#enjoy this unplaned fanart friday YAY
windydrawallday · 2 months
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Companions I designed for Lockdown based on the AoE Steeljaws plus Megafauna suggested to me by @sug4r-melon ! Not a perfect design tbh but it works-- And made me try fun shenanigans with them:
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Because they still retain behaviors from their wilder origins (similar to our modern cats are still miniature fierce predators) in contrast to other types of cybertronian pets, to "program" them properly their owner needs... to start from the very beginning AKA HYENA CUBS!
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Yes, like that!
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Don't worry... they get better.
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Awww! ... Until Prowl arrives with his ability to tame any creature (to Lockdown's chagrin)
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"I'll take the kids and leave" becomes a common threat to the bounty hunter if he tries to shoo away the pets x'D
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EDIT: The Hyenids got names btw!!! Originally Lockers put something to cryptic so, Prowl renamed them based on flowers and their meanings:
(Astra)Galus: "Your presence softens my pain."
(Jon)Quil: "Return my affection; desire."
Magno(lia): "Perseverance; Love of nature."
Lockdown of course ignores completelly this and calls them in short forms for making his life easy.
That's all! I'm tired of waiting the time to paint these how I wanted and my artblock just GRRRRs at me so... There, hope is enjoyable anyways 🐺💚
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