brokeassgoing · 4 months
"A Sizzle Summer"
Look, we're not even going to go over this, okay? There's no need to. It's the same as it ever was-- Badou either walked into something he shouldn't have and farted, alerting someone of his presence, or he opened his big mouth and said too much. We've been here before, and we shall be here again next week. The only difference this time is, there's a festival? Party? Going down, and he wasn't working.
Somehow, as his usual luck goes, he's found himself running around from some threatening types, and this time ducking between vendors and knocking cabbages over, as it usually goes. He knows this--
He even knows how it goes when he's cornered in an alley. Back pressed against the wall, at least it doesn't smell like piss in here, and the guys have knives-- haha, that's cute.
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"C'mon, guys, I didn't mean anything by it, y'know! I'm just a guy, a little guyyyyy, guys!"
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drunkelreporter · 6 months
Things had finally calmed down after the craze of the moss, people rebuilt and recovered and life moved on. He and Astarion had finally pried themselves out of the house and were getting back into the swing of things, more or less. Astarion had grudgingly gone back to work and Roberto was writing again, which meant he had to move around the city and talk to people again.
He'd been working on that, meandering and chatting with random strangers about the recovery efforts post-Nightmare Moss outbreak. It was what most places were concerned with and the articles that sold right now and his own personal curiosity and concern that was driving him. Interacting with people on the street helped make it feel a little more real but also more in the past.
Anything that helped it feel more like the past helped Roberto's nerves.
He was walking with his notebook in hand, a cigarette hanging from his mouth, the scruffy black kitten standing on his shoulder and surveying the world from his perch. It was a sunny day, still so much cooler then he was used to on Noman's, and Roberto was taking his time to enjoy it while it lasted. At least until he spotted another new figure meandering along as well and blew out a stream of smoke as he turned to face them, hand half raised in a lazy sort of wave.
"Hey there, how's it-- Nicholas?" Roberto freezes halfway through his attempt at a greeting, staring at the kid in shades and a suit that's too big on him. He looks exactly like when Roberto had last seen him, springing out of the elevator to stop the little monster from murdering both him and Meryl. Moments too late for him.
Not that Roberto blames the kid, his luck had just run out after all.
"Huh. Not a face I was expecting to see turn up here." Did he know? Had he seen what Roberto had tried his best to hide from at least two of the kids? Damn damn damn.
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bluestringpuppeteer · 6 months
Legato was back to work, business as usual. Just because things went horribly wrong and people died didn't mean that things didn't continue on, that they didn't return back to normal. He couldn't simply hide in Knives' home once things steadied again and so off to work again he went.
Once he settled back into it, it was soothing. He'd always liked working in a kitchen and it helped ease the remaining tension from his mind. He could simply exist and cook orders and not think too hard about anything else.
At least until something slipped through his zen and stirred him into full awareness again. The young woman who worked the register asked the name of the person ordering and Legato could swear the answer was 'Wolfwood'. He tilted his head and listened as she repeated it and, indeed, that was the name. Wolfwood. Curious, Legato peers out of the kitchen, mostly hidden where he won't be immediately spotted unless someone looks for him specifically. And there, walking away from the register to take a seat, is a young man with ruffled dark hair and sunglasses, shirt only partly buttoned and suit jacket looking too big for his frame.
Not his Wolfwood, not Vash's. This one was from the other version of themselves, the version the younger Vash came from. Legato tilts his head and hums to himself, considering the order he's handed. Simple enough but easy to elevate and... he's feeling generous. He'll put more effort into this one just because he wants to see the younger Wolfwood's reaction.
He doubts he'll get anything of a friendly reaction himself but he's still trying, which means not making enemies right off the cuff for his own part. He slips back into the kitchen proper to get started.
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aevummarket · 4 months
Hello there! I'd like to purchase an ability unlock for Nicholas D. Wolfwood, specifically his enhanced strength (able to easily twirl around a 300lb laser/machine gun kind of strength)! His stats are found at /stats and his currency at /skills.
When you awaken, you feel rekindled. As though some small piece of you has assembled itself back together….
Your ENHANCED STRENGTH has been restored to you.
ABILITY UNLOCK 500 Emblems ALL Abilities and Items listed on a Muse’s application can be bought back at any time. Application unlocks are limited to two (2) abilities/items per Activity Check without exception.
— 🏵️ Creo
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epilvgue · 4 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- He had seen the name when it appeared in his phone registry nearly three months ago.
He had chosen to ignore it. Avoid it. Bury himself in more shifts at the farm, pick up extra hours as much as he could.
As if not acknowledging that Nicholas was here would make easier. As if not acknowledging what he saw in his phone's contact list would make it turn into a dream.
He wanted Wolfwood there but at the same time he didn't think he was ready for it. Besides... what if this one... wasn't his?
He heard the click of a lighter, saw it all out of the corner of his eye - the false priest dressed all in black leaned against a wall, so much softer than usual, "C'mon ya big baby. You're gonna have ta meet me some time. Or I'm gonna come looking for you. You know that."
Vash shoved his hands into his pockets, dressed in in work clothes, hair mussed and down, fluffing out around his head. He tilted his head away from the apparition slightly, the light catching against his earring. He was waiting for the gondola system.
Finally it came and Vash entered a car, plopping down and stretching out. Legs splayed out and he leaned his head back. There was only one other person in the car so it was fine for now.
"Maaaan, I'm beat," he groaned to no one in particular.
@enduringdevotion // unplotted
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gesslen · 6 months
Eternal devotion
Viața este o călătorie scurtă, un moment în ⏰🕰️🌙 timp în vasta întindere a universului. Timpul ne alunecă printre degete ca nisipul ⏳➿⌛️, lăsându-ne să ne ținem de amintirile și momentele trecute. Cu toate acestea, în mijlocul 🤔😫😵 haosului și scurtarea vieții, un lucru rămâne constant și neschimbat - dragostea noastră 💋💕😘 pentru cei pe care i-am lăsat în urmă. Rămâne ca o fantomă în umbră, o șoaptă tăcută 🤫💬👂 în vânt, o atingere blândă a inimii noastre. Indiferent de câți 🌅➡️🌇 sori răsare și apune, dragostea noastră pentru ei nu se estompează niciodată. Este o legătură care transcende timpul și spațiul, un 🌌🌟 far de lumină în întunericul pierderii, o mărturie a legăturii eterne 🔐💪🤝.
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aevumisles · 6 months
Without prior reserve, I’d like to app Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun Stampede. My app can be found under /app on my blog. The date is March 12th.
You feel stillness and motion pressing upon you from all sides. From this, you are stirred, and spurred by your awakening, you step from the long quiet.
You, NICHOLAS D. WOLFWOOD, find yourself standing before the Temporal Tower, in a garden seemingly tucked away from the seasons of time. Still, people flock here beneath the borealis that lights the sky above, here to greet you. A Guardian approaches.
Hello…. Echo. Well don’t look so confused, everything is exactly as it was made to be in preparation for your arrival. I would know. Yada yada yada, we hope you enjoy your stay… don’t break anything.
You receive the following:
A House Key. Emblazoned upon it is: 208, Eterna Village.
A Standard Issue Phone. It lights up when it manifests in your hand.
A 3lb Bag of Gummy Worms. The guardian hands you the item with a bit of a cheeky squint, merely saying it hopes you can find some sweetness again.
Welcome to the Aevum Isles.
— 🏵️ Creo
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bluestringpuppeteer · 3 months
Legato hurts. Everything hurts, every muscle ached and his chest hurt most of all. It was almost like the first time, when he and Knives had died when it became clear just how bad the moss would continue to get. That time had been simple and clean and he'd died in Knives' arms, walked out of Terminus Tower hand in hand with his angel.
This time was not clean and simple and easy.
This time, he moved not of his own accord as he stepped out from the Tower and immediately collapsed to his knees. A hacking, gasping, cough ripped out of his chest and his limbs shook, nerves on fire for several seconds before the immediate pain started to fade.
As it turned out, being severely electrocuted hurt quite a lot. He's not sure which hurts worse, the nerves that are all screaming or the bone deep ache in his chest where the pole had impaled him. It all blurs together for the minute or so it takes for it to fade to a manageable level. When he stands, it's shaky and unsteady, but a moment of breathing eases it all enough that he can walk.
He has to get home. God, Knives, Astarion, Wolfwood, probably even Roberto and Badou, they're all going to be so upset with him. This time it wasn't even his fault, he'd tried to leave, he'd tried to run, but he wasn't quick enough. Useless.
His effort to find information to protect his small... family of sorts, had entirely backfired. Damn, damn, damn.
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aevummarket · 6 days
Hello there! I'd like to purchase the ability unlock for Nicholas D. Wolfwood's Healing Vials, please! His stats are found at /stats and his currency at /skills.
As though it never left your side, your HEALING VIALS have found their way back to you, manifested at your bedside when you open your eyes.
SPECIAL ITEM UNLOCK 500 Emblems ALL Abilities and Items listed on a Muse’s application can be bought back at any time. Application unlocks are limited to two (2) abilities/items per Activity Check without exception.
— Mod Leillis  🌸
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aevummarket · 1 month
I'd like to purchase a Vash the Stampede Wanted Poster from the Sunflower Festival Flea Markets for Nicholas D. Wolfwood of Trigun Stampede. The thread in question to which it was briefly described and purchased can be found under /Thread%204 or #Thread 4.
In this time of celebrating the communities of our present, it is often a comfort to remember the ones of old ( or even, perhaps of yet to be. ) Thank you for your participation in the Sunflower Festival's, Gateway Flea Market!
We hope you continue to find pieces of yourself, wherever they may come from.
You may now add the WANTED POSTER to your inventory.
— 🏵️ Creo
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aevummarket · 1 month
Hello there! I'd like to purchase the ability unlock for Nicholas D. Wolfwood's Punisher, please! His stats are found at /stats and his currency at /skills.
As though it never left your side, the PUNISHER has found its way back to you, manifested at your bedside when you open your eyes.
SPECIAL ITEM UNLOCK 500 Emblems ALL Abilities and Items listed on a Muse’s application can be bought back at any time. Application unlocks are limited to two (2) abilities/items per Activity Check without exception.
— 🏵️ Creo
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