#elliacia's drabbles
circusofthelastdays · 6 months
why is trying to write smut when I'm not ovulating the hardest thing ever I swear
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
-i have nothing to say for myself. im sapphic. I like women. ningguang is beautiful and i love her new outfit. so i wrote this.
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Ningguang was alluring, much like a full moon on a clear night. Her white hair, cascading down her back like the silvery light of the stars that shone through the sky, and the blue dress adorning her body was in perfect contrast to it. She was delicate but enticing. Elegant but almost seductive, and one can't help but wonder if it's on purpose. Everything about her aura is beguiling, a carefully made persona, never letting anyone know her true intentions or tear down her facade. Anyone but you that is. Simple touches with the most innocent intentions are more than enough to cause a shudder, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Because what would the world say if they knew how quickly their delphian tianquan would fall to her knees for you ?
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
The Will of the Winds
warnings: implied diluc x reader ? sad, angst. near death experience. mention of blood and wounds.
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It was not uncommon for Diluc to come to you for patching up his small injures after his nightly darknight hero duties. But tonight was different. He was late to show, and as time ticked past you became more worried for his well being.
At thirteen past two a bloodied and beaten Diluc shows up at your door step, collapsing the moment you open the door. This you weren't prepared for. You were only trained to treat minor injuries. You rush for your med kit, and back to Diluc as quickly as possible- collapsing to your knees beside him, tears leaking from your eyes as you try to stop the bleeding coming from his wounded side. "Don't do this to me, you can't leave me like everyone else has." You choke out.
Panic sets in as you notice the amount of blood on your hands and now around you. You let out a choked sob, cursing at the sky for some kind of help.
The winds start to pick up, swirling around the two of you. A strong gust flows, and you feel a presence behind you, a welcoming and familiar voice speaks out, echoing in your mind, "take this, and save him."
A vision materializes from the swirling winds and drops in front of you. You quickly grab it, hugging it to your chest and hoping for the best but expecting the worst. By the will of the winds and your determination to save the dying man in front of you, a glowing gust of wind appears, circling Diluc. Swirling around his body, the glow concentrating nearest to his wound.
Slowly, his shallow breathing becomes regular again and the bleeding no longer seeping through the cloth you have pressed to his wound. You exhale as his eyes begin to flicker open, tossing the bloodied towel aside. You throw your arms around him, hugging tightly for fear he'd slip away from you. But he whispers, barely audible, "I'm not leaving."
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
[5:12 pm]
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"you've got some fire in you, I'll give you that. but someone needs to put you in your place." scara snaps at you.
his mocking tone and harsh words only egg you on, "I'd like to see you try."
he reaches out his hand, grabbing your face to force you to look at him, setting your skin ablaze at his touch. His grip tightens as you try slip out of his grasp, "I'll do more than try."
slowly, his hands gravitate lower as he backs you against the nearest wall, dousing the fire within you. The glint in his eyes only glows brighter as he notices the nervous expression on your face, "no need to be so scared, i won't bite."
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
[9:53 pm]
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diluc stands frozen in shock as your voice booms across the tavern. he watches as you discard you apron and toss it on the floor, and as you march over to the man on the other side of the bar. he watches in disbelief, wanting to help but unable to move, as you grab the sleazy drunkard by the collar and drag him out of the tavern. he's never seen you behave this way before, but at least now he knows he never has to worry for you again.
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
okay but imagine knowing that xiao needs a hug but you can't just hug him. cause its xiao. touch him without warning and you'll probably end up knocked out cold on the floor out of pure reflex, not him intentionally trying to hurt you.
so instead of trying to give him a hug, you pretend you need a hug. be persistent about it, but not annoying. you like try to look sad or whatever and then eventually he'd give in to give you a quick hug. he may be awkward/tense hugging you at first, but you wrap your arms around him holding tightly and then when you wont let go he just melts into you because he needed the hug all along not you. :(
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
no matter what you do dont imagine diluc comforting you by pulling you into a hug and giving you a soft kiss on the head and when you pull away he gives you a small smile because once you imagine it you'll never stop thinking about it
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
imagine showing up to dawn winery because it was closest to you and you are soaked because it started pouring rain while you were doing commissions and diluc begrudgingly lets you in (he's not really irritated ofc but he wont tell you that) but despite acting affected by it because he is a busy man, he offers to let you stay until the storm passes, brings you a towel, dry clothing, and a hot tea so you wont get sick.
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
[7:57 am]
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"You know, she doesn't just invite anyone on her ship for travels. She trusts you. Perhaps even loves you." Kazuha whispers to you. Shyly, you smile at him while nodding your head in agreement.
Beidou makes her way over to the two of you boasting, "what are you two talking about, huh?" throwing her arm around your shoulder and leaving a kiss on the top of your head.
"Nothing of much importance," Kazuha responds, nodding back at you then deciding to leave you two alone.
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anemoelliacia · 3 years
[1:52 am
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another sleepless night. a sleepless night with tears pricking at ajax's eyes, and spent thinking about how it'd be different if he had only had a normal upbringing. if he wasn't now childe, a fatui harbinger. if he was anyone else he'd have run away with you by now to live a happy life. if he was anyone else he could give you everything you need and more. but life isn't fair.
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