beatasticband · 8 months
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atlantisphere · 1 year
Here is some DnBish stuff I made in the app, Endless
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gingernut1314 · 4 months
Oh to be able to kiss my fictional spouses is such a blessing 😩😂
Of course I placed them in the order that they came into my life and made me utterly obsessed with them 😂😂
Buggy my first One Piece love, Sanji my sweet sweet cook, Robin my STUNNING wife who I could listen tell me strange facts for hours, and last but DEFINITELY not least, Katakuri, the newest addition but OMGGGGG do I love that sweetheart!!!!
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Thank you again @fanaticsnail for sharing this link cause omgggggg did I need it !!!!
(Pst--@lostfirefly @mydearlybeloathed @cinnbar-bun you should do it.....kiss your blorbos...just a little smoosh...I know you want to 😂)
Kiss your blorbos picrew link
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ireallydohateyou2 · 29 days
this just in: turned on my garbage disposal & smelled something burning
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cockaiine · 5 months
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taintandviolent · 2 months
who should I write for next? Hm hm hm hm
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candyskiez · 10 months
its not fair how much of a bop pearls system reboot is guys it's a horrifying scene of all her growing as a person being cruelly stripped away and she doesn't even remember the people around her that taught her she was worth more than what she could give to other people and it's stuck in my head. unfair I tell you.
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ohraicodoll · 2 years
Interwoven | Chapter 4
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Chapters:  4/6 Fandom:  The Sandman (Comics & TV 2022) Rating:  Mature/Explicit Relationships:  Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Original Female Character, Dream/Reader Characters:  Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Original Female Character, Hob Gadling, Original Characters, Matthew the Raven, Lucienne, Calliope, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Calliope, The Endless, Eve, Delirium, Death, Desire Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit Sexual Content, Past Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Possessive Behavior, Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence, Jealousy, Trauma Responses Tags: Character Development, Established Relationships, General complicated feelings, meeting the family, meeting the friends, talk about fantasies, domestic life, fluff, past Relationships, ANGST, OFC: Dahlia, Named Reader, 1st POV
Summary: She had very few people in her life and while he denied it, Dream had so many. People that cared for him, people that warned her. Or in other terms, Dream and Dahlia’s casual relationship is turning not so casual. Chapter Summary: A family meeting of sorts
4th in the Fragments Series | Read on AO3 Writing Masterlist Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Previous in Series: Possession Next in Series: The Complications of Family Chapter 4: Delirium & Death
I spent my time going from dream to dream, trying to resort my tangled thoughts, almost oblivious to what was going on around me. I needed to walk, to move, or else I would spiral down into something dark and insecure.
Giants loomed in a forest of emeralds, helping a young girl to swing back and forth by tying rope and a board to their fingers. Her laughter helped but I felt like I was darkening the mood. An endless maze of a house grew and grew for a boy who desperately wanted to find a way out and I watched him run past me over and over again, not realizing the house was a loop. His distress was bitter so I walked on. A young woman dreamed of opening a bakery inside of a giant sourdough loaf, the walls toasted and warm and tables made of slices of butter but I stayed slightly cold. Falling back into old habits, doors appeared, leading me from one dream to the next as if my subconscious or the magic that allowed me the ability was trying to help. But I could only think about the story Eve had told me and her warning. Loving Lord Morpheus is not for the faint of heart. I didn’t love him, that was jumping the gun when so much of our relationship was…confusing. It wouldn’t be hard to, if I wasn’t terrified. Love had pushed me into a cage long ago, had led me to take suffering and abuse because at least I was loved and that made it all better. He had loved Alianora, even if it was Desire’s doing, and she had loved him, but time had corroded it away like it does all things and he’d been cruel. Cold. She’d been caged in the same way and that was terrifying. Somewhere out there was dream island where his old love was tucked away so she couldn’t bother him. Out of sight, out of mind. I wondered if being mortal was a perk for him. At least when he got bored of me, I’d go home and die off. I sighed, going through another door to another dream, a boy with a mermaid tail swimming passed through the air while a school of flying fish followed him. I was underwater but not, able to walk on as if on land and breathe normally even if the water lifted my hair. The Morpheus people spoke of always seemed so different from the one I knew. When he had triggered my trauma, he’d learned and corrected himself, aware of the pain it caused. He played at being annoyed at me disobeying him but I could see the lightness and humor when I did so. And when I argued with him, he was stubborn but didn’t push me away as a dumb simple human. But there were hints there. When we had fought about Calliope, it’d been there in the coldness and the words he bit out but also easily pushed away. He had changed and yes, was also fighting it. Maybe his time in imprisonment had affected him more than I knew, but it didn’t erase the person he was. It was hard to process that echo of cruelty that seemed to reverberate in the stories of his past and the sharpness in his eyes and I sighed again. I entered another door and paused, eyes trying to adjust to the bright technicolor buildings that surrounded me as I stood on a city street. The buildings were an array of neon colors and seemed to pulse and sway, giant eyes blinking in place of windows and peering down at me. It was most likely a drug trip induced dream, something I had come across a handful of times. The sidewalk was less solid and more like jello, bouncing slightly as I walked and the world around me so bright against my black dress. It was like walking into a bad Lisa Frank painting. Two girls lay star-fished on the ground in the middle of the road, head to head, blinking up at the rainbow sky. Butterflies and fish and spiders floated around them like buzzing insects. I frowned, feeling my eyes strain at all the color. “Hi,” a voice called out, coming out of one of the girls in word-shaped smoke, a small smoke smiley face following then dissipating. I smiled softly and walked forward a bit, arms wrapped around me. One of the girls had blonde hair, braids and beads knotted throughout, bright blue eyes glassy as they stared unblinking at the sky. She didn’t register me, barely seemed to notice anything happening around her which made me frown. The other girl had bright red hair with streaks of color, half the side shaved down and colorful eyeshadow smeared. One eye was sharp and blue, the other green with silver flecks. The mismatched eyes found mine and something thrummed through me as if someone had put one hand to a live wire and the other into a bowl of slime. It was strange and uncomfortable but I knew that while she was in this dream, she wasn’t the dreamer or even of the Dreaming. A visitor, trespasser. “Hi,” I replied slightly confused, staring at her in her upside down position. “You’re really pretty,” she said in a singsong voice, the words coming out in more word shaped smoke but now in swirling color. My lips quirked even in my confusion, the smoke moving around me, “Thanks. Are you…supposed to be here? You’re not a dream.” Her own lips pursed, large eyes blinking while her hands twirled in the air around the floating butterflies and fish. The blonde girl still stared unseeing on the ground opposite her. “I mean, am I supposed to be anywhere? Are you supposed to be here?” she let out a string of words, smoke struggling to caption in the air, “I don’t know, that’s not really my thing. I don’t know, I guess I wanted to be here but maybe I am supposed to be here! I bet my brother would know in the big book- ooooh! What if we go and ask him and then we can see if we can go somewhere it doesn’t say but then maybe now that I’ve said it the book would know and we would be doing what the book said- I don’t know! Oh we can ask if bricks or planks would be better!” My brain felt like it was melting, struggling to keep up with the line of dialogue she was going down, registering an older sibling. Not a dream then, but her description of a book sounded awfully familiar. I could only smile and nod, “Uh, I’m not sure we can see your big brother but we can ask Dream-” “Oh no, let’s not ask him. He’ll probably do his frowny face and be scary and say how I’m interrupting his very important work again,” she cut me off, sitting up off the concrete, her voice going low to impersonate his voice. Her red hair floated around her a bit, large and almost swallowing her waif-like form. She was so young, a teenager maybe, with a fishnet stocking bodysuit that was ripped at the knees and elbows and an oversized men's jacket hanging off of her. Something seemed to click, some instinct deep inside like instinctively knowing how to breathe or blink, and I knew before the words were out, “You’re Delirium, aren’t you? His sister?” She quirked her head, hair falling into her face, worry slipping into her mismatched irises, “Oh… Yeah, I guess I am. Are you going to tell my brother I’m here?” And at that, I couldn’t help but smile at her and how utterly normal that statement was coming from an Endless. She was chaotic but tiny, standing up to my chin and looking like such a kid. Definitely radiating little sister energy, “No, not if you don’t want me to. Are you okay? Don’t you all usually go through your galleries?” Delirium put a hand to her chin, sleeve flopping over to completely cover it, “I’m…okay, I think? I was talking to this lady and she offered me some little candies that make you see all the invisible squiggles that float around and since that was really nice I gave her a special gift to let her see extra colors in return, the ones that don’t exist, but when I was in her brain she went to sleep and I was like oops and tumbled in but then her dream was really cool so I stayed here cause the floor feels like jelly and is fun and then you showed up and started talking to me. So yeah. I think I’m okay.” Despite telling me she had essentially taken drugs with a stranger, I doubted it was what made her like this. It was very likely drugs and alcohol and the sort didn’t affect the Endless at all. But I  looked down at the blonde girl at our feet and the glassy look in her eyes and frowned. The girl was really high and I wasn’t sure it was good she was unresponsive even in her dream. “Well, would you like to go somewhere else? I don’t think your friend is going to be doing much,” my hand fiddled with the black stone necklace and I looked behind Delirium as a door appeared without really being summoned. I was getting better at that. She smiled, blinking her mismatched eyes and a floating spider landed on top of her head, “Really? Oh yes, please, I don’t like jelly.” I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing at the complete one-eighty turn on her feelings towards jelly and nodded to the door, leading her away from the girl. I didn’t know what would happen to a mortal who not only was in one Endless’ realm but had another Endless still in her brain. Probably not great so getting her to a neutral zone would probably be best. I opened the door and we both walked through, coming to the familiar green plains of Fiddler’s Green. Delirium laughed and twirled around, the tall grass around us leaning into me as if to caress and comfort and acknowledge my presence. I smiled and ran my hands through it, walking down a small path. “Wow, I mean I heard you could walk through dreams but like wow ,” the youngest Endless laughed, the word clouds not dissipating in this new dream meaning they were coming from her. Slowly though, they turned from smoke to bubbles, small circles that morphed into various shapes around her. “You’ve heard of me?” I asked and walked beside her as bubble animals floated passed. That made me pause a bit. I highly doubted Morpheus would mention me to any of his siblings except maybe Death, which meant word had gotten out of our involvement. It was odd and slightly uncomfortable that beings of such high power were speaking about me. I knew Dream would not be happy about it. “Yeah, kinda,” she hopped along, dancing from one foot to the next, “Desire mentioned Dream was with someone new and they were interested but they’re always interested cause they like to do dumb things with Despair but then I heard you were human and a Dream Walker and thought that’s cool! And maybe I’d want to meet you because maybe you were nice so here I am.” Desire had mentioned me. Definitely wasn’t sure how to feel about that. While I had yet to meet them, what I had heard from stories and Morpheus himself hadn’t exactly been great though I also had to consider that the source was ever so slightly biased. “You wanted to meet me?” I asked gently, trying to shake away the discomfort I was feeling. She paused mid hop, foot half balanced in the air as a prancing bubble unicorn moved past, “Yeeeeeeeah, but Dream would get mad if I asked and he makes that frowny face and his weird eyes get all black hole-ish and he scares me so I didn’t ask.” Her lip wobbled a bit as it morphed into a pout, foot still in the air, “And now he’s going to get mad that I accidentally slipped into his realm and is gonna tell me how I’m bad at my function and I’ve met you so he’s gonna be extra angry and-” “He’s not going to get mad,” I cut her off, putting a hand on her shoulder until she finally planted both feet on the ground, “I’ll try and tell him not to, you don’t have to be scared. He’s still your big brother after all.” Delirium sniffled, a bubble dog diving in and out of the floating red strands of her hair, “Yeah, but he doesn’t like me very much. I’m not sure he likes any of us except Death.” I sighed. Morpheus was…intense. Very rarely did he allow himself to relax and his work and responsibilities were always first. Honestly, he was so type A I was surprised he was even interested in me considering how often I poked fun at him and generally disobeyed him, but he did. He didn’t allow himself to be silly or relaxed or anything. I could see how that would clash with Delirium and his other siblings. It made me a little sad though. For while they were Endless and ageless and existed since the beginning of time, they were also a family. They had each other, as evident by Desire coming to his aid with Alianora even when they hated each other. I was an only child, had only had myself for so long, even more so after my parents died. I was…jealous, a little. To have a big family, but not appreciate it. “He’s…difficult,” I frowned sadly, “But I promise I’ll make sure he doesn’t yell or get mad at least.” The silver in her green eye swirled like a fish in a pond and she smiled, the sadness vanishing in a second, “I like you. I’m sorry I can’t give you extra pretty colors.” The sudden change was jarring but I only smiled and chuckled, patting her shoulder again, “It’s okay. I like the colors I see now and I like you too.” The bubble dog came prancing around her, the size of my palm and shimmering in its oil slicked form. I raised my hand and watched it leap on, sitting and panting with a wagging tail. It should have popped but this was the Dreaming and the bubbles were Delirium’s creatures so it wasn’t too surprising. Pursing my lips, I tried to imagine another smaller bubble dog next to it, tapping into that same place where I imagined the doors and could bring myself to different areas of dreams. It couldn’t be that hard, much smaller effort than taking my whole person and teleporting it, plus this was the dream realm. Anything should be possible. With that thought, there was another small dog sitting there that was slightly different in color and not quite as animated, but there all the same. I smiled as Delirium gasped in delight and lowered my palm as the two dogs barked and wagged excitedly at each other. “Oh, you made one too! Oh my gosh, look at the little doggies ,” she clasped her hands and the bubble dogs chased each other through the air. I couldn’t help feeling slightly proud of myself, having done it especially without Dream’s help or guidance. I’d been able to manipulate some things in the Dreaming, but only the tiniest bit and usually in my own dreams. This was new and I felt a little more confident in my ability. We walked a little further, watching the bubble dogs run and knock past other bubble animals in their excitement as leaves from the overhead trees bowed and grazed my skin and a cherry scented wind skimmed over me. Delirium was mumbling to herself, though I could only hear her repeat my name a few times under her breath, the hard D sound repeated over and over along with the rest of her family’s names. All D’s. The meeting was proving to be a good distraction from the spiral my thoughts had been taking and I was enjoying our walk. Then I felt the shift in the Dreaming a second before the sizzle of his power coasted over my skin and through my necklace and tried not to groan at the sharp metallic scent to the wind that cut through the pleasantness that had been there. The bubble dog that I had made gave a sharp bark then popped, leaving the other one alone and whining. Oh he was mad. Shit. Morpheus appeared on the path ahead of us, a black tear in the peacefulness that was Fiddler’s Green. Cloak a wispy shadow with flames blazing bright and skin so pale under his mop of black hair, I could see why even Delirium could be scared of him. He was more Nightmare King in that instance, black eyes bottomless pits and jaw sharp as he clenched his teeth together. I sighed and stepped forward a little in front of his younger sister, knowing I was going to have to steer this fast, as he bit out a sharp, “Delirium, sister, what are you doing here?” I didn’t even have to look at her to know she was cringing away, the rest of the bubble animals popping around us. Stepping a little closer, I caught his eye, lips pressed tightly together, and gave him a pointed look while trying to convey everything I couldn’t necessarily say out loud. I settled for mouthing silently, “Calm down, please.” The please was for added benefit, knowing he wouldn’t take kindly to being ordered when he was in this kind of a mood. A silent argument passed between us, the cloak whipping about in the invisible wind of his power. I could almost hear him, the command to move out the way, but I stayed firm in front of Delirium. He was angry and I wasn’t sure exactly what specific problem was pissing him off the most, but anger in general wasn’t good for me and was not good for his sister. “I was showing your little sister around Fiddler’s Green. You know, chatting,” I answered for her, keeping my voice light even as I glared at him. His jaw clenched and the twin stars sparked, searching my face and then moving to the Endless half hidden behind me. My stance, deceptively relaxed from Delirium’s view but tense from the front, was very clear. I wasn’t going to settle for him getting after her. He was mad but that anger wasn’t welcome here right now. I could see him take a deep breath and the cloak calmed a bit as he struggled to get himself under control. It wasn’t hard to see why. He’d found one of his siblings in his realm, uninvited, and with me. Meeting Hob was one thing, meeting an Endless was another, “Sister, are you well? You did not use your sigil.” Better, it was a better attempt at not seeming angry even if I could see the tension in his shoulders and feel it along my skin in the harsh skittering of his power. It was like breathing in the taste of foil, metallic and bitter. “Uh, yeah. I mean- as well as I always am,” Delirium mumbled and moved to step more alongside me, fidgeting with her bare feet in the grass, “I mean I was better then worse but then I got better! Now kinda worse, but I think getting better?” Morpheus came closer, arms crossed, “That is…good.” The word was stilted and if his jaw was clenched any tighter, his teeth would shatter, “Did you come to the Dreaming on a family matter?” She swayed back and forth, hair swirling in a cloud of red and colors, eyes catching mine and darting to the floor in any attempt to avoid meeting his gaze, “I…wanted to meet Dahlia? She’s really nice and pretty and please don’t be mad … Did you know she has a D name too?” I smiled down at her, trying to show that we were good and nothing bad had happened. He sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose as if fighting off a headache, “Young sister, you cannot simply enter my realm without informing me.” Her face fell a bit, “You don’t want to see me? I didn’t mess with anything! I think…I mean the blonde girl was pretty okay when we left her…” The stars in his eyes darkened and I knew he was hitting his emotional range already, stuck between being angry and dealing with Delirium’s sadness. “Maybe you can use the gallery next time-” I interrupted him before he could open his mouth, meeting her mismatched eyes all the while feeling his slight annoyance building, “And come see us properly. I think that would be nice and you won’t have to come through other means. Right, Dream?” I watched her shuffle and Morpheus’ eyes burning into my skin. I wasn’t sure if he was mad at the suggestion, but knew he wouldn’t openly contradict me. But there was something besides anger in that stare and I swallowed hard under its intensity. Then she brightened, smiling, “Does that mean I’m invited to visit?” I replied “Yes” at the same time as Dream said “No,” the words bouncing off each other. My eyes met his, admonishing, and he narrowed his. I didn’t exactly have any say over the realm or inviting her, but it was a decent compromise between the two and I wasn’t going to let him mess that up. He sighed heavily before relenting, “Within allowance and if I am not engaged in pertinent work, then you may be permitted to visit if Dahlia is here.” Not quite a no, not quite a yes, but it seemed to do the trick all the same. Delirium was dancing on her heels, fingers intertwined and balled under her chin, “Oh wowee, okay! Oooh, you weren’t scary and I’m invited now! This is not how I thought this would go, how exciting!” The dreamlord sighed again and I knew I’d be hearing about this later, “Shall we go to the gallery so you may return to your realm?”
It was a question that he didn’t even let her reply to, quickly moving forward and grabbing my hand in his, the action abrupt but still gentle as the world shifted around us.
And in a blink, we were in the dark marble of his gallery room, the golden frames around each sigil glistening in the flickering candlelight that lit the room. Each sigil was beautiful in its own right, floating in their designated space in the darkness. Delirium was a bright spot in contrast to both my black dress and Dream’s cloak, the shadows seeming to hug us while she was a calamity of color. I realized how much it matched her sigil, the amorphous swirl of color accurate to the chaotic girl. Her steps echoed as she pranced in a circle, twirling and looking around at her surroundings as if it were new. Maybe it was, considering how often the dreamlord liked to change the palace rooms. Morpheus had opened his mouth, headed towards her sigil when another voice interrupted him for the hundredth time in the past few minutes. “Dream, I stand in my gallery and I hold your sigil! I need to talk to you, quick!” A light female voice echoed through the space, gentle but commanding, and then in a blink there was a girl standing there against the wall. Not even waiting for a reply. She was in tight black jeans and a black tank top, hair a mass of curls around her head with a silver ankh hanging from her neck. She looked kind but also worried, brow drawn tight and lips in a frown. And like Delirium, I knew this was Death, the oldest sister of the Endless. This day was getting to be a lot. A heavy sigh, most likely the fifth since I met back up with him, left Morpheus, “Sister, usually I must permit you-” “Can it,” she cut him off abruptly, “Have you seen…?” Death drifted off as her eyes found Delirium not far off near me, smiling and giving her a small wave. Relief released from her and she marched over, placing her hands on the younger girl's shoulder, “Del, there you are! You scared the crap out of me!” “Hi,” Delirium squeaked, “I was here. I was in a blonde girl earlier but then Dahlia found me and then Dream found us and I’m here. At least I think I am.” “Yeah I know,” Death admonished, “That girl died in her sleep and I thought you got stuck in between realms while still in her head because I couldn’t find you.” Morpheus pursed his lips, arms crossed again, “That is how you entered my realm? Through a human girl?” Death shushed him with a frown and then her eyes caught on me, freezing. Confusion painted her features, brow furrowing deeper as if I was a puzzle she couldn’t quite figure out. While she was warm, a kindness to her no matter her expression, there was something disconcerting about the expression on her face. “Dream?” she asked, eyes not leaving mine, his name a question. The air was tense and I felt frozen, not sure what to do with my hands or my face. This was the sister I had heard so much about, the one the dream king seemed to like the most, and she was looking at me like I had two heads. Morpheus seemed unsettled at her expression, stepping closer to my side and putting a protective hand to my back, “Dahlia, this is my elder sister, Death.” No further introduction of her to me, no elaboration. It wasn’t a warm introduction and I swallowed hard, feeling nervous. She frowned, stepping a little closer with her head quirked, “You’re Dahlia?” The question was disbelieving, eyebrows rising as she looked me over with sharp eyes. Morpheus was looking at her with dark eyes, uneasy in the way she asked the question. “Uh, yeah, hi,” I mumbled and gave her a tentative smile. All the while my brain was shutting down, anxiety cranking up on high as I wondered how awful I had to be that the nicest of the Endless siblings may not like me. Her eyes took me in and there was a shiver along my spine, her eyes darting from the necklace to her brother at my side. Finally, she smiled softly, the tension not quite dissipating but almost as if she realized she was making me uneasy, “It’s nice to finally meet you! I’ve heard…a bit about you…Uh, Dream, can I speak with you for a second?” Finally. Finally meet you. I hadn’t been wrong that the Endless had been talking about me and my own anxiety didn’t leave me. The dreamlord's fingers tightened on my back, hesitating to leave, before he nodded, stepping with her to the far side of the room. I watched them walk away, lips pressed tightly, wondering what she had seen when she looked at me. Whatever conversation the two were having did not seem to be pleasant, both their faces tense as she seemed to be getting after him. Death was mad. Had I made her mad? Why was everyone mad today? Except Delirium… “I like you, did I mention I like you?” Delirium spoke as she came beside me, “You didn’t let him yell at me.” She paced in little circles, hair practically covering her face and arms outstretched as if balancing on a tightwire. I broke my gaze from the two older siblings, knot in my throat and looked down at her, “I said I wouldn’t. He’s…a bit cranky when it comes to rules.” “Yeeeeeah, I know,” she blew a raspberry, blowing at a stray piece of hair that floated in front of her face, “But he wasn’t too bad this time. Maybe because he likes you, but even when he was with the other ladies he was also kinda mean. You’re nice though and he was nicer so that’s good!” I chewed the skin of my bottom lip, giving her a small smile but unable to fully relax again. It seemed like everywhere I turned today there were mentions of Morpheus’ exes and past and it was becoming an effort to ignore them. It was like walking through a minefield mixed in with the drama of his family. I wondered if it would always be like this, a comparison game between me and the others. It was a losing one for me. I was a human, nothing special. Not a goddess or being of light or a creature from another Endless. A boring little human who went to work and read books and didn’t have many friends. Did his siblings find me lacking, unable to understand why he was wasting his time with me? Maybe that’s what Death was mad about. Desire was certainly interested, but that couldn’t be good. Death came marching back, obviously annoyed with her brother, but gave me an exasperated smile, “Sorry for the abrupt meeting! I really had wanted to meet you in a much better way! It’s been a day.” Morpheus stayed at a distance, a hard frown on his face and brow furrowed, shadowing his eyes. I could tell he was troubled and not only because two of his siblings had barged in and now met me. I wasn’t sure what the argument had been about and the unknown made me anxious. Even if it was irrational because he had introduced me to Hob, I wondered if this was more than he had wanted. Meeting his friend a few days before and now I was meeting some of his family. My lips quirked up, a little bashful and a little sad, “Yeah, it has for me too. It was nice to meet you both, either way. He talks pretty highly of you.” I could feel Dream’s eyes on me, reading me, and I tried to pull myself together. His older sister smiled at that, face lightening a bit, and she teasingly punched his shoulder while giving me a wink, “Isn’t that sweet?” If he wasn't in a mood then he probably would have rolled his eyes. Death clapped, turning to the younger Endless at my side, “Alright, Del. Time to head back and leave Dream alone. I think he’s had about enough of us.” She nodded and then ran over, giving me a hug and a smile and I couldn’t help giving her one back. She didn’t give one to Dream. “Bye, Dahllllia,” as they vanished, Delirium’s voice swam around me like the chiming of the bells slightly off key. The instant they were gone Dream’s power swelled and he dropped the mask of not being utterly annoyed, jaw clenching. His hand raked through his hair as he came closer, obviously not happy about any of what had happened. It was almost suffocating, pressing onto my chest and skin and I had to close my eyes to be able to breathe past it. It reminded me of the storm that had flooded my nightmare with Aiden, trashing against the windows and walls and sweeping me away. It was getting too much. “Morpheus,” I whispered, heartbeat kicking up as anxiety slipped its way in. The pressure vanished instantly and the room cleared, a breeze brushing over my skin in apology. I let out a shaky breath, trying to calm myself and keep my anxiety triggers at bay, fingers picking at the fabric of my dress. The silence stretched as he stewed, staring at the sigils of the gallery with brewing eyes. I don’t think he was mad at me, but it was hard not to feel like it when he was in one of these moods. Untouchable, a steel wall firmly around him while he sulked and glowered. Slowly, I walked up to him and trailed my fingers over the sleeve of his cloak, tentatively like testing the temperature of a pool before plunging in. He didn’t move at first and then he turned over his hand and intertwined my fingers in his, pulling me into him. His cloak was still half shadow and wrapped around me feeling of the chill of dusk, flames licking up the darkness of my own dress. I pressed my cheek to his chest and relaxed a bit as his arms came up and he clutched me to him almost desperately, still silent but no longer a steel wall. My fingers tangled in the darkness of the fabric around us, not sure what to think. Even with everything I had learned earlier and even now, I wanted him. I needed to feel him against me and needed that comfort. “I know today was unexpected and chaotic, but I am glad I met them both. Delirium was sweet,” I mumbled into the dark fabric of his shirt, “Death was nice too, even if I only got to meet her for a bit.” His fingers dug a little more into my back as if I’d dissolve into sand if he didn’t hold on tight, “It appears my family has been discussing you behind my back.” So that’s what had triggered the slight possessive streak in him. Maybe not entirely why he was mad, but definitely a big point for him. “Is that what Death was talking to you about?” I looked up at him, seeing him still staring at the frames on the wall. The stars in his eyes were dark, red, the color of blood and fire. Morpheus gave the subtlest shake of his head and one hand went up to tangle in my hair, “No, it was a different matter.” The answer was abrupt and to the point and I knew that I wouldn’t be getting anything more out of him. He was fixated on brooding and even with all the progress he had made so far with discussing things with me, I knew there were limits. We were both at them, the day having turned in ways we hadn’t expected.                   Maybe we could talk about it later when it wasn’t fresh, could talk about meeting two of his sisters. Talk about us. With his mood I knew not to even go near the topic about Alianora lest Eve get in trouble for telling me, but it was going to have to be something we discuss or it would eat at me. Like a ticking clock, wondering how long I had his interest before he’d discard me. It all could wait. So I held him and he held me, both of us quiet in the flickering lights of his gallery. Slowly, his cloak became more solid and his grip not so desperate, the pads of his fingers soothing over the spots he may have dug in too hard. It seemed trivial to ask what he had gotten done while I was gone and everything I had done seemed to be landmines. So I did what I could to comfort him and myself. Tilting my head up, I kissed underneath his jaw, keeping my lips against his skin until he tilted his head down. And then my lips met his, soft and trying to convey everything I couldn’t say with words. I was here, I was okay, and I was happy with him. I was his and he was mine and it was okay. His mouth parted and both hands came to cup my face as he sank into the kiss, warm and solid against me at last with that desperation echoing there. Like he was afraid. I wasn’t sure of what. And maybe for a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, nothing could touch us and we were all that mattered to each other.
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
Gojo being clingy af but are finishing your work " Y/n .... look at me, come one, stop doing that so we can cuddleeee!! he wines "Satoru, I'm busy can you wait 5 more minutes?" and then he gives you that look in the gif but instead of the ball is a plushie... he just want some cuddling time
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Send scenarios/headcanons that can match this gif
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juliaanoia · 11 months
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This scene is so fucking funny
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dutchwinter · 1 year
officially going to two dreams world i jutsl. how am i to make you believe me. i just put it oAHOW AM I TOGET YOU TOSEE AMERICA IS BURNING FROM THE INSIDE OUT I JUST PUT IT OUN I DONT THINK WERE MEANT TO BEFREEI DONT HTINK WERE MEANT OT BE FREE ........ i dont think were meant to be
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beatasticband · 8 months
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nun-ezcrystal · 2 years
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wanderingbasilisk · 2 years
For the twoshot ask game: 😂
😂 best moment that made me laugh
YKNOW this is hard 😂🤔 there's so many... okay lets go with. 3 good ones...
"Look at me, you look like a nerd" Caleb and Beau 🤣
"Hug my wife you bitch" 😂 Travis, but the whole, Jester hugs Essek power move hehh
Travis turning into a tomato after Fjord kissed Jester for the first time
(Thankssss for the ask 😁💕)
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cockaiine · 5 months
new theme chat did i cook
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#spoilers#particularly amaurot brainrot rn#with emet-selch. n full fathom five. neath dark waters. ykyk#THE TEMPEST#'The waters recede. The Tempest's floor is laid bare. In defiance of the blinding sky/ this place holds fast to its gloom.'#'The last refuge of he who denies the light with every fiber of his being.'#'You stand at the precipice/ hero. Journey unto the Heart of Darkness. Finish it.'#i remember that so well!!!!#the parts w amaurot n all are still among my fav parts of the whole ffxiv story#even the song.#i love water. the sea. ocean. n then yk with to the edge as well. the lyrics w angels n light n dark#remembrance as a core theme with emet. and they faced their end. while here we 'heroes' are to stop our end#hermes similarly is actually tied w emet now for my fav chara. but in a way that def i'd still choose emet always#bcs hermes w the. wings. bird. freedom. understanding. his loneliness. the stars. flowers. blue#emet w azem tho is smth that's really special to me#emet-selch always told the truth. he wanted us to understand. and remember. slave to sentiment; captive to love#n then the nier quests sob i'm still not over that. 'vestiges of paradise' n everything there is still stuck in my head#'Some days ago/ a light appeared in that endlesss darknesss.' :') opening lights like he's back home#n then w hyth. just a moment of weakness. how painful remembrance is. how painful it is to be alone for thousands of years#how it twisted him. n then w endwalker pls pls pls 😭#he's such a fool for holding unto hopeless remembrance. but i would've done the same. i would have done the same#'And yet...I fancy I hear his words to us echoing throughout this ocean trench. He would have his story known.' my beloved ;;;;;#his heavy burdens. & 'Surely Emet-Selch has recognized the hint of “her” in you...?' PAIN#'The decision to press on lies with you. Just as it lies with each and every one of us...' HDFJELKDFJLKFJD#ffxiv shb hurt so much oh god i rmb crying so bad. the story-telling is so good....#You wage a titanic battle not only against Hades/ but the hopes and dreams of Ascian-kind/ of which he is the keeper.'#'In the end however your own unwavering conviction brings the ancient being low. You have done a great & terrible thing.' ow
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