atimelesslullaby · 4 months
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name. Zelda Elizabeth Hyrule
nickname(s). Zellie ; Zel
title. Princess of Hyrule ; Sage of Time ; Leader of the Seven Sages
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. The Three Golden Goddesses. Each represent different blessings, she offers prayer to each regularly.
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy/ wrath
virtues. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
primary goals in life. To keep Hyrule safe. To make up for the mistakes she made, and bring forth an era of peace between all who reside in Hyrule. To give every single person an equal opportunity to follow their dreams, achieve their goals. She also wants to be a mother, she absolutely loves children.
languages known. - Fluent in Hylian & English. She's learning the Gerudo language, she knows enough to speak it, but she wouldn't quite say she's 100% fluent.
quirks. She'll sometimes randomly twirl while doing something (with perfect grace, mind you), especially while moving around the kitchen cooking
savvies. Magic ; Enchanting ; Cooking ; Gardening ; Jewelry Making ; Just about anything music related
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. 5'0"
weight. 100 lbs
scars/birthmarks. None
abilities/powers. Her most powerful magic, is her element as a Sage. The power to control time itself. She can enchant armor, or weapons with light magic, giving average items the power to resist darkness. She has control over ice, wind, and fire, as per the magic of the three Goddesses. While skilled with a rapier, Zelda's true weapon expertise is that of the bow and arrow. She can enchant her arrows with any of the magic she has power over. Zelda has a novice's knowledge on potion brewing. She's learning.
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. Eggs. Doesn't matter how they're prepared. Scrambled, fried, she loves eggs.
favourite drink. Pure Spring Water
topping. Black olives and extra cheese
favourite colour. Blue
favourite music genre. Classical.
favourite book genre. Adventure novels. Romance novels, too.
favourite movie genre. movies don't exist yet but if they did she'd think the same as novels. Adventure, action, and she'd love cheesy romcoms.
favourite season. Summer. The heat of the sun, the vibrant green of the grass and trees, the flowers that bloom. It all inspires her to work even harder than any other time of the year.
favourite curse word. pls a princess doesn't curse
favourite scent. Lavender
F U N S T U F F .
bottom or top. naughty puppy BT
loud burper or soft burper. pls
sings in the shower. yes /no
likes bad puns. yes / no
their opinion on the mun. "So much potential, just waiting to break free."
Tagged by: @red-man-of-mustache (thank u <3)
Tagging: You! @ me when you do it so I can see, mutual or non mutual!
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grandpa-cephalopods · 2 years
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I can’t believe I have to make this. Why did Splatoon monthly ban name changing of all things? 
Anyway no one would care enough to guess my muse, but I’m putting in-game equipment sets and screencaps here anyways and updating them as more gear is added in. 
If you see gear crossed out, it means we don’t have it yet. Just understand that’s how poor the state of the gear catalog is on Splatoon 3 right now. We don’t even get Legendary Cap on release version.
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SPLAT TAG: GranpaCeph #2896 a squid #2914
FC: 0378-9000-0439
Won’t be changing the icons or background since they’re my faves rn
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DJ Oldtavio/Doctavio
Weapon: Silver Dynamo Roller, Silver Areospray, Splattershot Jr
Head: Lo-Vis Visor, OctoGlasses, 18k Aviators, Any Sunglasses
Body: Aloha Octo Tee, Octobowler Shirt, White T Shirt, Samurai Armor
Shoes: Any Sandals, Octoboots
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Gillian C. Cuttlefish
Weapon: Any Bamboozler, Hero Charger, Any Chargers, Umbrellas, Washing Machine
Head: Legendary Cap, Any Visors
Body: Logo Aloha Shirt, Baby Jelly Shirt
Shoes: Tan Work Boots, Cuttlefish Sandies, Green tennis, any Sandals
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Gaius Takowasa
Weapon: Gold Dynamo Roller, Gold Areospray, Dualies
Head: Samurai Helmet, Knit Caps, Masks
Body: Samurai Armor, Any Jackets
Shoes: Samurai Shoes, Octoboots, Any Boots
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Ao Maguro
Weapon: Explosher, Flingza Rollers, Luna Blaster, Bloblobber, Washing Machine
Head: Any Headphones, Any Headbands
Body: Blue Inky Rider, Collared Shirts, Any Blue Clothing
Shoes: Blue moto boots, Octoboots, Any Boots
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Cuda Arrowana
Weapon: Hydra Splattlings, Gold Dynamo, Hero Splattling, E-Liter
Head: Hairclips or Earphones, Varies
Body: Any Trenchcoats, Any Jackets
Shoes: Any Boots
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Gideon Maguro
Weapon: Buckets, Umbrellas
Head: Any
Body: Takoroka Windcrusher, Takoroka Nylon Vintage, Rainbow Tie-Dye, Neon Shirts
Shoes: Crazy Arrows, Neon shoes
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Mr T / Tartar / Sergio Maguro
Weapon: Splatanas, Blasters, Stringers
Head: Teddy Band, Conductor Cap, Squid Hairclip, Headphones
Body: Squid research coat, School jacket, collared shirts
Shoes: Any
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Octomaw / Kurt Maguro
Weapon: Blasters, Weapons with Reefslider, Weapons with Curling Bomb
Head: Pearlescent Crown, Pilot Goggles, Moto Shades, Masks
Body: Jackets, Sweaters, Samurai Armor
Shoes: Octoboots, Any Boots, Samurai Tabi
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Max Grouper/Captain 3
Weapon: Hero Weapons, Rollers, Splattlings, Splattershots
Head: Legendary Cap, Hero Headset, Squidvaders Cap, Takoroka Mesh
Body: Hero sweater, Any sweaters, Any T-shirts
Shoes: Hero boots, Any Tennis Shoes
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Samuel Takowasa
Weapon: Hero Brush, Hero Dualies, Octobrushes, Any Dualies, Splattershot Pro
Head: Golden Toothpick, Any Headphones
Body: (shaking and crying rn) White Inky Rider, White Sweaters, Black Sweaters
Shoes: Octoboots, Moto Boots
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Phil Takowasa
Weapon: Hero Brush, Stringers, Inkbrushes, Hero Shot, Chargers
Head: Any Headphones
Body: Black Inky Rider, Grizzco Apron, Collared Shirts
Shoes: Octoboots, Moto Boots
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Otto Takowasa
Weapon: Shooters, rollers
Head: Any
Body: T-shirts, Agent shirt
Shoes: Tennis shoes
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Sage (Mun) / A Squid
Weapon: Buckets, Blasters, Rollers, Umbrellas, Weapons with Tenta Missiles or Inkstrike
Head: Takoroka Mesh Cap, Tinted Shades, Bucket Hat, Enchanted Hat, Pearlescent Crown, Headbands
Body: Berry Ski Jacket, Pearescent Hoodie, Pink Hoodie, School Uniform
Shoes: Any Boots, Any Sandals
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deadcityhq · 8 months
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**CHARACTER NAME:** gale dekarios
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** fabien frankel
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if relevant/they’re not old af):** december 5th 1985 // 38
**CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC:** he/him, wizard, the ‘became a walking nuke to impress a goddess’ type of bi
**CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant):** baldur’s gate 3
**OC OR CANON:** canon
**CHARACTER TYPE (for example: werewolf, shadowhunter, warlock, demon etc):** wizard
**HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN NEW YORK/WHY ARE THEY THERE ETC:** a couple of months, ever since his breakup with mystra and the subsequent shitshow with the orb, he has moved into a new ‘tower’ here with his tressym (not a cat!) companion Tara because of the vicinity to all the supernatural shit which he needs to not die yknow
**IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):**
- gale was a talented wizard from a young age. then very talented. then so extraordinarily talented, that he attracted the attention of mystra, a goddess of magic, one responsible for the particular kind of magic called the weave (one of many weaves, actually, the name was somewhat popular)
- so he became gale, the lover of a goddess. it was pretty wonderfully amazing, all things considered, but he couldn’t help but want *more*, as any wizard would. every night he would indulge in passion with a woman made of magic itself, with extraordinary power at her fingertips. he just wanted her to see that he was *worthy* to receive more knowledge, to be an even better partner and follower to her. so he set his eyes on a fragment of the weave long separated from her, wanting to make a gift to her out of it.
- at the end of the days he learned the harsh lesson of many wizards before him: don’t mess around with magic beyond your skill and knowledge, kids. instead of a gift he received an orb of unstable, hungry magic stuck in his chest and a very, very angry goddess who cast him out.
- so now he was left dumped, with his own magic not as trustworthy as before, and with a frequent hunger for fragments of the weave, most easily found in various enchanted objects (it was boots only once! and he didn’t *eat* them! it’s all slander!) if he doesn’t consume weave, he risks the orb blowing up with a power very nearly equal to a literal nuke.
- at this point, gale needs either a miracle or some more sinister power to fix his orb issue, or so he thinks, and so hearing about the recent events in new york made it the obvious choice. he is ready to make more bad choices!
**THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** lightning crackling at your fingertips, curling up in an armchair by the fire with your cat (tressym!) in your lap, the thrill of finding a rare tome
*MUN AGE:** 22
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cherryfinolahobbes · 3 years
Cheek to Cheek
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Credit: I only own Cherry and my own fangirly musings. Everything else belongs to their respective owners. This is merely for fun.
A/N: A huge thank you to the Strange!muns that let me pick their brain!! Especially @strxngemxgick this little fic turned out so much better than what I had in my head with everyone's input <3 Really happy that the timing of this fic worked out for Valentine's Day.
Warnings: None, unless you're diabetic and can't stand a good bro!tp and all the fluff and romantic tension
Tagging: @silvergryphon @diaryofawriter @kakashibabe02 (if youd like to be tagged for my future works, please let me know!)
He couldn't stand it.
Stephen couldn't stand it one moment longer.
Most days, watching Wong and Cherry moon over each other was entertaining. It wasn't his life and he honestly had no room to speak in the love department. If they wanted to avoid how they felt and continue to dance around each other then who was he to stop them?
Today, the ex-sorcerer supreme just couldn't.
Brunch had been eaten and the plates cleaned and currently hung, suspended by enchantment to drip dry over the sink. Oldies played on the radio, Cherry's current flavor of the week. She seemed to enjoy a plethora of music and rotated through phases. Currently Louie Armstrong's gruff and gravely voice wafted through the air of the Sanctum as the young woman hummed to herself, sifting through the pantry for her next project.
She did a little more than humming, tapping her toes against the wooden floors and half dancing by herself as she'd drift between the pantry and the counter top, clearly lost in her own little world with the music. Maybe Strange wouldn't have minded that if his friend would stop pretending to read the book in front of him and just go do something. Stephen didn't understand it...he'd been with them at the Sanctum for nearly a year now and both were clearly in love with each other. Why didn't say something? What were they so scared of?
He couldn't stand it anymore.
And as if by the hand of fate, the song changed from the upbeat jazz tunes to something much slower and sweeter. This was the perfect moment. Wong had gone back to half hearted reading his book and Stephen reached over and kicked his friend's shin with a enough force to Illicit an enraged hiss. Wong's eyes flashed with anger as he looked squarely at Strange, obviously oblivious as to why Stephen would kick him in the first place.
Stephen gestured to Cherry with his head, mouthing the word "DANCE" to Wong. The other man narrowed his eyes at Stephen and shook his head like a stubborn ox. Strange let out a long suffering sigh through his nose, jerking his head towards the young woman again and pantomimed two little legs with his hand hissing "Go dance with her".
If looks could kill Stephen would have an aneurism on the spot the way Wong's face set with palpable rage. His jaw clenched and color seeped into his tanned cheeks. He mouthed a very avid, "NO" and Stephen threw his hands up in exasperation.
"Fine...you know what...fine," Stephen muttered back, tired of trying to push Wong towards what he wanted so badly like a obstinate mule that refused to drink despite its thirst. "don't dance, just sit there," He got up and moved across the kitchen with purpose, ignoring Wong's hisses as the Sorcerer Supreme finally caught onto Stephen's plan
Cherry been mid step between the pantry and countertop when Strange caught up with her. It was easy to slip his arm around her waist and pull her into a graceful turn that elicited a surprised laugh from her.
"Stephen, what are you doing?" She asked, her pale cheeks coloring, but she fell into step with him as his feet found the pacing of the song, turning them in small circles.
"Well, I can't let the prettiest girl in the room dance alone, can I?" He asked, turning on that old charm that came to him easy those many years ago. He had a hand around the small of her waist, the other held in his, and kept a modest space between them.
"Stephen," She was laughing again, clearly confused, but enjoying the moment, "I'm the only girl in the room,"
"Yes, but there is the argument as to which of us is prettier," He bantered back and her cheeks were glowing. If Wong wasn't going to come to her, then Stephen was going to force his hand.
"I won't keep that title from you, Doctor," She said, her tone bubbly as they rotated, Stephen looked for Wong at the table only to find him standing beside them. He grinned, his eyes mischievous as he took in Wong's livid expression. Oh, he'd pay for this later, but it was absolutely worth it. "She thinks I'm pretty,"
"I can tell you what you are," Wong began, absolutely incensed, but the threats died as a new song began, equally low and sweet, and it felt like the radio knew exactly what it was doing. The Sorcerer Supreme faltered, his eyes glued to the young woman in Stephen's arms before offering his hand out to her, "but it can wait..." All the anger and frustration seemed to drain out as he waited for Cherry to take his offer. "Will you...dance with me?"
"Well, if you insist," Stephen began when Cherry hesitated, but she'd always proved to be the more sensible of the two, laughing as he reached for Wong's hand and pushing Strange playfully away.
"I believe he asked me, Stephen," Her eyes glittered like stones as she slipped her hand into Wong's and they found their footing; both in rhythm and each other. Strange took several steps back to give them space, but lingered a moment to enjoy his handiwork.
They were already swaying much closer than Cherry and Stephen had. Their heads were bowed as they said something in hushed tones. He never saw the stone faced Wong look at something as softly as he did Cherry. An arm wrapped closely around her waist, and the other around her back. She'd already slipped both hands to his shoulders, her face bright and trusting and full of warmth as she gazed up at him. How they felt about each other was hidden to no one.
They were idiots. Two stubborn love-sick idiots; but they were his idiots and Stephen would just have to see them through it. Grabbing his things from the table, Stephen enchanted the radio to make sure the mood wasn't broken and give them the time they needed. He took one last look before he left the room to find the couple lost in each other's eyes.
Chuckling to himself and giving himself a pat on the back for a job well done, Stephen retired to the den to give them some well needed privacy.
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scotianostra · 4 years
Happy 42nd Birthday to the Gaelic Folk sing Julie Fowlis.
Julie Fowlis is a multi-award winning Gaelic singer who is deeply influenced by her early upbringing in the Outer Hebridean island of North Uist. With a career spanning five studio albums and numerous high profile collaborations, her ‘crystalline’ and ‘intoxicating’ vocals have enchanted audiences around the world.
Nominated as ‘Folk Singer of the Year’ at the 2018 BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards, and ‘Best Artist’ at the Songlines World Music Awards, Julie is a warm and engaging live performer who has graced stages around the world, from village halls in the Highlands to stages in New York, The Philharmonie de Paris and Shakespeare’s Globe in London.  Recent invitations to perform have included a return to world-class Festival of Voice in Cardiff, the World Festival of Sacred Music in Fez, Morocco, to collaborate with the BBC Concert Orchestra in the Royal Albert Hall for the Proms and to support Scottish icons ‘Runrig’ to an audience of 50,000 during their farewell concert weekend in August 2018. She sang live at the closing ceremony of the Ryder Cup in Chicago in 2012 to a TV audience of 500 million, an event that was only eclipsed by singing live at the opening ceremony of the Glasgow XX Commonwealth Games in 2014, to a TV audience of over 1 billion people.
Since of the release of her otherworldy album ‘alterum’ in 2017, she has been in demand – touring with the world-class Transatlantic Sessions, sell-out shows in London and throughout the UK, and is currently working on a major new 14-18 commission with celebrated Highland musician Duncan Chisholm, commemorating 100 years since the ‘Iolaire’ tragedy.
She will forever be recognised for singing the theme songs to ‘Brave’, Disney Pixar’s Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA winning animated film, set in the ancient highlands of Scotland. The track was recorded when Julie was eight months pregnant with her second child, and has since been a worldwide smash hit, and the song ‘Touch the Sky’ was indeed long listed for an Oscar nomination in 2013.
Julie’s most recent studio album received glowing reviews, and over the years she has been nominated and won several BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and Scottish Traditional Music Awards.  She also made history as the first Gaelic solo artist to win a Scottish Music Award in December 2014.
Julies voice sends shivers up your spine, I have chosen this spine tingling rendition of her at Thiepval Memorial in France singing "An Eala Bhàn" ("The White Swan) , written in the trenches during WWI by Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna of North Uist.
I think it only fitting I post the lyric for the song, first in Gaelic then the translation....
Gur duilich leam mar tha mi 'S mo chridhe 'n sas aig bron Bhon an uair a dh'fhag mi Beanntan ard a' cheo Gleanntannan a'mhanrain Nan loch, nam bagh 's nan srom 'S an eala bhan tha tamh ann Gach la air 'm bheil mi 'n toir A Mhagaidh na bi tursach A ruin, ged gheibhinn bas- Co am fear am measg an t-sluaigh A mhaireas buan gu brath? Chan eil sinn uile ach air chuairt Mar dhithein buaile fas Bheir siantannan na blianna sios 'S nach tog a' ghrian an aird Tha 'n talamh leir mun cuairt dhiom 'Na mheallan suas 's na neoil; Aig na 'shells a' bualadh - Cha leir dhomh bhuam le ceo: Gun chlaisneachd aig mo chluasan Le fuaim a' ghunna mhoir; Ach ged tha 'n uair seo cruaidh orm Tha mo smuaintean air NicLeoid Air m' uilinn anns na truinnsichean Tha m' inntinn ort, a ghraidh; Nam chadal bidh mi a' bruadar ort Cha dualach dhomh bhith slan; Tha m' aigne air a lionadh Le cianalas cho lan 'S a'ghruag a dh'fhas cho ruadh orm A nis air thuar bhith ban Oidhche mhath leat fhein, a ruin Nad leabaidh chubhraidh bhlath; Cadal samhach air a chul Do dhusgadh sunndach slan Tha mise 'n seo 's an truinnsidh fhuar 'S nam chluasan fuaim bhais Gun duil ri faighinn as le buaidh - Tha 'n cuan cho buan ri shnamh.
The white swan.
Sad I consider my condition With my heart engaged with sorrow From the very time that I left The high bens of the mist The little glens of dallaince Of the lochans, the bays and the forelands And the white swan dwelling there Whom I daily pursue.
Maggie, don't be sad Love, if I should die - Who among men Endures eternally? We are all only on a journey Like flowers in the deserted cattle fold That the year's wind and rain will bring down And that the sun cannot raise.
All the ground around me Is like hail in the heavens; With the shells exploding - I am blinded by smoke: My ears are deafened By the roar of the cannon; But despite the savagery of the moment My thoughts are on the girl called MacLeod
.Crouched in the trenches My mind is fixed on you, love; In sleep I dream of you I am not fated to survive; My spirit is filled With a surfeit of longing And my hair once so auburn Is now almost white.
Goodnight to you, love In your warm, sweet-smelling bed; May you have peaceful sleep and afterwards May you waken healthy and in good spirits I am here in the cold trench With the clamour of death in my ears With no hope of returning victorious- The ocean is too wide to swim.
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the-mad-runewhisper · 4 years
♠Lunethis Runewhisper♠
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Basic Information: (If we must..) Full Name: Lunethis Nuit Runewhisper
Lunethis based on Lune, meaning Moon. Nuit meaning Night in French, and finally Runewhisper - inspired by “Ruin”.
Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic.....everything. Age: ????? Race/Homeland: San’layn Class: Shadow-Weaver (Shadow Priest)
♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠
Character Appearance: Hair: Raven Black Skin: Ashen White Eyes: Frozen Sapphire {Shown Below - Sans the Black}
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Height: 7′1 Weight: 150 pounds Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc): {Black Vipers cover his body tattooed with enchanted ink causing them to swirl and move against his skin, also with the ability to vanish at will.} Physical Features: Tall - Angry - Bat - Looking - Motherfucka’
♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠
Personality: General Happiness:......Happiness? Social Level: Haha, is that a joke? Optimistic/Pessimistic: What do you classify - absolutely does not give a fuck? Positive Personality Traits: Intuitive. Quick Witted. Artistic. Ability to adapt. Negative Personality Traits: Hateful. Homicidal. Furious Temper. Guilty. Misc. Quirks: Great Singer. Plays Violin. Absolutely hates the stupidest things. Religion/Philosophy: HAHAHAHAHA - more jokes amirite? Likes: Death. Wine. A wonderful Tirisfal stroll, well...before Sylvanas PLAGUED IT!! Favorite Foods: People. Foods and Friends!...or was it...the other way? DETAILS! Favorite Drinks: Wine. People. Favorite Colors: The darkest colors of his fucking soul, why so many questions? Dislikes: E V E R Y T H I N G
♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ 
General Character Info: Relationship Status: Single Place of residence: Place of Birth: Classified Information Occupation: Occult Collector. Dirty Deed Doer. Group/Guild/Clan affiliation: None Enemies: The World Wealth Status: Pockets so deep it makes Rihanna cry.
♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠
Character Abilities and Proficiency: Shadows. Blood Magic. Aura Reading. A few other “hidden” talents. Favored Weapon: His sword - Vérkirály Weapon SKill: He usually relies on his magic, but is also a very adept swordsman. He certainly does not need his magic to survive in a fight. Magic Abilities: Primarily he weaves the shadows into spells, objects, weapons, what have you...but he has been known to resort to blood magic. On a whole, he believes that mortals are “unworthy” of seeing such a splendorous thing, y’know...typical arrogance. Magic Strengths:He’s very in tune with different auras and can typically read someone’s aura {magical or otherwise} pretty quickly. Obviously in RP situations this may be subjective to the persons ideas for their own character, but usually it’s one of his strong points.
Other Information:
He’s a very dark character, and a great creative outlet for myself as the mun. But he certainly isn’t for the faint of heart. He is 21+ absolutely no exceptions - he is horror based. Dark themes and Mature Content. Overall, he’s a wild card. Enjoy at your own risk <3
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OC Profile
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 480 (Human equiv. 48)
Birthday: October 18th. 
Star Sign: Scorpio.
Race: Sin’Dorei / Blood Elf
Gender: Cisgender Male
Face / Body Claim: Ewan McGregor
Marital Status: Married, but separated [for over 10 yrs]. No plans for divorce.
Relationship practice: Polyamory
Server: Wyrmrest Accord - Horde (Faction Neutral)
Physical Appearance ––– –
Wardrobe: 80s London Punk. Black on black, otherwise greyscale or muted, cool colours. Studded leather jackets, spiked combat boots, vintage punk rock band t-shirts. Prefers solids with classic lines. Almost all clothes are second hand from Charity Shops.
Hair: Bright ginger. Short faux-hawk style with long sideburns. In the Winter months, keeps a trim beard.
Eyes: Emerald green.
Height: 6′7″
Build: Swimmer/Jogger's athletic, slim build. Slightly under weight but muscled.
Common Accessories: Wears lots of rings of bone, metal, and stone on his fingers. A plethora of necklaces and bracelets on each wrist. Carries a Dwarven vintage carved silver cigarette case & matching lighter. Never without his comm and his motorcycle keys. Concealed throwing daggers in inside jacket pocket, as well as a coil of steel guitar strings, and full dagger in his boot, always. Wears a small silver hoop earring in right ear.
Distinguishing Marks: Sprayed with freckles all over his body and face. Missing both middle fingers. Thin white scar across his throat (affects his voice; graveled). Silver coin sized scars on fronts and backs of hands and feet. Banishment symbol burned into his chest. Small K scar over his heart; large K scar on right shoulder. 
Tattoos: Small sound wave behind left ear. Maiden’s Anguish at base of throat/along trapezius. Pirate ship (enchanted) on left bicep. Two birds holding banner that says ‘BAD SEED’ over a skull on right bicep. Troll-style boa constrictor wraps from right knee, up thigh, and across hip. Small gypsy clan symbol (skull ontop of a rose) on lower back.   
Personal ––– –
Profession: Founder and CEO of Blacksong Records.
Hobbies: Partying - frequent patron of Succulent Tart, Howling Owl, and Red Moon. Recreational drugs & drinking. All things music: goes to punk rock concerts, buys and trades vintage records, plays mech-guitar, repairs broken guitar pedals and amps. Riding and repairing motorcycles. Extreme sports, primarily stunt biking and surfing.  
Languages: Traveler (Native), King’s Common, Dwarven, Thalassian, Orcish Common, Sign Language.
Residence: Lordaeron Coast, and sometimes Silvermoon. 
Birthplace: Quel’Thalas
Religion: Mildly Old Ways/Traveler (Pagan).
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Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Kharris Dawndancer-Blacksong
Dating: Aelberyn & Jericho Bloodsword (Primaries), Saeil Moonblade, Se’lysona Riverblade. 
Children: Aelenna Sinead “Sean” Bloodsword & Fib Bloodsword, both almost 5 yrs.
Parents: Maebh Blacksong & Daigh Blacksong (deceased).
Siblings: Younger brother, Kieran Blacksong.
Other Relatives: One female younger cousin, Fox. Status unknown.
Sex & Romance ––– –
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Preferred Role: Dominant | Submissive | Switch
Preferred Position: Bottom | Top | Vers
Libido: Extremely High
Turn ons: Power, confidence, high intelligence, witty sense of humor, empathy, submissiveness, great conversation, flirty.  
Turn offs: Trying-too-hard, mind games, wall flowers, air heads, big egos, pretty but no substance, bad conversationalists, people that only talk about themselves, drama queens, brats.
Love Language: Quality Time & Physical Touch
Kinks:  BDSM, WAM, leather & latex, sensory deprivation, mask play, blood play, knife play, age or pet play, dirty talk, phone sex & sexting, being watched/performing or watching, sharing/group sex, cuckolding, orgies, sex clubs, casual sex.
Relationship Tendencies: Prefers casual sex and FWB. Romance adverse, and very selective about who he gets into commitments with. Once committed, stays in relationships a very long time and plays the emotional role of Dominant, with a focus on care giving and very protective.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Often. Smokes mainly bloodthissle. Drugs: Often. Very into party drugs. Long history of struggle with heroin. Alcohol: Often. “Defaults” to functioning alcoholic, but can get crazy at parties.
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RP Hooks ––– –
Music Fans - He runs a small but successful punk rock music label. If you’re into rock, punk, or even just a music fan, you’ve probably heard of Blacksong Records or even one of his bands. You may even know his face from music magazines; he’s often in the background at concerts or industry parties. Feel free to mention it!
Pirates & Sailors - He used to run a very successful and well known salvage company (Atlas Treasure Salvage, or ATS). They were well known in the Booty Bay, Bilgewater, and Orgrimmar ports. It’s possible you saw him around “in the old days”.
Drugs - He’s well connected among drug dealers as both a buyer and seller. Got a big party you want to sell to? He’s your in. Or maybe you’re looking for pure quality and tired of thugs selling you stems in the Drag? He’ll get you the good stuff if you’re willing to pay top coin.
Motorcycles - He’s a frequent shopper at gear head garages around Quel’Thalas. He also stops off at biker taverns for a pint on the way home from work. You may have seen him. Or maybe you just notice the brand of his jacket or boots are a familiar favourite amongst aficionados. 
Gossip Rags - Is your character SUPER into Silvermoon tabloids? Iloam is “reportedly” dating one of the hottest couples of the SMC Elite crowd, Baron & Baroness Aelberyn & Jericho Bloodsword. Paps frequently snap them slipping into vine covered cafes and exclusive night clubs. Your character may have a theory on the whole ‘are they or arent they’ debate that keeps socialites guessing on the trio’s relationships status.
OOC Info  ––– –
Mun is 21+ in age. Dark themes/ERP friendly.
I have been playing WoW since the beta for Vanilla and gone through many phases of enjoying PvE aspect (including a raiding guild), but at this point I only play for RP and have no interest in game play. I prefer Discord text RP for 1:1 or small group scenes. I generally only login to game for RP events or by request.
For text RP, I am very bad about forum style/casual post RP and will generally lose track of it quickly. I also try to stray from forum style post on Tumblr for the same reason. The best way to RP with me to set a date/time to both login to Discord or game and set aside several hours to write out a scene together.
I’m a very fast typer and tend to do multi-para for scene sets only, and then fall into a more natural rhythm as the scene plays out. I do not ask that partners match my post length.
Communication is very important to me. OOC discussion of dark themes or comfort level with ERP will be discussed first. I am happy to FTB or avoid topics that are triggering. I also ask that my partners always feel comfortable letting me know if for any reason big or small, they need to cancel a scene or are not feeling up to it. Real life will always come first.
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Contact Information  ––– –
@ourcollectivefantasy​ is Iloam’s In-Character blog, shared with characters of Aelberyn and Jericho Bloodsword.
@blacksongrecords​ is Iloam’s record company blog. Look here for event announcements!
All follows from my OOC blog @desolatedangel. 
I am reachable in-game via mail on the name: Ilóam
Feel free to send me an ask or message for my Discord handle, but if we haven’t met before I prefer we mutually follow each other’s Tumblr and interact a little bit before giving that out.
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lethe-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the Spring Equinox Gala!
When: May 30, 2021 Where: Katherine and Patrick Antrim’s Manor From: 5 pm to 10 pm
Despite protests, democracy is democracy in Lethe, and so May 30th dawns to reveal gala preparations commencing as planned. Though the day comes equipped with blustering winds and hesitation lingers in the air, spirits around town seem to be relatively high as the day continues on into evening. It is at three o’clock that the gates to Katherine Antrim’s formidable manor are opened, giving any especially curious visitors access to the grounds. The last chime of the town’s bell tower has rung to signal the five o’clock hour when the doors to the ball room are thrown open and guests bearing invitations are welcomed inside. Those who enter the ballroom are awed by its beauty and impressed by the amenities –  a stage at the very front houses cheery musicians and some Lethean artists may even request to borrow the microphone, if so inclined. An exit on the left leads to an open bar, though food is not provided. Guests are encouraged by security to stay within the domains of the ballroom, but of course, the outdoor property still beckons. The especially adventurous sort may even venture to other rooms within the home at their own risk. Selections among the property other than the ballroom seem to be as follows:
The garden: Opened at three o’clock, Katherine Antrim’s pleasant garden houses many enchanting flora. As the sun sets, they may even reveal special, more ethereal qualities. Guests are welcome to tread these grounds as they please, though please, don’t step on the flowers.
The balcony: Serving as a respite from the noise, the balcony is just off of the ballroom. Guests are welcome to come and go as they please, sitting on marble benches overlooking the rolling gardens and getting a well deserved breath of fresh air. Smoking is not allowed.
The maze: Found deep within the garden, the entrance of the maze is well hidden as to discourage any adventures into its depths. But such discoveries aren’t impossible, though they are not entirely pleasant either. Guests who manage to touch the hedges that mark the bounds of this maze will discover that they are not especially keen on being touched and will react to indicate as much. If not grievously injured, however, skilled solvers will find a lovely courtyard in the center of this maze, equipped with a bubbling fountain and dreamlike, rare blooms abound.
The library: This is not a destination that will be reached with ease. Those who manage to charm open the doors will find bookshelves of towering heights and glowering portraits upon the walls. If they search the right places, lucky adventurers may even happen upon town records, some dating back to the town’s 19th century founding. Visitors who intend to try their odds here should work with haste – security will likely descend upon them in no time.
For the Muns
The Spring Equinox Gala event begins now! It will be a dashboard event and will last at least two weeks. When the time comes, we will ask in the Discord if people are interested in continuing or wrapping up the event.
Any details about plot drops during the event will be posted about here, via a Lethe News post or an event post.
We encourage the posting of open starters for the event, but also ask that if you post a starter, please reply to one as well. That way we’ll keep the dash moving!
If you’re willing, show us what your character is wearing! Whether through edits or through Tumblr-made photosets, we’d love to see the look your character is sporting to this black-tie event.
You are welcome to continue writing regular threads alongside the event! To differentiate between the two, please tag all event-related posts with ‘lethe: gala 2021′.
Most of all: have fun! We cannot wait to see the gorgeous ensembles and interesting encounters you come up with.
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feyminjun · 4 years
(that’s not the best intro but yeah...lol)
hi guys im super excited to be accepted here :) i’m minjun’s mun and i hope you guys have fun with this fool here. i’m still working on a decent plots page but under the cut there are some ideas i’d like to try out. BUT if you’re looking for something like a quick, fresh starter, you can always comment with a number and i’ll choose from a prompt list i have and i’ll write something short until we plot something out. how about that?
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minjun is a witch aligned with the gwiin
he owns a small cafe/bookstore that’s well known by the online community because it offers amazing ig pictures
oh but he’s also an online dealer, selling out his enchantments and potions - most of them are fake but ppl swear he’s the best
he can also sell the real thing to other magical creatures, but for some good price
he hates his sisters and they hate him as well
he’s a good cook but hates to clean up
p-a-r-t-y boy
has a bad eyesight so if he mistakes you for a pumpkin, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you
gives other magical beings a hideout underground the cafe whenever hunters are after them. just be nice and he won’t ask for much in return
yes. he’s one of the most beautiful creatures you’ve ever seen. he knows it and he’s proud of it.
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arthur-rex · 5 years
5 / 7 / 14
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses // answered for @lespendragons​
5. What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
Everything involving the legends that is/was too adult to be shown on a family tv drama. I want to explore Arthur the promiscuous lover who had sexual relations with his half-sister and various other women and illegitimately sired over a third of the boys who grow to become knights at his round table (naughty man). I want to write about Arthur the warrior, who once went on a rampage and killed over 470 warriors in a single day on the battlefield (according to Geoffrey of Monmouth’s account). And yes, I want to somehow relate all this morally dubious behaviour back to a king who still strives to do what he thinks is right, and who absolutely crucifies himself if he thinks he’s made an error in judgement somewhere. The character is made to be tortured, and while I try and balance that with lighter moments, it’s always a matter of time before the darker stuff comes back to bite. Ouch.
On a lighter note, I would also like to flesh out the headcanons I have for Arthur and his love of falconry, aka “The Sport of Kings.” I have it that Uther once gave his son a goshawk and laid down a challenge. If Arthur could tame the bird and call her to his fist within the week, then one day, he might similarly win the trust of his people. Did Arthur succeed in that challenge? Hmm. Well… let’s just say Arthur’s bird of choice nowadays is a peregrine falcon, named Iseult. She’s a fantastic predator, and very biddable to her master.
Anyway, @aquestionthatsneverbeenposed and I are exploring that with our Arthur and Merlin muses :)
7. For movie or TV muses, what is your muse’s favorite scene? Why? Can you show a screenshot?
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I haven’t seen it yet, but…. I’m almost certain it’s going to be this iconic moment. (Quick google search got me this very nice gif - you’re welcome). In any version of the Arthurian legend, I absolutely love the connection between King Arthur and Excalibur. It’s the magic contained within that legendary sword (and its scabbard), coupled with Arthur’s undisputed prowess as a warrior, that makes them such a formidable combination. I love how in some versions, claiming Excalibur is the only way Arthur will be accepted by the people as the True King of Albion. In others, I really dig how it’s used more as a personal metaphor for Arthur to find the king inside himself, and in doing so, the enchantments binding the sword to the stone yield to him - and Excalibur is his. 
However it plays out in BBC Merlin, it’s got to be the character defining moment for our blond-haired prat and I’m really looking forward to it :)
Note: Just doing a little bit of research this evening, I see that Excalibur is actually given by the Lady of the Lake to Arthur (often via Merlin) and the “sword in the stone” actually goes by a different name: Caliburn. So apparently, that means Arthur has two magical swords in his possession. Hmm. Perhaps one of them could eventually be wielded by his significant other?
14. What is your ideal AU for your muse?
Oh dear. Haha. I have far too many AU ideas bubbling away in this brain for Arthur and those really unfortunate people he interacts with. I can’t decide which one grips me the most tbh, it varies very much with my mood. 
But I suppose if you’re asking me to pick, I’ll go with my dragon!Arthur AU.
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“Deep within yourself, you must find the voice that you and Arthur share.   For your soul and his are b r o t h e r s.”
Full plot detail found [ here ] 
I must say I’m rather fond of it because it’s not only a fantastic opportunity for Merthur - it also incorporates dragons (which I geek heavily over - I’m a legit dragon fanatic) and provides a great opportunity to explore that Dragonlord mythology (which I am absolutely weak for). There’s also some rather nasty body horror elements with the transformation Arthur’s forced into, tons of angst and h/c, and a resolution which I think leads quite nicely to a series finale which I would love to see happen in canon. But we won’t get it, so there’s the AU.
Note: I know you asked and so I’ll spill. Armor has grown massively on me since starting to RP Arthur. Our extended AU is right up there on the top of the ‘favourites’ pile. I just primarily came to this fandom due to the Merthur which felt so obvious. I’m not going to deny my pull in that direction too.
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ariadnassecretdiary · 5 years
The black swan lake AU - Third act
*Mun Ari: Ok ok~ So I’m so excited to write this third act! Ahh~ Let the romance begin! Btw~ Merry late Christmas everybody :3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
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“Are you serious?” Naomi said while raising her eyebrow skeptic.
 “Please, I seriously need your help” Ariadna begged but very ashamed nevertheless.
“I can’t believe you’re asking me to lie to your sister. That’s not like you at all Ari” Naomi replied.
The next day, Ariadna went early to the eagle’s kingdom seeking her best friend’s help. Yet, as Ariadna expected, she was very hard to convince. 
“I know what I’m asking you is really bad as it means lying to Akane” Ariadna admitted ashamed “However, as you said: is something I wouldn’t ask you if it weren’t an emergency”.
Naomi looked at her. She was analyzing what she just said and Ariadna hoped she would agree to help her.
“Alright, I’ll help” Naomi finally replied.
Ariadna was about to jump and thank her when Naomi spoke again.
“However, I want to know the real reason as to why you’re acting like this”
Ariadna knew it was too easy to be true. 
“And don’t tell me something like ‘I can’t tell you’ because I’m that case forget about my help”.
“Think about this: 1) you are asking me to lie to Akane, 2) in case you’re in danger I want to know where to look for you and 3) you own me something in exchange for abandon me last ball, accepting a dance invitation from an annoying suitor, who by the way didn’t leave me in peace all night long AND you  had the audacity to send a maid instead of telling me directly you were excusing yourself from the night. I think is the least you could do, don’t you think~?”
Ariadna went speechless for a moment. She couldn’t say anything against all the arguments she just gave to her. Besides it was clear Naomi was hurt from what happened that night.
“You’re right...first of all I’m sorry for that night. I was being unfair and rude to you”.
“I accept your apology since I may have an idea as to why you left so suddenly. It was for what I told you about Isaac, isn’t it?”
“Well, I see...and then?”
“And secondly...please I want you to wait until I finish everything I’m about to tell you. It’s a long story...and a VERY strange one too”
Ariadna then told Naomi about Kino. She told her how the next day of the ball she went deep into the forest and a raven stole her family ring. She told him about the strange phenomenon the prince experienced each day after the sun would set, how he threw her ring into the lake and told her that from that day she had to make him company so she could get back her ring. 
“And that’s the story” Ariadna concluded.
Naomi stayed quiet, but Ariadna could see Naomi’s face shown complete disbelief.
“You are seriously telling me all this time you’ve been going to the forest just to keep company to this enchanted prince?”
Naomi then laughed.
“Now now~ you have a great sense of humor Ari~. But please now tell me the truth”
“I AM telling you the truth”
“Ari there’s no way a prince would turn into a swan. Magic only exist in fairytales”
“See? That’s why I couldn’t tell Akane and I didn’t want to tell you either. It’s difficult to believe…”
“Ok. Let’s imagine I believe that ‘magic’ part of the story. But taking that aside: are you seriously seeing in secret with a mysterious guy in the middle of the forest?”
“Ariadna! Who would have thought~?”
“Don’t misunderstand!”
“You seriously thought I would say that!? Ariadna that isn’t correct! What if someone followed you and saw you!? You would be in serious trouble!”
“I know that! But I have no choice! He has my ring! Do you know what would happen if my parents or Akane if they found out all this!? They’ll never let me leave the castle ever again and they might even disinherit me!”
“This Kino you are talking about...I don’t like him already. If he were a prince as he claims to be he seriously lack manners! And how dare he treat you in such a way! To treat a princess as yourself so lowly!”
“W-Well...he doesn’t know I’m a princess…”
“WHAT!? Why you haven’t told him?”
“You know how much I hate brag about being a princess”.
“Yet! He needs to know who he’s messing with!”
“I don’t think it’ll matter to him anyway...I’ve know him for a while now and I really don’t think he know how to treat people in general”
“How can you stand him? I would have given up already”
“I did everything for my ring only”
“Is that so…? Well, I think you need to tell him Ari! He needs to know you’re his equal”
“It doesn’t matter...I don’t plan on going back anyway”
“Why so?”
“You see...we had a fight just yesterday and I don’t want to see him anymore. I’ve had enough”
“Wow~ for you to say that, it must have been something dead wrong~”
“He offended me and my family. That added up with his mistreatments I really had enough…”
“Unbelievable! But...what’s about your ring?”
“I-I think I should tell my parents the truth...maybe they’ll understand?”
“Or~ Even better~”
“We, my dear friend, will get your ring back”
“As you heard dear~ a family shield isn’t something replaceable. We need to take it back no matter what!”
“In fact! We’ll go and get it tomorrow! I’ll go and visit your sister and after a while we’ll excuse ourselves and we’ll force that prince to  give back your ring!”
“I-I really don’t want to see him...and I don’t think he’ll hand it out that easy”
“Then...we’ll get in once he’s not around~. When is he ‘supposedly’ away?”
“During the day he’s still in his swan form...so we may be able to take the ring and escape without him noticing it!”
“Then~ we have a plan~”
The next day, Naomi arrived to have supper with the Koizumi princesses. They chat for a while, however Ariadna had a difficult time acting as nothing was wrong.
The reunion last longer than expected since Akane really wanted to know what exactly Ariadna did all these time at the eagle kingdom. Naomi surprisingly managed each question Akane asked her and when the topic finished they even had a small walk.
“I’m so sorry if this comes out very rude, but Princess Akane may I ask for your permission to stay over the night? Sadly, my parents will be out due to some businesses they need to attend and I don’t wish to stay all by myself in my home”
Ariadna mentally clapped for Naomi’s smooth way to assure her plan would go as planned.
“It isn’t rude at all Princess Naomi. I suppose they’ll be going to the kingdom’s annual reunion I presume?” Akane replied
“Yes. They insist I should stay since one member of the royal family must stay just in case. Yet staying on my own makes me uneasy”
“Hmm...I don’t think that having you as our guest would be a trouble. In fact, I think it’s a great idea since unfortunately my parents asked me to attend as well. However, just like you just said we want Ariadna to stay for the same reason you would. It would leave us more at ease if two ladies stay together rather than by themselves”
Ariadna looked impressed towards Naomi and she simply winked at her.
“Marvelous! I’m so grateful for your hospitality~”
A few hours later, Akane left the castle, followed by many guards and maids, leaving Ariadna and Naomi behind.
Then they both worked on their plan. They told the servants not to wait for them and to head back to their rooms until they needed anything. They told them they would go for a ride and to not bothered them. 
They left and Ariadna lead the way until they arrived to the waterfall.
Naomi had the same reaction as Ariadna did back when she first saw the landscape before them.
They walked as discreetly as they could until they reached the famous lake. Lucky for them there was no sign of both Yuri nor Kino around.
“Well then. We need to hurry. The reunion and the preparations took longer than expected. Still we have some time before the sun sets and Kino comes” Ariadna whispered to Naomi.
“Sure. Then let’s review the plan: I’ll wait here to guard that crow you told me about or the sign of any swan”
“Not just any swan, he’s a black swan”
“Right right. You on the other hand  will go and take the ring back from the lake and as soon as you come back we’ll be out of here!”
“Great! Now. I shouldn’t take long! See you! Remember to hide!”
Ariadna headed back to the lake and hoped everything went according to plan. She was worried they didn’t calculated the time correctly and Kino would arrive or Yuri would tell Kino about their presence. Ariadna pushed those thoughts away and then took her armor out. Once she was ready she jumped into the lake. She swam deeper into the lake looking for her ring.
Meanwhile, Naomi was alert of her surroundings. Any sound would make her uneasy and each flying bird would be a suspect for her. It was getting dark and Naomi was getting nervous, she felt Ariadna was taking so long. Besides: didn’t she tell her about how Kino and that bird spy of his would be here in any moment?
She then suddenly thought she caught a glimpse of light, but decided to ignore it and focus more in Ariadna’s return.
“What are you doing miss?” she heard a voice.
Naomi jumped and turned around to find a tall yet good looking boy. He had a long black hair and black eyes. He dressed in a formal way and looked at her with a serious expression. 
“Oh dear! Don’t do that! I almost fainted!” She looked at him angrily
“What is a young lady as yourself doing here?” the boy continued.
“That is none of your business! I could ask the same thing, is it a hobby of yours hide and scare ladies such as myself?”
“That wasn’t my intention at all miss. I beg your pardon”
(He’s very polite...maybe he’s like this towards strangers? No! I won’t let myself fooled!)
“Well, apology accepted. Yet, I you don’t mind I would appreciate you to leave me alone for the time being”.
“I’m afraid I must have to insist. This is no safe place for a lady to be on her own. Besides, if you’re here for the hunting season this place is forbidden to carry those activities out”
“As I’ve said I have no obligation to answer any of your questions! Just who you think you are?” Naomi said “you have some nerve Mr. Kino. I didn’t want to believe such a despicable being such like yourself would exist. But for having my friend to do as you said and having the audacity to even offending her is unacceptable!”
“Kino? I think you are confused. I’m not Kino”
“Heh~? Is that so? Then who might you be?”
“My name is Yuri miss. I’m Kino’s companion and most loyal servant. If you’re looking for him, right now is not a good moment”
(Yuri? Where I’ve heard this name before…?)
“Is that so? Then tell your boss to learn some manners before insulting my friend, understood? She’s a respectable lady and he needs to treat her accordingly!”
“Your friend? Does it happen to be called Miss Ariadna?”
“You know her?”
“I brought her here. She’s being visiting Prince Kino for the past weeks”
“So it was your doing? You!”
Suddenly, Naomi and Yuri stopped when they listened to a distant plead.
“What was that?” Yuri asked
“Oh no… Ariadna!”
Naomi ran towards the direction of the voice.
“Wait! Miss!” Yuri shouted and ran after Naomi. 
It took Ariadna some minutes before she glimpsed a small sparkle at the very bottom of the lake and looking closer she found that indeed it was her ring. She took a small bag from her belt and introduced her ring. 
(Great! Now, once I get to the surface I won’t have to deal with Kino anymore! I’ll be free!)
She swam back to the surface as fast as she could yet when she was about to reach the surface she suddenly felt a tug on her left foot. She looked down and saw that she had accidentally passed too close to some seaweed and had her foot stuck. She pulled her foot trying to free it, but it wouldn’t pull out. Ariadna started panicking, since she was starting lacking air and the more she tried the more she seemed to tangle. To make things worst, she left her knife outside next to her armor since it would add weight to her and could have made her slow down.
She looked above and saw the surface was rather close. The pulled as much as she could and somehow managed to take her head just a tiny bit outside the surface and shout:
Yet the felt a tug and was taken back inside the water.
Ariadna pulled and pulled yet the desperation was taking over her as well as fear. She was going to died in the worst way possible. What if nobody found her body? What if Naomi got stuck as well trying to get her body? What about her families? Her head was getting lighter by each passing minute and she was losing energy to free herself.
(Guess...this is it… Akane… mom… father… Naomi… I’m so sorry...I did my best… to not cause you trouble… yet I ended up like this…Please...forgive me and...I love you)
The last she saw was the last bubbles of air leaving her body and some sort of figure approaching her… probably she would end up as food for the crocodile and have a use in the last moments of existence…
Naomi arrived to the lake and desperate looked for her friend. She was in trouble, but she couldn’t see where she was.
“Miss! Hold on! You shouldn’t be here!” Yuri arrived Just shortly after her.
“SHUT UP YURI! My friend might be in danger!”
“What? You mean that voice was…”
“Yes! It was Ariadna’s voice! Oh God! What should I do!? It’s been various minutes, since she dive into the lake!! What if she got caught by the crocodile!?”
“Miss calm down”
“There’s no way I’ll do it! ARIADNA! WHERE ARE YOU!?” Naomi then shouted.
Yuri was dead worried: not only did Miss Ariadna had brought a stranger, but now she was probably drowning in the lake. This was bad…
Then he heard a landing behind them and after a strong light Yuri heard some fast footsteps coming his way.
Yuri looked towards the steps only to find no other than Kino who just had transformed into his human form. 
While Yuri was relieved he had arrived just in time, Naomi went speechless. When she heard the sound of some wings and the landing of something she turned around only to find a black swan who out of nowhere started to shine. A few seconds later a young man appeared and walked towards them. That must certainly had to be Kino.
“W-What!? H-How did–!?”
“Where is she?” Kino interrupted Naomi
“I-In the lake! Please sir! I think she’s drowning!”
Without any other word Kino passed through Naomi and jumped into the lake. 
Once underwater, Kino looked around for Ariadna and finally spotted her floating motionless. He approached her quickly, she was already unconscious probably due to the lack of air. He looked and saw she had her feet stuck in the seaweed he warned her to begin with. He took out his knife and cute the seaweed to finally take Ariadna to the surface.
He gasped for air and he was helped by both Yuri and Naomi. 
“ARIADNA! OH GOD!” Naomi placed her ear into her chest to listen if she was breathing “ARIADNA! PLEASE WAKE UP!” 
Yuri looked over Kino and saw that his expression was rather new: was he worried? He did saved Ariadna and that was something he couldn’t believed.
“She needs reanimation! Oh dear!” Naomi said and when she was about to do it, Kino won and started to do so. 
1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. Nothing…
“You have to give her mouth to mouth!” Naomi said in a hurry.
“Excuse me?” Kino replied
Kino looked at her annoyed and then looked down to Ariadna. He sighed and joined lips into hers. They were so soft and tender. He breathed and then started animating her and then kissed her once again. After what they felt like precious minutes: Ariadna coughed water and breathed on her own.
“THANK GOODNESS!! Ariadna! Are you ok?”
Yet they noticed she fell unconscious although now she was breathing. 
“I need to take her back ho–” Naomi’s words trail off when, she felt some hands placed on her shoulders.
“I think is better if you stay at least until Miss Ariadna wake up. She’ll be ok, in the meantime: Kino please take her somewhere safe”
Yuri helped stand up Naomi and guided her towards the mountain nearby. When they were far enough Kino looked down into Ariadna. She looked so peaceful and calm…unlike when she was awake. He was about to take her into his arms, when noticed she was tightly grabbing something in one of her hands. He took it and saw it was a tiny purse and when he opened it…his heart sank.
Inside the purse was her ring. The ring that assured she’ll come everyday until he decided it was enough. 
Now everything made sense: Ariadna entered the lake to get it and never come back. If it weren’t for the incident, Ariadna would have succeeded and that would have been his end. He definitely had underestimated Ariadna and he wouldn’t have realized she wouldn’t have come back if she had achieved her mission. Somehow, he felt betrayed for Ariadna’s decision. How could she? He then wouldn’t have been able to see her again.
Without any word, Kino kept Ariadna’s ring with him and took Ariadna in his arms. He wanted an explanation as soon as she was woke up.
Ariadna slowly woke up feeling a little dizzy. She looked around confused her surroundings. Everything seemed normal. It was rather dark, she was laying in a comfortable bed covered in warm blankets, there were some papers hanging on the walls and finally the little light that allowed her to see her surroundings came for a simple chimney. It looked rather masculine, yet it didn’t made sense. Didn’t she died? Was this how heaven looked like? Or…was it hell?
“You’re finally awake” she suddenly heard.
She turned around to the chimney and saw Kino seated in a nearby chair. When she tried incorporating she noticed she was only in her undergarments and quickly covered herself.
“H-HOW!? Did you made this!? Where are my clothes!?” Ariadna asked embarrassed yet angry.
“Your clothes are the least of your problems now” 
Kino stood up and looked at her pissed. He approached her and Ariadna could feel the fear taking over her.
“D-Don’t come close to me! How could you have taken my clothes away!? Hold on!” she looked around the bed. “w-where is it?”
“What are you looking for?” his voice deep with anger.
“I know understand what you were doing at the bottom of the lake: You tried taking your ring, didn’t you?”
He spoke in a low yet dangerous tone. He knew already, so there was no point in denying it.
“I-I did…”
“You are aware you tried to break your promise? You did it on purpose?”
“I do. In fact, I planned not to see you, but my plan got ruined by some seaweed.”
“How could you? Why would you do so?”
“Because I’ve had enough. You were constantly being cruel to me and you offended me greatly. If you don’t like me at all, why you insist in keeping me here?”
“You were the one that started getting on my nerves! You need to learn your place ‘peasant’”
“I won’t do as you said anymore! I don’t deserve such mistreatments, no one does!”
“I should have let you drown in the lake in the end”
“Too bad~ you should have...wait… I-It was you who saved me…?”
“Of course! Who else? That friend of yours wouldn’t be useful at all”
“Naomi!? Where is she?”
“She’s waiting outside…she was the one that took your clothes away”
“Isn’t it obvious? They were drenched wet and if she hadn’t taken them out you would have gotten pneumonia or something of the sort”
Ariadna felt guilty now. Not only she had been caught…but now she was rude to Kino who risked his life to save her.
“I’m sorry…and thank you”
“I mean it! You saved my life and…I-I think I owe you an apology…”
Kino turned around surprised written all over his face. Was she seriously apologizing?
“Thank you for saving my life and I’m sorry for accusing you for taking my clothes away.”
“That’s it? What about our discussion of a few days ago?”
“I won’t apologize for that, in fact: I think you also owe me an apology”
“Of course! I wouldn’t have tried to retrieve my ring if you weren’t mean to me!”
“Am I wrong? You think that is the correct way to treat others?”
“It’s natural, after all I’m a–”
“You seriously believe just for being a ‘prince’ you have the right to do as you please and treat others poorly? No Kino, you’re wrong”
“Then how you think a prince should behave then? As if you knew!”
“Well, if we take away your title of prince: what is it that you have left?”
Kino went silent. Then, a bitter memory came back to him:
‘I took everything you have away, now tell me Kino: what you have left~? That, my dear, is for you to find it out~’ Kino heard Sabine’s voice echoing in his head that day when she transformed him into a swan and placed him in that small forest.
A small silence followed and Ariadna was about to speak when there was a knock in the door.
“Excuse me: Kino-san I would like to check on Ariadna if you don’t mind. Is she awake?” Naomi’s voice sounded behind the door.
Kino sighed and opened the door.
“She is. I’ll leave you alone” 
Kino exited and left both ladies alone.
“How are you feeling?” Naomi asked while handing her dry clothes.
“Good, thank you”  replied Ariadna getting dressed.
“Oh dear, guess our little plan didn’t worked”
“It can’t be helped, I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble” 
“It should be me Ari, in the end I was the one that got us discovered when Yuri-san found me and then out of desperation attracted Kino’s attention as well”
“If it wasn’t for that, then I would have died. Thank you”
“It wasn’t me, it was Kino-san in the end”
“What is it Ari?”
“Is just that he’s so difficult to understand…I never know what is on his mind”
“Hmm…why would you want to understand him to begin with? Could it be you have developed some sort of affection towards him~?”
Ariadna blushed from Naomi’s words.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Why would I? Don’t you remember anything that I told you about him?”
“I do~ in fact I already gave him a piece of my mind when you were still unconscious. However… he did saved you, he didn’t give me the chance to do it. Also, you should have seen his face: he was so worried”.
“He? Worried for me? Really…?”
(Well, that’s new) Ariadna thought surprised.
“Ari…I’m no one to say something about it, but I think that someone that worries about you like he did. Maybe deserves a second chance to redeem, don’t you think?”
Ariadna remained silence, Naomi made a good point. For some reason she couldn’t completely understand, Kino seemed really insistent about being her friend. Maybe…he wasn’t very good at making them, so she could put a little more on her behalf.
There was another knock on the door and Yuri entered the room.
“Miss Naomi and Miss Ariadna the sun is about to rise. You need to get back home, I’ll lead the way out”
They both nodded and headed out. On their way out the forest, Naomi was walking next to Yuri and Ariadna and Kino went behind them. There was an awkward silence and Ariadna kept thinking about how to bring the topic and make peace.
“Kino l-listen…I’m sorry I tried breaking our promise. How about this: how about if we start over? We started a little hurried and with the left foot, so we can start now correctly…”
Kino suddenly stopped.
“Why the sudden change in mind?”
“I-I heard from Naomi what you did for me. I think is the least I could do to show you my gratitude”
Kino looked at her and finally said:
“Well, then”
“BUT! There are some conditions: 1) I want you to stop calling me peasant; 2) you need to treat me better and…”
“And? You have some nerve”
“AND 3) for this to work we need to work together. That is the only way we can be able to find the way for us to get along. So, what you say?”
Kino wanted to opposed, but when he looked from the corner of his eyes that Yuri was looking at them…serious.
“It can’t be helped…”
“Well~ See you tomorrow Kino”
Ariadna left with Naomi and once they were gone, Yuri approached Kino and smiled satisfied.
“Just for you to know: I made this to assure we get out of Sabine’s grasp, that’s it” 
With that said Kino turned around and headed back to the lake. Within a few minutes the sun would be out and he had to go back to his swan form. If things worked out… his swan days were counted for good.
To be continued…
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
*Mun Ari: Yes, I know. “Mun Ari! The episodes are so long! When are we going to get some romance? I want to end with this!”. Come on! Romance  doesn’t simply grow in the trees, you know? I needed to develop their relationship correctly! I’m thankful for your kind words and I do apologize for the length, I know is a bother. I’ll try to keep the remaining ones short! Anyway~ Thank you for reading! It mean the world to me! And prepare yourselves! The next episodes will be really romantic!
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~ What Could Have been ~
Mun!Yuki: It has been finished. And I cannot wait anymore. So I’m uploading it now because I consider this one of my greatest works. There are some references, which I hope some of you get because I had so much fun with this fic. This story is an AU. It’s an AU I’ve thought about for a while. I’ve asked myself: What would happen if Karlheinz never messed with Ruki’s or Hisoka’s lives? What if Ruki remained an aristocratic human, and Hisoka grew up with a normal childhood? Living in an alternate world with a perfect life of normalcy and ignorance to the unknown.. Would tragedy still be an unavoidable fate for Hisoka Kuroi?
Please enjoy! :)
Word Count:  4196
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“And here is where lived the aristocratic family of the man who was highly respected in the political world here in Romania.”
A yawn escaped the rosy lips of a young woman with long, golden locks. “Kuroi-san, are you alright?” A girl beside her, wearing a uniform very much like the one the fair maiden is wearing at this very moment, questioned with an expression filled with worry. “Huh?” The blonde turned her head to the worried girl and gave her an assuring smile. “Yes, I’m okay; I’m just a little tired from the time difference between Japan and Romania, I’m not used to traveling.” A giggle escaped from her lips before adding, “Also, you can just call me ‘Hisoka’. We’re classmates after all, aren’t we?”
Kuroi Hisoka.
A seventeen year old intellectual, Daughter of the CEO of Heavenly Velleity, Mamoru Kuroi, and famous ballerina, Katsumi Kuroi, and 2nd year student of the prestigious all-girl’s school, Serena Academy, earning her the position as Class Representative.
Bright, bubbly, and hard-working, Hisoka is known for being well-liked by her peers and her teachers. She is also popular for her loyalty in completing her tasks as Class Representative.
In the public eye, Hisoka Kuroi was the ideal student.
“Okay.. Um.. Hisoka-san.. I’ve been meaning to ask you something, if you don’t mind me asking, of course.” The classmate blushes in embarrassment
“Oh? What is it?” Hisoka tilted her head in confusion to her classmate, as her curiosity arose. “W-Well..” Her classmate twirled her fingers as she began to ask her question. “You’re so popular with not only everyone in school, but also in other schools.. Do you have a boyfriend?”
The blonde could only blink in confusion, as she tried to wrap her thoughts around, coming up with a proper answer to the question asked. “Hmm.. Actually, I’ve never thought about it..” Hisoka answered honestly. “Eh?!” Her classmate’s eyes shot wide in surprise. “Well not only is my Dad protective of me, but I guess the reason why I never thought about it is because.. I’m waiting, I guess.”
Hisoka’s classmate looks at the blonde in confusion, “Waiting?” she asked. Hisoka smiles and nods, “Yup! When I was little, I’ve always admired the love my parents share. They are, like, the total polar opposites of each other, yet they’re very much in love and make their relationship work somehow. I guess I just want a love just like theirs. That’s why I’m waiting until I feel that same spark that my parents feel about each other.”
After finishing, Hisoka noticed her classmate staring at her in awe. “That’s very admirable, Hisoka-san.” This compliment made Hisoka blush and giggle. “It’s nothing, hehe!”
Hisoka froze and faced forward to the teacher and the guide, feeling the eyes of her other classmates on her as well. “Y-Yes?!” She straightened, trying to act calm despite being caught. “May you please repeat what this is?” The Teacher points down to a glassed case; Hisoka looked inside the case carefully: It was a blue, hard-covered book.
While gazing upon it, and felt a strange feeling of familiarity, Hisoka answers without hesitation. “This book once belonged to the politician himself.” Before she realized it, the blonde was answering about the book in minute detail to the very last bit, amazing everyone in the room. “V-Very good…” Her teacher gasped, “L-let’s continue on, shall we?” The guide stuttered.
Blinking at what just happened, Hisoka couldn’t help but stare down at the book. ‘What was..? It felt like my mouth was speaking on it’s own.. How did I even know all of that..? Besides the textbooks, I’m not that into books.. So why..?’
“You seem very interested in this book, Miss.”
The blonde jumped in surprise and turned to an elderly man. “O-Oh! I apologize! I did not mean to- um.. I should go back to my group.” Hisoka bowed her head apologetically to the old man, who chuckles. “Of course, Miss; But.. what group?” He questioned.
Hisoka looked around. Besides the man, Hisoka could not find anyone else around. “Oh no…!” She gasped as she began to look around frantically, “I’m lost?!”
“It is quite alright, Miss.” The elderly man looked to the book, “Are you an AVID reader?” He questioned. From hearing his question, Hisoka stopped and looked to the man before looking back to the book within the case.
“N-Not really.. But if I must be honest, I can’t help but find this one here interesting.” She confesses, her sapphire orbs continue to gaze upon the book. “You are quite an honest young lady.” The old man smiled. Hisoka blushed and bowed her head, hiding her shy smile, “T-Thank you, sir.”
“May I ask for your name, Miss?” The man asked. “O-Oh! My name is Hisoka Kuroi. A pleasure to meet you.. Um…” The blonde trailed off, realizing she does not know the man’s name. “Oh, where are my manners!” The mysterious fellow chuckles, “My name is Andrei; I am the caretaker of this estate.”
“OH! It is an honor to meet you, sir!” Hisoka bows her head repeatedly, stopping as soon as Andrei started laughing; Making the girl blush in embarrassment once again. “You are a very amusing girl, Miss Kuroi!”
“T-thank.. You…?” The blonde was speechless. Was it really that fun to tease her? ‘What a strange old man.’ She thought. “Here.” Andrei takes out a key from his coat pocket and starts to unlock the case, taking out the book before handing it to Hisoka. “Take it.” He said. “W-What?!” Hisoka exclaims, “O-Oh no, sir! I couldn’t! I know I said I was fascinated with the book, but it belongs here in the estate!”
Andrei chuckles, “I am aware of that; However, I cannot help but get this feeling that this book would be in much safer hands with you.”
‘Safer hands?’
“So please.” Andrei insisted.
While still feeling conflicted, Hisoka let out a defeated sigh and accepted the book, holding it close to her chest. “I will treasure it, Sir.” She bows her head again.
She still couldn’t understand why. Why did she feel so attached to this book in particular? Why did she care so much? She has never seen this book before.
“Would you like me to help escort you back to your group?” Andrei offered. “If it is not an issue, please; But if I do that, I would miss the rest of what was on the tour.” Hisoka began to mumble to herself, “As class representative, that would be really bad..”
“Oh, so you are the class representative?” Andrei smiled, “In that case, I can give you a quick tour around the estate; I will explain everything about your disappearance to your teacher.” Hisoka’s eyes widen, sparkling. “Really?! Is that really alright?! I mean, if you don’t mind, of course! But I would really appreciate it, Sir!”
Andrei chuckles at the sparkling within the blonde’s eyes, and nods. “I would be honored to be your tour guide in this estate, Miss Kuroi.”
Hisoka beamed and smiled in excitement. “Thank you so much, sir!!” The elder nods, “Shall we, Miss Kuroi?” Hisoka followers behind Andrei and nods, “Yes sir!”
From there, Andrei began to show the blonde around. Throughout the tour, Hisoka learned a lot of new things. For some reason, Hisoka’s new-founded curiosity transforms into an extreme thirst for knowledge about the aristocratic family. She honestly didn’t expect herself to be so engrossed with this family’s history; Hisoka mostly went to this trip as part of her job as class representative.
But this tour by Andrei made this whole experience a lot more fun!
After a while, it was time for a break in the living room of the estate.
“Is it really alright to take a break here?” Hisoka questioned, worriedly as she looked around cautiously. “It’s quite alright, as long as you are invited by me.” Andrei assures, “Would you like tea or coffee, Miss Kuroi?”
“Oh, I would like some te-” The blond-haired girl immediately stopped herself, before answering quietly, “Actually, Coffee sounds nice, please.” The elder man nodded. “Of course, please wait here for a moment.”
As Andrei excuses himself, Hisoka herself was left alone to place a hand upon her lips, looking downward in confusion.
What is going on with her today? First, she became enchanted by a book; Second, She has kept many mental notes on this family; And now, She is choosing coffee over tea?
She doesn’t read a lot of books besides her textbooks, she doesn’t exactly care for family affairs, and she doesn’t even drink coffee!
So what’s going on?
“Here is your coffee, Miss.”
Being brought back to reality by Andrei’s voice, Hisoka snapped out of thought and turned to Andrei himself, holding a cup of coffee out to her. “I wasn’t certain if you prefer your coffee black or with sugar and cream; So I chose the latter for you.” Andrei added, “I hope it is to your liking, Miss Kuroi.”
Blinking a few times before realizing what was happening, Hisoka gasped and carefully took the coffee, bowing her head with gratitude. “Y-Yes, thank you very much! This is perfect!” She looked at the coffee and blew into the teacup to cool the temperature before taking a sip. Unlike her past experiences with coffee, Hisoka can taste the sweetness from the sugar mixed with the cream.
The taste held a strange sense of familiarity.
“.. It’s delicious.. Thank you so much.” Without realizing it, Hisoka lips curled into a gentle smile from the sweet taste of the coffee.
Andrei chuckles, “You look content. I’m happy the coffee is to your liking.”
Noticing the smile upon her face, Hisoka blushes shyly and averts her eyes, nodding her head slightly. “U-um.. Sir-”
“Miss Kuroi, it is alright to call me by my first name.” Andrei assures. “Oh, I couldn’t..” Hisoka trails off, becoming silent before asking quietly. “... I-Is it really okay?”
“Of course.” The elder man nodded with a gentle smile. Initially hesitant, Hisoka took a deep breath and exhales into a sigh. “Then, Andrei… May I ask you something?” She asked. “Of course, Miss Kuroi; Is there something wrong?” Andrei questioned. “No, no, nothing is wrong! I’m just curious.. I want to know about you.” The blonde looked into the older man’s eyes.
“Me?” He questioned. “Yes. You’ve taught me so much about this estate and made this whole tour so much fun for me, and you even gave me this book. But I have a feeling that you know more about the family history than any ordinary caretaker would.” Hisoka explained.
Silence filled the room, until it was broken by a quiet chuckle from Andrei.
“You are the first person to notice that, Miss Kuroi.” His gentle smile turns sentimental. Hisoka took another sip as she prepares to listen.
“You are correct. The truth is, I am actually a descendant of this family.” Andrei confessed. Hisoka nodded her head. She had a feeling that it could have been the case. It only made sense. If he entrusted her with the book and told her a lot more information about this family than the tourist did, then he must’ve been more than just a simple caretaker here. “But if you are, why are you only the caretaker here? Do you not own this estate?” She asked. “This estate holds a valuable history that I want people to see. It’s very close to my heart. I may be the caretaker, but someday this estate will be past down to my grandson when he is old enough, since he is still a young child right now.” Andrei took out a locked pendant from inside his coat and opens it up to show the blonde. Inside was a picture of Andrei, a beautiful elderly woman, and a young boy that looks to be around the age of six. “His parents passed when he was still an infant. So my wife and I decided to take him in and adopt him. His name is Adam.” Hisoka couldn’t help but smile as she saw the picture. She has always had a soft spot for children and it was always such a blessing to her that she was well-liked by them as well. “He is really adorable.. I’m so sorry for your loss..” Hisoka couldn’t imagine what it was like losing a family member. She remembered having a grandmother when she was a child, but she passed before she could even meet her. Her parents never told her why.
“Thank you very much, Miss Kuroi; The pain is still there, but I wouldn’t know what to do without my wife and Adam.” The elderly man chuckled as he gazes at the image within the pendent of the smiling faces of his wife and grandson, before placing it back inside his coat.
“I’m sure I have told you about the aristocrat and his family, correct?” He questioned. “Yes, there was a son whom was so spoiled to a point of torturing servants for fun.” Hisoka answered. When she heard that story, the blonde initially wished that she could’ve chastised the boy into having better manners; However, for some reason, she felt that maybe there must be a reason for his actions as she couldn’t bring herself to hate him, despite the son being a brat.
Andrei nodded, “Yes.. that’s what it was like… at first..” Hisoka raised an eyebrow. “At first?” She questioned. “He was a troublemaker that took pleasure in humiliating others, yes.. But something happened when he was young.” Andrei looked up into the air, as if recalling a memory, “He started to receive nightmares, highly horrific for a child at his age at the time… Until one day, He stopped.” The elderly man paused before continuing again, “He stopped treating the servants harshly, and began to behave more like an adult. He took up learning how to clean, cook, and picked up the hobby of reading books from the library. He even began to carry around that book I entrusted to you wherever he goes. Whenever he was asked about the sudden change of heart by the servants or even his parents, he never gave a direct answer. That it was his secret.”
‘His secret…’ For some reason, Hisoka slightly blushed and felt her heart race. Why is she feeling like this? In kanji, her name meant ‘Secret’.. Could that be why? Hisoka shook her head slightly, ‘Don’t be stupid, Hisoka. He said it was a secret. It could just be a coincidence. Enough with the Main Character Syndrome, this isn’t a manga.’
Dismissing her racing heart, the blonde focused back to the elder man. “Wow… what were his nightmares like?” Hisoka asked. “What I can remember, I believe one of them was being shot on sight and branded…” Andrei answered. ‘Wait a minute…’ Hisoka blinked twice in confusion before asking, “How do you know this? You knew him when he was alive? If you are a descendant, then does that mean..?”
Trailing off, Hisoka felt heart break.
“If you were questioning if he was my grandfather, he was actually my granduncle.” Andrei chuckled. ‘His granduncle..?!’ Hisoka gasped, “Wait, so you must be the grandson of-?” She remembers this. She remember reading that there was another son besides the spoiled one. “Yes; When he was still a child, my granduncle couldn’t help but want a little brother; He used to be content about being an only child until his change of heart. Since then, He’s been eager to become an older brother. In the end, his parents gave birth to another son.. my grandfather.” The elder explained. “Although, even though my great-grandfather was always so kind to even me as a child when he was still alive, I always felt there was a bridge between him and I. It was the same with him and my grandfather too.”
“A bridge? How come? From what I heard, he was a very generous man that loved his family.” Hisoka questioned. How could he feel a bridge between himself and the man known for being so loving? “I’m not sure myself.. However, I was told that ever since my grandfather was young, He would often be told that he took after his mother more than his father. It remains a mystery to me to this very day.” Within Andrei’s gentle eyes was clouding an emotion that Hisoka could only identify as a tint of sadness. “Sometimes.. I even question if he really was my great-grandfather to begin with…” Hisoka couldn’t help but be silent before asking another question in hopes to change the topic, “I see.. So from what you’ve told me, you seem to be very close with your granduncle.”
He certainly knew things about his granduncle for someone who also mentioned nothing about why the sudden change of heart when his servants and his own parents questioned it. “Actually, I was. He was strict and always considered to be a cold-hearted person, but..” While Andrei was about to continue, the blonde herself finished his sentence without noticing. “He was still a kind person inside, even if he says otherwise.”
The man’s eyes widened in surprise, and so did Hisoka’s when she realized what she has done. “S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to-! I just-!” This lead to Andrei to burst out laughing, leaving the blonde dumbfounded. “That’s right! You’re absolutely right! I have only told you a small description about him, but it was like you already knew what kind of person he was!”
A blush crept upon Hisoka’s face, “C-Continue please..! I will keep quiet!” She insisted. The laughter from the elder man died down and he continues on. “My granduncle was a strange man. Even now, I can’t understand what he was thinking about. But when he reached the age of 18, He refused to marry any of the suitors presented to him.”
“Wait, but at that time, wasn’t he supposed to marry in order to produce an heir?” The girl questioned. “Yes it was. But he insisted that he didn’t want any of them; Apparently, he already had a woman he loved.” Andrei answered. “H-he did..? Then why didn’t he marry her?” Hisoka felt the intensive need to figure out about the love life of this mysterious granduncle. But why? Why does she care?
“Because she wasn’t beside him.”
‘Beside him?’ Hisoka tilted her head. Seeing this, Andrei continues. “After his change of heart, He began to have dreams about a girl that remained beside him; Even in dreams where he tries to push her away, she refused to leave him alone. Once, he described her naive and impetuous yet she was as fiercely loyal and protective as a dog. As a result, he refused to marry any of the suitors and my grandfather took over as the head of the family… Maybe he’s the reason why I wanted to share the history...”
Andrei looked down to the book that was placed beside the blonde, “My granduncle entrusted that book to me.. Along with all of his thoughts and secrets.. Knowing him, He wouldn’t just do things out of the goodness of his heart.. He probably entrusted me to find that woman from his dreams because he knew he wouldn’t have enough time left to find her.. We humans can only live for such a short time.. But I trust my granduncle, because he placed his faith in me when he didn’t trust anyone else.. That’s why I wanted to open this estate to the public for others to learn of its history.. And maybe, just maybe.. I could finally meet the woman my granduncle loved.. That lead him to change the way he did.. If she really does exist..”
“Wow… Even if it was a dream.. He must’ve loved that woman very much if he.. If he..” Hisoka couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the tale. “Oh dear! Are you crying, Miss?!” Andrei immediately took out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and handed it to the blonde. Realizing her tears were falling, Hisoka was taken aback and placed the coffee down on the table to accept the handkerchief. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.. It’s just.. So beautiful.. But very tragic… I hope.. I hope you get to find that woman he loved.. If he believes she exists.. Then she has to exist.. She has to...” Hisoka sniffed as she used the handkerchief to wipe her tears. After wiping away her tears, she sees Andrei giving her a warm smile. “W-what..?” Hisoka questioned. “I’m sorry, Miss.. I was just thinking that.. If only my granduncle was here right now, I know he would’ve taken a liking towards you.. You’re a very warm person.”
Hisoka looked bewildered from his words. “I-I…” She stutters. ‘Oh god, I feel like I’m going to cry again…’ Taking deep breaths, the girl starts to feel calm. “Andrei, thank you so much for the tour and for telling me such a wonderful story.. I promise I will take this to my grave..” Hisoka bowed her head. Andrei nodded, “Thank you for accepting my offer, Miss Kuroi.” Hisoka shakes her head. “We’re friends now. Just call me ‘Hisoka’.”
Andrei looked taken aback, before smiling warmly once again. “Of course, Hisoka.” He bows his head. Taking the book that was beside her into her arms again, Hisoka bows her head to him in response.
“Miss Kuro-.. Hisoka.. I would like to hear more about yourself.” Andrei smiled. “About me?” The blonde tilted her head with confusion. “Yes. You are a very fascinating young lady, so I would like to learn more about you.” The elderly man explained, “If it is alright.”
“O-Oh! Of course!”
From then, Hisoka began to talk about herself as Andrei listened carefully with his warm smile in place. At first, it was nerve-wracking for the blonde; But as time goes on as Andrei continued to take her where her group was likely at, Hisoka couldn’t help but start to feel calm and relaxed from the welcoming aura of the elder man, now feeling more comfortable with him than she was before.
“I see.. It’s quite fascinating. And you say your cousin is highly protective of you?” Andrei questioned. “Yeah, but I know it’s because I’m the closest thing to a sister to him right now. From what I heard from my parents, My aunt and uncle are trying for another baby.” Hisoka laughed. “It’s amazing though.. You are the child of the Heavenly Velleity CEO.. Do you plan on taking over the cooperation as your father’s successor?” He asked. “Actually, he’s appointing Yuuichi for that position. I’m not really interested in that kind of stuff.” Hisoka confessed. “You’re not? That is quite surprising. You’re a hard-worker.” The man gasped. “It is surprising and I’m glad you think of me as such.. But it’s just not my field. As a child, I used to dream about being a ballerina like my mom or to just become a bride.” The blond-haired girl explained. “You did say you’ve taken ballet classes since you were young.. Do you still hold onto those dreams? Or perhaps someone you deem as special?”
Hisoka laughed before shaking her head. “No, I prefer to wait. I’ve told you about my parents, right? How they’re polar opposites, yet they complement each other? I want to wait until I feel that spark. You know, the spark that you feel when you finally meet that special per…”
That was when Hisoka spotted a painting.
She stopped as she gazed upon it. Andrei took notice of this and turned to her. “Hisoka, is something the matter?” He looked surprised as Hisoka took steps forward to the painting. “Hisoka?”
But the calling of her name fell on deaf ears.
All that she was focusing on was the painting in front of her.
It was a painting of a family of four.
But there was one face in particular that her eyes were drawn to.
Dark hair with white tips…
Blueish, gray eyes…
Short, ruffled hair…
A Black web choker around his neck…
Andrei tries to reach out to Hisoka and attempted call her name again, “Hiso-”
Andrei’s hand froze into place as he hears a familiar name escape from Hisoka’s lips.
Her body begins to tremble violently, her tears were overflowing more so than before, her hands that held the book gripped into a deadly grip that turned her knuckles white…
“Ruki.. Ruki.. Ru.. uuh.. Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!”
All of a sudden, Hisoka’s knees dropped to the floor as she let out cries of despair. Pressing the book against her chest tighter than ever before.
Through her weeps, She cries out the name. As if praying that calling out that name would make a summoning.
It was at that moment Hisoka Kuroi has figured out.
Even if she lives a perfect life of normalcy and ignorance from the unknown...
Tragedy will always befall; One way or another...
Because no how long she waits...
She will never get to experience feeling the spark with the person she waited for her entire life.
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gelwein · 6 years
Elysian 6 Laboratories Booth
Enchanted Rose: 15,000G (Quantity: 2)
Most roses grow in bushes, but here is a peculiar sight- a single white rose, with a black stem, planted in a simple pot. It may look as though it was simply plucked and put into a plant, but it has roots. However, water isn’t what this plant drinks.
If you prick your finger on a thorn of the rose, and let a few drops of your blood land in the soil, the following day, you will find that the black stem has turned red. In the days and weeks that follow, the petals of the flower will turn into a beautiful mix of your favorite colors. 
This flower never needs to be watered or otherwise cared for after being fed blood once. But if you do not feed it, within a week, it will wither and die.
((Mun Note: This flower will cast something like a Death Curse over the person who feeds it their blood. As the flower grows more and more beautiful, the individual person will grow weaker and weaker. Destroying the flower is one way to end the curse. It can also be removed at the church- after which, the flower will slowly wither and die, unless it is able to curse someone else first.))
Some Potion: 1,000G (Quantity 1)
Apparently, this potion makes you feel the same excitement as if you were reading your favorite book for the first time again. But who knows.
Effects uncertain. No refunds.
((Mun Note: This is actually one of Marian’s Targeted Memory Eraser: Book Potions. But even Gelwein doesn’t know that.))
Rune Energy Necklace: 5,000G (Quantity: 3)
An incredible necklace, with a pendant like a metal cage. Inside the case is a small amount raw rune energy, crackling and fizzing blue. This necklace can be used to fully restore your MP once ever. Once you’ve used up the rune energy, it just becomes an empty necklace.
E.6.L Bag of Holding: 3,000G (Quantity: 4)
A bag with void magic cast on it. As long as it can fit into the mouth of the bag (a 6 inch circle at the widest), this bag can fit practically any amount of objects of any length inside of it. To pull an object out of the bag, all you have to do is stick your hand into it, and think of what you wish to pull out.
Hopefully, it doesn’t get lost in there.
When putting an object into the bag, roll the following line:  t!choose safe | safe | ??? | safe | safe
(( If you rolled “safe”, the object can be retrieved at any time. If you rolled ???, Gelwein gets to take a look at your item and decide whether or not he wants it. ))
Creature Potion: 1,500G (Quantity: 1)
Have you ever wanted to turn into a fun little creature? Well, then, go ahead and take this potion. Not in front of the booth, of course.
((Mun note: This potion turns you into a monster. You also cannot speak while in this form. The effects of this potion will not wear off on their own. That being said, you can break it in almost any way you like.))
Roll the following line to determine your fate: t!choose: slime | hornet | death fungus | goblin | demon | beetle | spider
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armazeilor · 5 years
How I rate your blog:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
I mean, do I even have to give a rating at this point? because it exceeds this measly 10 by far, LOVELY mun, incredible muse, it has it all. trust me.
How I rate your URL:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
it just rolls off the tongue, it’s easy to remember, short & sweet; sums up Judith in the most concise way possible—I love it.
How I rate your blog theme:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
the aesthetic is strong with this one, and while I’m personally not one to care much at all for fancy themes or graphics, it’s wonderful to navigate through. it has such a fantastic colour scheme, I’ve also always adored the songs you’ve had on your autoplay; literally the only reason why this isn’t a 10/10 is because for some reason, the narrow container strains my eyes and makes it weirdly hard for me to read. ( oh my god, your mobile theme though? one of my favourite paintings, my goth self is coming through—BIG OOF ).
How you play your muse:
Don’t know your muse | Not my cup of tea | meh | OK | good | wow | EXCELLENT | I would like to keep you forever.
look, I’m about to go all out here, but omg. not only is your writing a joy to read, but I’m just so thoroughly charmed by Judith as a person, she’s quirky, she’s sweet, she’s innocent while really there lingers something rotten inside her, she’s such a mixture of pure and impure, of good and bad, a complex character that you can’t help but get enchanted by and she feels real, you convey that so well in every thread. I also am seriously amused by the fact that with or without the immortality element, a literal malevolent spirit within her, her personality hasn’t changed one bit, goes to show that she had a very solid base to begin with. I genuinely don’t know what to say other than that I’m in love, all interactions with her are a continuous surprise because you never know what crazy ideas she might get, sign me up for any and all content involving her, forever. 
Thoughts/opinion on the mun:
Jojie, you know me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love you a lot, and just talking to you brightens up my entire day. heart-eyeing @ you, always. wearing our ““engagement ring”” as I type this.
How much I ship our muses:
Are you out of your mind?! | NO | prefer not to | I need some convincing | MAYBE | let’s do our best for chemistry | what a good idea | YES | I’ve been hoping for this! | oh gods yes | LETS MAKE A NEW OTP | shipping hell!
otp, OTP—O T P ! it just sort of, happened? I swear it wasn’t intentional, they fit so well, straight up from the very first interaction. it’s mildly unnerving, but it’s a perfect balance in the most unlikely of contexts, I’m just…in love. not to mention I have a severe weak spot for star-crossed lovers, forbidden relations, that sort of cheesy stuff; they hit the nail right on the head for me, absolutely #BLESSED.
How attractive my muse finds yours:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+ |
as if it could be anything less. she has that frailness about her, a certain sweetness in her features, a honeyed smile and he’s done. lowkey hypnotising.
Platonic attraction:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
listen, once you become best friends with him, there’s no going back. adoration equally distributed here. it’s true friendship !
Sexual attraction:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
you know—it was unthinkable in the middle ages, and he was far too innocent ( and restricted ) to ever go there. doesn’t eliminate the thought however, even if it’s subconscious, but nowadays times are different and, well…some things you can’t control. guess you just gotta eat ya buddy out sometimes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A situation or starter sentence for our muses:
those two babysitting, overnight escapade to nearby town in the historical verse, trip overseas to meet his friends in Romania with their 2,5L beer bottles—anything goes.
A scene I would want to write with you:
lord knows we have a million plot ideas in our chats, and I want all of them.
If we would write, my mood is:
fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | hurt / comfort | action | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | ANY GENRE |
—- Get Rated ! ( always accepting ! )
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note:  I'll be adding some things due to the particular nature of this blog lol aka rewriting a character from scratch but keeping canon information of the pre-change
Name / Alias:  Ele
Are you over 18? yes
Is your muse(s) over 18?  tes
When was your blog established? 2012 with the url thecharmingprincessemma, basically as soon as the first season of ouat was over I went 'but what if the curse had been avoided instead and Emma had been raised by her parents in the Enchanted Forest'
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with?
No ( anyone )   /   semi (most people)   /   yes ( some people )   /   Highly ( few people )   /   Private ( mutuals only ).
Are you selective about who you follow?
No ( anyone )   /   Semi ( most people )   /   yes (some people)  /   Highly ( few people ).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon?
Not at all   /   A little   /   some  /   mostly /   Strictly   /   Not Applicable. - I adhere to the canon setting and the way I see Snow and David as parents, and the changes they even managed to bring in an Emma who rightfully had a completely different personality due to having lived a horrible life
What post lengths do you write?
One-Liners    /   single-para /   multi-para /   novella /   All of the aforementioned.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS?
No   /   Gifs   /   icons but it’s not ‘required’ /   Yes   /   Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms?
No  /  yes.  
What level of plots do you write?
Unplotted  /   Open-Ended Plots   /  Semi-Plotted (it's impossible for me to write fully plotted things or even be sure of where the thread will go because I'm character-driven, and if we decide for example that our muses will 'reveal their feelings but not get together and part ways' and then in the thread your muses chooses some words that actually work and convince my muse, I can't write her as rejecting him. A different phrasing can change my muse's feelings about something and if I stop writing their honest reactions I won't be able to write at all (yes this is me apologizing to people because plots got changed lol)  /   Fully Plotted Epics    /  all of the aforementioned. 
How quickly do you usually respond to threads?
Very Slow ( more than a month )  /   Slow ( 3 - 4 weeks )   /   Average ( 1 - 2 weeks )   /   Fast ( less than one week )   /   Very Fast ( less than three days )   /   IT DEPENDS.
What types of themes do you like?
Adventure   /   Romance   /   Fluff   /   Angst   /   Smut   /   Violence   /   Tragedy   /  Domestic   /   Family. / all of the above, my fave ones are hurt/comfort and romance and happy things, angst turns into hurt comfort or nothing, smut it’s only when it helps us develop muses and relationships
What genres do you like? ( Feel free to add ! )
High Fantasy   /   Supernatural   /   Science Fiction /   Historical   /   Horror   /   comedy /   romantic /   drama /   action /   adventure   /   Espionage   /   all of the aforementioned.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog?
No  /  yes, many /  Sometimes.  
Do you have any triggers?   How do you request it tagged?
they are not 'triggers' but I can't see images with gore, it just fuels my nightmares. also when it comes to sexual content, there are some days when I'm more repulsed than others or surrounded by people so I prefer having the choice whether to see them or not, so I usually only follow people who tag them in easy ways to block. Also sometimes detailed talks of hell or black&white aesthetic that reminds me of dead people like the Addams Family makes me literally panic lmao go figure 
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to?
Romantic   /   Platonic   /   Familial   /   ALL OF THE AFOREMENTIONED.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to?
Romantic   /   Platonic   /   Familial   /   all of the aforementioned. / pre-enstablished can only happen in new verses after we have interacted for a while, or with A LOT of plotting in which we talk about our muses and their behaviors in several scenarios, or it's just too hard. Emma is almost an oc, it's difficult to guess her behaviors right and correct people if they assume wrong
Do you have OTPs?
No   /   chemistry only  /   yes - killian jones only if kept like in canon and other crossover canon characters when they follow canon.(gonna be honest, usually when muns change a canon character because uncomfortable over how much 'nicer' love made him/he was whipped, the result is someone I'd never ship with Emma because I never see them as whipped as much as respectful of female characters' traumas and needs? or simply not as dark, which I appreciate)
Do you have NOTPS?
No   /   YES.  Sorry but I never want to see anything about Emma and Regina or Emma and Neal, when it comes to Emma at least
What is your muse’s sexual orientation?
heterosexual /   Heteroflexible   /   Bisexual   /   Pansexual   /   Homoflexible   /   Homosexual   /   Demisexual   /   Sapiosexual   /   ( Grey ) Asexual   /   Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation?
Heteroromantic   /   Heteroflexible   /   Biromantic   /   Homoflexible   /   Homoromantic   /    Panromantic   /   Demiromantic   /   Sapioromantic   /   Aromantic   /  still trying to figure it out
Are you comfortable writing smut?
No /   Selectively   /   yes.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically?
Autoship   /   during plotting  /   after a couple ic interactions   /   Several IC interactions  /   Slow burn /   plot dependent   /   Never.  
Are you open to toxic ships?
No (not even platonically which makes hard to interact with many characters and me pretty boring lmao)   /   selectively  /   Yes    /   I am not sure.
Are you open to problematic ships?
No, same as above, though to be fair what's not problematic to me may be to others   /   selectively /   Yes   / I am not sure.
Are you open to polyshipping?
no /   Selectively   /   Yes  /  I am not sure.
Are you an exclusive shipper?
Never   /   sometimes /   Yes.
Does crack shipping ever happen?
Nope,because it doesn't matter how crazy it is, if it works, I ship for real lol   /   yes
tagged by @xthesparequeen
tagging anyone who wants to do it because chrome sorta froze and it took me thirty minutes just to do this, let alone if I wait for tagging to works
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Tumblr media
   welcome to miss robichaux’s academy:                for exceptional young ladies -
new orleans has long since been a haven for witches since the days of Salem when a coven of witches left behind that horror to find a new home. They thrived at their academy - named and presented with a front of being an elite boarding school. Instead, however, young girls are sent here to hone their craft and to seek out refuge from the outside world so that their magic might not be found out by the outside world. there are threats however without the brand posed by those who are left without knowledge of true witchcraft. Hunters who are hell bent on killing them all and the witches in the Ninth Ward once the truce between them is no longer respected. Witches must always stick together, especially in times of peril. Because when witches don’t fight - they burn.
R U L E S -
BASED ON AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN this is an all witch group verse and  ALL WITCHES MUST BE FEMALE although there will be a limited amount of male muses accepted - staff, hunters, etc rule!63 characters might be accepted ALL fandoms are accepted, including OC’s as long as bio is intelligible 18+ required considering the content of both the verse inspiration and the verse content anything can happen, really idc, don’t even need to run it by me please no force shipping ok? ok duplicate face claims are to be discussed between BOTH muns - unless you have a face claim held by a cast member of AHS given the anthology nature of the show you can put how many muses as you want into this verse  as long as you post a bio and make a post at least once or twice a month ( i feel you guys ) so this is definitely NOT a time restrained verse no ooc drama pls & thx ALL APPS should be submitted to ME HERE upon acceptance pls post a bio in the tag gv; miss robichaux’s academy EACH WITCH MUST HAVE A POWER THAT THEY FIRST EXPRESSED AND THAT WILL BE THEIR MAIN POWER reference guide here. ( although some witches always begin to express talent for more than one as time goes on ) witches can have duplicate powers. AS FOR THE CASE OF THE SUPREME - Cordelia remains the Supreme but don’t let that stop anyone from usurping her power or vying for the role of the next Supreme ayyy
A P P -
mun name / age: muse name / age: face claim: main power: **reminder that witches must ALL BE FEMALE. male muses are limited and will only be staff and/or hunters**
M A S T E R L I S T -
cordelia goode - sarah paulson - @ofimaginarybeings - bio - SUPREME rebekah mikaelson - claire holt - @everflaming - bio vanessa ives - eva green - @beforethescorpion - bio lucrezia borgia - holliday grainger - @tothedevilsshow - bio layla bryne - eleanor tomlinson - @tothedevilsshow - bio davina claire - danielle campbell - @horrcrshow - bio fiona goode - jessica lange - @enchanted-horror - bio sydney lewis - elisha cuthbert - @nottobecrossed - bio sansa stark - sophie turner - @wolfqueennamedstark - bio evie grimhilde - sofia carson - @inherited-vanity - bio taylor borelli - vanessa hudgens - @roaming-agent - bio madeline valois - sarah bolger - @ourredxmption - bio
o t h e r -
bellamy blake - bob morley - @amongthcwreck - bio - hunter
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