#ella in fof reminds me of myself
ll-but-its-random · 2 months
Penthouse Scenario in which Ella gets her first period in these days and basically, she's even more of a curled up, tired bean than usual.
At first, she thinks that's it, the nightmares are getting worse, but she doesn't wake up so she just starts screaming.
Marina and Sarah calm her down and later show her how to use a pad and stuff, but they're awkward with the explaining.
Six isn't. She sits down with her and basically goes. 'Congrats, you're a teenager now. And no, bleeding from your butt isn't a legacy, don't worry about it.'
Nine secretly is pretty worried so he tries to get everything she needs and stash them under the bed. It also means more upside-down piggy backs.
Eight has no idea what a period is but he sees Ella is sometimes glum, so he cheers her up with jokes whenever that's the case.
John is sort of going through his own life-crisis but he still makes sure to smile to her as often as possible or try giving her some advice that ends up making no sense.
Five just got here and is really confused.
Sam is just a little better than Five, but Six summarizes it for him.
However, this also means she has that on her time in the Anubis and what better way to make the experience more (negatively) unforgettable!
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