xosaebyeol-blog · 7 years
hello all you wonderful people!! as stated in my app, my name is nina, but i also go by kristina so whatever is easier?? but anyway i am your resident got7, bap, and sistar trash can who can and will fangirl about any of the three aforementioned at any time. besides that however! i’m 23 and residing in central time zone, and other than supporting my faves i also love batman and disney movies and my black lab carley quinn ♥‿♥ but enough about the mun! i’ll tell you about this babe~~
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[ yoon bora ] — hey there! this is [ shin saebyeol ] and I go by [ she/her ], a [ twenty-five ] year old [ dancer ] currently residing at [daemun studio apartment ] [ alone ]. I am known around here for being [ compassionate ] but also [ unrealistic ]. it’s nice to meet you!
her name is kang saebyeol but her mom calls her star
her parents were famous actors back in the 80s. they had been friends with each other for years, acting in numerous dramas and movies together, the two close as peas and carrots.
the two never thought of dating until the woman was dumped by a fling. it was this heartbreak that made the man realize how much he loved the girl and cared about her, the two dating not long after only to tie the knot a matter of months later. of course after marriage came babies, and it was a matter of time before one child added up to three instead.
now with a growing family, the couple tried to stay out of the media to raise their girls, not wanting the limelight to change their childhood.
this went over pretty well..besides that fact that each daughter was interested in her own form of entertainment themselves. but we’ll specify which later. the one we’ll talk about right now is saebyeol, specifically the youngest of the three girls.
it took some time for her to find her calling, feeling discouraged as both her older sisters found their passion at such a young age. because of this, she tried her hardest to prove herself in school and extracurricular activities. really anything she could impress her parents with. it wasn’t until going to visit with her family one summer in the states that she noticed her love for dance.
it was like a new fire had started in her, and she wanted to get as far as she could, specifically on her own.
that last part was important, because though both her sisters were talented, they took every handout they could (whether it be money or advances on the social ladder) finding that their names alone were all they needed to get people’s attention.
strongly believing against it, saebyeol decided to use her grandma’s family name for her professional name, only wanting to advance through her own progress and not on her parents’ fame. (which is why her app says Shin Saebyeol instead of kang, srry that took forever to get to lsadjfklkdas)
now she owns her own dance studio where she teaches her own students young and older alike. she also even choreographs some idol groups’ dances !! but she’s found the comfort in her studio, excited to help teach something she’s been so passionate about.
other important stuff!
she is an absolute hopeless romantic !! seeing how beautiful her parent’s marriage was, she has the expectation bar set high, but only because she knows what is possible if you don’t settle. now because of this she has damaged herself a bit. she dated around some in high school when she was too young and eager to find The One™, and she did get burned a few times too of course. this now has made her actually kind of afraid of falling for someone?? but she still dreams about it all the time?? like make up your mind woman???
she’s super close to her mother, always getting along better with her than her sisters, though it was civil most the time keyword: most
her favorite time of the day is when she wakes up for the sunrise to go jog, feeling like it’s when her mind is most clear
The Mom Friend™: will buy you a meal if you’re hungry and don’t have money, will ask if you need a band aid if you get a booboo, will make sure you text her when you get home to know you got home safe, and pretty much everything in that ballpark
loves spooky things and halloween and day of the dead and her studio is decorated in halloween items year round and she collects skull stuff?? also queen of halloween costumes ys
alsdjfkls i feel like there’s so much more but my brain isn’t wanting to compute?? i’ll try to add stuff if i can think of it
a best friend: maybe like a neighbor or someone who was in her dance class and they clicked and they’re besties pls???
summer fling: like she met them on one of her many trips to her grandmas in the summer and it was fast but ended just as fast but it could be like The One That Got Away??
exes: just any other people she could’ve dated? some could have broken up bc she looked too far down the line and they could’ve felt they were too young to be thinking that serious?
i’ve literally sat here 30 minutes and can’t think of more bc my brain hates me but i’m down for almost anything! friends(wb?)/bad influence/unlikely friends/????
i’m sorry this is so long (and awful) pls forgive i tried~~
but if any of you beautiful people would like to plot with my baby just tap that heart and i’ll come to you?? i look forward to talking to you all!  ♥ ♥ 
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da-krw-blog · 7 years
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um??? im so excited for this???? like y’all have no i d e a.... (≧◡≦) its 5 am for me rn and i am p u m p e d ..... jk well not jk i am but i’m also thiiiis close to crashing so u know anyway!!!!! i’m winnie and this is dawon °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° here’s some stats and then there’s everything below the cut that u can totally skim if u want i won’t know i’m not heimdall ..... can u tell i just watched thor ragnarok recently??? bc i did thanks for asking :^)
if u wanna plot, u know the drill~~ like this and i’ll pop in ur dms ok ilu all ♡
[ ahn heeyeon ] — hey there! this is [ seong dawon ] and I go by [ she/her ], a [ twenty-four ] years old [ mukbang star ] currently residing at [ daemun studio ] [ with a roommate ]. I am known around here for being [ good-humored ] but also [ greedy ]. it’s nice to meet you! { ooc : winnie / 20 / pst / she/her }
seong dawon? more like seong da₩ amirite??
no srsly girl loves her money
but we’ll get into that later
she’s the oldest of three siblings and the only girl
the other two are fraternal twins
really protective of her little brothers to the point where they called her hyung as kids and never stopped since
the seong family are p close-knit
they show their love thru insults and curses lol 
when dawon gets called “old hag” u know it’s a good day <33 
yup that’s right the seongs are #familygoalz :’)
they also have ties to the korean mafia but u know..... every family has their own quirks ╮(︶▽︶)╭
her parents didn’t leave the organization until mama seong was pregnant w/ the twins so dawon grew up around the members for a lil bit and during that time they taught her some.....things lmao 
11/10 just a great childhood in general yanno 
tru she ended up w/ a wonky moral compass but u know beggars can’t be choosers
it’s also how she developed her love for money
and just everything in general
she wants ur money she wants ur food she wants ur heart too wink wonk 
got into the mukbang trend by accident during hs
on april fools, as payback for an earlier prank, she stole her brothers’ bentos and a friend filmed her inhaling eating them + her own for lunch in record time
“ya, i hope you two starve today” 
the video (mostly for her commentary) went viral and dawon’s capitalized on it since then
it’s been a dream job for her tbh 
still lives very simply even tho she’s gotten a considerable amt of money from her streams
she deliberately chose to live in one of the studios w/ a roommate!!! bc she’s stingy af
and also bc of the #aesthetic 
...ye idk what her thought process was behind that but oh well those are her words not mine
oh but she has splurged on one thing: a pet snake which she named sasuke
((just a big naruto weeb in general))
wanted to be hokage before the mukbang thing took off
also gordan ramsay’s no.1 fan
uh what else?? oh right personality duh
a real chill person; that friend who borrows smth of urs and never returns it back; also that friend who’d do p much anything for money
y’know that question: “would you slap ur best friend/sibling/lover/etc. for [insane amt of money]?”
yes yes she would
would also prob kill a man for ₩1000 if u asked her to
m o o c h e r 
in summary
seong dawon is the literal embodiment of this emoticon ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ and this (っ˘ڡ˘ς) 
yup that’s it
thank u for ur time 
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joohvuks · 7 years
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hello angels n demons ! it’s me , uh kira , with the love of my life , PARK JOOHYUK . i love , redvelvetsus with my whole damn heart ! n marvel/dc , an*me n shopping by myself ! i’ve played joohyuk many times ( twice vc: twice! ) n i really wanted to bring him back in a rp , so that’s what i did ! im rlly excited to write him again ( hes a bit different from how i first imagined him tbh ) , & i’m also rlly excited to write with u all !! so to get to know joohyuk a lil more, i’ve written down some key things about him . at the end of it please give a big heart if ur interested enough to plot with me n joohyuk .. love me some validation
[ jeon jeongguk ] — hey there! this is [ PARK JOOHYUK ] and I go by [ he/him ], a [ twenty ] years old [ florist ] currently residing at [ daemun one bedroom apartment ] [ with my COUSIN ]. I am known around here for being [ b e n i g n ] but also [ taciturn ]. it’s nice to meet you!
WARNING: long because i dont know when to stop !
a BLESSING is what park jaehwan & kwon rohui called him after meeting fresh out the womb baby. although a little smaller & lighter than what was normal, his screams was proof that he was still a healthy boy ! his parents were excited to finally have their baby boy with them on this world, the baby they always wanted to have & now he’s finally here. ( HOSPITAL RECORDS: park joohyuk born march 20th 1997 on 09 55 pm . )
such a spoiled little thing he was, showered in affection & gifts ranging from secondhand iron man toys to hand me down clothes that were still too big for joohyuk  . money was a luxury for them , the parents just barely making ends meet with their 7-11esque store but for his parents , who always wanted to have a child of their own ; they would do everything for him. 
ask joohyuk what his childhood looked like & he would probably talk about tending the flowers in their backyard with his dad , learning about the different meanings of flowers and how to take care of them . he liked tending to the flowers during the spring months , more than he liked going to the playground near their home and having to play with the other kids. joohyuk always had the tendency to shy away from the neighbor aunties who would try to pinch his cheeks, and especially strangers. he wouldn’t even greet others if it wasn’t for his mother telling him to not be disrespectful. 
joohyuk likes flora but his true love is SINGING ! 
whether it be in his own room or in the bathroom, as long as it’s in the trusting & comfortable space of his home , he’d sing. sometimes even when his parents are in the same room as him too . his mother starts calling him her little songbird , his dad calls him sweet pea . joohyuk loves it . 
at age thirteen , an idol company scouted him ; having heard his singing when he passed by & joohyuk was well , embarrassed for the fact that the walls aren’t as thick as he thought they were but also very conflicted on what to do with being invited to do audition. the company wasn’t a big name like SM or YG , in fact joohyuk wasn’t even sure if he ever heard of the company before. his parents of course , were very excited to hear about the news ; of course they were , they were basically his BIGGEST stans . so they talked him into auditioning & after a lot of insecurity confessions n worries , joohyuk was packing a bag to get ready for the three hour train ride.
if he could’ve re-do his audition he would because it just wasn’t good , his voice cracked mid way through the song & he forgot his cue to start . tl;dr . it was absolute shit. and for joohyuk who didn’t want to audition in the first place, felt utterly heartbroken now after his audition. 
but miracles apparently do exist & three weeks after the audition , ( joohyuk almost forgot about it oops ! ) he got a call saying that he got in ! so a month after that , he was packing his bags & went on the same train back to seoul, his parents tagging along as they booked a stay at a guesthouse for a week so that joohyuk doesn’t miss them too much. 
during his trainee time , he felt incredibly lonely . his other fellow trainees tried to include him in their conversations & making him feel at ease but , joohyuk has always been the introvert type & always had trouble making friends. the other trainees didn’t bully him or anything but after so many attempts at befriending joohyuk they just started , ignoring him. 
the training period was hard , but joohyuk loves singing so much that it outweighs the cons . but five years later & with his debut date already set in stone , joohyuk just , couldn’t do it anymore. he hated singing in front of all those people, he cried every single evaluation &  he couldn’t stand the pressure, he couldn’t stand the thought of those guys he was going to be debuting with , knowing that he’d have to WORK with them & LIVE with them for the next who knows many years . joohyuk didn’t want to be a burden in a group where he wasn’t totally committed in. so he quit. 
the employees at the company weren’t all too happy with it , definitely not after spending the last five years making him into “ perfection “ . but , joohyuk still didn’t waver his decision even when he was drowning in the trainee debt. 
after that , joohyuk finished his high school . & college was expensive , and he doesn’t have much money even with the scholarship so it didn’t last long until joohyuk dropped that as well to work in a small flower store owned by a widow name jung haesoo . and he never returned to school again. 
HIS parents were disappointed in him , not the fact that he quit the trainee thing but more over that he dropped out of school . they believe that he won’t get a good future later since he doesn’t have an education , they only want the best for him they kept saying that to him but joohyuk didn’t listen. 
DAEMUN APARTMENT with one bedroom is his place of residence now , crashing the couch of his cousin who has kindly welcomed him . the place isn’t anything like his home in busan , far from it really but it’s still a place where he can make his home into.
after all this years, the one thing joohyuk isn’t good at is still talking to strangers . he’s incredibly shy , even having a hard time walking up to a customer needing assistance , but he’s .. working on it probably. he needs a good five minute to hype himself up before walking towards the customers tbh . he’s very , sweet too . he’s really , sweet lmao... tries to see the best in everyone , he’s got his heart in the right place. his biggest flaw is well , he doesn’t know when to stop giving. so please , don’t take too much advantage of him djfslksjf . sike do it. 
[ extras ] talking & singing to the flowers thinking that they’ll grow , being able to watch any & every horror movie . taking the stairs to his apartment instead of the elevator . succulent on the window sill . remembering the customer’s orders . secret stash of tea underneath the register . blushing easily . making himself smaller than he actually is . liking dogs but being allergic to them . 
[ PLOTS ] well , he actually he needs all of them friends , crushes , mayhaps enemies . i do have a very unfinished plots page in the works so , uhh i’ll link it when it’s done ! but in the mean time i absolutely do not mind brainstorming so yeah : ) . please give this  a like if u want to plot hdjsfkldsjf 
and thank you so much for reading this demon of an intro !
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yeonsos-blog · 7 years
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hello there, my lovelies !! this is admin peach (20, she/her, gmt +8) and before I get to my baby princess’ short introduction, I want to say thank you to everyone here who joined encounters !! it means a lot to me and to admin ed so thank you very much once again !!
okay. to go on with the actual intro ! meet my baby princess, oh yeonsoo, a princess with her crown ripped away but her persona stays !! I do have her stats and bio up so if you want to read them through, click here and click but if you’re lazy which is very much understandable, below the cut is her summarized information !!
oh yeonsoo was previously a jung until her father passed away.
the only child in the rich family so ofc she was spoiled to the core by her parents especially her dad and people called her daddy’s girl which she was totally fine with.
daddy passed away when she was fifteen and her world turned upside down. downgraded from the princess to a pauper.
two years into her new life which she had perfectly adapted to, her mom dropped a bomb that she gonna remarry a guy that yeonsoo didn’t even know about wth and ofc she opposed.
to show her mama this is a no, she started drinking smoking and sleeping around.
ok here is a tw bc kind of an attempted almost rape? one night at a party when yeonsoo was tipsy but still rational, just weak in term of strength, a guy pushed himself onto her despite already rejected and she screamed her protests then boom her prince charming to the rescue. but sadly she didn’t see him anymore after he dropped her off at her house.
UNTIL. the mother’s wedding day and when the boy came forth introducing himself as her stepbrother, her heart broke for the second time.
yeonsoo fell deeper into the dark hole and became worse to the point that she was losing herself and mother was close to disown her but new papa said no and said to give her a chance if she goes to rehab but princess ain’t having it and became more violent than before.
then stepbro stepped in and volunteered to take her in and take care of her so she moved out to live with him bye bye father mother.
and here she is at daemun apartment. tadah !!  
head canon drops !!
yeonsoo knows how to cook and she loves to cook.
yeonsoo LOVES animals and wants to get her own pet but knowing her schedule in life, she cant.
she crashes at peoples house a lot bc she doesnt like staying at home with her stepbro
she hates being looked down upon and will fight if u do
she overworks herself when shes stressed so pls take care of her
love her pls bc she will love you with all her heart
very protective!!!
fearless tbh shes a tough girl
idk what else to add but thank you for reading until here !!
and LIKE this post to plot !!
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