#enjoy your wisconsin themed background lol
robinruns · 5 years
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When your friend needs new lockscreens, you make new lockscreens
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tar-oh · 4 years
So, at last I was both able to and feeling like I could do a pick a pile. I’ve been super busy with school and that’s also been leaving me feeling drained, and like I really can’t read cards like that so I took a break. This is a “what you need to know” reading because I think I’m best at that and like I said last time, I like seeing what comes up. Also, because I’d done one and when I went to write it up, it just didn’t feel like you guys needed to hear that right now, so... Here we are!  So, like always, pick whichever is calling you. You are allowed to pick more than one, and I encourage you to do so if you feel called to another pile. Also, take what resonates. Today we’re going for a David Rose from Schitt’s Creek theme for the pictures. So, choose whichever outfit you like the best from him lol numbers are on the bottom left-hand corners of the pictures:
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Pile 1:
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Cards: 4 of swords, 9 of wands, 8 of wands, King of Swords, 4 of wands reversed, 10 of Swords, Knight of Swords reversed, Knight of Wands
Okay. first off. this was kind of weird. I haven't really done any readings for anyone other than my best friend and myself for the past two weeks, so I haven't really had anything odd happen to me in the last few weeks (except for numbers haunting me but that's been the better part of the year). When I opened the deck I was going to use as the main one for this reading...I saw the devil card in my head. Like. I had to check the box. It's a standard Rider-Waite deck that came in that shitty yellow cardboard box with the magician on top, but for a brief minute I was convinced the devil was on the cover of the box. But. It wasn't? SO? Why did I see that card? This pile needs to hear something (and it may also be for me, I guess we'll see). OKAY. OH BOY. First off, you got King of Swords and then it was also on the bottom of the deck for another deck so! Huh! The devil did not come out, but I'm going to read this like it did. This is a pile of conflict and action. No pentacles or cups, so I'm not really seeing a lot of emotion other than the 6 of cups being the bottom of one of the other decks. I'm going to start with the two knights here. We've got Knight of Swords reversed and Knight of Wands upright. I definitely usually see them as somewhat similar energies, but right now I'm seeing them as two different energies. Like, one is you and one is someone else maybe. The Knight of Swords is someone who rushes in with clarity and truth, and it's not always a happy truth. With it being reversed, I'm seeing this as so much harsher. Like, there's this harsh truth that someone's avoiding, but I don't see that it's not coming out ever. Like, someone here is aware of something and is kind of ignoring it, but I don't really know how much longer it can be ignored. Though, there is no major arcana, so even though this feels like something that is needing to be heard, it's not really a huge major life-changing thing. Except. It feels important? And like, because the Knight of Swords is reserved, as I see, it's not going to be able to be ignored much longer. This particular card seems so frantic and he looks so determined but reversed its like he's just going to fall off the back of the horse. So it's a truth that can't be ignored because if you do, you're not going to get anywhere. But, also, I'm kind of seeing that this might be something in the past or presently because 4 of swords was one of the first cards to fall out. So, someone here is sitting and thinking it through. Meditating on it. I feel like 4 of swords isn't a lot of peoples favorite card to get, but like, I enjoy it. He's literally just chilling. Like, sure the swords are just kind of hanging out over him, and they really don't appear to be held up by anything, but he looks so serene. And whats even more funny, even though the two cards are from different decks, I'm totally seeing the guy on the 4 of swords as being the Knight of Swords. Maybe this is after he falls off the horse and now he is literally forced to face this truth. And, this could just be a mental truth. Like, maybe you've just discovered something about yourself, and with so many sword cards, I definitely get the sense that there is a lot of thinking going on. With the 10 of swords I don't think it's what's going on now. I think this 10 of swords is what led the knight to the truth, and maybe that truth is the 9 of wands and the 4 of wands reversed. That there was a lack of harmony and this defensiveness. And now that I'm thinking about it, even though I read the Knight of Wands as another energy, I think they both COULD be you. Like, maybe you've fallen off of the horse and had to contemplate things and then the Knight of Wands is you getting back on the horse to move forward. And, maybe going back to this image of the devil card that I got, maybe you're breaking free of something. I really don't think it's a person or a physical thing. I really think it's a mental blockage. Like, maybe you did go through something that was external to you and it hurt you and you were maybe not in a great place and ignoring how it made you feel (and the lack of cups could maybe show this idea that you're not feeling what you're needing to feel to move on), but now you're in a better headspace. I really have the song headspace by the wombats stuck in my head and I'm not listening to any music right now, so I think that definitely goes with this. It's about someone who wants someone out of their head, and while I'm reading the two knights as you, maybe this person is the King of Swords? But now, you're breaking free. And even if this King of Swords IS another person, maybe you’re not leaving them, but leaving an image you have of them. Like an opinion you originally had. The way you saw the situation. OR, for some this could be leaving this King of Swords in the past. So, you've decided to move on. And with that 6 of cups at the bottom of one of the deck, I'm kind of thinking the King of Swords is tied with it, so it’s kind of a past energy but also a present and future energy for some. Like, maybe you're going back to someone or something from the past. Revisiting a place or an old hobby. An old idea. Or, just someone. Like, an old friend or lover and it feels right. Like whatever you're leaving was just not in alignment with where you're at right now and where you were before you became this Knight of Wands. And, like whatever it was not being in alignment could have really been an idea or the way you were viewing things, and you kind of see that it’s not serving you the way it should, so you let go of it. The Knight of Wands is really not my favorite card just because he can seem so impulsive to me, but I recently made the connection of him to D'Artagnan from the Three Musketeers and it kind of gave me this new light. Like, I LOVE D'Art. And I think using him as an example really helps me understand the Knight of Wands easier. He's young, naive and impulsive but he's loyal. Like, super loyal. He does kind of jump into things without thinking them through but I don't think it's always a bad thing. Like, I definitely get the fool energy with him, and the card also reminds me of my best friend who is notorious for getting ideas and acting on them within minutes of getting them, and then there's me in the background going "are you sure this is a good idea?", so while it's not always the greatest card, it has it's perks. And. Honestly, he's just fun. So maybe you're letting go of this anxious way of thinking and going into a more care-free zone of life. Like, maybe you overthink to a point where it's exhausting. So, I definitely am reading these to say that you should stop overthinking things, but also the Libra in me is also saying, try to be logical but not OVERLY logical. Ya know? The bottom of my Lovely Omens deck was the three of wands and I think that's a great place to end alongside the 8 of wands. The 8 of wands, again, has kind of a frantic feel to it (similar to the Knight of Swords reversed). A feeling of action happening. Movement forward, but maybe frantic movement. But the 3 of wands feels a little more stable to me. Like...Think of a doorway. You've got the two posts and then the lintel over it. That is 3 parts that create a door and doors are considered stable (like aren't you supposed to go in one during an earthquake? idk! I live in Wisconsin we don't get earthquakes much). So, to me, it's this great balance and maybe this is why the 4 of wands is reversed. Maybe before you weren't able to find this balance, so you go back a step to the three (also, reminds me of how we have the 9 of wands and the 8 of wands, again, going back a step). And going back a step is not awful and sometimes can’t be avoided. Sometimes, it’s the best step forward, to go back to where you started. So, i see that you're going to be going into a more balanced energy, but not a boring kind of balance where things just feel monotonous. One where you're able to feel free and light but also be able to be sure that it's right. Like, does that make sense? And I definitely see the King of Swords playing into that. Again, I think for some this is someone from the past and for others I see this as being you. But, I've got a big fat crush on the King of Swords (even if that card has been haunting me for MONTHS, but I’m kind of convinced the person I marry will be a King of Swords type), so, I'm a little biased but I'm reading this as good. Like, you're out of the hard part, whatever it was (and I think it was mostly mentally hard). So, finally I wanted to pull a quote from my oracle book where you close your eyes, open a page and point and this is what I got: "Between living and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess it." by Antonio Machado. I think this goes PERFECT with what I've said! Especially that it mentions 3! lol Like, I don't really want to break it down, I think it's something one can interpret for themselves because I think its going to be different for people. But, I enjoy the "guess it" part, because I kind of think that goes with that fool energy, like the leaping without looking. Like, maybe you're meant to be figuring out this 3rd thing by leaping? (also i don't want to break it down bc outside of being able to read these right now my brain is mush from school 😞 ). If for some reason ya needed more: blue, yellow, 3, 4, Air signs and Fire signs seems relevant. Just things that kind of stand out to me. Also: Headspace by the Wombats Pile 2:
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Cards:  10 of cups, 7 of wands reversed, the chariot, the star, page of swords, the empress, the magician, ace of pentacles
I think you guys are a group that are striving for this emotional fulfillment (10 of cups), and you definitely are holding out hope that it will happen despite not really being there YET. I see the Page of Swords as you and the Empress as where you need to be/where you’re going. I don't think you need to get out of the page of swords energy. I kind of read it is like Nancy Drew or like a detective. You're striving for answers and so you're searching for them, and I think in this case you're looking for a way to be emotionally fulfilled so maybe you're trying different things. Like, what exactly is your calling in life and who are your people? But I think the biggest thing that this pile needs to know is that you need to be taking care of yourself. I don't necessarily get vibes that you're working too hard, but the 7 of Wands reversed makes me imagine that you're building up this wall, but it's in reverse, so like this wall is crumbling down. So, maybe your'e having trouble letting people in right now, or maybe you're just being picky about where you're energy is spent and I don't see that you need to stop this. I think maybe you can let up a little on building those walls, but maybe like your focus isn't supposed to be on that. Again, the empress to me is telling me that you need to be a little more caring for yourself. Like, work on nurturing you. Especially because I don't think anyone can really get that 10 of cups ending if they're not happy with themselves. This isn't to say take all of your flaws and pick at them, no, more like, embrace them? Like, how can you use them to your advantage and how can you maybe improve upon them. Also, being kind to yourself while you're doing this (And this is exactly why I'm seeing both the Page of Swords and the Empress as you, but more along the lines of you needing to step into the empress energy). And like, the empress is fertile. I mean, she is seen as the mother, ya know, but like, I also see her bringing life to other things (like love for yourself) and maybe life to creative projects. Like maybe the 7 of wands is you working away at things you're not meant to work on and the Empress is you figuring this out and going towards something else that's more suited (idk, i think right now I should tell you that if you felt like choosing pile 1 but didn't, maybe go read that. This part kind of reminds me of it). With the Ace of Pentacles, too, I see this fertility to it. And like, she kind of looks like an empress on that card from that deck, and Aces are about beginnings and pentacles are about material things, so maybe it's a new career or again, a new hobby (but I think money could be involved). And then there's the Magician, who is all about action and manifesting, and he has all the tools he needs, right? So, I think you are the Magician AND the Empress. Like, with this ability to nurture yourself and once you go into that mindset, you're able to create new things you wouldn't have been able to before. Especially if you're putting your energy into things that maybe aren't suited for you. And I'm kind of reading the Chariot as your outcome. Like, I didn't put them in any order, I just set them down in a way that looked better (aesthetics, ya know lol) but I see this as like once you're able to get into that Empress and Magician energy, you're going to like be capitulated forward. Whenever I see the chariot from the Rider-Waite deck I HEAR horses and like wheels of a chariot, right? And there are Sphinxes in front and they're lions with human heads, but like when the Egyptians put Sphinxes on things, it was kind of to show this idea of protection from the gods, and like this divine aspect to whatever it was you were looking at. Like, a connection to divinity. And the word destiny pops up, so maybe something you start to go towards is what you're supposed to go towards. And back the the sphinxes, lions, especially in tarot, equal strength. I actually for a brief moment before I went on this tangent forgot that the Chariot was 7 not 8, and 8 IS strength in tarot (though in some decks, it's Justice, so maybe there's a message for you in there), so I think that kind of plays a role into here. And that also brought on this weird idea of balance (again check out pile 1 if you were between the two). Like, the figure on the Chariot card is generally depicted as a man and the figure on the Strength card is generally a woman. So then, I was kind of like, well maybe once you're in the Empress/Magician energy, you're balancing out those aspects of you (like both the feminine and masculine sides, and seriously, this has nothing to do with gender and more with energy). So then I looked at the cards, and there is an even amount of both women and men depicted in the cards I pulled (4 each), which was interesting, right? There's also 3 major arcana AND you got the 3 in the major arcana (Empress) so again, CHECK OUT PILE 1 LIKE SERIOUSLY lol. I think this is kind of an important time in your life. Like, I don't necessarily know if you're making any major decisions right now, but I think that you're at least coming into who you are. When I was shuffling, the Death card wanted REALLY bad to fall out, but it never did. But I definitely get this death-card vibe from this. Like, a transformation of sorts. So, yeah. Definitely start focusing on you. And I don't mean stop everything and only focus on you. I just, mean find what you need to do for yourself. Maybe looking into the mirror and being kind. Maybe taking time out for you everyday, like 5 or 10 minutes to do something you like to do. Maybe taking better care of your body, or just doing something that makes you feel luxurious. Just. Take care of yourself. Once you do, I think you'll find that getting things done and creating things comes to you easier and you'll start to see a path unfold. So, I pulled a quote from my oracle book for pile 1, so obviously I'll do that for the remaining piles. For you I pulled: "The truth has shared so much of itself with me that I can no longer call myself A man, a woman, an angel, or even pure soul." -Hafiz. This is so interesting that it touches that idea I had about balancing of energies, also even like that idea about the sphinxes being connected to divinity and destiny! Also, bottom deck energy for one deck was Judgement, so definitely destiny! I don't know! I think this is maybe saying that you're worn down and so again, I think taking care of yourself and nurturing yourself is really the way to go in order to feel more energized. Another deck's card at the bottom was the High Priestess, so I read this as you knowing what you need to do for yourself. Like, maybe you've been thinking about it, like "Oh I should get more exercise" or "It would be nice to just kind of sit outside for a bit" or I don't know! Just something you feel you've been needing. Maybe even just sitting down and watching your favorite movie. AND URGH! Bottom deck for the last deck that I forgot to check was the death in reverse! So, avoiding transformation/change, and maybe this avoiding is you not taking care of yourself the way you should be doing.  I also got Skin to Skin by Movements stuck in my head while writing those last few sentences, so maybe check the lyrics out with that. It's more about like feeling lust for someone, so idk! Things that could be relevant: 1, 3, 7, yellow and blue. Also blue flowers, like bluebells. Green. And maybe even like Egyptian mythology or architecture. I was learning about that in one of my classes this past week, so it was clearly on my mind, but I felt the need to bring it up. Especially with the imagery on the Chariot card, so I think that could be something you're into or you might want to look into. Also, Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Gemini, and Cancer energy. Maybe even Scorpio since Death wanted to come out. And: Skin to Skin by Movements
Pile 3:
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Cards: 5 of wands, Temperance, 7 of Pentacles reversed (x2), The Magician reversed, Seven of Swords Reversed, 7 of Wands, 5 of Cups, Justice Okay, so I had told pile 2 to look up the song Skin to Skin by Movements, but I also feel like I should tell you guys that as well. I'm getting a couple different scenarios here, but the number 7 is super prominent for this pile either way. I pulled 4 sevens, two of them the seven of pentacles reversed. I'm actually really feeling like this has to do with another person, especially with 10 of Swords on the bottom of one deck and Page of Swords on the bottom of another. Like, I feel that there was something that left you feeling like you were fighting for something that wasn't there (5 of wands). Like, you put in a lot of effort, planted seeds and waited for them to grow, but they never did. And maybe, also, there's a sense that maybe there was some deceit, but maybe I think this is more you deceiving yourself. Like, maybe you thought there was more than there was. It's funny, the only 7 card that didn't come out was 7 of cups, but I really am getting that vibe. Like, maybe seeing illusions. And, maybe this wasn't you! Maybe this was someone else, maybe they made it seem like they were building something with you, or they thought they were, but then it didn't happen. So someone here is feeling a sense of loss (5 of cups). The Magician reversed also gives me that feeling that something is stunted. Like, something was never able to finish. Or start even. Like, when upright, the Magician is about manifesting, right? But, reserved, that's blocked. It's not going to happen. But, like...I don't necessarily know if that's true. Like, I kind of read that as a mental block more-so than a physical block (but it could very well have been a physical one for someone). Also maybe more of a stand-still. Like things are on pause. But, also I'm getting that maybe you were in a situation with someone that wasn't balanced. Like, maybe someone was putting more into it and it never turned into something more. Take what resonates.
And, with the Page of Swords on the bottom of one deck, I'm kind of going off of a meaning that some people use for the page of swords: someone is checking in on someone/spying on someone, especially since it was on the bottom so kind of hidden. Like, watching in the wings vibes. I think this is whoever else is involved with this (and because I pulled temperance, even though its only one person on the card, and it's like about balance, that whole duality thing really makes me get another sense that there is someone else, but it could also just be something you're going through by yourself!). But, this can apply I think for any scenario of this. I definitely think for all, someone is still kind of watching this situation (and it could be you that's doing this, but I also just get a feeling it's someone else). And, it's also weird, with all the reversals AND the inclusion of the seven of swords reversed AND the Magician reversed, I don't really get like...A bad feeling from them. Like, I can't really tell you how they are, or even who this person is. I just get the sense that whatever it was (job, relationship/friendship), it just wasn't the right time or place? Like, maybe a right person, wrong time kind of vibe. Also, exhaustion. Like you both are just tired of this situation, whether it be that nothing happened or that it hurt, there's just a sense of wanting to move on (but maybe not being able to yet). I definitely get a lot of regret, though and maybe the feeling that you or them or both of you need to put up some defenses because you're not quite ready to deal with the emotions (which, i mean, not a lot of cups action in here). I just get this feeling of regret and stagnancy and its really a bummer. But I see Justice and Temperance as being kind of...Not necessarily outcomes, but like the universe saying "Okay. This really sucked, I know. But things are balancing out. All the wrongs will be righted." Like a strong sense of karma here, and with that lessons needing to be learned. But the Sun is on the bottom of the third deck, and so, I see things are going to work out. Maybe not the way you or this other person had wanted, but I see that things are going to work out in a way that balance will be restored and you'll be able to feel better. But. ALSO. PATIENCE. For me, personally, WHENEVER seven of pentacles shows up, reversed or not, I am being told to be patient which is something I'm not. And Temperance can definitely be about patience too. And even though it's not upright, I view seven of swords as kind of being like someone bidding their time. Same with Page of Swords. Like that watching, and maybe the magician reversed isn't someone feeling that they can't act, but maybe they just don't think they should act yet! I'm not sure! It's probably a mixture for everyone, like for some it may just be you fighting with yourself over something! Either way, there is this sense of feeling like you missed out, and that something didn't work out in your favor, but it will in the end. 
The quote I pulled from my oracle book for you is kind of funny since it has to do with time: "A wanderer is a man from his birth. He was born in a ship on the breast of the river of Time." by Matthew Arnold from "The Future". I personally am not sure if our lives are kind of mapped out before we're born, just because there's freewill, but at the same time I think there are certain paths and lessons we're meant to take and to learn and I'm kind of getting this feeling that this is one of those that you're meant to learn. I also think it's another way of both saying have patience, but also, time will tell. Like, I think there's a certain confusion with this, like with the seven of swords, and like maybe eventually this will all make sense. I also think for some this could be someone who really did play you and you're giving it up, letting it go. And this is here to tell you that again, it's going to work out in your favor, it just takes time. 
So, things that may be relevant: 5, 7, Libra, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, daffodils And also, Skin to Skin by Movements (maybe their new album too, it was just released but there are a couple other similar songs to this, but I also kind of resonate with this pile and I really resonated with the album, so check it out. It’s called No Good Left To Give)
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