#eliza and jeanny's mom
allvalley · 1 year
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and now you know why bobb.y got so much game.
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arjaandsimoni · 1 year
Jaipur India
“And in today’s news, claims of cryptid sightings increase across the world. The internet is abuzz with speculation. Is this some sort of strange alien invasion? Perhaps our world is less normal than we thought?” said the newscaster, “What do you think viewers? Do you believe in magic? For Jaipur News, I’m Ishaan Khatri.”
Arja blew out her lips, “Hooo boy… think we’re going to get blamed for this?” she asked, glancing to Simoni.
Simoni shrugged, “Probably.” she giggled.
Nelen sat nearby, scrolling through the Wulfshead BBS, “Shaman and the others are thrilled, this means a ton more jobs that likely won’t turn out to be pointless.” he said.
Drusilla grinned, “Hah! I welcome it! Sick of hiding up in the mountains anyways! Maybe if we bust a few more my people could come down sometime eh?” she grinned.
Simoni sighed at her, “Drusilla, we need to fulfil a prophecy and gain the power of two gods in a case of double-divine intervention to break one of these. Wanna bet on the odds of us doing that again?” she asked.
Drusilla shrugged, “Ehhh, fair enough.” she grumbled.
“Personally I am just sorry to have missed such an event.” chuckled Natasha, stroking Lupe’s head. The cuts on the werewolf where Clan Fullmoon’s men had gotten her had been bandaged and treated… but they were inflicted by silver. While the werewolf would survive, they would have to heal slowly over time, like a normal injury on a mortal.
“It was pretty nuts.” grinned Stephy as he sat at the bar with Tex and Sammi. Both he and Tex had soft drinks, Sammi had made some odd mixed drink of hedge fruit and a few other things… mostly tequila.
“Well, glad ya’ll had fun lil’ filly…” replied Tex, “But… I think I’ll be okay not bein’ okay with shootin’ other humans.” he nodded, the boy having stayed back to help out where he could after the attack on the Barjar household. Upstairs the repairs had stopped for the night, but it would be a while before the damage Franklin’s loyalists had done could be undone.
Rajesh had already released a statement absolving Clan Fullmoon of guilt, stating that the perpetrators were ‘an unknown cabal of men from the United Kingdom who, thankfully, had been dealt with. The details of which he could not reveal on national security grounds, but his wife was home safe and that was what mattered most to him.’
Sammi chuckled, “Still… that will be quite the tale to tell mother.” he smirked, “And hey, we’ve brought that tiny bit of magic back to the world. I bet I could even stay a bit longer and be fine… a few days certainly.” he grinned, sipping his drink as he sat at the bar.
And in the corner Dawn sat surrounded by her family. “Behold fellow Cheshire…” she grinned, then with a loud pop she held up a tin of cat food with the lid removed. “THE POWER OF THUMBS!”
All the kittens gasped aloud, then several started shouting, ‘I want thumbs too!’ and ‘Mom we wanna learn to be like Dawn!’ and ‘I still wanna name too! Not fair that she gets one!’
As they relaxed however, footsteps came down the stairs. Rajesh entered, accompanied by Iravati and Jeannie Fullmoon, the elderly woman wearing a cloak of raven feathers over her dress, along with a circlet of silver set with a celtic knot.
Nelen looked up, “Isn’t that Eliza’s old regalia? I thought it was lost when the castle was blown apart by Claiomh Dorcadas’ destruction.” he asked.
Jeannie shrugged, “It’s th’ damndest thing grandson… ah got back ta where we were stayin’ in th’ jungle ‘n there they were, as if they we’re waitin’ fer me.” she grinned, “But… its ah bloody good thing I found ‘em… because I wanna make this official right ‘ere, right now.” she nodded, looking around at them all with a smile.
She stood in the center of the room, then tapped her cane firmly on the tiles twice. “By right of succession, I claim the vacant seat of Matriarch of Clan Fullmoon.” she nodded, “And, as me first act, I hearby revoke th’ banishment placed on Nelen Fullmoon ‘n ‘is sister Stephanie Fullmoon, or rather Simoni Barjar now, as was laid down by me late brother.” she said in a formal tone, “Yer both ta be honored among th' Clan as heroes who saved us in our darkest hour.” she grinned.
Then less formally she added, “We’ve got a lot ‘o work ta do ta repair th’ damage my mad brother caused… but family comes first in my bloody Clan, as it shoulda always been.” she nodded, “Nae more magic restrictions on our gels,” she nodded to Simoni, “nae more lyin’ to our wee ‘uns about how our magicks work neither.” she nodded to Stephy. “It’ll be a hard road, ‘n some still prefer Franklin’s ideas if not ‘is methods… but… well, nobody ever said runnin’ th’ Clan would be easy.” she smirked.
Arja grinned, “Hah, so you’re officially the matriarch now?” she grinned, “Does that mean you can see the future?” she asked.
Simoni giggled, “Yeah, c’mon Aunt Jennie. Why not let us have a peek at whats in store?” she nodded.
Jeannie looked to them, then back and forth between the two. “Hmm… aye, ah could tell ye…” she chuckled, then leaned in, “But… why don’t ye two look ta each other, ‘n tell me what yer future is gonna be?”
Arja and Simoni looked at each other… and Arja grinned a bit sheepishly as Simoni smiled and blushed. The two of them slid their hands into each other’s, giggling a bit as they did.
“Aye… ye dunnae need magic ta see that ‘un lassies…” she chuckled, “Now, ah’m gonna be on me way… its late ‘n I’m an old lady…” she nodded, “Need me beauty sleep.” she walked towards the stairs, “Rajesh, Iravati, thanks fer watchin’ after me family. Good friends are hard ta find in this world but looks like those two won th’ lottery a few times.” she chuckled.
She walked up the stairs waving goodbye as she went, then passed Aisha at the front door, sharing a smoke with one of the guards… then as she got to where a car was waiting to take her to the airport she paused, turned, and looked back at the house. Jeannie had to admit, she was curious…
She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again they were all stars, and she saw…
… a minute later she blinked, and her eyes were normal again. She chuckled, “Aye, ye dunna need me ta tell ye that one gels… This won’t be yer last adventure…” she grinned, getting into the backseat of the cab, and riding off into the night.
Southern India, the Island of Sri Lanka
The figure stood in the city, looking around in confusion. This… this was all wrong. The city was full of machines, and humans, and bright lights and loud noise… what was this?!
The creature shook with fury, glaring out across this strange alien landscape. This would not stand, this would not do… and it knew how to undo it… but first it had to find something… somewhere, across the country, that accursed arrow rested.
He would find it, and he would restore the world to the way it was meant to be.
To be continued in The Supernatural Adventures of Arja & Simoni: Revenge of the Rakshasa Prince
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 1 Episode 5: Tightly Knotted to a Similar String
1. The beginning of the spelling bee motif
2. Mr Phillips using words directed at prissy??? It’s weird and creepy but interesting nonetheless
3. “Congratulations Anne. I should’ve added the e.”
4. Anne’s progression throughout the seasons of going from extremely short and dull dresses to feel greens to finally blue floor length velvet is something I think about a lot
5. How women dealt with periods in 1890
6. Anne thinking she’s dying and lamenting about never wearing puffed sleeves
7. How when Matthew panics he’s like “fhfhfg- BARN-“ and runs away
8. “This is a waking nightmare” me too honestly this is genuinely how it feels getting your first period
9. “If you see a suspicious character foraging in your garden, please feed him some supper.”
10. “I’d rather be pregnant than menstruating.” “Well that explains all the children!”
11. “My bosoms are growing.”
12. “My father has started opening the door for me” he didn’t before????
13. Anne not understanding how a woman’s cycle could be shameful if it’s “gods plan” and they can make an entire person
14. The boys wacking trees with sticks
15. “Could you PLEASE tell Gilbert Blythe that I don’t need his help?” “I’m right here, why don’t you just tell me yourself?”
16. “I’ll thank you to mind your manners.” “WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!?”
17. “Growing up is certainly a trial by fire.”
18. “She’s been dreaming of those since the day we met.” About Anne wanting puffed sleeves
19. Matthew going all the way to Carmody to order a super expensive dress with puffed sleeves for Anne
20. Gilbert reading to his father
21. Matthew panicking and leaving the dress shop
22. Matthew getting pressured into buying boots
23. Anne and Diana’s grown up tea party
24. Jeannie!!!!
25. I agree with Anne, bright red drinks taste better than most other drinks
26. Them slowly getting wine drunk at the ripe age of 13
27. Diana telling “bosoms” multiple times
28. They never even drank tea
29. “A sleeve with- uh.. *vague gesturing* air-“
30. Anne and Diana spinning around the house absolutely wasted
31. They Matthew describes Anne
32. He left a button on jeannies desk bc she collected them IS THAT WHY PAST MARILLA SAYS SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW HE KEEPS POPPING THE SAME BUTTON OFF????
33. How did Michael die????
34. Marilla and Rachel canning fruits and vegetables. I did that with my mom last weekend
35. instead of using griselda as an imaginary servant they just start saying Jerry instead
36. Eliza Barry gets on my nerves so easily
37. The book version is so much funnier bc Eliza is like “why do you have wine” and Marilla is like “why would diana drink that much of anything”
38. Poor Anne :(
40. The collective gasp when Ann’s and Diana are moved away from each other at school
41. “I could never love anyone as I love you Anne.” “Wait, you love me?…” “of course I do, why don’t you know that?” “I knew you liked me of course but I never hoped you loved me.” “I love you devotedly Anne.” “Then I will always love thee Diana. In the years to come, your memory will shine like a star over my lonely life.” And then they exchange locks of hair
42. “Henceforth, we must be strangers living side by side.”
43. Poor old john Blythe getting up to answer the door
44. “What wonderful red hair.”
45. John asking about Marilla
46. I’m very glad john got to meet his future daughter in law, even if it was only once far before they were even friends
47. Anne embroidering “kindred spirits” for Diana
48. Anne bring humbled by Gilbert’s sick father, realizing how her issues aren’t so bad in the end
49. Matthew sending Jeannie a button
50. ANNES DRESS!!!! THE COLOR, THE DETAILS, THE PUFFED SLEEVES!!!!! It’s not my favorite dress of hers but man is it iconic
51. Okay so Matthew is literally popping buttons off his shirt to give Jeannie even after all these years
52. Wide shots of the farm
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fandoms-live · 5 years
awae ep 10 finale!!! thoughts while watching hehe sry
anne ep 10 so sad aw aw winnies sad aw aw aw shes the best so irrepressibly cavalier with my heart awwwwwww aw she wanted marriage aw aw aw im sad for her but go anne omg the thumbnail made my heart go :O :) aw so humiliating i don't have plans to marry all these people so victorian they don't need a date to marriage!!!!! unrequited settle for you you are exceptional you deserve so much more than being settled for aww go gil aw aw aw he's bthe best even rejecting aw you will tell no one what has transpired mood girl aw she's going away aw aw aw expectations be like that NOW MY GIRL ANNE GOTTA COME THROUGH PLEASEEEEEEEE THEY BETTER ACTUALLY KISS I NEED SOME ACTUAL CONTENT TO CRY OVER PLEASE BECKETT PLEASE MOIRA PLEASE i don't wanna go unless youre going the eye contact ahh the test anxiety of scores is univeral omg omg omg omg the suspense gilbert and anne tied for first!?!?! those smiles umm congratulations aww whats happening CLASS DISMISSED may i have a word in strictest confidence aw
aw aw aw what is happening their moods best friends goals two kindred sprits walking arm in arm towards their desitinies aww a new one aw a new oath i love them it is your future, not theirs aw aw aw holy fuck aw you have one job one task in life aww aww aww aww this is terrible aww everyones leaving CARMODY jeannie omg corsetssssss college omg this is so relatable i hate to leave green gables aww waww aww my heart emotions aw what is matthew doing aw the baby is so sweet aw mommys being good to seb now aw the baby SQUEALED aw gil is coming gil has come omg omg omg omg omg my heart aw the parallels omg aw the letters omg aw OMG MY HEART IS CRYING it always has been, and always will be you omg omg omg im crying aw he was smart and put it in her room please go see it rn please please please please please plase aw anne is trying to be a good son practical decision aww matthew aw anne so sad aw omg go see it up the satairs yes omg omg omg yes she sees it
omg omg omg omg im dying holy fuck she just ripped it aw aw aw aw aw aw im not crying or dying you are aw she could not be more wrong please please im crying take heart, dear one aw they went shopping i love that but please diana is in the depths of despair IT IS YOU the angst im crying aww marilla made her a dress love that for her awwwwwwwwwwww anne doesnt wanna go aw the angst bushel barrels aw elijah bash elijah nooooo aw no so much sadness so many loose ends tied up nope nope no aw marilla and eliza risk of losing her altogether im not crying u are ms stacy is gonna help them out quest for perpetual happiness so quotable those of us who can soar to the highest heighs deepest sorrows address of boarding house in charlotetown aw teacher student goals mail? what mail? aww ms thomas addled sitting there like a stone OUR CHILD sibling goals marilla and matthew aw matthew shoes of her own life utoronto ok im about to apply there now tell her how you really feel aw omg baby delphineeeeeeeeeee the NOD yes seb aw omg theyre leaving shes leaving this isnt real this cant be real she looks so grown up a little lady my heart is IN PIECES pleaseeee gil and annethe letter was a bit dramatic tho snow queen ahhhhhhhh matthew ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh charlottetown please aww ms blackmore so lovely they ALL LOOK SO GROWN UP never dream of disappointing or breaking the rules ahhaha maybe not lovelyugh rules? these ladies, what aw im sad now SUITORS aw girlfriends goals aw yay for gil u of T is queens an all girls school??? aww sebs mom and seb and now elijah aww aww elijah and delphine aww aw seb the best forgiving father we must take it to her straightaway no impositions no sire fiddlesticks ms barrry COLE AWWW A BABY GENTLEMAN AWWW COLE AND ANNE OMG OMG OMG awwwww anne's veloved mother aww in her dressss omg omg omg shes all grown up omg im crying auspicious moment at least she hasnt lost that WHATS HAPPENING aw she seems sad aww regrettable of course incredibly graceful aww he knows her well enough aww matthew doin his best aww didn't want to hold her back i love you so awwwwwwwwww im not crying u are theres the hug but gil please aw she looks so beautiful i love her the parasol the brave girl sore disappointed just a ferry ride away but what about kakwet these loose ends need to be tied up ugh s4?????????????? cuthbert NEIGHBORS thomas is crazy aw locked not anymore THE CASE the language of flowers awww anne's parents omg walter and bertha mom was a teacher omg aw winnie aw winnie doesn't know she doesn't know aww omg im not crying u are but theyre on the train to charlottetown ugh my fam messed it up ugh but ANNE in a rish omg this is the moment anne you've been smitten yes diana all of 30 seconds to decide her entire future diana what letter IM NOT CRYING U ARE OMG OMG OMG OMG its happening hes running even tho she told u she loves u aw omg omg omg omg omg omg he's here omg omg omg omgthey found out but by other people aw they kissed omg he kissed her and she kissed him again and the hands and his smile and pen pals very nice fountain pen aw diana awwwwww everything's working AW HE CAME BACK AND THEY KISSED AGAIN IM NOT CRYING U ARE aw there might not be a season 4 after all because this is so beautiful they went right to tkiss aww her mother was a teacher aww they came the cuthberts aw everything is perfect red hair aw this  is so perfect s3 finale 11/24/2019 birthday wish lifetime wish aw diana came and parents and gilbert and everythng i have a very good imagination, i just had to be sure that this is real i have to know, do you truly have feelings for me
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papermoth-bird-blog · 5 years
Ontario: Catching up with time.
There is a scene in Big Fish, in which Edward, the main character, explains the old cliche “Time freezes when you meet the love of your life”. He muses further, saying “what they don’t tell you is that it has a nasty habit of speeding up after, to make up for lost time”. Being one of my favourite films, I think of this moment often… and often find that it appears in similar ways in my life.
It happened first in Mexico. I looked at a calendar and found myself more than halfway through my trip. Of course, it is a glass half-full, half-empty situation. But time is like water, the more we cling to it, the more it slips through our fingers. The only way to enjoy it, is to jump in- head underwater, for as long as you can. The times I checked my watch, a calendar, it was like taking breaths- necessary, but also stole those moments of subversive bliss. The more I breathed, the more I wanted to never leave the moment. And with that, my writing practice faltered too.
For the sake of my future self, who undoubtedly as just as flimsy as a memory of myself at the present, I find it important to reflect on the two weeks that have flickered by since the last I wrote. They are mostly about Ontario, even though I find myself currently in Amsterdam (with an ever-expanding mind-ramble).
So I shall start where I left off:
When it comes to my own story, I doubt there is anyone that is more surprised by my path as myself. The biggest part of healing my emotional wounds came in the form of delicately unraveling my own narrative. Re-evaluating what I gripped onto as “me” or what I “like” or, more so what I didn’t. Toronto cleansed me in that sense, freeing myself of my ego, and changing my mind, about how much change within a person is really possible. (I, others, the “stationary” memories I had of this city previous to this visit).
I found myself reflected back to me in different facets of the city- version that I recognized, but abstracted from the forms I thought I knew. I lingered around Kensington market, more times than I expected too. On the first few days I did so, I took my brother out to help him pick out shoes & new clothes. He is a senior in high school now. As we shifted through clothes on the rack, I found my mind flickering with memories of myself in the same spot, at the same age. I remembered how I felt & thought. Those parts still sit in my mind, but like some strange film that I once acted in. I am not ashamed or disappointed, in anyway, of the teenager I was. I am, very glad to be changed now- by experiences both bright & darker. The ghosts of my former selves followed me throughout the city- and then the countryside.
Though I really wanted to go see Homeshake with my brother, I decided to let him go with his friend instead. I remember Ali & I going to every concert we could get our hands on in high school. Though Isaac doesn’t seem to get into much trouble, I figure it best to at least give him the opportunity to if he feels the need ever. So I stayed at home and chatted with my mom about ordinary things. While we spoke, I cuddled up to our (now quite elderly) dog Harley. My overalls quickly became covered in blonde retriever hair, which I have not yet been able to get all off. As I drifted to sleep on the dog bed, my mother & I mused about the day we adopted him. How strange it is, that that was 13 (nearly 14) years ago now.
I often borrowed my mother’s red flannel hunting jacket, as I was without a coat & Toronto was still to host a few more light snowstorms. As I didn’t actually experience much of ‘true’ winter, I was glad to see the snow. I could tell those that had been in the city over the winter, were quite finished with it.
Though I grew up there, I always feel at a loss for who to reach out to when I am in town. I’ve fallen out of touch with many of my old friends there- mostly because many of my friends were friends of circumstance, and without our shared context, there is not much tying us together in conversation. Toronto, in my mind, was always more about family than friends. That being said, I did hang out with a few friends in the city.
I even hung out with an old lover of mine. There was a funny tension certainly, but it was a pretty nice hangout. Mostly, he just showed me around his studio space & all the projects he’d been working on since we last saw each other a couple years ago. It was nice to see a friendly face, especially a friend that could remind me of who I am in my adult life. We talked about a lot of things, but one that we shared is that we were both processing deaths of people close to us. It was nice to talk about, not that I needed more people to talk about it with, more so, because it gave me a huge sense of perspective. I was able to witness how far I’ve come in grounding & processing those deaths.
The days following, I found myself deep in introspection. My Aunt Jeannie is a ceramic artist & she invited me to play around in her studio to keep her company. I was more than happy to keep her company. With a head so full of thoughts, it was nice to able to translate them into molded forms. I built pots & bowls for my new apartment, and less practical things too. I built lace- inspired vases to host dried flowers in the fall. And most excitingly, many faces & hands that I hope to make into dolls when I am able to finally get them to Halifax. It was nice to spend one on one time with Jeannie as well- family gatherings can quickly become so loud & hectic; it’s hard to have a properly threaded conversation.
When I got home, my brother & I had our picture taken (quite formally) by my mom. It was kind of goofy, but nice. I’m starting to realize how important it is to actively capture memories (with a memory like mine)- yes, in ways, it’s true, it is kind of an act of “un-presencing”, but one for posterity’s sake. In a way though, also helps celebrate the present.
After another long day at the studio, I did end up making plans with another friend of mine. I met my friend Rachelle at work, but we have quite a bit in common. She just moved to the city from Halifax to pursue a career in Costume design- which is actually what I was studying when I first moved to Halifax. I did my best to help give her insight into Toronto, and what area she should look at moving to. We met up in the west end- the area that she was looking at. A friend of my sister’s, Eliza Nemi, just put out a really awesome EP called ‘Vinegar’. Eliza was playing a show at the Monarch Tavern with another friend of a friend called Luka. I’ve loved his music for so long- His song ‘Oh my heart is full’ is one that is pretty permanently stuck in my head.
Being at the show was, again, strange but lovely. A space between two worlds. Two different versions of my own past, combined. It was very quiet at first, but that made it easier to find Rachelle, who had brought along her friend Jaya. A few other girls from costume studies met up with us & it quickly became a conversation exclusively about that. I honestly didn’t mind, because by that time many people rolled into the room. There were, surprisingly enough, a whole bunch of familiar faces from my Halifax world. I chatted with my sister’s friend Nicholas, then Peter. Not long into it, I also spotted my friend Allie, who I haven’t seen since university. It was nice seeing everyone, but I also found myself seeking moments alone, to just feel the music & keep my own company. Eliza’s set was as if an elf had come experience city life. Before her, was another talented female songwriter Le Ren- who did some country-pop tunes that I was actually very impressed by.
During the tail end of Eliza’s set, I pushed my way towards the bar to grab a glass of water. There was a woman in front of me who, herself, was getting a glass. She spun around to offer me the pitcher. It was quite comical how we both did an over-dramatic triple-take. She shouted over the music “I know you! I know your hair. How do I know you?” I have always been rather good at names and faces- and it didn’t take long for me to shuffle through circumstances to figure where she fit in. Last fall, she had come down to play a house show in Lunenburg with an old boyfriend of mine. We quickly fell into conversation & she told me she was about to leave to go on tour with Tim Baker & invited me to the show they are playing in Halifax. I do hope I am able to go, but I am unsure of the timing & how that will work with my schedule. Regardless, its funny circumstances like that that give me comfort in the workings of this tiny world we have. (something I have been learning A LOT about recently).
There were more familiar faces still lingering around the bar- but I felt it was the time to leave, so I did. It’s good I did too- because, as it happens, I somehow drained both my prestopasses without realizing. By sheer dumb-luck, or rather a startling act of kindness I’ve never experienced in Toronto, the bus driver just waved me in the street car without any form of payment. I’m not entirely sure why, but I didn’t ask questions and ran to the back to make myself as small as possible- as if hiding in case he changed his mind.
I was quite tired by that point, and missed my stop somehow.
By time I found myself getting off the bus I was terribly impatient to be home and so I ran the rest of the way. This impatience echoed the feeling I was getting about the city itself- a general restlessness. As if I had come to the city to accomplish something, despite me not being specifically clear what that was. These thoughts raced through my mind as I ran down the dark of the avenue I grew up on. I lay on my parent’s front porch for a moment to still my mind & heart. When I walked through the door, my brother was sitting on the velvet couch singing a song that was so familiar I teared up instantly.
As kids, my cousins, siblings & I watched the movie Dan in Real Life whenever we had the chance- and notably on every thanksgiving since it was released. Sondre Lerche wrote the soundtrack, and we’ve listened to the album more times than I could possibly count.  So, my brother sat and played ‘Modern Nature’ over and over throughout the evening. We worked on harmonies until the early morning hours. It was so lovely to work creatively with my brother in that way. It is not often we find moments to do so.
The following day, Isaac played in the New Orleans Jazz band at Massey Hall. Regrettably, I missed it, because Morgan had finally charged his phone. Which meant he called me & came to whisk me off to the woods of Willow Beach, Ontario. An adventure, I was eager to fall into, though it would have certainly been nice to see Isaac perform once more.
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