#emperor geta fluff
stardancerluv · 1 month
What the Emperor Wants
Part 3
Summary: Belonging to Geta
Notes: Tried to make reference to Ancient Roman times with locales, possible hairstyles and practices kept with their slaves.
Domus: Home, Triclinium: A room with three sofa/cushions where they could lounge and eat.
Warning: mention of ownership.
“You will be dressed and groomed accordingly, while here in Rome and elsewhere.”
“What if I don’t wish to be owned by you?”
Your father remarked once before you had been plucked up and brought here that your quick tongue would get you in trouble.
His eyes slid over you, his brow furrowed. “Are you refusing me?“
“No, sire. I was curious.”
He shook his head. “You are feisty.” He shrugged. “If you are too rebellious I’ll have you sent to an island.”
Your heart felt like it stilled, as you immediately glanced over at him. A chuckle poured from his lips once again.
A chill raced down your back.
You immediately knelt. “Sire, thank you for what you are about to bestow on me.” You swallowed. “My curiously got the better of me and took ahold of my tongue.” You glanced up at him. “I hope I will be of a good value.”
“I knew you were smart.” He turned, the fabrics of his toga blurred in the flickering candles. “Now follow me.”
You lingered for a few breathes, looking around one final time at the room that had been your home. Home, a notion you wondered if it even mattered any longer.
As the sun came through the small window you awoke. Blinking you remembered everything from the night before. It had felt like a vision. But as you saw the finery you knew it had all happened.
You stretched, you sat up and glanced around. Not terribly sure what was expected.
Your door opened then. An older woman, came in. You vaguely remembered she was the one who ushered you to this space.
“Time to prepare you to be with our emperor.”
You nodded.
Your heart beat heavily in your chest. You had been bathed, then oiled and your hair was twisted and twined. A fairly new scent clung to you.
In a season or two before, you were certain that it had possibly drifted by your nose once or twice prior while serving the ladies, that gifted the ability to address your sire or his General directly without the fear of punishment. It was very pleasing. The lady grooming you, had said it was came from lilies and violets.
The fabrics now that now hung and were draped on you were so soft, you barely felt them. You touched them absently almost to reassure yourself that you were in fact clothed. You did notice the same broach Geta gave you the night before sat on your shoulder, once again at the apex of the cloth.
A swirl of excitement was about you as them she finally brought you to the tricinium.
Geta, was already lounging and in the middle of eating grapes. He looked at you through hooded eyes. A half smile curled his lips briefly.
“Aelia.” He nodded. “I am very pleased.”
Reaching, he snatched one of the smaller bunches of grapes. You had never seen them so plump.
He held it out. “Here. We won’t need you till I am ready to leave for the senate.”
“As you wish, sire. Thank you.”
It was the first you had heard of her having a name. All you knew her as was Antoninus, since she belonged to Geta and Caracalla. The thought then filled you that Caracalla wasn’t there.
“Are you going to just stand there? Are you not hungry?”
“Sire,” You looked down at floor near him. “I wasn’t sure what you would wish of me.”
“I told you. You can look at me.”
You did as he said, your stomach churned. Looking at him here without the crown or the distractions of others or any of the fights, your realized the curls on top his brow were the same shade of a sunset you had once seen as a child. Very rich and beautiful shade of reds and oranges.
“You may have some of this.”
He nibbled on a few more grapes. You were eager to try one.
“I suggest having a fair amount, you will accompany me to a session of the senate. They do carry on quite a bit and there will nothing that is until dusk.”
“Thank you.”
Grabbing a plate, you chose some fruits especially a few of those plump grapes, fruits and other things, you had always been tempted by but knew had been forbidden for you. It was almost too much. It made you pause as you took the demure posture, you had once see a respected lady take one of the bolsters.
“Your tongue until now is unsophisticated. Though, I will assure you the cook is very good. Nothing should be terribly unpleasant.”
Finally, you took one of the grapes. It was crisp and sweet. Your eyes grew and you couldn’t stop yourself from looking over at him.
His eyebrows were raised. “I do hope I read that as enjoyment.”
“Yes, yes sire. Very much.”
You could just hear as he nibbles over your own as you continue to try more and more of the foods on your plate.
“You are like a child during a festival.”
You stopped and felt warmth fill your cheeks. “I am sorry, sire you wanted a woman.”
“Don’t be silly. It is amusing to see tides of your humors. Too many are in control of theirs.”
“Keep your hands off of me. I wanted these blemishes gone.” Screeched a voice.
You sat up, as the scratchy voice of Carcalla. He was always annoyed unless a touch more of wine was in him. Or he was seeing a particularly bloody fight in the Colosseum.
The door clanged open.
An indiscernible sound came from Caracalla.
You barely caught a glance at the broach that held the fabrics of his toga on him when you looked down.
“Geta, brother. I knew you took her as your own. But does she have to be in the tricinium with us?”
You inhaled. Perhaps Geta, would now realize what he was doing. All of which you still were sure what he had in his thoughts for you.
“Yes. She will. She is mine to do with as I please. Right now, we are eating.”
“I don’t like this.”
“You don’t have to. Her presence at the moment pleases me and that is all that matters.”
@honey-eyed-munson @amethyst-serenade
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belokhvostikova · 2 months
I’m turning Marie Antoinette saying, “You were not what was desired, but you are no less dear to me. A boy would be the son of France (emperor of Rome), but you shall be mine,” into a very much needed wholesome Emperor Geta x Wife!Reader headcanon, when their first baby is a girl! <3
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trulyumai · 2 months
Be My Distraction
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pairing: emperor geta / wife! reader
Synopsis: Bloodshed wasn't in your interest. good thing you had your emperor there to comfort ill feelings.
Warnings: blood, violence, fighting.
You’ve been married for eight months and twenty three days. It was rough in the beginning— to be belittled so easily and forgotten within every moment the two of you spent together. 
But over time, the jokes, the pradling eased. He didn't grab you as much, or as roughly as he once did. The scratches, the bruises faded with time, no more did they grace your cheeks, your arms. 
You learned early on that the man craved violence— sought it out in the coliseums every so often. Blood didn't seem to bother the emperor, in fact, the more that the maroon color graced his presence, the better. 
You, however, could do without. 
It was so hot- so stuffy that day. Humidity clung to your skin like an unwanted sickness. Sweat dabbed at your brow as you tirelessly fanned at your face, sitting just beside Geta himself. The crowd was ever so loud, jovially crying out, impatient for the show to begin. 
The emperor sat, knees spread with an arm bent on the rest attached to the chair. 
“This will be a good one,” Beside him, his brother; Caracalla hummed in agreement, giggling at the aggressive pushes and shoves the citizens gave to one another. 
You couldn't imagine how hot it must be down there, so close to the pit. 
Even up in the stands, you thought you might melt. 
“Wife, did you hear me?” 
Flinching you looked back at Geta, meeting his intense gaze upon your form. 
“I said, are you ready to be entertained?” 
The movement in your hand stopped, it was useless trying to fight such a heat. Not wasting a breath you answered. 
“Of course, husband.” 
Smiling, the man stood and raised his arms to the citizens. Screams erupted, they cried out in response to the man of such power, of such terror. 
With his arms back at his sides; the signal was given. 
The fight could commence. 
Roughly turning back to the box, Geta sat upon the edge of the throne, waiting to see the first death of the match. 
Not wanting to disappoint him, you stood straight, facing the clashing of swords, the crying of men. A particular soldier had ill timing with his slash, missing his foe entirely. It left him open for a second, but that was all the time that was needed. With a quick slash, the man's entrails dangled from his stomach, painting the ground a bright red. 
It was unbearable to see such a display of violence, to see these men's lives end right before your eyes. 
Your palm met with the skin of your lips, afraid of the rising bile you covered your mouth tightly, eyes gazing over with wet desperation. 
A distraction— you needed one and quick. How embarrassing would it be for the wife of the emperor to throw up her morning meal? 
In front of her own citizens? 
Nothing was working, the sounds, the clashing was too loud. The blood littered the field, running freely over the crevices with its own dirtied purpose. 
Your breathing was beginning to be too fast, too quick to catch up with. 
Think, think, think- 
Oh gods. Not now. You couldn't take the poking, the showing of bodies that lay limp and torn. 
Geta noticed the desperation in your eyes, the way you squeezed your mouth shut like a tragedy just struck before the coliseum.
“Wife. Look.” 
“Geta please-” 
A hand reached out, a mirage of colors graced your vision. 
His hand? 
His.. rings? 
“Oh…” you sighed, reaching out with both hands to grip onto the bigger one in front of you. 
“New rings?” you smiled. The bile no longer burned the back of your throat, with ease it bubbled down and the taste of your previous meal left instantly. 
“Indeed. See this one?” His pinky moved lightly, it moved up and down meticulously.
You nodded and the jewelry around your neck sounded out. The man couldn’t help but look upon it, with a smile of his own. 
The golden chain you wore, decorated in the finest stones lay about your image, resting just above your collarbones. He remembered gifting it to you not long ago, just upon the third full moon of this month's harvest. 
Your touch brought him back to the present. To your sweating form.
“This one brings good fortune.”
“Good fortune?” 
“Mmh,” he agreed, once more setting his eyes on the show in front of him. 
Couldn’t show everyone how soft he could be with his betrothed. His reign would lose its footing; a weakness she brought, they would say to him.
“What would you need that for, dear husband, when you have so much already?”
He could see you from the corner of his eye. Saw the way you stroked at his fingers with a light- loving touch. 
Your hands were much softer than his, he had to resist letting out a pleased sigh at such a discovery. 
“There can always be more.” He spoke low, distracted by the onslaught of men that paraded around the ground floor. 
“...I suppose.” The nausea was replaced with a wave of comfort. His heavy hand sat atop your lap, with your smaller fingers dancing across the new set of rings upon the man's digits. 
Geta hummed. With no response, it meant he was starting to get impatient, itchy with anger. 
“Can I hold your hand here, for a while?” 
The emperor didn't say anything for a concerning amount of time. The comfortability was wearing off with every scream and groan that left the pit. Swords clashed on and on. 
Not wanting to upset your husband further, you tried to back up, to take the words out of the air. 
“Im sorry, forgive me-” 
“I suppose.”
Geta’s eyes never strained from the fighting and yours never left his image. But even from the side, you could see a softness that wasn't there before. The way his hand relaxed against yours. Ever so rough upon your oiled and cared for palms. 
That was all that needed to be said. 
You watched on, caressing Geta’s hands every so often in unspoken affection. 
A/N: we love a man that can calm down his wife with barely any effort. something about big scary men being soft with their wife has me in a chokehold and im sorry
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littlexdeaths · 2 months
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“you know… i’m kinda into it.”
eddie pulls away from you with a furrowed brow, glancing down at where you’ve been snuggled into the crook of his arm.
“you’re kinda into what, sweetheart?”
you feel a little embarrassed based off his initial reaction, but gesture to the screen nonetheless. where the ginger haired emperor is perched on an ornate chair, man spreading with the smuggest expression on his face. and it’s making you feel things you didn’t expect to.
“the emperor… his cunty persona is kinda doing it for me.”
he looks at you like you’ve grown a third head, placing his warm palm over your forehead in mock concern.
“emperor geta? baby, are you feeling okay?”
you playfully shove him off with a slight pout of your lips, “stop teasing me, i’m serious.”
“alright, alright… just didn’t think you were into pompous assholes, sweetheart.” he chuckles.
you both settle back into the lumpy sofa to continue watching the rest of the film. and your boyfriend can’t help but notice the way you press your thighs together whenever the emperor comes on screen. which has him tugging you closer into his embrace with a deep pout.
but you come to a startling realization closer to the end of the film, and you erupt into a fit of giggles.
“… he kinda looks like you, ed.”
“he does not.”
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Milky bath with flowers
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Geta/Caracalla/Marcus x wife!reader
warning : fluff, kisses, bath toys in ancient rome (no spicy ones sorry), characters were written before the movie came out
Summary : Emperors and generals went bathing like everyone else in Rome. Maybe not on public baths or in pools, but rather in private pavements with pretty marble floors and statues of gods. But when your beloved wife has already claimed the bath, some things go differently than simply washing.
info : yes the second work to the three and i thought to myself while showering hey why not do something like this so here it is and enjoy reading :)
His body was always covered in dirt, the dusty ground from the campaigns, dried blood on his hands armor and face and sand in his washed hair after weeks and months on the return journey.
So it was all the better not only to finally be able to take off the few washes with bowls and cloths, but to wash himself completely in the large bath.
Unbeknownst to him, there was already someone in the large room, someone who was closest to his heart, the reason why he prayed to the gods that he would come back to her from every fight.
Warm pleasant water surrounded her, flowers in various colors floated around her and spread an ethereal pleasant smell, the water with milk added creating an unnatural yet pleasant water color following the example of Cleopatra.
Until her eyes settled on her husband a simple cloth tied around his hips a body of fine devinietren muscles, scars and slight injuries, dark hair a mix of dark pepper and salt when she looked at the strands a pretty sign of his aging. ,,A mermaid has strayed into the water, what am I doing?" his question echoed lightly in the large room and a smirk came to her lips as he slowly climbed into the water before placing the towel on the edge and swimming over to her.
Steam rose from the water as new wood was added under the fixture to make it more comfortable for the reigns, ,,What could you do, my dear General? A kiss as a sign of your devotion," she suggested and her hands placed themselves on his upper body, feeling the muscles, the strength and willpower that dwelled within him.
She heard his slight smile as she ran her hands over the various scars, smaller and larger, before he took her hands in his rough hands and moved them down her arms to her hips, ,,If it's a kiss you want, you should have one," he replied before he smiled and complied with her request for a devoted kiss.
She let herself fall easily into his arms knowing he was holding her, but she could still feel his almost proud grin, they were both proud of each other. She knew she was his heart she was his life the reason he came back every time and he knew she was his haven when he was haunted by nightmares of battle when the uncertainty of sleep threatened to take him over she was always there for him.
Before he broke away and his fingers stroked her cheek, ,,I have the prettiest mermaid for a wife, she has stolen my heart." From time to time he enjoyed her flattering look, her gaze was followed by a kiss and she splashed him with water.
But Marcus had other plans for her to swim to the edge, he took the soft sponge and indicated for her to sit on the stairs, ,,My dear husband is aware that I am no longer a child?" she asked as he placed the sponge on her leg and held it while she relaxed.
Despite his rough exterior, killing people to win and using swords better than anyone else, he was extremely gentle. He knew exactly how hard he had to wipe the sponge over her skin, how pleasant he made it for her and left kisses on her skin when it was a little too hard.
The divine sight of her wet hair, the individual drops of water that slid over her naked body and the flowers that surrounded her did everything for Marcus. ,,I am aware of that, my heart, but let me be your humble servant," he replied, a smile creeping onto his lips and she let a hand wander over his curls, which had grown a little longer since the last time. Before she let him go on, her sigh of pleasure came over her lips every now and then as he massaged her muscles and kissed her body.
The conversations of simple business to new home furnishings were interrupted every now and then by touches and kisses as they enjoyed the bath, enjoyed each other and the blossoms of love continued to float around the roses long after they had left the bath hand in hand.
An emperor did not dirty his hands, never would a man of his status, his stature, his influence soil his own hands with blood. Giving orders and passing judgment was more what he did and yet Geta also had to take a bath in the large extra area of the palace, a bathing area, an area full of baths, full of exotic plants with statues of gods, statues of him and his brothers in various poses and a statue clad in gold of his wife the Empress of Rome the most desirable of all the beautiful beauties the empire had to offer.
But above all she belonged to him and whenever the golden sun went down in the evening, Rome slowly lay down and ate his dinner, Geta found himself in the large bathing area, a simple tunic wrapped around his body, but as he moved towards the large pool he saw that someone was making the water move.
A body, a body familiar to him was in his bath if it was his brother they would have argued enruet but instead a satisfied look settled on his bright eyes. ,,My empress takes a bath without me and doesn't even invite me in, how disobedient,” his voice rang out and she turned to him, startled that someone had come in, as no one else was allowed in except the emperor himself and she relaxed again.
Swimming over to him, she saw him take off his clothes and come to her, a familiar sight swimming towards her after he had been submerged once, his white face make-up running and the black around his eyes making it look like another mask before he wiped it away.
,,I hope my Emperor can forgive me…I was afraid for a moment that it was your brother and I would have to call you,” she admitted and felt his hand move up her thigh, soft skin smooth through the milky water with yellowish and white daffodils specially grown for the Empress, her favorite flowers.
She saw him roll his eyes, he was hardly ever on speaking terms with his elder brother Caracalla but it flattered him when she admitted that her husband was her salvation.
Simple flattery between them but you had to keep an emperor of the world happy in one way or another. ,,You are forgiven and you must be unconcerned only the two of us are here,” the blond murmured and she felt his fingers go up further, a smug expression as he ignored her midsection and instead ran his fingers over her lips before engaging her in a kiss.
Greedily, he took her lips, rasped her words and the two bodies drifted lightly against each other through the water, lightly pushing aside the flowers and coming to rest at the edge of the pool.
His lips broke away from hers, but his hands remained on her body, running down her cheek to her neck, seeming to enjoy her steady pulse, ,,I'm always soothed when you're with me, my love,” she assured him, stroking his curly blonde hair, feeling him nuzzle his head against her hand for a moment and knowing that he enjoyed it when she played with his curls.
Especially when they lay together in the big four-poster bed after a bath a few hours later and he put his hands around her and didn't let go while she ran her hands through his hair until he fell asleep.
The quiet moment pleasant between them was the excitement of the Colosseum behind them both, his excitement was so much enjoyed that Rome's fate lay on his and his brother's shoulders, war had to be fought and a kingdom had to be preserved.
It was all the nicer when they could spend their time together in the evening, ,,The fight today I think the wagering was unpleasant” he joked and told her about the rumors and gossip of the senate as his fingers casually wandered into her hair and he took out the hairpin and her hair now touched the water.
During the day she always had it up because of the sun and heat to avoid sweating even more, but in the bath she had actually known to apply a special tincture that shouldn't get wet until it was absorbed, but now she could forget about it. ,,You're even prettier this way,” he said and ran his hand over her strand of hair, playing with it by wrapping the long needle around it and watching the water drip down it while her hand played with his curls from time to time.
It was a slow evening, an evening in which she let him talk, enjoyed the little games and massages between them, the kisses he initiated and was grateful that he had had her warm bathrobe brought so that they arrived in bed together warmed up.
Geta's older brother, Caracalla, was a young man who, even though he was the most powerful of the current world, had completely different interests. He was not concerned with the people, the war was an amusement for him and victories were a matter of course.
No, what mattered to him was his amusement and that he wasn't bored because there was nothing worse than being bored, a wlet's existence in a long world was bad because he was always looking for entertainment.
Not only in his beloved wife, the Empress of Rome, his love and his everything and this entertainment, this amusement, was also part of his life and, as on this evening, also in the large bath which was also in the emperor's palace. The bath was specially equipped for him with beautiful ornaments and decorations a favorite gods and past people so that his imagination was stimulated, including a statue of his wife in a godly disguise.
But that's not why he ran into the bath with his things in his arms - on the contrary, he gripped the wood in his arms tightly and looked from afar at the naked person in the large basin. ,,Attention! The fleet is attacking!” he shouted and heard the surprised sound of his wife before he landed in the water and the wooden toys scattered on the water and individual flowers almost threatened to drown.
Colorful flowers that resembled a rainbow many colors were his wife's favorite even though he preferred blood red he liked her devotion to color.
After hastily emerging, he laughed when he saw that his waves from the jump had completely overwhelmed her and she brushed the strands of hair from her face, ,,A surprise attack is not a bad tactic,” she admitted before she lunged and splashed water at him, causing his make-up to melt and him to spit water.
The two young adults could be heard laughing as she swam closer to him and fished the sponge out of the water she had been using just minutes before and began wiping the makeup off his face while his jittery fingers ran over her body.
From light tickling movements that made her grin to something lewd, she felt him run his hands over her chest to get a reaction from her, always watching what she did, how her gaze changed, whether her lips moved up or down, and especially whether she did the same.
,,My battle emperor forgets I'm busy, doesn't he?” she murmured and rubbed a little harder over his cheek to get the last of the white face make-up off, which he answered with a shrug and a playful dive. She rolled her eyes and still kept an eye out for him, she liked his playful manner and knew that sometimes he was just a bit more playful than his brother, but still the co-emperor of rome.
She had respect for him, but just as often she had to stand up for him when Geta went too far with his sayings and especially his looks and actions, which made those moments of peace and togetherness all the more important. ,,A bestial water creature under me, what am I supposed to do?” she asked loud enough for him to understand and let out a laugh as she felt him dive under her and throw her up very lightly, landing in the water again.
Once again the flowers floated everywhere and the wooden figures sloshed their own way as Caracalla took her hand and gave it a gentle kiss, ,,Forgive me my beloved but this creature is now defeated,” he chuckled and she ran her hand over his blond hair before kissing him on the forehead and taking one of the wooden figures.
It was actually a toy for children, for the future heir of Rome, but Caracalla still enjoyed it and she steered one of the ships towards him while he took one of the catapults and placed a rose on it, ,,And sunk!” he exclaimed, and the blast flew through the air and hit her ship with pinpoint accuracy, sinking it.
They fought a toy battle over several waves and waves until there were hardly any flowers left in the water as they were all shot out of the water and she saw that Caracalla was getting bored again.
Which is why she grabbed the warm tunics and decided to play a different kind of game, a game that could last all night and that she would never get tired of and that the bath would only be the beginning of a battle-filled devotion, that much they both knew when their lips found each other again.
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lovebugism · 2 months
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in which i give you all a glimpse into my never-ending wips in a desperate attempt to keep up with my drafts (▰˘◡˘▰) i've tried to put these in order of my plans to release them, but knowing me, that's always subject to change hahah (updated 07/17)
📼 —   ; ONCE BITTEN, TWICY SHY (vampire!eddie munson)
summary: by the summer of 1986, eddie munson has died and come to life again. more harrowing than that: he can't seem to stop running into the pretty lifeguard from hawkins community pool. he finds out very quickly that gloom and sunshine do not mix. (fluff, smut)
🍽️ —   ; MIRACLE ALIGNER (richie jerimovich)
summary: as far as you're concerned, the only thing you and richie have in common is mikey berzatto. the extent of your quote-unquote relationship begins and ends there. others are starting to think you hate each other so much you just might be in love. (angst, hurt/comfort)
🕊️ —   ; HOLY GRAIL (emperor geta & gladiator!steve)
summary: in ancient rome, where survival is determined by the whims of a mad ruler, the empire's newest general gives you – his first and only love – to the crazed emperor to ensure your safety. (angst, smut)
📚 —   ; SINCERELY YOURS (eddie munson)
summary: five high schoolers with nothing in common are forced to spend an entire saturday in detention together. eddie munson, the school rebel, sets his sights on the pretty little brainiac who refuses to pay him any mind. he slowly teaches her that there's nothing wrong with being a little bad. (a breakfast club re-write) (fluff, hurt/comfort)
🦇 —   ; AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN (eddie munson series)
summary: the freak with a smushed pack of cigarettes meets the princess with a broken heart in a chance of a lifetime encounter they have no idea will lead to an entire lifetime of chance. (an st4 re-write) (fluff, angst, smut)
👨‍🏫 —   ; WHEN I KISSED THE TEACHER (professor!steve harrington)
summary: you're a burnt-out student trying to survive graduate school. steve's a washed-up writer looking for inspiration for his next book. you end up helping each other in ways neither of you expected when the school year began. (fluff, angst, smut)
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
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Bug. 29. she/her. Bookworm, flower child, menace to society.
I write about fictional characters.
Header + icon credit to @lofaewrites 💚
This blog is 18+ only. Minors do not interact.
My love language is coffee and contemplation.
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Newest Additions: One of Me is Cute But Two, Though? (smut; collab with @corroded-hellfire) The Memory Remains (angst)
Past Works:
Clueless (fluff/angst) // Part II Flattery Works with Me (smut) Fight My Battles (fluff/angst) Ice Cream (smut) I Know What I Want (smut)  Get Out of My Head (angst/smut) Bossy (smut) Wayne's Pride (fluff) Helping (fluff) Insecure (angst/fluff) Just the Way You Are (fluff) Take Me Higher (smut; collab with @hxllfired) Rockstar!Eddie drabble (smut) Everybody Talks (angst/fluff) Love Me Right (angst/fluff/smut) My Name is Erica (fluff, Eddie & platonic!Erica Sinclair) Just Your Touch (fluff/smut, collab with @corroded-hellfire) Freaked (fluff) Beneath (fluff/smut) Merry & Meddling (fluff) Tonight’s Special (smut) The Sting of Truth (angst) Weird Science (angst/smut; collab with @corroded-hellfire) Buzzed (smut) Dark & Stormy (smut) Consequences (smut; Emperor Geta x Concubine!Reader)
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Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader) 086 (Post-Upside Down!Captured!Eddie x Captured!Fem!Reader) Trapped Under Ice (Single Dad!Eddie x Teacher!Reader) Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader When Man Plans, God Laughs (Eddie x Single Mom!Reader) Ghostin' (Steve Harrington x Female!Reader) A Little Bit Longer (Eddie x Female!Reader; collab with @corroded-hellfire--on hiatus)
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Flip Flopped 2024 Corroded Coffin Fest 2024 TUI-Mas 2023 Trope or Treat 2023 2k Celebration Kinkmas 2022
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years
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♡ ziggy, 32, she/her, your cool older sister, writer, ♉︎ , mashed potato enthusiast, i like to laugh..a lot. dm or slide into my ask box I love chatting and simping over the hot boys (eddie, steve, argyle— occasionally jonathan and billy, + always hopper) of Hawkins
♡ this is an 18+ only blog, minors will be banished by the power of 3
♡ latest works blurbs: dulcis ut rosa — emperor geta
love’s never meant much to me
cold shower 18+
the raven told me of you 18+
♡ latest works series: open arms 18+
♡ popular works (series): honey i’m home (roommate!eddie) 18+
♡ requests: open | asks: open
♡ tag list: comment on this post to be added
♡ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | ♡ ao3
♡ pls support writers with reblogs + comments
💤i do not give anyone permission to copy, steal or repost my works on any other platform. i do not give permission to put my work into AI systems of any kind. copyright @trashmouth-richie
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OPEN ARMS: escaping Hawkins was impossible, but he did it. when a ghost from your past shows up unexpectedly, bringing with him old memories and holding up a mirror to the train wreck life you’re living… you find it hard to trust him again.
*new* HIDE + SCREAM : Hawkins Annual Halloween Festival is in town, and this year you and your friends were lucky enough to work the event. But when some of your co-workers are missing, and a trail of blood leads to the woods behind the festival. Your friends work together to find out what’s going on. A killer is on the loose but who could it be? Or is it the town’s spooky secret of what really happened at Hawkins Lab?
LILITH : a series of blurbs about crazy!reader x crazy!eddie.
LIE TO ME: lovesick! Eddie *new!*
TWINFLAMES : (ongoing) Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader —the annngst, the smut, NO VECNA, it’s gonna be a ride (15/??) (on permanent hiatus)
HONEY, I’M HOME desperate for a roommate, you place an ad in the paper. Eddie x Fem!Reader (enemies to lovers, menace!Eddie )
DO YOU LIKE THE WAY THE WATER TASTES? a day at the pool with your best friend, his gf, and his best friend Eddie— who has a crush on you.
HEATED taking the back roads to Indianapolis was Eddie’s idea. the day trip there was Steve’s. But when Wayne’s borrowed truck grinds to a halt on the hottest day in September, the tension and the boys’ tempers aren’t the only thing to rise.
FORTY THREE BELOW *new* blizzard au, reader is fighting a cold
COBBLER *new* blizzard storm with a crabby eddie
TWELVE HOURS *new* smutty 12 hours of bf! eddie worshipping you until christmas
DIFFERENCES *new* a blurb about the way Steve & Eddie fuck you
IT’S 3 AM *new!* [early early morning smut with Eddie]
LEAVE ME IN THE DARK *new* [eddie angst: before & after s4]
CONFESSION *new!* [smut] eddie x fem!reader
SOMEONE LIKE YOU [steddie angst]
LETTING SOMEONE GO *new!* [angst]
more fics under the cut
QUEEN OF THE DAMNED eddie x fem!reader { corruption kink }
KITCHEN SEX steve x fem!reader
ROOF SEX : Eddie x Fem! Reader
LET’S NOT KEEP SCORE *new* coach! steve x fem reader
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stardancerluv · 5 days
What the Emperor Wants
Part Five
Summary: Geta speaks with his brother. Reader speaks with a trusted servant.
Notes/Warnings: mentions of ownership, mentions of viewed gender (in Ancient Rome), discussion of intimacy, quote from the famous Virgil in is italics.
❤️s, comments, reblogs & feedback are welcome and appreciated!
Carcalla turned sharply, his eyes were slits as he looked at him. “How are you?” He snarled.
Geta rose his eyebrows. “How dare I?”
“Yes. In front of what? Her? She is nothing.” Caracalla, cackled once again.
Geta closed what little distance was between them. “She is mine. She is my property. Eventually, I may or may not free her but still then, you dare lay another finger on her and you may learn to regret it.”
Caracalla’s eyes grew but then they narrowed again as a wet chuckle escaped his cruel mouth.
“Oh? Are you getting sentimental?” His lips curled. “Do you need to buy the ones you sleep with?”
“Silence your voice.”
Caracalla finally was silent.
He had better realize, he was in know mood for his games.
“I am having a dinner here tonight with some of those insufferable senators, you can stay or you can go out with your cohorts but don’t you dare cause another scene.”
“There of no concern for me brother. I will let you handle them.”
With a swish of his robes he left. Geta’s stomach churned. He had been so relaxed, so calm and now he saw red.
Going to one of the adjacent rooms, he went and sighed once in the cooler room. It helped to calm his thudding heart. Seeing one of the tellings of August going to Germania was laying on one of the tables from the last time he was there. He ran his fingers over the papyrus before unrolling more of it, letting his eyes drift over the words.
He’d call someone to read some poetry. He was in no mood for some of the long discussions those senators enjoyed having.
Once back in your small room, you finally let the tears fall down your cheeks. You could never understand the sharp difference Geta and Caracalla. How they were borne from the same woman, always surprised you. You were reminded of the tales of Romulus and Remus, your mother spoke of. Though, you truly hoped that Geta and Caracalla would not end up like they did.
It was the one moment, you doubted that Geta could possibly lose in such an instance. May the mighty Jupiter keep him safe, you quietly prayed.
Carcalla was far more brutal, more blood thirsty then Geta from what you had heard and observed. You worried if things came to that, who would be the victor and what would happen to you. Now Geta protected you, but how long would that last. Was it possible that he’d discard you like an old, worn rug or put you down like a wounded animal that could not heal.
All these musings swirled around you as you sat there, still shaking after Caracalla pushed you across the atrium.
Thy son in Italy shall wage vast war
and, quell its nations wild; his city-wall
and sacred laws shall be a mighty bond
about his gathered people.
“Yes! That is how is shall always be!” Geta held his goblet up high. “And my general, Marcus Acacius shall wield our finest steel and strike fear in all that oppose us!”
Cheers, sounds of agreement filled the room.
Relief had filled you as you watched the good humors and contentment in Geta, the earlier feelings of worry gone and long forgotten.
Marcus Acacius, bowed his head and smiled as he looked back up. “Thank you sire.”
You took, a sip from your own goblet and before once again resting your hands back into your lap. The poetry of the man known as Virgil and the savory food filled everyone. They were warmed and had a healthy flush of color in them. It was all this that brightened the room more then even the candles that were placed all around.
As you glanced up towards the inky heavens, even the stars were far more brilliant then recently. You were very pleased, to be sitting beside Geta through in all.
“Your presence had calmed and pleased Geta tonight. That may mean, he will come for you.” Aelia told you softly as she undid the ribbons that had held your hair in.
“Oh? Shall it hurt ?” A slice of worry cut through you.
“He is in good spirits. There may only be a temporary discomfort but if he wants to keep the good humors.”
Taking a comb, she began to slide it through your strands.
“He may make sure sure it is only for the initial moments. Just keep on breathing, do not bottle up your breaths.”
“Do we as women ever enjoy it or is that only a prospect of intimacy lay with the women who do these acts who charge ?”
You heard as Aelia inhaled. It made you happy pause and look at her. “What?”
The woman had pressed her lips together. “Thank you for acknowledging my woman hand. I am only seen as thus from my equals, you may or may not be aware but since our sire owns you personally, you are above me.”
You made a face. “No, I am not aware. I was just a girl who would serve and remain in the shadows.”
The woman gave a small smile. “Not anymore.”
She looked away before looking once again back at you.
“But yes, we can however that decision of that, is solely up to our sire. He may just want to expel his needs. I do not know.”
“Ok. Just like I had promised to him. I will follow his guidance.”
“That is truly the best.”
You felt as her fingers trembled as she continued to care for your hair.
The candles flickered as your door opened. You glanced over from where you sat.
It was one of Geta’s personal guard. “You are to come from me. Our sire, wishes you to come to his private quarters.
“Yes.” Was all you said.
Your footfalls and his echoed in the silent Domus. No other sounds could be heard. Such a contrast to the earlier festive and merriment. There had been liquid been been flowing into goblets and utensils and plants clanking on tables as food was ate and served.
The door creaked as he opened it. You walked in and flinched as it banged, behind you once it closed.
“There is the blossom of Rome, my blossom.”
Turning you watched as Geta strode in. A rich red, maroon of sorts were tied and flowed down from his waist. You had never seen his bare chested, his strength was very apparent. You had only seen that kind of strength reflected in the Gladiators that fought and battled in the arena.
“Evening, Geta. Thank you for your kind words.”
@honey-eyed-munson @amethyst-serenade @screaming-blue-bagel @missonlypost @kitkat80 @blondie324 @alyisdead @hellomadamebutterfly @heartsforjosephquinn
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jksprincess10 · 2 months
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Marcus Acacius masterlist
✰ : contains smut
☾ : contains dark themes
☁: contains fluff
ϟ : contains angst
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Oneshots and requests
An angel ✰☁ : General Acacius requests your company for his bath.
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife (Marcus x reader x Emperor Geta) ☾☁ϟ: Emperor Geta surprises you, his paramour, with General Acacius, and he's not very happy about it.
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trulyumai · 2 months
befitting for an emperor
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pairing: emperor geta / wife! reader
synopsis: you were Geta’s, and he was yours.
warnings: pure smut. Geta secretly loves soft moments, pulling, kissing, reader gets manhandled.
18+ mdni
A laugh sprung out from the man’s chest, it bubbled in his throat for only a moment before escaping and making its way around the room. it made blood seep to your face, in embarrassment your hands tried to cover your cheeks.
“my wife,” Geta teased, his own calloused and rough hands bumping into yours, making sure to remove them entirely from your pinked face. “how can one be so worked up over mere skin? skin you’ve seen before, no less.”
“I’m— im not. It was just startling, husband.” your eyes met his briefly before they took interest in the stone wall behind his naked figure. He had just gotten out of his bath, and instead of calling the servants in— like he usually did, he was silent, slowly making his way to your distracted form.
you were enjoying a light reading, marking the pages with your inked pen until the man suddenly interrupted, grabbing at your frame with wanted impulsion.
his fingers gripped onto your chin, urging you once more to look up at him—always up.
you granted such a wish, and met his fiery brown orbs with a softness. his fingers were light against your smooth skin, but there was an implication there, a show of force to be applied.
“my wife,” the words were so low, barely leaving his lips as he inched closer with a caution. “you’ll sleep with me?”
your eyes widened.
“sleep… or make love?”
Another mean laugh left his mouth.
“Make love?” Geta chuckled so close to you, that you swore the vibration could be felt within your throat. “It’s fuck, silly wife. we will fuck.”
Violent, angry eyes met with your calm and soft ones. And a hand came between the two of you, reaching for the back of your gown to slip it off entirely.
It came undone quickly, sweeping off your form in one solid movement before bunching down at your feet. Your figure stood in front of him, now as bare as his own.
The fingers made there way up, to the swell of your breasts, slowly caressing and gripping with newfound addiction. Pushing forward, Geta made sure your body fell upon the mattress, his palms came crashing beside you, each on the side of your head in a protective display.
Leaning down, the emperor kissed and sucked around your neck, making sure to leave pink and purple bite marks in every direction. soft gasps escaped you, along with little mewls of pain and pleasure— to which the man ate up generously.
“please,” you begged, already hooking your smaller legs against his backside, opening yourself up for him once more.
“please what, pretty wife?” Geta growled, meticulously digging his fingers in your hair before pulling back, showing off the slobbery marks he left behind.
“M—ah Geta—” the emperor smiled, his hips lowered teasingly onto yours, pressing his member so close to your warmth.
“please—” to embarrassed to say the full sentence, your arm covered the top portion of your face and your chest bucked up, only pressing further and further to the drooling man above you.
“if you want me to make ‘love’ to you, little wife, you have to beg.” tears began to wet at your lashes in desperation. seconds— or maybe minutes passed before your arm moved from your face. with pink cheeks and pouting lips you kissed Geta.
slowly at first, making sure both of your mouths synched before the movement sped up, before your tongue sped up and before your words fell upon his ears.
breaking apart, a trail of saliva followed both your beings. It made Geta quiver; ever the impatient man he was already holding his wet tip in his hand, moving it until it kissed your oozing entrance.
your watery eyes were so squinty, so love filled and tired at the same time.
you knew what he was waiting for. what he wanted you to say.
so, with a tight grip on his waist, your legs hooked around your ankles before the man could blink. a doting, messy smile graced your features as you spoke.
“please fuck me, my emperor. until you can’t anymore. until I birth you an heir, until auh—!” He didn’t even let you finish before entering you in one go.
He was so big. Too big. Stretching you painfully without any warning.
“If that’s what you, ugh, want— pretty wife, I’ll give.. it to you.” Stomach tensing, his arms hooked around your waist, pulling your entire lower body off the bed as his hips rocked back and forth.
Arms now entirely behind your head, your vision doubled. his pace was so fast— so rough.
The sound of skin slapping emitted through the chambers, his cock slammed into you over and over, making the tears overflow your lashes for the second time that night.
“—mmh!” high pitched moans left you, they sounded clipped and interrupted as his movements knocked the breath out of you with every push his dick made in your soft mound.
Geta’s brows furrowed, biting down a scowl he slapped at your chest, wobbling your tits in front of him. He was getting close already, and could you blame him?
To have your drooling, submissive body on display, gods, it was torture.
He had to get you to cum first. His pride wouldn’t allow it another way.
“—auh, cum for me. cum for me sweetheart, cmon.” sweat inched its way down his chest and met with the other liquids upon his crotch. The slapping only got louder from how dripping you had came to be. It ran down your thighs, drowned his manhood and dribbled onto the sheets with ease.
You felt the coil in your stomach tighten, it felt so hot, so warm. You thought you might pass out from the sheer heat of it all.
His hands brought you back. They found their way under your armpits, and with a jerk, lifted you in the air, dangling off the emperors lap as he still rutted into you like some wild animal with your legs flopping around with every shove he made inside.
Suspended in the air, your thighs opened up more, fully allowing the man to pummel and bully his way into your slippery mound, hitting that spot over, over and over.
That was all you could take.
A sharp cry left you as your back arched into the pale man’s hold. His grip tightened, you swallowed him so tightly he nearly stopped such harsh movements.
You came in a quick, violent flash. It tingled around your belly before delving down to your toes, making them tense and separate with how the orgasm invaded your senses.
Geta couldn’t last after that.
He came too, sheathing his pulsing cock into your folds, spilling his seed as deep as it would go.
You didn’t remember much after that. Only that everything was so warm, and that your body felt too heavy to manage.
Geta was the one to clean you up, sneakily pushing the drops of white back into your warmth with silent touches. He was the one to wrap you up, bundle you in so many blankets that none were left to be spared.
And he was the one to kiss and stare at you for most the night; never straying too far from your crumpled form.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
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🕷Super Freak Series🕷
🕸 Your Web, I’m Caught (the 1st) 🕸
Summary: The one where you’re miserable and drinking on your own at a party. And you run into maybe the last person you’d have expected on the outskirts. 7.6k words.
🕸 Is It My Body (the 2nd) 🕸
Summary: The one where Eddie gives you a ride home after your friend ditched you at a terrible party. 6.9k words.
🕸 Power of Suggestion (the 3rd) 🕸
Summary: You see Eddie at school after he gave you a lift home the other night. There’s definitely something you need to resolve. It’s mind over matter and there’s something you’re both after. 5.3k words.
🕸 Head Over Heels (the 4th) 🕸
Summary: Eddie visits you at the record store where you work. You end up making out in the storage room. 7.6k words.
🕸 Was it Love or Nicotine? (The 5th) 🕸
Summary: Eddie can’t seem to see you at school. He thinks you’re avoiding him til he finds out you’re sick. And he climbs in your window one night to bring you a can of soup. 12k words.
🕸Wolf Men & Secret Heists (the 6th)🕸
Summary: You and Eddie enjoy a rendezvous in a storage closet at school. Some inevitably dirty stuff happens. 9.2k words (smut)
🕸 Don’t need telling twice (the 7th)🕸
Summary: You go over to Eddie’s for a Movie Night date. And apparently, you’re both terrible at keeping quiet about what you want. 10.4k words. (No smut just sheer fluff)
🕸️ Vanilla Tobacco (the 8th) 🕸️
Summary: Eddie collects you for your ice cream/arcade date, he also gets to meet your mom. 10.9k words
🕸️Star Studded Gazes & Metal Men (the 9th) 🕸️
Summary: Your date goes very well- maybe a little to well under the stars at skull rock. 10.5k words (smut!)
🕸️ Girlfriend is Better (The 10th) 🕸️
Summary: You and Eddie face an unseen obstacle, which you manage to overcome with some hard cold vengeance. and then you hit him with an interesting offer... 10.k words (angst/tw violcence past assault)
🕸️ Can’t leave you in the wrong hands, baby (The 11th) 🕸️ OUT NOW!!!!
Summary: You and Eddie take the definitive step towards boyfriend and girlfriend. An empty house and a evening alone yields to a perfect evening of a first time, and much much more (11.2k words, so much SMUTTT)
-Drabbles/One Shots-
🕷️When Eddie Met Pencils 🕷️ the drabble
🕷Green is the Colour 🕷 - Eddie x Pencils Drabble - 6.6k words
Summary: Eddie being jealous that everyone in Hawkins is apparently getting a slice of Pencils after they start dating. (Jealous!Eddie themes) ends with fluff.
🚬 Messy Eddie Headcanons🚬
🎼🎙 Eddie working in the record store with Sal Headcanons = a.k.a sheer Chaos 🎙🎼
🔥NSFW Eddie Headcanons🔥
🎃 Trick? Or Treat? 🎃
Summary: Eddie’s friends are having trouble believing you’re really dating. They require a little proof- 3k. Funky little drabble really.
🍁 Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you 🍁
Summary: you celebrate your two year anniversary with Eddie at the place where it all began- At the Hawkins Fall carnival.
🍂 Halloween Headcanon’s for Eddie 🍂
Summary: Pretty much what it says on the tin. Halloween Headcanons with Eddie.
❤️ My Funny Valentine ❤️
Summary: A requested ask/drabble- Valentines Day- and suddenly you have a not so secret admirer.
❤️‍🔥 Drawing Mr. Munson ❤️‍🔥
Short drabble: what would drawing Eddie be like? In a nutshell, a challenge.
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🩸VAMPIRE!EDDIE🩸One shot; 10k words- also on AO3 if you fancy-
🩸Love like Blood🩸
Summary; !! Dark fic !! Vamp!Eddie x Reader. 10k words. He fully believes hell has opened its snake jaw and devoured him whole- cause this is, just, unbelievable.
Okay, maybe he hasn’t been swallowed into hell.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s that hell has chewed him up, and spat him back out.
He tried to stand and is amazed when he can. Bearing his own weight again. Stood tall. Slowly creaking and cracking to life.
Life? Or Death?
Other Characters
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Detective (Murderer) Quinn
- Tainted Love, Part I
Summary: Inspired entirely by this post which I glimpsed via @ravensfromvalhalla from @ceriseheaven. As in the gif, what if Detective Quinn was actually a crazy psycho killer. Set in the 1980’s LA. Det Quinn x Reader.
‼️You don’t know I’m no good ‼️ Part II
Summary: Danger is far closer than you realise ‼️ TW: dark vibes, murder, death, violence, stalking ‼️ 3.6k words.
‼️Hungry like the wolf‼️ Part III
Summary: Quinn gets up close and personal. But he has an ulterior motive of course. ‼️TW dark vibes, knife violence and threatening ‼️ 4.1k words.
‼️ Like a fist. Like a Knife ‼️ Part IIII
Summary: Birdie is on the case - Quinn is onto her. The plot thickens- Slutty chaos ensues.
‼️ Hit me like a bad trip‼️ Part V
Summary: Some questions lead Birdie to the wrong side of town, good thing she’s got someone watching her back. Whether she wants them or not- turns out to be a good thing. Knights in shiny red Porsches. 7.2k words.
‼️ Girl in trouble (is a temporary thing) ‼️ Part VI
Summary: Birdie patches a bloodied Quinn up at her place. There’s nakedness, too much Bourbon, and a whole lot of smut involved. 9.9k words.
‼️ Have a horny little XXXmas - Det Quinn x Birdie festive one shot ‼️
‼️ NSFW ALPHABET ‼️ - For Detective Quinn - so much smut and filth
‼️ Hold the Bourbon‼️ Detective Quinn x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Drabble from an ask, Detective Quinn laughing during sex - with an edge. ‼️TW ‼️Pure filth. Much smut.
‼️ Det Quinn Ask Drabble ‼️
Drabble/ask about Detective Quinn making you squirt
‼️Det Quinn Ask Drabble‼️ (so filthy)
Detective Quinn and how he would utterly devour you at all times (TW very filthy ask I LOVE IT)
‼️ Tied Up Too Tight ‼️
Detective Quinn x Birdies first date? Sort of. Quick hint: Porsche hood, nasty sex and handcuffs. ‼️TW ‼️lots of filth oh lord. Seriously.
🔪❤️‍🩹 better watch out babes-
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🥀 Pick Your Poison 🥀Prince Paul x Reader || Part I, 9.2k words
Summary: You have Mother Russia melted deep into the marrow of your bones, and you’re not afraid to grit your teeth and have a scrappy fight. Draw out a little of that pumping hot slavic blood you’re so proud of.
“Charmed.” You smile at him with your perfectly rouged lips. You sneer him like a viper. Like you’re another one of the delicious black widows formed from these courtly, poison-skated walls.
He stalks off and Minister Panin bows to you all. Scurries along after him like a puppy.
Catherine isn’t displeased or discouraged by her sons frosty behaviour. She was expecting it.
You watch him stride away. Sip your champagne and drag your eyes over his back. He must store such tension in those reedy shoulders. Keeps it stored under that ridiculous wig maybe.
All of Russia is owed to him by birth and he’s kept a hairs breadth from clutching it.
🥀 Keep watch over the door of my lips 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Newlyweds, noble jealousy, and vicious court gossip. They seldom mix. 1.7k words. (Only a dash of smut)
🥀 Necessary Evils 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + Pregnancy sex = F I L T H
🥀 The Matter of a Good Taste 🥀
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + some let me make you feel better oral sex. (Filthy but sweet married filth)
🥀 And the stars sighed in unison 🥀
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + some pre-wedding sex and general naughtiness. (Fiancé filth)
🥀 Blessed be the bitter fruit 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader || Part II, 7.8k Words
Summary: Your marriage to Prince Paul and all the intimacy that follows, being love drunk newlyweds. (So much porn ok)
🥀Qualities of Mercy🥀
Summary: Prince Paul x Tsarevna Drabble inspired by the prompt: “If you want to come, you better beg.”
🥀 Traps with Baited Jaws 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader || Part III, 14.8k words,
Summary: There’s a snake in the palace garden. Blood spattered on Catherine’s pet rosebushes. Reader learns that Ruling all of Russia comes at a gutting price- (TW so much subby!Paul smut, violence, mentions of gore/death)
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🍾 Ralph x Reader 🍾 short drabble/anon ask
Set in the 1920’s. Meeting Ralph at a wild party
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⚔️ Gladiator II —Emperor Geta x Salacia Reader
Summary: You were raised outside of this Rome. Born into peace. To know of fathomless deep seas, and skies so big, they wrapped around your whole sight. Salacia. And now you are sent to Rome for your father in the Senate. There you will catch the attention of Geta; in all the wrong and darkest of ways
Part I. — Part II — Part III — Part IV
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ikeromantic · 4 years
Day 27 of Ikemektober!
I chose Shingen because the prompt is princess and I can’t imagine writing something with that and not the master of sweet nicknames and terrible pick up lines. Approx 900 words of fluff.
The garden hummed with chatter as servants placed tables and lanterns, and arranged flowers into delicate wreaths and bouquets. A veritable army of cooks and their assistants delivered steaming platters to the tables, an array of savory and sweet that would flatter an emperor. Shingen watched it all with an anticipatory grin.
“All of this for a boar woman,” muttered Yuki. He set the table he was carrying down and glared at his lord.
“She is a princess, Yukimura. A goddess. You’ll understand one day.” Shingen smiled wider, thinking about how excited she would be to see this.
Yuki rolled his eyes. “Please tell me I don’t need to move anything else?”
Shingen waited for Yoshimoto to speak. While the idea for a garden party had been his, Yoshimoto was the aesthetic expert. 
“No - I think another table would crowd the space. There must be enough room for the flowers and lanterns to glow. And for people to walk between.” Yoshimoto sighed. “It will be so beautiful.”
“I hope she thinks so,” Yukimura rolled his eyes again. 
“She will,” Yoshimoto replied. “You’ll understand one day.”
“I wish you’d stop saying that.”
Yoshimoto and Shingen shared a knowing grin. 
Yuki sighed. “Ok, whatever. I’m going to go find Sasuke. He’s weird, but you guys are weirder.” He left in a huff, but even he couldn’t hold back a wistful smile at the garden’s transformation.
Shingen waited at the entrance for his princess to return. She was out today, delivering a haori and kimono she’d made for the owner of her favorite tea house in town. That was part of why he chose today for his surprise. The other reason . . . he felt his heart thud in his chest as he remembered. One year ago today, he’d met her for the first time. 
She came up the road as the sunset. Limping, her geta in one hand. 
He didn’t wait for her to get closer, but instead rushed down to the road to sweep her up in his arms and hug her to his chest. 
“My strap broke.” She looked up at him with an unhappy pout. 
“Is my princess hurt?” Shingen took the sandals from her. The strap was worn and snapped. It was just like her not to tell him she needed new shoes, or at least, to have these repaired. 
She shook her head. “No. I tripped but caught myself. My feet hurt.” She kicked them in the air and sighed. “They feel much better now that I’m being carried.”
“I would carry you everywhere - anywhere.” Shingen tilted his head to kiss her. After a day without her, it was heaven to feel her lips again. He kissed her breathless, only stopping when she gasped and pulled away. 
“Mmmm, let’s go home,” she whispered. Her eyes were warm and her hands, as she slid them beneath the fabric of his clothes, were warmer still. 
Shingen chuckled. “Slide those hands a little lower and we won’t make it past the gate.”
The comment had the intended effect. She blushed and slid her hands out again. 
“My eager goddess. I can’t wait to surprise you.” He kissed her forehead and carried her into the castle. From the entrance to the garden, he kept her too kissed to realize they weren’t going to his rooms. It wasn’t until he set her on her feet that she realized where they were.
Beyond the steps, the garden was lit by stars and the glow of small lanterns. The flowers were a muted rainbow, soft pastels in the dim light, reflected in the waters of a small koi pond and in the eyes of one, beautiful princess. Her hands went to her mouth and her eyes wide. 
“Shingen! What - what is this? Is there a celebration?”
“There is, princess. Do you know why?”
She shook her head. “Mmm, it’s not Kenshin’s birthday. Or Yuki’s. And we had Sasuke’s birthday last month . . .” 
“It’s none of those.” He played with the hair at the back of her neck, loving the little shiver of pleasure she gave at his touch.
“It’s not a holiday. Is this something local? For Kasugayama? Or is there a special guest?” 
Shingen slid his finger down her neck to her collarbone. “Nope.”
His princess bit her lower lip in thought. “I don’t remember a festival a year ago. That was - it was just after I got here. I was still getting used to this place and -”
“And you went to the Azuchi market.” 
Her eyes went wide. “Was that a year ago?”
“Mhmm.” Shingen took her hands in his. “Something fell when you walked by, miss.”
“It was me. I fell in love with you.”
She laughed softly and stood on tiptoe to kiss him. “And I fell in love with you too, though I didn’t know it yet.” She turned her head to look at the garden again. “I can’t believe you did all this for me. For our anniversary.”
“Nothing is too good for my princess.” Shingen smiled. “I can’t take all the credit though. Everyone helped.”
“Yes. And they’ll join us soon. But I wanted this time for us. You, me, and the moon above. Remind you of anything?”
“A few things. Did you bring a mat, so we can sit apart?”
He laughed. “Hey! I thought we were past all that!”
“I don’t know . . . a certain warlord keeps dropping cheesy pickup lines on me. I’m a little nervous.”
“I’ll have to do something about that,” Shingen’s voice lowered to a purr. He swept her to one of the tables and pulled her onto his lap. 
“This is how I’m protected? I don’t think I’m safe here.” She wiggled her hips, teasing. 
Shingen slid his arms around her waist and lowered his lips to her ear. “Safe from everyone but me, princess.”
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trulyumai · 2 months
a break in the night
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pairing: Emperor Geta / Wife! Reader
synopsis: no one knew just how much the emperor cared for his wife, after all, he hid it so well. how could anyone see such a show of anger coming? and over your wellbeing no less…
warnings: cussing, yelling, anger, angst.
Enjoy the story!
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No one expected an invasion in the night. No one heard the trespassers skulk about the grounds, enter the halls and find the emperors chamber with ultimate ease.
It raised questions.
How did they get in so easily?
How did they find the chambers?
What made them target you?
Geta was hardly in his personal quarters, mostly, he sat out in his studies— just by the library and planned. His men would be by his side, offering the best advice and protection they possibly could while you would be away wandering the grounds.
At dusk, you would find your dear husband, kiss his cheek and ignore his comments about such a display before heading to retire for the night. “goodnight, my love,” you whispered.
The name was always changing, but it always gravitated towards some loving endearment. It made Geta scowl. Made him want to rip out his own heart for how it seemed to flutter and skip by such simple phrases.
Geta watched you go and tightening his fists before eyeing the map displayed across most of the table in front of him.
He hadn’t meant to stay out so late.
His eyes were heavy, little slits amongst the darkened room. Leaning on his hand, his jewelery began to feel uncomfortable, it itched at his skin a little too much.
Getting angry the emperor ripped off his rings before carelessly throwing them amongst the objects upon the table. “Fucking—"
Furiously getting up, the goblet at his side fell down the ground with a loud clatter. He had to concentrate.
On the plans.
The invasion.
The war he was suppose to be winning.
Screams, horrible fear induced screams erupted, echoing throughout the halls, the corridors that made about the secured building.
Geta’s head snapped back so fast his vision doubled. Usually, he would leave such a predicament to his guards.
But he recognized that pitch, that voice.
It couldn’t be?
With his hand pushing his figure off the table, he ran. Bolted and turned. Pushing anyone, everyone out of the way until he reached the cracked door of his solitary.
He hasn’t even realized his guards were missing, not at their usual place by his side.
“Wife!” He called, already pushing the door open. This feeling was new. It made his fingers shake, his knees weak and his mind numb.
He couldn’t lose you already. Not when he was so early in his reign. Not when you doted on him so. Not when he barely got to love you in return.
A mumble called out with a voice so light Geta doubted himself upon hearing it. With furrowed brows he craned his neck, to where such a sound emitted.
And there you were.
Clutching your neck with a tight, bloody grip.
His lips, his face, flinched with such a sight. He just stood there, in the middle of the room like some bystander.
“G-Geta,” you felt so cold. It was odd, because usually, this room ran overwhelmingly warm. Especially now, with candles lit in every direction. Your husbands eyes were so wide, the white of his orbs shined bright against the flickering lights as his hand lightly shook at his side. You were trying to be strong, to not pass out, or cry in desperation.
But seeing your husband, who was usually as distant as a stranger, look at you so… scared, made you weak.
Weaker than the blood loss had made you.
Swallowing down the spit that had gathered, Geta rushed forth, descending down to get a better look at you.
“Let me see, let me—,” your hand moved, slumped down against the floor in a solid maroon color.
The wound started at the base of your neck, to the curve of your shoulder. A sloppy, rushed cut. Jagged and oozing with vast amounts of blood.
“I’m scared,” your eyes leaked with a teary wetness. It trailed down your cheeks until it met with the bloody mess upon your body.
Geta shushed you, taking a solid grip of his robe before ripping it with a strong tug. The material gave away easily against the pressure and it found home upon the junction of your neck.
It smelled so comforting that you couldn’t help but close your eyes and whimper at the firm pressure.
“I’m going to carry you, little wife, don’t close your eyes.” No longer wasting time, the man did just that.
He picked up your frame like nothing, but the action let out a pulsing fiery pain from the wound, earning a loud cry to spill from your lips. Geta frowned, mumbled some incoherent apology as his legs skidded across the stone floors.
Your head bobbed as the emperor picked up his pace, his voice sounded as if water blocked your ears. It was muffled—uneven.
Noticing your slackened form and droopy eyes, Geta let out a desperate cry. “Stay with me. We’re almost there.”
“I’m sorry, Geta” his robe scratched against your cheek. So rough, so soft at the same time.
“Don’t be daft, just stay awake!” Geta couldn’t help but keep glancing at you. You and your blinking eyes, that tired, bloody smile.
“Please, forgive me,” sticky fingertips met with the man’s cheek, blood stuck instantly to his pale skin.
“I love you.” The fingers went limp, they dragged down the emperors face leaving a thin line of blood that went towards his chin.
“Stop! Wife, love, please!” His breath grew heavy and his legs shook. Letting out whimpers and moans the man finally had the left wing in sight.
A healer, a healer, a healer—
Bursting through the first door, Geta came to his knees, with you still protectively held in his arms.
Out of breath, the man’s words were chipped and uneven.
“Healer— my wife— now!”
The people in the room dispersed, guards left their post in search for the accuser, the citizens left all together, in fear of seeing such a weakened display, and the healers gathered together, to take the empress from Geta’s hands.
“My lord,” an older white haired gentleman bowed before the orange haired ruler. His hands placed politely before him, he smiled sympathetically at the emperor.
“We will need to remove her from your hold and begin immediately—”
Confused expressions emitted through the healers, the elderly man furrowed his brows as he wearily glanced at the bloodied couple.
“No.. my lord?”
“You will do it here. Now.”
“In your.. lap?”
A look of contempt was all that was given, before the white haired man nodded along. Urgently talking amongst his peers. They grabbed sutures, herbs, any medicinals that could possible help, were taken and placed before the two.
“We will begin now, my lord.” A nod was received, Geta’s eyes never strained from your face. He studied each and every freckle, looked upon your tear stained cheeks and down to your grim looking cut.
It would surely scar.
A growl broke out between his lips, startling the helpers in the vicinity.
The fireplace emitted the room in light, graciously allowing the healers to patch up their empress in a lit and warm room.
But such a light had nothing against the burning embers that raged within Geta’s eyes.
For there will be death, that much he was sure.
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trulyumai · 2 months
an arrow of might
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—synopsis: an arrow struck through the crowd, past the display of people and aimed for your head. geta was furious.
pairing: Emperor geta / Empress! reader
—warnings: violence, talk of death, protective Geta
The Colosseum was alive with a frenzy of noise and movement, the sun beating down mercilessly on the sand-strewn arena. The clash of steel, the roars of beasts, and the cheers of thousands of spectators created a tempest of sensory overload. Amid this chaos, you were absorbed in the delicate task of caring for your young son, who was captivated by the spectacle unfolding before him.
Geta, seated in his position of authority, kept a vigilant eye on the arena, but his gaze frequently shifted towards you and the child. The violence below, while meant to display Rome’s might, was unsettling, and you could not shake the feeling of anxiety gnawing at your heart.
Without warning, the atmosphere shifted abruptly. The roar of the crowd intensified, shifting to panicked shouts and cries. Your pulse quickened as you saw an arrow slicing through the air, its trajectory erratic and alarming. Time seemed to slow as it arced dangerously towards you.
Instinctively, you pulled your son close, shielding him with your body. The arrow whizzed past, embedding itself with a sickening thud into the wooden frame of your chair. Your heart leapt to your throat as you glanced around in shock, the enormity of the danger sinking in.
Geta’s reaction was immediate and fierce. His eyes, usually calm and composed, now blazed with protective fury. He sprang into action, his authoritative presence cutting through the crowd with decisive urgency. Each powerful stride was driven by the primal need to protect his family. His voice, usually steady, now carried a note of raw command.
“Protect her!” Geta bellowed, his tone slicing through the chaos. His personal guards, trained for such moments, formed an impenetrable barrier around you and your son, their weapons drawn and their eyes scanning for any further threat.
The world seemed to constrict to a singular focus: Geta and the peril surrounding you. You held your son tightly, his small frame trembling against you. His wide, frightened eyes met yours, and the sight of his innocent fear only deepened your own.
Geta reached your side in a heartbeat, his face etched with a fierce blend of relief and anxiety. “Are you hurt?” he demanded, his voice strained with concern as he knelt beside you, his hands carefully examining not only your face, but the space around you.
“I’m fine,” you managed to get out, your voice shaky but resolute. “But the arrow...”
Geta’s gaze followed the path of the arrow, his expression darkening with a protective rage. “Stay down,” he instructed firmly, though his voice was gentler, coaxed with honey and warmth to your scared being. He signaled one of his guards to remove the arrow while another scanned the stands, his eyes never leaving you.
The crowd’s murmur grew to a tense, expectant silence. The sudden intrusion of danger had shifted the mood dramatically. You looked up at Geta, whose normally stern features were now a mask of fierce protectiveness. He reached out to steady you, his touch both reassuring and urgent.
“I’m.. sorry,” Geta murmured, his voice breaking slightly as he looked into your eyes. “I should have been more careful.. to think I would bring you to such a spectacl—.”
“No,” you interrupted, voice trembling with a mix of fear and gratitude. “You protected us. You kept us safe.”
Geta’s gaze softened as he regarded his son, who clung to you with wide, terrified eyes. The arrow, now removed and inspected, was a stark reminder of how fragile safety could be. The danger had been real and immediate, and its impact was palpable.
With a resolute nod, Geta turned to his guards, issuing sharp commands to heighten security and ensure the safety of everyone present. His concern for you and your son was palpable, yet so was his unwavering commitment to maintaining order.
“Are you certain you’re alright?” Geta asked again, his eyes searching yours with a depth of concern that spoke volumes.
“Yes,” you assured him, though your voice was barely more than a whisper. “I’m just shaken.”
He nodded, his face returning to its usual mask of authority, though his gaze remained tender as it rested on you. “We’ll leave as soon as the games conclude. Your safety is my foremost concern.”
The spectacle continued below, but its appeal had been tainted by the recent events. Geta’s protective presence was a comforting shield, a reminder of his dedication and love. As you held your son close, enveloped by Geta’s unwavering vigilance, a profound sense of relief and gratitude washed over you.
In the midst of chaos and danger, the strength and love of your family had proven to be the greatest shield of all.
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trulyumai · 2 months
soon to be heir
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—pairing: emperor Geta / empress! reader
synopsis: word of your pregnancy spread fast. Geta had to act even quicker to ensure your safety.
warnings: talk of violence, short tempers, grabbing. geta tries to be soft.
a/n: this was very heavily requested, enjoy everyone!
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The news spread like wildfire.
‘Empress with a soon to be heir!’ For the gods, your own servants whispered about it.
It was true, of course. How could it not be, for Geta would make sure to fill you almost every night. Inching his fingers to touch below and shove the remainder of his seed into your wet mound.
He had planned for this. Dreamed of it.
Of you swole with his child; all his own doing. You didn’t, or hadn’t, planned on becoming a mother this early into his reign. But life was funny that way. Life and a certain ginger haired emperor.
You sat now, swelled next to the man during dinner time. It was unfortunate on the servants really, to abide by all your silly cravings. grapes here, jackfruits there and oh! Don’t forget about the sweet bread. Did I mention the berry spread?
“Wife,” Geta’s voice drew you from your thoughts. A hand, warm and callous placed itself upon your tummy. “Would you be receiving anything else?” He was ever so doting on you now. His eyes even held a bit of love to them from time to time.
“Ahm,” thinking you tried to place the current craving at command. But with a newfound shyness and tinge of embarrassment, you decided against it. “It’s— it’s nothing, dear husband.”
Almost immediately, Geta sensed the lie. And oh, how he hated those.
For gods sake, half of the palace lay in waste for the rumor of there being a rat, so for the audacity you displayed? It was dangerous.
He squinted and with the same arm, draped it across your shoulders, pinning your shorter body to his. “You wouldn’t be lying to me, little wife, would you?” A fire sprung up inside your body. Automatically, fight or flight seemed to be kicking in.
“It’s just a small thing. Not even worth mentioning really,” spit had gathered in your mouth incessantly out of fear. Gulping it down, the emperor leaned in further, until his nose brushed against yours.
If it were any other man, you would have called him pretty.
If it were any other man, you would have danced kisses upon his cheeks, his eyelids.
But it was Geta.
So you just watched, holding back a whimper as he applied more pressure with his hand upon your back.
Wordlessly, you knew what he wanted. He had become so infatuated with your wanton needs lately.
Oh, a bath? He’ll start it.
Those rare flowers by the bay? He’ll send word for them.
What’s that, that man is staring little too long? Beheading it is!
The last one was on his account, Geta had the man seized while you woddled back to the chambers, unaware of the whole predicament until your faithful servants informed you.
Geta had lobbed his head off right in the middle of the throne room. Screaming on about loyalty, fealty. What was his.
Geta’s fingers slowly perched there way below your chin, mulling you out of the violent place you put yourself in.
“Well?” The man wasn’t known for his patience, and you were surprised he lasted this long already.
“It’s… honey bread.” The emperor had to stifle his laughter. To hear and worry over such a dumbfounded thing.
“Honey bread.” He repeated, already raising his palm to signal for the chef.
“It shall be done, my wife.”
“It’s not necessary—
“It shall be done.” That was the end of it, you supposed.
Slowly, cautiously you sat up, legs already shaking with the added pressure.
Geta’s hands lay tensed and ready, just in case he needed to grab or hold you.
Unfortunately for him, you noticed this. Wanting to grant the man his sought out intention of protection, you reached out and cradled his hand in your own.
“Walk me back to our room?” And with a look as pathetic as that, how could the man say no.
He stood with you, and automatically, the servants in the room bowed their heads.
Fearful to take a glimpse of you and it be mistaken for something else.
Fearful to lay eyes upon the gruesome emperor with the short temper.
Now, with his big palm splayed out on your lower back, you began your stroll. Leaning into his soft robes your eyes shut. Geta had no problem taking the lead, holding onto your body with desperation and dare he say, infatuation.
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