#elvis sickfic
kiankiwi · 1 year
The Backstage Incident
Summary: Elvis gets sick after a concert and slips into headspace without you there.
Just get to a trashcan, get to a trashcan. Elvis told himself in his head as he rushed around backstage post concert. Thankfully he got through the whole two hour show and he didn't think any of the fans noticed anything off. He started feeling his stomach get swirly about halfway through but he tried to just act normal because he didn't want his fans to worry.
Now he was in the clear, he just needed to get to a damn trashcan.
"Hey man, you ready to go?" Joe had asked him. But Elvis could barely hear him, it was like he was underwater. He had zeroed in on a trashcan and just needed to get to it.
Moments later, Elvis leaned over a trashcan and let himself bring it all up. He could feel himself dropping fast into headspace as he continued to vomit. "Damn, man you alright?" Joe again, and a hand on his back.
Elvis just groaned at him, trying to remember to breathe in between his retching.
Mama, he wanted mama.
As he kept his head inside the trashcan, he reached behind him blindly for Jerry's hand. Jerry would get her, Jerry would know what he needed.
Jerry sent the rest of the men away to get ready to go as Elvis continued to vomit until it was just Jerry left. "You got it buddy, you're okay."
Combined with his upset stomach and hearing Jerry's nickname for Elvis, Elvis could feel himself dropping into headspace fast.
Just then he burst into sobs and finally sat down as the sobs shook his body. "Okay baby, okay, you're okay. It's over now, you're okay."
"WANT MAMA! MAMAAAA!" Elvis screamed, snot and drool stuck all over his face. "I know you do buddy, we're gonna call her okay?"
Jerry quickly called you and held the phone to his ear as he rocked a sobbing Elvis in his lap. "Hi Jerry, what's up? How was E's show?" You immediately got nervous when you heard what sounded like E crying in the background. "Yeah, uh, we got a bit of a situation... E got through his show like a champ might I add and then just immediately threw up when he got off stage and the fear caused him to drop pretty quickly." Jerry reported to you.
You could hear Elvis screaming for mommy through the phone. "Alright, I'll get the plane and meet you at the next show venue?" You asked as you searched for your shoes. "Um, I don't think we're going anywhere anytime soon, he's still pretty worked up." Jerry said as he rocked Elvis and smoothed his sweaty hair back from his face.
"Alright give him the phone. Let mama deal with this." Jerry chuckled as he handed the phone over and you heard Elvis sob into the phone. "MAMA! I no feel good!" Elvis yelled. "I know baby, Jerry said you threw up. Mama's on her way to you okay? No need to be scared, mama will be with you so soon okay? You just gotta hold on okay?" Elvis continued to cry. "How, how long mama? They say we gotta go! I don't wanna work anymore! Wanna be a tiny boy!"
"You can be a tiny boy, love. You can be a tiny boy all you want but you gotta get on that plane and mama will meet you at the next tour spot okay? It'll just be a little flight, three hours tops. Now what I want you to do is try to take a big nap on the plane okay? And Jerry will be right there for you if you feel sick again okay? Mama will see you so soon!"
"No mommy! Want you! Only you!" Jerry tried to let that one roll off his back, you were his momma and wife after all.
"I know sweet boy, I know. Momma's on her way okay? But in the meantime, Jer is gonna take good care of you on the way. You know Jer wouldn't let anything happen to you okay? Just try to sleep on the plane and mama will meet you in the next city, okay? Mama loves you so so so much." Elvis nodded, still crying. "Otay... I love you too mama." Elvis ended the call and sobbed, squeezing Jerry's hand for support.
"You'll be alright baby, I promise. Now we gotta get on the plane okay? Mama will meet us there okay?" Elvis sniveled as he nodded again, reaching up to Jerry as he stood. "Alright rockstar, let's go."
Elvis was really trying to sleep like mama suggested but this plane ride was hell on his already sick tummy. He held Jerry's hand as the man argued with the Colonel across from him.
"Come on man, have some compassion, look at the man, he's sick. He's already puked once already tonight. He's gotta have tonight off! I mean, the last thing you want is him throwing up all over people and himself on stage tomorrow!!
The Colonel glanced at Elvis who was staring straight ahead trying not to puke again. He was actively swallowing down more puke.
"He's fine!" The Colonel yelled after taking even one glance at Elvis. "He's just being a big baby! He needs to grow his ass up and be a man."
Just then Elvis whimpered at the mans words and leaned into Jerry. Jerry decided not to continue to fight, instead focusing on Elvis. "What's up baby, you feeling sick again?" Elvis whimpered again, squeezing his hand and whispering, "Want my momma. Mean man..." "I know he's not listening, is he bud, we won't let you go on stage again until you feel better okay?" Elvis nodded.
Jerry pushed Elvis's head onto his shoulder and stroked his face with his thumb. "There you go baby, just try to sleep okay? We'll see mama when you wake up okay? Sh, sh, sh, you're okay." Elvis held onto Jerry as he just tried to close his eyes and sleep.
A few hours later, Elvis, Jerry and everyone finally landed and headed to the hotel where you had already secured a room under a fake name for E.
As soon as Elvis got into the car and drove to the hotel, his nausea got worse. He was actively trying to keep his stomach down and swallowing bile every few minutes.
Jerry took him out of the car and brought him into the hotel and into the lobby. "Mama?" Elvis wondered, looking around. "Yeah, we'll get you to mama bubba. She's upstairs." Elvis nodded and laid his head back down on Jerry's shoulder. Sadly, the Colonel followed them into the elevator.
"Hi baby! You doing any better?" You asked right as Jerry came off of the elevator. Elvis leaned toward you as soon as he saw you. "Mama!"
"Hi baby, you okay?" Jerry rubbed Elvis's back. "He made it through the plane ride even though it was a bit rough and the Colonel doesn't want to give him a break as of usual." Jerry added.
"I bet you were so brave on the plane baby." You cooed running your hands through Elvis' hair.
The Colonel came up to them. "Oh come on, you're coddling him like a baby! We got rehearsal in half an hour. Hop to it, E."
Oh hell no, that wasn't gonna fly. "Hey!" You yelled. "First of all, don't yell at him like that, he's a human, just like you and he deserves respect. Second of all, he is and has been sick. That's why Jerry called me out. What? You thought E would throw up and miserable and Jerry wouldn't call to let his wife know? So third of all, he is not performing anymore tonight or tomorrow or at all until he feels better. That is final, you understand me?"
Elvis was having a hard time keeping his nausea down and while you were dealing with his boss, Elvis started to get upset again in Jerry's arms. "What is it buddy, what does your tummy hurt again?" Elvis couldn't hold it back anymore, just as you finished yelling at him, Elvis leaned forward and puked all over the Colonel.
"OH!" Jerry yelled as Elvis coughed and gagged. "Okay buddy, you're okay. Here go to mama okay?" Jerry smirked at the Colonel and as he handed Elvis over to you. "Oh, there you go baby, you feel better? Good aim, sweetheart." Jerry chuckled as the both of you went into Elvis's suite.
Jerry decided to help put away all of El's things while you got him in the bath. "Okay baby, here we go. Do you think you're gonna throw up anymore honey?" Elvis shook his head, sitting on the counter in a diaper while you filled the jacuzzi tub.
"Good sweet boy. Let's just get you in the bath, into your jammies and we'll see how you feel tomorrow okay? Don't you worry about the Colonel okay?" Elvis nodded. "Love you mama." You smiled, turning off the bath tap. "I love you too sweet boy. You were so brave today getting sick without me there." Elvis nodded. "Had Jer.." You nodded. "Yeah, Jer's a good one huh." Elvis nodded.
You gave him a quick bath and put him in his jammies and said good night to Jerry while Elvis lay in the big bed waiting for cuddles. Elvis whined at you as you walked around, getting the room ready for possibly more puke.
You put towels on the ground on Elvis's side of the bed and put a trashcan on his nightstand so that he could grab it. Elvis whined again, "Alright baby, alright, I'm coming." You whispered. Elvis smiled as he finally got to cuddle you.
"Hi baby. You feel okay now?" Elvis nodded, putting his head on your chest. "Mhm, happy you're here mama." You smiled. "I couldn't have you be sick all alone baby. Of course I came. Had to give you your snuggles." Elvis smiles and snuggles into you again as he closed his eyes and sighed sleepily. You gently put your hands in his hair.
"Goodnight sweet boy, mama loves you. Wake me if you feel sick again okay?" Elvis nodded. "Love you too mama." And he was out like a light after his long bad day.
@mooodyblue @austinbutlersbaby
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bunnydexterloveselvis · 8 months
Hiiii and welcome ✨🔆 If you are accepting prompts can i request one please, would you write cuddly fluff and / or agere with a baby BDE? especially a sick fic with a cg reader! Thank you ✨✨✨
Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the first one to request a prompt!!! Thank you sooo much!!! Of course I'll write it!! How could I pass up such an amazing request? So cute!!! I've never wrote sick fics before so I'll try my best!!
Sick little baby.. (Agere!Big Daddy Elvis x reader)
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summary: //elvis wakes up with a cold, is age regressed, and has you as his caregiver
type of fic: //age regression, tooth-rotting fluff, sickfic
warnings: //being sick?? the symptoms mentioned are sneezing, coughing, headache, mild fever, etc. no vomiting or anything like that. also it's pretty mild. he just sleeps it off, cuddling????? idk some people don't like being cuddled i guess, baby talk?? i don't think there's any serious warnings here besides being sick and age regression
word count: //675 (six-hundred and seventy-five) words
It was a fresh day, and you wake up in the morning, it’s around 8am. You look over at your sweet boy who is still sleeping. “What a cutie,” you thought to yourself. You chuckled and got out of bed to make breakfast. About 15 minutes later you come back, with Elvis still asleep in the bed. You smile warmly.
“Wake up, baby,” you whisper in his ear. He shuffles around a bit and lets out a whine. His eyes flutter open and he pouts. “Mamaaa- ’m sweepy!!!” He rolls onto his back. Oh. He woke up little! You almost giggle from how cute he is. He then sneezes three times and sniffles. “got da sneezies,” He mutters, with a short, reassuring giggle. Then he coughs a bunch. “Um, little one, are you okay??” You ask, caressing his shoulder. He looks up at you with sparkling eyes but very wet eyes. “M-mama I don’ feew so.. Good..” He wipes his forehead trickling with sweat, along with that, his soft chubby cheeks are red and his eyes are half-lidded.
He’s sick. But he has a concert today! “Awww.. What are we going to do?,” you thought. You’ll have to cancel it today. Can’t do a concert if you’re sick! So you make a call to explain that E is sick, and has to cancel the concert today. After that trouble, you run back to him. “Mamaaa…” he cries and makes grabby hands at you, implying he wants something. “What is it, E, baby??” you chuckle a bit from his overexpressed tone of voice. “Mmm.. t-tummy hurts..” he forces out while clenching his hands on his soft belly. “Awwww.. It’ll be okay. Mommy’s gonna help make your tummy feel better in no time!,” you tell him, sitting down next to him, massaging circles on his sore stomach. He looks up at you with the prettiest, sparkliest eyes ever. “Weawwy?” he asks softly. A small smile appears on his face. “Wiww mama make tummy free bettew?” “Of course honey, but you need to rest, I’ll be back with some stuff to keep you busy while I make you stuff to help you feel better! Sounds okay?” You murmur, making sure you don’t scare him. He gets scared when he hears loud noises, and you took note of that as soon as you found out. “Mhm!” he nods. You find his toybox and his paci and take it to him, pop the paci in his mouth while ruffling his hair very gently, remember he has a headache too.
So you give him all his gear, and as you walk away to go make him soup for his tummy, he cries out, “Mamaaa!! Don’ leave!!” You sigh. “E, baby, I have to make you soup so you’ll feel better. Do you wanna take the yucky red-coloured spoon medicine?” you threaten “No!! No yucky stuff!! Just wan’ mama..” he frowns and looks down. You slowly approach him and run your fingers through his hair, which usually calms him down. It did. He buries his face in your chest while hugging you tight. “I-I wuv you mama” he says into you. Making you smile sympathetically, you say, “Okay.. I’ll lie down and nap with you, but the first hurt noise I hear from you, I am getting the medicine,” half jokingly. He pouts as a joke, making you giggle. 
You pet his hair while trying not to get sick yourself. His eyes get half-lidded and sleepy. You pet his forehead in an attempt to calm his headache. It worked, weirdly, more like distracted him from his headache to your soothing touch. Elvis practically did something similar, he held you, his mama, close. Never letting go. Planting a kiss on his cheek, you whisper sweet nothings into his ear to lull him into a nap. Afterwards you make him some chicken noodle soup for when he wakes up in case he gets hungry.
You really hope he naps for a while, because you can’t seem to get this can of chicken soup open.
(i don't feel like this is good enough, i feel like it's too vague. let me know if you like it!! It was a teensy bit rushed and i wrote half of it when sleepy)
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One Night With You (an Elvis x Reader fanfic)
Word count: 3.4k
Rating: G
Summary: After your boyfriend Elvis Presley has been gone for months, he's finally back in your hometown in the middle of his tour. You soon notice something's off about him; he swears he's fine, but you suspect otherwise.
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    You wrap the bubblegum pink cardigan tight across your chest to protect yourself from the chilly October evening. ‘Why couldn’t he have come to perform during the summer?’  you thought to yourself. Of course you were happy with your boyfriend’s sudden success, the only problem was the lack of quality time you two spent in each other’s arms. It just wasn’t the same having him call you from whatever hotel room he was staying in that night, not to mention every girl in America now wanting to call Elvis Presley their own. But for now, that was all in the past; Elvis’ tour schedule placed him in your hometown tonight, and you two could finally be alone together. Your parents would surely appreciate one less long-distance call on their phone bill. You watched from the crowd as he finished his last song. His normally high-energy, almost electric stage persona seemed a little scaled-back tonight. The crowd ate it up nonetheless, screaming as he and the band left the stage. Following the path set by the crowd, you hurried to find a way backstage. You could hardly see a thing over the mob of young women; you weren’t the only one with this idea, it seemed.
    “Elvis!” you called out, hoping you could make yourself heard over the chorus of fans. It wasn’t long until you felt a firm, masculine hand grip your upper arm. You look up, realizing you had been surrounded by several men, a few of Elvis’ bodyguards, no doubt. Given how often you and Elvis talked on the phone over the past few months, they must have learned to recognize your voice.
    “Come with us, Y/N,” the one grasping your arm said. 
    Surrounding you on all sides, you were briskly escorted through the crowd. At least you assumed, given how tightly packed the clump of bodyguards was surrounding you, fending off any unruly offenders. The only indication that you had managed to escape the crowd was the sound of their cries fading in the distance. Once it was certain that you had safely escaped the public, The cluster began to disband. There he was, chatting with his bandmates, sipping from the cup of water he held in his right hand. He hadn’t even noticed your arrival. You were certain to change that immediately.
    “Elvis!” you called out, sure that he would definitely hear you this time. And hear you he did. 
    “Y/N!” he called back, perking up at the sound of your voice. He excused himself from the group he was with, setting his cup down before rushing towards you. The two of you entered a long, comforting embrace as you wrapped your arms around his waist and vice versa. “I missed you, baby,” he said. There was something off about his voice. It sounded a little scratchier than normal. He hadn’t strained it during the show, had he?
    “I missed you too,” you replied as he released you from his grip. ��So how’ve you been? I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages even though we talk almost every night.”
    “Nothing much. Just the same ol’ thing, you know.” He began to toy with the rings on his fingers. “There was one night when this real cute number found her way backstage.”
    “Oh?” you questioned, knowing exactly what he was leading to.
    “Yeah,” that trademark smirk found its way on his face. “Pretty little thing in a pink cardigan. I jus’ couldn’t help myself, ya know?” It was then that he began to scatter little kisses on your cheek. You giggled, playfully swatting at him to stop even though you enjoyed the much overdue intimacy. You both continued like this for a few seconds more until he broke away. “Enough talk. We got all night to spend together.”
    “Did you want to go and check out the fair? Ride some rides, maybe play a few games? I know you’d love to win me a big prize!” You noticed Elvis’ glance shift.
    “You know, I don’t really feel like it tonight, baby.”
    “Why not?” you asked dejectedly. “You normally love the fair!”
    “Jus’ don’t feel like it, I guess,” he responded. “Besides,” he tightened his arm around your waist, purring in your ear. “I was hopin’ we could go somewhere a little more private.” 
You began to flutter inside as his words melted like sweet caramel. You could tell you were starting to blush, but you didn’t care. This man certainly knew how to push all your buttons.
“Well, my parents are out of town for the next few days,” you add.
“I’ll have to thank ‘em for that next time I see ‘em.”
 You smile as you pull back to look at him. He looked a little flushed, himself, no doubt from the concert. It isn’t until you caress his cheek that you are brought back to reality. Was he always this warm?
“Are you alright?”
“Never better,” he said. “Why?”
“You just feel a little warm is all,” you reply, hoping his heat was just a figment of your imagination.
“That’s jus’ what you do to me, honey,” he said, brushing your hand off his cheek. “You get me all hot-blooded.”
“Alright,” you relented, “Let’s get going then. Did you at least want to get something to eat before we get to my place?”
“I’m not all that hungry,” he remarked.
Something was definitely wrong.
You approached the doorstep of your home with Elvis not too far behind. He brought along a small duffel bag, fully prepared to spend the night. It was probably for the best that you two decided against the fair as it started to rain a little on the drive home. You rifled through your purse, trying to find your house key. ‘Why does it always fall to the bottom?’ you wondered.
“Hold on,” Elvis said turning away. You heard his breath hitch as his head slightly tilted back. He brought his forearm to his face, holding it there until finally letting out three sneezes. “Hutschh! Tschh! hu-Hutschh!”
“Bless you!” you remarked, concern now evident in your voice.
“Excuse me,” he sniffled, wiping his nose on the back of his wrist. “Thank you.”
You finally manage to grab your keys and unlock the front door. You open it wide and motion for him to enter.
“After you,” he insists. You enter first and flip the lightswitch. Your house was nothing fancy; a simple ranch-style home that seemed to suit your family’s needs. Once Elvis enters, he shuts the door behind him, setting his bag down before taking a seat on the couch. “So shall we get to it or did ya have somethin’ else in mind?” he asked.
“Actually,” you started, “I did want to check something. Can you wait here a minute?”
“Sure thing,” he said, making himself at home.
You walk down the hall to the bathroom and open the medicine cabinet. In the center of the bottom row you find what you were searching for: the thermometer. Your theory about your boyfriend’s well-being seemed to be gaining more traction by the minute. It was now up to this glass rod to either confirm or deny your worries. Thermometer in hand, you return to the living room. Elvis is still on the couch, drumming his fingers impatiently in the arm. He notices your return, along with the device in your hands.
“What’s that for?” he asked.
“You haven’t been acting like yourself all night,” you stated. “I just want to check your temperature to make sure you’re really okay.”
“Honey, I’m fine,” he said. “Jus’ a little tired’s all. You know how my schedule is.”
“Alright, can you just humor me then?” you ask. Elvis looks at the thermometer.
“You gotta strange sense of humor, Y/N.” Realizing you wouldn’t budge, he agreed to your request. “Whatever gets this done quicker.” You start to bring the rod to his mouth before he takes it from your hand. “I- I got it.” He places it in his mouth, giving you a teasing look as if to say ‘Happy now?’ For the next minute, silence fills the room, save for the steady rainfall outside. After you deem enough time has passed, you snatch the thermometer out of Elvis’ mouth, catching him off-guard. “Did I pass?” he asks as you try to read where the mercury falls between the lines. You knew what to do next. Turning back to him, you place a kiss on his forehead.
“Let’s go to my room,” you toy with him, leading him by the hand. He follows without protest to your bedroom. Allowing the light from the hallway to guide you, you pull the chain to the ceiling light to illuminate the space. Your bed was small, unlike the king-size Elvis was accustomed to, but it would work for your purposes. A pale yellow teddy bear that Elvis gave you when you first started dating sat on top of the tucked sheets. Your bed wouldn’t stay in this tidy position for long. You both sat on the edge when you took both his large hands in yours. “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable, and I’ll be right back, alright?”
“You don’t gotta ask twice, baby,” he replied as you stepped out of the room.
‘That was almost too easy,’ you thought to yourself. You briskly stepped around the house to gather your supplies, trying not to keep him waiting too long. A spare blanket from the linen closet, some tissues, and a few magazines so he wouldn’t get too bored. Stash in hand, you made your way back to your room to find Elvis on top of your bed, shirt unbuttoned and pants unzipped.
“What’s all that?” he asked, sounding a bit irritated.
“Elvis, you have a fever,” you state matter-of-factly. “You’re in no condition to do anything but rest.”
“How high?”
“100.6, so you just get yourself in bed this minute.”
“Y/N-,” he started, standing up.
“Elvis, I’m not playing. Get into bed!”
“Dammit, Y/N, I’m fine!” You set down your supplies and just stand for a moment, absorbing what just happened. You knew Elvis had a bit of a temper; he tried his best not to lose it in front of you, but it managed to slip through every now and then. Taking a deep breath, he hoped to remedy the situation. “Look, honey, I’m sorry. Maybe I’m comin’ down with a little head cold, but you’re actin’ like it’s gonna be the death of me! I’ve been through a lot worse and I’m still standin’, aren’t I?”
“What I’m worried about,” you sigh, “is you not taking care of yourself. You’ve said yourself how exhausting your schedule is. I just don’t want to see you get worse.” You move closer to him and guide him to sit on the edge of the bed with you. “At least think of your fans. They want to see you at your best just as much as I do. I know it’s just a cold, but you won’t be able to get better for your next show in a couple days if you don’t rest now. So please? Just for tonight? Until your fever goes down?” Elvis paused as he weighed his options until he finally reached a conclusion.
“Alright,” he agreed, “But only because I’m too tired to keep arguin’ with you.” You’d have to take your victories where you could.
“Now that’s more like it,” you said. You stood to pull the sheets back on the bed, allowing your boyfriend to crawl in. After placing the covers back, you make your way back to the stash of supplies you gathered earlier. Once you place the tissues and magazines on the adjacent nightstand, you drape the blanket around his shoulders. “There,” you stated, satisfied with your work. “Now why don’t I go make you some tea?”
“I don’t like tea that much,” he said.
“Just one mug?” you begged, “I promise it’ll help you feel so much better.”
“Fine,” he muttered.
“I’ll be right back,” you said, making your way to the door. “Just stay put.”
The kettle sat heating up on the stove as you searched the kitchen cabinets for just the right tea. Orange, chamomile, ginger,... but no echinacea like you had hoped. You sighed at this realization and selected the chamomile as a substitution. Your search for ingredients wasn’t over yet, as you had to remember where you placed the jar of honey. Your concentration was disrupted when you heard a handful of dry coughs from behind. You turned around to find your boyfriend, still with the blanket draped around his shoulders.
“Elvis, what in the world are you doing up?”
“I left my bag out here,” he answered. “You were in such a hurry to get me in your bed I didn’t think to bring it. I didn’t think you were gonna trick me like that, though. Since we aren’t gonna be doin’ anything tonight I figured I- Hutschh! Figured I’d change into somethin’ more comfortable.”
“Well first, bless you, and second you could’ve asked me to bring it for you” you said, hoping your growing irritation wasn’t showing.
“I was gonna have to get up at some point or another,” he rebutted, walking right past you and into the living room. “Besides, it’s not like I’m really goin’ anywhere.”
 “I’m just saying, you shouldn’t be out of bed for long while you still have a fever.”
There was no reply from the living room. All you heard was a small amount of shuffling before Elvis walked back into the kitchen, duffel bag in tow. 
“You know,” he stated, “I would’ve been able to get this done a lot sooner if you hadn’t stopped me. Even if you did bring my bag to me, I still would’ve had to get up to change,” he added as he continued back to your bedroom.
The now whistling tea kettle mirrored your internal state of agitation. He certainly knew how to push your buttons, all right. What happened to him being too tired to argue, anyway? Maybe he just didn’t want to admit when you were right. 
You turned your attention back to the tea, hoping it would distract you from your boyfriend’s antics. Peering through the cabinets, you managed to find that jar of honey you were searching for hiding in the back. Elvis was very particular about any dishes he used, so you kept some around especially for him and him alone. Placing the tea bag in his designated mug, you poured the steaming water over top, adding just a spoonful of honey to sweeten it for him. Perfect.
While the tea was steeping, you had an idea. You briskly walked down to the basement where you had your washing machine and dryer set up. You finished a load of laundry earlier today and hadn’t had a chance to put your clean clothes away yet. It’s in the folded laundry that you find a fresh set of lavender colored pajamas. You put them on in place of your day clothes, folding your dirty laundry and placing it on top of the washer. I’ll deal with that tomorrow, you thought.
You entered your bedroom, tea in hand, to find Elvis in your bed, lazily flipping through one of the magazines you left for him. He was now wearing a set of blue flannel pajamas that matched the hue of his eyes. He looked up at you as you entered, noticing your change of appearance.
“You makin’ sure I stay in bed this time?” he asked with a smirk.
“I just figured you could use more company than Teddy,” you replied.
“Yeah, he ain’t really much of a talker.”
“I couldn’t find any echinacea tea,” you said, handing him the steaming mug. “Hopefully this chamomile should help. At the very least, it should help you sleep.”
“It’s not gonna make any difference to me,” he said as you pulled back the covers to join him in bed.
Elvis took a moment to inspect the mug you just handed him. He inhaled the steam rising from its contents, hoping to relieve any congestion starting to set in. Slowly, he began to nurse the warm liquid. He sipped as close to the handle as possible, not taking a single break until the mug was empty. Once complete, he set the empty mug on the nightstand. 
“You like it?” you asked, noting how he finished the tea in record time.
“It’s not bad,” he simply replied.
The rain outside began to intensify, the wind was now howling as you felt a chilling breeze. You began to shiver, making a note to fix the draft from your window. As you wrapped your arms around yourself, your boyfriend seemed to take notice.
“You know,” Elvis said, “I think that tea you gave me is startin’ to kick in.” He feigned a yawn as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, both of you now bundled under the blanket. You couldn’t help but giggle at his corniness.
“Do you always do this to get close to girls you like?”
“Not always, but this ain’t my first time either.” He pulled himself closer to you. “Besides, you looked like you were freezin’, and I’m givin’ off plenty of body heat as it is.” You delicately placed a hand to his forehead. He wasn’t kidding.
“It’s a good thing you don’t have a show tomorrow,” you mused, hoping just maybe he would follow your advice and take care of himself while you weren’t around to remind him.
“Yeah,” he said, “we’re jus’ gonna be on the road all day.”
“What time would you have to leave tomorrow?”
“Probably around 8:00,” Elvis replied, “Why?”
“Could you hand me my alarm clock, please?” you asked him, motioning to the clock sitting on the far edge of the nightstand. Taking care not to displace the blanket binding you both, Elvis stretched his arm out to grab the clock and hand it to you. “Thank you,” you replied as you began winding the clock. A small series of mechanical clicks could be heard as you set the alarm for 7:00 A.M. “There,” you stated, handing it back to him, “we should be all set for tomorrow morning.” Elvis placed the alarm clock back in the nightstand.
“Since you got that taken care of, that jus’ leaves the two of us.” He cuddled closer to you, his head now resting on your chest. You began to stroke his black hair, still a little stiff from all the product in it.
“I think I kinda like you this way,” you said, unable to hide your grin.
“Don’t get used to it, baby,” he teased as a real yawn now escaped his lips.
It was getting late. You knew that the time you two had together was steadily dwindling away, and you were powerless to stop it. You both had hoped to make more of tonight, but found yourselves forced to improvise. Sure, Elvis had just over a month left on tour, but who knows what might happen between now and when you return to his arms? If he could have such a sudden meteoric rise to fame, he could fall just as quickly. All that was certain was the present; the embrace you shared kept you grounded. The room was still, not a sound from inside its walls. In that moment, you chose to break the silence.
The silence remained.
“Elvis?” you asked, a little more concerned. It was then that you heard his gentle snoring. Out like a light.
You debated what to do next. Should you risk reaching up to pull the cord to the light above your bed? Elvis was normally a heavy sleeper, but you didn’t want to disrupt his much-needed sleep. Even if you kept the lights on, you would have to shift your position to lie comfortably, altering him in the process. You decided to take your chances and turn the light off: if he was really this tired, he should have no trouble falling back asleep. You reach out towards the ceiling, your fingers brushing the tab at the end of the cord before grasping it. With a clink, the only source of light came from the moon shining through your window. You shifted deeper into your bed with slow, fluid motions, closing your eyes once you were sure you were both comfortable. The steady rhythm of rain and your boyfriend’s snoring became a lullaby of sorts, soothing your worries until you dozed off.
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presleysbae · 2 years
If you’re looking for trouble *cue music* you came to the right place… 🎸
Hi everybody! I’m presleysbae💙. If you’re a Real!Elvis or an Austin!Elvis fan, this is the place for you. I write reader Insert or character x character. I also write Romance Fics/Sickfics/AUs sometimes. I’m pretty open to any ideas😊 it’s nice to meet you!
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beatleskinkmeme · 1 year
Beatles Kink Meme Tags Navigation
lennison ; lennstarr ; mcharrison ; mclennon ; mcstarr ; paul/george ; pringo ; starrison
John/Paul/George/Ringo ; John/Paul/George ; John/Paul/Ringo ; implied mclennon ; Paul/any beatle
John/Allen Klein ; John/Brian Epstein ; John/Faul ; John/Fred Seaman ; John/Jimmy McCulloch ; John/Linda ; John/Lord Snowden ; John/Mick Jagger ; John/Norm ; John/Robert Fraser ; John/Stuart ; John/Yoko ; John/anyone ; John/other 
Paul/Brian Epstein ; Paul/Cynthia ; Paul/Ed Sullivan ; Paul/George Martin ; Paul/Ian James ; Paul/Jimmie Nicol ; Paul/Linda ; Paul/Mal Evans ; Paul/Mick Jagger ; Paul/Mike ; Paul/Paul ; Paul/Pete Best ; Paul/Pete Townshend ; Paul/Peter Asher ; Paul/Queen Elizabeth ; Paul/Robert Fraser ; Paul/Stuart ; Paul/Tara Browne ; Paul/Yoko ; Paul/anyone ; Paul/other
George/Bob Dylan ; George/Brian Epstein ; George/George Martin ; George/Other
George/Patti/John Hurt ; John/Paul/Brian Epstein ; John/Paul/George Martin ; John/Paul/Reader ; John/Paul/Robert Fraser ; John/Paul/Stuart ; John/Paul/Yoko ; John/Paul/other ; Linda/Yoko ; Paul/Linda/Denny Laine ; Paul/Linda/George ; Paul/Linda/Robert Fraser ; Paul/Robert Fraser/Lord Snowden ; beatles with other people ships ; any pairing
John ; Paul ; George ; Ringo ; All Beatles ; Any beatle
john and paul ; john and george ; john and ringo ; paul and george ; paul and ringo ; george and ringo
Allen Klein ; Andy Warhol ; Beatle girls ; Bob Dylan ; Brian Epstein ; Cilla Black ; Cynthia ; David Bailey ; Denny Laine ; Ed Sullivan ; Elvis Costello ; Faul ; Fred Seaman ; George Martin ; Ian James ; Ivan Vaughan ; Jane ; Jimi Hendrix ; Jim McCartney ; Jimmy McCulloch ; Jimmie Nicol ; John Dunbar ; John look alike ; Julian ; Linda ; Little Richard; Lord Snowden ; Maggie McGivern ; Mal Evans ; Martha ; Maureen Starkey ; May Pang ; Michael Lindsay Hogg ; Mick Jagger ; Mike McCartney ; Mimi Smith ; Pattie Boyd ; Pete Best ; Peter Asher ; Pete Townshend ; Robert Fraser ; Royston Ellis ; Sean ; Stuart ; Tara Browne ; Yoko ; Reader Insert
Kink/Fetish/Sex Position
69 ; a/b/o verse ; accidental voyeurism ; anal ; analingus ; bdsm ; belly rubs ; blow jobs ; brontophilia ; butt plug ; chastity belt ; clown fetish ; cockwarming ; costumes ; daddy kink ; dirty pictures ; dirty talk ; dub con ; dumbification ; exhibitionism ; feeding kink ; feet kink ; feminization ; fisting ; foot job ; foursome ; fuck or die ; gangbang ; glory holes ; group masturbation ; humiliation kink ; incest ; masturbation ; milking kink ; mom kink ; non con ; objectification ; object insertion ; omarashi ; pegging ; pet play ; phone sex ; pillow humping ; piss kink ; polycule ; pony play ; power bottom ; praise kink ; pregnancy kink ; rimming ; role play ; run train ; sadism ; sex toys ; sexual favors ; sexual use of unusual items ; sickfic ; size kink ; slut shaming ; smoking kink ; sneeze fetish ; somnophilia ; student/teacher ; sub/dom ; tentacles ; threesome ; tied up ; unintentional erotic touching ; voice kink ; voyeurism ; watersports
Time Periods
1963 Beatles Christmas skit ; 1966 ; 1967 ; 1971 ; 1970s ; 1980s ; abbey road ; a hard days night ; Christmas ; get back ; hamburg ; help! movie ; how i won the war ; India ; mad day out ; magical mystery tour ; post breakup ; post india ; post Johns death ; sgt pepper ; the lost weekend ; white album ; yellow submarine
AU ; anastasia au ; brokeback mountain ; canon divergence au ; eternal sunshine of the spotless mind au ; fleabag au ; indecent proposal ; John lives AU ; moulin rouge au ; modern au ; Paul dies AU ; paul is dead ; seven days au ; time travel au ; yesterday movie universe
accidental name drop ; aliens made them do it ; animals ; bad sex ; body positivity ; body worship ; bottle feeding ; canon compliant ; cosplay ; couple’s therapy ; crossover ; crying ; cute aggression ; Elvis ; enemies to lovers ; fake marriage ; gay chicken ; gen ; genderswap ; happy birthday paul ; high femme ; hurt/comfort ; love triangle ; multiple partners ; mutual pining ; nonkinky ; outsider pov ; panic attacks ; parallel universe ; paris ; photo prompt ; pining ; PWP ; quote prompt ; rent boys ; sexual frustration ; stuffed in a suitcase ; t4t ; therapy ; wlw 
2020s Ringo; 61 john ; 66 John ; 80s Paul ; 90s Paul ; alpha!john ; bottom!George ; bottom!john ; bottom!paul ; feeder!john ; fem!paul ; girl Paul ; jealous!john ; mcbeardy ; milf!paul ; omega!paul ; top!paul ; trans boy paul ; trans John ; trans paul ; twink!paul ; vampire!john ; virgin Paul ; young john
Non Prompts
fan art ; fanvideos
anon ask ; mod post ; non prompt ; polls ; replies
ao3 wrapped ; fic-a-thon ; secret santa ; master post 
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siverwrites · 2 years
Yuletide Letter 2022
Ao3: Siver
Thank you so much for taking this on! Here there are some general prompt details if you want them and if you already have some idea of your own, awesome. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Prompts from past letters are up for grabs too where applicable: https://siverwrites.tumblr.com/letters
Ghost Trick
Chrono Trigger
Bravely Default 2
General Likes:
fluff, hurt/comfort, comfort, mutual care and support
family found or otherwise, bonding, cuddling/hugs/holding, banter, emotional bonding, loyalty, slice of life
sickfic, angst with a happy or at least bittersweet end
supernatural stuff, mystery, adventure, worldbuilding, creepy or unsettling atmospheres
fandom fusions, pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes, reunited characters
General DNW:
NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, shipping (except those ships listed as liked or background canonical pairings), infidelity
explicit gore
real world modern mundane AUs (eg. coffee shop, college, high-school etc)
terminal illness, permanent-death of requested characters
2nd person pov
Ghost Trick
Pigeon Man
All characters do NOT need to be included.
Alma/Jowd/Cabanela are the OT3 of my heart but I’m perfectly happy with gen fic for them too with bestest friend Cabanela to Alma/Jowd. I’m also happy to see something focused on only one or two of them–I only ask that if there’s a ship situation between 2/3 it's simply because that's where the focus lies. No infidelity.
I’m a big fan of hurt/comfort and the more tenderness on the comfort end the better. However you can’t go wrong with pure fluff either.
I'd be interested in any mix here with Pigeon Man. I'm always a sucker for Pigeon Man and Cabanela during their year working together or any other time like meeting again for the first time in the new timeline! But, Jowd and PM have a history and Alma and PM would just be a fun new combo, or any other combo or subset of these four characters.
Big sucker for Ch. 9 and Ch. 15
Big sucker for the year Cabanela and Pigeon Man worked together on Jowd's case or any point in those five years for just Cabanela.
Other characters are welcome to make appearances if needed! I love the cast wholeheartedly.
Chrono Trigger
Queen Leene
Last time I played the game I was particularly struck by how close Queen Leene and to a degree, King Guardia actually felt to Frog. She seems to genuinely care for him and worry about him and while he's suffering survivor's guilt about Cyrus I don't think she'd agree with that at all or blame him.
I'd just like to see more between Leene and Frog, either after Cyrus dies and before he leaves, or what happens between them in the moment he takes off. Does he tell them? Does he simply disappear? What is he feeling; what is she feeling?
Or coming back after Lavos is defeated.
Or some moment between them when the party is back in 600.
Just, give them some time.
Bravely Default 2
I'm good with a fic that focuses on one or both. I'm definitely interested in something exploring more of their dynamic as they're two very different characters and I love them both. A moment just the two of them somehow land in during the journey?
Or after the end?
Mutual comfort at some point because they both have their pains and they both have their shields but sometimes something slips and they can each recognize that?
However, there's plenty of room for just one of them whether it's a private moment during in-game events, or backstory stuff, or post-canon. Sir Sloan or Lady Emma references or even presence is more than welcome if desired or necessary for narrative.
A note about Elvis/Adelle: While I greatly enjoy their dynamic, from a shipping perspective I'm sort of blah about it. So I would prefer to just avoid a shippy angle should it come up.
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So that word doc is such a good idea! Do you have anymore recs for protective!Eddie pls?! I just love like. Steve taking care of everyone then Eddie taking care of Steve! Even if it’s just like understanding he’s been through some shit too 😭😭 (thank you for the other fic rec too!)
Okay so! This is what I came up with, but it's more along the lines of Steve whump/hurt x comfort rather than Eddie protecting/defending specifically, because apparently there just isn't too much of that out there that I've read!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40897005 home to you, 3.5k.
This fic is fucking god-tier hurt/comfort, in my opinion. Steve gets in a fight with his parents, has a concussion, tries to drive away but hits the mailbox, calls Dustin on the walkie, then Eddie comes to get him. I love this because it’s not overly mushy or OOC, it’s just good.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40979889  A Family is Built, not Born. 3.7k.
After Steve gets in a fight with his dad, he heads over to Eddie’s trailer. Eddie isn’t home yet, but Wayne talks with him, then Eddie comes home and it’s all h/c from there, babyyyy!
Whirlpool Of Forget-Me-Nots - Anonymous - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own] 5k
Eddie and Steve start sleeping (actually sleeping) together because of bad dreams. There's a scene where Eddie comforts Steve after a nightmare. This is just a nice read in general.
my hands are tied - lesbianrobin - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own] 1.5k
Eddie asks to tie Steve up during sex and it gives Steve a panic attack because of the Russian stuff. Immediately turns into h/c.
i'm right up the road - birthdaycandles - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own] 4.6k
A short AU fic that’s Steddie if you squint. Steve has seizures and is at Max’s place and she’s read up on what to do when they happen, but she still sees Eddie outside and calls for his help. The only way Steve and Eddie have met before is in high school or for drug deals.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41191176 Anyplace is Paradise, 2k.
Steve’s dad dies and Eddie is there for him. Established relationship. (Ignore the Elvis slander at the end. 😅)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40566510 ain’t going nowhere, 2k.
I’m going to sneak my fic in here because apparently I’m that person. This is just fluffy sickfic where Eddie takes care of Steve and they watch Top Gun.
That’s all I could come up with for now. If people have other similar recs they want to add to the post, feel free! 💖
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ju1ian · 2 years
( fanfic writer emoji asks ) 🥺 , 😈 , 🎶 , 🌞 , 👀 , 🧠 , ✅ ?
Thank you for sending these bestie! :)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
- I really get upset/big feelings when a (good) character realizes that maybe another (bad) character isn't as bad as they seem/there's more to them than just the bad things they've done. Usually this is found in like enemies to friends to lovers stories. I just like seeing antagonistic characters given some depth and seeing reasons for their behavior.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
-i have tried a few times to like do cliffhangers but it didn't work very well because at the time I and been writing nonstop so I was uploading chapters one after another like every hour.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
-i don't listen to music while I write but a song I've had on loop lately is Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice which is very embarrassing and I've also had Just Pretend by Elvis Presley on loop.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
- I love to write right before I go to sleep and right when I wake up I think I write best then because that's when I have ideas.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
- I am currently working on a Top Gun story about Ice and Slider meeting and becoming friends and what they thought of each other at first. :)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
- I don't know how to answer this! Do I give the character or the headcanons?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
- well my main two themes are mental illness and alcoholism/drug addiction because these are two things I have experience with in real life. I also have written a few reoccurring themes of domestic abuse because that's something I also have experience with irl. Although RECENTLY I've noticed I have a habit of writing my characters in this really specific position where one is lying down quite vulnerable and the other is standing over them. I don't know why I keep writing that I don't mean to lmao. Also illness? I admittedly have an illness kink so I love to write a sickfic. I probably have other reoccurring themes I don't notice.
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inthememetime · 3 years
New game! Send me a sentence (any sentence), a fandom (or one will be chosen for you), and one (or more) of the emojis below and I'll write you something 500 words or more.
🤒- sickfic
🤬- at least one character is angry
😈- REVENGE. Can be petty, or nuclear. (Tell me if you want something specific!)
🤡- Comedy. I'll do my best to make you laugh; maybe it's a crackfic, maybe a character is hilarious- you'll find out!
👽- Conspiracy. Aliens? Lizard overlords? JFK alive and married to Elvis? There will be at least one crazy Conspiracy theory involved.
💅 - Makeover! This can be because of a lost bet, a relaxing day with friends, or a wholesome heart-warming event, or a revenge plot.
🤳- Epistolary. This story is told through letters, text messages, or emails.
🧟‍♂️- Zombie AU. Pretty self explanatory.
🎡- Amusement park. Characters have fun at an amusement park, OR at least one of them works at the park.
I need writers block help, and I'm hoping this will get the writing juices flowing! Feel free to ask for specific pairings as long as they're both of age!
If you don't ask for a pairing, it will be platonic.
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kiankiwi · 4 months
I've been sick all week, so how would,
(BDE!cg) take care of little
I hope headcanons are okay!
He'd be reminding to constantly be drinking water or gatorade and if you refuse to drink anything, he'll still try to get you to suck on a popsicle
He'll sit with you for however long it takes to eat even just a half bowl of soup and you eye him to make sure he blows on the spoonful
You'll often whine and groan until Elvis takes his shirt off so you can contact nap.
He's very scared whenever you cough because it usually ends with you projectile vomiting milk on him. He's learned to put a towel over his shoulder whenever you manage to drink a full bottle of milk
He's learned to dodge and weave the puke but you've got good aim
Once he finally gets you In the cold bath, he tries to distract you with toys and bath crayons the best he can while he waits as long as you can stand it to get your fever down
Lots of cracker mush on top of your soup
And lots of gingerale and ginger candy to help your tummy
Elvis always knows when you don't feel good because you start tugging your ears and ASKING for a nap
He'll get out the sick bucket and you'll carry it from room to room with you while you still have the energy to play
But you always end up falling asleep standing up with your upper half on the couch cushion with the puke bucket next to your head
Elvis always laughs at how silly your bed head looks since you've been napping and sleeping so much
He will not let you sleep in your crib while you're ill - only in daddy's bed so he can monitor your fever and comfort you in case the fever gives you bad dreams
And he knows you're so apologetic whenever you puke on him by accident but he comforts you and reassures you it's okay because you can't help it. "Better out than in lovie. Daddy's here to take care of you I promise"
You want to constantly be held, even if you're too hot and your fevers raging
I hope this was okay <3 I hope you feel better
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you know that one scene where characters dance together to a cute song and then when they get in a certain position, they look at each other all romantic-like and are kinda like “are we about to kiss” and either a) pull away shyly or b) K I S S (its the top one bc its my fave)
when character a is severely injured and is reassuring character b that they’ll be okay (even if the wound is fatal) and weakly caresses b’s face and either a) passes out and makes b shake them while b has to be pulled away so a can be taken care of or b) a dies in b’s arms while a holds them close while sobbing in THAT POSITION Y’ALL SHOULD KNOW THE ONE IM TALKIN ABOUT BUT LIKE JESUS WAY TO PUNCH MY GUT THANKS ALOT
or when they’re lightly injured (lets say a broken arm) and they don’t have the supplies to steady it and when character a tries to move it, b softly says something like “no don’t move, just rest” LIKE CHARACTERS TAKING CARE OF EACH OTHER IS JUST PERFECT
when a is emotionally vulnerable and when their emotions reach a climax, they kind of collapse in b’s arms, sobbing into their shoulder and b’s just holds them (bonus tears if they’re standing up and they slowly sink to the floor together and BONUS BONUS if b cries w/ a)
Kisses where b runs into a’s arms and a lifts them and kisses them passionately
kisses when a dips b are truly magical
cuddling when a is sitting upright while b is laying on a’s lap while a runs their fingers thru b’s hair LIKE FUCKIN ADORABLE
look, i know they’re cheesy and some of them are just horribly done but MEET CUTES ARE GREAT
when a is picking up b for a dance/party and are waiting downstairs when b makes their GRAND ENTRANCE and stuns a w/ their beauty. bonus tears if a either mouths ‘wow’ or stutters bc they can’t find the words to describe how beautiful b is
when a gives b a cute piece of jewelry that has some personal meaning for the both of them and b says something like “its beautiful” and/or “i love it” and throws their arms around a. bonus tears if a has a matching or companion piece.
SERENADES. my dad once serenaded my mom w elvis’ “can’t help falling in love” and then gave her a music box that played it bc it’s her favorite elvis song (trust me my parents have a lot of romantic moments that are suspiciously movie-like)
proposals. i dont care how it happens just as long as one of them says yes.
when a goes to sacrifice themselves for the greater good and b’s like “no don’t leave me you can’t” and a’s like “i’m sorry but this is the only way” and they kiss passionately one last time before a and b’s hands slide apart in a C I N E M A T I C M A S T E R P I E C E
the sick character. i am a strict sickfic person so here’s what i believe it has to have to be perfection. a denies sickness and b just kinda accepts it but is still suspicious about it until something big happens that causes a to weaken and b says something like “lets get you in bed”. bonus tears if b carries a bridal style. bonus BONUS tears if a has nightmares while being sick and cry into b’s shoulder while having a high fever or whatever BUT SICKFICS ARE GODTIER AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE
when characters meet for the first time by locking eyes across the room and the whole scene slows down except for them and it just focuses on them and omg bye i gotta go bc why do i gotta be the side token black character in all of my friend’s love lives :(
when a is a singer (like professionally) and they sing a song that a wrote for b and only they know it (i have yet to have a song written about me)
when they’re besties and they goof off and a does something stupid (normally involves falling) and b catches them and they look into each other’s eyes while b slowly puts a down but is still holding them
when they fall asleep and wake up on each other and are WAY embarassed about it
a cleaning b’s cuts and bandaging them and being like “hold still” while b’s being a difficult little shit who’s secretly in pain
ROMANTIC MIDDAY PICNICS IN A PARK (thats very hallmarky and i despise hallmark with all my being but i only like this trope if it’s done right in a montage with a cute song in the background, preferably a well-known one)
sharing earbuds to listen to a song
when they’re faces get so close because circumstances but they don’t kiss but you can tell they thought about it
Uh, I actually had one more in mind but I completely forgot it so I’ll edit it later if I remember it but YEAH ADD ON IF YOU HAVE ANY. also i guess these were more like “common situations” than “tropes” but you get the idea: these happen in romantic movies and tv a lot and when they do i gush and i smile so wide my face hurts.
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hemogobbler · 5 years
hell yea peer pressure!! for the valentine's ask: 8, 22, 37, 43. 8)
the true meaning of valentines day, tysm for asking!!
favorite fanfic trope? SHARING A BED. I’m all about that immediate gratification, shows are already slow burn enough for me, so anything that gets characters comfortable with each other in ways they are SO NOT READY FOR just fills me with joy. Sickfics a close second!
fictional crushes? Not many that come to mind/hit me hard except for Shego from Kim Possible (first ever!) and... uh, hard to explain but, the sword from Transistor. He’s so nice and his voice is so comforting I spent so much time on that game.
do you like to dance? hahaha oh god I do, I’m seeing all the moves in my head and I hate what I see but at the same time, I can’t NOT dance if I’m vibing. I absorbed a lot of Elvis through my mom so it’s all in the hips for me.
favorite ABBA song? W A T E R L O O ! It’s a BOP AND a Catradora song.
 Valentines Asks!
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kiankiwi · 2 years
A Stomach Bug for the History Books (A bit gross):
Summary: You have a really bad stomach bug while Elvis has to play a show. You end up getting worse halfway through so Elvis storms off, fights with the Colonel to take care of you because that's what he does.
"Daddy.... don't go." You're currently laying on a uncomfortable couch in the green room of the International hotel, grasping Elvis's hand for dear life as you try to fight off the nausea rolling around in your gut. Elvis had tried to call and cancel, he really did saying that you didn't feel well. That was an understatement; you were miserable. And Elvis hoped that the Colonel could see the pain all over your face. Elvis crouched down by your face and cupped your cheek in his hand, noticing how hot you were getting. "I'm sorry baby, I know you don't feel good. But daddy has to, my love. You got Jerry here to watch over ya though. You tell him anything you need and he'll get it for ya."
You sit up then and Elvis internally jumps, thinking you're just about to projectile vomit all over him but instead you snivel and open your arms for one of Elvis's signature bear hugs that you love so much. "Alright baby girl, try to sleep, daddy loves you so-oo-oo-oo much." He drags out the so as long as he can, procrastinating going on stage as much as possible. Elvis lingers at the door and he watches as you snuggle down into your blankets and dutifully close your eyes, trying so hard not to feel how yucky you're feeling.
You made it almost halfway through the show before you got even worse, your low fever had spiked so you were sweating feeling like a fireball was traveling all over your little body and you were hovering over the trashcan, adjusting uncomfortably every few minutes, waiting for the inevitable as Jerry rubbed your back telling you daddy would be there soon but that just made you cry even more.
"I want daddy!" You scream right before you finally gag enough to start vomiting. "I know, sweetheart. Daddy's coming I promise." Jerry eyes Lamar, silently asking if Elvis has been notified because they can't hold off not telling him for much longer. Even if the Colonel says so, if Elvis finds out it'll be hell to pay. Lamar just silently nods, yes the boss knows. Thank god.
Back at the curtain to the side stage, Charlie waves his arms frantically trying to get the King's attention. Elvis, already having a hint of an idea what this is about quickly walks over still singing all the while till the backtrack kicks in and the band makes up some riffs to satisfy the audience while he's needed.
"Is she okay? What's up?" Elvis asks, his heart picking up speed just thinking about how sick you already were. "She's gotten worse. She has a high fever and she's puking her guts up. Jerry's with her but she needs you. Needs her daddy." Elvis nods. "Talk to the Colonel." Charlie goes to talk to the colonel to try and cancel the rest of the show and figure out what to tell the audience while Elvis sprints toward the greenroom that you had laid down in but the Colonel beats him to it, blocking the door.
"No, no, no, you boy are getting back on that stage tonight! You need to finish this show, these nice people paid so much money, you owe them a good time, you hear me?!" Elvis bumped the old man with his chest, sending him against the door, gripping the collar of his shirt in his fist as he got right in his face. "You listen to me. Tonight I'm not money bags. Tonight I am a caregiver and my baby is sick." Just as Elvis said that, him and the Colonel could hear you getting violently sick on the other side of the door.
"You hear that? She's sick and she needs me so I don't care what you gotta do. I don't care how much money we're out, but I refuse to go out on that stage anymore tonight you son of a bitch now I suggest you get the fuck out of my way." The colonel eyed his client icily. "You're making a mistake talking to me like that, boy." Elvis stared at the ceiling, trying to reign in his anger because the last thing you need is to hear him yelling so close yet so far from you. "You son of a bitch, you know I don't need you. I don't want you and I don't need you. She needs me so unless you want me to throw you on your ass, I suggest you Get. Out. Of. My. Way." The Colonel smirked like the bastard he is and slowly stepped aside.
Elvis barged into the room to see Jerry barely holding things together. You had ceased vomiting for a minute and you were curled up in Jerry's lap sobbing and screaming for your daddy. "I want my daddy! Where's daddy!" Elvis slowly walked up to you so as not to startle you even more. "Daddy's right here baby, I'm right here. Let's go home huh? Let's get your icky butt home? You nodded, basically collapsing into his arms as soon as you see him.
"Please don't puke on me," You hear Elvis whisper as he looks around the room, trying not to move too fast, so as not to jostle you and cause you to get too dizzy. "Hey, Jer, can you grab her bag please?" He nods. "Let's go home, bug." Jerry murmurs to you as the three of you run to the the car that'll bring you home.
"Alright sweet girl. Just tap me if you feel icky again okay?" Elvis says as he holds you tighter against his chest as you clenched your eyes shut against his shoulder as he took you upstairs to your en-suite bathroom, stripping your sweat soaked clothes off and setting your tiny aching body on the closed toilet seat as he started the water for a bath. After a particularly bad cramp, you nearly doubled over in your spot, whimpering, "Daddy." Panicking, Elvis nearly launched himself at you, cupping his hand under your chin thinking you were going to vomit. You just groaned shaking your head no, you just wanted your daddy's comfort. And you wanted to regulate your damn temperature again.
"Oh sweets I'm so sorry. We'll get you some medicine for your tummy soon okay? But first we need to cool your fever down." Elvis turned off the faucet and gently put you in the tub, where you screeched at the coolness of the water. "I know, I know. Just a few minutes until you can get out though okay."
The intense stomach cramp returned and this time you lost control of it, causing you to scream and starting to sob again. "What? What baby? What is it?" Elvis asked, concern written all of his face because there was no reason you should be screaming. He didn't put two and two together until he noticed the water gets murky beneath you. "Oh sweetie," He cooed, lifting you up and draining the tub with his other hand. "It's okay, it can be fixed. Your tummy really doesn't feel good does it?" You pressed your face into Elvis shoulder, seeking comfort for your embarrassment. "It's okay baby, I promise, see all better." Elvis cleaned out the bottom of the tub and quickly finished washing you off, figuring you'd feel better once you were in bed with E.
He quickly chooses a loose set of pajamas, easy to take off in case you get sick again or too hot during the night and dresses you in it before returning to the bathroom to get you some medicine to help your very upset stomach. You start fussing at it even though you don't want to puke anymore.
"Please baby? If you take this, it'll help you feel so much better, hm? It'll only taste icky for a second. C'mon baby please." You shook your head and sealed your lips shut. "Mm-mm." Elvis sighed. "Okay, how about this, you take the medicine and I'll take you to get a new stuffy and a new movie once you're all better, huh?" You smiled and opened your mouth as wide as you could, liking the compromise. Elvis smiled. "Good girl!" After he gave you a glass of water to wash the taste out of your mouth, he gave you a big high five. "Proud of you little." You just tiredly placed your head on his shoulder. "Oh baby... let's go get you to bed, hmm?" You couldn't object to that.
You sat in Elvis's big bed as you watched him prepare for a night full of tears and puke. He lined the floor of your side of the bed with old towels, put a pasta pot on the nightstand table for you to grab and had an extra pile of bedding on two of the chairs in the massive master bedroom. Elvis sat next to you and took an extra bowl in his lap to teach you how to aim your puke into the bowl. "Okay ready, if you feel like you're gonna puke you lean over and you go blugh, nope don't tilt, keep it steady go bluehg," You giggled, copying the funny noise he made. "I go bleugh! " "Don't move it baby, keep it right in your lap, go bleugh," He smiled once you finally copied him but didn't tilt the bowl so it would spill all over you.
"Good job sweet girl. Good girl." Elvis laid down, curled around you. "How does your tummy feel now, sweet girl?" You took a minute feeling it out. "Icky but not bluegh icky." Elvis and you chuckled at the puke noise and he blew a raspberry into your nap, happy that he could hear your giggle again.
"Okay sickie, promise to wake me if you need me?" You nod. "I love you daddy." You said as you drifted off to sleep, your body exhausted from fighting off this sickness.
"I love you too sweets."
Wooooooo!! I think this one was super good! I hope you enjoyed! <3 see you soon @mooodyblue @plasticfantasticl0ver @ellie-24
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kiankiwi · 2 years
You've just passed the halfway point in your book when you hear the front door open. That's weird, Austin isn't due home for at least another three hours. Something must be up. You toss your book aside to find him stopped just inside the front door looking sweaty, pale and disheveled. All together sick. "Baby? What happened?" He stumbles to the kitchen island and drops into a seat. "I threw up at work, Jerry sent me home." You come up behind your boyfriend and place your hand on his forehead to check for a fever. "Yeah, you're burning up bub. Do you know when this started?" He shrugged. "I felt kinda achey and hot when I first got up today but today was an important day on set, couldn't just not show up." You sigh, slightly squeezing his shoulders. "You need to stop and relax. Didn't you learn from what happened after Elvis?" He rubs his hand over his face. "I just wanted... I don't know. I wanted to get some of the big stuff done. I'm the star again, they needed me." You put your hand on Austin's cheek so he can lay his head against it, rest his eyes. "Well now I need you to rest. You puked baby, you don't want to make all your costars sick too, huh?" He shakes his head. "No." You grab him under his armpits and pull, hauling him to his unsteady feet. "Alright then, into bed you go."
He places his arm around your shoulders so that he can lean on you to help him walk and leans his face into your body, wanting comfort. Slowly, your halfway across the room when Austin quickly stops in his tracks. "I-I'm gonna puke again." You nod, basically dragging him the rest of the way to the bathroom and he collapses as soon as he can, wrapping his large body around the toilet and hunching over it, emptying his stomach contents into the bowl violently. As soon as the puking slows, you rise from your crouch behind Austin and go to the linen closet, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it in the bathroom sink before placing it on the back of his neck.
Spitting a couple times since the spewing has stopped, Austin groans and leans into you. "I'm sorry, I'm gross." You chuckle, kissing his warm shoulderblade. "No, you're sick there's a big difference.." Austin sighs, his fingertips wrapping around the hem of his shirt but he grows frustrated at himself that he can't get his shirt up and off his sweltering body. "What? You want this off?" When he nods, he turns his face toward you and you sigh realizing he's nearly in tears. "Here let me help." You successfully get the shirt off of him and toss it in the corner to be dealt with later. You place your hands on his lanky but hunched back, running your palms up and down his feverish skin. He coughs again harshly, this time only bringing up bile. "Ew." He mutters. "Let me get you a water." You resist the urge to tell him to stay put despite the fact that he can hardly move anyway.
You're gone less than five minutes and you press the chilled bottle to his cheek he moans deeply at how good it feels. "Here, slow sips, baby." He nods once, cracking the bottle open and taking a nervous sip. Half expecting it to come right back up, he turns back toward the bowl and hugs it, taking labored deep breaths, letting the saliva fall from his lips. "You're okay, Aus. Just let it happen." You inch your hand up from his shoulder blade into his hair, letting yourself card your fingers through his unruly but styled blonde locks hoping that will calm him down some.
As you run your fingers comfortingly through his hair he tries everything to get up this last little bit of vomit sitting angrily in his belly and finally get rid of his nausea. He sits over the bowl, anxiously with his tongue sticking out a bit just waiting and trying to will the vomit to exit his body when he finally gives one last loud gag and the very last of it comes up.
"There you go. There." Austin feel like every little bit of energy he came home with was spent trying to get that last bit of nausea out of his belly. The man feels like he's seeing stars and his teeth are... buzzing? (A/N: Something I experience in anxiety attacks.) 
"I-I feel weird Y/N." You nod, rubbing his shoulder blades again. "Yeah, your sick and anxious bub. It takes a lot out of ya. And this came on so quick," You hand him the abandoned water bottle. "Why don't you take another drink, it'll help." He obeys taking the tiniest of sips. Once he recaps the bottle, you take a piece of tissue and wipe the sweat from his face. Tossing that in the toilet too, you place your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb across it. "You need to get in bed sir. Do you think can stand yet? Too tall for me to carry you." He shrugs halfheartedly. "Don't know. If I get dizzy I don't want to accidentally fall and take you down with me." You sigh, opening your legs behind Austin and leaning him back so his back is against your chest. "I'd always catch you if you fell." Austin does want his bed but he's afraid to move right now and being held feels really good. "Mm-mm." He rejects the idea, sighing and closing his eyes when your fingers land in his curls again. You nod and just let him stay there for a few minutes, watching his face for any immediate signs of 'oh gosh I'm gonna puke again'.
Twenty minutes later, after finally getting him up off the bathroom floor and basically tiptoeing to the bedroom, you finally have grumpy and whiny Austin in bed. He only got grumpy with you when he realize you didn't move to lay with him asking, "Where ya going?" You had to get supplies first and he only pouted when you left the room telling him you'd be right back.
While he was in bed, you grabbed all the necessary things, the thermometer, a sleeve of crackers for him to nibble on, multiple bottles of water, fever reducer meds and once you put that all on your nightstand you lastly went back to the lenin closet and grabbed a ratty old bath towel to put on the floor on Austin's side of the bed just in case he was sick too fast before he could get into the bathroom.
Feeling the mattress dip, he 'Mmm'd' happily and turned toward you immediately putting his head on your chest, his favorite pillow. "Hi sicko. You survived five minutes without me. Well done." He cracked his eyes open and pouted at you. "Don't be mean, It's normal to be clingy when I'm dying." You chuckled, grabbing the recommended dosage from the bottle of fever reducer meds beside you. "You're not dying, Aus. It's just the flu. Here, take these." He sits up, grumbling at the sight of the fever reducers. "Well I feel like I'm dying." You nod. "I know you do babe. And I know those taste like ass but the sooner you take them the sooner you'll feel better okay? I even got you another water to wash it down with." He gives you a tiny glare before popping the medication in his mouth and swallowing it down with a grimace.
You smile. "Good now you can sleep all you want okay?" He looks to you sadly. "You won't leave?" You shake your head, curling into his lanky body so technically he was the little spoon. "No, love, I'll be right here." You settle down into the blankets kissing his neck as you snuggle in. "I love you. Wake me up if you need to okay?" He 'mm's again and squeezes your hand in reply that's protectively wrapped around his waist.
He really was your big baby in the best way possible.
Just wanted more people to see my Austin butler imagines so I brought this from my wattpad account to tumblr! I hope you like it! If you have any requests let me know
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kiankiwi · 1 year
(home) Imagine this; E's doing a show, but in the middle of it, his belly starts hurting and cramping up; turns out something he ate earlier didn't agree with him. He manages to finish the show without a problem, but by the time he gets back to us, his tummy's really hurting and he's starting to slip. We barely manage to get him into a diaper before he whimpers and has a poop explosion in it right in front of us. The stress makes him slip further down than usual and he just starts sobbing.
I absolutely love this idea! Thank you for the request!
You knew Elvis was going to regret that bacon cheeseburger he had for dinner. He was halfway through 'Polk Salad Annie' when he started to 'dance' a little differently, enough for you to realize something was up. Even though your boy always moved a lot on stage.
He was also looking for you as you watched him perform. That's what he usually did when he was in trouble. You also noticed he was tucking his arm against his belly and jiggling his leg as he tried to focus on the song he was singing. "What's going on with him?" Jerry whispered to you. "I think he his belly hurts. I told him not to eat that whole damn burger" Jerry nodded and chuckled a bit. Elvis was stubborn you both knew. There was nothing they could do to get Elvis off that stage faster, he'd just have to fight through the last two songs until he could get off stage and get to you so you could help him.
Elvis managed to rush through the last few songs without incident but the fans noticed something was off, he wasn't being his usual self.
Elvis thanked the crowd for coming and then rushed to you, you caught him thankfully and he held onto you, mumbling, "momma! My tummy hurts" into your ear.
"I know sweetheart, mama knows. Should we get you in a diaper? I know you're feeling small baby."
Elvis whimpered. "Mama, potty! Hurry!" You gasped but didn't want to panic to make Elvis more scared about an impending accident. "Okay hold on baby, just a minute. Can you lay down for me to change you or will that hurt worse?" He whimpered and shook his head. You decided to just attempt to change him while he's standing since he seems frozen in place already.
You would encourage E to just run to the nearest bathroom but with him slowly dropping you were afraid he was already too tiny to properly use a "big boy bathroom" so a diaper was the best way to go. The question was, would he be able to hold it long enough to get out of his complicated jumpsuit and get a diaper around his hips.
"Okay, okay, it's all good. Mama will help you." Jerry came up and helped quickly undress Elvis out of tonight's jumpsuit while you got his supplies ready.
Elvis whimpered as he waited, screeching a bit in desperation just as you got the diaper secured around his hips. Finally able to go, Elvis wasted no time dropping into a squat and whimpering in pain. "Go baby, don't hold it okay? You're okay." Elvis whined, face getting red with embarrassment as he looked around the greenroom. You grabbed Elvis's hand and distracted him as Jerry gave everyone jobs to get ready to go so that no one was just staring at Elvis as he used the bathroom. Elvis crawled forward and pushed his face into your shoulder to further hide before getting back into his comfortable squat.
"See, they're all gone. I know your tummy hurts baby, go potty it's okay." Elvis grunted, losing control against his angry tummy. As he filled his diaper the sobs started as his embarrassment returned.
As he kept going, you shushed him and whispered encouragement to him as you rubbed his back soothingly. No matter what you did though, Elvis cried through the whole embarrassing moment. "Oh I'm so sorry baby boy. You did such a good job though." Elvis pulled back and looked at you and you took the chance to give him a kiss on the forehead. "All done?" You asked, reaching up to push his hair out of his eyes. Elvis nodded, whining, "Mm, yeah," You smiled and had him lay back, getting another clean diaper out of his special bag.
"Mama, I sowwy." Elvis sniffled, reaching his hands up to cutely rub at his sleepy wet eyes. "What? No no, baby, you didn't do anything wrong! Your tummy was just hurting you. But it's all better now. We'll get you changed and then we'll go home, take a bath and go nini, sound good?" Elvis nodded and reached for you.
You gave Elvis a big hug and picked him up setting him on your hip. As soon as he was in the familiar place on your hip, he put his head sleepily on your shoulder and put his thumb in his mouth. "Oh I know sweet boy, I know you're tired. Let's go home okay?"
I made it as dramatic as I could :) I hope this is okay! <3
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kiankiwi · 2 years
Okay, here’s an idea: we all know how men tend to turn into total babies when they’re sick, right? Do you think you could write something where E slips into babyspace when he gets sick? Thanks!
Elvis always made sure you knew he didn't feel good. He was achey, sniffling, just all around he didn't feel well and he made sure everyone knew how uncomfortable he was. He also knew he could get away with being a brat when he was sick because all you wanted was to make him feel better. You weren't surprised the day after he came home feeling under the weather but still big that he had slipped into a much younger headspace during the night, going almost nonverbal except for some whining and achey groaning.
The morning after he comes home complaining of feeling unwell, you wake up to him crying in his crib. You run to his nursery and find him sitting up, crying and making grabby hands at you, coughing a mucus filled cough. "Hi sweet boy, c'mere. You sound so icky. I wonder how the Colonel didn't notice you sounded so yucky the other day." Elvis just sniffled and nestled his nose into your neck. He didn't care that he could barely breathe. "Hey, you wanna rock with mama?" Elvis looked over at the oversized rocking chair and then back at you. He didn't care what he did as long as he was doing it with you.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea, let's have a snuggle." You lay Elvis across your lap as you sit back in the rocking chair and check if he has a fever. Nope no fever but he definitely sounds congested. "Baby, can you show mama what hurts if you can't tell her?" Elvis takes a minute to point to his temple and his chest. You nod. "What about here, you don't feel icky here, love?" You poke him in the belly, praying he doesn't have a stomach bug. He shakes his head. Good, it should be just the common cold. You nod, rocking him for a few more minutes, trying to think of what you could do to make him feel better.
Eventually you two have to get up and instead of going downstairs to get him a bottle, first you decide to sit in the bathroom and turn the shower on to steam up the bathroom and hopefully loosen up the mucus in his chest and head.
You turn the shower on the hottest setting and sit with Elvis on the floor as the small room slowly steams up. Elvis looks at you a little confused. "This'll make your chest feel better bubba. I promise." Eventually he starts coughing and he sounds horrible. His throat probably hurts so bad, you think as he curls into himself as he coughs and you rub his back and grab some toilet paper for him to spit into. "Get it up bub, good boy. Doing such a good job."
After coughing for a bit, Elvis grabs at his sore throat, whining and leans into you, silently asking for a hug. "Oh, bubby. Here let's go get you some milk okay? I bet some warm milk would help your throat." He nods, immediately reaching his arms up to you, begging to be picked up as soon as you stand up off the bedroom floor. "Oh, c'mere big boy." Hearing big boy, Elvis whines again, stuffing his face into your shoulder. He's tiny and he wants you to know it.
Ten minutes later, you're making yourself some toast and coffee while Elvis is gratefully sipping on his warm milk. And for some reason while in babyspace as he drinks his milk in his highchair he always likes to raise the arm that's not holding his bottle and put it on his head, bent at the elbow. And he just silently drinks like that. It's something you only see when he's really relaxed and content and usually only happens when he's watching TV if he's big. You sit with E at the table, holding your coffee cup out. "Cheers, sickie." Elvis pops the nipple of the bottle out of his mouth, breathing hard since he can't breathe out of his nose and taps his bottle against your cup. You smile at how cute he is. "Hey, I love you, little. I'm so glad you're my bubby." Elvis just sucks down the rest of his milk and reaches his hand out to you; Both big and little him love physical touch.
When Elvis is done with the bottle, he bangs it on the tray of the highchair, his way of saying he wants more. At least that's normal, you think as you get up to put your plate in the sink and grab his cup, putting it in the sink as well. "No more bubba, I don't want your tummy getting upset okay? You already chugged that thing." He groans at you, slamming his open palms on his highchair tray.
"Hey, none of that, how about we snuggle while we watch some... Carebears?" Elvis gasped hearing the name of his favorite show. You smiled and offered your hands outstretched to him. "Yeah? Let's rest and watch a show huh?" You pick Elvis up and carry him to the couch, setting him on the end of the couch and he stretches out a bit while you grab him a box of tissues.
Just then you hear an adorable sneeze and Elvis squeaks, caught off guard. "Oh goodness, bless you bunny! Did that scare you?" Elvis looks to you, eyes wide.
You give Elvis the tissue box and sit next to him on the couch, starting his show. Elvis blows his nose and just drops the tissue to the carpet. "Elvis! No baby, that's icky. Here, I'll toss it okay." You stand again, walking to the kitchen to throw away the used tissue and get him a plastic bag to toss away any others.
When you get back, Elvis is entranced in his show and laying down a bit more. You cuddle up next to him and let him lay himself on your chest. Your 100% with being nap trapped if it helps him feel better. You place your hand in his hair and trace your fingers ghostly over his forehead. You feel him get a bit heavier on top of you as sleep settles in his tired achey body.
"Go to sleep lovie, it's okay to be tired." Elvis taps his hand silently. "What? You want me to hold your hand?" Elvis nods. "I'd love to hold your hand bubba. Sleep well, I love you.' Elvis just squeezes your hand in a silent, I love you too as he finally closes his eyes and lets sleep overtake him again.
Woo, an elvis babyspace sickfic!
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