#emergency plumbers Darwin
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plumbingnt · 2 days ago
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For industrial facilities in Darwin, efficient drainage and sewer systems are essential for smooth operations. Neglecting maintenance can lead to costly disruptions, environmental hazards, and regulatory penalties. With Darwin’s tropical climate and unique industrial demands, regular drain and sewer upkeep is not just beneficial—it’s critical. Here’s why.
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topwebdirectories-blog · 3 years ago
Plumbing problems happen at the most inconvenient times—weekends, holidays, and the middle of the night. Precision Plumbing and Drainage provide plumber darwin. Precision Plumbing and Drainage NT is open 24 hours a day. We provide a wide range of services related to bathroom renovations in Darwin, blocked drains in Darwin, solar hot water install plumber in Darwin, Emergency Plumbing in Darwin.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years ago
Forget the poet hes a real Trevor Blue
Readings from the book, published by Allen & Unwin, will be broadcast on ABC National Radio next month. Dr Clark blames British academics, possibly with the help of MI5 and the CIA, for “this organized program against Australia”. What he revealed, he said, was the literary equivalent of getting the ashes back on English soil. Currency, The Complete Book of Australian Verseincluding works by hitherto unknown poets such as Rabbi Burns, Arnold Wordsworth, Warren Keats, Amy Lou Dickinson, Walter Burley Yeats, Kahliji Bran, TS (Tabi Sirius) Eliot, Sir Don Bettjeman, DH Oding, Louis “The Lip” MacNeice, Dylan Thompson and Sylvia Plath. Dr. Clarke said that some of the authors are related to well-known international poets with similar names. Ewen Coleridge, a plumber from Annandale who lived with Arnold Wordsworth, is not represented because his works, often written while undergoing one of the early methadone treatments, have been lost. However, Dr. Clark said, it was possible that some of Ewen’s work appeared under the name of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who smoked opium and wrote Crusted with an old navigator. Arnold Wordsworth, now believed to have written Narcissus It represents most of the works attributed to William Wordsworth Lines formed midway across the Pyrmont Bridge: Earth has nothing to show more fairness, It will be soft, imperfectly resistant, Who would willingly give up such an opinion, For, behold, the bird breaks its wind. And this whole joint doesn’t look so unpleasant, Stand back, because when she goes, she goes bloody. Dr. Clark noted that the works of writers such as Chaucer and Shakespeare were not under challenge because white writers had only been in Australia for 200 years and blacks had no written culture. However, fragments were found around Stratford, near Horsham, Victoria, for Trevor Shakespeare’s work, beginning with: “Will there be any point in my formal some sort of comparison between you and the author of the absolute?” Why Australians emerged as the world’s greatest writers? “The depth and splendor of Australian culture, the wit and imagination of Australian writing – and perhaps the brew.” Why should the Australian revolution end in poetry? What about novels and dramas? loading “Of course. The history of Australian theater is littered with cobbled bits by less important people like Chekhov and Ibsen and other crooks from places like Scandinavia, where nothing can be verified, and Russia. Who knows what’s going on there?” “We found this guy named Gavin Tolstoy in Darwin somewhere. He wrote 87 tons in just one book. Four container trucks she brings from Darwin. Puts war and peace in the shade.” *John Clark says he completed his Ph.D. in Leipzig, and recently worked in the Department of Negative Reinforcement at Bond University, and on his own agrarian reform project. He is also known as Fred Dag, a comedian. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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howdyhome · 3 years ago
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cksmart-world · 5 years ago
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
March 10, 2020
Everyone knows by now our system doesn't necessarily select the most qualified candidate: Exhibit #1 — Donald Trump. So, our political analysts here at Smart Bomb did some numbers and crunched some exit polling snacks after Elizabeth Warren pulled out: Among the things they found was that Warren's sweaters cost her big among among young male voters who said she reminded them of granny. This group said they weren't against a woman president but wanted someone who looked more like Melania. Our analysts also noted that Warren's strongest support came from men and women with Ph.D.s in economics and astrophysics. They liked that Warren had a plan for everything from maternity leave to nuclear submarines. Unfortunately, this group is smaller than the American Bowling Association. Another weak spot for the senator was middle-aged plumbers, who wanted a strong male who would go off half-cocked when provoked. Although Warren outlined a progressive agenda, a large number of men and women in their late 20s and early 30s favored Bernie Sanders because he was grouchier and yelled louder. But in the end, it was suburban housewives who abandoned Warren because she was weak on shoulder rubs and hair touching. They're voting for Biden.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says the Coronavirus pandemic is yet another opportunity to put America First and make some quick bucks. “The fact is, it does give business yet another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chain,” Ross said on Fox News For Real Americans. “So I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America.” (We are not making this up.) The Coronavirus, is still quite mysterious. If and when it goes away, it may not really go away, according to some epidemiologists. Like influenza (flu), it could come back every fall. Already, entrepreneurial televangelist Jim Bakker is hawking a snake oil cure called the “Silver Solution,” developed by naturopathic doctor Sherri Sellman. It could (or could not) kill the virus in 12 hours. And in Australia, the Darwin-based NT News is doing its part to make up for the panic run on toilet paper by printing extra pages. “Run out of loo paper? The NT News cares,” the front page reads. “That’s why we’ve printed an eight-page special lift-out inside, complete with handy cut lines, for you to use in an emergency.” It's too early to tell whether the virus will benefit free trade. Maybe Trump could slap a tariff on the virus, because if we're gonna die, we should at least make a buck off it.
Remember that Erik Prince dude, who founded the mercenary outfit Black Water that killed civilians in Iraq. Well that dude — who happens to be Education Secretary Nancy DeVos' brother — never went away. Nope, he just changed the name of his private security firm to Academi, because this Dark Prince didn't want to miss out on the big bucks from the DOD. And after all, who is the Army going to send on illegal black-ops, while retaining deniability. (Dead civilians? We didn't kill no dead civilians.) Well, good ol' Erik has now branched out and hired former British and American spies to infiltrate Democratic congressional campaigns and groups that happen to be on Donald Trump's shit list. These undercover ops are in concert with Project Veritas, the right-wing cabal set up to embarrass mainstream media, Democrats and liberals. Typically, Project Veritas sets up undercover "stings" using false cover stories and covert video in an effort to expose “media bias.” (No surprise, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh aren't on their hit list.) Of course, Trump knows nothing about it. In fact, he barley knows who Erik Prince is. He might have met him once, but, you know, he meets so many people.
LGBT students at Brigham Young University don't know if they're coming or going. Last month, in something of Richter 7 earthquake, the Mormon school updated its “Honor Code” to allow “homosexual behavior.” Like a parting of the waters, LGBT BYU students celebrated: “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we're free at last.” But then a strange storm swirled in and it rained frogs: The Tower of Power announced the revision did not mean “homosexual behavior” was copasetic, after all. According to BYU officials there was a miscommunication. “Even though we have removed the more prescriptive language, the principles of the Honor Code remain the same.” Well, that clears things up. It's kinda like a bad April Fools prank — just kidding, kids, back in the closet. But then, there was this from the LDS Church-owned Deseret News: “For the first time, BYU will allow same-sex partners to compete in a national dance competition the university is hosting this spring.” Confused? You're not alone. It couldn't be that BYU bigwigs pulled the old Itchy-Switchy on the International Dance Council in order to qualify for the big event, could it? Nah, they would never do something so cynical — would they?
Post Script — Well, holy shit, as they say on Wall Street. Whatever you do, don't look at your IRA or 401-K, you could lose all hope and start thinking your retirement will be spent in a sleeping bag under the viaduct. But as we learned from the Great Recession of 2008, just wait 10 years and things will get back to where they were. OK, almost where they were, unless you're rich, then you'll make a killing. Word from the White House is that things are going very, very,very, well. That means we're going to hell on The Princess of the Seas. The more “verys” Trump uses equates to exactly the opposite — as in, very, very, very, screwed up. Just be glad you're not on a cruise ship or in jail — there's not a lot of difference when it comes to Coronavirus, although inmates don't have balconies. Of course there is some good news: now Trump and leading Republicans admit that Coronavirus is a real thing. Since the outbreak in China last month, it's been a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and Fake News. This is what happens when one of the talking points of the political right go south. They just don't talk about it, like it never existed. Of course, global warming is still a hoax. But someday when the Atlantic laps up on Mar-a-Lago, it will be like Trump and Hannity had warned us all along that Democrats were creating a crisis. But as George W. Bush once said after winning the South Carolina primary thanks to a rumor spread by his campaign that John McCain had fathered a child with a black woman, “It's just politics, John.”
Well, Wilson, with the apocalypse looming and Trump at the helm, what have you and the band got to ready us for the coming shit storm:
I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it / I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it / I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin' / I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin' / I saw a white ladder all covered with water / I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken / I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children / And it's a hard, it's a hard / It's a hard, and it's a hard / It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall...
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ramrodd · 5 years ago
Could the case be made that because he started the War on Drugs, Richard Nixon was a worse president than George W. Bush?
The case that GW Bush is America’s second worse president, behind Pontius POTUS, is facial in nature.
The Joe McCarthy Conservatives who have been the dominant coalition in the GOP since Reagan came to town with the champagne, cocaine and Cadillac cars of the Hollywood, Miami and Wall Street mafia fucked up Nixon’s presidency by the same sort of Trickster bull shit Roger Stone just got convicted of. Roger Stone actually got on the GOP Shadow Agenda gravey train with Reagan and was not a founding member of the Plumbers, but he fit right in when he wormed his way into the Nixon campaign. He’s a post Kent State-pro-war draft dodger: he turned 18 the year the draft more or less ended. The Woodstock Nation was the dominant social coalition on the American campus and GWU would have been a nightmare for a congenital white supremacist, what with Black Power and the left-wing dialectical small talk excluding him and similar white male ammosexuals and Born Again shock troops from the sexual revolution pretty conclusively. i mean, at a time when Little Feat and Bruce Springsteen are getting real traction, people like Roger Stone are inventing CPAC so they can have some fun with people like them. I mean, it’s part of the success of AmWay is their employment of the community as a capitalist tool, a sort of ComicCon for the John Birch Society.
And it was people like Roger Stone that not only fucked up Nixon’s presidency by all things Watergate, but have been committed, as ideologically bound Joe McCarthy Conservatives, to blowing up Nixon’s foreign and domestic policies and Eisenhower’s 1956 Presidential Platform so that they could transfer as much wealth out of the American middle class and public treasuries to people earning $50,000/year on an accelerating curve of benefits to the top 1% - 3% of the economic pyramid, which is the whole point of the Tory Socialism of Reaganomics: the rich are divinely appointed to get richer and the poor are always with us.
I mean, Betsy DeVos just drips of that attitude, the self-righteousness of Oligarchs in the conduct of class warfare they rationalize as either Social Darwinism or scriptural, depending on their favorite version of their Ideal Self, the great Romantic Hero, unyielding in the face of desparate odds and spitting in the face of the tyranny of the rule of law for poor people and their Social Justice/liberation Gospel terrorists.
So, Nixon’s response to any recreational drug without an alcoholic base with the War on Drugs was a residual impluse from the need for moral perfection through social engineer represented by the 18th Amendment. The 21st Amendment is the evidence that the US Constituiton establishes a self-aware cultural milieu for a society that can learn from its mistakes and fix them.
The War on Drugs is the evidence that political expedience can sabotage that dynamical quality, either out of ignorance, a congenital inability to learn from experience or, as Grover Norquist’s “starve the beast’ agenda and Steve Bannon’s agenda to dismantle the administrative state and Newt Gingrich’s politics of violent revolution demonstrate, are policies deliberately undertaken for craven appetites and mercenary intent, such as the Pro-Life heresy and all things Joe McCarthy Conservative.
Marxism and the 18th Amendment are established on the same fallacy and violation of natural law, that is, the suppression of market forces in the human condition. To legislate against human nature, as Marxism does, is an act of violence, in and of itself. The US Constitution legislates in favor of human potential and determines a progressive process that allows the American body politic to become increasing self-aware and systematic in its own self-government. This is totally within the ideal and intent of Romans 13:1 - 7, which is the legal reasoning for Jesus’s Heaven on Earth, the ethos of secular humanism and the Aristotilean (emperical) English common law as the proper basis for a system of justice based on a balance in favor of equity over property and natural law emerging from metaphysical knowledge as opposed to divine interpretation.
The War on Drugs was (and is) a useful moral club for achieving transactional political purposes and Nixon was a practical politician. My cousin Woodie’s cultural reflex was to consider Jim Crow Laws as self-apparent divine necessity, a craven attitude shared by the white supremacist conventions of the Joe McCarthy Conservatives who instinctively cringe at #BlackLivesMatter. The evidence is that R.L. Lee went South to protect his property, with the defense of Virginia being a convenient convention to sustain his conceit of Honor, as in “Duty, Honor, Country”. “Honor” has always been a wiggle word for applie equivocation, as the difference between John McCain’s and Mitt Romney’s version of Honor versus the Republican vote on Impeachment and the “Honor” of Don Corleone, where treason is just the continuation of Capitalism by additional means.
Nixon set two processes in motion:
internationally, he established a diplomatic aspiration with the Soviets and the Red Chinese to enable the Soviet-Sino Marxist economies to begin a transition to something like the experiment in Free Enterprise Marxism being conducted by Vietnam. I call this diplomatic aspiration Peaceful Structures;
domestically, he and Daniel Patrick Moynihan devised a legislative design to transform the Military-Industrial Complex to the Aerospace-Entrepreneurial Matrix necessary to catch the global synergies wave from Apollo 11 and create the 100 year economic trajectory necessary to support a permanent moon colony beginning with a NASA-Soyuz lab on the moon by 2001, just like the movie. I call this domestic economic agenda “Affirmative Action” and it is the precursor mobilization to what AOC intuits as the Green New Deal and Paul Krugman more or less illustrates, chapter and verse.
Since 1972, the political agenda associated with the Joe McCarthy Conservatives has been committed to blowing up Nixon’s presidential legacy. Roger Stone may have Nixon tattooed across his shoulder blades, but. like Newt Gingrich, Steve Bannon and Grover Norquist, he is up to his eyeballs in a transparent domestic conspiracy to sabotage the presidential critical path, an agenda CPAC is celebrating as I write this.
As for the War on Drugs, if anyone set out to deliberately design a national policy of class warfare based on white supremacy and systemic racial suppressing, it would be difficult to improve on this on-going Holocaust perpetuated by both sides of the ailse for pretty much the same reason: it has been politically expedient in spite of the example of the relationship between the 18th and 21st Amendment.
George W. Bush is a creature of the Joe McCarthy Conservative agenda. His dad had the last Republican administration dominated by the adult leadership of the Eisenhower-Romney Republicans who helped Nixon and Ford implement Peaceful Structures and Affirmative Action. Bush didn’t really become President until he fired Rumsfeld and replaced him with Bob Gates, another member of the adult leadership generation of Eisenhower Romney Republicans. Until then, he was Special Presidential Assistant to Richard “Dick” Cheney, America’s favorite war criminal. The 2008 mortgage crises is a direct result of the Reaganomics the Joe McCarthy Conservatives have been committed to replacing for Affirmative Action.
John Bolton’s foreign policy agenda is the anti-Peaceful Structures element of the Joe McCarthy Conservative America First Copperhead appeal to the Tea Party ammosexuals, white supremacists and MAGA hat bigots and it produced Bill Kristol’s and Robert Kagan’s Project for the New American Century, which is the moral justification for “regime change” and America’s descent into an outlaw nation status with our invasion of Iraq. The incursion into Afghanistan against al Qaeda was at least as diplomatically proper as Jefferson’s scourging of the Barbary pirates, but the invasion of Iraq was based on a pretext with less substance that Pontius POTUS’s claim of the “perfect phone call” and treason as a capitalist tool.
So, in the moral scales of history, does the fact that Nixon initiated a policy of class warfare based on white supremacist outcomes but presented as a moral imperative outweigh Good Old “W”s reduction of a cosmopolitan society to the stone age in order to satisfy Cheney’s rain making for his Houston Big Oil patrons but defended with a pretext of a national emergency as empty as of substance as a Rush Limpdick coronaconspiracy mind fart?
After he became President in 2007, he and Obama actually collaborated in what can only be termed as a spectacular aversion of a profound economic disaster and a resulting economic recovery design that, until the effects of Brexit began to hit Wall Street with this coronavirus meltdown, was manifestly a successful foundation for whoever inherited the economy in 2017. Obama and Clinton doubled down on the outlaw status they inherited from Bush-Cheney in the assassination of Ghaddafi, but the Iranian Nuclear Deal began to ease America back into the Peaceful Structures column, which, of course, Duckass Donny immediately began to dismantle to satisfy the Mercers conditions for bankrolling his campaign and Steve Bannon’s global anti-constitutional agenda.
Vietnam created the conditions for the collapse of the Soviet Union and Nixon leveraged those conditions to establish a coherent global impulse to generalize the lessons learned from the success of American-British constitutional capitalism, internationally, and join in a common aspiration to get to Mars.
GW Bush established America as the most dangerous nation in the world, betraying his father’s service and his own oath to protect and defend the US Constitution by adopting The Project for a New American Century to replace the Marshall Plan that had defeated Stalin’s Marxist expansionism in 1947 for the benefit of Cheney’s big oil patrons.
I think, to the extent that the Joe McCarthy Conservatives have been to actively sabotaging Nixon’s presidential legacy since 1972, they have been, collectively, engaged in constitutional sabotage, political treachery and treason, the case can be made that GW Bush is America’s second worse president, behind Pontius POTUS.
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plumbingnt · 1 month ago
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Running a business in Darwin comes with its own set of challenges—intense tropical heat, unpredictable weather, and heavy rains during the wet season. Amid these demands, commercial plumbing maintenance might seem like just another task on your growing to-do list. However, overlooking regular plumbing care can lead to hidden costs that go beyond the initial price of repairs.
Let’s dive into the real price businesses pay when they neglect their plumbing systems and why proactive maintenance is the smarter choice.
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rampblarie-blog · 7 years ago
                                        BLOCKED DRAINS
In the event that your sewer framework needs crisis plumbing work, All Type Plumbing FAST crisis sewer plumbing administration, reacting to Blocked Drains Glen Waverley wide, will spare you cash and cerebral pains by effectively settling your blocked sewer issues (regardless of whether it be clearing blocked sewer drains, or repairing/supplanting sewer channels).
A blocked sewer line can be a wreck and a wellbeing danger, so when you are looked with an obstructed sewer or a flooding sewer, it's critical to get an accomplished pipes seepage organization on location FAST. Be that as it may, having the capacity to locate a handyman prepared to do this professionally and morally is another issue. Here at All Type plumbing, we are one of only a handful couple of pipes organizations with the experience and morals to give ALL these administrations and play out an exact Sewer review.
Our a great many faithful clients and the various customer tributes we have gotten throughout the years, can give you certainty that we are a pipes organization you can depend on to give these critical home pipes waste administrations. Having settled blocked channels for a long time, our accomplished Blocked Drains Reservoir can settle your spilling sewer or blocked sewage drains utilizing their insight together with the correct sewer hardware. What's more, any further drains pipe repairs can be instantly gone to on the grounds that we are all around arranged with all the important handymen's instruments and the sewer review camera.
In this way, with our long history of giving quality drains administrations and pipes repairs, YOUR seepage framework is in great hands when you telephone us. We will regard your pipes drains just as they were our own particular and alleviate you of all the stress and bother!
Try not to delay – essentially telephone our master emergency plumber benefit NOW and let drain plumber take care of your blocked sewer drain pipe problems FAST.
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euro3plast-fr · 7 years ago
PPC techniques for businesses with a limited budget
Get your Adwords campaign in front of your competitors with a limited budget
As a website owner, you want to be successful online and get your website found on the internet. There are many ways to promote your website. One of them could be social media. You might also use search engine optimization (SEO) services, or you can simply set up a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign (also known as an AdWords campaign).
For many small businesses, an AdWords campaign can become expensive. For example, depending on the keywords used, some clicks to your ads might cost $7 each, and others only 20 cents each. If your PPC campaign is set up correctly and optimized, you might reduce your costs even more! That’s why it is essential to set up your campaign for the most effective results.
Setting up your account
To set up an AdWords account, you will need a Google account. All you need to do to get started is to go to the AdWords homepage and enter your email address and website URL. You will then set up your time zone and currency preference (the currency used to pay Google for your ads).
After following these steps, as a default, Google will suggest that you use  ‘AdWords Express’ settings, which are designed for users with limited knowledge. For those users, Google will automatically manage their campaign. In a typical Adwords account, you choose and optimize your own phrases, set bid prices, and structure your account. This article focuses on such typical ‘AdWords’ accounts, as account owners usually get the most benefit and out bid their competitors.
Starting a campaign
Once you’ve logged in and set your preferences, you are ready to start your first campaign. Click on the “create your first campaign” button. You can run as many campaigns as you like if you want to target multiple keywords at a time or direct links to different areas of your site.
Your campaign type
By default, your campaign type will be “Search Network with Display Select“ - it means that your ads will run across Google’s search results and all display ads (including the ads of Google partners). The first thing you need to do is select the campaign type: “Search Network only”, and select “All features - All the features and options available for the Search Network”. Google’s search network tends to deliver the best value for money, especially with a limited budget.
You can also choose whether the ads will “include search partners", which is another option for search results in different search engines used by Google ads (see below).
The best value for money will come from only showing ads on the results page, but this does not mean that advertising in other places will not get you a positive return on your investment.
It is also worth remembering that you only pay when someone actually visits your site. Every device on which a user makes a Google search (for example, a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone) will display your ads, which is fantastic because people tend not to differentiate between devices when they shop online or look for services. Ads being shown on phones can be even better than computers if the goal is to get people to visit a bricks-and-mortar store.
You will also need to set locations for your ad to be shown in. This is a great tool, as it allows you to confine your advertisements to areas that you actually service. If you sell products online and ship them all over Australia, you would set your ad to be shown all over Australia. If you are a Sydney lawyer, you would only target Sydney. In order to choose the targeting location, scroll down and select the appropriate country or city.
In order to avoid unwanted clicks on your ads (as you pay per click), you want to use more advanced settings, such as setting up your target audience as “People in my targeted location”. It means that if for example, you target law services in Australia, a person who is in India won’t see the ads as they will only display for people physically present in Australia.
It is also advisable to select the language of your target audience.
You can also exclude areas that you don’t want your ad shown in. If you are selling puffy jackets in Australia, for example, you might as well exclude Darwin, Cairns and other far-north towns where the temperature is never cold enough to need them! This will also reduce the number of unwanted clicks.
The location tool will also tell you how many users are in the areas that you are targeting and excluding so that you can decide if you’re going too big or too small. For example, if you decide that you only want to target the suburb of Manly in Sydney, you might realize that this area is too small for your particular offering, so it would be beneficial to expand it to include other northern Sydney areas.
Bid strategy
There are many bid strategy options. To get the biggest internet traffic at the lowest cost, it is advisable to select “Maximize clicks”, as shown below.
Setting a budget and costs per click
You also need to decide how much you are prepared to spend on clicks. You need to calculate the amount you can spend per day on ads, and how much you can pay per click. You might start with a small budget (for example, $10 per day) and set up a small cost per click (for example, 50 cents per click). You will be able to change your budget at any time.
Once the budget you set for a specific period is utilized, Google will stop displaying your ad. So, if your ad is very effective and your daily budget is used up in a few hours, your ads won’t be shown for the rest of the day.
You should obviously only set a budget that is affordable for you. Of course, more clicks should generally result in more leads, so a higher budget should, in theory, lead to more sales for you - but the budget is a safety net in case something goes wrong, like your keywords being less effective than you hoped.
When setting your budget, you should also consider a number of sales traffic that you can realistically handle. For example, if you only have 20 of your product in stock, and 10% of your clicks normally results in a purchase, you don’t want more than 200 clicks anyway!
Creating an ad
The next step is creating an ad. Your ad should be creative with a catchy title and description. In the first line, you should include your landing page from your website (“Final URL”). Your headline should include your main keyword(s) and the description should include a “call-to-action”.
This is a very important step as people won’t click on boring or irrelevant ads.
Below is an example of a creative ad offering plumbing services in Sydney.
As you can see, the owner targets people seeking a plumber. The keywords “emergency plumbing” and “plumber” are used in the heading and in the description.
Choosing Keywords
Now you need to decide what your keywords will be. Unlike in SEO, you don’t need to pick highly specific keywords to get to the top of search rankings - your ad will already be there! You just need to pick terms that people will search frequently and that are related to your business.
For example, a plumber in Sydney might have “plumber 24 hours” or “emergency plumbers” as their keywords, or possibly “plumbing services” with the location set to only show the ad in Sydney. The more obviously-relevant your keywords are, the better for your AdWords campaign (although the most common keywords might mean you have to bid more to get your ad in a prime position).
Google may also provide suggestions on some of the keywords which are searched by prospects in your targeted location.
You need to make sure that your keywords are relevant to your product or services. Otherwise, people will click on the link (which you pay for), and then just decide your product or service isn’t what they’re looking for and move on. So, it is strongly suggested that you review all your keywords before adding them to your campaign.
You also need to make sure you have good landing pages to direct people to - there’s no point paying for clicks on your link if your website takes forever to load and everyone just moves on without buying anything!
Set up billing details
Once you add all the keywords, you should also set up your billing details. After completing your payment settings, your campaign is live! However, further work is required to optimise your campaign.
Maximum optimisation at the lowest bid costs
When multiple businesses want to use the same keywords and target the same locations, Google needs to decide which ones get the more desirable spots in its search results (that is, whose ads display higher than others) and how much they need to pay.
Google does it by its ‘algorithm’, which is a combination of relevant keywords, ads, bids and the quality of your landing page. The score will display next to your keyword and it could be between 1 and 10, out of 10 (where 10 is the maximum). The rule is simple: the higher the score is, the less you pay.
Google as a service is based on finding information and products for its users. Because of this, they will penalize your ad if it leads to an unrelated or poor quality website. That’s why it is important to have a minimum 7 out of 10 quality score.
You could be paying $10 per click for the keywords: “women’s jeans”, but if the link leads to men’s shorts, Google will stop showing the ad in a good spot. Similarly, if your website is not user-friendly and lots of people leave quickly (because it won’t load or is confusing), you will also be penalized.
The whole point of Google AdWords is to get your website onto the first page of Google search results without going through a long SEO process, so Google handily tells you the minimum bid it will take to get onto the first page for a particular keyword (obviously, it will cost more to get a better spot, and if someone bids more you could be forced out).
It’s also important to note that when you set a maximum bid, that doesn’t mean that you will have to pay it. If you have the highest bid, you will only pay slightly more than the next highest, bid per click.
Getting the highest score
As mentioned above, you need to focus on 3 things which have an impact on a user’s experience:
Expected click-through rate - estimation of the rate at which ad viewers will click through from your ads to your landing pages.
Ad relevance - your ad should be relevant to your keywords and product or services you advertise. It also should be ‘catchy’ and include your keywords.
Landing page – the landing page is the page which people will see after clicking the ad. It should be also optimised for the user’s experience (relevant information, images, call-to action, etc).
Get more advanced with AdWords extensions
Many people just set up an ad, add keywords optimising the bid cost, and leave the campaign running. It is a big mistake!
People are more willing to look at your ads if your ad shows even more information than the ad description. For example, you should consider adding more ‘call to action’ words, more links to your pages, and even a phone number.
Adding site link extensions
Sitelinks are the additional links often displaying below the ad description. This is a good way to get more content displaying, so people can see more of the products or services you offer. Below is an example of a shop offering laptops online.
As you can see, the user will often appreciate having specific choices available among the laptops offered.
In order to set up site links, go to Campaign, click at “Ad extensions” (at the top menu) and chose “Sitelink extensions”, see below:
Adding call-out extensions
Callouts improve the text in your ads by promoting unique offers to people searching for your products or services. For example, if you are a plumber, you might ad these call to action words: “Fast Arrival · 24/7 Emergency Plumbing · Licensed & Insured”.
In order to add this extension, select “Call-out extensions” (from the menu displayed in the image above). Call-out extensions are a great way to persuade a user to choose your services!
You might also add your phone number, so people can call you even before landing on your website. In order to add your phone number, choose the sitelink “Call extension”.
Other extensions
There are also other extensions which you might use for your ads. If you are a local business and you target your local area (for example, a pizza shop), you should add “Location extension”. This way, your ad will be on Google Maps as well.
It is also a good idea to add “Structured snippet” extensions, which enables you to point out specific aspects of your products or services.
Below is an example of an ad using: sitelinks, a call-to-action, a phone number, and structured snippet extensions.
Go experiment
That’s all you need to know to get started! As you use AdWords, you will get more of an idea about your click-though ratios and learn more about which keywords are best. You may then want to add more advanced features to your campaign planning. And the most important of all, you can compete with many big competitors which don’t follow these steps!
Thanks to Lucas Bikowski for sharing their advice and opinion in this post. Lucas is a PPC and SEO expert at SEO Shark, a leading SEO company based in Sydney, Australia. He is also a certified Google Partner. Lucas assists small and large businesses, in all industries, to boost their website rankings on search engines. You can follow him on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn.
from Blog – Smart Insights http://www.smartinsights.com/paid-search-marketing-ppc/paid-search-strategy/ppc-techniques-businesses-limited-budget/
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