#enansal the hart
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Ssynec (m) - purebred mabari - Neira - very curious and open, gets restless fast when he's not stimulated enough so they work with him on the field and with the recruits a lot
Barkparwn (f) - purebred mabari - Kalagna - not as grumpy as she looks but will bite random strangers who try to touch her. Ali is her favourite
Mutton (m) - purebred mabari - Noya & Var'renan - lively and smart but needs so much attention and makes sure he gets it (especially from 'Renan)
Skippy (m) - mabari mix - Liam - gentle giant, a lil lazy sometimes but not when it comes to watch duty. Stays with Varric when Liam stays in the Fade
Gamma (f) - mabari mix - Lilian - as fierce as she looks, except if she likes you. Stays with Merrill once she gets older and can't join Lilian and Bela on adventures anymore
Bitch, Void, and Himbo - moggy cats - Adriel/Liam/ - gaggle of cats that Addie "accidentally" brought home and now they won't leave. Were named for their tempers as stand-ins but then the names stuck
Venom (f) - sharptail dracolisk - June - First time June saw a dracolisk and it was love at first sight. Actually very sweet if you know her favourite spots for scritches
Poison (m) - dracolisk (half sharptail half idk yet) - June - Venom's baby, June's pride and joy
Marshal (f) - (mixed?) mabari - June (/Cullen) - no thoughts, head empty. Still hasn't learned not to barrel people over as a greeting. Officially belongs to Cullen but they both take care of her.
Has a big litter of pups who don't have set designs or anything yet, but they all have names like 'Admiral' and 'Captain' (guess who named them lol)
Athlok (f) - fereldan forder - Ari - sturdy and trusty steed that Ari has gotten very attached to. One of the few mounts in Skyhold who are willing and able to carry a big ass Qunari reliably over long times
General Ironbeak (m) - messenger raven - one of Leli's ravens who latched on to Ari, fierce but reliable
Enansal (m) - hart - Taren - not tamed, but very loyal to Taren. has been his companion for a long time
non-conclusive list of my guys' pets n companions! couldn't be bothered to make new art lol but here's all of them together ~
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elveny · 5 years
Fact: Tucdela becomes attached to a big Ferelden warmblood in Haven's stables that she affectionately names Spook. During the attack on Haven, Cullen and several others bust the locks on the burning stables to get the horses out and Cullen impulsively takes care to get Spook back to Tucdela after the whole Haven ordeal!
Aww, this is so cute! ♥ And of course he would do that!
[Tell me something about your OC and I’ll tell you something about mine.]
When Lyssa received the hart from her clan as a gift, there was no question in her that this would be her only mount. She calls her “Ena”, short for “enansal”, gift. It was difficult at first to make it comfortable in the stables, and Dennet didn’t quite know what to make of it - and so Lyssa spent a lot of time speaking in elvhen to the animal until it had settled down. She also taught Dennet a few words to ease it.
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OC Questionnaire
I was tagged by @spikelikegwah to do this so... I’m putting this all at after Corypheus’ defeat, one year after the start of Inquisition.
I tag... @persorene @rubixa-seraph and I don’t really talk to many people on here so if you see this, then oops you’re tagged get to it.
Name: Enansal Vahl
Alias(es): Lavellan, Vellan, Vel (Valovra), Amatus (Dorian), da’len (Seros), Herald, Inquisitor, Charmer (Varric).
Gender: Male
Age: 19-20
Place of birth: Free Marches, exact place unknown. Somewhere more south-west.
Spoken languages: Being, previously, a traveling performer, Enansal is multilingual. Elvish, Common, Orlesian, Tevene and limited amounts of Rivani and Antivan. He’s constantly learning more and will notice if you’re talking shit about him in any language.
Sexual orientation: Demisexual.
Occupation: Inquisitor, co-founder of Horizon (Merc group).
Eye color: Molten gold.
Hair color: Deep red.
Height: 5′6″
Scars: One from the front left of his left thigh around the back to the middle of his back, still prominent. Many faded ones on his back and arms. Plenty of faded ones scattered around his body.
Overweight: No
Underweight: Quite a bit
Color: Green
Hair color: Black, but only by a little.
Eye color: Not particularly concerned.
Entertainment: Performance and reading.
Pastime: Singing to himself and dancing whenever nobody is around. He hides his talent for it, so when people are around, he sees how many details he can notice in one particular place.
Drink: Tea, he prefers black tea with sugar but will take most types.
Books: He prefers books in different languages, he began to teach himself as a child by looking for trends within pages. He still does it when he has the time, though it’s no longer the way he usually learns, despite it being his favorite. Other than that, it would be books in ancient elvish, he loves finding out more about his race’s past.
Passed Harrowing: Nah, he skipped it on account of being an apostate.
Had sex: Not until the Inquisition.
Had sex in public: Dude, you know they did
Gotten pregnant:
Kissed a man: One particular man.
Kissed a woman: Nah.
Gotten tattoos: Nope.
Gotten piercings: Nada, almost did though.
Had a broken heart: Not really. (Dorian hasn’t left him behind to go to Tevinter yet)
Been in love: Only once.
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: He knows no other way to do it.
A virgin: Not anymore!
A cuddler: God yes.
A kisser: He enjoys kissing, but worries he’s not good at it. (He’s alright)
A smoker: Nope, not even once.
Scared easily: Depends on the circumstance.
Jealous easily: Biggest yes ever, though he’s particularly subtle about it.
Trustworthy: Are you his friend? Then yes. Are you anything less than that? Then no, he’ll drop you as he pleases.
Dominant: On occasions, though he tends to top from the bottom.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Submissive: Yessssss, you know it!
Single: He’s been single his entire life, why wouldn’t- oh hello there, he’s not single anymore.
Have they harmed themselves: Yes, countless times as a child.
Thought of suicide: All the time.
Attempted suicide: Twice, he was stopped both times and hasn’t attempted since.
Wanted to kill someone: All the time, dude wants to strangle the first person to get on his nerve. He doesn’t actually do it most of the time.
Actually killed someone: Didn’t have a choice the first few hundred times, and now he kills willingly.
Ridden a horse: Yes, he’s pretty good with animals, so the horse helps him on, despite his height. (Though he usually rides a hart)
Have/had a job: Used to be a bard/performer before he made his merc group, then became Inquisitor.
Have any fears: Spiders, all spiders, the creepy crawly death demons. His biggest fear is abandonment, but beyond that, he’s so desensitized to most things, that he doesn’t fear much.
Sibling(s): His older brother, Seros Vahl.
Parents: He never knew them.
Children: None quite yet.
Pets: A pack of somewhat tamed wolves that he gained the loyalty of as a kid, Ripper, Muffin, Sunshine, and Cupcake. He’s really good with animals. Then there’s his trusted hart, Mouse, a mabari, Apawstate, that imprinted on him (though sadly passed), a crow hung around him for about a month sometime before Inquisition, he called it Raven just because, and finally a Great Bear, of all things, that he named Savunin. He’s now got his eye on a wyvern.
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