#emala | interactions
bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 2 years
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Emala glanced at her phone, keeping track of the directions he'd given her. Okay... turn right... pathway... bannister...
The pirate sighed softly to herself when she saw him. "Hey darling." She held up the bag of food in her left hand, carefully cradling a cardboard box full of bottles. "I wasn't sure if today's mood is whiskey, bourbon, scotch, wine, beer, vodka, tequila, or rum. So I bought one of each. Actually two of them are the same but one is green apple flavored."
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Closed Starter: Cuddles (Axel)
Axel pulls his blanket over his head a bit. It had been... a long day, and he didn’t really want to talk or think about it too much. Nope, he just wants one specific thing right now.
He texts Emala. Where are you?
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untxld-stxries · 4 years
Closed Starter: Truly Mine (Emala/Axel)
Realistically, she knew it had only taken maybe fifteen minutes to run to his dorm.
But in her head, it had taken hours.
Emala just couldn't seem to get there fast enough, with the hiding from phantom footsteps and holding her breath so she wouldn't be found, and with the gnawing anxiety of not knowing for sure if Prue had some kind of justification to thinking that they- that her and Axel-
She shoved it aside. Nope. Nope. She couldn't think about that, she couldn't, because if she did, she'd end up terrified of what could end up not happening.
"Finally," she whispered to herself as she finally finally rounded that corner, bursting through the door and freezing for a moment at the sight of him just... slumped over in his chair, his phone still unlocked on that game that she'd seen him play with his friends - Among Us, was it? No, shut up, that wasn't the point of this. Emala closed the door, locked it, and then dropped next to the chair, reaching up to shake him-
And blinking, looking around. Oh dear. I take it we're not in Kansas anymore.
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bxrn-thc-pagcs · 3 years
Tags: Emala
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bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 3 years
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Title: ... nope!
Muse: Emala
“Babe, come on, it’s not gonna be that bad,” Emala laughed, shaking her head. “It’s just a hotel room. I don’t even know yet who I’m with. I’ll just be down the hall from you, I promise.”
“Emala Alexakis?” Fairy Godmother looked up, noting Emala and smiling. “You, my dear, are with... Celestia Soucie, Katsa Tlaw, and Sabrine Eastwind.”
Emala blinked. “Oh.”
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untxld-stxries · 4 years
😘 -Axel & Emala (@nxthing-persxnal)
😘 - my muse is flirting
Emala bit her lip, giggling sweetly. She looked up at the prince, who was leaning against the wall beside her. "So you're a prince? That must be such a difficult job. You know, dealing with the people always complaining, not appreciating you..."
"It could be worse," the prince smirked. "At least I get to find my way to gorgeous girls like you."
Emala giggled more. She subtly reached into his pocket, lifting his wallet. She hated him so much. Snobby, self centered, and egotistical. She felt gross for playing the part she was. "I always thought that royalty was cute, but you're a whole new level of it." She glanced at movement in the corner of her eye, immediately stepping away from the prince with a genuine smile at Axel. "Hey! What's up?"
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“Congratulations on successfully capturing the princess!” - Emala to Axel!
Axel laughs hard, still laying across her, looking down at her where he’d pinned her to the floor in their pillow fort, slowly winding down and smiling before leaning in the rest of the way and kissing her happily.
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untxld-stxries · 4 years
Closed Starter: Skating (Emala/Axel)
Emala hummed to herself as she skated around the campus. She smoothly reached into pockets as she did, grabbing wallets and phones without being noticed. And when one or two people did  seem to notice, she simply skated faster, hiding her newly acquired items in her bag.
Oh! She grinned, spotting a very familiar boy standing by the fountain. Immediately she concocted a devious plan to get his attention.
Speeding up, she aimed straight for him, only slowing down when she was a few feet away. “Look out!” she yelled before going careening into him, sending them both flopping into the fountain. After a moment she sat up, laughing hysterically and pulling out her earbuds. “Sorry about that, gorgeous!”
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untxld-stxries · 4 years
"Hey, I heard you were new. I'm Lyra Pines." (to Emala from pxnes-dxughter)
Emala looked up from lacing her skates, smiling. "Hi! Yep, I'm one of the new kids. I'm Emala." She reached up to shake her hand.
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untxld-stxries · 4 years
😘 -Axel & Emala (@nxthing-persxnal)
😘 - my muse is flirting
"And here we have..." Emala started, grabbing a box. She brought it over to the couch and sat it on the coffee table. "Snacks." She paused, looking at Axel with a small smirk. "Oh, and a box of food." She gave him a slow, obvious once-over, giggling quietly to herself.
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untxld-stxries · 4 years
Closed Starter: Competition (Emala/Bastian)
“Come one, come all!” Cassandra shouted to the crowd, holding out a bucket. “It’s five dollars to watch the match! Both of the fighters split the profits, so make sure to tip generously!”
Emala stood atop the grassy knoll, putting her hands on her hips. She loved the smell of a challenge in the afternoon. Her trusty sword was strapped to her waist, ready for a fight. She held up her hands as her opponent approached. “Well, well, well! And here I thought you might not show. But you’ve got your pride to defend, don’t you? I’ll try not to hurt you... too much.”
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