eyeless-smiles · 2 years
Hunted =Vampire!AU=
It has been about ten years since his partner was brutally torn apart by a vampire before his very eyes. And the memory still haunts his nightmares.
And in that time, he had decided he would kill every fucking vampire he could track down. Taking up the mantle as a Vampire Hunter. He even discarded his own name. Choosing instead to be called by his moniker, The Corinthian.
A title is whispered through the vampire community like a curse. The Corinthian has begun to gain a reputation for the brutal vampire body count he's wracked up. And for his vicious calling card, leaving his vampire victims without their eyes.
The hunter has been on a particular trail for years. Hunting down one of the Endless. The original vampires of which all else spawn from. And tonight, he is finally closing in on his intended target.
He had tracked the Endless down to a remote castle, following the confessions of a particularly talkative fledgling.
A fucking castle. Typical Vampires.
Breaking into the fortress during the early morning had been easy, the hunter managing to kick in a window into an old cellar and slip through despite his large frame. He lands on the shards of broken glass with the prowess of a cat. Making barely any noise as he shifts silently through the castle corridors. Hoping to locate the Endless before any of his remaining subjects wake.
His usually sported sunglasses are pushed back into his hair while he traverses the dark hallway, deep blue eyes on high alert. His neck is comfortably hidden beneath a thick beige turtleneck. Hiding the silver collar clamped firmly around his throat to protect himself from a vampire's bite. His knife holsters are fully visible strapped across his chest, too. Jackets tend to just get in the way while he's hunting.
And there is no need to hide the sheaths. Anyone who may spot him knows why he is here.
The sharp glint of a silver blade weighs comfortably in his palm. Readied and waiting to strike at the slightest perceived movement in the shadows of the old castle.
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poxsonmenace · 7 months
♡ -Endlessxdream ☺️
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours ●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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"If IT wasn't OBVIOUS, I trust and adore you IN every sense, my dear. I'd be a BIT concerned about our MARRIAGE IF I wasn't."
[ @endlessxdream ]
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korinthiakos · 2 years
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@endlessxdream has sent this in: there are many reasons why i hate about you , but those reasons turn into something why i love you . | 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; a collection of enemies to lovers sentence starters . ( accepting !! )
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His smile drops. But those reasons turn into something why I love you. He doesn't have it in him to laugh. The fear is clawing his throat on the inside; sharp talons dug in with the force of trapping his words. The Corinthian never thought this would happen. To be loved. But it was just an illusion. The love had been forged by their arrangement. He's not loved. No. It's all just an act. But he's afraid that love could be real. Could be an actual thing that the Corinthian could have, more so from his creator. Because he's been waiting for a long, long time. Some form of love—— it could be in any form. A crumb of love; of attention; of longing. A meager of it. 8,000 years... He finally lets out a huff. "You don't mean it."
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chosenbythecrystal · 2 years
❝ We were wed for an alliance, but this doesn’t need to be terrible. We can at least be civil. ❞ (I changed it a tiny bit but here you go! from vamp!Morpheus -endlessxdream)
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Noctis visibly tensed at the sound of the Vampire's voice. It wasn't too often that he heard it. Ever since their wedding, Noctis had been doing his absolute best to avoid him. He spent most of his time outside in the daylight where he wouldn't be bothered by vampires. At night, he would shut himself away and stare at the ceiling until he finally fell asleep.
Morpheus had assured him that he would be safe there. That nobody would harm him, but Noctis knew that all it would take was one hungry vampire to lose control over themselves and he'd be dead. It was for that reason he'd taken to carrying a weapon around with him. Hidden, of course, but there for his own protection.
"That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who was sold off as some bargaining piece." That was what hurt the most. His father had been against the proposal, of course, but the council had jumped at the opportunity. They had pushed and pushed until Noctis felt like he had to agree to it or he'd he responsible for further bloodshed. "You get to stay here, in your kingdom, surrounded by your people. I'm alone surrounded by people who used to be my enemies."
There was no denying that Morpheus was the one with all the power. Not only was this his castle where his was the final word, but he was physically stronger than Noctis too. This whole arrangement benefited Lucis more than it did Morpheus. Lucis was losing the war and offering him up as some victory prize had been their last ditch effort at stopping the war. He was surprised the vampire had accepted.
"I've been minding my own business. I haven't been causing any trouble. What more do you want from me?"
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hobertgadling · 2 years
Once Bitten, Twice Shy // starter for @endlessxdream
The latter half of the 17th Century had been difficult for England. It was difficult for one man too, Robert Gadling. He was worn and weary from it, constantly working, growing jaded from the misery and grime that ceaselessly found its way under his nails.
He spent most of his free evenings at The White Horse, one of the oldest establishments in London. Laughter poured as freely as the ale. And there were women by the armful. But Robert wasn't interested in any of the women. Or at least, he hadn't been since setting his sights on a particularly pale and particularly intriguing man.
This was who he was sat across from in the tavern, staring at the man over a glass of wine. He put the cup down and leaned forward, resting his elbow on the table. "We've been meeting here each night for the past two weeks... Surely you can tell me your name now. I've practically told you everything about me."
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lostxndbroken · 2 years
@endlessxdream plotted starter with Matthew
The Dreaming was something else, something he had never seen before. Yes, he became a raven in this realm, but he never ventured far. There were things that had to be done. Helping the King of Dreams to get his tools back and there was little time for anything else.
The peace had somewhat returned it seemed, and Dream was fixing his realm, so he didn’t dare to ask for a tour or anything else for that matter. What harm could it do to have a look around unsupervised? He didn’t think it would hurt, anyway. So, he hopped up to a windowsill where the window was open and flapped his wings testily. It was still all so new to him. One moment he was sleeping and the other he was dead and right here. What happened to him? He wasn’t that old to have just died in his sleep, right? Were there health signs he had missed? He didn’t think so.
No, there was no time to think about the past, he wanted to know more about this fantastical realm he now was in. He bent his knees, funny, now they bend backwards, then jumped off the windowsill and spread his wings, taking a dive.
He soured through the dark sky and admired all that he saw. He saw movement in the distance and though a part of him told him not to go, his curiosity got the best of him and sped up.
Though, once he got close enough to see what these moving creatures were, something lashed out at him, making the raven caw frantically and flapped his wings, diving between the grasps of four boney, black arms. When he got away from them, he nearly flew into a huge black cloud with glowing red eyes and it was as if it opened its mouth to swallow the raven whole. “FUCK!”
Matthew panicked as each time he got away from one, he bumped into something else. It tired him out, and he lost sight of where to go. He shouldn’t have gone out by himself! Something got hold of his legs and hung him upside down. Matthew desperately tried to free himself. Swinging his wings and flapping them, screeching and cawing in terror. “Let go!”
“Such a pretty little dream,” His holder mused in a voice of starvation.
He didn’t want to die again. He had a second chance, and it felt like he wasted it all for a glimpse of the unknown. Feathers fell all around him in an attempt to get loose, but his body was tired, oh so tired.
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nightmarecountry-a · 2 years
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something . (Gotta give the second Corinthian a simple task to make sure he knows who’s in charge 🙃, endlessxdream)
He sees the command for what it is immediately: a display of power, a final act to ensure that the second Corinthian recognises its place in the hierarchy of the Dreaming. It grates on him in a way that would be hard to describe if anyone ever asked. To obey the King of Nightmares is natural; that, he has no quarrel with. But he can't help feeling that this has more to do with his predecessor than himself, and that--that irks him.
Irked as he is, though, he cannot refuse. The Corinthian inclines its head slightly, its expression smoothed out into one of complete neutrality. "As you like, Sire." He crosses the throne room not by movement but by thought, and in a few heartbeats has returned to Dream's side, the requested long coat folded over his arm. The Corinthian extends it to him. It feels just as unnatural to be silent as it would to speak to his lord without a good reason, and the nightmare simply stays in that uncomfortable quiet, a kind of liminal space of its own.
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reveriestardust · 2 years
Haunted Fragments
@endlessxdream​ liked for a starter
    The Sanctuary was home, a place extremely familiar to Reverie, something he knew inside and out.  With the return of their monarch, Daydream now had more time on his hands.  After more than a century of constant and exhausting duties, adjustment had been difficult, often finding himself wrapped in a frayed aura of lingering emptiness.  First on the agenda had been rest, of course, but one could only recuperate for so long before restlessness set in.  Time was filled then with visits to the Waking via the imaginations of children and adults alike, just taking in the sights, occasionally interacting with those who could see him.  Such a visit occurred on this day, as Reverie cultivated the daydreams of a child mourning her mother, imagining the pair going on a grand adventure as superheroines to protect the playground from bullies.     It was in this park that Reverie spotted it, a familiar glint of light caught his eye--but it was a light he had only seen in the Dreaming, a certain effect with how an ethereal light refracted upon glass.  Careful, he stepped over to the tree in which he saw it, a shard of indigo glass caught within a bird's nest.  "...hmm?" he hummed to himself and climbed the tree to carefully pluck the shard from the twigs and grass and feathers; of course, the nest also had a few other shiny trinkets in it, as crows nests often had.  Glass in hand, he vanished, returning to the Dreaming...specifically the throne room of his King, carefully cradling the shard within his palm, close to his chest as though such a precious and delicate thing.     "Apologies for the interruption, Your Highness..." he spoke gently, the warm tenor carrying upon a pleasant tone.  "...but I found something from our realm in the Waking...and thought you should know."
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timeagxnt-a · 2 years
@endlessxdream sent: ❛ i don’t know how you do this every day… ❜ | meme me daddy
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Jack looked over at the man beside him and then back out at the scene before them. "It's not like this everyday, it's not always full of death or destruction, you know. For some reason, aliens really love Christmas time on Earth."
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The captain watched his team, Owen and Tosh were helping give medical attention to those injured while Ianto and Gwen were helping the police deal with the damage and keep the people calm. "Speaking of, I should probably go back and help."
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eyeless-smiles · 2 years
Giving Corinthian eye mouth kisses uwu (endlessxdream)
Corinthian holds Morpheus close with his hands fisted in midnight robes. Shuddering lightly under the offered attention. He cannot control the audible gasps of desire and mild jealousy that the currently unpreoccupied ocular mouth hisses.
Corinthian wonders briefly how both mouths seem to have a mind of their own at times. The right very uptight and shrewd. Whereas the left has always been shamelessly loud and emotional.
The right almost seems reluctant to kiss Morpheus, whereas the left hungers for it. The Nightmare himself left shamefully voiceless and pining.
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poxsonmenace · 2 years
[ scar ] — sender shows receiver one of their scars (listen I have 0 self control, have a vamp Morpheus -endlessxdream)
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That OTHERWISE predatory gaze appeared tender as IT sauntered across the man’s VISAGE, pads OF NIMBLE FINGERS at a downwards trace upon the softer flesh. It had been deep. He could only IMAGINE the RIVER OF red that ran from IT. “..SILVER really doesn’t LIKE you.” [ @endlessxdream ]
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korinthiakos · 2 years
❝ you’re not listening to me! ❞ (band au, they need some more angst okay) -endlessxdream
things that are hard to hear. ( accepting !! )
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"Maybe I don't want to listen to you? It's going to be the same bullshit anyway. So why fuckin' bother? Go on your schedule-fuckin'-date and be distasteful. Make that woman wish she never came. Go on. Just fuck off."
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chosenbythecrystal · 2 years
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@endlessxdream / @poisonedbyexistence sent:
👄Feed on my muse or harvest blood/energy/etc from them
Morpheus hadn't been kidding when he'd told him that he didn't feed very often. In the time he'd spent as his familiar thus far, the vampire had only fed on him a handful of times. Noctis wasn’t complaining of course, but it had surprised him.
For the most part, he'd been playing the role of errand boy. He'd actually just returned home after running one such errand when the vampire beckoned him close. Ah. He needed to feed.
Slowly lowering his bag to the ground, Noctis approached, tilting his head to the side to better expose his neck as Morpheus pulled him close. The grip was as much for his benefit as the vampire's. Morpheus never took too much, but Noctis would still feel a little dizzy afterwards.
He was getting used to the feeling and it hurt far less than he'd originally expected it to, but there was still that little flinch that accompanied the sting of piercing fangs.
Noctis closed his eyes and leaned close, one hand lightly grasping the fabric of Dream's shirt to steady himself. Once Morpheus was done, Noctis remained in place for a few moments longer to regain his bearings before finally pulling away.
"You don't have to go so long without feeding, you know? S'what I'm here for. You know I'm willing."
There was more to it than that though. Noctis had grown to genuinely care for Morpheus. He didn't want to see him weakened or hurt.
"I know you can go without longer than most, but that doesn't mean you should. I...I care about you."
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hobertgadling · 2 years
▧ -endlessxdream 💚
{{ eeeee! i love writing with you even though we haven't done it much!! i am always down to write even more with you whenever! <333 }}
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betterdcyz · 2 years
@endlessxdream requested for The Corinthian:  “Harder.” (For Corinthian endlessxdream 🙃) (  𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 / accepting !! )  
The creation had him pinned to the bed;  pale legs propped on his shoulders,  a beautiful view below him.  He’d indulged heavenly on his pale skin,  teeth biting deep into his flesh.  His masterfully crafted length deep into his creator.  The nightmare allowed himself to have these moments,  a treat to himself,  a reward to his undying loyalty that was soon throw into the trash.  But he wondered why he came back,  perhaps it was to indulge towards his selfishness.  “Harder?”  Such a word came out smoothly,  buttered up in amusement,  his grin spreading like a predator as he halts his thrusts.  “Now,  now,  my lord.  I think a please is in order.  Right?  You’d have to ask politely.”  He didn’t stop completely though.  His thrusts became slow and downright teasing.  He rolled his hips,  purposely finding that bundle of nerves.
“Say it,  and I will fuck you right into the mattress,  harder than anyone has fucked you before.  Is it possible for an Endless to feel so sore after such a passion of brutal sex?  How about we test that?”  And then he’ll leave him,  to long for him,  as the nightmare had longed for his creator.  “Just one word,  Morpheus,  say it.  Fuckin’ say it,  for my ears only.  Or are you above it?  Is the Endless above certain pleasantries?  Such manners....” 
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nightmarecountry-a · 2 years
checklist (endlessxdream ❤️)
I find you to be:
[ ] interesting [ ] cute [x] attractive [ ] sexy [ ] reassuring [x] intimidating [ ] annoying [x] tedious [x] terrifying
I think we should:
[ ] talk more [ ] hang out more [ ] date [ ] adopt each other as found family [ ] fight (friendly) [x] fight (hostile) [x] avoid each other if at all possible
If we spent an evening together we would:
[x] just hang out [ ] talk about deep stuff [ ] cuddle [ ] go to bed together (to sleep) [ ] go to bed together (to… not sleep) [ ] go out and party till sunrise [ ] both get arrested [x] probably wind up killing each other
If we kissed it would be:
[ ] a chaste press of lips [ ] a playful smooch [x] swift and stolen [ ] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant [x] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck [ ] not happening
If we had sex it would be:
[ ] romantic and luxurious [x] fast, rough and hard [x] against the nearest wall [ ] fantastic [ ] awkward [x] a really bad idea [x] an all-around disaster [ ] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[ ] cuddle you [x] offer you breakfast [ ] attempt to seduce you [x] kick you out [x] demand to know how you got there [ ] scream
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