#empanadas de pino
foodinstagrammed · 2 years
Chilean Beef Empanadas de Pino (LINK)
We have some friends who are moving to Chile in the new year, and recently they had us over for a little holiday get together. I was tasked with bringing over an appetizer so, in their honor, I made Chilean empanadas.
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Thanks to some help from another friend (who is himself Chilean!) I was able to source a recipe and all the ingredients I needed, supporting a few small, local businesses in the process. The filling was quick to whip up (and so yummy) and with the help of pre-made empanada wrappers, the whole thing came together in about an hour. Muy bien!
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For the Pino filling, I used beef all-spice sausages smashed up, from Fresh Valley Farms, just north of me in the Okanagan Valley. I added some Mexican oregano from San’s Latin Market in Kelowna and a dash of smoked paprika (yum) found at my local farm stand, Don o Rays.
Served with spicy salsa and hot sauce, these are a filling snack or quick lunch meal!
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piononostalgia · 1 year
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An illustrator reconnects to her roots through vegan Chilean recipes
By Fabiola Lara
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picdpipcr · 2 years
Alito, ¿Cuál es el platillo chileno que todo extranjero debe probar?
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----Uf, esta está difícil... --Habían muchas cosas, muchos platos deliciosos; pero no sabía que podía ser una variación o una copia feliz del Edén-- Mira, me iré a la segura y diré que las Empanadas de Pino. Las mejores son las de horno, pero las fritas también son muy buenas. Un manjarsh, en mi opinión.
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Chilean Empanadas de pino
Chilean Empanadas de pino
We had some leftover empanada filling that we wanted to use up so I made some dough and after it rested my daughter filled and baked them for the freezer. Making empanadas has been on my list for a few years now and I just never pulled the trigger on them, they always seemed out of my grasp. Several years ago I ripped a 3 page recipe out of a magazine and that sounds pretty daunting even to me,…
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do-you-like-this-food · 3 months
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Empanada de pino
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evignonita · 8 days
sorry queen
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i said it in a previous post, but today i went to eat empanadas with my friends and well.. i ate an empanada called "empanada de pino" which is minced meat, onion, egg, olive, etc. and the meat TASTED HORRIBLE, i still have the feeling of disgust in my throat and i felt sick drawing nervous eating empanadas. so this is based on real events djjsdjdk -crying-
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camcamaronn · 1 day
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chilean sonic with his empanada de pino 🇨🇱‼️🇨🇱‼️🇨🇱‼️
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lordgoopy · 15 days
mi cruz como chilene es que no me gustan tanto las empanadas de carne o pino en comparación con las de queso. son ricas pero simplemente nada vence a la simplicidad de la empanada de queso
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deploredchip · 2 days
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Just two empanadas de pino🥟🇨🇱
Felices fiestas patrias 🇨🇱 coman harto!
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jav-uni · 6 months
Y'all want to eat what Pedro is eating? 😏
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Y'all thank me later.
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sick-mind · 3 days
mi récord hoy fueron 7 empanadas de pino jsjsjsk podrían haber sido más obvio que si pero había que tomar
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weirdo09 · 2 years
mi amante
a byler 90’s au fic(might make this a series)
moving away from chile really hurt will but he knew that they needed to move with the military fallen and the country in shambles, desperately needing stability. kind of like will at this moment but the maldonados were already on the plane to hawkins, indiana. just because he knew why didn’t mean he liked it all the same. to be truthful, will thought that the move was mierda(bullshit) but he wouldn’t say that in front of his mom, the one who was struggling the most. she’d just divorced with jonathan and will’s father, leonardo ‘lonnie’. will was glad that the piece of shit was out of their lives but he would still miss his home which was forever chile.
after a 13+ hour flight, they landed in indianapolis. then after a 5 hour drive, they finally arrive in hawkins. it was a small house but it had character or at least that’s what joyce said. it was better than their tiny apartment in the outskirts of santiago. first look around the house, will would say that it’s cozy, maybe even livable if you got rid of all the boxes full of things. they brought a few things from chile like photo albums, joyce’s record player and so on. will headed to his new room and sat down on his bed, there he thought that he should give america a try.
first off, will woke up with the most excruciating headache then, he tripped and fell in the shower. “mierda!”(fuck!) will exclaimed roughly . jonathan knocked on the door, “ciuda esa boquita!” (watch your language!) he called before going in the kitchen, will huffed. after quickly changing, he rushed into the kitchen to get some breakfast. jonathan was just finished making empanadas de pino, will could smell it from a mile away. he grabbed one and took a bite, “veo que alguien tiene hambre.”(i see someone’s hungry) jonathan said chuckling, will rolled his eyes. joyce popped into the kitchen due to the smells coming from there.
“hola cariño, listo para tu primer día?” (hi, baby, ready for your first day?)joyce asked will, fluffing his hair. will groaned in protest but smiled. “hola, ma, sí.”(hi, mom, yes) will replied, taking another bite of his empanada de pino. joyce played a record of paty maldonado then she gave her youngest son a tender look, “aww, mi bébé ya esta tan grande!”(aww, my baby’s all grown up!) joyce gushed, pinching will’s cheeks. will yelped “mamá! me tengo que ir!”(mom, i have to go!) joyce stopped pinching his cheeks,”oh, ok, ten un buen día!”(oh ok, have a good day!) she called as will made his way to the door. “ok, mamá.”(alright, mom) will said before waving his family goodbye. “te amo, cariño!”(i love you, baby!)joyce said before will closed the door.
like most american high schoolers, will had a car to drive to school. though, the other teens were probably more up to date, will’s was a 70’s chilean beaumont but he loved it nonetheless. it was a gift for his 16th birthday, jonathan and joyce were secretly saving for another car just for him and will has forever grateful. as will drove, he took a look at the scenery hawkins had to offer. sure, it wasn’t as rich as santiago but it would have to be his home now. soon after, he made it to school, will took a breath. ‘aquí vamos.’(here we go) will thought as he got out his car and locked the doors. there at those blue doors he would see a bunch of students laughing and talking. sure, he knew few english but he certainly knew more than his family.
will decided to pass the hoards of people to his home room. he took a glance at the paper he got in the mail. ‘señora jackson?’ will thought as he scoured the halls for her room. one person who caught his glance was mike wheeler, resident of hawkins since he was born. at first glance, mike could’ve swore that he’d seen the shorter boy somewhere before but soon couldn’t remember where. whatever force pushing him towards the boy must’ve been invisible because when mike looked, he saw no one behind him. he then looked at will, who was giving him an annoyed glare. “uhm, do you need help?” mike asked, will nodded in fear of him saying something in spanish. mike looked for approval to see will’s sheet, will granted it. “oh, mrs. jackson? i have her too, i’ll take you there.” mike said with a small smile.
to be honest, will was intrigued by mike coming up to him but soon lost interest until he said that he’d lead him there. will was never one to automatically accept help but he thought that this kid could be useful so he followed him. a few minutes later, the two made it to mrs. jackson room with time to spare. “uhm, thank you.” will said softly, pronouncing each word carefully. mike smiled, ‘his accent’s cute.’ he thought. “your welcome, wanna sit together?” mike asked, will looked at him before slowly nodding. they picked seats in the third row, will took a seat first, placing his bag next to his chair. mike did the same, taking out his supplies. will took out his sketchbook to pass the time, mike peered over, catching a glance at some of will’s art.
will could feel mike staring at him and he would call him out but what the heck? some boy’s seemingly obsessed with him and he’ll let him. though that doesn’t make it any less annoying, it was like mike was staring holes into him. will huffed before closing his sketchbook and putting it back in his bag, replacing with his notebook. mike took that as a sign to stop staring at will, not that he could help it. it was just that will looked so…what’s the word? hot. mike’s always thought that he was the littlest bit queer but he’s never really explored it and has never really wanted to until will. he began to think a little bit more about will before mrs. jackson called for class to begin session.
after class, the two went their separate ways to their next class. however will’s class had to be one of the most boring classes, yet. so, he asked to go to the restroom to probably wander the halls til the end of class and actually use the restroom. then, will was off….to the restroom. unluckily, mike was on his way to the restroom as well and he was carrying a… spray can? besides that, will decided to follow him because why not? he sneaked behind mike and found him graffiting a stall very poorly. this was too sad to see so will called out, “you’re doing it wrong.” mike jumped and turned out,”oh, hey! uhm what’s your name?” mike asked, will have him a look, took the spray can and did some actually good graffiti.
‘damn, he’s good, really good.’ mike thought as he and will look at his handiwork. will have mike back his can and mike looked at him like he was the best thing in the world. will gave him a confused look when he looked a little too intensely at him. “my name’s will, by the way.” will said carefully, mike nodded, “mike, mike wheeler.” he said with a sheepish smile. “chao.”(goodbye) will said before leaving the restroom. “wait-.” mike began to say but will already left. “shit.” he cursed, touching his cheeks to find they were hot. will bursted in fits of laughter when he exited the restroom and he didn’t stop until he made it back to class. the teacher looked at will unamused as he walked in. “where were you? you were gone for 15 minutes.” the teacher asked. will just stared at him, “sorry, bad food.” he said with a smirk before sitting down at his desk.
some of the students laughed and the teacher just huffed. troy whispered to him, “hey, that was good. nobody stands up to mr. harvey. want be friends?” will rolled his eyes, “no thanks.” troy huffed in annoyance “do you know who i am?” he asked, will chuckled. “i don’t need to.” he said before turning around to face this mr. harvey. troy glared at will but then turned his attention to mr. harvey. the day went by smoothly after all that well until, mike and will bumped into each other quite literally. mike wasn’t watching where he was going and tripped, falling into will’s arms. he really wanted to curse out god at that but will didn’t show any discomfort, really he just looked unamused.
“oh, shit, sorry!” mike said before scrambling out of will’s grip. will just shrugged and began to walk again when mike stopped him, “uh, hey, i wanted to ask you something!” mike called out, making will turn to face him. “can i uh have your number?” mike asked sheepishly, will started laughing. “yeah sure, mino.”(handsome guy) will replied, mike didn’t really pick up the last part but didn’t complain. will took out a marker and wrote on mike’s skin his house number. he stuck his tongue out while doing so, mike was mesmerized. “ok, there.” will said after he finished, mike just stared at him in adoration. then he shook his hand to get out of his trance, “thank you.” mike said breathlessly, will nodded with a smirk before walking away. ‘god, he’s beautiful.’ mike thought before mentally facepalming himself.
at the end of the day, mike was mentally drained. he was dreading staying there any longer but he was also dreading going home. with nancy out to college, his parents seemed to forget him more than before, if that was even possible. at least, he still had holly to look forward to seeing at home. his baby sister was his joy, one of his first best friends besides lucas and dustin. funny enough, lucas was sitting next to him, probably writing down notes for basketball practice with dustin on his far left, doodling. they both despised mrs. smith, she was the rudest teacher yet and she gave the most homework. mike was looking at the clock, counting down the seconds when they’d be dismissed.
the bell rung and mike ran at the speed of light out the room, he was so fast mrs. smith didn’t even see him leave. mike looked at his arm, will’s number still there, signed will m. ‘wonder what the m stands for.’ mike thought as he exited out the school building. walking down to his car, he spotted will about to get into his. “hey, will!” mike exclaimed, walking over to will, he looked up and smiled at him. once mike was close enough, will hummed. “uhm, i just wanted to say bye.” mike said with a smile, will nodded. “bye, mike.” he said before getting in the driver’s seat and driving away. mike watched as he did, sighing. ‘what am i doing? i can’t seriously be into this guy.’ mike thought as he continued his walk to his car.
unfortunately, there would be a unappealing surprise awaiting him there, troy. mike stopped once he saw him, troy glanced at him and smirking maliciously. mike began to slowly walk over, “what do you want, troy?” he asked, troy dryly laughed. “do you know will maldonado?” troy asked, mike looked down ‘so that’s what the m stands for.’ he thought before answering troy. “yeah, so what?” troy took his hands out of his pockets and walked closer to him. once they were a few inches apart, troy said, “he denied my proposal.” mike cackled unexpectedly. “what? did you ask to marry him or something?” mike blurted out, still laughing. troy gave him a cold stare before saying, “no! i’m not a queer! i asked to be his friend.” he said, mike stopped laughing.
“ok but what does this have to do with me?” mike asked, about to push troy to the ground and get in his car. ‘why would his rude ass ask to be his friend? he’s mine after all.’ mike thought before then thinking, ‘wait stop, will’s not yours!’ troy huffed, “i thought he’d be useful to me, i guess not. so, i’m going to beat you up, maybe that’ll satisfy me.” troy said before getting in a stance. mike had two reactions to what troy said, run until you get home or try and fight him. luckily, will just happened to cruise by when he saw what was happening, troy threw the first punch at mike. he missed but will stomped on the brakes and got out. he walked over, mike glanced over at him and troy threw another punch…..but it didn’t land for will stopped it. mike opened his eyes to see will in front of him, giving troy a death stare.
troy stumbled before getting balanced again. “ah, if it isn’t will himself!” he exclaimed, rubbing his fist. will just stared, awaiting his next move. mike just stood frozen in terror, sure after all these years, troy still terrified him. troy threw a punch and will blocked it, also throwing a punch and landing it hard at troy’s nose. troy fell back at the force of it, hitting his head on the ground. will looked at his fist, wiping the blood off on his jeans. mike looked at the scene in front of him. will had just knocked out and broken the nose of his childhood tormentor, he slowly walked over to will before stopping a few inches. will turned around to face him, “thank you, will.” mike whispered, will just stared before he was thrown into a hug.
mike had wrapped his arms around will’s waist in a hug. will stood frozen, he’d never gotten hugs like this but it felt nice so, he leaned into it. “your welcome….mike.” will whispered back, slightly tightening his grip on mike. mike chuckled wetly, letting go of will and he did the same. “uh, we should probably go home.” mike stated, wiping his eyes with his right arm.(will’s number is on his left.) will looked down at his feet then looked up at mike, “yeah.” he said with a small smile. mike returned it then walked over to his car, “see you around?” mike asked, will nodded. he then walked over to his car, mike called to him “i’ll call you!” will smiled, saluting. they both went into their cars and drove away, leaving troy alone on the ground.
as will drove him, he replayed what he did in his mind. he had punched a random guy for another random guy well, not really he knew mike a little but certainly not enough to start a fight. then, that other said random guy hugged him and he started to feel something for him, not really sure what that something but it’s indeed something. god, why were feelings so hard? will didn’t know, really didn’t want to find out. he sighed and continued driving.
mike, on the other hand was in a spiral trying to figure out what happened. will fought a guy for him! for him of all people, it’s just shocking because he’s never had anybody to fight his own battles for him and mike’s not sure if that should be ego brushing or not. whatever, he still liked the guy, like really like liked. hell, he was smitten for him even though he would begrudgingly agree with it, he was down bad for will and he just wanted to know if will felt the same. mike sighed, focusing back on the road ahead, just a few short minutes til he’s home.
will finally arrived home. he got his bag and keys, locked the car doors and went inside. there he found his mom making churrasco, the smell practically hitting his nose also making him drool and remember he hasn’t eaten. will closed the door and floated to the kitchen. music filled his ears as he walked in, seeing his mom and brother dancing while the food was cooking. “hola, cariño como fue tu primer día?”(hey baby how was your first day?) joyce asked while still dancing.“estuvo bien, ma.” (it was ok, mom) will replied, joyce stopped dancing to hug her son. she gave him a tender kiss on the right cheek. “bueno, anda a ducharte y comemos.”(alright, go take a shower and get ready for dinner) joyce told will, fixing up his outfit. “ok, ma.” will said before vanishing to his room.
after the shower, will’s head felt clearer. he put on some pajamas and made his way to the table. the maldonados had a great time eating, laughing and chatting, just the three of them. after dinner, they danced and danced. about hour later, will headed to his room, he laid down on his bed thinking about what the next day will bring.
what’s for sure is that you won’t know until the next chapter, stay tuned. this was a joy to write and i’m sure the next will be just as great
tags list: @foodiewithdahoodie @aimz304 @unprofessionalprofessional @evil-gay-person @pimplepogue @xhavibee @eefonline @eggo-owl @verashalurks @finalgirlharrison @ronanticized @buckieduckie2 @yelenapines @finalgirlkaspbrak @hoteadepresso(idk, can i tag you? yk what it’s ok) @ohfallingdisco @delusional-dingus @thefruityfours @thegayupsidedown @willelfanpage @atbyler @she-wont-miss
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butchiful · 6 months
Whats your favorite thing about your country?
Honestly folk dances from my tribe .. Very fun. Well thats technically not about Chile itself but yeaaah.. Also Empanadas de Pino but honestly I like Empanadas de Mechada more.. Food in general#TBH Im such a foodlover
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evignonita · 1 year
happy Chilean Independence Day friend!! my parents made pastel de choclo to celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful day :)
FELIZ DÍA CHILEEEEEEEE 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱 Today the first government meeting that took place in Chile in 1810 is celebrated with asado and empanadas de pino 😼😼
PASTEL DE CHOCLO???? OMGGGGG I LOVE IT, IT IS VERY DELICIOUS, I like to eat it with sugar, it really tastes good. Thank you so much!!!!, I hope you have a wonderful day too!!!
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the-annoying-moth · 2 years
Que mierda está pasando con el tumblr hispano estos días me llega a asustar weon
¿Ahora me tratarán de funar a mi por hacer chistes de humor negro o una wea así? Osea,los seguiré haciendo pero no wei,me da como cosa que cada vez esten funando a más personas que conozco. Qué acaso en unos días más me vendrán a funar por que dije que no me gustan los completos ni tampoco las empanadas de pino o que chucha?
Y sí,odio las empanadas de pino pero amo las de manzana X"D,es mi gusto culposo
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vannyqwea · 6 months
Le dijeron volao de la esquina a mi chile con solo ver esto y yo le digo que le faltó lo pasao chela, el wn que se compra unos gramos por luca en la esquina pa luego irse a molestar a la awelita que tiene un almacén y comprarle 3 empanadas, 2 de queso y 1 de pino, irse a su casa, hacerse un Tesito, pan con palta y tomar once con los puros ojos chinos (asi o mas especifico xDDD)
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