#elliedearest answers
elliedearest · 7 months
Do you take requests?! If so.. Imagine being a student of professor snape's (or fellow teacher if you're not comfortable with that) and always being a bit cheeky such as chucking in innuendos during class, leaning in really close to him, cornering him in dark hallways to ask 'educational related questions' and one day when you're both alone you basically end up just jumping each other's bones? Thanks!!
I meant to answer this with a story when I first received this request, but roughly afterward JK showed her true colors and I lost all interest in writing anything for HP.  However, I didn’t want to delete it because you took the time to request this and I felt guilty.
So I thought I would share how I would have handled this request. 
I’d make the reader a fellow teacher and set during the Triwizard Tournament so they’re a foreign teacher. I’d think it’d be hilarious if the reader was from Beauxbatons because, after the dancing display, he might write them off as silly and frivolous and not worth any attention. Though to be fair, he doesn’t like Durmstrang either. 
The reader is friendly and flirts as frequently as they breathe and hardly mean anything by it.  If they can flirt with Dumbledore, they can flirt with anyone. This, of course, doesn’t win them any favors or good opinions from Snape but the reader doesn’t know. He’s not really on the reader’s radar until a random day in October when the reader is having a lovely conversation with some of the Hogwarts staff when they tell the reader about Snape being notoriously hard to make smile or even seduce. The reader is intrigued but doesn’t think much of him until they actually have an encounter with him.
He’s not condescending which would have immediately made him enemy number 1 in the reader’s eyes, but he was slightly rude. There was something amusing about the Potion Professor’s attempt at showing decorum (Because McGonagall will kill him if he ruins relations with the schools when she coordinated most of this with the Ministry) but also showing his disdain. The reader casually throws him a flirty line to see what he would do and they’re amazed at how quickly his face blanks like an unused canvas. 
And then he walks away. 
The little interaction was amusing but the reader moves on with their life because they have students to take care of in a foreign place. They do, however, wink or flutter their fingers at him when they pass each other in the halls but the reader doesn’t approach him again.
The reader, however, is put in a situation where they need a potion done for a class and while they have most of the ingredients and are fairly decent in potions, it requires an advance and steady hand. They go to Snape. As payment, the reader brings a cactus to him(a cactus is great for many medical potions from detox or purifying the air to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol). Snape does it for them and the reader cannot resist flirting with him a bit. Snape gives them a sharp but witty reply that has them laughing.
This moment opens the floodgates for the reader. They decide to actively flirt with Snape. Not necessarily as a challenge but the reader wants to see what kind of response they’ll get the next time. It goes on for weeks. The reactions range from eye rolls, acerbic quips, a blank stare, a glare, etc. etc.  During this time, they do end up hanging with each other more and more first out of necessity (there’s a lot of potions needed for what the reader does and the carriage is not the best place to do them in so the reader uses the potion room) and then out of a tentative comradeship.
The student body and the professors quickly become aware of the crazy wixen that is flirting with the Potions Professor. The Weasley twins have monetized on the situation and are making a lot of money from students guessing how this would end. Some think Snape would hex them when he got tired of the Beauxbatons professor, most think he will humiliate them so badly that the professor will head back to France.
No one thinks Snape will flirt back. Except one. 
People were expecting something to happen at the Yule ball, but the two professors didn’t interact at all. Snape spent his time prowling the courtyards, ruining make-out sessions. While the reader was stuck in their room, finally succumbed to sickness because of the harsh Scotland conditions.
He visits them later, once all the children are in bed, with potions to help alleviate their symptoms. The reader is grateful. He’s slightly uncomfortable with the gratitude and tries to leave quickly. The reader stops him asking if he would stay for a bit. They hadn’t seen anyone in two days and they were growing bored of sleeping all day. Snape begrudgingly stays.
The reader asks what he had done at the Yule ball and laughs when Snape informs them about being forced to dance with Trelawney. He accidentally mentions the students he caught messing around and prepares himself to be flirted with, but the reader doesn’t take it. Instead, the reader asks if he was using the cactus they gave him. Snape is surprised but tells them about the potions he’s working on and the thief he has this year who keeps stealing his potion ingredients. The reader tells him they’ll keep an eye out. 
The reader decides to stop flirting with the guy after they hear a conversation between Snape and Dumbledore. The reader never wanted to make him uncomfortable now that they consider him a friend. So, they stop. They’re still friendly and still hang out with him in his potions room, but no more romantic undertones. 
Snape is completely thrown off by this and sends him into a spiral that he doesn’t understand. He should be happy but he’s not. It goes on for weeks and he’s starting to miss it. 
They’re in the staff room. The reader is grading papers while Snape is trying and failing to read his book. Snape approaches them and asks if they want to play chess with him when they’re done. The reader immediately agrees, wanting to take a break from grading, and joins him on the other side of the room. He attempts to flirt with them midway through the game. 
At first, the reader doesn’t register what’s going on, but then he does it again with this look in his eyes, and then, the reader understands. They’re completely floored. And flustered. Snape is smug by this. Doubly so when he also wins the game. 
Snape decides to turn the tables on the reader and finds it intoxicating and fun how flustered the reader gets. He ends up kissing them in his storage closet when they suggest a dark and barely legal spell to track whoever has been stealing from his closet. 
“If I’d known it only took listing dark spells to you to get this kind of reaction, I would have done it so much sooner,” the reader said breathlessly, before pulling him into another kiss. 
And they live happily ever after!
Until the Dark Lord rises.
(As for the bet, all the students and staff that took part lost, except for Dumbledore. He bet that Snape would return the flirtation.)
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elliedearest · 3 years
The Loss of Jarvis
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By: elliedearest
Setting: Age of Ultron
Summary: Reader is in the lab, mourning the remains of Jarvis. Tony and reader share a moment.
A/N: Nothing special. I had this in my drafts for a while and figured I should finally release it. Something quick and straightforward.
Golden flakes hovered above you, like stardust, as you laid on the floor of the shared lab. Your puffy eyes followed them, hoping to find a spark or some coding to show that he was alive somewhere. That he was waiting to be brought home. But nothing stirred.
Tears welled up and a sob scraped against your chest. You covered your face in your hands, willing the wave of grief to stay down. 
“I thought I would find you here,” Tony murmured behind you. You didn’t move. He sighed, rustling with something, before he moved to sit beside you, his knees brushing against your side. He said nothing more.
The lab was so quiet, you weren’t used to it. Dum-E and U would chirp among each other, whirling to and forth to see if Tony or Bruce needed help. Jarvis would chime in. Now there was none of that. Just the sound of their breathing.
“I don’t know how you can stand it,” you whispered, “Having to deal with the others while your heart is breaking.”
“I grew used to it I guess,” Tony answered, sounding tired. “The price of living in the spotlight.”
Barely before he finished his sentence, you rolled over into his lap, burying your face in his stomach. He stiffened for a moment before his large hands gently rested on your head and back. 
“Is there any hope at all?” you asked, feeling so small and afraid like a child asking if the boogeyman was truly gone from under your bed. Tony sighed.
“I don’t know,” he said, “I’m going to continue to try.”
You turned then, gazing at his tired and pained face, before placing a hand right where his heart should be. "I'm so sorry, Tony."
He closed his eyes and sucked in a sharp breath. He looked at you, running his thumb against your cheek, and gave you a little smile. "I think you're the only one that has acknowledged Jarvis like that. Thank you." 
You shuddered, heart feeling like it was tittering at the edge of a precipice and into oblivion. 
Tony suddenly leaned forward and pressed a kiss on your forehead. "I should go and find Ultron."
You nodded, knowing that Cap and Thor were chewing at the bit to find that robot. Honestly you weren't that far off either. You glanced up at the remains of your beloved friend. Ultron had a lot to answer for. 
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elliedearest · 4 years
Awakened Beauty
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by elliedearest
Pairing: Severus x female! reader
Prompt:  What happens after sleeping beauty wakes up?
Summary: Severus Snape has been in an induced coma for days. Reader has been dared by her friends to kiss him never expecting for him to ever wake up.
A/N: I might expand on this story but for now just enjoy this little slice of magical life. 
You watched Madame Pomfrey bustle around in her office, muttering to herself as she waved and flicked her wand in circles to tidy up her office. Stacks of paperwork that were moments from tittering off her desk sailed up into the air, twisting and turning like they were all part of an elaborate dance, and into their designated cubbies. Empty potion bottles jumped out of cabinets and marched themselves in a single file into a giant wicker basket just below the cabinets. Bloodied and dirty towels swooped into a partially open door where running water could be heard. 
Despite being at Hogwarts now for seven years, magic never failed to fascinate you.   
Someone cleared their throat behind you, but you didn’t dare look. You didn’t want to face the consequences of your action until the Headmaster arrived. In response, your mouth tingled.   
“Will you look at me, you insufferable child, or will I have to threatened you with detention and loss of house points before you do as I ask?” 
You shivered at the darkness in his velvet voice and wished you were anywhere but here. You absentmindedly rubbed at your wrist, still feeling his long warm fingers around it, his strong grip and the panic in those dark eyes of his had been a silent plea for a chance to confirm this was a reality.   
Very different from the man you were looking at now. Professor Snape looked regal as he laid against the headboard; his hair perfectly in place, his white button-down shirt crisp and clean, and his face a perfect blank slate. You could probably bounce a sickle against his face and no ripple of a reaction would slip through. 
“You didn’t ask, Professor,” you answered quietly, pushing your own unruly hair away from your face. Professor Snape scowled. 
“Three points from Ravenclaw,” he said. “And I asked why you were here?” 
“Wouldn’t it be a better use of your time if you asked the question of why you were here?” you pointed out, not even flinching when he docked another couple of points from your House. You would rather eat thestral poo than admit the true reason you were in the Hospital Wing. You could already feel the heat on the back of your neck, licking at the tops of your ears, and threatening to consume your entire face.   
Professor Snape sneered at you. “I know why I’m here. I was poisoned.”   
You gasped, your hands flying to your mouth. The war was over and most of the Death Eaters had been apprehended. Who could possibly try to hurt Professor Snape? 
“Poisoned how?” You nearly whispered. The Professor’s sneer became more pronounced.   
“By a sleeping curse,” Professor Dumbledore said, standing in front of the Hospital entrance with a serene smile. “Only broken by receiving a kiss from their one true love.” 
You whirled to face the Headmaster, eyes wide and mouth open in horror as you felt the blood leave your system. “No.” 
“It seems, Severus, that your attacker thought you would never find love,” Professor Dumbledore continued, making his way further into the room until he stood at the foot of the bed. He looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes. “It seems they’ve been proven wrong.” 
“Absolutely not,” you spluttered, raising your hands up as if you could physically push away this whole nonsense away because there was no way you were anything to Severus Snape. “Those spells only work if the people in question are in love and that is definitely not the case.” 
“Are you sure?” The deep voice of Professor Snape drawled behind you. You turned with dread to see his dark fathomless eyes on you, a small smile on his face that screamed danger to you. “Are you certain you are not harboring feelings for the old bat of the dungeon?” 
“Are you?” You snapped back, scowling as you felt your cheeks reddened at the term he used on himself. You had uttered those very words early on in the school year trying to comfort a distraught first-year who had faced Snape’s wrath. Snape had obviously overheard and seemed to have never forgotten. 
“I’m not foolish or morally-deprived enough to risk my career over a silly school girl,” he  retorted, rolling his eyes at your look of outrage.   
“I am of age, first of all,” you said hotly, your hands curling into fists by your sides. “And no obviously I hold no regard for you. Sir.”   
“You did kiss him, my dear, did you not?” Dumbledore interrupted. You flushed, wishing the ground would swallow you up. 
“For a dare, professor,” You finally confessed, turning to face the headmaster and avoid gazing at your Potion professor. “The girls in my dorm were playing truth or dare, a muggle's game, and they dared me to kiss Professor Snape. I couldn’t get out of it.” 
Professor Snape snorted. “Really? No matter the age, Miss [L/N], you are still resolutely a dunderhead.” 
“I was compelled to by the magical sphere they had,” You snapped, whirling back to face him. “It’s a Weasley product. Once everyone touches it and accepts to play a game, you have to complete what’s requested of you." 
His face darkened and he let out a soft growl. “Those Weasley products need to be banned.” 
You privately agreed.   
“So you see, professors?” You said, giving your best customer service smile. “While I’m happy that Professor Snape survived this horrible ordeal and will hopefully continue to pass on his wisdom for many more years. I’m afraid that I’m going to have to decline the whole one true love thing.” 
The man in questioned scoffed and you turned to meet his gaze. He said nothing however. Surprisingly, you thought. The man has never known a life without having the final say. 
You rocked back and forth against the ball of your feet before pointing towards the door. “May I leave now?” 
“Yes, you may go, Miss [L/N],” Dumbledore said with an amused smile. “And please give that Weasley product to your head of house as soon as you can. We would like to avoid any more students attempting to kiss our staff.” 
You blushed but agreed to the request and without meeting your Potion professor’s glare, you quickly headed out of the Hospital wing.  You were going to do one better than what the Headmaster requested, you were going to smash it into smithereens. 
Later on at dinner, Madame Pompfrey turned to her right to speak to the Headmaster. 
“So I was right in assuming Miss L/N was the reason for Severus’s short sleep?” She asked softly.  Dumbledore glanced over at her with a smile and merely nodded.   
She nodded and looked over at the Ravenclaw table where Miss L/N sat in the middle, laughing at the antics of her male peer. She turned back to her own table and noticed Severus pretending not to watch her.
“I hope this one will actually care for him back,” she said softly. Dumbledore patted her hand. 
“There’s always hope,” he said.   
Poppy looked back at the Ravenclaw table and saw the young witch glance up at the teacher’s table, a curious look on her face. There was a start at least. 
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