#emery and dowoon | isms.
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sunliights · 22 days ago
kissing your partner to seal a marriage. - dowoon and emery.
this is undoubtedly one of the most important days of emery’s life and yet somehow it’s felt like a blur. everything up until now, to standing at the end of an aisle with the man about to be her husband before her, has gone by in a flash. a hectic morning full of being preened within an inch of her life and zipped into a dress that she never thought she’d wear. having a family of her own had always felt like such a pipe dream. something so out of her grasp that she didn’t imagine what her wedding day would look like. being here now standing with dowoon, holding his hands while someone talks about love and unity… she really feels it. they’ve been a family for a while now. the addition of the twins in their life bringing them closer than she ever thought was possible. however now taking his last name, forming their own little unit, it’s dreams she didn’t know she had being realised. the talking is almost white noise at this point, her gaze too focused on flickering over every inch of dowoon’s face. their vows exchanged, a new ring sat on their hands. she finds herself releasing a breath she didn’t know that she was holding when the words finally come out, “i now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.” it’s so cliché that it would otherwise make her cringe but for now it fills her with unbridled happiness. she leans in when he does to meet somewhere in the middle for a press of their lips that seems to linger. she hopes that is does. wants to stay in this moment forever. kissing dowoon now, for the first time as her husband, feels indescribable and she can’t stop herself from giving him a big, beaming smile when they part.
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sunliights · 4 months ago
“ if you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber. ” ( dowoon & emery )
"are you talking about me or the pickle?" she supposes that he's only holding it up for effect, but that doesn't stop the curious raise of her brow. emery also supposes that she should be flattered dowoon still flirts with her after the whole watching her birth two kids thing. she is but she's always been like this. perhaps even more so now that they're very much a domesticated couple. the pout that forms on his lips makes her shuffle in closer to him, leaning in to kiss it from his mouth. "i'm going to guess that means me then?"
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sunliights · 8 months ago
✿ + dowoon & emery ( though i have a good feeling about most of these, curious if you agree haha )
who is more excited for halloween? - dowoon
who gives the best gifts? - emery on a practical front. dowoon is surprisingly thoughtful, though.
who sings along to the radio the loudest? - dowoon... unfortunately.
who actually finishes a book they’ve started? - emery!!
who falls asleep during a movie? - dowoon
who plans a surprise getaway vacation? - dowoon.
who comes home with useless decorative knick knacks for the house every single day? - i feel like dowoon loves a knick knack
who takes more pictures? - dowoon.
who likes baths? who likes showers? - they like showers though sometimes dowoon will run emery a nice hot bath
who keeps a weekly planner? - emery ESPECIALLY for when they have the kiddos. one of those magnetic fridge ones.
who actually watches the discovery channel? - dowoon
who brings up having kids first? - emery's uterus...
who fixes things around the house when they break? - dowoon, though emery is pretty handy with a screwdriver.
who leaves their dirty towels on the floor? - dowoon when he's rushing.
who makes the coffee in the morning? - dowoon.
who gets jealous over very petty things? - ...dowoon
who exercises more? - sex is cardio innit??
who starts listening to christmas music in october? - NEITHER OF THEM. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY HAVE THE KIDS.
who actually reads the newspaper? - dowoon...
send me ✿ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
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sunliights · 9 months ago
📷 time to be obnoxious ( dowoon and emery )
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"look at my husband!" - emery, probably.
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sunliights · 10 months ago
“ this baby, it’s the best thing that could ever have happened to us. “ ( dowoon, bc i miss them )
emery is watching the twins squish up together on the couch so that they can both take part of their sister in their lap. it's as careful as she's ever seen them since they were still too young to really understand or care when their brother came along. speaking of which, her youngest son is wholly uninterested in the new arrival, instead too busy clinging to her leg and giving her attention. she figures he likely noted her 48-hour absence and lets her fingers comb through his hair. "she is, i'm no longer outnumbered," she grins in dowoon's direction, where he hovers over the twin boys. they're still young enough to be unpredictable. "certainly already got you wrapped around her finger already."
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sunliights · 10 months ago
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emery's updated camera roll, featuring dowoon + the kids. / @dysnomiias
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sunliights · 11 months ago
“hey. you know that i love you…. right? i mean, yeah okay maybe that’s obvious but. thank you. for choosing me. so that i can choose to put you first, over and over again. i don’t want there to ever be a day where you feel unwanted. ever. and if that happens… you tell me and i’ll do my damndest to fix it.” ( dowoon )
"i just —  really fucking love you, dowoon."
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sunliights · 1 year ago
“ i want to love you. i want to love you so much it hurts. “ ( dowoon - emery )
"what's stopping you?" emery knows the answer already, of course. she knows dowoon well enough by now and the time they've spent together recently has solidified everything that she already thought. his mind perhaps throws up more roadblocks than what she can attempt to combat. even despite her best efforts. she reaches for his hands in a display that's cautious, more likely someone trying to reach for a spooked animal that had been backed into a corner as opposed to another person. once she's got them both grasped with her own she makes every point of looking into his eyes. "you don't have to want it, you just have to let yourself."
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sunliights · 1 year ago
"so now that the twins are born... when did you wanna get married?"
"maybe when we don't have to feed them every three to four hours? might be a bit of a vibe killer at the wedding..."
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sunliights · 2 years ago
♡ dowoon and emery ♡
feel free to elaborate as much as possible !
Who is the most affectionate? - dowoon. 
Who initiates the handholding? - dowoon.
Who worries more for the other? - emery.
Who is more likely to ask for help? - sigh. i feel like they’re both a lil stubborn in this regard but probably emery.
Who is the one always losing the keys? - dowoon. emery is going to have to pre-emptively get so may copies of keys for when they get a place.
Who leaves little love notes for the other? - dowoon.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? - dowoon.
Who is more likely to propose to the other? - dowoon.
Who introduced the other to their family first? - uh. i mean. i think emery would’ve met his sisters before they got together and then he’d have officially met her family when they were together.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? - emery.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? - emery.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? - this could be pretty down the middle.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? - dowoon.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? - emery. side eyes. 
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? - dowoon.
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sunliights · 2 years ago
“i woke up one morning and realised i loved you.” ( dowoon - emery ; but also i can't believe the creator of this meme is probably GMT bc it's "realised" and not "realized" i'm livid)
“you know, you’re so much softer than you let on.” emery could appreciate that maybe wasn’t the kind of thing that dowoon wanted everyone knowing. that also meant she could extra appreciate getting moments like this where he’d be a little more vulnerable with her. sometimes she’d tease or joke to make light of the moment, if only because she could tell how uncomfortable it made him, yet now didn’t feel like one of those times. now it was better off really just acknowledging their feelings with sincerity. “does that mean i get to keep you forever?” 
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sunliights · 2 years ago
"my company's asking me to go overseas for a bit for work because someone needs help integrating the software into their system. i don't know - fucking stupid people. i know that space is probably a good idea so we don't get sick of each other but would you ... wanna come? like, as a vacation or something? the area we're staying in is really nice. thought maybe you'd wanna try going on a first-time getaway with your semi live-in boyfriend?" ( dowoon - emery )
“are you sure this isn’t just ‘cause you’re going to miss me? we both know how it went last time when i went away...” emery can’t help but tease, smile on her lips somewhere between something completely pleased and a smirk. it doesn’t last for more than a few seconds. mainly because she’s concerned about him taking the offer back. “i’d love to come with you, baby. some time away will be nice and i’ll never get sick of you.”
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sunliights · 2 years ago
“ JESUS FUCK IT BIT ME. “ [ this was such a dowoon thing i literally ,,, had to ]
"you stuck your fingers in it's mouth!" of course coming to a fall fair with dowoon would not be a straight-forward affair. though it was a pretty nice day emery knew all too well how her boyfriend could be. his dramatics were far from a surprise; they seemed to come as easy to him as breathing. “you stick your fingers in a goat’s mouth, it’s going to take a nibble.” despite her gentle (or not so gentle) berating, she took a hold of his hand between both of her own and gave all the digits a little wiggle. “doctor’s verdict, baby? i think you’re going to be just fine.” 
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sunliights · 2 years ago
trail ( dowoon )
emery was doing her best not to squirm around too much which was no easy task while half dressed and splayed out beneath her boyfriend. dowoon’s lips felt hot against her skin; pressing every inch or so from where the hem of her bra ended on a path down towards the top of her underwear. distractedly, she pushed her fingers through his hair and let them catch a handful to tug gently. “i need you to stop teasing me,” she breathed, heavy eyes peering down at him. that was definitely what he was doing. she was sure of it. he had to be moving too slowly for both of their liking. not that she was ever really opposed to him taking his time with her but she couldn't help the fact it made her needy. "baby, please?"
[ TRAIL ]:  sender  leaves  a  trail  of  kisses  down  receivers  stomach.
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sunliights · 3 years ago
[sms] >:((((((( ( dowoon - emery ; two can play that game then )
emery → dowoon: what?? you got yourself off
emery → dowoon: i have needs too!!
emery → dowoon: though admittedly… i didn’t need to take care of those needs… in your sweater but…
emery → dowoon: i thought you’d like it:)
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sunliights · 3 years ago
❝  you come first.  you’re always my first choice.  ❞ ( ' im gonna hold kisses hostage' dowoon )
being someone’s first choice. it’s the kind of thing emery dreamed about and yet to hear it out loud made her dizzy. other factors could also be the reasoning for that, though. how earnest dowoon’s eyes were, how sincere he sounded. it was just on the cusp of too much for her to handle with how suddenly it had come on. “can you not right now?” her voice was tight as she choked the emotions down because this wasn’t a bad moment. it was a good one. she wasn’t going to ruin it by blubbering right now. except, it was kind of hard not to. what had gone from a moment of the two of them joking around had resulted in him chipping away once more at any walls she’d ever built up. “if you keep being so... so cute i’m going to cry and do you want to make me cry? i will.” 
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