#enjoyyy this one i actually wrote most of it like two months ago and it was supposed to be chapt 1 of Oh Universe I See Your Face so..lol
risetherivermoon · 4 months
That's the routine that Henry follows every morning, that makes him happy and ready to take on a new day! Even when small things go wrong, like one or both of the twins getting sick (usually both since the two constantly share Sparrow’s bottom bunk of their bed instead of splitting off at night.) or Glenn sending Henry a panicked text because something goes wrong with the Close family morning, Henry has learned after being around a mostly sober Glenn for a while that he has some anxiety issues. Or Darryl needs help getting Grant to school because of work. Things are okay though! Because Henry is able to take these things on, even when it feels tough in the moment, he has amazing people in his life at his side that love and care about him and he loves them fully in return.
But, somedays, things just won't stop going wrong.
hey yalllll its henry oaks birthday so have a hurt/comfort birthday oneshot! yipeeee,
with darryl/glenn/henry (as well as hencedes too)
henry makes me go insane btw..just wanted yall to know, i might actually draw something for today too cuz i have an idea, tho i might not get it out today so it may be later on that i post it..but we'll have to see
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Princess (smut)
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A/N: I feel like this is definitely out of character but it literally would not leave my brain. also yes they are so toxic !!! I binge wrote this at 1 am so I hope you enjoyyy
tw: arguing, cursing SMUT! Oral (male receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, cheating & toxic relationships.
word count: 4.6 k 
It was Thursday. I knew I’d find him where he usually is on Thursdays: that corner table at O’Malley’s, the one below the neon ‘Corona’ sign. 
I went most Thursdays, when I could, and sat at a table across the bar. It was the perfect place to watch him have two whiskeys, neat, and go home alone. 
He hadn’t noticed me yet. It’s not like I looked different, I still looked like me but he looked better and better every time I saw him. 
Was it weird to watch my ex-boyfriend that I swear I’m over from across a bar? Yes. Do I have a loving boyfriend at home waiting for me to come home every Thursday? Yes. Am I lying to this boyfriend? Yes. Am I completely over my ex like I say I am? Clearly not. Am I completely insane? Definitely. 
It’s not my fault though, Spencer Reid just had to be all consuming. Addicting. Intoxicating. A human black hole who I’d happily fall back into any given day, but he couldn’t know that. It would just feel his already overinflated ego. He could never know about how all my thoughts revolve around him. Maybe he isn’t a black hole, maybe he’s the sun, and I’m just a planet spinning around him. 
Every Thursday I tried to get up the nerve to go say Hi. And every Thursday I managed to get up the nerve the second he paid his tab and left. 
But today, that was going to change. I was going to do it, just say Hi. It shouldn’t have been scary, I did spend six months of my life with him. He knows me, much better than I’d like to admit, and I know him. But he always knew how to make me twitch. The man could make me nervous, and men never make me nervous. No one ever makes me nervous. 
I watched him as he sat, his hair longer than it had been when we were together. His suit looked the same, so did the gray cardigan and maroon tie. I vaguely remember having that exact tie around my wrists one night. He used his beautiful fingers to trace the rim of his cup, his brown hair covering his eyes lightly. His eyes, brown but hazel, like a golden green, with beautiful eyelashes I was always jealous of. They’re so long, he looks like he has mascara on.
Wait his eyes. 
I had made direct eye contact with him. 
He saw me. 
I saw him. 
And now he’s walking. Towards me. Shit. Shit. Shit. 
Here he is, right in front of me. God he’s so hot.
I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I just stared at him. He slid the chair across from me from out under the table without asking permission. He sat in it, whiskey in hand.
“So what exactly have you been doing here every Thursday for the last eight Thursdays, Y/N?”
I blushed lightly, but kept my composure. He knew how to make me nervous but I knew how to make him sweat. 
“O’Malley’s makes the best cosmos in DC.”
He shifted in his seat, fingers drumming on the table, “It’s a mediocre cosmo at best. You’re here for me. So here I am.”
I sat up in my seat, “Mediocre cosmo, and mediocre company.”
“Mediocre?” He chuckled darkly, “If I’m so mediocre then why have you been watching me?”
Of course he figured me out, he’s a goddamn FBI agent. God I was stupid sometimes, but only with him. It’s like every time he spoke, half of my brain flew out of my head. 
“Honestly, there isn’t much else to look at around here,” I gestured around the dingy bar, “And also, it’s been way longer than eight Thursdays. You should brush up on those observation skills, Dr. Profiler.”
His eyes darkened, “You never answered my question, Princess.”
I shuddered at the use of that nickname. I hadn’t heard it from him in a while, I just hoped he couldn’t see the effect it had on me. I evaded the question again, “The better question is why do you come here alone each week like clockwork?”
He shrugged, “Because you’re here every Thursday like clockwork.”
My mouth fell open slightly. He thought about me. I was weirdly proud of myself for that. He continued, “What? You think you were the only one watching? Please.”
I scoffed, “Then why wait so long to come over?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
I bit my lip, a dull flame forming in my belly, “I don’t come over because I have a boyfriend, and it would be inappropriate.”
He smiled, showing his beautiful white teeth, “Well that’s a lie.”
“It’s true!” I was offended. He acted as if another man would never want me, like the colossal pain the ass he always is.
“No, no, I believe the boyfriend. But the threshold of what is appropriate was passed when you lied to him for weeks just so you could get a good look at me.”
He was right. I did lie, about a lot of things and mostly to myself. God, why couldn’t I just love the nice guy? Why was it the infuriating, sexy, genius who I found myself in quicksand with?
“Stephan knows where I am.”
Another lie he’d see right through, but I didn’t care. I’d lie through my teeth if that meant that he would keep talking. God, how I missed his voice, his stupid, arrogant, beautiful voice. 
Spencer looked at me straight in the eyes then, “Does he princess? That’s sweet.”
The condescension in his voice was palpable.
“You’re still so passive aggressive,” I said, leaning back in my chair to create space between us. He leaned forward, eradicating the space I just created. 
“Yet you’re still here.”
I stood up then, feeling like the tension between us could suffocate me, “I’m getting another round. Neat?”
He nodded, “Make it a double, I think I’ll need it.”
I walked over to the bar, finally getting some air. I was already so hot, and it wasn’t from the packed bar. It was from the way his eyes looked through me, the way he said my name, the way he said ‘Princess’. I regained my composure and sauntered back over to him. Game on, Pretty Boy. 
“So how’s what’s his name? Steven?” He said, taking his new drink. 
I rolled my eyes, “It’s Stephan, but you knew that. You know everything.”
He chuckled cockily, sticking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, “Well, how is Stephan?” He said the name with a fake posh accent, forcing me to hold back a laugh. 
“He’s wonderful,” I responded, twirling the mini umbrella from my drink between my fingers. Spencer’s dark eyes narrowed, brows furrowed, reading me like a book. The same way he always had. 
“No he isn’t,” he said matter-of-factly. 
“Wh-,” I groaned, “Spencer, I swear he’s great!”
“You haven’t gotten any better at lying.”
“And you haven’t gotten less infuriating.”
“Infuriating? Me?” He was mocking me now, I crossed my arms in defense, hoping maybe he could read that body language, and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. 
God why did he have to be like that? How did he always know exactly which buttons to press? And why did I like it? Why was I on fire from the moment he walked over?
“You were infuriating for the six months we dated, three years ago, and you’re infuriating now.”
He shrugged, “But you still like it. Some things never change, Princess.”
I blushed, knowing he was right, but not wanting to admit it, “I don’t like it. I hate it.”
He moved his chair closer to me at the table, so close I could smell him. He smelled the same way he did those years ago, and I had the same reaction. Thank god I was sitting; he made me so weak in the knees.  
Snap out of it, Y/N. I ordered myself, Think of Stephan, yes. Stephan, beautiful, boring Stephan. 
“Stephan isn’t infuriating,” I said, trying to ignore the way he licked his lips when he looked at me. God, I wanted to feel them against me. 
“Oh really? What is Stephan like?” Spencer said, using air-quotes around his name, disgust dripping from each syllable. 
“He’s nice.”
I avoided making eye contact, knowing full well how Spencer could see every lie I was about to tell. It wasn’t that Stephan was bad, he was just so, painfully, boring. If cardboard was a human being, it would’ve been Stephan. 
“Nice? That’s all?” Spencer said it with an air of amusement. 
“Well, he’s an accountant and he’s thirty-one.”
Spencer leaned close to me now, his breath smelling like whiskey and tickling my cheeks as he spoke, “Those are facts Y/N, I want to know what he’s like. Is he good to you? Does he make you happy?”
I gulped. There were the nerves. I was starting to twitch; his specialty. 
“He’s wonderful. He’s charming. I couldn’t ask for a better man.”
Spencer leaned back, crossing his legs and drinking some more, waiting for me to continue. 
“My parents love him. He’s smart, and handsome too.”
Spencer scoffed, “Your parents loved me.”
I rolled my eyes, “Well, he actually calls when he says he will, unlike you. Also unlike you, he’ll open doors for me because he isn’t scared of germs. He also doesn’t correct me every time I misspeak, instead he tells me I’m beautiful, and smart, and funny.”
We fell silent, both looking angry and defensive. He always could get to me like this. My body was hot and angry and so was his. He looked so good, it actually hurt. Could his lips be any pinker? Could his jawline be any sharper? 
“I’m waiting for the ‘but,’” He said, taking me out of my head for a moment. 
“Yeah, what’s his fatal flaw Y/N?”
“Flaw? He has none. He’s literally perfect.”
“Yes!” I snapped. 
“No one’s perfect. What’s his flaw?” 
Spencer kept badgering me, “What is it? Tell me, Princess. Tell me. Tell me what it is, you know you want to.”
It felt like a dam that was inside me had been broken, water and the truth pouring out at once, “He isn’t you!”
Spencer leaned back and smiled, “There it is.”
“Stephan is kind and gentle. We don’t scream, or fight. I don’t stay up crying and yelling and cursing! But he isn’t you, and I wish he was.” I gasped for air, not realizing I hadn’t been breathing, “There! Are you happy now?!”
Spencer was grinning, just like usual, “Very.”
I rolled my eyes, “Your turn.”
He raised his eyebrows and pointed to himself, “My turn?”
“Yeah, why have you been alone the last three years Reid? We both know you can have anyone in this place. Hell, Red over there has been eyeing you up for the last hour,” I gestured to the girl a few tables away who had been stealing glances at Spencer. An action that totally didn’t make my blood boil, at all, not even a little. 
He avoided my gaze now, “You know why.”
Now I had the power back. I got close to Spencer, so only he could hear me. All my reservations were gone, I was in the black hole. The fire in my body that I hadn’t felt for so long was finally back, “I want to hear you say it.”
He got even closer, lips barely a millimeter apart, “Just like he isn’t me, no woman alive will ever be you.”
I smiled, proud of the confession. I pulled back. As much as I wanted him right now, right here on this sticky bar table, I am no cheater, and though I forgive, I never forget. 
“Another difference between you and Stephan is that he won’t break my heart.”
Spencer smirked, “He can’t break your heart, because you feel nothing for him. There’s no love to lose.”
I sighed and ceded, “You’re right.”
“Always am.”
A comfortable silence followed, and my head was spinning. I don’t know if it was from the cosmos or from Spencer. He tended to do that to me. We both had softened. I was sad, because I knew it would never work. As much as I wanted it to, it wouldn’t. It didn’t three years ago. I just needed to live with it. You need more than passion to make it work. Hell, if all you needed was passion, Spencer and I would be growing old together right now. 
“This isn’t healthy, you know?”
Spencer nodded, all aggression faded away, “I know.”
“This will never work.”
“I know.”
“No I mean like never.”
Spencer gave me a half smile, “You don’t have to convince me. I know.”
I sighed, reaching out to hold his hand in the most platonic way possible. His skin was warm. I missed the way it felt under mine. 
“I just wish it would.”
He smiled sadly now, big brown eyes meeting mine and looking through me into my soul, “So do I, Princess.”
I laughed, “And stop calling me princess!”
“Or what, Princess?” He said it flirtatiously, his hand squeezing mine.
“Or I won’t be able to stop.”
“Stop what, Princess?”
“Stop myself from kissing you right now.”
He leaned in, lips barely an inch apart again, “Then don’t.”
And with that our lips touched softly, before we parted. The kiss was familiar but foreign. I’d felt it a million times before, but this one was different because the feelings were different. We stared at each other, before I stood, holding his hand. 
“Follow me,” I said, the fire in my belly mixing with the delightful throb in my core. All reservations were gone. I needed him. I needed him right now, or I felt like I might explode. 
He held my hand as we maneuvered between the crowd and ended up in front of the bathroom.
“Bathroom? Y/N there’s so many germs that’s-”
I had to cut him off by grabbing his shirt and pulling him into me. Our lips found each other so easily, like second nature. His were soft but chapped, I missed the way they felt on the rest of my body. I pulled him into the stall, and he pressed me up against a wall. His rough hands roamed my figure, landing on my hips and squeezing there. I pressed my hips into him, relishing the feeling. My hands found his hair, tugging at the roots to beckon his mouth open. He obliged, tongue moving across my lower lip and tangling with mine. Every movement sent twinges of pleasure to my core. 
When we broke apart, he looked at me, his light brown eyes seeming impossibly dark with lust, the same darkness that they held just minutes before. 
“Please, bedroom, not here,” He begged, and I silently agreed, peeling myself off of him.
I dropped a fifty on the table before stumbling out into the street for a cab. His hands never left my body, and his lips found mine every chance they got. 
In the back of the cab he was on top of me, squeezing the flesh of my butt as I left butterfly kisses and sucked on his neck. 
We showed up to my apartment, and ran inside. He pressed me up against the elevator door.  “Princess, I need you,” he whined, making me moan into his lips.
“Soon, so so soon, fuck.”
I fumbled with my keys, but soon we were inside.
“Bedroom,” he ordered before crashing his lips against mine again, this time even more feverishly, if that was physically possible. I stumbled backwards in the general vicinity of my room, not wanting to break apart from him for even a moment. He pressed his large hand into my back, steadying me for a moment and took his lips off mine. 
I whimpered, immediately missing the warmth of him on me. 
“Lead the way, princess.”
I smiled wide at the use of that pet name. It always sent an extra jolt of pleasure to my center when Spencer whispered it. 
Grabbing his hand I found the bedroom door. Before we even crossed the threshold his hands were on my body again, this time under my dress looking for panties to peel off.  
“No panties? Were you waiting for this Princess?”
I nodded and groaned as I kissed him, moving my lips down and across his sharp jaw, flicking my tongue out every once in a while and sucking lightly on spots. Just enough for him to moan, but not enough for a mark. I felt my knees hit the mattress of my bed and I fell back onto it, Spencer towering over me. 
I pulled my dress off, throwing it and my bra far away. I needed him to touch me. Now. 
His hands were cold on my chest, making my hardened nipples even harder. He pinched the buds lightly, making me arch my back into his body. 
He snickered, “Patience is a virtue, Princess.”
I groaned and pulled at his shirt, telling him I wanted it gone. 
“Too many clothes,” I mumbled against his chest as I kissed whatever skin I could reach. He did as I wished, and I sat up on my elbows to watch. His muscles contracting as he pulled it off was enough to force me to rub my thighs together, desperate for any feeling. He undid his belt too, letting his pants fall to the floor and stepping out of them. His boxer briefs left little to the imagination, not that I was complaining. The light gray material was darkened in one spot from where his precum was dripping. 
“Come back, Sir,” I begged.
His hands were on my shoulders and pushed me back so he could be on top of me again. The feeling of his chest against mine was maddening. I could also feel his member on my thigh, so close to my dripping heat, but still so far away. He distracted me with another kiss, his teeth coming out to bite my bottom lip. I moaned at the slight pain, running my hands all over his bare back. He worked his way from my lips to my jaw, leaving butterfly kisses in his wake. It drove me wild. I was bucking up into him, nails digging into his skin, sure to leave pretty red marks in their wake. He then made his way to my ear, sucking on the lobe ever so slightly. 
“You know, the ears are an under-appreciated erogenous zone,” he said between nibbling and sucking on my ear and the skin around it. 
“S-Spence,” I let out a breathy moan. Everything he did sent me reeling, clawing into his back begging for more. He really did drive me insane. His hand was back on my breast now, one arm was holding him up while the other pinched and played with my nipples. 
As he kissed and sucked the soft skin of my neck I did the same to whatever skin I could reach. I sucked on his shoulder, right where it meets the collarbone, appreciating how his skin was a little salty. 
I took one hand from his back and slid it between us, reaching down and toying with the waistband of his boxers. 
“Princess,” he moaned right in my ear as I reached in and pumped his hard cock twice, flicking my thumb over the tip to smear around his precum. 
He sat up, kneeling on either side of my thighs and I took that as my chance to pull the boxers down just enough for the pink head to bob out. I looked up at him through my eyelashes, his skin was covered in a sheen of sweat and his hair was covering his eyes, sticking to his forehead in some parts. He gave you a slight nod, and I sat up, immediately taking my tongue from base to tip. 
He took in a sharp breath as I took the tip of my tongue into the slit at the head of his cock, collecting what had formed there. It was salty, but I didn’t mind. The taste was familiar. I selfishly went down to lightly suck on his balls, squeezing the one not getting any attention with my free hand. He sighed, hands tangling through my hair, tugging at the root. 
I pushed on his stomach, “Lay down, I want to suck you right.”
I didn’t need to ask him twice. In a matter of moments I was straddling him, taking the head and sucking on it gently. 
“Fuuuck,” he whined, “You give the best head princess.”
I smiled around his cock as I took it inch by inch into my mouth. My hands took whatever I couldn’t fit and I started at an agonizingly slow pace. Speeding up as his grip on my hair got tighter. 
He moaned in approval, a slew of curse words and praises I could barely hear. I was just focused on swirling my tongue around his cock as he buried it in my throat. He bucked his hips in an attempt to face fuck me, and I allowed it. The head brushed against the farthest point in my throat, causing me to gag, saliva dripping down the sides of my face. 
“You look so pretty when you gag on me Princess.”
I hummed around him in pleasure, toying with his balls again, begging him to cum in my mouth.  Hearing him moan just made me more of a mess. 
He tugged on my hair slightly, “No way, I’m cumming on those pretty tits.”
I smiled up at him and wiped off my mouth. Spencer caught me in another kiss, this one much more loving and tender than the previous ones. He cupped my face and stroked my cheek. 
His free hand came between my bodies in the same move I had used on him, this time his lithe fingers rubbing my clit lightly, but only for a moment. 
The kiss deepened into a full on teenage make-out, our naked bodies grinding against each other. I had never been so desperate in my life, wetness dripping down my thighs. His hands were on my ass, pinching and squeezing. 
“Touch me,” I begged between kisses. 
“Lay down Princess.”
We swapped positions again and I moved up the bed to lean on some pillows. 
He kissed me, hand moving deftly to my aching core. He took the tip of his middle finger and swiped between my lips. 
I shuddered at the touch, but it was taken away so quickly. 
He leaned to my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin as he placed that same finger in my mouth. I sucked on it greedily, “So wet for me already Princess.”
He nipped at my ear lobe again, causing me to buck my hips up at him. He put his face just over mine, looking deeply into my eyes as he took one finger and put it all the way in. 
I groaned happily at the contact, closing my eyes to savor it. 
“Eyes open. Watch me.”
I opened my eyes, just as he added a second finger, curling them to find my g spot. I opened my mouth to moan but no sound came out. The pleasure of him in me was rippling throughout my touch-starved  body. 
“More Spencer, please ah- fuck- more!” I yelped. His free hand came up to my breast, kneading it and my nipple again. I moaned louder, more guttural this time. His fingers never stopped even as I clawed at his skin. My nails dragged along his back and my eyes never left his. 
If my eyes looked anything like his, then they were clouded with lust and immense pleasure. 
“Spence—“ I gasped as he added his thumb to circle my clit. 
It felt intoxicating, like I was high on all the drugs at once. The vision of his perfect face went black at the edges, that feeling I missed so much forming in my stomach. He’s the only one who could give it to me.
“Use your words Princess,” he cooed, flicking his tongue between his lips. 
“D-Don’t stop I’m close.”
He took this as a signal to go faster, his hands moving in ways I  didn’t think possible. His thumb rubbed rough figure eights over my clit that was slick from my own wetness. When my breathing quickened and I tightened around him he knew I was close, leaning in to kiss me gently as I rode out my orgasm. 
I moaned loudly into his mouth as the rubber band snapped, tingling and pulsing around his fingers.  He coaxed me through it, milking me for everything I had. When he removed his hand and licked me off of his fingers, I whined. I needed something to fill me up; I  needed him to fill me up. I felt so empty without him there. 
“Want me to fuck you, princess?” He asked, his hands coming up to brush the hair out of my face. 
“More than anything,” I managed out, still feeling delirious from the first orgasm. 
“Your wish is my command,” and with that he placed his tip inside of me, moving slowly to allow me to adjust to him. 
“Ah fuck,” we both groaned simultaneously. 
“You’re so tight,” he muttered, finally filling me to the hilt and waiting for my signal to tell him to start. 
“Fuck me, Spencer Reid, fuck me like you mean it,” I burst, and he did. 
At first he started slowly, only moving a few inches in and out. I jerked my hips up, wanting to feel more. He thrusted in and out of me wildly, his hair bouncing with every motion and sweat dripping down his face. 
I relished every movement, using my hands to tangle through his hair and my lips to suck on his neck as he leaned over me. He withdrew almost completely, then pounded back into me, the pain causing me to hiss. 
The room was filled with primal, animal-like moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin. I reached up and put two fingers in his mouth, which he licked with gusto knowing exactly what I was going to do with them. I mimicked his rough figure eights on my clit, wanting to cum with him. 
“I’m close princess,” he panted, “Can I cum on those pretty tits?”
I just nodded, unable to find words as we climbed the mountain to our orgasms together. After a few more strokes he pulled out and brought himself to his orgasm, cumming all over my chest with a sigh. He flopped down next to me, overexerted. I continued circling and my own orgasm came seconds later and much less intense than the one he had given me prior. 
Spencer stood up and grabbed a few tissues, wiping the fluid off my chest. When I was cleaned up I snuggled up against him, face to face. 
“Are we going to talk about this?” He panted, still regaining his breath. He gingerly moved some hair from my face.
I sighed, “You know I’m never going to stop loving you?”
He smiled, “You know I’m never going to stop loving you too, Princess?”
Saying those words again took the weight of the last three years off my shoulders, but deep down I still had doubts.
“We won’t work.”
My voice cracked and tears were threatening my eyes.
He kissed my cheek, and pulled me against him, “We don’t know unless we try and I promise to be less infuriating this time, Princess.”
I turned so our lips met, “So let’s try.”
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