#enamored with these answers
aftrskool · 11 months
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half-bakedboy · 3 months
omg i would love buck drunkenly calling tommy and going on a rant about how much he likes him and etc
LIKE I NEED IT. I have a fic in my marked for later about it since I'm almost positive I'm gonna have to write it myself too 🤣
Just picture the drunk Buck that was at Hen's house last season, except happy and in love 🥰
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twinleafsystem · 13 days
You’ve been given total artistic freedom to create a new Muppet version of ISAT
One character will remain as they are, the rest are Muppets.
Who do you choose to stay the same and why?
Bonus points; who would make the best Muppet?
whilst i am completely and utter obsessed with this ask, like beyond belief, i am ever so sorry. literally out of all my friends i am the one guy who knows Nothing about the muppets. i cannot in good faith try to answer this question.... But i open the floor up to the general public...!! someone more knowledgeable... please. for me. answer this anon...!!!
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
Not a submission, but after the last 'Greggs Fashion' post I saw this tweet and thought you might be entertained:
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lynzishell · 3 months
How it started vs How it's going challenge: Pick an arc in your story, and pick the best screenshots of the start to present. Pass it on!
Ooh this is fun! I was actually going to pick a different arc and post this last week... but then I changed my mind 😅
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verseleth · 20 days
Your Ardyn shots bring me so much joy, thank you for your work and adding to the love for him. 🖤
You are most kindly! ☺️
It is my personal joy to partake in adding more love for this precious beauty of a man, and I am contented to know my shots of him elicit much joy to you just as your lovely drawings and depictions of him do to me. Thank you for allowing me to know through such gracious words!~ 🫶
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toasteaa · 9 days
Two asks involving Eclair in a dress. What have you all done. I'm going back down my art nouveau, edwardian evening dress rabbit hole and will never be found again
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Can I.. draw fanart of your dib and zim????
YES YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN!!! I'd be so flattered!
Please send it to me of you post it!
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Kiru is so cool bruh whenever I see her my eye twitches like the western fit you just dropped oh my god literally her character design is so so so so appealing to me personally I am a forever fan fr
WAHHH THANK YOU!!! im really glad you like her TT_TT im very proud of her design so it always makes me very happy to hear that ^__^
im hanging out with some friends right now so i can't draw you a little doodle like i usually do with asks. but rest assured when i get the chance I absolutely will
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muzzleroars · 10 months
i was thinking about that one ask of what if fallen gabe accidentally killed v1 in treachery i am once again not normal about your work. the idea of Gabriel just trying to rebuild v1 just haunted my thoughts to the point where i drew it on the notes app lmao
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(see this!)
WAUUUGHHHH GOING INSANE ONCE AGAIN.....gabriel has channeled all of his devotion and intensity into his feelings of grief, he needs to have something tangible that tells him why he did all of this because he can no longer see heaven. and v1 found him to raise him from the dead, to offer him an identity all his own, it brought him something religious yet transcended his unquestioning faith...and all of that was taken from him. in that his hell-shaped grief doesn't find its way to god, instead latching onto v1 and everything it came to represent, the singular entity that could replace god in his mind. as he once labored for the holy spirit, he now labors unendingly to revive his new idol, tearing through steel carcasses to find anything he can bend and form and warp until he painstakingly stitches it back on to v1's mangled form. so often the pieces refuse to fit and he must be so careful with its body, far more delicate in death than it was in life, but there are so many machines. every now and then a part comes that fits just right after he lovingly shapes it until his hands are aching yet numb. and another little bit of v1 comes back to life, he knows it's calling out to him to finish it and flood it with animation, with new being from his hell energy. but they both need patience, and gabriel will only revive it when it looks exactly as he remembers it.
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burning-academia-if · 8 months
oh god oblivious MC catching feelings for the voice is so funny 😭 would they wait till the end until MC realizes or would they start dropping hints/straight up bring that up if the wait is getting ridiculously long at this point? they have an advantage of knowing how MC is feeling better than MC themself here at least, so I'm guessing they won't have to guess if MC is just not into them lmao
I think it goes from being funny to them being almost impressed at how bad MC is at identifying their own feelings 😂 ??? has time to kill but if it actually takes eons they'll finally start dropping hints.
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veryinnovative · 1 month
got “you’re a banana” when I put the arabic in google translate. idk if im hoping for it to mean you’re a dick or I like regulus to have some creative insults
WAIT HELP ME WHAT DID U TRY AND TRANSLATE IM IN TEARS. DO YOU MEAN ANTA MUZ3JI ??? it's like.. 'how annoying' / 'you are annoying'
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hawkeyeslaughter · 2 months
I thought that I��d jump on the edit asks and submit “all the pretty girls” by kaleo as a piercintyre edit. i think it’s a good sorta pining soulmates sorta vibe. i don’t wanna drop the whole lyrics in your asks unprompted but the ~vibes~
Or candy’s room by springsteen bc hungry heart was iconic and I love the boss and trapper
100/10 no notes love your edits
i haven’t listened to that song but i will listen to it ASAP and get on it lemme write it down ✍️✍️✍️ i already got a piercentyre edit in the works per requests yesterday but that will be in the works too for SURE
AND YESYEYS S I LOVE THE BOSS ANY EXCUSE TO EDIT WITH HIM IS 🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 AND HE AND TRAPPER JUST GO SO WELL TOGETHER . i was gonna do tenth avenue freeze out but i didn’t even think of candys room your MIND i might have to change plans
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captain-hen · 3 months
re: the previous anon and oliver saying buck has to work for his next romantic interest, isn't it quite likely he was referencing having to be the one to go back to tommy and convince him to go out with him again after he bombed the first date? it feels like a lot of the things they say in interviews that sound like it should be a big noticeable thing end up being quite small, blink and you miss it
it COULD very well be what oliver was referring to, but i don't really see that as buck working for it...because he did not do any self-reflection the entire episode about the failed date (aside from eddie's role in it) and whether he should give it a shot or not. eddie had to literally ask him if he thought he was ready or not and then tell him to go for it. would buck have even made that phone call had eddie not told him to? i doubt it. and given that tommy pretty much agreed in the blink of an eye to not only continue to date but also to go to a wedding with buck for...whatever reason...yeah i wouldn't really see this as an example of buck 'working' for anything lol
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bradshawsbitch · 1 year
is grumpy chef coming back bb?
hi babe!
actually, I don't really know? I just read through my google docs containting the story in its entirety, and I was overwhelmed with love for what I had written and created for my babies.
I do remember at a certain point I had thoughts for another set of chapters, with some more turns and happenings for Bambi and Grumpy Chef, but honestly - I'm not entirely sure it's going to be good? And in the last chapter that I have published, I ended with:
'"Your sweet Rooster." he confirms.'
Which in and of itself could be an ending I guess. I haven't had motivation to write for these two for a little while, and whilst it is really nice getting messages asking when he'll be back, I haven't really gotten any messages lately that would spark my inspiration either, if you get what I'm saying? Like not at all being accusing, or shifting blame or anything, it's just that inspiration ran out, and nothing has triggered it again for me in a while.
in conclusion; I don't know if grumpy chef will be back or not. I don't know if maybe their story ended where it's at?
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hualian · 7 months
Loved this week's episode detail with Hua Cheng happily staring at & flexing his hand after Xie Lian "wrote" on it! Thanks for doing a gif-set of it so quickly. It really gave me flashbacks to the mr. Darcy hand-flex from the 2005 Pride & Prejudice film.
The TGCF donghua animators are really feeding us with these smol but impactful details, I'm so 😭💖 honestly I've really been loving the additions to the donghua, the visuals really bring the story to life and it's amazing to see!!!
And thank you! I live for giffing tgcf donghua every week :") also BIG yes to the pride and prejudice parallel, I was wondering why that felt so familiar!
Each episode just gets better and better, and seeing Hualian's relationship grow every week is just *chef's kiss* 😭
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