#endless screaming. ❪ re; ooc ❫
trashlama · 1 year
Maybe hcs on yandere rise Donnie in a romantic way who falls for big mama assistant who praises his work ~ 
Donnie knows it’s wrong , but as Mikey always says the heart wants what it wants 
Which leaves to Leo and Raph to kindly tell him he’s being rash , ridiculous, not thinking clearly she’s working for the enemy, she gonna end up using you . 
Donnie doesn’t care tho , doesn’t he deserve to be happy , rewarded for saving New York , the world countless of times ! 
Reader better prepared herself there’s a storm coming , one she not prepared for ~ 😈
Donatello x Big Mama Assistant Reader? I gotcha ya'
At this point in the game Donatello is pretty used to people trying to take advantage of him. Purple Dragons, Big Mama, Master Splinter— basically anyone who throws the dude a compliment because they want to take advantage of him for his tech.
He's weak for that ✨praise✨
Despite being a genius intellectually, emotionally Donatello is easily manipulated into doing things. Like with the Purple Dragons and Master Splinter Donnie is eager to impress those he wants respect/praise from. Believing that if he gives/shows them how great he— his tech is they'll stay. They'll need him. Even if it's not exactly for him. As we find out in Donnie vs. Witch Town.
Praise is Donnie's form of reassurance that he is valued. Needed. To him aside from his tech he believes he doesn't bring anything to the team.
Soooo Donnie crushing hard for one of Big Mama's assistants because they compliment him? Sure I can see that.
Especially if you're literally just feeding his ego so you can retrieve some Intel for Big Mama to use against the Mad Dog's/or to her own personal advantage. Though I guess what you gotta be careful about is what happens when you ghost a turtle who is obsessed with you? Well you might just need to find out.
Sorry if it's a little OOC-ish, I rewrote this like ten times, initially with just head cannons, and then a one shot draft(several). Buuutt I kinda hated all of them sooo I posted the one I liked the most.
Probably should've re-read this more but I got work in the morning...
This takes places some months after the movie. Also check out the author's notes at the end for more!
I hope you guys enjoy it!
Fuck maybe Raph and Leo were right....
This might've been a bad idea...
Donatello was a prideful turtle. He didn't like admitting when he was wrong but, in this case scenario standing here under the beating lamps of Big Mama's Battle Nexus arena ten rounds into a seemingly endless fight. Donatello was starting to have second thoughts about his choice of just strolling up to the New Grand Nexus Hotel and negotiating with Big Mama. Somehow he should've anticipated this outcome. The jorogumo is notorious for adding twists to her deals. Especially when it came to her Battle Nexus. Nothing is as it seems with that british demon lady.
However somehow despite every rational bone screaming in his body to call off this arrangement, the possessive creature caged between his ribs refused. It wanted You. Donatello wanted You. The Yuki-Onna who strolled into the mutant's life all those months ago and infected his brain with your spoonfuls of honey coated poison.
The yokai who sang songs of praise and adoration that hypnotized the purple coded Hamato. Transfixed Donnie gave it all. Anything you asked for. It was yours, just don't abandon him.
Immediately Raph and Leo were on his case about the matter. Preaching about how he was just going to get used and dumped to the curb.
Mikey wouldn't say anything.
Donatello knew Mikey wanted to defend his brother's blossoming interest in love but, in those warm grey eyes it reflected back the youngest Hamato's inability to support this. It wasn't healthy. Donatello didn't need Doctor Feelings to tell him such. But he didn't care. Not until out of the blue you start ghosting the softshell. Long story short— he's devastated. 
All together your calls, messages, surprise visits stopped. For weeks there wasn't a sign from you and the lack of (Y/n) time was causing Donnie to go through remission. Like a junkie without a fix the softshell was losing his mind. Everywhere he searched at all hours. Day, night, anytime that his brothers weren't there to stop him from pursuing you. During your extended absence both his father and siblings would go on about how this was a good thing for him. Meanwhile Donatello felt like his world was falling to pieces. Patience chipped away every day he couldn't find you. Before the techno turtle knew it, half a month had passed and he found himself standing in the New Grand Nexus Hotel lobby requesting a meeting with Big Mama.
That's why he was here. To get you back. This is your fault that he's this way. Donatello was just a man of science before you came along and muddled up his rational brain. Now the purple clad Hamato was gonna make sure that you pay for it.
Standing tall once more the sound of the crowd and the stadium's intercom speaking finally broke through the ringing that was leftover from the previous match. Allowing the mutant genius to finally tune into Big Mama's message that was being broadcasted.
"—Ahhh my good patrons~ For our last-aroo match of the tourna-warna-ment we have a special guest star instead of the champion we had originally set.... Give her a warm welcome back everyone! (Y/n), The Snow-woman!~ " the eight-legged Battle Nexus owner announced cheerfully. The projection was cut not a moment later and presented on the opposite side of the arena before the Mad Dog was you.
The (h/c) woman looked just the way she did the day the yokai had sang goodbye for the last time. Pressed white kimono and cold (e/c) eyes. Not sparing a single look to the commotion from the crowd behind her. That deadly gaze was locked on him. Beautiful.
Had not been for the agreement that Donatello had struck up with the British spider demon Donatello would've just stolen you away right then and there.
Like the fog they pumped in for your dramatic grand entrance you glided down the champion runway. Not at all inhibited by the fickle geta you used to complain about. Time slowing down for Donatello the closer you crept towards the ring.
Once locked inside with him Donatello could feel a switch flip inside of him. At first he was so happy that you were actually here and not some false advertisement promoted by Big Mama to lure the softshell turtle into her Battle Nexus. Though as soon as the endorphins left his system the mutant's veins were flooded with a different kind of emotion. Possessive anger. How dare the snow demon just leave him like that. The Mad Dog had given her whatever she desired only for the woman to have the audacity to turn around and leave him after she ruined him like this. It's her fault the ninja turtle felt like this. The demon assistant needed to be held accountable.
Without warning catching the techie turtle off guard you bolted forward. Only allowing Donatello just a second to react in time to protect himself from the icicle blade that formed in your (Dominant hand) hand somewhere between your dramatic entrance and attack. Regardless of its origins, the elemental weapon held up against the thick metal of Donatello's tech-bo that he defended himself with. Not wasting any time the softshell shoved the Yuki-Onna off with his staff before returning the attack with some strikes of his own. From there the two of you traded blows.
Some length of time passed before you began to show obvious signs of fatigue. The combination of the heat radiating off the stadium's overhead lamps and the overexertion of your abilities weakened you enough that eventually all you had left to keep the purple clad Hamato away was the wave of ice that blew forth from your pouting blue tinted lips.
What a nuisance
Had you known all those months ago that you'd be back here in this damn Battle Nexus fighting for your freedom, you wouldn't have ever agreed to that seemingly straightforward task. Befriend the purple clad turtle, get some Intel on Baron Draxum(maybe more) and get out. Simple. Until it wasn't. Donatello was becoming too close, too demanding, too far gone in his own delusion of what he called love. So you dipped.
How ironic you left because you didn't want to deal with the turtle's possessive emotions only to end up fighting against said techie genius for your freedom. Damn Big Mama and her stupid whims. If you managed to win this match. You were for sure never going back to the eight legged entrepreneur. Didn't want to risk being placed in a similar situation like this again.
Rolling around all over the place like a RPG character in a boss fight Donatello manages to eventually draw closer to the defrosting Yuki-Onna. Timing it perfectly to slap a muzzle onto your mouth the sudden action catching you off guard causing you to stumble back. Clawing at the metallic restraint that retracted and locked around your jaw.
Seeing his opportunity Donatello knocks you down onto your ass before activating the electrical prongs in his tech-bo. In a swift move the mutant turtle held you down with his foot as he stabbed the ends of the built in taser into your stomach electrocuting you until your vision went dark.
The moment that it was declared the (h/c) haired woman was down for the count. From the surrounding stands a roar of excitement erupted within the colosseum all at once. The cheers of spectators barely drowned out only by Big Mama's announcement of the purple coded mutant's victory. Giddiness evident in the jorogumo's tone despite being out a helper.
However that was not what Donatello was concerned about.
Not wasting another second in hitting the button on his tech-bo allowing the contraption to retract into its small tubbing and to be put away. Leaving his three digit grasps open to scoop up his prize. Overwhelmed with finally having you in his grasp once again the purple coded Hamato completely forgets about his own battered state. Inky pools focused solely on the unconscious yokai that haunted his waking thoughts and dreams.
From behind him Donatello could hear the arrival of a group of footsteps. Standing up with your figure resting in his arms Donatello turns to face Big Mama as she struts towards your guy's battered figures. Two yokai bellhops following dutifully behind the spider demon boss.
" Fufufuh looks like some-bitty-body is a happy winner~ " the business woman teased as she approached. Stopping just in front of the two of you as she analyzed the scene with amusement.
" What a show! I'm soooo pleased that you were able to win dearie~ However there is still one little last itsy bitsy part of our deal you're forgetting~ " the spider demon chided playfully. Although her tone was its usual playfulness behind the lenses of her teal cat-eye frames the jorogumo held an impatient look.
"Oh how could I forget?" Donatello replied sarcastically as he released your legs holding you up against his plastron as his free hand reached back into his battle shell to grab his and your ticket out of this mad house.
" There. Everything I could find left over from Baron Draxum's lab that was salvageable " the softshell turtle said flatly as he threw the flashdrive towards the fox bellhop to the right of the Battle Nexus owner. The fox not wasting a second to handed the flashdrive over to it's boss.
"Splendid! Well~ you better get going young purple one. Yuki-Onna's don't respond well to heat and today is supposed to be terribly hot! Better hurry~" Big Mama warned whimsically as she began to walk away back towards the direction of her luxury skybox.
With that out of the way Donatello doesn't waste a second longer standing around in the middle of the Battle Nexus arena. Quickly the mad dog recollects your figure into his arms bridal style fleeing the Battle Nexus arena and hotel as quickly as possible.
Once out of the mob boss's reach back on the surface Donatello couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He made it, he found you. The creature caged in his chest was pleased. Content that he has you at his side once again and this time the purple clad softshell was gonna ensure things would be different. He wasn't gonna let you leave him in shambles again. He was gonna make sure you needed him as much as he needs you.
After all it was like what Mikey said:
"The heart wants what it wants"
And his wanted you even if your's didn't want him.
¶¶ Author's Notes ¶¶
Guys so as I was writing this I was thinking about how the Kraang could've affected Donatello and Raphael in the long run.
Like obviously PTSD but what I mean is like cray cray wise.
Like both Raph and Donnir had fused with the Kraang Hive mind in some form or another.( Raph mind controlled/possessed, Donnie mind melded )
I'm just saying there's gotta be some sort of side effects from that experience. Like having a harder time differentiate between reality and hallucinations. Or possibly maybe their brains chemistry has been fucked up making them more aggressive/possessive? Idk
I'm thinking about writing/or elaborating further on this in a future post. Yandere scenarios of course.
I just got a lot to write but, you guys know me. I'm all over the place~
Anyways thank you guys for bearing with me and my rabbling. I hope you guys have a great day!
Thank you for reading!
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Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
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burnsblue · 5 years
ethan , staring at ortengren , the entire time he’s being asked to choose a sentinel :
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tougherthanhelooks · 7 years
i turned a couple of blogs into dash-only blogs ... made a couple more ... out here living the dream
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Re zuko being an awkward turtleduck in the bedroom: as a maiko shipper i always saw him as a bottom to mai's top lmao
I was more talking about Zuko’s sexual orientation and romantic behaviour. I don’t really read or write smut (unless it’s part of something longer with an actual plot), especially not in the ATLA fandom (because the characters are young kids, it’s just a mental block for me), so I haven’t put too much thought into this. 
Maybe it’s just my own very personal filter, but I find that a lot of the pwp-type fics try to shoehorn characters into sexual tropes, rather than think about context and what makes sense for them as fictional individuals and their relationship. 
Zuko and Mai are both very likely inexperienced teenagers - so their sexual interaction would I think be a lot fumbling and exploration and trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. (But ok - in fanfic everyone loses their virginity to earth-shattering simultaneous orgasms and goes for round two) If you talk about aged-up fic, much into the future, I guess different things could work. 
For me, Zuko is just someone who would be pretty straightforward and unpretentious (that’s why the whole ‘organized picnic on the grave of an ancestor for my goth girlfriend’ from the comics screamed so OOC to me). I think after the crazy shit he’d been through as a child, the power games and manipulation, he would find endless joy in peaceful mundane things, like quiet family dinners, cuddling, and just to feel emotionally secure in his relationship. 
I’m not really sure what you are referring to your question. Top/bottom to me makes more sense in the context of m/m fics - and I personally cringe every time I see a dainty bottom-Zuko fic, and I click out very fast (while I find Zukka to be a very good ship in general, I just don’t like it shoehorned into these pwp-tropes). If you mean it in the BDSM sense, I don’t really see Zuko wanting that type of simulation, for the reasons explained above. 
I also don’t see Mai being a natural top btw. I see her personality more as someone who is jaded growing up too close to a rotten political system and seeing how every relationship is used for advancement or political positioning. Everything feels fake - and perfection is a facade hiding something ugly.  That’s where her apathy comes from. Then Zuko crashes back into her life, and he’s all kind of angsty and volatile, but he’s also very real and doesn’t play games. And I think it both terrifies and attracts her, and she tries to figure out how to relate to someone like that (and it doesn’t work so well, because she’s not very good at letting her guard down and being vulnerable, which is a big part of trust-building). 
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blainemoriarty · 8 years
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burnsblue · 6 years
oerhishall replied to your post
a casual greeting
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burnsblue · 7 years
im a changed woman , i went 'ahhhhh!' when theon came on screen because i am now ... a fan
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burnsblue · 7 years
im still upset because theon really fingerblasted his own sister on accident
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burnsblue · 7 years
Name: Kelsey Quinn ! Birthday: October 24th Zodiac: Scorpio  Height: 5′11″ Sexual Orientation: Exhausted Favourite Colour: Yellow Favourite Book: I like ... The Maze Runner Favourite Artist/Bands: Rachel Platten / X Ambassadors  Last movie I watched: Passport to Paris Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Random Fact: I went to Target today and I spent literally $50 on stuff I don’t need, but talked myself out of a sponge. When did you create your blog?: Last week? Maybe? Sounds right? Do you have other blogs?: I do. Many, many blogs across many, many fandoms. What made you decide to get a tumblr?: I was, like, a depressed 15 year old. It seemed like the thing to do, at the time. Do you get asks on a daily basis?: Not generally. Mostly memes, if I get any at all! Why did you chose your URL?: Because ironwood burns blue and, when ur a dead Forrester, u get torched on a bed of ironwood. So it’s pretty lit.
Tagged by: me ! Tagging: u !
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burnsblue · 7 years
theons highlight in 7.02 is amazing
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burnsblue · 7 years
do u guys have any weird developed allergies ??? because i developed an allergy to something in dr pepper and now when i take it it's like i took a mcfreakin lunesta and i just fall the heck to sleep
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burnsblue · 7 years
anyone : what should I do jon : oh god. ah man. aw geez.
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burnsblue · 7 years
Name: kelsey quinn ! but everybody calls me kq Age: 22 Preferred Pronouns: she/her Zodiac Sign: scorpio Taken or Single: single Three Facts: ...
How long? (months/years): shook. i’ve been rping for ... 10 ? years. 6 on tumblr, 4 in the indie community! Platforms you’ve used?: a couple of private boards, tumblr, and twitter omg. Worst experience: i had some rough times with older ppl when i was like 14/15? there were weird moments where i was pressured into writing things that i didn’t feel comfortable with and it was yikes.  Best experience: i’ve had too many best experiences to count!!! most of my closest pals are people that i met, through rp! i love them all To Pieces!!
Female or Male: i think my male muses outnumber my female muses? but i really love writing both! Original or Canon: canon. definitely. i’m not great with creating my own characters. Favourite Face: ooooooo i love so many faces. probably ... steve lund! i love him! Least Favourite Face: anyone whose face i can’t separate from their real life personality, i guess. like, if u rocked up with a mel gibson fc i might not be able to hang omg. Multi or Single: both!! both both both! i love my multi for the sake of giving my less used muses a home and i love other people’s multis because they introduce me to new things and i love single muse blogs because they’re like a one stop shop for character love and it’s great!!!
Fluff, angst or smut: i like fluff! but angst is fun also! Plots or memes: m...emes. i’m not a great conversationalist, but i can do some stuff, on the fly! Long or short replies: i like short replies better, but i always end up writing essays? Best time to write: between 3 and 6 am. it’s the least likely time to be disturbed!! Are you like your muse(s)?:  i would have to say ... kind of ? i write a lot of characters, and i wouldn’t be able to bring them to life, without putting a little bit of myself into every one. it’s rare that my own personality aligns with a character, completely, but there are always similarities!! :) 
Tagged by: jacked it from @bastxrdly​!!! Tagging: u all!!!
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burnsblue · 7 years
NAME: kq GENDER: female STAR SIGN: scorpio HEIGHT: 5′11 WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME?: ellen PUT YOUR ITUNES ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 6 SONGS THAT POPPED UP? gettin’ jiggy wit it -- will smith a’int no mountain high enough -- diana ross & the supremes it’s still rock and roll to me -- billy joel more than anyone -- gavin degraw the whip -- locksley GRAB THE BOOK NEAREST YOU AND TURN TO PAGE 23. WHAT’S LINE 17?:  'the sound of the door opening behind him cut off his train of thought’ EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU?: hell nope WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR?: it’s been ... a while WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH?: cody christian is cute so he wins today WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE?: the sound of people chewing is the worst sound i’ve ever heard and just thinking about it is making me tense omg ... but i Love the sound of boiling water ? DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? HOW ABOUT ALIENS?: i’m not sure!!! i don’t know enough about anything to rule it out? there’s so much happening all the time and i’m oblivious to 90% of it. DO YOU DRIVE? IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED?: i do and i haven’t! WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ?: i read some of american assassin on a plane, like, a month ago DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE?: yes!! WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW?: spider-man : homecoming WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD?: this is gross so don’t read it if you get grossed out by things but when i was four, i got my thumb stuck in, like, this 2 inch thick door. it was a metal door and it just ... sliced to the bone. and it was apparently so gross that my pre-school teacher fainted. i had to go to the hospital and get a lot of stitches and now my fuckin’ thumb aches, during thunder storms, which is weird. DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW?: sleeping, honestly  DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG?: sometimes? rarely? i don’t know? people haven’t done me wrong, enough to know? IN A RELATIONSHIP?: nah WHAT LOSER?: i don’t even know what this MEANS
tagged by: me ! tagging: you !
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burnsblue · 7 years
i’ve seen a couple of ppl who share fandoms with me though !! so i’m gonna list all the fandoms that i have muses in so we can be buds or something who knows !!!
the 100 -- jasper jordan, maya vie
archie comics -- jughead jones, melody valentine
borderlands -- gaige, vaughn
dctv -- mon el
disney -- lilo pelekai, flynn rider, tim possible, phineas flynn, li lonnie
gallagher girls -- cammie morgan, preston winters
gilmore girls -- jess mariano
glee -- brittany pierce
haven -- james cogan, vickie dutton
the maze runner -- thomas, sonya
misc video games -- dana ward ( lis ), jessica ( until dawn ), charlie ( fnaf ), elena fisher ( uncharted ), clancy javis ( re7 )
pretty little liars -- mike montgomery
shadowhunters / the mortal instruments -- alec lightwood, maia roberts
skam -- chris schistad
teen wolf -- stiles stilinski, liam dunbar, cora hale, quinn finch
the vampire diaries / the originals -- liv parker, cami o’connell
the walking dead game -- ben paul, gabe garcia, molly
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burnsblue · 7 years
y’all ever get stressed, when u remember that u have ... so many blogs and ur just not going on any of them??? yikeroonies
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