full of air, but even if he’s singing he doesn’t feel joy. It’s a tormented song, made of pain and grief, a languid sound born from his incapacity to cry more tears.
Years ago, when the whole Ministry was promised to one day be at his feet, Terzo used to think so high of himself. He was part of the chosen bloodline, a heir to an empire. Now, a cruel smile dominates his lips, coating them in bitter poison. He’s no king, no chosen one.
He’s only a slave to an oppressive system, a puppet in the hand of a bunch of old people who are afraid to yield control. What use is it there for being Papa if he can’t choose what to wear, what to sing, what to say? What power is it there, if he can’t love who he loves?
Slowly, his fingers stop before reassuming the song. The material of the piano keys is cold under his naked fingertips, gloves long forgotten on the couch. When Terzo is not watching, Omega’s hands reach out to hold onto them, claws lightly scratching the black leather before outlining the golden details. There’s something deep in his eyes, a trace of emotion that glistens under the faint candle lights.
Is it love?
Is this love?
How a beast born from hellfire can be so gentle, exceptionally careful is beyond Terzo’s understanding. His throat clenches when he swallows, hesitating only for a moment before rising his voice again. He’s improvising with the lyrics, mixing words with hums, elongating the vowels and harmonizing with the piano until the sound resembles his laments.
They are beginning to suspect something is going on. Oh, how scandalizing, how blasphemous it is for a Papa to fall for a low creature like a Nameless Ghoul. It is prohibited and frowned upon, in Earth and Hell alike, because the Ghouls are seen as nothing but tools or servants.
If the Clergy finds out about their relationship, Omega will be stripped off any power and cast out to the deepest circle of Hell and Terzo will likely wind up dead. No one will cry for him.
This time, swallowing does nothing to bring relief to his sore throat. His voice falters for a moment, making Omega tilt his head. Terzo sees him form the corner of his eyes, regards the way the warm light reflects on his mask. Omega’s eyes are dusky, profound and tender, pupils big and unmoving. A small twitch of his fingers encourages him to continue, to gain enough strength to find his voice again.
So, Terzo sings. He doesn’t comprehend what he’s declaring or why his fingers strike each key, but he continues performing a song about love, sorrow and death. He entunes his mourning anthem.
And how big must his despair be than even a demon silently cries upon hearing it. Omega’s chest moves when he gathers a deep breath, before letting it out slowly trough his mouth. His mask remains in place, hiding most of the tears, but there’s an unmistakable gleam in his clouded eyes.
The creaking of leather is loud as Omega stands up from the couch, walking the short distance that separates them in a few heavy steps. The warmth emanating from his body is intense, and his embrace is strong, firm. Terzo feels the tension on his muscles, perceives the way his breathing trembles when he presses tighter.
That display of vulnerability from an infernal being, reserved only for him, makes Terzo want to cry too. It’s in that moment he simply knows it. The Clergy might try forcing them apart, but they will never make him forget Omega. Even if it costs his life, he won’t ever be able to stop loving his Ghoul.
As Terzo hits the last notes in his song, feeling the temporary relief wash over his body, he wonders if his sorrow can be severe enough to make the Unholy Father cry. Maybe then, just maybe, He will allow them to have a little corner in Hell to call their own.
Ps: I tried.
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rjmartin11 · 1 year
I'm Aaron
Chapter Five
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Pairing: Elvis & female!reader
Summary: You're a workaholic who decides to take a private mini vacation in Las Vegas. While there, you stumble into and befriend a handsome stranger at a bar. This handsome stranger is more than meets the eye. He wants to show you a great time... privately. It's an experience that you've never had before. You soon realize that you're in over your head, and your heart is falling fast.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: THE TRUTH IS OUT! Let the chips fall where they may and let the smut follow. Mature audiences only. Viewer Discretion is advised. If you aren't 18 plus, don't interact.
Author's Notes: Welcome to Chapter Five! I see y'all screaming at with this one. I beg your forgiveness. If you like this story, send me a like and follow. If you want to be tagged in the next chapter, send me a message.
Your mouth is on the floor. Your heart rate has accelerated, and you are frozen stuck to your booth. Your eyes haven't left Aaron since he appeared on stage. The same magnetic energy you felt when you met him fills the room. The audience feels it, too.
His leg is going a hundred miles an hour, and he starts to sing.
Well, that's alright, Mama
That alright for you
That's alright mama just anyway you do
Well, that's alright (that's alright)
That's alright (that's alright)
That's alright mama anyway you do!
The way he sings and how the band backs him up is astonishing. You're surprised by how soulful he sounds. In his voice, you hear rhythm, blues, country, and a hint of gospel. It's quite amazing, really.
You have seen firsthand how people react to him. Now, you see why he's so alluring, sensual, primal, and sexy. It does something to you.
You shake that thought away from your mind as embarrassment settles in. You feel made a fool of. You were with Elvis Presley the entire time. He lied to you, and now you want to know what was real and what wasn't.
Another waitress passes by you, and you stop her, asking for a drink. While you wait, Elvis is making jokes about how he started out in the business.
"When I started out singing. It was shaking. *shakes his body* Went on the Ed Sullivan Show, and he goes, "Hmm. Sum bitch." They decided to shoot me from the waist up. Don't let me get started on that tux. *chuckles* They had me singing to a Hound Dog, and the dog growls. *growls* I go grrr. They take the dog away to protect it from me."
You were trying not to laugh with the crowd, but he had a great sense of humor. A bit off beat, but everyone was so entuned with him. The waitress brings your drink, and you start to sip it in an attempt to wash your embarrassment away. Elvis speaks more about how he came to be an actor.
"They sent me out to Hollywood, and they got to do this film. My first film. Let's see if you remember this one."
Love me tender
Love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete and I love you so
Love me tender
Love me true
All my dreams fulfilled
For my darling, I love you, and I always will
The words to this song resonate with you somehow, and a single tear trickles down your cheek. You're moved by the words of this song. It's as if you feel your mother's presence. The way he sings this song makes your heart soar. This song doesn't just exist for lovers but for loved ones. You grin at that thought. Aaron... Elvis is miraculous and brilliant. In your heart, all is forgive. For a moment.
You haven't forgotten about all the screaming women in the lounge. You can barely hear Elvis on stage with the hoards of women yelling and shouting. "Elvis! Elvis!"
He gets to the edge of the stage and starts to bend down at the women at his feet. There's a pretty blonde that grabs his hand, and he kisses her on the lips. Your heart sinks.
He decides to go out in the crowd to be up close and personal with his fans. Women are running from all directions just to have a piece of him. Just one kiss, and that will make their life grand. They crowd all around him, and he's engulfed in a sea of women. He even passes your table, but you don't bother standing up, and he's not close enough to notice you.
The little green eyed monster of jealousy rears its ugly head. You were the woman who had all his attention, not even twelve hours ago. You sip on your glass, waiting for the waitress to return for your refill. You don't think you can make it to the midnight show if this is what you're in for.
"This next song is called Suspicious Minds."
We're cause in a trap
I can't walk out
Because I love you too much baby Why can't you see whatcha doing to me?
When you don't believe a word I'm saying?
We can't go on together with suspicious mind
Suspicious Minds (The Sweet Inspirations)
And we can't build our dreams on Suspicious Minds
The moment you want to leave, he plays another song that speaks to your soul. The words are so relatable and captivating. You can't help but be swept away by them and the way he moves. Him dancing to the music has you paralyzed. He thrusts and shimmies across the stage with glee! He's so comfortable up there in front of an audience. Although there were a few times you could have sworn, he was shaken. He seemed a bit nervous to be in front of a crowd. You almost want to act as silly as the women around you.
It's very close to ten thirty, and you have a feeling this is the last song of the show.
Wise man say only fool rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay would it be a sin
For I can't help falling in love with you
There he goes again, making your heart swoon. You don't know whether to be angry with him or not. Disappointed... maybe because he lied about who he is. How can you trust him again? You're more disappointed in yourself for putting your heart out there the way you did. You gave your virginity to the first guy who told you how beautiful they think you are.
There's a part of you that wants to run back upstairs and pack your bags for Atlanta. The other part of you is saying hear him out. See what he has to say to you. It can't be much to explain, but he made his bed, and he has to lay in it.
Joe comes back to your table and asks you to stay put for the next show. In the meantime, dinner's on Elvis. You are truly famished. If you got here sooner, you would have eaten before the first show.
You decide to order grilled chicken salad. It's clean so you don't ruin your clothing. The service is great. They treat you so well in fact you forget about all your worries. The next set of guests and fans come rolling in to take their seats. You already know what's in store. This time, you get to hear the entire set of the Sweet Inspirations. That brings you joy.
After the Sweet Inspirations finish up, you know it's only ten minutes until Aaron... Elvis reappears back on stage. You take a deep breath and sit back in your booth as the trumpets start once again.
One hour and forty-five minutes later...
It was the exact same show with a few exceptions. Aaron... Elvis came out in another jumpsuit. A white V neck jumpsuit with silver buttons trailed down the opening, which showed off his chest. Though you hate to admit it, he was breathtaking. He came on stage with more confidence than before. He was still a bit shakey, but you just assumed that it was nervous energy.
His second performance was better than the first. Somehow, he even sounded better. He kissed the women again, and you realized it was a part of his act. He had to show them the love that they gave him. As much as it bothered you, you accepted it as it was. You were going to talk to him about it.
This time during I Can't Help Falling in Love, a handsome guy with brown curly hair came up to you. "Hey, are you Y/N?"
"Yes, sir, I am."
"I'm Jerry. I'm here to take you to the penthouse."
"Oh, okay." You grab your clutch and let Jerry escort you to the elevator to the penthouse.
Jerry breaks the silence by making small talk. "So, how'd you enjoy the shows?"
"This was my first Rock N Roll concert believe that or not. He is truly talented. How long have you worked for Elvis?"
"Oh, almost six years. But we grew together in Memphis. Kinda. I was in middle school when he was leaving high school and starting out big. In that sense, he's more like my big brother than my boss."
"Big brother? So he treats you well."
"Better than well. I mean, I live with him at Graceland. Me and a few of the Mafia guys."
"Yeah, the Memphis Mafia. It's about eleven of us. We watch out for E as body guards and security and what not."
"Oh." You look away from Jerry as the elevator door opens to the penthouse. You're nervous. You don't know if it's what Jerry just told you about the Memphis Mafia or that it's almost time to confront your lover. Jerry opens the door to the penthouse, and you are astonished by the suite. Will this man ever cease to amaze you?
"You can either wait here or in his room."
"I actually have to use the restroom. Where is it?"
"It's in the bedroom this way." Jerry leads you to the door and opens it for you like a true gentleman. "That door there leads to the restroom."
"Thank you, Jerry."
He nods at you as he shuts the door behind him. You jog towards the door, not realizing how badly you needed to use the restroom. After relieving yourself and washing your hands, you look yourself over in the mirror. You try to calm yourself down because you see yourself visibly shaking. You've never been great with confrontations. It keeps you silent and reserved most of the time.
You wet your face before heading back into the bedroom. You look around his bedroom and realize you could fit two and a half of your bedrooms in here. He has a bar, a television area with a sofa, a love seat, a baby grand piano, and a rather large bed. You don't want to think about how many conquests that have probably been in that bed, so you decide to sit on the love seat crossing your arms. It's quite chilly in his room, and you begin to rub your shoulders.
Maybe you should leave. What's the point of staying? He lied to you. Those bad thoughts plague your mind again.
You hear a commotion outside the door and get up to investigate. It sounds like a party. Before you touch the handle of the door, someone opens the door. It's him. He has a smile on his face, and you advert your eyes from him.
"Hi, baby." He says as if there's nothing wrong.
You look back in his direction without speaking a word. He steps toward you and you step back.
"You're mad with me."
"Mad doesn't cover it. I believe I'm furious. I feel like a fool." You say as hot tears sting your eyes.
"Please don't cry. I wasn't trying to make you out to be a fool or nothing like that."
"Why didn't you tell me you are Elvis Presley? Why didn't you tell me who you are?"
"I was planning on to tell you after."
"Who the hell is Aaron?"
"Aaron's my middle name." He says, trying to get close to you.
"Your middle name?"
"Yes, please let me explain." He asked. In your mind, there's never a good reason to lie. You really want to run and hide, but instead, you cross your arms and listen to his plea.
"I wanted to get to know you as a regular guy. Without all the glize and glam. I wanted you to see me as more than that singer on stage. The image that everyone sees in the papers. I swear I never lied to you. Though I didn't tell you my first name."
You wipe the tears furiously away from your eyes.
"I don't ever know what to call you."
"Call me whatever you want. I'll answer. Call me Elvis or Aaron. Call me yours."
Those butterflies that you felt in pit of your tummy have returned. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of winning you back so soon. You wanted him to sweat it out some more. He needed to earn you again.
"Y/N, baby, can I get you anything?" He asked.
You shake your head no, with your arms still crossed over your chest. He walks over to you to slowly and takes your hand.
"I think I should go." You say looking into is eyes testing yourself. You know if you look him in the eye any other time you'd stay and do whatever he asks.
"No, please don't go. Stay. We can just talk I promise." He says this with true sincerity never letting go of your hand.
You nod your head and he gives you a little smile. He walks you to the love seat to sit with him.
"Baby, are you sure I can't get to anything?"
"I'm fine, Elvis Aaron." You reply.
"Are you cold? You're shivering." He doesn't listen to you. He realizes that you're trying to pretend to be okay, but you are visibly shaking in front of him. You're cool to the touch. "I'm sorry, baby. I like it cold. I remember what it was like to not have an air conditioner." He grabs one of his robes and wraps it around your arms. You don't stop him. It's very comfortable and warm.
You sit in silence for a while and he grabs your hand again, placing a kiss on it. You will not give into him so quickly.
"Y/N, baby, I love the way you say my first and middle name together."
You glance at him and can't keep the smile off your face. You try to conceal it from him, but you see his smirk. He knows he's won you over again.
"Tell me what you thought about the show."
"When I wasn't mad with you, it was fantastic, but when I found myself angry with you it was good. You have a beautiful voice and the lyrics to your songs are incredible. I felt..."
"What? What did you feel?" He asked anxiously.
"I felt a connection between your words and my life. That Love Me Tender song reminded me of my mother. My angel. Then I felt you were singing directly to me with I Can't Help Falling in Love With You."
"Maybe I was."
"I lost all hope when I saw you making rounds to kiss all those women and girls though."
He closes his eyes and bows his head as if shame takes over him.
"I have to admit that I was jealous of them. Kissing the lips that I thought were mine to kiss."
He looks at you with longing and you see those long eyelashes of his flutter. "They are yours to kiss."
At that moment, you stopped breathing. He just took your words away. He eased his head to yours kissing your lips. You place your hands on his neck kissing him back. He's restoring your faith in him and making you breath again. You both take your time kissing each other. That virgin you were yesterday is truly gone. You know there's no need to rush.
You pull away from him in an attempt to catch your breath, but don't look him in the eyes.
"Baby, you still mad at me?"
You don't answer him. You just close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. You grab a hold to the robe around your arms.
"Y/N, let me make it up to you."
Fifteen minutes later...
He wanted to show you a new position... in bed. It was similar to what you did in the shower this morning but less water and more stability.
He never ceasing to amaze you, he slid his cock into your dripping, heated core from behind. He caresses your breasts as you grip on a pillow for dear life. How does he come up with these positions? As you both work your way into a frenzy, you both moan in pleasure. This turns you on even more. How could you stay mad at him?
As he pushes himself in to you, these filthy thoughts fill your mind. He's brilliant. He's a fucking genius! A mad sexologist! He indeed is a king!
He kisses the back of your neck and whispers in your ear, "You feel is good. So warm. So wet. God, you're so fucking wet. Taking my cock so good."
He removes one of his hands from your breast slides it down your hip and thigh. Elvis then takes your thigh and pulls it back over his leg for more friction. The feeling is incredible. You're so aroused you touch yourself and swivel your hips into him.
"Elvis." You breathe out his name, and he grips you tighter as you moan deeper. Your sees roll in the back of your head, and you see stars orbit around you as you cum. You let out a cry as you cum all over him, and he gripped your waist tighter to escape into the pleasure you're in.
"Fucking Christ almighty!" He shouts and cums on your thighs and ass. You both just lay there for a moment, completely spent, trying to catch your breath.
He turns you over to face him, and he gives you a passionate kiss. You wrap your arms around him. Embracing him, you wrap your leg over his leg.
"You are incredible." He whispers to you, kissing your cheek.
You open your eyes and look at him. "Am I? Is this all you want from me?"
"No, I want all of you." He says, placing his hands on your face to look into your eyes.
You push his hands away from your face and sit up in the bed, covering yourself.
"I thought we were just going to talk?"
"Baby, we are talking."
"I have to go. I can't stay here." You jump out the bed looking for your dress and bra.
"Y/N, baby. Please stay." He says, jumping out the bed.
"No, Elvis Aaron. I can't stay. It was wrong of me to come here. It's wrong for me to be with you."
You ran out of his room without putting on your shoes. With him not being dressed at all, he couldn't stop you. You ran past the guys and out the penthouse door to the elevator. Thankfully, the door opened when you hit the button and you entered the car.
As the elevator sinks down to your floor, so goes your heart sinking in your chest. Why did you leave? Have you not forgiven him earlier? Why did you run away? Is it fear from the way Elvis makes you feel? In his arms, you feel beautiful, safe, and... loved. He makes you feel like you're the only girl in the room.
It's too soon! You just met him on Friday night. Why are you running from your feelings? Sure, you've had crushes on boys. None of them ever made you feel this way.
The elevator opens up to your floor, and you run to your door. When you enter your room, you slam the door, lock it, and run straight to the bathroom. You turn on the shower, lose your dress and bra, and jump in.
As you let the water rinse away your sex, you remember you left your lace panties in Elvis' room. It's too late now. You're not going back there anytime soon. You sob a bit as the water falls over your curls. You think surely he won't want you after this. You acted as a child, plus he got what he wanted from you. This is the end.
You exit out the shower and dry off. You don't look in the mirror, for shame has covered you in the worst way. You grab your robe and cover your body. You hug yourself.
You sit on the bed as the phone rings. You know it's him. You stare at the phone and just let ring. When it finally stops, you pick up the receiver and leave it off the hook.
How could you allow yourself to fall so fast? Your father would be disappointed in the woman you've become. Then you remember the opinion that mattered to you the most. Your mama. She would ask you how does he treat you. Is he kind? A real gentleman or snake in the grass? Does he make you feel valued and special?
"Yes, ma'am. He's the best guy, but I don't believe I'm the best girl."
"Why not? Y/N, you are magnificent. You have a beauty that radiates from the inside out. You have the strength to do anything in the world, and you of all are worthy of true love. Baby girl, don't be afraid to give your heart away."
"Yes, Mama." You shed tears over the conversation you would have with your mama. You curl up in the fetal position on the bed and just allow yourself to fall asleep.
Tomorrow has to be better than today. Maybe it's time to leave Vegas even though you're paid up for another four days. You can't face him again. Your heart aches but it's best to end it now.
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @plasticfantasticl0ver @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121
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y-ntheonlyblueorbs · 1 year
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'OMGGGG GUYYYYZZ!!!1!1!!✨✨✨✨✨😜😜😱😱😜😜'
'I feel so entuned with nature!!1!🌸🌺🌼🌷🍃🍃✨✨✨'
'Sooo I am gonna rent out a Apartment so I can get some sleep since my parents house sold last year LOL!🤣🤣🤣😜😝😝😜🤪✨✨'
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nemesisthetoy · 9 months
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Blizzard (mini story below the cut)
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Clouds gathered in the distance as the sun fell beyond the horizon, the cool of the evening sending shivers through the young Muto.
He had taken to the skies yet again with his Skullcrawler companion, as the Alpha had drawn near to their last residence, no doubt having tracked them down as he did so many times over the past months.
By this point the Muto had become entuned with his "radiation sense" to learn whenever a Titan was coming for them, which in turn gave the pair just enough time to flee before any damage was done.
Was this cowardice or wisdom, he couldn't say, but he could never shake the feeling that he wasn't ready to defeat this Demon just yet.
Until he could stack the variables in his favor, the Muto decided that it would be best to keep moving, lest another confrontation with the Spiked Titan leave him temporarily grounded again, or worse.
The Skullcrawler clung tightly to her Muto companion, even more so than usual when flying.
In the past few days the average temperature seemed to have dropped significantly, which left the cold-blooded Titan in a slower and weaker state when improperly heated.
This semi-hibernation state came out of nowhere for the young Skullcrawler, as the APEX lab she was born in was ventilated for the humans' convenience, which meant she was utterly unprepared to deal with it.
As it would turn out, heat sources were few and far between on the pair's travels, with the only consistent source being Diamond-Head himself.
This, in turn, more or less meant that her companion was now solely responsible for the pair's survival, as she simply didn't have the energy at this point to help much.
She wished she could do more, as she hated the idea of being a burden on the already struggling Muto, but at this point nature itself had told her to take a backseat for now.
After a few hours of flying the Muto finally found a place to stop for the night.
It was an island that was completely devoid of any life whatsoever, being nothing more than a giant pile of rocks in the middle of the vast ocean.
It was less than hospitable, but at this point any rest stop was better than none.
Usually when he came in for a landing, his companion would hop off a few meters above the ground while he descended in a circular motion, but this time they held on the whole way down.
"That's odd", the Muto thought to himself, but he made no effort to remove the Skullcrawler.
They didn't dismount until he had actually landed, and even then, they stayed directly under him while they were tending the rocks below them.
When 13 first left the lab, her instincts were virtually nonexistent.
Yet for one time in her life they had decided to finally whisper something to her, "dig."
She didn't know why or for what purpose a rock pit would serve, but feeling the need to do something, she followed them and began to rearrange the rocks into a pit large enough to fit both her and 'Diamond-Head'.
Her companion stared curiously at her but eventually picked up on what she was doing, even going so far as to help move some of the larger boulders that the weakened Skullcrawler was struggling to move.
By the time they finished only the faint glow of the moon illuminated their work, barely breaking though the ever-thickening cloud barrier.
The Skullcrawler gestured to her companion to lie down in the pit they just dug, which the tired Muto complied with.
She then took some of the rocks and piled them over the Muto, something which confused him but still went along with.
Finally, she dug through the pile, crawled under the left wing of her companion, and huddled up right against his torso.
Throughout the pair's journeys, the two companions had learned a few phrases from the other, one of which was the Muto goodnight.
“Thank you for everything today.” she said with a grin before closing her eyes.
“Thank you for everything today.” he said before nestling closer to his cold companion.
While the pair slept, the clouds above them prepared to unleash their hard work towards the ground below.
The frigid air around them turned what was going to be a torrential down pour into a frigid blizzard that pounded the surface below with a flurry of snow.
The wind blew and soon the entire island was coated with a thick layer of snow.
The Titan pair on the other hand, hardly noticed the storm.
When the snow hit the rocks that covered the pair it filled in the gaps between the stones creating an insulated blanket that shielded the Titans from the bulk of the cold wind and snow.
That, combined with the body heat resonating from the Muto, created a perfect little heat bubble within the ground for the tired pair.
Morning arrived soon enough to the small island, but instead of bright sun beams descending from above, there was a matte grey fog that covered everything as far as any eye could see.
The skies themselves weren't faring any better, as despite the heavy snowfall during the night, the dull cloud cover still hadn't dissipated at all.
The temperature was still well below freezing, and snow was still falling.
Worse yet was the horrific wind, which when combined with all the previous factors, made for an absolutely miserable day for anyone caught outside.
The Titanic pair, sealed away in their warm pocket in the ground, had no idea just how bad it was on the surface, and soon enough awoke with the intention of continuing their journey for a new, more suitable home.
The Muto was the first to awaken and was very well rested for having slept through a blizzard while covered in rocks.
The first thing he needed to do was wake his companion so that they may continue their trip before the Spiked Titan could catch up to them.
He wiggled his left wing, slowly stirring the sleeping Skullcrawler awake.
They moved very slowly and only had their eyes halfway open, but the Muto decided that it would have to do as they needed to get moving.
Together the pair moved the rocks with their heads to view the outside, and almost immediately regretted it.
The icy cold wind was howling with such ferocity, snowflakes blew directly into their faces, what little moisture was in the air suddenly began to freeze against the Skullcrawler's bare skull, forming an icicle beard of sorts.
Even a few seconds exposed in these conditions made it abundantly clear that this was not the day to be caught flying.
The pair exchanged a glance and almost immediately could tell that the other was thinking the same thing, “sleep through this storm.”
So, the pair quickly worked together to recollect the rocks they had moved back on top of them.
Almost immediately after they did, snow filled whatever gaps there were, re-insulating them from the harsh blizzard.
The companions huddled together, shivering while waiting for the Muto's natural body heat to once again warm up their small little shelter.
Once that had happened, they drifted back into their dreams while holding their companion in a tight warm embrace.
A couple of days later, the Alpha Titan Gojira had reached his destination, the small rock island where he believed the rogue titans had fled to.
He looked around, but there were no black wings fleeing the scene this time, nor was there anywhere that Skullcrawler could try to ambush him from.
He couldn't see them, but he could feel them, huddled away beneath the rocks and snow, in a deep slumber that could either last a few months or even so long as several centuries.
Now this was a state that the Alpha had deemed acceptable for the Titans who lived on the surface, and no longer seeing the pair as a danger to anything, decided to leave them alone and finally catch some rest while he had the opportunity to.
Had the Muto been aware of this, he would have been in total awe of how the Spiked Titan could have shown his companion and him mercy while they were in their most vulnerable state.
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archived-diegesis · 5 months
Hc - harmony
Please note this is a hella personal headcannon and will be treated as a theory until we see more in the game events your allowed and encouraged to ignore this if you don't agree with my take on our lovely birde.
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Robin is a emanator of harmony, and I do mean true harmony. Her main purpose was to connect with people and help them feel peaceful, loved and even warm and nostalgic.
We see how harmony can work in penacony via trailblazer with how they entune with the dream and I believe that's because Robin gave them some of that power in the beginning of the story. She and Sunday were the first people they interacted with after all.
Robin was the first to see the traitors and even sates she'll talk with her brother about it. I believe that's what she was doing when she and him were first seen. They had planned to get the astral crew involved from the get go and she saw something without the TB and had given them just a smidge of harmony, just enough to see if they were willing to help and using it.
Her death was staged to keep eyes on Sunday, so she could enter the dream deeper. She knew he would find a way to follow her once he was certain about who the culprit was but needed him to keep all the attention off of her.
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