#entity relationship diagram
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gitaansharing · 2 years ago
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Sekarang ada banyak bergerak informasi dalam database, dan memahami berapa banyak elemen database berinteraksi satu sama lain bisa sulit dipahami. Insinyur membutuhkan cara visual untuk memahami bagaimana semua elemen yang terpisah terkait satu sama lain dan bagaimana mereka bekerja bersama. Untuk menunjukkan ini, mereka membangun Entity Relationship Diagram. Mari kita bicara tentang bagaimana Anda akan melakukannya membuat diagram ER ini. Bisa menggambar dengan pena dan kertas, tapi akan lebih mudah menggunakan alat diagram. Hari ini saya akan menggunakan alat yang mudah digunakan yang disebut Lucidchart. Sebelum kita bisa membuat ERD yang sebenarnya, kita harus lebih memahami komponen individu dari Diagram Hubungan Entitas. Dan ini akan dimulai dengan entitas, yang merupakan objek seperti a orang, tempat, atau hal yang akan dilacak dalam database. Misalnya kasus ketika membeli sesuatu di Amazon, seperti nuggie yaitu suatu entitas bisa menjadi pelanggan, pesanan, dan terakhir, kita tidak bisa melupakan Snuggies kita, produknya. Sekarang masing-masing entitas ini akan memiliki apa yang kita sebut atribut, yang merupakan berbagai sifat atau sifat. Dalam hal ini, di bawah entitas pelanggan, kami memiliki ID pelanggan, nama depan, nama belakang, jalan, kota, kode pos, dan telepon. Sangat penting untuk diingat bahwa entitas dalam database akan menjadi baris, dan atribut-atribut dalam database akan digambarkan sebagai kolom. Sekarang kita memiliki entitas yang berbeda dan atribut yang berbeda di sini, tapi sekarang mari kita bicara tentang hubungan itu yang ada di antara entitas-entitas yang berbeda ini. Hubungan menggambarkan bagaimana ini entitas akan berinteraksi satu sama lain. Dan melakukannya dengan menggambar garis di antara mereka. Jadi ketika saya menarik garis di antara elemen-elemen khusus ini, Saya menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa semacam interaksi atau koneksi dalam beberapa cara. Sekarang kita memiliki hubungan kita di tempat, Anda akan melihat beberapa notasi funky yang melekat pada garis-garis ini. Ini, pada kenyataannya, disebut kardinalitas, yang selanjutnya mendefinisikan hubungan dalam konteks numerik, khususnya dalam minimum dan maksimum. Jadi misalnya di sini di sisi kanan ini, Anda dapat melihat beberapa jenis kardinalitas berbeda kami ada di ER Diagram. Kami punya satu, banyak, satu dan hanya satu, nol atau satu, satu atau banyak, nol atau banyak. Jangan takut jika ini tidak cukup masuk akal. Kami akan berjalan melalui beberapa contoh. Jadi mari kita bicara tentang hubungan dan kardinalitas yang ada antara pelanggan dan pesanan. Cara terbaik untuk melakukan ini adalah dengan memikirkannya secara logis. Dalam kasus Snuggies, Anda tidak bisa hanya memiliki satu Snuggie.  Tetapi itu juga bisa menjadi produk dari banyak pesanan. Jadi kita akan menggunakan nol atau banyak ini notasi pada diagram kami. Jadi sekarang Anda telah membangun seluruh diagram ER Anda. Dan kami telah membangun sesuatu yang kecil di sini, tetapi sekarang Anda memiliki fondasi dan kerangka itu Anda perlu membangun kompleks, lengkap Diagram Hubungan Entitas. Meskipun ini bisa terasa sedikit berlebihan pada awalnya, pastikan untuk berjalan sendiri melalui logika itu, dan Anda akan bisa membangun seluruh, ERD kompleks. Anda juga akan melihat pada diagram ini bahwa ada beberapa objek asing seperti PK dan FK, yang mengacu pada kunci primer dan kunci asing. Sesuatu yang kita akan menjadi meliputi dalam video segera, jadi tetaplah disini. Selain itu, jika Anda perlu benar-benar memiliki diagram ini menjadi database siap, Anda dapat menggunakan impor dan ekspor fitur dari Lucidchart memiliki semuanya yang dilakukan secara otomati. Menggunakan fitur ekspor, Anda akan memiliki kode itu dibuat secara otomatis untuk Anda dan diekspor ke sistem manajemen basis data kamu menggunakan.
Kita punya entitas untuk Pelanggan, Pesanan, dan Produk dan kardinalitas yang benar antara. Anda akan melihat bahwa di sebelah setiap atribut adalah kata "kunci." Kolom ini ada di sini sehingga kita dapat membedakan atribut tertentu sebagai kunci primer atau kunci asing. Mari kita mulai dengan kunci primer. Setiap entitas dalam diagram mewakili sebuah tabel di dalam basis data. Lebih baik jika bisa menggunakan satu pemicu untuk membedakan dengan cepat dan akurat siapa yang ada di daftar besar ini, di situlah kunci utama masuk. Kunci utama adalah atribut (atau bidang) itu secara unik mengidentifikasi setiap rekaman dalam tabel tertentu. Dan karena satu atribut dapat dicapai semua itu, masuk akal bahwa akan membutuhkan hanya satu kunci utama per entitas. Jadi untuk tabel pelanggan ini, kunci utama akan menjadi nilai yang membuatnya begitu pelanggan ini tidak seperti pelanggan lainnya di meja kami. Agar salah satu dari atribut ini memenuhi syarat, ada beberapa aturan. Pertama, kunci primer harus unik, jadi bahwa itu mengidentifikasi hanya satu catatan di tabel. Kedua, itu harus tidak pernah berubah. Akan sangat sulit untuk menjaga akurasi catat pelanggan jika menggunakan atribut yang mungkin tidak konsisten. Dan akhirnya, kunci utama harus tidak pernah-nol. Itu hanya berarti tidak akan ada kesempatan di mana nilainya dapat dibiarkan kosong. Jadi itu bukan catatan unik dalam tabel ini. Anda bahkan tidak dapat mengandalkan alamat karena Anda dapat memiliki dua pelanggan terpisah yang hidup di tempat yang sama. Atau pelanggan bisa pindah dan kemudian alamat mereka perubahan. Jadi alamat tidak unik dan merusak aturan "tidak pernah berubah." Hal yang sama untuk nomor telepon. Sehingga meninggalkan kami dengan ID pelanggan. Sesuai desain, segala jenis ID biasanya diprogram untuk kenaikan untuk setiap tambahan ke tabel. Pelanggan ini mendaftar dan ditugaskan sebagai Pelanggan ID 30016. Kemudian pelanggan ini mendaftar dan ditugaskan 30017, dan seterusnya. Anda dapat melihat bagaimana ID Pelanggan melewati semua aturan kami. Jadi kita akan menjadikan itu kunci utama kita. Inilah sesuatu yang menarik untuk dipikirkan sementara kita berada di topik ini. Kunci primer tidak pernah bisa berubah. Begitulah cara situs menghubungkan Anda, situs pelanggan, ke akun Anda. Mereka tidak membiarkan Anda mengubah kunci utama itu karena sistem mereka bergantung padanya untuk catatan yang akurat. Atau bagaimana saat Anda menyiapkan yang baru akun dan Anda mencoba membuat nama pengguna tetapi dapatkan pesan kesalahan yang mengatakan bahwa itu sudah diambil. Sekali lagi, ini bisa terjadi karena nama pengguna sedang digunakan sebagai kunci utama, dan kunci utama tidak dapat diulang. Masing-masing kunci utama ini unik, tidak pernah berubah, dan tidak pernah-nol. Jadi mungkin memperhatikan bahwa saya menggunakan diagram perangkat lunak untuk memodifikasi ERD ini, tetapi ketahuilah bahwa konsep yang sama berlaku jika menggambarnya di atas pena dan kertas. Tetapi jika Anda ingin membuat segalanya lebih mudah sendiri, Anda dapat mendaftar untuk pembuatan diagram perangkat lunak yang saya gunakan. Entitas pesanan hanya mereferensikan ID Pelanggan dari entitas Pelanggan. Itu menjadikannya kunci asing di sini, jadi kita akan tandai seperti itu. Dan kita dapat lebih jauh menunjukkan hubungan ini dalam diagram kami dengan menyesuaikan hubungan ini untuk berbaris dengan kunci utama dan asing. Lucidchart memungkinkan Anda untuk mengekspor diagram dan itu akan secara otomatis menghasilkan kode yang Anda butuhkan untuk basis data Anda. Anda dapat melihat perintah tabel di sini dengan entitas itu referensi. Berikut adalah atribut untuk entitas ini dengan parameter data yang kami atur. Dan itu juga mencatat utama dan asing kita kunci. Kemudian Anda tinggal menentukan manajemen basis data yang mana sistem yang Anda gunakan, salin kodenya, dan tempel.
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silverserpent · 3 days ago
Time to draw up an emergency room diagram
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bestdinu · 2 years ago
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Sekarang ada banyak yang bergerak informasi dalam database, dan memahami berapa banyak elemen database berinteraksi satu sama lain bisa sulit dipahami. Insinyur membutuhkan cara visual untuk memahami bagaimana semua elemen yang terpisah terkait satu sama lain dan bagaimana mereka bekerja bersama. Untuk menunjukkan ini, mereka membangun Entity Relationship Diagram.
Sebelum bisa membuat ERD yang sebenarnya, harus lebih memahami komponen individu dari Diagram Hubungan Entitas. Dan ini akan dimulai dengan entitas, yang merupakan objek seperti orang, tempat, atau hal yang akan dilacak dalam database. Misalnya kasus ketika membeli sesuatu di Amazon, seperti nuggie yaitu suatu entitas bisa menjadi pelanggan, pesanan, dan terakhir, tidak dapat melupakan Snuggies, produknya.
 Sekarang masing-masing entitas ini akan memiliki apa yang disebut atribut, yang merupakan berbagai sifat atau sifat. Dalam hal ini, di bawah entitas pelanggan, memiliki ID pelanggan, nama depan, nama belakang, jalan, kota, kode pos, dan telepon. Sangat penting untuk diingat bahwa entitas dalam database akan menjadi baris, dan atribut-atribut dalam database akan digambarkan sebagai kolom.
Sekarang jika kita memiliki entitas yang berbeda dan atribut yang berbeda di sini, tapi sekarang mari kita bicara tentang hubungan itu yang ada di antara entitas-entitas yang berbeda ini. Hubungan menggambarkan bagaimana ini entitas akan berinteraksi satu sama lain. Dan melakukannya dengan menggambar garis di antara mereka. Jadi ketika saya menarik garis di antara elemen-elemen khusus ini,
Jadi mari kita bicara tentang hubungan dan kardinalitas yang ada antara pelanggan dan pesanan. Cara terbaik untuk melakukan ini adalah dengan memikirkannya secara logis. Dalam kasus Snuggies, Anda tidak bisa hanya memiliki satu Snuggie.  Tetapi itu juga bisa menjadi produk dari banyak pesanan. Jadi kita akan menggunakan nol atau banyak ini notasi pada diagram kami. Jadi sekarang Anda telah membangun seluruh diagram ER Anda. Dan kami telah membangun sesuatu yang kecil di sini, tetapi sekarang Anda memiliki fondasi dan kerangka itu Anda perlu membangun kompleks, lengkap Diagram Hubungan Entitas. Meskipun ini bisa terasa sedikit berlebihan pada awalnya, pastikan untuk berjalan sendiri melalui logika itu, dan Anda akan bisa membangun seluruh, ERD kompleks.
Kita punya entitas untuk Pelanggan, Pesanan, dan Produk dan kardinalitas yang benar antara. Anda akan melihat bahwa di sebelah setiap atribut adalah kata "kunci." Kolom ini ada di sini sehingga kita dapat membedakan atribut tertentu sebagai kunci primer atau kunci asing. Mari kita mulai dengan kunci primer. Setiap entitas dalam diagram mewakili sebuah tabel di dalam basis data. Lebih baik jika bisa menggunakan satu pemicu untuk membedakan dengan cepat dan akurat siapa yang ada di daftar besar ini, di situlah kunci utama masuk.
Kunci utama adalah atribut (atau bidang) itu secara unik mengidentifikasi setiap rekaman dalam tabel tertentu. Dan karena satu atribut dapat dicapai semua itu, masuk akal bahwa akan membutuhkan hanya satu kunci utama per entitas. Jadi untuk tabel pelanggan ini, kunci utama akan menjadi nilai yang membuatnya begitu pelanggan ini tidak seperti pelanggan lainnya di meja kami. Agar salah satu dari atribut ini memenuhi syarat, ada beberapa aturan.
Pertama, kunci primer harus unik, jadi bahwa itu mengidentifikasi hanya satu catatan di tabel.
Kedua, itu harus tidak pernah berubah. Akan sangat sulit untuk menjaga akurasi catat pelanggan jika menggunakan atribut yang mungkin tidak konsisten.
 Dan akhirnya, kunci utama harus tidak pernah-nol. Itu hanya berarti tidak akan ada kesempatan di mana nilainya dapat dibiarkan kosong. Jadi itu bukan catatan unik dalam tabel ini. Anda bahkan tidak dapat mengandalkan alamat karena Anda dapat memiliki dua pelanggan terpisah yang hidup di tempat yang sama. Atau pelanggan bisa pindah dan kemudian alamat mereka perubahan. Jadi alamat tidak unik dan merusak aturan "tidak pernah berubah." Hal yang sama untuk nomor telepon. Sehingga meninggalkan kami dengan ID pelanggan. Sesuai desain, segala jenis ID biasanya diprogram untuk kenaikan untuk setiap tambahan ke tabel. Pelanggan ini mendaftar dan ditugaskan sebagai Pelanggan ID 30016. Kemudian pelanggan ini mendaftar dan ditugaskan 30017, dan seterusnya. Anda dapat melihat bagaimana ID Pelanggan melewati semua aturan kami. Jadi kita akan menjadikan itu kunci utama kita. Inilah sesuatu yang menarik untuk dipikirkan sementara kita berada di topik ini.
Kunci primer tidak pernah bisa berubah. Begitulah cara situs menghubungkan Anda, situs pelanggan, ke akun Anda. Mereka tidak membiarkan Anda mengubah kunci utama itu karena sistem mereka bergantung padanya untuk catatan yang akurat. Atau bagaimana saat Anda menyiapkan yang baru akun dan Anda mencoba membuat nama pengguna tetapi dapatkan pesan kesalahan yang mengatakan bahwa itu sudah diambil. Sekali lagi, ini bisa terjadi karena nama pengguna sedang digunakan sebagai kunci utama, dan kunci utama tidak dapat diulang. Masing-masing kunci utama ini unik, tidak pernah berubah, dan tidak pernah-nol. Jadi mungkin memperhatikan bahwa saya menggunakan diagram perangkat lunak untuk memodifikasi ERD ini, tetapi ketahuilah bahwa konsep yang sama berlaku jika menggambarnya di atas pena dan kertas. Tetapi jika Anda ingin membuat segalanya lebih mudah sendiri, Anda dapat mendaftar untuk pembuatan diagram perangkat lunak yang saya gunakan. Entitas pesanan hanya mereferensikan ID Pelanggan dari entitas Pelanggan. Itu menjadikannya kunci asing di sini, jadi kita akan tandai seperti itu. Dan kita dapat lebih jauh menunjukkan hubungan ini dalam diagram kami dengan menyesuaikan hubungan ini untuk berbaris dengan kunci utama dan asing. Lucidchart memungkinkan Anda untuk mengekspor diagram dan itu akan secara otomatis menghasilkan kode yang Anda butuhkan untuk basis data Anda. Anda dapat melihat perintah tabel di sini dengan entitas itu referensi. Berikut adalah atribut untuk entitas ini dengan parameter data yang kami atur. Dan itu juga mencatat utama dan asing kita kunci. Kemudian Anda tinggal menentukan manajemen basis data yang mana sistem yang Anda gunakan, salin kodenya, dan tempel.
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writers-potion · 8 months ago
so ive seen quite a few different character profile templates but i was wondering if you knew of anything similar to those to help us organize the key relationships in our writing?
Organizing Character Relationships
Create a Character Relationship Chart
There are two main methods I use. For a story with a relatively smaller cast, I draw a kind of mindmap or family tree type diagram with my main character in the middle. All the other characters will be a web of relationships surrounding the main character:
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made with Excalidraw
Vary the size of the character profile according to importance
Color-code the relationship type (family, friend, acquaintance)
Use different types of lines to denote different kind of relationships
Make use of icons (like a star) to mark people who belong to the same organization/school, etc.
You can use a group of people as one entity
Make it intuitive!
For stories where the cast list is long, or where all the side characters basically know each other (such as in a classroom setting where pretty much everyone knows everyone), I use a table format:
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The table is two-way. Below the gray area is what the column character thinks about the row character, and above the table denotes what the column character thinks about the corresponding row character.
Color code important relationships
Use different types of font for love, hate, mutual rivalry, etc.
You can choose to insert intuitive icons instead of text!
Mapping out Character Development
The last step is to bring in the element of time between the characters, because their relationship is going to change/evolve over time.
You can just make a different bullet point for different stages of their relationship.
You can make two of the character relationship chart: one for the beginning and one for the end.
Or, you can denote to using relationship tropes, i.e. friends-to-enemies, friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, etc.
Hope this helps :)
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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geometrymatters · 5 months ago
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Sir Roger Penrose
To me, the world of perfect forms is primary (as was Plato’s own belief) — its existence being almost a logical necessity — and both the other two worlds are its shadows.
Sir Roger Penrose, born on August 8, 1931, in Colchester, Essex, England, is a luminary in the realm of mathematical physics. His journey began with a Ph.D. in algebraic geometry from the University of Cambridge in 1957, and his career has spanned numerous prestigious posts at universities in both England and the United States. His work in the 1960s on the fundamental features of black holes, celestial bodies of such immense gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape, earned him the 2020 Nobel Prize for Physics.
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Penrose’s work on black holes, in collaboration with Stephen Hawking, led to the ground-breaking discovery that all matter within a black hole collapses to a singularity, a point in space where mass is compressed to infinite density and zero volume. This revelation illuminated our understanding of these enigmatic cosmic entities.
His work did not stop at the theoretical; he also developed a method of mapping the regions of space-time surrounding a black hole, known as a Penrose diagram. This tool allows us to visualize the effects of gravitation upon an entity approaching a black hole, providing a window into the heart of these celestial mysteries.
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Within Penrose’s chapter, “The Godelian Case” (from “The Road to Reality”) the profound implications of Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorems are examined in relation to the connection between mathematics and geometry. Specifically, Penrose’s attention centers on the model depicted in Figure 2.1, which portrays a cubic array of spheres. Through this visual representation, Penrose explores the intricate relationship between geometry and mathematical understanding.
By introducing the model of a cubic array of spheres, Penrose highlights the fundamental role of spatial arrangements in mathematical cognition. This geometrical structure serves as a metaphorical embodiment of mathematical concepts, illustrating how spatial configurations can stimulate cognitive processes and facilitate intuitive comprehension of mathematical truths. The intricate interplay between the arrangement of spheres within the model and the underlying principles of mathematics encourages contemplation on the deep-rooted connections between geometry, spatial reasoning, and abstract mathematical thought.
Penrose’s utilization of the cubic array of spheres underscores his broader philosophical framework, which challenges reductionist accounts of human cognition that rely solely on formal systems or computational models. Through this geometrical representation, he advocates for a more holistic understanding of mathematical insight, one that recognizes the essential role of geometric intuition in shaping human understanding.
By looking at the intricate connection between mathematics and geometry, Penrose prompts a re-evaluation of the mechanistic view of cognition, emphasizing the need to incorporate spatial reasoning and intuitive geometrical understanding into comprehensive models of human thought.
(E) Find a sum of successive hexagonal numbers, starting from 1 , that is not a cube. I am going to try to convince you that this computation will indeed continue for ever without stopping. First of all, a cube is called a cube because it is a number that can be represented as a cubic array of points as depicted in Fig. 2. 1 . I want you to try to think of such an array as built up successively, starting at one corner and then adding a succession of three-faced arrangements each consisting of a back wall, side wall, and ceiling, as depicted in Fig. 2.2. Now view this three-faced arrangement from a long way out, along the direction of the corner common to all three faces. What do we see? A hexagon as in Fig. 2.3. The marks that constitute these hexagons, successively increasing in size, when taken together, correspond to the marks that constitute the entire cube. This, then, establishes the fact that adding together successive hexagonal numbers, starting with 1 , will always give a cube. Accordingly, we have indeed ascertained that (E) will never stop.
Penrose’s work is characterized by a profound appreciation for geometry. His father, a biologist with a passion for mathematics, introduced him to the beauty of geometric shapes and patterns at a young age. This early exposure to geometry shaped Penrose’s unique approach to scientific problems, leading him to develop new mathematical notations and diagrams that have become indispensable tools in the field. His creation of the Penrose tiling, a method of covering a plane with a set of shapes without using a repeating pattern, is a testament to his innovative thinking and his deep understanding of geometric principles.
His fascination with geometry extended beyond the realm of mathematics and into the world of art. He was deeply influenced by the work of Dutch artist M.C. Escher, whose intricate drawings of impossible structures and infinite patterns captivated Penrose’s imagination. This encounter with Escher’s art led Penrose to explore the interplay between geometry and art, culminating in his own contributions to the field of mathematical art. His work in this area, like his scientific research, is characterized by a deep appreciation for the beauty and complexity of geometric forms.
In geometric cognition, Penrose’s work has the potential to make significant contributions. His unique perspective on the role of geometry in understanding the physical world, the mind, and even art, offers a fresh approach to this emerging field. His belief in the power of geometric thinking, as evidenced by his own ground-breaking work, suggests that a geometric approach to cognition could yield valuable insights into the nature of thought and consciousness.
Objective mathematical notions must be thought of as timeless entities and are not to be regarded as being conjured into existence at the moment that they are first humanly perceived.
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I argue that the phenomenon of consciousness cannot be accommodated within the framework of present-day physical theory.
His Orch OR theory posits that consciousness arises from quantum computations within the brain’s neurons. This bold hypothesis, bridging the gap between the physical and the mental, has sparked intense debate and research in the scientific community.
Penrose’s work on twistor theory, a geometric framework that seeks to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity, is a testament to his belief in the primacy of geometric structures. This theory, which represents particles and fields in a way that emphasizes their geometric and topological properties, can be seen as a metaphor for his views on cognition. Just as twistor theory seeks to represent complex physical phenomena in terms of simpler geometric structures, Penrose suggests that human cognition may also be understood in terms of fundamental geometric and topological structures.
This perspective has significant implications for the field of cognitive geometry, which studies how humans and other animals understand and navigate the geometric properties of their environment. If Penrose’s ideas are correct, our ability to understand and manipulate geometric structures may be a fundamental aspect of consciousness, rooted in the quantum geometry of the brain itself.
The final conclusion of all this is rather alarming. For it suggests that we must seek a non-computable physical theory that reaches beyond every computable level of oracle machines (and perhaps beyond). — Roger Penrose, Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness
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yourwitchybrother · 5 months ago
Hi! I have an interesting question to ponder over! What are your thoughts regarding the connection between the Greek Gods and their Roman counterparts? I'm pretty sure I've seen people regard them as one and the same, but I'm not so sure: I got approached by Aurora, not Eos. I saw you work with Venus so I'm curious how you experience this 😊
Hi!! I wasn't ignoring your question or anything - I wanted to give your ask some thought!!
So, for me, distinguishing between the Roman and Greek counterparts is a bit difficult if I'm not yet familiar with their energy. When I first started working with Venus, I thought it was Aphrodite, and I was convinced that I could only ever work with deities in one Pantheon, not several. But then, when I went abroad earlier this year and saw The Birth of Venus by Botticelli in the Ufizzi in Florence, I couldn't tell you what it was, but there was some kind of realization that hit me at that moment that told me that I had been wrong the whole time. Going to Italy made me have a lot of religious and spiritual realizations that I didn't have beforehand.
For example - Hermes. Or Mercury. In my mind, these two titles were incredibly synonymous with one another, and they always had been until I went abroad. In Italy, I ran into several sculptures or figures that represented Mercury. And it was always specified, same for Dionysus vs Bacchus, and now, I understand that this entire time I've been working with the Roman Counterparts of these deities! My entire relationship with them!!
And every second that I recognized, Oh, I've been worshipping the wrong deity, I had a moment right after of, Well no, I'm still worshipping them. I've just been using the wrong name. I've been working on changing the names and labels in my head from Greek to Roman, readjusting myself from one to the other. And I'm seeing hints through my entire practice that shows that I've been working with them the whole time, I've just given into the pressure that I have to stick to one pantheon. This is why Loki approached me. To help me break out of that "One Witch One Pantheon" mindset.
So, what I'm saying is, I see them as two separate entities with an overlap. It's like a Venn diagram. Obviously, there are similarities. But there are still differences. And these differences may vary from practitioner to practitioner. For me, Mercury feels a lot more impulsive and laid-back than Hermes does. Mercury likes to encourage me to be more impulsive, chaotic, and - in his words - anarchistic. But back when I thought he was Hermes, he was far more tame. Still impulsive, but not to such a degree. Or with Venus vs Aphrodite, Venus is a lot more assertive with the way we talk or collaborate now that I regard her as Venus instead of Aphrodite. It's the wrong name for them. With Bacchus, I feel a lot more of a slightly older presence, wiser, but still relaxed and in the mood to party. He still has that impulsive, unhinged feeling to him, but it isn't nearly as intense.
But these are a lot of words to say that I see them as being closely related to one another, I use the analogy of fraternal twins a lot in some cases, because there are instances where the counterparts are very distant from one another.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I hope this makes some semblance of sense, I just tend to ramble, ha! Blessed be, and may the Sun be your guide! A domani!
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shithowdy · 1 year ago
Question set 1 of 2!
Is Niram vindictive? What is his biggest regret? Has he butted heads with any of the other party members? If so, over what? What is something that comforts him? What does his voice and/or his laugh sound like?
[steeples fingies]
So I originally wanted to answer this saying yes, Niram is a spiteful little grudge-bearer who loves revenge, but after trying to think of some examples I realized that isn't actually true. His primary driving motivation is to take out one particular entity that has wronged him (and others) but wanting vengeance against an institutional evil isn't super vindictive. He's actually pretty level about petty stuff; he hates making enemies and will try to smooth over differences so he has one less Problem in his future.
The one exception to this is within his first few weeks of being free from the Tower he got into a very whirlwind, high-intensity relationship that ended so abruptly and weirdly due to family interference that he couldn't cope and has resolved to kill their entire family. They're evil politicians, it's fine(?).
His biggest regret is when he summoned their Braegan Dearth contacts for a coup he and his friends were orchestrating, they brought Jarlaxle with them, whom he had yet to meet, and instead of introducing himself he just started rambling instructions at him until he was like "hey maybe you should ask my name first kid" and it was really embarrassing and it would keep him up every night if he actually slept.
He butts heads most often with Khulan, their earth genasi bugbear monk teammate. They both have very different ideas of how Yuri should handle his Patron situation as a warlock (Khulan thinks he should find a new patron that is goodish-aligned, Niram thinks he should stick with "the devil you know" and take advantage of the weaknesses he is learning), and this has caused a few arguments. This is probably the worst of it though, other than Sid and Khulan both having to occasionally scold him out of desecrating something.
Niram isn't really a comfort-seeking individual but most of his decompression comes in the form of drawing diagrams in his journal, reading a new book, or intimacy with Yuri. He would probably be an insufferable shut-in without Yuri forcing him to interact and form lame things like "family bonds". Knowing he has a family to call his own if it turns out he can't save his is a comfort.
God his voice. Just kind of my embarrassing version of Hollywood Slavic. Imagine Viktor Arcane going "muahaha" and you're probably close enough. u_u
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fenmere · 4 months ago
During a conversation at our reunion today, one of our two present girlfriends was saying to one of our classmates, "Yeah, they're the hinge," and gestured to us.
And it took us a moment to parse the sentence, and then we thought, "oh, right, 'hinge' is a polyamory term."
But then it still didn't feel right.
And it took us all day to figure out why.
Because, well, we are effectively their hinge, the entity that draws the two of them together as metamors.
But if we diagram it out with individuals, the shortest distance looks more like this:
girlfriend.01 <--> Gnargrim <--> me (Fenmere) <--> Phage <--> girlfriend.02
Which makes me the hinge of a five element polycule, but I wasn’t fronting.
But it's more complicated than that, because my relationship to Phage is almost more twins meets warlock/sponsor than romantic or sexual (it's hard to explain, and we'd need to take a longer route to get between us). But, also, both our girlfriends are plural, too.
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evilroachindustrial · 2 years ago
Would love to see the Venn diagram of people who think CR is some super rich money grubbing operation and people who think they're some juggernaut entity in the gaming space with enough pull to go toe to toe with a well established gaming company owned by a massive fucking corporation tbh.
For real.
Like, in terms of wider name recognition especially outside quote unquote nerd spaces, I'm sure Critical Role has Paizo beat but using employee count as an indicator of company size, Paizo's winning that contest by a country mile.
I honestly don't know what folks expect CR to do beyond the obvious "we support indie creators" statement. I'm sure they have business connections at Wizards because of the sponsor stuff and the two official Exandria books, but I highly doubt they're the kind of business relationships with them that'd put you on terms to have frank discussions with the actual people making these OGL decisions.
These are Chris Perkins-level game designers and editors and general staff relationships, not C-Suite executives at a company over ten times the size of yours.
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valentinsylve · 11 months ago
"I wanted to use the LSD trial to think more broadly about the lives of the blue flowers, Voyria, and their fungal relationships. How did they live without photosynthesis? Almost all plants sustain themselves by drawing minerals from mycorrhizal fungal networks in the soil; so did Voyria, judging by the tousled mass of fungi that crowded into their roots. But without photosynthesis, Voyria had no way to make the energy-rich sugars and lipids they needed to grow. Where did Voyria get their energy from? Could these flowers draw substances from other green plants via the fungal networks? If so, did Voyria have anything to give back to their fungal partners in exchange, or were they just parasites -- hackers of the wood wide web?
I lay on the hospital bed with my eyes closed and wondered what it was like to be a fungus. I found myself underground, surrounded by growing tips surging across one another. Schools of globular animals grazing -- plant roots and their hustle -- the Wild West of the soil -- all those bandits, brigands, loners, crapshooters. The soil was a horizonless external gut -- digestion and salvage everywhere -- flocks of bacteria surfing on waves of electrical charge -- chemical weather systems -- subterranean highways -- slimy ineffective embrace -- seething intimate contact on all sides. As I followed a fungal hypha into a cavernous root, I was struck by the sanctuary it offered. Very few other types of fungi were present; certainly no worms and insects. There was less bustle and hassle. It was a haven I could imagine paying for. Perhaps that was what the blue flowers offered the fungi in return for their nutritional support? Shelter from the storm.
I make no claims about the factual validity of these visions. They are at best plausible and at worst delirious nonsense. Not even wrong. Nonetheless, I learned a valuable lesson. The way I had grown accustomed to thinking about fungi involved abstract "interactions" between organisms that actually looked like the diagrams schoolteachers drew on the board: semiautomatic entities that behaved according to an early-nineties Game Boy logic. However, the LSD had forced me to admit that I had an imagination and I now saw fungi differently."
Merlin Sheldrake, Entangled Life
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4cplconsultancy2005 · 1 year ago
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“As much as 95 per cent of all quality-related problems in the factory can be solved with seven fundamental quantitative tools.”
-Kaoru Ishikawa, The inventor of Fishbone Diagram
In today’s customer-centric market, quality is an integral factor in the growth and sustainability of any business. Businesses go the extra mile to provide the best and excellent customer experience to ensure customer satisfaction. Hence, efficient quality management which has the highest impact on customer experience is one of the most essential features for any business.
Introduced by Kaoru Ishikawa, the seven basic tools of quality also known as 7QC tools are very effective in quality management and quality assurance process. So, businesses who want to ensure competitive and excellent quality of their products and services can utilize the proven 7QC tools for structuring a strategic plan for quality improvement.
Cause and Effect Diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram also known as Fishbone Diagram helps in identifying the potential causes of an effect or a problem. In addition to sorting ideas in respective categories, it also helps in understanding the areas of opportunity through effective brainstorming. Fishbone training empowers you to identify the potential cause in the problem.
Control Chart
Control charts are used to study how the processes have changed over a period of time. Further, by comparing current data to historical control limits, one could lead to the conclusion about whether the process variation is consistent as in under control or unpredictable as in out of the control due to being affected by special causes of variation.
Pareto Chart
Pareto Chart is based on the 80/20 rule where it shows the significant factors that have the highest impact on the identified problem.
Check Sheet
Check sheet is a structured process which helps to collect and analyzing data. It is an effective tool that can be for a variety of purposes.
Histogram is commonly used a graph that shows the data and its frequency of distribution to help users identify each different value in a set of data occurs.
Scatter Diagram
Scatter diagram shows the relationship between two important factors i.e. pairs of numerical data, one variable on each axis to demonstrate the relationship.
Stratification also known as a flow chart or run chart is a technique that separates the data gathered from a variety of sources so that patterns can be seen i.e., the path an entity has taken through a defined process.
Utilizing the 7 QC tools in six sigma or quality management process helps in taking a systematic approach to identify and understand the risk, assess the risk, control fluctuation of product quality and accordingly provide solutions to avoid future defects.
7 QC tools can be carried out during the quality management, quality improvement process, six sigma implementation processes or even the regular PDCA cycle for the quality purpose for enhanced quality management.
In the first phase of measuring and identifying, Fishbone Diagram also known as cause and effect diagram, Pareto Chart and Control Chart can be utilized. In the next phases of assessment and analysis, Scatter Diagram, Histogram and Checklist can be carried out. The Control Chart can be utilized consistent quality improvement.
The 7 QC tools are structured and fundamental instruments that help businesses improve their management and production process for achieving enhanced product quality.
From assessing and examining the production process, identification of key challenges and problems to controlling the fluctuation present in the product quality and providing solutions for prevention of defects in future, the easy to understand and implement, 7 QC tools are very effective. Some of the major business benefits of 7 QC tools are listed below.
Provides a more structured path for problem-solving and quality improvement
Easy to understand as well as implement yet extremely effective
A scientific and logical approach for problem-solving
Follows the 80/20 rule i.e. gain 80% result with 20% efforts
Improve the quality of product and services
Helps in identifying and analyzing problems during the process
Fishbone training aides in root cause analysis and problem-solving
Encourages team spirit and fosters a healthy culture
Identifies roots cause and solve it permanently
Enhance customer experience and customer satisfaction
Based on the data-driven process and customer-centric approach, 7 QC tools implementation is one of the most effective processes that too in the shortest amount of time.
4C team of certified professionals has provided 80+ implementation of 7 QC Tools and 120+ 7 QC Tools Training. By solving 200+ quality problems, 4C has empowered clients to reduce the 80% cost of poor quality.  To accelerate your quality management process and reduce your cost of poor quality, contact our experts now.
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In addition to the usual problems with the words "scientific" and "artistic"
Apparently there is a longstanding debate in semiotics about whether the phrase "scientific symbol" is a correct and useful way to refer to pictorial representations. Is the picture of a bell a "scientific symbol" because it's "symbolic" of a concept scientists use? Are pictographs and icons "scientific symbols"? Etc. (E.g., is the triangular shape that means "university" in a lot of schools' logos a "scientific symbol" because it's "scientific" in the academic sense?)
These discussions have gone on for decades and I haven't read all of them but it seems like a lot of their problems are related to this:
The picture of the bell is definitely a "symbol" of something, but, as the proponents of the phrase would say, the term "symbol" is also pretty vague when taken in isolation. It could refer to very different things. In this case, we might talk about the bell as a "semotic sign," which might be helpful, but then we might want to distinguish it from a "semotic sign" like a word, say, that doesn't look at all like its referent (e.g., "margarine" in some languages). (And even if we weren't talking about different kinds of signs, "semotic sign" is still vague -- do we also want to distinguish it from a "Kantian" sign that could refer to any number of objects with a certain type of relationship to us?) Etc.
I guess the weirdest part of all this is that it seems like the way you'd properly define "scientific symbols" is as "Kantian signs": a set of signs of the same type that are used to refer to entities that are referred to in science. But then again, why do we want to talk about "scientific symbols" rather than "scientific signs"? (Not to mention "scientific image," "scientific diagram," etc.) I wonder if the problem here is that we're throwing the term "symbol" out of context, and that's leading to confusion
Or maybe I'm wrong and this has all been discussed, and if so, I'd love to know what the ultimate result of the discussion is. (I actually was once a semiotics minor in college, but this issue wasn't very important for the classes I took.)
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4cconsulting · 2 years ago
7 core tools of quality - 7 quality control tools pdf - tools of quality control
“As much as 95 per cent of all quality-related problems in the factory can be solved with seven fundamental quantitative tools.”
-Kaoru Ishikawa, The inventor of Fishbone Diagram
In today’s customer-centric market, quality is an integral factor in the growth and sustainability of any business. Businesses go the extra mile to provide the best and excellent customer experience to ensure customer satisfaction. Hence, efficient quality management which has the highest impact on customer experience is one of the most essential features for any business.
Introduced by Kaoru Ishikawa, the seven basic tools of quality also known as 7QC tools are very effective in quality management and quality assurance process. So, businesses who want to ensure competitive and excellent quality of their products and services can utilize the proven 7QC tools for structuring a strategic plan for quality improvement.
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Cause and Effect Diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram also known as Fishbone Diagram helps in identifying the potential causes of an effect or a problem. In addition to sorting ideas in respective categories, it also helps in understanding the areas of opportunity through effective brainstorming. Fishbone training empowers you to identify the potential cause in the problem.
Control Chart
Control charts are used to study how the processes have changed over a period of time. Further, by comparing current data to historical control limits, one could lead to the conclusion about whether the process variation is consistent as in under control or unpredictable as in out of the control due to being affected by special causes of variation.
Pareto Chart
Pareto Chart is based on the 80/20 rule where it shows the significant factors that have the highest impact on the identified problem.
Check Sheet
Check sheet is a structured process which helps to collect and analyzing data. It is an effective tool that can be for a variety of purposes.
Histogram is commonly used a graph that shows the data and its frequency of distribution to help users identify each different value in a set of data occurs.
Scatter Diagram
Scatter diagram shows the relationship between two important factors i.e. pairs of numerical data, one variable on each axis to demonstrate the relationship.
Stratification also known as a flow chart or run chart is a technique that separates the data gathered from a variety of sources so that patterns can be seen i.e., the path an entity has taken through a defined process.
Utilizing the 7 QC tools in six sigma or quality management process helps in taking a systematic approach to identify and understand the risk, assess the risk, control fluctuation of product quality and accordingly provide solutions to avoid future defects.
The 7 QC tools are structured and fundamental instruments that help businesses improve their management and production process for achieving enhanced product quality.
From assessing and examining the production process, identification of key challenges and problems to controlling the fluctuation present in the product quality and providing solutions for prevention of defects in future, the easy to understand and implement, 7 QC tools are very effective. Some of the major business benefits of 7 QC tools are listed below.
Provides a more structured path for problem-solving and quality improvement
Easy to understand as well as implement yet extremely effective
A scientific and logical approach for problem-solving
Follows the 80/20 rule i.e. gain 80% result with 20% efforts
Improve the quality of product and services
Helps in identifying and analyzing problems during the process
Fishbone training aides in root cause analysis and problem-solving
Encourages team spirit and fosters a healthy culture
Identifies roots cause and solve it permanently
Enhance customer experience and customer satisfaction
Based on the data-driven process and customer-centric approach, 7 QC tools implementation is one of the most effective processes that too in the shortest amount of time.
4C team of certified professionals has provided 80+ implementation of 7 QC Tools and 120+ 7 QC Tools Training. By solving 200+ quality problems, 4C has empowered clients to reduce the 80% cost of poor quality.  To accelerate your quality management process and reduce your cost of poor quality, contact our experts now.
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rhosigmaa · 16 days ago
Understanding System Architecture: The Base of Technology Solutions
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System architecture is part of systems design and development; it cuts across all levels, from embedded systems to wide enterprise solutions. It is simply a blueprint designed to depict how different elements of a system interact with each other and function. If defined correctly, System architecture ensures that the systems developed are efficient, scalable, and maintainable.
System architecture refers to the structured outline used in the conceptualization of software elements, relationships, and properties. It calls for the definition of the components that will characterize the system, how such components interact with each other, and the general structure. Properly designed architecture gives a clear plan for development as well as scalability in the future.
The building blocks of the system may include hardware, software, and data, among other components:
Relationships: Those aspects of interaction that occur between the entities, such as interactions that occur between data and control flow.
Properties: Those properties of the system in terms of how scalable it is, dependable, and efficient.
Importance of System Architecture
System architecture should never be downplayed because system architecture does define how the system performs, is secure, and can be maintained. Some other valuable benefits include the following:
Improved Performance
A defined system architecture can better enable optimized data flow and resource utilization, thus improving system performance.
A good architecture is expandable. That is, if the system is to evolve, using a scalable architecture means that new components can be added smoothly without crippling the system.
Easily maintainable and updateable systems are the result of clear architectural guidelines. This translates to lesser future development costs and effort.
Risk Management
Possible problems can be identified earlier in the design of the architecture. Using this information, risks can be mitigated and expensive failures avoided in the later stages of development.
Looking for an expert who’ll help you in developing system architecture? Our system architecture services can meet your needs when it comes to designing and implementing. Contact us now.
Key Features of System Architecture
Hardware Architecture
It refers to the physical hardware components in the system, which include servers, workstations, and network devices. Understanding hardware architecture is required for having better performance with fewer compatibility problems.
Software Architecture
This involves software components and their interactions. It refers to the operating system, middleware, and application software. Structured software architecture helps in organizing codes and reuse.
Data Architecture
Data architecture is the framework as to how data will be collected, stored, and processed. It encompasses ideas of database design, data flow diagrams, and a system of control of the body of data. Data integrity and accessibility can only be guaranteed by a good data architecture.
The System Architecture Design Process
A number of steps are involved in designing a robust system architecture. These are as follows:
Requirements Gathering
The very first step in defining the architecture involves understanding the needs and requirements of the users of the system. This includes both functional and non-functional requirements.
Architectural Patterns
To begin with, appropriate architectural patterns need to be chosen. Very popular patterns are layered architecture, microservices, and event-driven architecture. Each pattern has its pros and cons in accordance with the goals pursued in the project.
Component Design
It is necessary to define individual components and how they will interact. That includes specifications of interfaces, protocols, and data exchanges.
Documentation of the architecture is fundamental and will be useful later in the maintenance and production chain. Clear documentation helps developers understand the system structure and functions of the system.
System Architecture Challenges
Complexity Management
It becomes problematic as such systems grow complex to manage. Robust architecture is challenging to balance with simplicity.
Integration Issues
It may be hard to ensure they all work together, especially when integrating legacy systems with new technologies.
Evolving Requirements
Requirements tend to evolve during the design process. Adaptation of architecture to satisfy changing requirements can involve a great deal of rework.
Future of System Architecture
Advances in technology are fast changing the future of system architecture. Concepts like cloud computing, IoT, and artificial intelligence are shaping the general approach toward system design. As these technologies advance, architects must be able to shape their strategies around using new capabilities while facing the demands of modern applications.
System architecture, in summary, plays a very important role in system design based on performance, scalability, and maintainability. With this full understanding of all components and practice of best practices, efficient and adaptable systems to the best needs of organizations can be developed.
Ready to optimize your systems? Our expert system architecture services is now available to perfect your systems. Contact us & complete your system architecture set up.
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Embedded Firmware Development
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leansigmajourney · 27 days ago
Introduction of SIPOC
SIPOC is a high-level process mapping tool used in Lean Six Sigma and other process improvement methodologies. The acronym SIPOC stands for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers. It provides a visual representation of the essential components of a process, helping teams understand and document the relationship between these elements. Here’s a detailed introduction:
Components of SIPOC
Suppliers: Suppliers are the entities (individuals, organizations, or systems) that provide the necessary inputs to the process. They can be internal or external and play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and timeliness of inputs. Examples: vendors, departments, or other stakeholders providing resources.
Inputs: Inputs are the resources, information, or materials that are required for the process to function. These can be physical materials, data, or any other resources needed to produce the output. Examples: raw materials, data files, specifications, or customer requirements.
Process: The process is a series of steps or activities that transform the inputs into outputs. This component describes what happens within the process, including key tasks and decision points. Examples: manufacturing steps, service delivery processes, or administrative tasks.
Outputs: Outputs are the final products or services that result from the process. They are the deliverables that meet the needs of the customers and are intended to add value. Examples: finished goods, reports, completed services, or any other deliverables.
Customers: Customers are the individuals or organizations that receive the outputs of the process. They can be internal or external and are the ones who evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the outputs. Examples: end-users, clients, or other stakeholders who rely on the outputs.
Creating a SIPOC Diagram
Define the Process: Identify the process to be analyzed and outline the major steps involved.
Gather Information: Collect information on suppliers, inputs, outputs, and customers related to the process.
Fill Out the SIPOC Table: Create a table or diagram with five columns labeled Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers. Populate each section with the relevant information.
Review and Validate: Share the SIPOC diagram with team members and stakeholders for feedback and validation to ensure accuracy and completeness.
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dynamicscommunity101 · 2 months ago
What is a data entity in Your Application
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In the field of software development, creating scalable and effective applications requires efficient data management and organization. One of the fundamental ideas in this field is the data entity. what is a data entity , though? A data entity essentially encapsulates relevant features and behaviors of a real-world object or notion. For data to be organized and for interactions inside your application to run smoothly, you must know how to establish data entities.
Comprehending Data Entities
Within your application, a data entity is a structured representation of information. Typically, it is made up of fields, or characteristics, that hold information about the entity and its connections to other entities. For example, you might have a "Product" data object in an e-commerce application that has properties like the product name, price, and description. This object can have relationships with other entities, such as "Order" and "Category," enabling a more complete data model.
How to Establish a Data Entity
Describe the Goal Start by outlining your data entity's purpose in explicit terms. Determine the precise item or idea from reality that it will represent. Your design decisions will be guided by your understanding of the entity's function within your application.
Determine Important Features
After defining the entity's purpose, enumerate the characteristics that are necessary to fully characterize it. The particular pieces of information that you wish to record are called attributes. Some properties for a "Product" entity could be:
Product Name, ID, Description, and Price
Quantity of Stock
Build Connections
It's critical to specify the relationships between data entities because they frequently interact with one another. Identify the connection points for your entity to other people. A "Product" entity, for instance, might be related to a "Order" entity, showing that more than one product might be a component of an order.
Select a Storage Option
Based on the needs of your application, choose the best data storage option. Depending on the type of data you have and the anticipated access patterns, this may entail choosing an in-memory storage system, a relational database, or a NoSQL database.
Create the Data Structure
Think about your relationships and attributes when creating the structure of your data entity. This entails describing the structure and accessibility of the data. It could be helpful to make 
models or diagrams to see the entity and its relationships.
Think About Validation Rules
Consider any validation guidelines that need to be followed for the data in your thing. These guidelines guarantee uniformity and integrity of data. You might stipulate, for instance, that a product's price cannot be negative or that specific fields need to be completed.
Record the Data Entity
It is imperative that you record the structure, purpose, and relationships of the data entity as you construct it. Future and present developers will be able to refer to this documentation to make sure they all know how to use the object in an efficient manner.
Make a Change Management Plan for the Future
Think about how the data entity might change in the future. In the long term, developing with flexibility in mind can save time and effort because applications frequently require upgrades and alterations. As your application expands, be prepared to modify the entity's properties and relationships.
An essential first step is to create a data entity in the creation of applications that establish the framework for efficient data management. You can create a coherent data architecture by defining the purpose, attributes, and relationships of each data entity and using an organized method to define them. Strong data entities that improve your application's functionality and scalability can be made by paying close attention to design, validation, and documentation. This will improve user experience and facilitate more effective data handling.
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