cozieewarm · 1 month
FtM/FtN preg k!nk but with the pregnant person showing off their masculine traits!!! Preg k!nk with femme people is all great and wonderful, but variety is the spice of life! When was the last time you saw a post with something like a hairy pregnant trans man or a tall and muscular pregnant enby or anything like that? You can’t remember? THATS WHY WE NEED MORE GIMME I WILL DRINK IT UP
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cozieewarm · 1 month
Why do I have to have sex to even have a chance at being pregnant? Fucking another person? Nah. Waking up one morning randomly extremely pregnant with multiples kicking up a storm making themselves extremely obvious and not knowing the cause and it’s not cause of another person? Yeah I’d like an order of that please
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cozieewarm · 1 month
So unfair that you can’t just be a surrogate for multiple families in one pregnancy. Oh someone wants to have me make a baby for them? Well just stuff in some baby batter the old fashioned way and it’ll add another baby to the bunch! Oh, I can’t just carry multiple babies of different ages all at once? Too bad! Reality sucks, toss me in a fantasy world where this is possible and socially acceptable. Needing a giant heavily pregnant dad belly right now, it’s not too much to ask for!!! Just gimme!!!
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cozieewarm · 1 month
Most nights when falling asleep I find myself gently rubbing my belly, pretending I’m actually pregnant. Sometimes I feel my heart swell as I pretend to feel a little one growing inside me. I get cuddly and snuggly, buried deep in my blankets like a nesting animal soon before it gives birth. Usually it ends with a pang of sadness, knowing that it’s all just pretend and I’m not actually a daddy carrying his baby. But then I do it the next night, as if that fantasy gives me some relief.
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cozieewarm · 4 days
Okay this is coming out of nowhere but,,,
Unb1rth is kinda hot. Sometimes. Not so much when it’s a little guy being used like a toy by a lady. But when it’s something like an alien/monster/slime deciding it would be nice to incubate in you for a while? That’s just lovely. Just imagine being out somewhere getting fucked by a slime and you’re super into it and it fills your vagina up entirely with itself near the end. Like a massive dick. It’s huge and you love it. But then you feel it at the end of your canal, and within a mere second the slime has forced it way through your cervix filling your womb up with itself. I would love that so much. Even better if it grows on its own so you can’t hide that you went from normal one day to looking heavily pregnant the next. And you all probably know me by now; add in tons of movement. It moves in ways babies can’t and learns from your reactions. It learns what motions you like and leans into that. Sometimes it could pop part of itself out of your womb and fuck you from the inside. So if you start feeling horny it could start stimulating you from the inside.
Yeah. That’d be nice.
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cozieewarm · 5 days
Oooof, made myself a fake pregnant bump to fall asleep while wearing. Nothing big, pretty small actually. But wow, the way it bulges out so much from my body and just knowing that that isn’t even the biggest possible belly I could actually get in reality from pregnancy? WOW. And it made me think about the weight. It’s pretty light, so I hope if I ever get knocked up that my belly weighs an obscene amount. I wanna struggle with it. I wander to have to wear belly bands to support it. I want to feel my belly get weighed down by gravity. And when I’m on all fours, I want it to touch what ever i’m crouching in (bed, floor, etc). I want the sides to bulge out too, so I’m unmistakably pregnant even from the back. Huge and heavy. And when the babies drop, i want all of that weight to all press down on my cervix. I want to have to feel that daily. Mixed with heavily active babies and now that’s a mix I CRAVE. Fuccckkkk yeahhhh.
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cozieewarm · 14 days
Needing a swollen belly like yesterday. It’s so unfair that this papa’s womb is going unused. It’s just waiting there, empty and aching for something to fill it up. I need something deep in there to scratch that itch. Something that makes my womb stretch to its absolute limits. Something that weighs heavy on the bottom of said womb, pressing hard against my aching cervix. I want to have to waddle. I want to feel fuller than I’ve ever been. I want the skin of my belly to ripple like the rough sea because my babies just won’t relax, making it appear like I’m full of alien babies. Come on, I’ve been good and I think I deserve a little something in return, yeah? It’s only fair!
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cozieewarm · 18 days
Ok I have a slight (big) issue with like birth kink stuff. I for one love the concept of sexual birth. Someone actually enjoying what is normally a traumatic experience is great!! Something about that is lovely. So understand I’m into it a bit! But what I’m not into? How the content we see (videos/gifs/photos of birth) for birth kink is pretty much non consensually uploaded and used for it. How many of these women (and other genders, but it mostly centers around women) agreed to let their birth footage be uploaded to satisfy the birth kink of others? Most of them don’t even know. Although I like birth kink it’s a nagging feeling in my head. If I had given birth and a video of it was uploaded between birth fetishists and I didn’t approve of it, it would feel like the biggest invasion of my privacy EVER. How much more invasive could you get? Looking around people have Google drives of videos of births that aren’t findable elsewhere and it’s like uh…there’s a reason they’re not up anymore. I know that if we only consumed birth fetish media that was approved by the birthing person to be used for such it would lead to a huge drop in the media we could use. But wouldn’t it be so much hotter too? Knowing that the person who was in the video was like yeah, let’s share that with this fetish community I like that idea. That they’re into it too? That we’re not invading the privacy of those who didn’t want that? That they’re inviting us to enjoy that media? Sorry for the ramble but it’s something I’ve thought about that I want to talk about here.
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cozieewarm · 1 month
I wonder,,,I would like to make a DIY fake pregnant belly. I’ve wanted a fake belly for a while now, but high quality ones are expensive. Not very incognito either. Someone could dig in my stuff and find it and they would know what it was immediately. So I’d like to make one. That isn’t realistic. Preferably with a decent amount of weight. Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone else made their own?
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cozieewarm · 6 days
You know,,,coming up with unique posts for this blog is already challenging. Oh I wanna be knocked up oh I wanna be big and pregnant oh I wanna
So if you wonder why I’m a bit inactive that’s why
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