#entirely possible they clock this and are like dude. if you hated the torment nexus so much why did you create the torment nexus 2
astralleywright · 3 months
frankly i'm just wondering who is out here acting like bh is gonna kiss ludinus' ass the second they find out what happened to aeor? because a lot of people say they're scared of it happening and i have no idea why they'd think it
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idk if these asks were sent together but they're abt the same things, which. yeah. like i said on that other post, western and specifically usamerican liberal online spaces developed a deep hatred and fear of any radicalism post-2016. this makes it incredibly easy to fold the questioning of the status quo and the narratives of power into the same category as explicitly cruel and conspiratorial ideology, and to treat all of the above as toxic waste only to be touched when it's being disposed of. horseshoe theory and all that.
it's pertinent that you mention white supremacy here, anon, given that that is an example of an ideology that truly does deserve no quarter, no validation, nothing but violent resistance at every turn. it is also an ideology that in no way reflects reality, or history, or truth, now or ever. there is absolutely nothing of value or importance to be gleaned from it. the same cannot be said of what Ludinus is saying.
Ludinus is a facist, and a colonialist, and like first anon said, I severely doubt BH would actually ever side with him except on a deeply temporary basis (like the present moment, wherein siding means not trying to murder him for a few minutes). like second anon said, his actions are deeply hypocritical in light of what he experienced. he has become a god in all of the ways that matter, which are the ones he despises them for. but that's the thing; unlike white supremacist fantasies of "what they took from us" or what the fuck ever, what we are seeing is that some version of what Ludinus is expressing DID happen. we saw it in FRIDA's vision; a wrong was done. the Gods destroyed Aeor, they killed thousands of people, both innocent and not. and Ludinus' response is hypocritical and cruel and disproportionate; just like the Gods response to Aeor.
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