#englan nationalteam
amazing-sonny · 3 years
Just some thoughts!....
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Yeah, yeah I know everyone have their own Opinion but I think that is not a opinion it's homophobic and just disgusting.
I was just looking some pictures of Jordan and saw this post and watched some comments. I mostly saw this kind of comments only a few of support or positive comments. I don't know it makes me just emotional.
Many people say "why someone need to out themselve they just need to play football it doesen't matter wich sexuality they have. It's annoying the whole outing things" (I saw that by Joshua) but that is the reason why it is important. Because they are still many people who are against that or are against people who want to support LGBTQ+. I saw a video of Jordan and a Fan who is in the LGBTQ+ community and they said 'when someone want to come out it's important because when you have such a secret your talents and work isn't good or not that good how it would be normaly. But when there are such comments people are scared to come out and it's just sad when someone can't be themselve.
Henderson is such an good Idol and when people doesen't support him anymore because he supports himan rights = then it means for me their are no real fans.
I hope someday everyone can come out whenever they want and don't need to be scared of such things!
I mean you can't say only Joshua cavallo and a number of others from professional football are gay or a part of the LGBTQ+ community. There are so many proffesional football players and you can't say to me that everyone is 1000% straight.
They deserve that they can live and play football peaceful without such comments or even worse things.
And when there are still such hatefull comments because of a captain band and some rainbow laces it's imporzant to talk more about it even when some are annoyed by it!!!
I could write even more but it makes me really emotional because these comments are only one little part it's even worse.
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