#eloy x orson
heda-heather · 1 year
I’m obviously watching Welcome to Eden for the LGBTQ chaos, because this plot line is madness.
But really… a deaf gay man and his toxic masc, then his toxic masc hooks up with the little bi dork who plays piano but also MURDERS people, then a trans woman with the silly dopey cis guy, a bi woman who leaves her obsessive link for this hot warrior lesbian. I’m just overwhelmed with queerness.
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popchoc · 1 year
Bienvenidos a Edén - Season 2
Just like season 1, the second part of Bienvenidos a Edén was pretty fun overall, but also came with a set of flaws and plotholes. The biggest one, imo, the fact that they are so well organized, with their high tech and everything, yet they never bothered to put some cams and/or mics in the modules (to start with), conveniently giving our heroes the chance to plan their assaults whenever and wherever suited... besides having sex 24/7 & all over the place - but I’m not complaining about that (I’m only human).
They also all (but some - aaah, poor Ibón) survived by each other’s stupidity - not the most fancy plot armor, though I doubt they’d mind about that. I particularly didn’t get why Zoa and Bel waited that long to pull the switch (not knowing it didn’t work, of course) as they could and should have done it right away, or at least when they noticed the buggy. (Side note: I do love those buggies!) 
But like I said, after season 1 I knew I wasn’t going to continue this for the story, even when a silly tale about a crazy cult is always entertaining. Like last year I enjoyed the majority of the characters, especially Bel, Zoa, Charly, Mayka (mostly), Eloy, Ibón, Orson and Saúl, who’re all likable enough to root for. I also have to admit that Astrid is doing a good job as the main villain.
Unfortunately Africa was very disappointing (after a good start in those first eps when she was trapped; after that it went down hill till the end) and Gabi was downright annoying. I mean, she was supposed to be a smart girl, able to track down Zoa all on her own in s1, and she learned about the truth right after her arrival, and she still got indoctrinated just like that, till the point of betraying her sister (and then cry about... puh-lease).
Will I be back for season 3 (when made)? Creo que si! If only for the beautiful scenery of Lanzarote! (Okay, and the hot make-out scenes.) (But mostly the scenery.) (lol)
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pityen81 · 1 year
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rafarobron4ever · 1 year
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omandergoodness · 1 year
"I'm not gonna wait until you're done,
Pretending you don't need anyone,
I'm standing here naked"
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pityen81 · 1 year
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pityen81 · 1 year
First fanfiction in a long time, and about a TV Show that it's practically unheard of here on Tumblr.
It's on Netflix and I suggest you to see them if you want to see a bunch of good looking twenty something, lured in a fake Fyre Fest that it's actually a cult, where everything is seemingly perfect and inclusive (LGBQTA+ and disability wise), but if you try to leave they murder you.
The plot has some things that don't run so smoothly, but it's an enjoyable thrilling ride.
But the truth is that I love Eloy (the super cute deaf boy whom is also a member of the rebellion) and his boyfriend Orson (which is cute as well but faithful to the cult...at least until now).
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pityen81 · 1 year
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pityen81 · 1 year
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omandergoodness · 1 year
"'Cause we are the lonely ones,
We are the lonely ones,
We are the lonely ones"
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