darlingpetao3 · 4 years
Miss Independent (Nash Wells x Reader)
Rating: T
Summary: You’re a tough and independent and oftentimes stubborn member of Team Flash, almost to the point of self-sabotage. But when Nash Wells pops onto the scene and beats you in a fight, you refuse to accept any form of help from him in the latest Team Flash mission.
Tag List: @fandomdancer​ @bluesclues-1234​ @blogforhoes​
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You’ve always been a do-it-herself kind of girl.
In school, when you carried your books to class, sometimes boys would ask to carry them for you.
“No thanks, I’m good.”
And there’s always that one item at the store that’s on the top shelf, just out of reach. A fellow customer or a stock-boy will check to see if you need assistance in reaching the pesky missing piece of your grocery list.
“Oh, that’s fine, I got it,” you’d say, and proceed to scale the shelves and channel the essence of your stretchy teammate and friend to reach it.
You may even reach a new level of stubbornness when you decline to accept help to carry said groceries up and into your downtown Central City apartment.
“I’m nearly there, thanks though!”
And you by no means need a man to save you.
Since the infamous Particle Accelerator explosion of 2015, and subsequently gaining your new-found abilities, you can do it all yourself. You can take care of yourself. Team Flash has lovingly dubbed you Miss “Indy” Independent.
Of course, one night of working your second-job as a vigilante for smaller crimes (muggings, corner store thefts, that kind of thing), you come face to face with a man who will turn your life upside down.
As if it hadn’t been turned upside down already.
You’re patrolling a different section of the city than usual tonight, near the Ivo Labs building, when you spot a figure in the alleyway at the side door to the premises. You press your fingers to your domino mask to make sure your identity is secure for this upcoming bust.
“Hey, you!” you shout. “Get away from there!”
Fully expecting the tall shadowy figure to flee, you are surprised to find the opposite. In fact, they step out into the dim light of the street lamps. It’s a man. It’s…
Oh hell, it’s another one.
You catch him stash something into one of his pockets. So this Wells is a thief. Huh… that’s different.
You’re still not going to take it easy on him.
“Whatever that is,” you call out, making careful advancements toward him, “you better hand it over.”
“Let me guess, ‘or else?’” This new, apparently cocky Wells replies. You laugh.
“You better believe it.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Then you’re in for a world of hurt.”
You break into a run, effectively charging Wells the Thief. Only, what you didn’t expect was for the man to shoot a grappling hook at a fire escape up above. He uses the propelling motions to fly over your body and land on the other side of you.
“Neat trick,” you say with a growing annoyance. But why don’t you fight me for what you took like a real man?” To emphasize the figurative throwing down of your gauntlet, you get into fighting stance and put up your dukes.
Wells walks back towards you, not even attempting to leave the situation. You can already tell this one loves a good fight. Hell, maybe they all do. This ought to be good.
You throw the first punch - pulling back tightly like a master archer - and letting it fly. What should have been his face, your knuckles meet his palm as he catches it.
“Gotta do better than that,” he says. You continue to throw a flurry of punches, all of which this Wells manages to block. And then, on your last one, disarms you and renders both your hands incapable of moving.
“You have beautiful eyes,” Wells remarks. “Are you married to that mask, or…?”
“Shut up.”
By hooking a leg around his you get him to stumble down to his knees, but he lunges at your middle and knocks you both down to the ground. Luckily, your head didn’t hit the pavement, but the crash is still not at all pleasant on the ol’ tush.
You take your chance and attempt to rifle a hand into the pocket you saw Wells stash the mysterious stolen object. Only…
“Call me old fashioned,” Wells says with a sideways smile, “but I’d rather you buy me dinner first, my dear.”
After being momentarily confused, you realize what you are rooting around for in his pocket is not, in fact, the thing he stole.
“Give it to me, now!” you demand before you’re forced to use resort to using your special abilities on this crook. This Wells’ eyes twinkle with mischief.
“Sorry Beautiful, I’m not that kind of guy.” The pair of you scramble to get up and just as you lift your hands to power up your energy blasts, Wells flashes the item he stole at you. He shoots you a wink. “Rain check?”
Suddenly, there’s a loud noise, followed by a dense fog of smoke. You run into the haze, hoping that didn’t just happen - that a thief didn’t get away from you. You’ve fought big bad metas! How could you lose against a cocky, ability-less, cat-burglar with second rate magician’s tricks?
Still stunned at your failure, you head home for the night while replaying everything about the fight in your head until it nearly drives you mad. You can’t believe you lost. You never lose! Consider yourself clocking out of this night shift. You hope you see that bastard again because when you do, you’ll be ready. 
And he’ll regret the day he messed with you.
“(Y/N), meet Nash.”
You can’t believe it.
You cannot believe Barry is introducing you to him.
“You.” Your voice seethes with disdain. Of course this Nash, the Wells from that night that shall not be referenced, lights up like the sun at seeing you. He points in your direction.
“I’d know those eyes anywhere,” he says smoothly. “How’ve you been?”
“You two already know each other?” Cisco asks, scanning you both on opposite sides of the main monitor desk. You give a flat “no” the very second Nash says “we sure do.”
“‘Know’ is such a strong word,” you explain vaguely. “You know he’s a thief, right?”
“Yeah, he kind of helped us with our own heist…” Cisco says.
Great, so now we’re thieves?
“Anyway,” Barry continues hastily, “we’ve come up with a plan to catch Pinstripe at last. But there is a catch…”
“Let me guess. I serve as a distraction?” It would only seem fitting. You happened to have had a brief relationship with Pinstripe, one of Central City’s biggest gangsters. To be fair, though, this was before he ‘made it big,’ so to speak. You had no idea so long ago that your boyfriend at the time would become a heinous villain.
“Actually…” Barry scratches the back of his neck. Oh, great. “You’d be the bait.”
Welp, this might as well happen.
“Okay,” the word comes out as a sigh. “He’s been trying to track me down for years anyway. Just let me know the when and where and I’ll get it done. I’ll bring him down.”
“We’re going to send Nash in with you,” Barry tells you, “to keep you safe. Meanwhile, Frost and I will-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” you interrupt your friend. “I don’t need anyone, let alone him to keep me safe.”
“I can help,” Nash steps in, “I have experience in-”
“-No, thanks. I got this all on my own. I don’t need your help.”
The Wells doppelganger holds his hands up in surrender. Barry and Cisco’s cringing expressions don’t go unnoticed as they exit, leaving you with Nash. As if to dissolve the extremely palpable tension, Nash leans against the wall.
“So, how about that dinner?”
You should have figured your ex-boyfriend would have shot you.
Really, the blast from his top of the line energy rifle nicked your shoulder, but it still hurt like hell. Part of the sleeve of your jacket has a singed hole. You could probably see the smoke coming off of it if you weren’t booking it up the stairwell of this office building. Pinstripe must have seen you dart inside…
“You won’t get away from me this time, (Y/N)!” the gangster calls up to you.
You press a finger to the comms in your ear. “You guys, I’m leading him to the rooftop.” There’s no reply. “Guys?” Well, shit.
Pushing through the exit door on the uppermost level, you keep running until you reach the ledge. You need to think fast. Maybe you have enough energy stored up for a good blast at Pinstripe? You have to try.
Pinstripe, with his suit that matches his Cisco-given villain name and slicked-back hair, he finally swaggers through the door. He’s no longer in a rush to capture you. There’s nowhere to run for you and still no sign of Barry or Frost.
“So, it’s come to this?” Pinstripe asks with a gross smirk. “Running away from our love again?”
“You’re a bastard. And I don’t love you.”
“Tell you what? You get away from that ledge, come home with me, and I won’t shoot you?”
“As if.”
You thrust your hands forward to let loose one of your energy blasts from your hands, but nothing happens. You have no stored energy left…
Pinstripe raises his rifle and aims. “I gave you a chance.”
Just then, your comms short-circuits in your ear, taking you by surprise and causing you to stumble back and hurtle over the edge. But an exhilarated shout grows louder, and before you know what’s happening, something catches you mid-fall. And now you’re… swinging through the air?
“Aw, (Y/N), are you falling for me?”
Looking up, you find yourself in the firm grasp of Nash Wells. The man smiles at you, but you are still in shock. You’re finding it hard to breathe.
When the pair of you finally touch ground again, Nash makes sure to set you down gently.
“Are you alright?” he asks you.
You do a quick self-check. “Yeah, yeah I think so.”
“Indy, are you safe?” Barry’s voice chimes in your ear. The comms are back online, it would seem. “We’ve captured Pinstripe. I’m taking him to Iron Heights.”
“I’m safe,” you confirm. “...Thanks to Nash.” The Wells beside you smiles at the recognition. “Seriously, thank you. I’d be pancake if you hadn’t…”
“Don’t worry about it.”
A wave of guilt and realization washes over you. “Listen, I’m sorry for biting your head off before. I was just bitter at having lost to you that night. See, I never lose. Apparently I’m on a downward streak.”
Nash simply nods, letting you get everything out.
“I was blind before, but now I know it’s okay to have help from others. Especially when you’re about to die!” You laugh awkwardly. “I don’t know why it took me so long to see it. I’m on a team, and I haven’t been acting like it.” Now you’re talking more to yourself. You proffer a hand to your saviour. “Welcome to Team Flash, Nash.”
“Thank you.”
You know, now that I think about it, this guy’s not half-bad looking...
“So,” you start, “how about that dinner?”
Requested by @emilyfandoms​: So the readers personality is more of a do it herself type of girl. She doesn't need a man outlook on life because she can do it herself. She is a strong meta and knows how to handle herself even without her powers. So on first meeting Nash maybe they get into an actual fight and she ends up loosing which she gets super salty about it and can't stand Nash after that with his cocky personality and all. So once he finally( flirty with her) joined the team they have to use her as bait to catch a villain who is specifically after her. She ends up getting hurt and Nash saved her literally sweeping her off her feet afterward. So she falls for him then because she never had a man actually save her and yeah she wanting some Nash booty after if ya get what I mean. 🍑 👀 😏
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roguelov · 5 years
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Requested by @emilyfandoms
Note: This request is more of a sequel to this but it can still be a stand-alone fic. And sorry this took so long! But it’s here and I hope you love it.
You thought this would be ‘happily ever after’. You thought this was it. You finally had Harry at your side. However, every relationship deals with hardships and obstacles. Yours was no different. Yours, unfortunately, had higher consequences. Instead of miniscule debates on where to eat or other insignificant aspects, you had to deal with villains. Deal with life and death, balancing your life along with the countless others in Central City. Deal with DeVoe and his outrageous plan.
In order to try and get one step ahead of DeVoe, Harry and Cisco developed their own thinking cap. But, it wasn’t enough. Simple calculations could be made but to stay ahead it needed to be stronger. What it needed was dark matter. Something you and Cisco argued tremendously against. The effects of prolonged exposure of dark matter could be catastrophic. You feared what may happen to Harry.
“Harry, promise me you won’t use dark matter,” you begged him. “We can do this without it.”
Harry bit his lip. “I don’t –“
“Promise me, please.”
He stared at your wide eyes. Eyes filled with fear. Fear for your love. “Okay, I promise.”
He lied. He lied directly to your face. He used dark matter and in turn he started to lose his self. His intellect, his memories, all of it faded over time. It was the most painful experience you had to endure. Watching the man you love, the man you fell for, disappear before your eyes.
Thankfully, the team was able to succeed in defeating DeVoe. And Harry was able to regain his memories thanks to Marlize. However, he lost his expansive intellect. Yet, it didn’t matter he was back. After almost fading from existence.
Harry immediately enveloped you in a hug. Your arms dangled at your sides. He pulled away smiling. Looking to the others, he expressed his joy to see everyone again. You stood back. Your face blank. Void of all emotion. Your heart conflicted in this moment. Harry joked with Cisco, hugged everyone else on the team, then he peered over his shoulder seeing you avoid his eye contact. He asked the others for the room and they happily walked away. Harry was back. The team won. What more could they ask for.
Alone with Harry, the silence was unbearable. It suffocated you. Finally, Harry broke it whispering two words. “Marry me.”
“What?” Your head shot up.
“Marry me, please.”
Harry didn’t know why he asked you. Maybe he was desperate. He saw the hesitation and pain in your eyes. Maybe he was afraid to lose you. He saw your importance. And he didn’t want to let you go. Even if he didn’t have a ring. Even if it was a spur of the moment. One final declaration of his love to you.
However, the damage was done.
“Harry … no.” You shook your head.
“What?” He mumbled.
“Harry, you lied to me. After you promised. And I had to watch the man I love become unrecognizable. Watch as memories of our time together fade away. As you started to forget small things to eventually forgetting my name.” A tear escaped and you quickly wiped it away. “You could have died. After we just started this new chapter together. And now you have the audacity to ask me to marry you? After that stunt you pulled? Harry, I can’t. I’m sorry. I just need some time to myself.”
“H – How long?” His voice cracked.
“I don’t know.” You hugged yourself. Your throat clenched as you tried to fight against your own emotions. “I think you should leave. I’ll contact you if I want to see you again.”
He opened his mouth. Hanging on a single breath. Trying to find a solution, trying to keep you at his side. But, all he could do was whisper, “I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
He strolled over and kissed your cheek. “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
“Bye, Harry.”
You watched as Harry walked out of the room. Your heart breaking as he inched further and further away from you. What was worse? Harry lying to you, nearly killing himself, putting you through hell as the man you love disappear. Or you. Pregnant with his child who found out about a month ago and did not tell him.
You didn’t watch Harry leave along with everyone else. You couldn’t. Wouldn’t. Everyone reconvened in the Cortex milling around. Conflicted. Hopeful yet a somber tone settled over top. They knew of your break-up with Harry. One of the many losses in this battle.
Taking a deep breath, you announced, “Guys, I think I need some time away.”
They all turned to you. Sadness painted into their eyes. They knew it was a possibility but hoped it would never come to pass. But, it has. “Are you sure?” Caitlin asked.
“For how long?” Cisco pressed.
“I don’t know.” You did. You simply didn’t want to tell them. “But I’ll keep in touch.”
You spun around about to leave when Barry spoke up. “Will you be okay?”
You peered over your shoulder forcing a smile. “Yeah, I will be. See you around.”
You spoke with the team monthly as they updated you on whatever insanity they had for that week. You joked with them, talking about your civilian like, and how you explored the country and ended up on the other side with your family. But, you kept out the most crucial detail. You never told them about your pregnancy. You didn’t know why. Maybe, you didn’t want them to know. To try and convince you to call Harry. Maybe, you didn’t want them worrying over you. You could handle yourself. You could take care of this baby. You were strong enough to keep going.
A year later, you wondered back into STAR labs. Strange how familiar yet foreign the place felt. You recently moved back to Central City. Missing your old home, missing your friends, and ready to start over. With a new addition.
You walked into the Cortex following the familiar voices. A smile etched onto your lips. You rounded the corner and stopped. Taking a small moment, you studied your friends. Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, along with a new face. One you clearly remember running into at Jitters once. A face you were informed over calls that it was Nora, Barry’s and Iris’s future daughter.
This craziness never seems to stop.
You could have stayed there watching them interact and joke for hours. How the smiled easily and laughed at high volumes. But, they noticed you. Or specifically, noticed someone crying. They whirled around seeing you hovering in the doorway cooing at a baby.
They all rushed forward ready to tackle you in a group hug, but the baby in your arms stopped them. Instantly, they rattled off questions. When did you get back? How are you feeling? Whose baby is that? Is it yours? Etc.
You smiled at the group. “I’m fine and it’s good to see you guys too. Guys, I like you to meet my daughter, Valerie.”
They leaned in smiling as Valerie stared back at them wide-eyed. Iris asked the question on everyone’s mind. “Is … is she Harry’s?”
You nodded. A flash of pain crossed your features.
“Did you tell him?”
“No,” you mumbled. “And please don’t tell him. I … I just not sure what I want to do. Harry hurt me and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be ready to see him again.”
Iris smiled sadly. “Just don’t wait too long. He should know. She’s also his child.”
“I know.” You glanced down at your little angel. She giggled trying to grab your hair. You pried away her grabby hands smiling sadly. “She has his eyes.”
“Who has whose eyes?”
Your skin crawled. Looking behind you, you saw Harry. Or a version of him. The difference in fashion, hairstyle, his unshaven face, and the French accent. Yet, it was still him. Still Harry. Especially in the eyes. The eyes you constantly dream about. The eyes you see every day in Valerie.
The team shuffled. Clearly uncomfortable. “Um, (Y/N), this is Sherloque Wells. He’s here to help find a man named Cicada,” Barry stated.
“Oh, um, hi,” you muttered.
“Hello,” he smiled. He peered down at Valerie. “And hello to you little one.”
Valerie giggled trying to grab at Sherloque. He wiggled his finger in front of her. You cleared your throat and brought Valerie closer to you. “Um, I have to go. It’s Valerie’s feeing time and like mother like daughter she’ll get cranky,” you lied then rushed off.
Sherloque studied as you ran off. “Did I say something?”
The team shook their heads. Caitlin said, “(Y/N) was in a relationship with one of your doppelgangers.”
He nodded. “I assume it did not end well?”
“Uh, no. They had a fight and she hasn’t talked to him since,” Cisco answered next.
“And the child? His I presume?”
He hummed. Definitely intrigued.
Being back home in Central City, you tried to help the team fight metas or solve the mystery of Cicada. However, you also had Valerie to care for. You brought her everywhere. She hardly ever left your sight. At most, you went on a few mission but frankly you couldn’t stand being away from her. And when you fought Cicada for the first time? You never went on another mission. The idea of facing him or leaving Valerie for even a second frightened. Cicada was strong. Powerful. All of you were helpless against him. You hoped to never cross his path again.
But, it was inevitable.
It was late. You sat in your living room unable to sleep. Your mind raced. It has been doing that a lot lately. Constantly battled between telling Harry about Valerie, to run back to him, or to stay away and keep Valerie a secret. Sometimes you debated on simply calling him just to hear his voice once more. Now, Cicada plagued your mind. Two men for two very different reasons.
You sighed and wondered over to the window. You watched the slow nightlife. You almost turned away when you heard something. A guttural breathing then a choked scream. Your eyes darted over to the noise, to the alleyway besides your apartment complex. You saw him. Cicada. He walked out of the alleyway. All you saw of his newest victim was the person’s feet. The rest hidden in the dark alley. Cicada strolled forward. His dagger glowed orange. He froze. He head snapped upward. Looking directly at you. You flinched. He jumped into the air gone. Panicked, you raced to Valerie. Motherly instincts kicked in.
With shaky hands, you called Barry. You didn’t know who else to call. Your heart hammered in your chest. Barry picked up on the third ring. “H-Hello?” His voice groggy.
“Barry! Oh my god, I’m so sorry I woke you it’s” – a sob escaped. The idea that Cicada lurked outside terrified you. Let alone you were powerless against him. And worse –
“(Y/N), hey, what is it?” His voice now urgent. Fully awake.
“I saw him. I saw Cicada. He was outside my apartment. Shit! He killed someone. God, I should have called the police.”
“Hey, hey, calm down.”
“I can’t, Barry! Oh my god, he could be around here. Fuck! What if he gets my angel? What if he hurts Valerie?”
“Valerie? Is … is she a meta?”
“Yes!” you cried. “She’s insanely strong just like me. Barry, what if he kills my little girl?”
“Hey, I won’t let that happen, okay? Um … get some stuff together. You can stay at STAR labs until all of this blows over. Sound good?”
“Okay,” you glanced over at Valerie who slept soundly. Unaware of the turmoil her mother was enduring.
“I’ll be there in a few seconds.”
Hanging up your phone, you packed your life into a few bags as possible. When Barry arrived he whisked you off into one of the onset bedrooms at STAR labs. You held Valerie tightly as Barry zoomed in and out grabbing your things. He was even kind enough to disassemble and reassemble Valerie’s crib. Placed directly next to your bed.
“Barry, thank you so much.” You mumbled. Both of you now stared down at your sleeping child.
“It’s no problem.” He said. “I kinda know what it’s like. With Nora I never felt like this before. This insane urge to protect a single individual. Like if she gets hurt then it’s on me – her father. It’s … it’s jarring.”
You nodded, “Yeah.” You gently stroked Valerie’s hair. Glancing over to Barry, you said, “You can go home. Iris is probably worried about you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I got it from here. I’m good.”
Barry hesitated but eventually ran off.
For the next few days, you mainly secluded yourself away from the team. Taking care of Valerie while thoughts of Cicada drowned you. Worry he might appear. Fearful he might hurt Valerie. If you couldn’t protect yourself how could you protect your child – your whole world? Maybe Harry – no! I got this.
Yet, you hardly slept. Hardly ate. Anxiety grappled you. All you did was care for Valerie. The team quickly took note of your exhausted appearance. They tried endlessly to help you. But, you refused. You can do this. This was your child. Your responsibility. If you can do this without Harry, you can do it without the team.
In the loft, you gently rocked Valerie as she slept in your arms. Part of you wished someone would rock you to sleep. Your eyes blinked slower and slower. You quite possibly could have fallen asleep if someone didn’t walk in.
“Ah, (Y/N), how do you do?” Sherloque asked. In a booming voice.
You twisted your head. “Shhh, Valerie is sleeping.”
“Oh, my apologies.” He strolled over and plopped down next to you. He stared curiously at the baby in your arms. Peaceful, at ease. But, when he glanced up he saw the worry in your eyes and the exhaustion in your hunched posture. “You seem … tired,” he stated.
You snorted. “That’s what having a child does to you. Caring for her every minute.”
“Yes, but you have to rest to. If you are not well then you cannot take care of her.”
You glared which did not last long then sighed, “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
“Allow me to watch over her so you can rest.”
“What?” You perked up holding Valerie closer to your chest.
Sherloque rolled his eyes. In that moment, you were reminded of Harry. How you would tease him or rebuke one of his ideas then he would roll his eyes. Either grumbling or smiling depending on the situation.
Sherloque held open his arms. Waiting for Valerie. “I have you know that I do know how to care for a child. A detective, like myself, has to know everything in order to solve any mystery. And raising a child may be the biggest mystery of life.”
You puckered your lips. If you weren’t so tired you would have fought more. But, you wanted to sleep. Begged for sleep. And … and you still trusted that face.
You carefully passed Valerie over. Sherloque cradled her with ease. He rocked her and Valerie didn’t notice a change. She happily slept while snuggling closer to Sherloque’s chest. A smile tugged on your lips. You leaned closer smiling down at Valerie. My angel. Without thinking, you rested your head on Sherloque’s shoulder. Just like all those long nights with Harry. With one blink, you were asleep. Comfortable with the familiarity. Your child in Sherloque’s arms while you snoozed on his shoulder. And he happily let it happen.
Against your initial objection, you let Sherloque help. The only member of the team you would allow to care for Valerie while you rested or went on missions. You knew you had to defeat Cicada in order to save Valerie and other unfortunate metas. Yet, the more and more time you spent with Sherloque the more your walls crumbled. The more your heart ached. Sherloque and Harry merged together. Your heart confused between the two. It simply wanted to be held and loved. Did you love Sherloque or did you miss Harry?
One night, at STAR labs, you and Sherloque were in your room. Valerie was just put to sleep. Both of you sat in silence. The next second, you were both on top of each other. Rolling in the sheets. Hands roamed over each other. Tugging of lips. Moans rumbled in the back of throats.
Soon this relationship blossomed. But, it was a secret. Neither of you wanted the team to know. Each of you stealing little moments. Heated kisses. Small dates. Late nights. Precious moments in between all of the chaos. From stopping Cicada to caring for Valerie. Of course, it was not ideal yet it soothed your aching heart. Sherloque was kind to both you and Valerie. That’s all you ever wanted. Expect, when both Cicadas were gone. When the threat stopped looming, Sherloque could leave. Gone from your life. For good. And you didn’t know what to do. You fell for Sherloque. Or at least you thought you did.
But, Sherloque already decided what needed to happen.
The two of you were packing up your things. You no longer needed to stay at STAR labs. Cicada was gone. All the while Valerie giggled playing in her bouncy chair. “(Y/N),” Sherloque said.
“Yeah?” you hummed folding your clothes.
“I think you should go back to him.”
Your heart skipped. You knew what he meant, but didn’t want to acknowledge it. You continued to fold clothes trying to be nonchalant. “Who?”
Shaking your head, you spun around and faced Sherloque. “Harry? What about you? What about us?”
“Please, I know you miss him. Besides, your heart never belonged to me.”
“No, Sherloque –“
“It is true.” He cut you off.
You walked forward. “No –“
“Mon Cherie, please do not lie to me. I am a detective after all. You miss him. I saw it the first moment I meet you. I see it now in your eyes when you look at me or Valerie.”
“I … I don’t know what to say.” You bowed your head. He was right. You did miss Harry. A lot. “Sherloque, I feel like I strung you up in all of this.”
“Hey.” He lifted your chin. A smile graced his lips. “You did nothing. I knew of this going into it. You do not need to apologize. Why apologize for what your heart desires? What it longs for? I am just happy to have a spent the time I had with you. And Harry is a lucky man.”
Tears rolled down. “I still feel awful. And … and what if Harry doesn’t want me back? I – I broke his heart. I hid Valerie from him.”
Sherloque wiped away the tears. “He will. He’ll be thrilled to see you again. And yes he may be hurt but he’ll forgive you because in the end you came back.”
“What will you do?”
He sighed. “Solve another mystery.”
You bit your lip. “Will … will you be okay?”
“With time, Mon Cherie. With time.”
You leaned in and pecked his lips. “Goodbye, Sherloque. And thank you so much.”
“Goodbye, (Y/N). I wish you, Valerie, and Harry the best. You deserve it.”
“You deserve the best too. I hope you find it.”
“Thank you, au revoir.” He looked to Valerie who was happily bouncing. “Au revoir, little one.”
The next day, you asked send Harry a message asking if you could visit him. You wondered if he would even respond. You hoped he would. And within minutes you got your answer: Yes. Nervous, you gathered a few things – mainly all for Valerie – and held her close to your chest. Using the breach portal device, you appeared in Earth-2. In STAR labs basement.
Harry paced by the doorway. Eyes trained on the ground mumbling to himself. You clutched Valerie closer and you walked forward. Harry’s eyes shot up at the sound of your footsteps. They connected with yours and instantly tears welled up in your eyes.
Then his eyes darted down to your – and his – child wrapped in your arms. He didn’t say a word. He moved forward. Pulled by wonder and curiosity. Yet, he knew. He knew it was his child too. Just one look and he knew. Hovering closer, he peered down at the wide-eyed Valerie. He saw the same eyes he sees in the mirror everyday staring back at him. She cooed and tried to grab at him. You quickly stopped your chubby hand.
“Sorry, she’s a bit stronger than she looks,” you mumbled. “Almost pulled out all of my hair once.”
He chuckled. “Strong just like her mother.” A smile tugged on his lips.
“Harry … I … I’m so sorry I kept her from you.” More tears flowed.
“Hey, shhh, it’s okay. I don’t hate you for it.” He gently wiped away the tears and you immediately melted from his touch. “I hurt you in a way that was irredeemable.”
“No, not completely irredeemable.”
His eyes sparkled as they started to water. He glanced down back at his child. “What’s her name?”
“A beautiful name.”
You swallowed. “Harry, can … can we try again? I missed you every single day. I tried to hate you for what you did but in the end all I saw was a man trying to do what he believed was right. Trying to save others. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t hurt because I was. But I can’t say that I hate you. I love you so much, Harrison Wells. It just took someone else saying it to make me realize it.”
He smiled. “I love you too, (Y/N). And I wouldn’t ask for forgiveness but a new start is all I need. With you and” – he glanced down at Valerie. He didn’t need to ask you passed her over and he gently took her cradling her close – “and this little angel always at my side.”
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darlingpetao3 · 5 years
The Man From S.T.A.R. (Labs) (Harry Wells x Reader)
Rating: T
Summary: During an undercover mission at a masquerade, you and Harry must extract information from a major criminal. But never would you have expected that you and your partner would grow closer from the operation.
Tag List: @blogforhoes
You’re not sure why Harry gets to change into his party outfit in the S.T.A.R. Labs van while you’re left to change into yours in your car. There is not enough room in here to maneuver around.
There’s a voice in your ear - your comms.
“There’s an alley just around the corner, (Y/N),” Caitlin informs you. “When you’re ready, we’ll kick Harry out to join you.” Something in her tone tells you that she’s enjoying this situation. A little too much, possibly. Everyone on Team Flash seems to think that you and Harry are perfect for each other when really all you do bicker and there’s always this weird tension between you that always goes unmentioned.
So, of course the Team would take any opportunity to send you out on a mission - a critical undercover mission - with the resident grump, Harry Wells. Normally, they wouldn't send him out in the field with something like this, but it’s not like you call the shots here. And he did offer to go with you in the first place.
He better not mess this up.
On the way to the alley next to the building, you fasten the lace and jewelled black mask around your face with its ribbon. Tonight, you’re attending a masquerade, and though you’ll be undercover and it’ll make it easier to walk around virtually unknown, it will also prove a little more challenging to locate your target — one of Central City’s underground weapon smugglers, if not the wickedest.
Luckily, all you have to do is gather intel on the guy, which is where your special metahuman ability comes into play…
You hear a series of mumblings under his breath before he even rounds the corner. What he’s saying is unclear, but you gather Harry is not happy about being paired with you tonight either. But soon enough, the man in question comes to stand directly in front of you, almost as if he’s been nailed to the concrete under his feet.
You see in the orange alleyway light that he’s wearing an all-black three-piece suit with a matching black mask clinging to his face. Harry looks like he’s never looked before, and frankly, you don’t know what to do with yourself.
“Harry,” you greet him, impressed, “you look so different.”
“And you,” he gestures to your black off-the-shoulder bodycon dress with a heart-shaped neckline. “You look… very different.”
After a brief awkward and silent pause of semi-secretly admiring one another, there’s a sound in your ear of a throat clearing.
“Are you two gonna get a move on or what?” Cisco ushers you from the confines of the van. “Chop, chop! We got a kingpin to spy on!”
You place a hand to your comms, “Yeah, yeah, we’re going.” At first, you and Harry walk together, side by side, towards the gala’s entrance, but by the time you reach the doors, you think it would probably be best to take his arm.
You are supposed to be each other’s dates, after all.
“What are you doing?” Harry whispers to you.
“I’m taking your arm, what does it look like?” you respond. “We should probably at least appear as if we like each other.”
The older man simply makes a grunt. Typical.
The pair of you casually make your way inside and walk around the room alert for the man you’ve been briefed about. Eventually, Harry nudges your shoulder with his.
“Kingpin at your seven.”
Pretending to admire the hanging chandeliers above the crowd, you turn almost a full one-eighty. That’s when you spot him.
The kingpin is considerably tall, possibly taller than Harry, but it’s still unclear from this standpoint. Slicked back hair, a near-constant frown hidden behind his own mask, and a thick gold ring with a unique insignia on his finger - it’s him alright.
“Here, take my waist,” you instruct your partner.
“What? Why?”
“Because we’re going to dance, genius.”
You place Harry’s hand on your waist for him and take his other hand and begin to dance to the orchestra playing a waltz. There’s something about the beautiful music and Harry’s tall, poised, and well-dressed frame that momentarily makes you forget the entire reason you’re here. And when you do remember, you wish you could forget that and just enjoy the dance with him.
“Am I not supposed to lead?” Harry asks you with the tiniest hint of a smirk.
“Yes, but you’re not leading me in the right direction.” For good measure, you motion your head towards the kingpin standing at the edge of the dancefloor talking with who you assume are his associates.
In a series of breathtakingly graceful spins, Harry dances you nearer to the target. The closer you get, the easier it is to pick up on the conversation. Your ears work almost like that of a radio trying to find the right frequency, but it never takes this long for it to kick in full force.
“There’s something wrong,” you whisper to Harry.
“In what way?”
“My powers. They’re not working. It’s choppy.” You subtly press a finger to your comms again. “Caitlin? Cisco? Barry?” you try, only to receive static in return. “Nothing. I think something is jamming my abilities and the transmission signal. We need to get closer to him.”
And like the genius Harry is, he purposefully lets go of you in a twirl-gone-awry, causing you to “accidentally” knock into the scariest man in Central City.
“Oh, I am so sorry, Sir,” you apologize to the man, and feel like you should already be presented with an Academy Award. “My date is a bit too clumsy for his own good. Not much of a dancer.”
The kingpin, who was first startled, now looks pleasantly surprised at having you be the one to bump into him.
“I am the one who is sorry, Miss,” he replies with a creepy, crooked smile. “You shouldn’t have to be subjected to such terrible dancing on your date’s part.”
As you give an ego-boosting chuckle, Harry moves to your side.
“Evening,” he greets the kingpin.
“Good evening, Sir,” the man replies but turns his attention back to you. “Would you care for a proper dance, Miss? You might find I’m a step up from your partner, here.”
You suddenly feel like you’re sweating bullets. “It would be my pleasure.” Taking his hand is like taking a grenade. When will it go off? You must be careful. Harry’s eyes betray him as you walk past him - utter concern clearly visible. You try to wordlessly alert him to hit up the men the kingpin was talking to for information. It is uncertain whether he picked up on your expression, though.
The kingpin holds you, ready to dance, but you inwardly cringe at his touch, though never letting it show. A true professional in the field.
“I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced,” you start and proceed to give him a fake name.
“Albert,” is all he says in reply.
“And what is it you do for work, Albert?”
He studies you hard with that dangerous gaze. You half wonder if you’ve just dug your own grave. This man could potentially have this ballroom surrounded. One look from him and Albert could have you pay dearly for a question like that. Maybe even pay by means of a bullet.
“I like to keep my endeavours private, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh, you can trust me,” you attempt at sounding entirely innocent and not as if you’re digging for answers.
Albert stops the dance and leans in close.
“I. Don’t. Trust. Anyone.”
Just when you anticipate dying a painful death of being strangled, a familiar voice speaks up. “Excuse me.”
Harry stands at your side, his face entirely threatening towards the kingpin. He dares act this way in front of your target? Then again, thinking about the hints Harry has dropped every once and awhile with the Team, this may not be the first time the Earth-2 man has come face to face with other dangerous people and live to tell the tale.
“I’m stealing my date back,” he states. While part of your heart flutters at his suaveness, your brain shouts at him for interrupting your information extraction.
“What are you doing?” you ask after Albert briskly stalks away. “I almost had what we needed.”
“It doesn’t matter now. I bonded with the associates. I got what we needed,” Harry explains and begins a slow dance with you. “And I had to get you out of that.”
“The whole dancing with a mobster situation?”
“Yeah. I’d hate to subject you to dance with such a heinous person.”
Your palm runs up the back of his suit jacket, and cling to him, feeling now how scared you were moments ago. “I like you much better, anyway.”
Harry raises a questioning eyebrow.
“As a dance partner, I mean.”
“Mm, right. I like you too,” he says. “Also as a dance partner.”
Your laugh comes out as a scoff, and you look away. And maybe it’s your imagination, but could his hold on your waist have grown firmer?
“Is the mission over now? We have all we need, right?” You count exactly four seconds before he answers you.
“Yeah, it’s over. Shall we go then? Get the news to the Team?”
You nod, despite not necessarily wanting this dance to end with Harry. His hands drop from you, but offers his arm instead. You can see it now - the moment you exit the building, everything will go back to the way it was before. You and Harry will go back to your tension-filled bickering and you’ll go back to your stolen glances without acting upon anything.
By the time you two reach the exit, you’ve gathered enough nerve to do something you’ve thought about doing for some time now. You stop, causing Harry to halt as well and pull him back behind a large manicured shrub. Before he can even pose the question forming on his tongue, you step on your toes to kiss him. What takes you even more by surprise is that he very readily kisses you back, turning the whole thing quickly into a hot and very welcome opened-mouthed make out.
Never would you have expected Harry Wells’ tongue to be in your mouth tonight, and yet, reality is a funny thing. You can’t help but make a pleased sound at feeling his lips on yours. He answers with a low sound from the back of his throat.
You break the kiss slowly, and frown. Harry replicates your expression. Neither of you had sneezed…
“Bless you.”
“Sorry, guys. Did we ruin… anything?”
Team Flash is back in your ear, clear as day, and leave you wondering how much they’ve heard. When had the transmission returned? Harry must hear them in his comms too because his face is slowly turning pink.
“How much did you hear?” you ask the van crew suspiciously.
“Hardly anything.” Cisco speaks, “No, I mean nothing.”
“We just tuned in,” Barry adds. “Hi, hello!”
“What’s the scoop? About the kingpin. Not you two. Obviously,” Caitlin rambles. You roll your eyes, and pull the device from your ear. Harry copies your actions, and kisses you once more.
And this time, it’s private.
Requested by @emilyfandoms: On a case, they have to go undercover. Usually, they wouldn't send Harry out but they thought it would be best for the reader and Harry to become closer since the tension is super noticeable between them. (Also the reader is a meta and mainly because they both like one another so the team tryna set them up. Maybe a little age gap up to you :> ). Well, So they dress up all nice and get ready for a masquerade type of party. They end up dancing and getting really close finally admitting their feelings for one another. Maybe a hot make out?
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