#ember harvey 🔥
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emberamethyst · 2 months ago
don't call me angel, you can't pay my price !
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My name is Ember Amethyst Harvey, a French-Italian pureblood witch. I'm fourteen, and just transferred to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. I'm a Slytherin, of course, unlike someone.
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@flyasaphoenix - unfortunately, he's my older idiot of a brother.
@anastasia-selwyn - the girl my brother is in love with but is too scared to ask out because he's a wimp
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
annoying better looking little sister, you mean.
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Hello fellow students,
My name is Phoenix Josiah Harvey, I am a French-Italian Pure-blood. I am sixteen years of age and proud to be a student in the house of Godric Gryffindor.
I am on the quidditch team as a Chaser.
I am a Gryffindor Prefect.
I enjoy reading, writing, photography, exploring especially past curfew, and making new friends.
I am also pansexual and I go by he/him.
I hope to one day have my own professional newspaper and if that doesn't work out I suppose being an auror doesn't sound too shabby.
I hope to get along with you all, my messages are always open :)
Onto my fellow students:
Pandora Rosier- @pandoras-nox
Lucius Malfoy- @malfoy-lu
Xeno Lovegood- @xeno-graphical
Regulus Black- @little-king-official
Bartemius Crouch Jr- @lifeofthe-barty
James Potter- @james-the-amazing-potter
Sirius Black- @thehotteststarr
Remus Lupin- @looneymoonyy
Peter Parker- @wormy-loves-ch33se
Disco ball- @mystical-magical-me
Emmeline- @emmelineandhervans
Andromeda- @andromedashoax
Narcissa- @flowers-of-narcissus
Hestia- @hjonesworld
Dorcas- @cas-not-the-band
Lily Evans- @lilyevansoffical
Rockstar- @marls-mckinn0n
Mary- @mary-mcdeal
Snape- Severusprince-snape
Bellatrix- @the-queen-bellatrix
Alice- @alicethekindone
Annie- @anastasia-selwyn - Princess
Ember- @emberamethyst - My annoying little sister
Disclaimer: this is a Marauders rp account for an OC, if you'd like to join message @jennapancake or @lixzey to join.
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emberamethyst · 17 days ago
CONGRATULATIONS, SLYTHERIN!! SUCK IT, HUFFLEPUFF!! (sorry, @liyathebetterho! @yourhottesthokenji is with me on this 🤭)
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@flyasaphoenix @anastasia-selwyn @caramiacatalina
@james-the-amazing-potter @starlight-starbright-thatsme @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mary-mcdeal @mystical-magical-me @king-ofthe-crop @xeno-graphical @lucius-malfoy-back @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @pandoras-nox @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @hjonesworld @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patrica-trelawney @alicethekindone @flowers-of-narcissus @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @camille-laurier @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @scattered-across-thesky
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emberamethyst · 2 months ago
me running away from my protective big brother who wants me to be a virgin for life be like
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
me after playing matchmaker for my brother 😝
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@yourhottesthokenji @liyathebetterho @flyasaphoenix @anastasia-selwyn @thathojamie @king-ofthe-crop
@james-the-amazing-potter @starlight-starbright-thatsme @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mystical-magical-me @xeno-graphical @lucius-malfoy-back @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @pandoras-nox @hjonesworld @mary-mcdeal @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patrica-trelawney @lilytheginger @alicethekindone @flowers-of-narcissus @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @severusprince-snape @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @aelius-with-a-quill @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @oxxen--free @camille-laurier @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa @tjsinclairofficial @secretlifeof-asher @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @scattered-across-thesky
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
hi cutie 🤭
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Kenji Min-ho. I’m fifteen years old and it’s my fifth year at Hogwarts as a Slytherin student. I’m muggle born but along with all my other siblings we are all wizards and a witch. If you fools don’t already know my twin a Liya and older brother Jamie then now you do.
I’ve got a few things that keep me busy working on my studies, work out with my brother, help my sister with her fashion ideas, reading literature, and working towards my goals also helping my brother achieve his
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My brother - @thathojamie
Milo Michaelson- @milopitchedtheball
Ambrose Berrywill- @ambrose-ellis-berrywill
Pandora Rosier- @pandoras-nox
Evan Rosier- @whokilledevanrosier
Lucius Malfoy- @malfoy-lu
Bartemius Crouch Jr- @lifeofthe-barty
Dorcas Meadowes- @cas-not-the-band
Severus Snape- @severusprince-snape
Bellatrix Black- @the-queen-bellatrix
Rabastan Lestrange- @feeblemortal
Edmund Avery- @averykissableguy
Bruce Mulciber- @fire-allayer
Persephone Lylia- @daughter-of-spring
Harvey- @emberamethyst
😒- @anastasia-selwyn
Vidalia Carrington- @vidaliadelafairy
Valentina Zabini- @vszabini
Nia Dolohov- @antoniadolohov
Rodolphus Lestrange- @rodolphus-le-strange
Charlotte Webster- @charlieandthehoneydukesfactory
Andy- @andromedashoax
Narcissa Black- @flowers-of-narcissus
Regulus Black- @little-king-official
Alex - @kingalexanderthegreat
Gabby Chen- @gabbyjchen
Carson Rose- @carsonsaxelrose
Jamie’s friend- @king-ofthe-crop
Gilderoy Lockhart- @mystical-magical-me
Emmeline Vance- @emmelineandhervans
Xeno Lovegood- @xeno-graphical
Theodore Sinclair- @tjsinclairofficial
Camille Laurier- @camille-laurier
Rita Skeeter- @poison-penmanship
Azalea Anderson- @xoazalea
Hestia Jones- @hjonesworld
Marlene Mckinnon- @marls-mckinn0n
Lily Evans- @lilyevansoffical
Alice Fortescue- @alicethekindone
Mary McDonald- @mary-mcdeal
Peter Parker- @wormy-loves-ch33se
James Potter- @james-the-amazing-potter
Cutie- @looneymoonyy
Sirius Black- @thebr1ghteststar
😒- @flyasaphoenix
Addison Caddel- @addison-caddel
Magnolia Matthews- @lialovergirl
Frank Longbottom- @k1ndest-keeper
Gavin Prescott- @gav-the-rockstar
Molly Prewett- @mollberryshortcake
My other half- @liyathebetterho
Sybill Trelawney- @sybill-patrica-trelawney
Imogen Morningstar- @imogenmorningstar
Adam Morningstar- @adam-lukas-morningstar
Elias Smith- @magandang-kaluluwa
Amos Diggory- @fawningamos
Oliver Hrdina- @oxxen--free
Atlas Spencer- @alternate-world-of-atlas
Sister’s stupid crush- @mickymousewizardhouse
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
@anastasia-selwyn HI MISS SELWYN I'M @flyasaphoenix's CUTE BABY SISTER
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emberamethyst · 22 days ago
attended the most beautiful wedding ever!! @andromedashoax @kingalexanderthegreat congratulations!!
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
ball fit 😘 i have a mask, don't worry hoes.
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@yourhottesthokenji @liyathebetterho @flyasaphoenix @anastasia-selwyn @caramiacatalina
@james-the-amazing-potter @starlight-starbright-thatsme @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mary-mcdeal @mystical-magical-me @king-ofthe-crop @xeno-graphical @lucius-malfoy-back @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @pandoras-nox @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @hjonesworld @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patrica-trelawney @alicethekindone @flowers-of-narcissus @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @camille-laurier @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @scattered-across-thesky
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emberamethyst · 16 days ago
Look at how beautiful my girlfriend is 😍
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to bad we lost but congratulations to my dumb ass brother @thathojamie 🫶
@king-ofthe-crop @yourhottesthokenji @emberamethyst @dylan-the-d1ld0 @caramiacatalina @james-the-amazing-potter @lifeofthe-barty @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mary-mcdeal @mollberryshortcake @gabriel-lumiere @aelius-with-a-quill @nhia-moua @whokilled-rafe @whokilledevanrosier @scattered-across-thesky @bones-and-edgar @devsmagicalblog @lilyevansoffical @alicethekindone @hogwartsstudentconfidential @hjonesworld @the-queen-bellatrix @cas-not-the-band @malfoy-lu @emmelineandhervans @marls-mckinn0n @tjsinclairofficial @flowers-of-narcissus @oxxen--free @poison-penmanship @fire-allayer @averykissableguy @camille-laurier @vidiadelafairy @lialovergirl @king-ofthe-crop @antoniadolohov @k1ndest-keeper @gav-the-rockstar @veronica-davis @fawningamos @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @secretlifeof-asher @nico-lovesthe-sun @anastasia-selwy
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emberamethyst · 2 months ago
Looks like my dear big brother had fun 🤭 @flyasaphoenix
Update Hogwarts Confidential
Hello my good people. It has been a very boring week. You all need to step up your game. But since there's less gossip there's going to be more updates and bs, cause why not.
Starting with this weekend is Ravenclaws final game of the season. In the game between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Ravenclaw is supposedly hosting a board game night tonight whether they win or lose so dress comfy and get ready for the most competitive board game night ever.
After board game night, Hogwarts will begin setting up for the loveliest holiday, Valentine's Day. We will have mini cupids and even house elves set up to deliver love letters and telegrams to send to those you love. Professor Slughorn has even convinced Dumbledore to allow anonymous telegrams to take place.
And since I have nothing else to write for announcements I guess we'll hop back into our weekly gossip.
Starting with this previous weekend Phoenix Harvey and Jamie Ho preformed at karaoke night, both showing up in the best suits ever, showing off their hot bodies (especially Phoenix, I mean I could cook a steak on those steamy abs), then ending the night with a steamy kiss. Just kidding, we all know it was two bros showing each other some love and I believe calling a small truce.
Speaking of Phoenix the boy seems to have met up with Ho’s stunning girlfriend, Anastasia Selwyn. The two were caught hanging out in the snow before disappearing off into the woods where I believe the two actually finally kissed. I think Ho has gotten a little too trusting with the two while he's away.
Congrats Mr. Ho on your quidditch interviews.
Now onto a totally different couple(?) Aspen Parker and Noah Montague seem to be getting really close. The two were seen mingling and might I say heavily flirting at karaoke night before disappearing together and I believe I saw Aspen making her way to the older boys dorm just last night.
And another couple- why are there so many couples? Do y'all actually like each other? What is going on- is love actually in the air?
And on to our final couple for this week (boring), Xenophilius and oh wait this isn't about their girlfriend, this is about their secret relationship with none other than Lucius Malfoy. Xenophilius and Lucius were caught talking and even confessing their feelings to one another. Xeno even going as far as feeling the need to break up with his new girlfriend, Pandora. The two concluded their confession with parting ways instead, the boys guilt becoming too much for him to break up with the girl. But to be honest I called this soooo long ago. Pandora, honey, get your man. Xeno, sweetie, get your shit together. Lucius, darling, stop trying to ruin Pandora's relationships.
Anyways that's all for this week! Catch ya next time on Hogwarts Confidential!
Tah Tah 💋
@james-the-amazing-potter @starlight-starbright-thatsme @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mystical-magical-me @king-ofthe-crop @xeno-graphical @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @pandoras-nox @little-king-official @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @hjonesworld @mary-mcdeal @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patricia-trelawney @lilytheginger @alicethekindone @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @severusprince-snape @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @aelius-with-a-quill @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @oxxen--free @camille-laurier @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa @flyasaphoenix @tjsinclairofficial @secretlifeof-asher @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @ted-the-teddy-tonks @scattered-across-thesky @alectocrow @lucius-malfoy-back
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
Whoever owns that bloody paper has it out of your brother, and apparently also in love with the girl those two are fighting over. Ember jerked her head in their direction. If I knew that Hogwarts was this drama filled from the beginning, I would've studied here in the first place.
Anastasia was sitting next to Phoenix by one of the large sofas in the Ravenclaw common room, laughing as she beat her Ravenclaw opponent, her green eyes twinkling under the fire's light, looking happier than ever.
@thathojamie @flyasaphoenix
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emberamethyst · 15 days ago
Ember sighed, taking a sip from her drink, which she shouldn't even be doing. Alcohol was never her strong suit, but right now, it was the only thing that was keeping her sane. Her mind was plagued by thoughts of him, the boy who's been making her heart do somersaults inside of her chest as of late, or in simple terms, Kenji.
He navigates through the crowd of people, chatter and laughter fills the air, but his was trained on finding the drink table. The he spots her in the crowd. Ember, standing and swirling her drink absentmindedly.
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
My, my, my! Look at this dashing lad! 🤭
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 In that lavender haze with @liyathebetterho
@emberamethyst @james-the-amazing-potter @lifeofthe-barty @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mary-mcdeal @mollberryshortcake @gabriel-lumiere @aelius-with-a-quill @nhia-moua @whokilled-rafe @whokilledevanrosier @scattered-across-thesky @bones-and-edgar @devsmagicalblog @lilyevansoffical @alicethekindone @hogwartsstudentconfidential @hjonesworld @the-queen-bellatrix @cas-not-the-band @malfoy-lu @emmelineandhervans @marls-mckinn0n @tjsinclairofficial @flowers-of-narcissus @oxxen--free @poison-penmanship @fire-allayer @averykissableguy @camille-laurier @vidiadelafairy @lialovergirl @king-ofthe-crop @antoniadolohov @k1ndest-keeper @gav-the-rockstar @veronica-davis @fawningamos @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @secretlifeof-asher @nico-lovesthe-sun @anastasia-selwy
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
Is he...wearing sandals???
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he came to tell me gossip but what the fuck are those 👟
@james-the-amazing-potter @lifeofthe-barty @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mary-mcdeal @mollberryshortcake @gabriel-lumiere @aelius-with-a-quill @nhia-moua @whokilled-rafe @whokilledevanrosier @scattered-across-thesky @bones-and-edgar @devsmagicalblog @lilyevansoffical @alicethekindone @hogwartsstudentconfidential @hjonesworld @the-queen-bellatrix @cas-not-the-band @malfoy-lu @emmelineandhervans @marls-mckinn0n @tjsinclairofficial @flowers-of-narcissus @oxxen--free @poison-penmanship @fire-allayer @averykissableguy @camille-laurier @vidiadelafairy @lialovergirl @king-ofthe-crop @antoniadolohov @k1ndest-keeper @gav-the-rockstar @veronica-davis @fawningamos @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @secretlifeof-asher @nico-lovesthe-sun @anastasia-selwy @milopitchedtheball
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emberamethyst · 1 month ago
Gross 🤮
prefect bathroom shenanigans 🤭
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@james-the-amazing-potter @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mary-mcdeal @mystical-magical-me @king-ofthe-crop @thathojamie @pandoras-nox @xeno-graphical @lucius-malfoy-back @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @hjonesworld @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patrica-trelawney @alicethekindone @flowers-of-narcissus @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @severusprince-snape @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @oxxen--free @camille-laurier @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa @secretlifeof-asher @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @scattered-across-thesky
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