bloggerkeke · 2 years
How employers can show their employees their work matters?
It is no secret that employees around the world want to feel like their work has meaning and purpose. This is especially true for young adults, who will rarely stick around if they do not feel their skills are being used positively or if their work does not match up with their values. This sense of meaning and purpose has an enormous impact on employee productivity; which is why employers should take steps to ensure employees know that their efforts are appreciated. 
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Let's look at how employers can show their employees that their work matters.
Sharing Stories and Images One way to show your employees that their work matters is by sharing stories and images on the office intranet. For example, seeing it in action can be immensely satisfying if an employee develops a software app that turns a 10-step process into a two-step process. Utilizing an employee engagement tool like HubEngage is a great way to create and share wonderful stories about the team's hard work. This will help your employees see just how much effort went into creating the final product; and thus, why it matters so much to you as an employer.
Recognize Efforts Another important way employers can show their employees that their work matters is by recognizing them for all of the hard work they do day in and day out. Whether this means having formal recognition programs or simply writing letters of appreciation for outstanding performance, recognition goes a long way in showing your team members just how important they are to you as an employer. This acknowledgment is a powerful motivator and will encourage people to stay with your company long-term.
Make People Feel Appreciated Finally, employees simply need to feel appreciated! When tasks are assigned or deadlines given out, be sure to express gratitude for all the hard work your team puts in each day, even if things don't always go according to plan. (Check out the most effective recognition model) Knowing that even small mistakes are taken in stride will make your team feel respected and appreciated—and thus more likely to stick around with your company longer term!  
Conclusion: All in all, employers can show their employees that their work matters by sharing stories and images showcasing its importance; recognizing efforts through formal programs or written letters; and making people feel appreciated when tasks are assigned or deadlines are given out; even if things don’t always go according to plan! By doing these three things, employers can assure young adults (and everyone else!) that working for them means more than just wages; it means building something meaningful together!
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