neververy4 · 1 year
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It’s official
I have written my first x86 assembly program, complied it directly onto a floppy, and ran it on original hardware!
Alas, I used EMU8086 to write and compile the code 😔 so I’m almost there, but not quite. But I’m more than close enough to be happy (:
All this program does is print text to the DOS screen. But, that’s all I wanted it to do :) Just a test
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original url http://www.geocities.com/emu8086/ last modified 2007-10-03 01:40:19
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c-cracks · 2 years
A Look Into Assembly Programming
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I don't really get much opportunity to do too much extra right now with university and recently starting a full-time job in web development. This weekend, however, I've found the time to begin exploring assembly programming- something that's been on my to-do list for a while now!
There are a couple of reasons I'm doing this. Firstly, I feel it will massively develop my understanding of how software works at a lower level. It wil also make exploring other topics I have an interest in easier such as reverse engineering and malware development.
I've been going along with https://www.udemy.com/share/101Dms3@qpkqJpasC_eySfiGbYJ6eOoGmMK-ZNrsawyohSuDzpmtypBSmHPeUu6_dMYPHkKA/. The course presenter doesn't speak the most fluent of English; however, this doesn't matter massively as the course is more hands-on and practical. :)
The course focuses on assembly language for Intel 8086 microprocessors, the first processors to feature x86. As is the case in the course, I am using emu8086, a microprocessor emulator.
Although very basic, I've included the code to a simple program that simply assigns the value of a constant to a variable and then swaps the values of two variables.
Some important points:
For handling values 8 bits in size, we can use the lower part of a register (denoted by an appended 'l') or the higher part (a 'h'.) Each register is 16 bits in size. For example, I use the lower part of the ax register when referencing 'al' and the higher part when referencing 'ah'.
We can define variables as bytes (using db during variable initialization) or words (using dw.) The value following this is the initial value of the variable. A question mark means the variable doesn't have a value yet.
To define the data type of the value during variable initialization, we append a character to the end of the value. For instance, we would append 'h' to a hexadecimal value or 'b' to a binary value. Ignore the 'd' up there as it was unneeded!
But yeah, that's it really. xD Nothing too exciting but I'm finding it interesting so. ^_^
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shopifythemer · 4 years
How to Download & Install emu8086 Microprocessor Emulator on Windows 10/8/7 and write hello world program =============================== Start Blogging today! Fast & Reliable Hosting for Wordpress & Drupal https://bit.ly/cms-web-hosting Find Easy to Rank Keywords http://bit.ly/easy-keywords My Favorite SEO & SMO tool http://bit.ly/fav-seo-tool Launching Soon - https://nichehow.com Have any question? Reach me at [email protected] These are my favorite tools that I use to find easy to rank keywords, spy my competitors, and host my affiliate websites for speedy page load. These are my affiliate links with extra cost to you, however I get commission when you subscribe to them. Thanks..:) ================================
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shopifythemer · 4 years
How to Download & Install emu8086 Microprocessor Emulator on Windows 10/8/7 and write hello world program =============================== Start Blogging today! Fast & Reliable Hosting for Wordpress & Drupal https://bit.ly/cms-web-hosting Find Easy to Rank Keywords http://bit.ly/easy-keywords My Favorite SEO & SMO tool http://bit.ly/fav-seo-tool Launching Soon - https://nichehow.com Have any question? Reach me at [email protected] These are my favorite tools that I use to find easy to rank keywords, spy my competitors, and host my affiliate websites for speedy page load. These are my affiliate links with extra cost to you, however I get commission when you subscribe to them. Thanks..:) ================================ by TubeMint
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sistemasconmelissa · 6 years
Macros en Emu8086
Programa que coloca un carácter en la posición dada de acuerdo a parámetros ingresados por teclado
TITLE Cadena que solicita una cadena y una posicion para mostrarla gotoxy macro fila,col ;declaracion de macro gotoxy parametros:fila,col mov ah,02h   ;complemento interrupcion 10h modo video colocacion cursor mov dh,fila  ;coordenada x para colocacion de cursor dh mov dl,col   ;coordenada y para colocacion de cursor dl mov bh,0h   int 10h      ;interrupcion de video endm   ;fin de macro pantalla macro que  ;declaracion de macro pantalla parametro que mov ah,02h       ;complemento interrupcion 21h mov dl,que   ;que es el caracter capturado int 21h      ;interrupcion DOS endm  ;fin de macro imprime macro eztryng  ;declaracion de macro con parametro eztryng mov dx,offset eztryng  ;coloca mensajes en dx mov ah,9               ;complemento para la interrupcion 21h para impresion de txto int 21h                ;interrupcion DOS endm                   ;fin de macro .data    ;variables mensaje DB "INGRESE UN CARACTER: ","$" mensaje2 DB "INGRESE X del 0 al 9: ","$" mensaje3 DB "INGRESE Y del 0 al 9: ","$" caracter DB 40 varx DB ? vary DB ? vtext db 100 dup('$') .code startup: mov ax,@data  ;asignacion de datos ax mov ds,ax     ;asignacion de datos al segmento de datos imprime mensaje ;llama macro imprime con el parametro 'mensaje' mov si,00h      ;limpia el apuntador SI leer:          ;declaracion de metodo leer   mov ax,0000    ;limpia ax mov ah,01h     ;complemento para interrupcion 21h captura int 21h        ;interrupcion DOS mov caracter[si],al ;guarda el dato capturado en variable caracter inc si         ;incrementa apuntador si cmp al,0dh     ;compara si la ultima tecla presionada fue Intro ja coordenadas ;si cumple brinca a coordenadas jb leer        ;sino cumple vuelve a ejecutar leer coordenadas:    ;declaracion de metodo coordenadas mov dx,offset caracter ;coloca en dx el caracter ingresado mov ah,0ah             ;complemento de interrupcion 21h lee cadena de texto por teclado int 21h                ;interrupcion DOS imprime caracter       ;llama macro imprime con parametro caracter mov ax,0003h           ;complemento interrupcion 10h modo texto int 10h imprime mensaje2       ;llama macro imprime con parametro mensaje2 mov ah,01h             ;complemento de interrupcion 21h Eco de un caracter int 21h                ;interrupcion DOS sub al,30h             ;resta 30h para convertir al valor numerico mov bl,al              ;mueve al a bl mov varx,al            ;guarda al en varx (coordenada x) mov ax,0003h           ;complemento interrupcion 10h modo texto int 10h imprime mensaje3       ;//////////////se repite///////// mov ah,01h int 21h sub al,30h mov bl,al mov vary,al            ;//////////////////////// mov ax,0003h           ;complemento interrupcion 10h modo texto int 10h                ;interupccion de video gotoxy vary,varx       ;llama macro gotxy con los parametros vary y varx como columna y fila pantalla caracter[0]   ;llama macro pantalla con el caracter capturado como parametro mov ah,01h             ;complemento de interrupcion 21h Eco de un caracter int 21h                ;interrupcion DOS mov ax,4c00h           ;complemento interrupcion 21h fin de probrama int 21h                ;interrupcion DOS end startup            ;fin de funcion principal
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getint0pc-blog · 7 years
Emu8086 Microprocessor Emulator Free Download
Emu8086 Microprocessor Emulator Free Download Latest Version setup for windows. It is designed for beginners to learn and practice assembly language easily. Get Into PC, getintopc, getintopc safe, getintopc review (more…)
View On WordPress
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tech-yantram-blog · 8 years
8086 Data Transfer Operation on emu8086
Here i am releasing some video lecture on data transfer operation on emu8086 emulator. It will help beginners for get understanding of how does real 8086 works and help to understand how does Data Transfer operation work. Find video lectures here.
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shopifythemer · 4 years
How to write hello world program in emu8086. How to display string in emu8086 emulator =============================== Start Blogging today! Fast & Reliable Hosting for Wordpress & Drupal https://bit.ly/cms-web-hosting Find Easy to Rank Keywords http://bit.ly/easy-keywords My Favorite SEO & SMO tool http://bit.ly/fav-seo-tool Launching Soon - https://nichehow.com Have any question? Reach me at [email protected] These are my favorite tools that I use to find easy to rank keywords, spy my competitors, and host my affiliate websites for speedy page load. These are my affiliate links with extra cost to you, however I get commission when you subscribe to them. Thanks..:) ================================
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shopifythemer · 4 years
How to write hello world program in emu8086. How to display string in emu8086 emulator =============================== Start Blogging today! Fast & Reliable Hosting for Wordpress & Drupal https://bit.ly/cms-web-hosting Find Easy to Rank Keywords http://bit.ly/easy-keywords My Favorite SEO & SMO tool http://bit.ly/fav-seo-tool Launching Soon - https://nichehow.com Have any question? Reach me at [email protected] These are my favorite tools that I use to find easy to rank keywords, spy my competitors, and host my affiliate websites for speedy page load. These are my affiliate links with extra cost to you, however I get commission when you subscribe to them. Thanks..:) ================================ by TubeMint
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