world-of-digital · 2 years
Elon Musk speaks to the news of an affair with the wife of the co-founder of Google...!
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Elon Musk speaks to the news of an affair with the wife of the co-founder of Google.
Tesla owner Elon Musk has denied reports of an affair with Nicole Shanahan, wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin.
Musk's clarification came after a report published in the American business newspaper Wall Street Journal, in which it was claimed that he was having an affair with the wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The report said that this is the reason why Musk's friendship with Sergey Brin also ended.
However, Musk has called this report complete nonsense.
Responding to a link to the report posted on Twitter, Musk said, "Sergei and I are friends and we were together at a party last night."
'I've only seen Nicole twice in the last three years, that too on occasions when so many people were around us. There is nothing romantic between us.
The Wall Street Journal has claimed, citing some close ones, that Elon Musk and Shanahan had a brief affair last year.
Due to the closeness of the two, Sergei Brin filed for divorce from his wife earlier this year. At the same time, the friendship of both the billionaires also ended. Quoting a close friend of Shanahan, the newspaper writes, "Brin and his wife parted ways in December amid Musk and Shanahan's alleged affair, but the two still live together. "Despite the prenuptial agreement, that is, a financial agreement between the husband and wife before marriage, both are currently in talks about the division of the property. According to the newspaper, this divorce settlement can be about one billion dollars.
Tesla owner Elon Musk has denied reports of an affair with Nicole Shanahan, wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin.
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