#employment lawyers in dubai
elplegal · 1 year
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Employment Lawyers In Dubai
Looking for the best employment lawyers in Dubai? Find out what factors you should consider before making your decision in this comprehensive guide.
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adglegal · 1 year
#1 Employment Lawyers in Dubai, UAE
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If you are searching for Employment and Labour Lawyer in Dubai ? ADG legal is here to help.
With more than a decade of experince in handling Labour cases in Dubai, ADG Legal is one of the professional and cost-effective law firms in UAE, especially for the employment departments.
ADG Legal have the expert employment lawyers team will assist you for any employment queries like termination of the employment, terms comes under the UAE Labour Law etc. Our lawyers have good international practice and multilangual skills to assist you for any labor issues / queries.
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nourattorneys · 2 years
Wills for Non-Muslim Foreigners in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates follows Sharia Law regarding personal status and inheritance. Property is the one of the important parts in wills property lawyers in Dubai will help you to understand that. By the law, the courts of the UAE abide by the provisions of Sharia when there is no will. For example, if a person dies and leaves no will, the UAE courts will distribute their assets and appoint guardians according to Sharia principles. However, according to Sharia principles, sometimes distribution unexpectedly affects non-Muslim foreigners.
Section (4) of the regulations of the UAE Personal Status Law, articles (240) to (272), and the most significant provisions thereof state that the will shall be enforceable within the limits of one-third of the testator's assets after the execution of the rights over it, and will be worth more than the third within the limits of the heirs who accepted it.
In addition, the legislator stated in Article (1/2) of the UAE Personal Status Law No. 28/2005 that:
The provisions of this Law apply to UAE nationals unless non-Muslims have particular rules relating to their religion and sect. Furthermore, such provisions will apply to non-nationals unless they insist on following its laws.
It is legally agreed that there will be no will for the heir unless approved by the heirs of legal age. Therefore, lawyers in dubai will advise to court the endowed funds are transferred to the legatee after the testator's death, unless the testator specifies other conditions, for example (to be transferred to the legatee at a later date after the testator's death).
In addition, according to the provisions of article (272) on the mandatory will of someone who dies, or is presumed dead by a court ruling, and has a son or daughter who died before or with the testator; the grandchildren will have the right to testament for the third part of the inheritance within the limits and conditions of this.
The need for non-Muslim foreigners to write their wills:
As previously stated, the foundation is the application of the requirements of the UAE Personal Status Law to all UAE nationals and foreign residents. However, suppose foreigners follow the application of their law. In that case, this law should be applied in this situation, provided that a legally authenticated copy of it is supplied, even if its provisions are not by Islamic Sharia, and provided that the parties to the dispute are non-nationals and non-Muslims.
Concerning the applicability of foreign law in the United Arab Emirates regarding the will, if it included or contained property owned by a testator within the United Arab Emirates, the legislator of the United Arab Emirates made an absolute prohibition in this regard and decided that the applicable law in such a case shall be UAE law only. Based on the above, distribution according to Sharia principles sometimes has surprising and unexpected effects on non-Muslim foreigners. Looking for law firms in dubai? The legal firms in Dubai can help with most of the legal services. Talk to the property lawyers in dubai now.
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tomskurian001 · 2 years
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hasib51ahmed · 2 years
Best Law Firms in Dubai | Lawyers in Dubai
Hikmat Fayad is one of the Best Law Firm in Dubai uae with high-quality experts. The Best lawyers in dubai We're specialized in attorneys in dubai in Dubai and Legal Consultants in Dubai with great affordable prices. Contact Us!
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johnypage95 · 5 days
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Navigating Employment Disputes in Dubai: Insights from Labour Lawyers
Employment disputes are an inevitable aspect of the corporate landscape in any jurisdiction, and Dubai is no exception. As a bustling hub of commerce and industry, Dubai witnesses its fair share of disagreements between employers and employees. In such situations, seeking the guidance of a skilled labour lawyer becomes imperative to navigate the complex legal terrain effectively.
Understanding Employment Disputes in Dubai:
Employment disputes in Dubai can arise due to various reasons, ranging from wrongful termination and contractual breaches to discrimination and non-payment of dues. The UAE Labour Law, which governs employment relationships in Dubai, provides a framework for resolving such disputes. However, navigating this legal framework requires a nuanced understanding of both the law and local customs.
Role of a Labour Lawyer:
Labour lawyers play a crucial role in representing the interests of either party involved in an employment dispute. For employees, a labour lawyer can provide legal advice, assess the merits of their case, and represent them in negotiations or legal proceedings. Similarly, employers can benefit from the expertise of a labour lawyer to ensure compliance with labour laws, draft employment contracts, and defend against employee claims.
Key Considerations in Employment Disputes:
When faced with an employment dispute in Dubai, several key considerations come into play. These include understanding the provisions of the UAE Labour Law, adhering to procedural requirements for dispute resolution, and exploring alternative mechanisms such as mediation or arbitration. Additionally, cultural sensitivities and local business practices may influence the resolution process, underscoring the importance of engaging a labour lawyer well-versed in the local context.
Challenges and Pitfalls:
Despite the clear legal framework governing employment disputes in Dubai, navigating these challenges can be fraught with complexities. Language barriers, cultural differences, and the evolving nature of labour laws pose significant challenges for both employers and employees. Moreover, the lack of awareness about legal rights and obligations can exacerbate disputes, emphasizing the need for proactive legal counsel.
The Way Forward:
In light of the foregoing, proactive measures can mitigate the risks associated with employment disputes in Dubai. Employers should prioritize comprehensive employment contracts, regular compliance audits, and effective dispute resolution mechanisms to minimize the likelihood of conflicts. Likewise, employees should familiarize themselves with their rights under the UAE Labour Law and seek timely legal advice when necessary.
Employment disputes are an inherent aspect of the modern workplace, and Dubai's dynamic business environment is no exception. Navigating these disputes requires a multifaceted approach that combines legal expertise, cultural understanding, and strategic advocacy. By enlisting the services of experienced labour lawyers, both employers and employees can safeguard their interests and ensure fair and equitable resolutions to disputes.
For more details visit our website: Employment disputes in Dubai
Contact: +9715854 44775
Website: https://aldhaheriinternational.com/
Address: 404, 4th Floor,Business Avenue, P. O. Box No:115263,Sheikh Rashid Road,Dubai,UAE
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askthelaw · 2 years
Visit Please: https://askthelaw.ae/iam-or-internet-access-management/
Home: https://askthelaw.ae/ 
Book the Legal Appointment here;
050 188 8453 - [email protected] 
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proconsultantsblog · 2 years
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uaeaheada · 2 years
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We are a full Service Law Firm and we can cater  to all your legal needs in the UAE. visit our Website https://uaeahead.com/
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elplegal · 1 year
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Legal Drafting Lawyer Dubai - Economic Law Partners LLC is a leading law firm in Dubai specializing in legal drafting services. Our team of expert lawyers provides comprehensive legal drafting services, including contracts, agreements, and legal documents. As a trusted legal partner, we ensure our clients receive accurate and effective legal solutions.
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adglegal · 2 years
Employment Lawyers in Dubai, UAE
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Labour Lawyers in Dubai UAE are responsible for a promising work environment for the employee and the employer under the country's Labor Law.
Many employees face issues like wrong / quick termination, salary delays, work hours violations etc. Many of them are afraid to speak out due to family issues or due to illegal labor practices. Employment lawyers in UAE are also preserving the rights of employer and employee by making sure that both parties are working under the terms of labour law of UAE
It is necessary to connect with employment lawyers in Dubai, UAE if you’re under harassment or you have been a victim of abuse in your work space.
ADG Legal is one of the Best Law Firms in Dubai and we do understand that you may be afraid of UAE's litigation process. We guarantee you safety and make sure you are protected and got the right judgement / solutions from the employer.
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nourattorneys · 2 years
Why do you need a Second Citizenship?
Second citizenship is a fundamental right of every citizen in the UAE. It is one of the most important rights a citizen has in the UAE and a basic right all citizens have. A legal advisor in Dubai will advise Second citizenship is a fundamental right because it gives you the right to vote, hold public office, and be involved in government.It also gives you the right to work and study, which are all important rights that citizens have in the UAE.
Second citizenship is also essential because it gives you the right to live in the country without leaving your home country. This implies you can live anywhere in the world, including the United States, Canada, and Australia. This means that you can live as an individual without having to leave your family behind.Second citizenship is also important because it gives you the right to vote and hold public office. This means that you can be a member of parliament or a governor or even a president if you are an Emirati citizen.
lawyers in Dubai say Second citizenship also gives you the right to be involved in government and politics. This means you can be involved in all aspects of life such as politics, education, business, etc.
So if you are an Emirati citizen and want to become an Emirati citizen,
The first thing that you need to do is to obtain a Second Citizenship. This legal document allows you to have a second nationality in your own country. This is especially important if you live in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE has rigorous immigration restrictions, and obtaining second citizenship might be challenging. This is why getting one as soon as possible is important.
So, what exactly does this entail? First, it means you must apply for a Second Citizenship when you arrive in the UAE. Then, you must fill out an application form and submit it to your local government officials. After they get your paperwork and issue your certificate of citizenship, they will issue you with a passport and allow you to travel anywhere in the world without any problems.But what if I don’t have a valid passport? There are other options besides getting another one from the airport or going through immigration officials at the airport. You can also apply for a Second Citizenship once you arrive in the UAE.
Your paperwork and documents will be processed and sent back to your home country after they get everything sorted out with your paperwork. So, if everything goes well, you should be able to get your Second Citizenship without any problems. This is the best way to get a Second Citizenship in the UAE. However, if you want to ensure that everything goes smoothly, you need to contact an immigration lawyer that can assist you with your papers.
These corporate lawyers in Dubai professionals will be able to assist you with any problems or concerns you may have and they will make sure that everything goes smoothly and according to plan. Contact the best legal firms in Dubai to get the best quality legal services in Dubai.
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rehasaleh · 2 days
Labor Lawyers in Dubai: Protectors of Your Rights and Advocates for Your Interests
Workers are the backbone of any economy, and Dubai, as a global commercial hub, is home to a vast number of workers from diverse nationalities. To ensure they receive their full rights and support a fair and safe working environment, the role of labor lawyers in Dubai has emerged as one of the most crucial legal professions.
What are the Roles of Labor Lawyers in Dubai?
Labor lawyers in Dubai provide comprehensive services to protect workers' rights and advocate for their interests. Their primary tasks include:
Providing Legal Consultations: Workers are advised to consult a lawyer specializing in labor law before entering into any employment contracts or facing any issues with employers.
Representing Workers in Disputes: Labor lawyers represent their clients in various labor disputes, whether before the Ministry of Labor or the competent courts.
Drafting Employment Contracts: Labor lawyers assist in reviewing employment contracts to ensure they comply with the law and safeguard the worker's rights.
Following Up on Workers' Entitlements: Labor lawyers claim any outstanding financial dues for workers, such as salaries, overtime pay, and end-of-service benefits.
Defending Workers' Rights in Injury Cases: Labor lawyers help obtain appropriate compensation for workers who sustain injuries on the job.
Filing Discrimination and Harassment Cases: Labor lawyers defend workers' rights against any discriminatory or harassing practices in the workplace.
Read More: Best legal consultant in Dubai
How to Choose a Labor Lawyer in Dubai:
When seeking a labor lawyer in Dubai, consider these tips:
Ensure Lawyer's Expertise: Verify the lawyer's extensive experience in labor law cases, and review their track record in representing workers in similar cases to yours.
Effective Communication: Choose a lawyer with whom you feel comfortable communicating, and who demonstrates interest in your case and understands your needs.
Good Reputation: Seek a lawyer with a strong reputation among workers and their unions.
Legal Fees: Ensure clarity of legal fees before contracting the lawyer, and understand the method of calculation.
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Importance of Having a Labor Lawyer in Dubai:
Ensuring Workers' Rights: Labor lawyers help workers obtain all their rights stipulated in labor law, including fair wages, appropriate working hours, sick leave, annual leave, and many other rights.
Protecting Workers from Exploitation: Labor lawyers defend workers against any exploitative practices by employers, such as non-payment of salaries or forcing them to work overtime without pay.
Creating a Fair and Safe Work Environment: The presence of labor lawyers contributes to creating a fair and safe work environment for all by raising awareness of workers' rights and responsibilities, and encouraging employers to respect the laws and regulations governing the labor market.
Conclusion: Labor lawyers in Dubai are strong allies for workers, assisting them in protecting their rights and interests, and contributing to building a fair and safe work environment that fosters productivity and creativity.
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abudhabilawyers · 8 days
Can lawyers in Dubai represent clients in mediation and arbitration proceedings?
Can Lawyers in Dubai Represent Clients in Mediation and Arbitration Proceedings?
Yes, lawyers in Dubai can represent clients in mediation and arbitration proceedings, providing critical support and expertise in these alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods. Law firms in Dubai offer comprehensive services to assist clients in navigating both mediation and arbitration, which are increasingly preferred for their efficiency and confidentiality compared to traditional litigation.
1. Mediation Services: Mediation is a voluntary process where a neutral third party, the mediator, facilitates discussions between disputing parties to help them reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Lawyers in Dubai play a pivotal role in mediation by advising clients on their rights and obligations, preparing necessary documentation, and ensuring that the agreed terms are legally sound and enforceable. Law firms in Dubai often have specialized mediation teams that can handle various disputes, including commercial, family, and employment issues.
2. Arbitration Services: Arbitration involves a neutral arbitrator or panel of arbitrators who render a binding decision on the dispute. It is a formal process but generally less rigid than court proceedings. Lawyers in Dubai provide extensive arbitration services, representing clients in both domestic and international arbitration cases. They handle everything from drafting arbitration agreements to presenting evidence and arguments during hearings. Law firms in Dubai are well-versed in the rules of major arbitration institutions, such as the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) and the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre.
3. Expertise and Experience: Law firms in Dubai employ lawyers with significant experience in ADR methods. These lawyers possess a deep understanding of local and international laws governing mediation and arbitration. Their expertise ensures that clients receive strategic advice tailored to the specifics of their case, maximizing the chances of a favorable outcome. Many lawyers in Dubai are also accredited mediators and arbitrators, adding to their credentials and ability to effectively manage ADR processes.
4. Benefits of ADR: Choosing mediation or arbitration through law firms in Dubai offers several advantages. These methods are typically faster and more cost-effective than court litigation. They provide a private forum for dispute resolution, which can be particularly beneficial for businesses concerned about reputational risks. Furthermore, the flexible nature of ADR allows parties to select arbitrators or mediators with specific expertise relevant to their dispute.
5. Legal Framework: Dubai has a robust legal framework supporting ADR. The UAE Federal Law and the DIFC Arbitration Law provide clear guidelines on the conduct of arbitration and enforcement of awards. Lawyers in Dubai ensure that all procedures comply with these regulations, safeguarding their clients' interests throughout the process.
Conclusion: Law firms in Dubai are well-equipped to represent clients in mediation and arbitration proceedings, offering expert guidance and strategic representation. Their deep knowledge of ADR processes and the legal framework in Dubai enables them to provide efficient, effective solutions to complex disputes.
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johnypage95 · 2 months
Legal Advice Dubai:-
All Legal Support UAE, Mayed-Almarashda Advocates & Legal Consultants is one of the best law firms in UAE. For all your legal aspects grab opportunities with us, as we are among the Top 10 law firms in Dubai. To know more information, visit: https://mayedadv.ae/en/
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