#enamariot: 002.
larjeans-blog · 6 years
“Can I kiss you or not?“
@enamoriot +  SENTENCE STARTERS. 
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          “  peter.  ”         she gives him a light nudge with her shoulder ;      trying her very best to focus on what they came here to do.      homework.       but he’s distracting them both.      (   and he’s good at it, too.   )   it starts with his arm over the back of her chair,       a kiss to her cheek ,     her  neck     (  which he knows is her weak spot.  )     and a few words in her ear to make her cave.     almost.       “   there are  people  around !  ”         she whispers harshly ,    looking around as she does.         well,   not   quite   –––    but that’s what they thought in the  hot   tub ,  too.          (   god,  how long will that video haunt her like this ?  )       she sighs,    finally shifting to look at him.      “    okay,   how about a deal ?     ”     she starts,     dragging her thumb over his cheek sweetly.   “   we study for 45 more minutes –––without you distracting us–– and i’ll let you kiss me in your car  .   ”
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