#englshblog wolf
Modern World.
I didn't really catch on to the rhetorical argument in the video. The premise of the video was obvious: as our society modernizes, you can and will be replaced by automation, as machines are more cost effective and efficient. And honestly, how much sense did it make to have a band playing in a factory? Buy a radio...
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The machine and you.
This video depicts machines are taking human activities, while humans undertake machine oriented activities. It shows factory workers on a product line making toy horses, while a machine is being made that takes away a humans creativity. I believe this video is trying to show that humans are slowly becoming machines, as machines are becoming such an important part of our lives and even places where no one expected them in the first place. I believe the creator is trying to show that humans create machines in order to make humans more inferior, but by doing so, creating machines in which rival our own intelligence and capabilities. Even though a machine can do continuous tasks over and over again, it is possible to ask the question: where is the line between machines helping society, and machines replacing humans?
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afbabeames-blog · 13 years
Modern World Music Video
The argument this video makes is that our technology could become so efficient that it replaces humans even in the must human activities of making music.  The rhetoric involved would be a pathos approach.  This is apparent during the emotional story of a popular band being fired by their boss because machines are taking their place.
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greenesquared-blog · 13 years
Modern World
I think this video is trying to show how machines are taking over. Humans are being replaced by machines and they world is becoming more professional. Pathos is used showing a sense of sadness with the deserted city and in the singers voice. The man loses his job to a machine and this is something the audience can relate to. Machines are more "modern" and they are taking over many jobs that used to be done by people. The rhetoric in this video causes the audience to feel sad and in the end feel bad for the director.
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istanley-blog · 13 years
Modern World
The music video attempts to make the argument that people are being replaced by machines when it comes to completing tasks. Many things that used to be done manually are now done by machines. The director shows people completing tasks, like playing music, and being replaced with machines at the end as the world becomes more "modern." The art of the music is really exterminated because of the feelings of the artist playing the music are no longer present. This makes the audience want to preserve professions for humans and let art live on. It is a sort of pathos. Watching people be put aside to let machines take over is not something that appeals to the audience, causing them to side with the director.
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englshblogkeion-blog · 13 years
Modern World
It seems like it is trying to say that creativity is being pushed out by machines because they are seen as being more efficient and cost effective. And more and more machines are being designed to do jobs that people are capable of doing. They use rhetoric by showing at first the four individual humans doing the job (playing music) then they show how they were replaced by a group of machines. As we look around the world today even cars have gotten more electronics in them to take over things people have also done, like oil changes and built-in GPS systems.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
What argument does this music video (‘Modern World’ by Wolf Parade) attempt to make, and how does the director employ rhetoric to persuade his or her audience? (Tag your blog response “englshblog wolf”)
Due Friday
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