#eliott as main
bisexualwintermoon · 1 year
do u guys remember raphael santiago from the hit 2007 novel city of bones. i miss him.
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ficuscircus · 1 year
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HPI rewatch: 207, "55 kilos"
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AITA for going to a wedding?
I'm curious about tumblr's opinion on this one, it's low stakes but i'm not sure if my beheaviour is ok. Mild trigger warning for cuss words, also English isn't my main language.
I (27F) have been dating Eliott (26NB) for 3 years. Eliott is very close to their best friend and roommate, Damian (26M), to the point that they are invited to every event in Damian's family. Being Eliott's girlfriend, I have started being invited too. Most of the time, it's small events where I don't feel too bad for intruding and I can bring something to share the costs (barbecue, cocktail party, that kind of stuff).
Damian's sister, Petunia (30sF), is getting married. Eliott is invited and I am their +1. Petunia is having a gigantic wedding, the kind that stresses everyone in the family and is quite expensive. I am actually super excited about it, I have been hearing about the preparations for months and I live for big fancy events like this, even more so when I don't have to actually take part in the planning (selfish, I know, but the drama I hear from behind the scenes makes me glad to not be involved, Petunia is going a bit bridezilla). I was very touched to be included, most of all because I only met Petunia once or twice max. She has always been polite and even friendly.
Here is where I feel I might be the asshole : I heard from the rest of the family that Petunia has a strict "no ring no bring" rule. She said something in the style of "I don't want to pay for everyone's bitches". First, ouch, a bit rude, but she didn't say it to my face or about me specifically, so I try not to feel attacked since I know weddings can be stressful. Eliott and I are not married, we plan to but we aren't even living together right now. I was invited in no unclear terms (I received an invitation in the mail).
We are also taking full advantage of the invitation, having opted in even for the optional stuff. There was an option we took to pay for a room on the grounds so that we can come friday evening, the party is Saturday and then we are staying for the brunch on Sunday. Damian won't even be here Friday.
I fear we are intruding a bit too much, and that maybe it would have be better to only be here on the Saturday party. It might be a bit awkward to be here as Damian's friends when he won't even be here. I know this kind of party is quite expensive, and even though Eliott and I tried to be as generous as possible with the wedding gift, I feel a bit guilty to make Petunia and her future husband pay for my place when we are not close at all.
The question is theorical, as canceling a week from the event would be even more impolite and a declaration of war (and this post won't appear before a few weeks anyway), but AITA for going to the full wedding?
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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Paper Cuts (Webcomic)
Created by: toterpxl_
Genre: Thriller/Drama
Thank you for the people on one of the yandere discord I'm in for this recommendation! This entire webcomic is in black and whilte/grayscale and has a pretty haunting tone to it. As of now, the webcomic has about 11 chapters but I think the art and story is pretty good and gives off the tone of someone who is following you.
The story starts out with May attending her brother's funeral and calling her friend, Nina, afterwards who invites her to a sleepover. While walking there, she bumps into Eliott, her old pen pal. It seems that when May was younger, she had a hard time making friends, so her brother Adam suggested writing to a pen pal, who turned out to be Eliott. She enjoys writing to him until suddenly he stops, and has never heard from him until now. May asks why Eliott stopped writing to her, and he asks for forgiveness for abandoning her. May promises that she will never hate him. While going home, May realizes that her apartment door is open and checks inside to make sure nothing is stolen. There, she finds that the only thing that was stolen was something from Adam's room in a locked drawer, and decides to not report it since she didn't know what was inside. May hangs out with her friend Nina until Eliott pops by, not very happy about Nina's presence. While eating, Eliott asks May for a fork instead of chopsticks, but based on his reactions, she gets him a spoon instead to prevent him from actually harming Nina. Eliott asks May about Adam, to which May is distraught about, causing her to cry. Nina goes home and May escorts Eliott home asking if she hated Nina. Eliott tells May about his distaste in Nina, and before Eliott heads home, Eliott apologizes to May about making her upset. May laments about his death, and even wishes that she was taken too, to which Eliott attempts to comfort her. At home, May continues to cry about her brother Adam until Eliott shows up at the door, bringing her cake. They hang out a couple of times, with May seemingly being more and more suspicious every time. The last couple of chapters ends with Eliott reciting a poem in her sleep, confessing his love to her.
May is actually more perceptive as a main character than I thought she'd be. She starts to notice things like the fact that Elliott is extremely jealous towards Elliot and even giving him a spoon just to make sure he doesn't use it to hurt Nina. There's also other instances like wondering how he knows when she wakes up as well as knowing what happened to her brother. She still doesn't really know much about other things like him sneaking into her apartment and probably killing her brother, but I do think she will find out what he's done soon. Especially from what will likely happen to Nina.
Elliot as a yandere is pretty standard as what you would think of him, but I think it's done rather well. It's pretty obvious that Eliott was who killed or at least was involved with Adam's death and he's likely going to be the one who kills Nina as well. He's jealous, stalks May and tracks her sleep, which is why he's always able to come in and talk to her at all the right times. He seems to feel regret that he suddenly had to cut off May, going so much as to cry and ask if she hates him. I'm kind of curious what will happen when or if May finds out what happened with her brother, and what Eliott's reaction will be afterwards.
It's pretty short so far, but I like the look of the webcomic and where it's headed. I hope there will be more to read soon since it's pretty good!
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manedstripedcomic · 4 months
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Maned and Striped - 082 - "Guest of Honor"
Lucas, excited at the news, tells Zack of a guest of honor who is gonna be at the local Fancon that he'd like to meet. It's Eliotte Aubert, the actor who plays Emile in the show Blades of Furry. Lucas then suggests to Zack that they show up dressed up as the two main protagonists of the show. Zack doesn't look too pleased. Blades of Furry is owned by Deya Muniz and Emily Erdos.
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dnd-class-polls · 4 months
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Stardew Valley Polls
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kaus-quietis · 1 year
Lav's All-smiles Problem-solving Roooooundtable ch108 edition!
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Welcome, welcome! To Lav's BSD ch108 discussion! Delivered to you via my funky dove Eliott, acting as my mystic messenger. These are random thoughts I had after reading this brilliant chapter, which, writing-wise, made the best possible use of Fedya's character, expanding it even more without even betraying his backstory. Maybe a backstory isn't needed after all, just look at how much FUN he is right now. I am in BLISS
Putting aside the fact that he is literally carrying the plot at this point, come sit with me, I make you a delicious Chinese black tea with rose petals and casually share my thoughts. Hello there, dearest Kat, yes, "where is Lav when you need her?", I am here, I offer you a hug, and to all my friends here who share the sentiment, I hug you too.
A. Before you say ANYTHING about "oh but? maybe Fedya is telling the half-truth? or a half-lie? what if his ability really is the evil one?", my brothers and sisters in Christ, listen to yourself. This man functions almost on a meta-level of character consciousness: he changed his facial expression and aura so convincingly, his tone, his speech, his posture, even the shade of his eyes, fooling not only Sigma, but the readers as well. We are used to characters changing the shade of their eyes when they change mental states or have certain (new) decisions in mind, we as a community are so used to this, all it took was one panel from the Conjurer doing this trick for so many of us to actually believe him and start, yet again, to spiral down the "what if he is good but his ability is evil? what if he is two entities? what if?" rollercoaster. This is so amusing to me, and in a meta-sense must be amusing to Fedya too. While speculation can bloom again based on this, I wouldn't be putting too much effort into reading into his lines here. I take it as a trick. It worked splendidly, almost like it attacked the fandom's major concerns and theories about his character and weaponized them against everyone. That's a meta-kind of tomfoolery. Trolling, if you will. I LOVE that Asagiri made him bamboozle every reader like this. His character so far goes into the best direction, it cultivates and expands his traits and skills in the best way. But let's pretend Fedya really is telling a half-truth there, which is there being an opposition between him and his ability. I talked about this in my essay (see pinned post), there really seems to be a divergence at the core of his character, but it manifests subtly, not like what we saw in ch108. Then again, not even on that can we arrive at any conclusive statements, because if we remember that, of course, "crime and punishment are close friends", it could well be that he and his ability are partners, and you bet I imagine they would BOTH indulge in peak tomfoolery like this together, if that meant one of them switching in and the other out for a sec. Remember, dear souls: aside from his "higher mission", abstract as it still is lore-wise, Fedya's keyword is "fun" or "entertainment", repeatedly. And oh he himself is even more fun now~
B. if Fedya would have wanted to mortally wound Sigma, he'd have chosen a more suitable place to stab him; it looks like a abdominal, lower quadrant, lateral stab, a deliberate choice, I would say, that technically avoids critical, most vascular organs (kidney and spleen for example) and main veins/arteries. I am no doctor, but from what I gathered, Sigma won't bleed out fast at all, and if untreated might get a deadly infection in a longer time (not counting the possibility of septic shock if we assume the knife penetrated and heavily opened an intestine). Sigma needs a medic asap (our queen Yosano when?), but will likely be conscious and quite able to move around and whatnot. Like I argued in my essay, Fedya most likely does not want to kill Sigma, or anybody for that matter, because keeping everyone alive to fulfill various roles and see how their will tosses them in all kinds of directions is more fun for him, more entertaining, but also more useful. He is a long-term strategist, like Dazai. "Our beloved monsters" ❤
C. Fedya evidently exerts some serious mental torment on Sigma, by making him stand by his choices, his will, just like he always desired. The flip side is that Fedya takes his time, or should I say gifts Sigma his time, in which he teaches him the full lesson of what Sigma wants. The responsibility that comes with acting on your own, the terror of facing the consequences when choosing on your own: right now, to Sigma, this freedom is terror. But Fedya is never a one-dimensional character. It's most probable he calculated and devised strategies for both possibilities (a. Sigma with rekindled determination touches him; b. Sigma backpedals on what he decided and does not touch him). The irony is that both scenarios are an affirmation of Sigma's will, because, while the first decision can be seen like foolish bravery, the second one can also be seen as wise self-preservation, if the circumstances so demand it. BSD is not a black-and-white series, diving head-first into danger is not its definition of bravery or heroism. BSD was always about measured decisions, ones the characters take upon themselves willingly. It may be time Sigma does that too, in his own way, and Fedya wants to see that. Why? Well, my guess is because it's fascinating to watch humans grow, and Fedya lives for the entertainment that comes with it. It is actually more interesting if we remember his line from ch42 (“People can be so simple… They truly believe they are thinking for themselves. (…) They don’t want to think they’re being led by the nose”): the pattern is, Fedya puts others under harsh circumstances, and then, under pressure, lets go of them, waiting for their free decision, the true test and expression of their hearts, so to say (which could make a superb discussion if we make a parallel between Kunikida and Sigma, since essentially what happened to Kunikida is happening now to Sigma, except Kunikida did indeed break down, but thanks to healthy support from his comrades he slowly regained his sense of self, and stronger than ever at that time, however… Sigma is alone, isn't he? but what if he needs to be in order to finally get a hold of his own self?). Anyway, how much of that expression is free, or how much is guided or manipulated, is a debate in itself, since it implies relating the freedom to the individual vs relating the freedom to the external factors and possibilites.
D. I do need to underline, just like Fedya also underlined it: Sigma already made his decision, right there when he still tried to get the gun before getting kicked in the face. Fedya moved on to the next step: testing how strong Sigma's will is when an actual chance to act appears. Sigma already accepted the physical pain, but how will he face the mental anguish? That is more Fedya's territory, a "specialist" of breaking people by simply knowing them thoroughly and choosing the right words. But now we gained new info: even in close combat, apparently, Fedya is not to be underestimated. That was a rather strong kick, anyway. But more importantly, he completely turned the tables in a situation where he would be in a total disadvantage. * chef's kiss * that was very bungou stray dogs of him.
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offorestsongs · 27 days
Hihi! For your OC(s):
Which canon character does your OC respect a lot?
Which canon character annoys your OC?
Thank you!
hiiii hello!! thank you for the ask!! :3
im gonna answer these for all of my main boys because why not
Which canon character does your OC respect a lot?
Lysander -> hmmm most of the housewardens probably?? just because he thinks that's a lot of work to do and he himself wouldn't want to have so much responsibility (but also Lysander himself would say that "he respects everyone equally!! why would you go any other way!!" because respect is one of the concepts that are kinda weird to him)
Rosienne -> there's not many peope Rosie really respects but probably Lilia? since they're good friends and Lilia is one of the very few people Rosienne would actually listen to
Kalle -> Azul, but less because of who Azul is as a person and more because of his power/his place in the school hierarchy so to say. they remember Azul from middle school and they think it's kinda impressive how he went from a little bullied baby to somebody who other students actually respect
Eliott -> i'd say Trey, since he always was an older brother figure of sorts for Eliott and he supported Eliott a lot while they were growing up
Swallow -> Riddle!! he really didn't like pre-OB Riddle but he sees that Riddle is really trying to change and improve and he thinks that's really admirable!!
Which canon character annoys your OC?
Lysander -> i dont think there's anyone???? Lysander feels really bad whenever he dislikes people so he tries to feel at least neutral about everyone sjfjdj
Rosienne -> well, besides the fact that he couldn't STAND Vil for most of their freshman year — Cater. they're too similar in certain aspects which is why they can't stand eachother. also, Idia because sad introverts annoy him in general (because he too used to be a sad introvert and he doesn't understand why somebody wouldn't just,, get themselves together and try to change how they act)(despite his unique magic allowing him to literally feel other people's emotions, Rosienne is not a very empathetic person LMAO)
Kalle -> who DOESN'T annoy them is the question. but if they had to choose, it would most probably be Kalim. Kalle can't stand people who are all smiley and sunshiney, they drain their energy lmao
Eliott -> like Lysander, i don't think there's anyone, but that's mostly because he's the king of minding his own business ✌️ he has too many troubles which his home life too care too much about how others act if they aren't his friends already
Swallow -> again, so many people. Leona. Cater. most of Octavinelle. Leona. any other student who's rich and/or a royalty....
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Final words for School of Dragons
I'm inevitably gonna make other posts about the game but I just wanted to make a like, "final thoughts" sorta post while I uh... cope with this shutdown.
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It's a bit of an understatement to say this game is a part of me. When people asked me about my favorite games, School of Dragons would always be on that list. People always look so underwhelmed when they saw it. They would even say it was a bad game. I just never cared. It had everything I wanted and it was good enough to me.
This game is the reason I got attached to the HTTYD world. Not the other way around. When Hiccup said goodbye to Toothless, I only cried because I thought about losing my own dragons when this game would inevitably, someday, go offline. I feel like I'm actually friends with all of these characters and enemies with the antagonists. There were arcs of understanding and misunderstanding. I even had dreams about my life on Berk, the Edge, and in the world itself. I prided myself in my ability to fly any dragon and fly them well. I could win races against furies with Monstrous Nightmares.
I grew with the progression of these movies and the game. When each event happened in the world, I experienced it with them. I experienced the events of the movies and the shows as they were released in the real world. Actual years of adventures with the gang, the antagonists, and my dragons.
It's so weird to care about something so much that isn't technically real. I guess this is just the reality for people like me, especially with the childhood I had. Feeling lonely without friends or a typical family. I'm pretty sure y'all know what I'm talking about and I barely need to explain it. Having a world to escape to and live in when the real world doesn't do it. Having something to inspire you and make it all worth it in the end. I guess it's just a lonely person thing. A lonely person with a lot of love who can't contain it. So you put it on something that inspires you when no one else will take that love. Maybe it's cringe, but idk.
It makes me feel better to know that others feel the same way. That's what I've been trying to think about this whole time. The fact that I was so lonely usually. That I've never really had anyone to play this game with and despite having fun and loving every single minute, I just never had anyone to enjoy it with. Now that I'm trying to bring people together, I finally have some people with the same interests as me. I wouldn't have started work on a role-play, or a discord server, or any of this if the game wasn't shutting down. I'm trying to think of it as a new beginning. Let's be honest. I wasn't playing the game as much as I used to. I got too busy, I wasn't invested sometimes. I often just came back for the racing. To have something I love be taken like this, it's enough to make me invest again.
When it came to my older dragons, I got them all to titanwing when the prices went down. I never grew them, so I took this opportunity. I grew Virgilio the monstrous nightmare, Bast the shockjaw, Thora the skrill, Eliott the stormcutter, Akeldama the death song, Hero the deathgripper, and Garipald the triple stryke. Of my main dragons, there was one I couldn't grow to the titan stage due to it not being in the game yet, my flame whipper, Prunella.
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I can't say I have a favorite dragon. I love them all in different ways. I have amazing memories with all of them. She's really just... the dragon I would never see myself without. I wasn't expecting to find such an amazing friend in a flame whipper. When I imagined my "main" dragon I always imagined a monstrous nightmare, or maybe a beautiful stormcutter. It was a flame whipper, a dragon I didn't even know about before playing this game that got to me.
She couldn't grow to titan because of the simple constraints of the game. I've thought about drawing her as a titan but I just supposed they would add it someday. Now that I know that day is never gonna come, the only way she can grow is outside of the game, by my hand. Creating my own worlds and stories. My level won't end at 38, I'll keep writing and creating my adventures.
I understand that this is The End for a lot of players. They imagine sending them off to the Hidden World. I understand this, and I think this is amazing, but I think I still have some stories to tell. The timeline will split yet again. I'm not sure when it will be, but me and Prunella will be solving puzzles in crypts once again. Me and Virgilio will race once again. Hero will join me in battle once again. The sun may set today, but it will rise again tomorrow.
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coocoocrazy2004 · 3 months
Hi, so today I'm going to post about one of my stories!
It's inspired by fallout, borderlands and a few other small things!
My story is:
Daydream in Blue
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Daydream in blue takes place in a war ridden futuristic world where large walls were made around important cities, trapping in the population and keeping the ones outside of the walls, out. The people in the walls are treated with luxuries such as new tech, well paid jobs, entertainment and cyber enhancements. If wanted one could join the military, giving the person accessibility to more dangerous enhancements including power chips.
Outside the walls the population had to adapt, moving to trading and precious metals as currency. Not only do the people of the Barrons have to deal with raider gangs but they also have to watch out for failed expirements. Prisoners who had been tested on by the cities and dumped to die, only they didn't die, instead they fused with the metal forced into them and adapted to the chemicals. Becoming monstrosities.
The main character in this flips around as if now. Currently it follows 4 characters who all somehow were affected by the city.
Wes was a government hit man, being the first ever successful subject with cyber enhancements alongside Yhogurt. The two briefly dying and in that time becoming government property. Wes during a hunt in modern day broke out of his mind wipe and finally decided to become free.
Kay was born in the Barrons and was raised close to the cities, taking old limbs, scrapping pre-war technology. Being separated from her family for 3 years only to return home to their corpses. She ran away to a small village, living in a farmhouse a fair distance away and reclaiming an old hospital close to the city for easy travels. In her move she found an old body, claiming it's power chip and implanting it in herself, giving her the ability to teleport.
Samuel was a fairly well known boxer in his city, his speed and strength was pretty much unmatched and was known for less than one minute rounds. Unfortunately his popularity drew in the attention of a large crime leader, during a fight this man and his son came to Samuel and offered him a sponsorship with Lukes Limbs and scrap. He accepted due to not knowing who he was Really making a plan with thinking not much of it at the time. He and the son, Eliott ended up becoming fast friends. Samuel teaching him a few moves and the two sparing for fun. One night during a fight Samuel was ordered by Ernest, Eliotts father, to kill his opponent or his father wouldn't survive the night. Samuel followed through and killed his opponent, the plan being covered up and Samuels reputation becoming mixed. Unfortunately Ernest still went through with killing Samuels father.
Eliott is the son of a large crime boss. His father having ties into the government and running the largest cyber enhancement clinics. His father forcing a power chip into El as proof they were safe to use, unfortunately his chip was defective and caused Eliott to have uncontrollable powers. After finding out about what his father, Ernest did to Samuel, Samuels father and his boxing opponents, Eliott flew into a rage and killed his father and everyone around him. Grabbing Samuel and the two fled.
Yhogurt was the other successful subject for the first Cyber enhancements, also being a hitman before and bing sold to the government alongside Wes. Unfortunately instead of escaping nori, the man who bought the two wiped her brain clear after Wes left. Making her the perfect guard dog. Keeping her on a tight leash as to not cause memories to come back. They do and it was his downfall.
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ramunegrief · 1 year
﹒✦﹒ ﹕🕰️ ﹕ INTRODUCTION !
. . . /ᐠ - ˕ -マ ^ | welccy!
୧ ‧₊˚ 🦋 ⋅ ◞﹒◟
﹒✦ ﹕→ ﹒ 🎐﹒ ﹒ So, my name is Ramune, but I also go by Auzuix or Eliott. (some people call me Rat, but thats more of a nickname) !POL/ENG! ﹒◟I go by He/They/Xe, but I kinda started liking it/its too﹒🥛
﹒ꜝꜝ﹒🌘 ﹒∇﹒ My main fandoms for now are :: mcyt, danganronpa, yttd, grishaverse, moriarty the patriot, bungou stray dogs and pokemon﹒☄️
﹒ㄑ﹒⭔ ﹕☁️ ﹕Expect a lot of one-shots or story ideas from me, as well as bad quality art and sometimes some rants... Welp, basically typical blog thingy.﹒🌙
Ⳋ ︳ ⴰ ︰🕯️ ︰
I mostly post about my books!
(will probably redo soon)
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discyours · 2 years
I dont know if you ever spoke about what you think of ellen/eliott page’s transition? + do you think homophobia could have played some role here
I think transition is way too personal to speculate about an individual person's motivations. Gendercrits having me "all figured out" when I identified as trans was the most insulting shit. It was homophobia. It was trauma. It was misogyny. It was my appearance. It was a fetish. Whichever one they chose, it was SO OBVIOUS and SO SIMPLE and I was clearly stupid and in denial if I couldn't see that it was this 1 singular thing as opposed to me being a multifaceted human being who was suffering (and for a variety of reasons).
I think literally everyone who grows up in a misogynistic society absorbs some of that misogyny, and likewise for homophobia. We're all a product of our socialisation in one way or another and I resent radfems who mainly use that information as a way to humiliate trans people who Allowed Themselves To Be Affected. It's absolutely worth talking about, but it shouldn't be so targeted that we forget that all of us are affected. Nor should socialisation working on us be framed as an immense personal failure.
My main "take" on elliot's transition (yes I use preferred names, I still go by a masculine name myself and it seems dumb as fuck to insist on referring to people according to their birth name as if nicknames don't exist) is that the way men responded to it was absolutely fucking vile. They treated it like a personal loss, the exact same way they responded to her coming out as a lesbian. Not like they had a chance with her to begin with but being expected to give up the fantasy that every woman they're attracted to is theoretically available to them is like making them cope with actual loss. And if a beautiful woman decides to stop presenting herself as such, she might as well be dead. As far as they're concerned that's someone giving up the only reason they existed to begin with. It really shows you how a huge amount of men view women and it's vomit inducing.
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emsylcatac · 1 year
clown anon here hiiii :0)
i love ce mur qui nous sépare and i can't wait to listen the rest of the songs of the miraculous movie, i've seen the rehearsals that Lou and Lenni Kim did a few years (!) ago (i guess they did the singing voices of marinette and adrien)
and now there's a new song that lou sings with somebody else and then i saw that the soundtrack is available in spotify but there's no lenni !!!!
i don't know if he decided to cut relations with miraculous and zag chose another male singer, that's just my guess but i loved him as the voice of chat noir :/
this may sound silly but bah, i was really excited for the movie because of his voice and he may not be at all in the end
i'll still want to watch the movie of course, but that little detail made me feel a bit disappointed...? i'll put on my clown shoes
Hiii clown anon!! ♥️
Yes I saw recently that he had been replaced by Eliott! He participated in The Voice a while ago and I thought he gave really nice vibes, so I think if Lenni had to be replaced, Elliott's a good choice. He was also a part of a YouTube band that did covers a few years ago (they've stopped now) called Cover Garden and they just looked like a nice & chill group of friends having fun so I honestly have a good image of him in my mind if that helps 😊
I don't know the reasons why Lenni left. But I've been watching a french tv talk show recently (they upload the episodes on YouTube so I've watched it here - it's "Ça commence aujourd'hui" for those who speak French & know about it) where basically they have a theme and guests come to talk about their experience regarding this theme - it's very enlightening, and usually their guests are random people from everyday life, and sometimes celebrities but it's very rare. Anyway a couple of months ago they released an episode that featured Lenni Kim and it was about depression. And he talked about his own depression which seemed rough (and got worse with covid of course) so my guess would be that it's one of the main reasons he quitted because he had to take care of himself.
But of course I don't know if it's the real reason, it's just me speculating, and I don't really follow what's going on in his life apart from that talk show I saw, so who knows!
I hope you'll still enjoy the movie and the songs though 🥺 but yeah if it can reassure you I think Elliott is sweet from what I remember of him and sang pretty well too, so I'm sure he's a good replacement even if it's sad Lenni left
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Happy WBW!
“What are your cities or towns like? Feel free to talk about the layouts or the people or the architecture, etc. and to talk about more than one if you'd like!”
Thank you for the awesome ask, @toribookworm22, and sorry for the late reply.
Oh boy, oh boy! It really depends on where you are, and Goddess Dead spans multiple cities and countries, so there’s something for everybody. For simplicity sake, I’ll focus on my favorite city—specifically my favorite district in my favorite city: Hervas’ Pleasure District.
Hervas is the capital of Hervaskor which is Lea, Aisha, Acon, and Eliott’s home-country. It’s where the majority of Arc One′s action is centered. The city as a whole is built into the mountains, and it’s comprised of various districts and quarters that have their own architectural ~vibes~ going on. For example, purposeful dilapidation is very common in the Mage Quarter; masons are often hired to build that which only magick can keep together. As a result, the entire quarter looks like a trampled field of sunflowers—their white, stone stems fighting for dominance amid the stretch and curl of sun-yellow roofs.
Most of Hervas’ districts are very noticeably affluent (or certainly more affluent that the smaller, farming villages in The Stohst) except for the Pleasure District, or The Underground—called that by it’s residents because it is entirely underground.
The Pleasure District’s primary entrance/exit is a heavy-policed, gated-off, gondola lift called Surface Station. The district is called the Pleasure District because its main thoroughfare, Magelight Street, is populated mainly by bars and brothels. As a whole, the Pleasure District is where you go to find things and acquire services that those on The Surface feel they are too “high-class” to provide—which can be anything from oddities, deli meats, or magick teas to abortions. The businesses aren’t the shiniest, especially due to The Underground’s ever-twilight, but they’re all small and locally-owned.
The streets are made of packed earth and broken cobblestone, and the buildings are squashed together among the vein-like brick, back-alleys pulsing throughout the district. Some buildings have lichen growing on their sides, but the only people able to keep fully-fledged gardens underground are either magick-wielders or those who can hire magick-wielders.
My favorite place in the Pleasure District is The Campground which isn’t a campground at all; it’s an old, abandoned theater that Hervas’ many homeless youths (mostly 13-18 year olds) call home including Eliott once upon a time.
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furashuban · 1 year
Awakening (Chapter 1: Those Who Try)
The first main story in my series in over a year! This is the first chapter of a 4-part story and will be updated every couple of weeks, hoping you all enjoy!
Words: 2.4k
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47759587/chapters/120392875
Summary:  Every 10 years on an early winter’s day, a Timaani wakes up from hibernation. If one were in the wilderness and looked yonder to find a dense forest atop a hill, chances were that that hill was a sleeping Timaani—and an ancient one no less, for miles of forestlands tend to grow on its back with every passing century it lives.
When Eliott Arrowwood finds out that hundreds of creatures now live in the forestland of a hibernating Timaani, he with the help of his friends in Kuluufia devise a plan to bring them to safety before the giant creature awakens soon.
Every 10 years on an early winter’s day, a Timaani wakes up from hibernation. If one were in the wilderness and looked yonder to find a dense forest atop a hill, chances were that that hill was a sleeping Timaani—and an ancient one no less, for miles of forestland tend to grow on its back with every passing century it lives. In other cases, that hill could’ve once been the same creature a long time ago, but has since departed, with all that remains of it now being permanently one with the soil and the wilderness.
But let’s say one was still alive, still hibernating, still very much a Timaani. Once it wakes up, the colossal beast of the north rises on all-fours and begins traversing the countryside as freely as it wants; a behemoth shadow darkening the outskirts of every tundra, lake or even village it crosses. While it’s always best to stay careful, take heart knowing that the Timaanit (plu. form of Timaani) are greatly aware of the earth below them, and will do their best to turn away from smaller creatures to keep them safe from itself. Finally, after an indefinite period of walking, it finds somewhere new and spacious to rest on for another slumberous decade.
Eliott Arrowwood had seen many of these giants walk throughout the 200 years he’d been alive for (give or take). In fact, he was there at the right place and time to safely witness a lone Timaani hibernate just a stretch off the borders of his home city of Kuluufia. He then kept track of the years since he first witnessed the gargantuan creature, and before the autumn season could reach its end on the 10th year, he ventured out to the Timaani’s forest to take a few strolls as to remember it by.
Another chilly afternoon in the city. The trees on every sidewalk became more and more barren each day; the brown and orange leaves that once enveloped them were now piling on the streets for people and bicycles to trample on. Brick chimneys puffed veils of smoke all throughout the day, and through the windows of crowded restaurants and inns were patrons keeping warm with fresh servings of hot food and drinks.
Arrowwood was visiting the Kuluufia National Museum and Library—the KUNAMAL for short—wishing to spend time with the resident librarian and his best friend, Nelly Flanagan, or “Flannel” as he belovingly nicknamed. The pair sauntered around the grand and comfy library building as they conversed with one another. Flannel pushed along a cart of returned books whilst they listened to Arrowwood beside them, and there was enough space in the book cart for a common raven—the librarian’s Vikorppi* daughter, Ramona—to nestle beside the pile and take a joyride as the adults talked.
“So, the forest a week from now is going to…rise from the ground, you said?” Flannel turned to Arrowwood, no longer walking nor pushing the cart.
“That’s because it’s not actually a forest, but a whole living creature, and a big one at that!” Arrowwood clarified, “It’s been asleep for a decade now, but it will soon wake itself up now that winter is coming.” Flannel took a moment to absorb all the hints in Arrowwood’s explanation. “Voi… This whole time?” they whispered; eyebrows raised. They had never seen a Timaani up close like Arrowwood, but they were familiar with the creatures through the books they read as a child and even as an adult.
“Mhm,” Arrowwood nodded grinning, “It’s a rare sight, and since we’re the only ones to know about it as far as I’m concerned, I thought it would be nice to watch its migration together with the kid and Jarno, at a safe distance of course…” Arrowwood had been jubilant throughout most of their conversation, but slowly, an uneasy frown shaped under his beard. “There’s just one other thing, I’m afraid.”
“That being?” asked Flannel, the immortal wanderer’s sudden worry had rubbed off on them.
“I haven’t visited the Timaani’s forest since the year it began hibernating, and when I finally did yesterday, I noticed quite a slew of creatures have made it their home since then. Once the giant thing awakens, nothing will be ready for it.” Arrowwood took off his glasses while still facing the librarian; he tended to do this whenever he talked about something grave and uncertain.
“Just thinking about it now. Hundreds of creatures, mystical and ordinary, will all be displaced or even killed trying to flee from the tremors of a Timaani’s awakening,” he continued, “I have to trudge every corner of its forest and somehow get each and every one to safety, but I’d be lying if I said there was enough time to do that now,” he paused, needing to let out a crestfallen sigh. “Ten years have now passed, Flannel. I would never allow myself to let such a misfortune happen, yet I really, really should’ve prepared for this sooner.”
At that moment, the bearded man felt Flannel’s hand patting his shoulder gently. “Not to worry, Eli” the librarian comforted. “You’ll find a way, but definitely not alone. All we need is a plan, any plan at all using everything we know to get it done. That should be enough, right? If I have to help further by skipping a day from the library to venture into the Timaani’s forest with you, I will do just that, too.”
Arrowwood placed his own hand above Flannel’s, bringing back his smile to let them know he was thankful without having to say it. Flannel was one of the busiest people he knew. After all, they were still the librarian for the KUNAMAL and the loving parent of a mystical child, not to mention the author of a book they longed to finish since they first met. He never intended to ask for the young librarian’s help, but Flannel spoke as though deep down, they knew the bearded man desired their best friend to assist him.
“And you’re absolutely positive about wanting to help?”
“Tietysti, Eli, one-hundred percent.” Flannel grinned softly. Their work in the library was important to them, of course, but their best friend and the creatures he wished to save were even more so.
“Suppose it just begs one more question then,” Arrowwood put his glasses back on, “where can we start in helping a whole forest evacuate from calamity?”
Flannel leaned against their cart of books and began to think. When they came forward to help, they swore they already had something forming in their head, and it was just a matter of bringing that thought back. “Oh! I remember the title now; there’s a book around here that may give us an idea.”
“Lead the way, Nells.” Arrowwood clasps his hands together, hope continuing to build up in him through the librarian.
Flannel picked up Ramona from the book cart and perched her on their shoulder, and soon, the trio ambled to the Myths & Folklore section of the library. Flannel climbed up a ladder as they hovered their finger against a brown hardcover with gold embedded text, pulling it out and scaling back to the wood-paneled floor. On a bench table adjacent to the shelves, the librarian set the book down—it was a bulky publication, the title on the cover read Opas Tuntemattomiin Esineisiin—“The Guide to Objects of the Unknown”—and they browsed through the apparently plentiful pages of the table of contents.
Flannel let out a satisfied Aha before flipping through all the pages front-to back in swift succession. There it was, the page Flannel hoped could give them ideas for their plan. A title in large cursive lettering adorned the chapter. It read Horn of Summoning, and under it was an ink illustration of the artifact: an instrument reminiscent to an old Viking horn, but was much longer and bare from distinguishable designs.
“For as long as the wielder carries a lingering blow from the mouthpiece, the instrument would resonate a bellowing hum that can be heard from all reaches of the land,” Flannel read from the page, “no creature can resist the sound of the Horn, hence upon hearing it, it will curiously locate its source to the person playing the instrument.”
“Huh, I’ll be.” Arrowwood stroked his beard, “Not a bad idea, Flannel. How’d you think of—”
“Nothing but hard librarian knowledge, Eli.” Flannel threw in half-jokingly, tapping the sides of their black ushanka casing their head.
Ramona suddenly hopped off from her mother’s shoulder as she shifted from her raven self into her human form in the blink of an eye. She then leaned towards the edge of the bench to take a good look at the page. “It sort of looks like a tooth with cavities,” she remarked.
Flannel chuckled. “You’re pretty close about that,” they turned to the next page with illustrations of an animal with a pair of long tusks, accompanied with humans suiting floppy hats and robes lounging about. “Have a look at this page, kultaseni.”
“It says…The earliest known Horns were made from the tusks of woolly mammoths until…’mah-guess’?” the Vikorppi child squinted.
“’May-jess’.” Flannel corrected her in a gentle tone.
“Oh, right, sorry.” Ramona blushed, trying to pick up where she left off. “…Until mages learned to make ones using other materials like wood and clay,” she turned to her mother beaming. “Well, that’s nice! For the mammoths especially.”
“I know nothing about carving, so,” the librarian looked up at Arrowwood, “perhaps you can make one of these, Eli?”
“I’m afraid not,” Arrowwood sighed. “Crafting the shape alone is one thing, but an instrument of this sort requires unique precision and, well, a dash of enchantment to actually work,” his hand covered the area of his beard as he pondered. He knew finding a Horn of Summoning was, at this moment, the best way to rescue creatures from the Timaani’s wakefulness, but he also knew that the instrument was just as rare as the giant’s migration.
“We’re going to have to find a mage. Ever been to the Sinfonia Varasto, Flannel?” asked Arrowwood.
“I’m familiar with the place,” answered Flannel, “What are you proposing?”
“If there’s anyone I know who can help us look for a working Horn—perhaps even get her to make one for us—it’s the shopkeeper there, Enni Lampinen.”
Flannel and Ramona thought about the riveting implications Arrowwood had brought about. If this Enni person could help, was she a mage then? In Kuluufia no less? The city’s clocktower out in Pääkatu rung its bell from a distance, telling all Kuluufians that it was officially late in the afternoon. “Okay, the library closes in two hours,” said Flannel. “We can head to the store immediately after.”
Almost an hour had passed since the librarian spoke with the immortal wanderer. Arrowwood decided he would pass the time reading books like everyone else in the building did, meanwhile Flannel continued their duties as the librarian, the plan to find a Horn of Summoning lingered in the back of their head as they worked. Ramona, back to her raven-form, stood on a perch on the front desk waiting for her mum to come back, which they eventually did carrying two books. Across them was a patron who had also waited patiently for the librarian to return with the recommendations he had asked for earlier. “Toivon, että ne auttavat sinua hyvin.” Flannel spoke in their usual kind tone, just with a pinch more friendliness as they wished the patron well in their reading. The patron left, gleefully replying kiitos— “thank you”—in return.
The Vikorppi changed back to her human form, remaining on the desk as she sat and swayed her legs about. “Um, hey mum?” Ramona called the librarian’s attention.
“Yes, dear?” Flannel acknowledged, jotting down the current date and the library books they gave into a log book.
“Are you really going to head out to the Timaani’s forest and save all those creatures with Arrowwood?”
Flannel was quiet for a moment. “I might. I feel like I want to, at least,” they answered, no longer writing. “Whenever Arrowwood finds himself in adventures that worry him more than excite him, I have to be there for him and help prove everything will work out. But thing is, I don’t know how I’ll be able to watch over you if I’m out there helping bring creatures to safety.”
“Well, if you’re going then, I want to go as well,” declared Ramona; both her fists clenched tightly with enthusiasm. Surprised by the child’s sudden offer, Flannel knelt down to the girl’s height.
“I’m afraid the adventure won’t be as laidback or as fun as what we’re used to having with Arrowwood, sweetheart,” they explained. Flannel knew, of course, that the worst possible scenario—being the Timaani waking up early on the day its forestland’s inhabitants were to be saved—would not naturally happen, but Ramona was not used to going on adventures with so much urgency in them; it was easy for the librarian to feel concerned for their daughter’s well-being. “Are you sure you want to?”
“Very sure…Well, I think…” she lowered her hands until they hid under her cloak; admittedly, she was doubtful that saving a forest from a slumbering giant was something she could do in real life, for the knowledge of the giant’s presence itself was enough to make her feel apprehensive. Flannel’s concerns were coming true, but nevertheless, the raven-child grunted and shook her head. “It’s just that, you’re going to be saving all sorts of creatures with just you and Arrowwood all by yourselves, anything can happen because of that,” she explained. “You always care for me when I need you the most, mum, and I want to care for you in return.”
A soft grin formed on Flannel’s face, warmth swelling in their chest. “That means the world to hear, Ramona,” they expressed. “As long as we’re both together out there, the two of us will be okay, I suppose.”
“Does that mean I get to go with you?” a toothy grin formed on Ramona’s face.
“It does, kuu pirakka.” Flannel leaned in to gently kiss the girl’s forehead. “Before we close, it’s best we let Arrowwood know about everything.”
“I can tell him right now!” Ramona hopped from the ground as she turned back to her raven form, flying above the library to head over to Arrowwood.
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lynxkiin · 11 months
Hey everyone! I’m lynxkiin but you can call me Eliott. 🏳️‍⚧️🐈‍⬛
Welcome to my Tumblr’s art blog, where I post my artwork and art-related things. I try and post at least three times a week.
You should expect to see:
Fantasy and furry artwork of my original characters and the commissions I create
Canon and non-characters from games such as Pokémon, Monster Hunter, Yakuza, Elder Scrolls, Dungeons and Dragons, and Studio Ghibli
Themes that include Deities, Angels, Demons, biblical references, mental illness, and LGBT+ characters,
I’m fairly new to Tumblr and still trying to figure things out as I go along, but it’s pretty comfortable here!
I don’t have a proper DNI, but generally please don’t interact with me if you’re primarily a NSFW account.
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Carrd 🍂 Toyhouse 🌿 Instagram 🌱 Kofi 🪴 FurAffinity 👾 Newgrounds ✨ Bluesky 💫 Commissions
@espurrkiin is my main side blog @tanimuradefender is my yakuza containment blog
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