#eliot schofield
waveridden · 2 years
i haven't gotten to do a deep dive blaseball numbers question in a while. so when @leonstamatis asked a question and i realized i was curious, i got excited.
how common/likely is it for a blb player to have a completely unique name that they do not share with anyone. a first and last name, neither of which has been given to anyone else yet.
TLDR: 5.5% of all randomly-generated names are fully unique, and 7% of randomly-generated names of beta players are fully unique within the beta.
but let's break it down a little more.
so first thing's first: i needed a list of players. a quick check with sibr and i ended up using astrology to get two lists: one of all the players from the beta/gamma teams, and one of all the players on delta/coronation teams. i merged the lists and made a note of when players first appeared: beta, coronation, coffee cup, prehistory, the forbidden short circuits teams that didn't make it onto the website, you get the idea.
final list: 5,072 names. boy howdy.
next: nonrandom names! a lot of names were generated in nonrandom ways, like replicas (which are all named after the original player), coffee cup teams (where the artists/data witches/real game band were all manually named), and even things like evelton mcblase ii and bontgomery mullock, where the name is based on another randomly generated name.
list of random names: 4,876. if that's not 3.8% more manageable then i don't know what is!
from there the steps were pretty simple. separate the names into first/given names and last/surnames, see how many of each of those was unique, and then see how many names were not shared with anyone else.
so looking at all of the 4,876 players randomly generated ever at all:
752 have unique first names (15.4%)
926 have unique surnames (19%)
259 have completely unique names (5.3%)
most of the 259 unique names come from prehistory, with an overwhelming 51%, followed by 26% from beta and 13% from the coronation era.
of course, most of us are here primarily for the beta, so how does that stack up? there are 973 names generated that were on beta teams, either in active play or in the shadows. of those 973 names,
227 have unique first names (23%)
250 have unique last names (25.7%)
68 have completely unique names (7%)
for me, this all naturally leads to another question: what are the most common names? across all 4,876 players the most common first names are:
dimi (12)
sebastian (12)
chandra (10)
ruth (10)
bennett (10)
bernie (10)
dagmar (10)
dominic (10)
eliot (10)
wyatt (10, although 4 of these are due to the wyatt masoning)
and the most common surnames are:
murphy (12)
davis (11)
caster (10)
highway (10)
horne (10)
schofield (10)
based on these numbers, which names are the least unique - that is to say, who has the most other players that match either their first or last name?
juan murphy (6 other juans, 11 other murphys)
eliot schofield (8 other eliots, 9 other schofields)
sebastian owens (11 other sebastians, 6 other owenses)
dimi santana (11 other sebastians, 6 other santanas)
and the final question: what full names have been randomly generated more than once? there are 8, and all of them happened in short circuits:
bees manhattan
candy finnegan
copernicus biscuits
layla pork
levar shoemaker
sancho thrower
tall everts
worf hatchler
and notably, the pairs of candy finnegan and layla pork were within the same short circuit! every other pair was across two different circuits.
if you're interested in name uniqueness, here's my spreadsheet - i did the legwork so you don't have to! please drop me a line if you notice anything weird (sooooooo many nonrandom names have snuck into my random names tab) and if you do any other name number crunching, let me know about that too!
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(id under cut)
[Content ID: A four panel lyric comic, preceded by a screencap of an art prompt ask that reads “Elliott Schofield 43″.
The first panel features Ella Goodman and Eliot Schofield smiling nervously at each other. Ella is a fat Mexican-American woman with dark hair cut in a bob, and large star-shaped earrings. She wears a plain white t-shirt with one overall strap visible. Eliot is a young Black man with a fluffy undercut that drops over part of one eye, and round glasses. He wears a black turtleneck. Between them is a sock puppet of a dog, El, and above them is the caption “THE HEAT GOES ON”.
The second panel features a sihlouette of Eliot kneeling on the ground over home plate, looking towards the viewer, a scorch mark on the ground before him. An eclipse hovers in the sky behind his head. Text around his body reads “AND THE HEAT GOES ON”.
The third panel features several shadowy figures walking across an icy surface, seen from above. In their midst is a long, vertical bloodstain, like something large and bloody has been dragged across the ice. Text beneath the ice reads “AND THE HEAT GOES ON”.
The fourth panel is an extreme close up of Eliot’s bloodstained (or possibly reflecting the blood on the ice) glasses. Text along the bottom of their frames reads “AND THE HEAT GOES ON.”
/end ID]
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withhowsadsteps · 4 years
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April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain.
- The Waste  Land, T.S. Eliot
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urbanhermit · 3 years
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#2 Finished ‘Notes on Some Figures Behind TS Eliot’, by Herbert Howarth (1965). Eliot spent a year in Paris (1910-11) studying under Bergson at the College of France, & Durkheim & others at the Sorbonne. He would also study at Marburg, Germany (where Durkheim studied) but it was shortened by the start of WW I. TS would then study at Merton College, Oxford University. Through Professor Schofield at Harvard Tom would discover Symons work & his chapter on Laforgue the Franco-Uruguayan poet. Who was influenced by Walt Whitman. One of the first French poets to write in Free Verse. TS would experiment in the mode that he found by emulating Laforgue. In Paris, TS would meet a young novelist, Henri-Alban Fournier & his brother-in-law, an aspiring writer. Both were great admirers of Laforgue. Fournier would be a tutor for TS in conversational French. TS would say that the poet Laforgue ‘was the first to teach me how to speak, to teach me the poetic possibilities of my own idiom of speech.’ In 1909 TS would order the 3 volumes of Laforgue, he may have been the first man in the US to possess them. TS would share a taste for Laforgue’s poetry with a fellow lodger, Jean Jules Verdenal, a medical student at the Sorbonne. Howarth does not mention Verdenal in his work, but Robert Crawford develops their relationship in ‘Young Eliot: From St Louis to The Waste Land’ (2015). Both Verdenal & Riviere would die at the front in WW I. Riviere would become an editor of the French literary magazine La Nouvelle Revue Francaise (NRF), which was restarted after the war. TS would subscribe to NRF when he returned to the States. Charles Maurras, whose work Eliot had already encountered, was a fierce critic of the 19th-Century. Upon return to the States TS continued reading Maurras’s books. Maurras espoused the ‘aesthetic of the 3 traditions’ (classique, catholique, monarchique). TS in 1928 would describe himself as a classicist in art, Anglican in religion, royalist in politics. Tom’s interest in Maurras was one of the many traits he shared with his fellow lodger, Jean Verdenal. Maurras the anti-Semitic intellectual leader of L’Action Francaise was covered by the N.R.F. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZVwlaLrgbl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifeinpoetry · 7 years
Free/Inexpensive Chapbooks & Poetry Books from Poets Outside Tumblr (N-Z)
These are poets I discovered outside Tumblr. The distinction is hazy for a few due to the fact that I learned some of these poets have or had Tumblr accounts so I am aware of that.
These are chapbooks available from the poet, the publisher, or Amazon. While I’ve not read all of them the ones I’ve not read I’ve plans to read. They range from free to $6.
Due to Tumblr link limits I'm splitting up the original list I made a while back, future-proofing it, and updating it.
Poets Outside Tumblr A-M (rebloggable)
I’ve marked favorites with ❤️ and additions with 🔔.
Updated: April 11, 2017
Elle Nash
I Can Remember the Meaning of Every Tarot Card But I Can't Remember What I Texted You Last Night (free)
Alexandra Naughton
diptix (free)
I Will Always Be In Love (free)
I Will Always Be Your Whore: Love Songs for Billy Corgan ($1.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited)
I Wish You Never Emailed Me (free)
Mayonnaise Sandwiches (free)
You Could Never Objectify Me More Than I've Already Objectified Myself  ($0.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited)
Maggie Nelson
Something Bright, Then Holes (free)
JoAnna Novak
Manning Up (free)
Alice Notley
Emily O’Neill
Make a Fist & Tongue the Knuckles (free) ❤️
Lisa Olstein
The Resemblance of the Enzymes of Grasses to Those of Whales is a Family Resemblance (free)
Ladan Osman
Ordinary Heaven (free)
Esdras Parra
How to Survive Hope tr. Jamie Berrout ($0+)
Selected Poems of Esdras Parra tr. Jamie Berrout ($6+)
To Be Human Once More  tr. Jamie Berrout ($0+)
Tommy Pico
IRL ($5)
Niina Pollari
Dead Horse ($5)
Fabulous Essential (free)
Minnie Bruce Pratt
The Money Machine: Selected Poems (free)
Sound of One Fork (free) 🔔
Nate Pritts
All My Poems (free)
BIG BRIGHT SUN ($0.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited)
Heartbreaking Machines (free)
Monday, Monday (free)
Sweet Nothing ($5.95)
uniquely constructed self (free)
Khadijah Queen
I'm So Fine: A List of Famous Men & What I Had On ($3)
Mary Ruefle
On Imagination ($6.06) 🔔
Caitlin Scarano
The Salt and Shadow Coiled (free)
Bob Schofield
Ghost Story (free)
Miniature Couples with Katherine Osborne (free)
Moon Facts (free)
Zachary Schomburg
OK, Goodnight with Emily Kendal Frey ($3)
The Truth About Canada (free)
Warsan Shire
Our Men Do Not Belong to Us (free) ❤️
Teaching My Mother to Give Birth ($4.75) ❤️
N. L. Shompole
Anatomy of Surrender: Twelve names for December, Select Poems ($1.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited)
Cassiopeia at Midnight ($2.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited)
Heaven Water Blood ($4.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited)
Lace Bone Beast: Poems & Other Fairytales for Wicked Girls ($5.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited) 🔔
Phantoms as Euphemisms for Disaster: Spectre Specter Blue Ravine ($4.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited)
Sandra Simonds
Collage Poems (free) 🔔
Cassandra Troyan
A Theory in Tears (free) (tw) 🔔
Hatred of Women (free) (tw)
Throne of Blood (free) (tw)
Maureen Thorson
From “On ‘On Dreams’” (free)
Novelty Act (free, online reading)
Twenty Questions for the Drunken Sailor (free)
Elsewhere ed. Eliot Weinberger (free sample)
Fifteen Iraqi Poets ed. Dunya Mikhail (free sample)
Pinholes in the Night: Essential Poems from Latin America tr. Raúl Zurita, ed. Forrest Gander (free sample)
Something Indecent: Poems Recommended by Eastern European Poets ed. Valzhyna Mort (free excerpts)
The Star by My Head: Poets from Sweden ed.  Malena Mörling & Jonas Ellerström (free sample)
The Strangest of Theaters ed. Jared Hawkley, Susan Rich & Brian Turner (free)
Sonya Vatomsky
Salt Is For Curing ($3.85)
Len Verwey
Otherwise Everything Goes On (free)
Cecilia Vicuña
Bloodskirt  tr. Rosa Alcalá (free)
Spit Temple tr. Rosa Alcalá (free)
Rosmarie Waldrop
Trace Histories (free)
Simone White
unrest (free online reading) 🔔
Topaz Winters
Heaven or This (free)
Monsoon Dream (free) ❤️
Sara June Woods
~yr various hairlessnesses~ ($2)
Uljana Wolf
False Friends (free online reading)
Franz Wright
Recurring Awakening ($4.99)
Sarah Xerta
Juliet (I) (free) ❤️ ️
Juliet (II) (free)
Wendy Xu
Naturalism ($5)
The Hero Poems (free)
Matthew Zapruder
The Odyssey ($3.99)
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Can’t wait for this to happen! August 22th via @criterioncollection
Special features includes: New 4K digital restoration, with uncompressed stereo soundtrack on the Blu-ray
Alternate 5.1 surround soundtrack, presented in DTS-HD Master Audio on the Blu-ray
Two audio commentaries: one from 1994 featuring cowriter Abbe Wool, actors Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb, cultural historian Greil Marcus, filmmakers Julien Temple and Lech Kowalski, and musician Eliot Kidd; the other from 2001 featuring cowriter-director Alex Cox and actor Andrew Schofield
England’s Glory, a 1987 documentary on the making of Sid & Nancy Infamous 1976 Bill Grundy interview with the Sex Pistols on British television Rare telephone interview from 1978 with Sid Vicious Interviews with Vicious and Nancy Spungen from the 1980 documentary D.O.A.: A Right of Passage
Archival interviews and footage
PLUS: An essay by author Jon Savage and a 1986 piece compiled by Cox about Vicious, Spungen, and the making of the film
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murderedword · 7 years
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Dale Bonilla (Baltimore) will host as M.C. Disco Dungeon (Portland, ME) as DJ
Musical Sets: Sapphogeist (NY) Headband (the wild) Ice Balloons (NY) Network Glass (Baltimore) Pony Moon (Baltimore) Nicki Apostlow Weave ( San Antonio) Rick Weaver (San Antonio) Ion Ion (Baltimore) Lack (Portland, ME) Seeking Arrangements (Baltimore) Crawl Space (NY) Slow Tongued Beauty (Philly) Profligate (LA) Radiator Greys (DC) Bernard Herman (NY) Melanin Free (Baltimore) POV (Baltimore) Frank Hurricane(Philly) Blood on Mercy Street (Baltimore) extent. (Baltimore) Heat Death (Baltimore) Devlin Rice(Baltimore Vrogop Sibling(NYC) Sword Prom(Baltimore) Slack (Philly)
Video: Sofia Reta Corp. (LA) Whitney Vangrin (NY) Esther Freeman (Nashville) Miles Pflanz (NY) Carlos Gonzalez Grant Corum (Belfast, Me) Natalie Purkey (Belfast, ME) Rachel Amos (Baltimore) Kim Spira (Baltimore) Jax Deluca(D.C) Cameron Murphy (Philly)
Performance: Ashley V. Bennett (Portland, ME) Yuerka Cash (Philly)
Trans disciplinary: Alex Hampshire (Savanah) Sam Schofield (Philly) Minho Nukem (NY) Eliot Glass (NY) Nick Broujos (NY) Johnny Rogers (Baltimore) Kevin Mosca (Portland, ME) Olivia Canny (Portland, ME) Alex Tominsky (Philly) E. Saffronia Downing (Baltimore) Trevor Blauth (Vineland) Autumn Casey (Philly)
This event is held by Ric Royer Anoushe' Shojae-Chaghorvand Deanna Knapik
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11 (drinks) + g3 crabs of choice
Eliot almost misses the knock on his door, when it comes. He's been working on mending at his cluttered kitchen table, sometimes mumbling along to songs on the radio, and the joints in his wrists and fingers are stiff when he stands to check the peephole. He cracks his knuckles, and reaches to unlock the door.
"What do you want?" he asks, when he opens it.
"No one's seen you in days," Rylan says. Sie's standing in the hall in hir battered old coat, boots wet with snow, a brown paper grocery bag dangling from each hand. "They sent me to make sure you're still alive."
"If I was dead now," Eliot says, "I'd be fine tomorrow."
"I guess that's true," Rylan concedes, with a wry smile. "Can I come in? I brought alcohol."
Eliot stands aside wordlessly. He has the sense that Rylan's not going to take no for an answer - but, to be honest, he prefers being checked up on by someone like Rylan, or Athena, or maybe even Quill. Someone who's not going to tell him how sorry they are, or talk around the fact that they all saw Ella burn to death on the field three days ago.
"I brought dinner, too. Not just drinks," Rylan says, once sie starts to unpack the bags onto Eliot's kitchen counters. It's like watching a magic trick. A big bottle of wine comes out, then something that might be rum. Then plastic containers filled with stir-fried vegetables, rice, fish, and a wide baking pan, covered in foil.
"What's that?" Eliot asks, nodding at the pan.
"Oh. Olive made it." Rylan peels back the foil to show him. "She called it rainbow cake? I'm not familiar."
Eliot's throat tightens. All at once, he's thirteen again, at his grandmother's shiva, cake and jam sticking to his teeth. He can taste the chocolate icing coating the roof of his mouth. He had thought that he would never have to sit shiva for anyone else, not as long as the city was still frozen.
"Tell Olive thanks," he manages, every word a struggle.
"Sure." Rylan pauses. "How are you?"
Eliot searches for the right thing to say, and comes up empty. There's no single phrase to encompass how he's feeling. He thinks Rylan might understand better than most, having lost hir husband to Monique's ice, but he still can't figure out how to communicate the depth and breadth of the grief inside him. How heavy it feels to carry. If there's a word for it, or a better way to shoulder it, no one's told him yet.
"Angry," he settles on, because that's something under the grief that he can grasp on, something that he can feel through the fog like a red-hot splinter in his chest.
"Good," Rylan says. Sie opens the cabinets above hir head, finds two mugs, and cracks open the wine. "Angry's a good place to start. Let's talk about it."
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[ELIOT and ELLA are on their knees in front of the TRAIN TABLE, dismantling the MODEL CHRISTMAS VILLAGE with their bare hands. ELIOT pulls the roof off a shop. ELLA twists a MODEL CHRISTMAS VILLAGER’S limbs off one by one.]
ELIOT: Merry Christmas.
(or: the el & ella holiday special, sponsored by maryland public television.)
'marn how did you crank out two gamma 3 crabs fics in under 24 hours' i don't know and honestly i'm a little scared
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🎵for mikey townsend?? and/or eliot schofield
i will do BOTH because i want to (under a cut bc i use these to lyricpost and it gets long)
a working day - ben folds & nick hornby
some guy on the net thinks i suck, and he should know he's got his own blog
the no. 1 cause of death amongst youth today - the basics
i hear them talking endlessly their voices like a symphony they carry on about my life as if they've seen it on tv
not your year - the weepies
there's a world of shiny people somewhere else out there following their bliss living easy, getting kissed while you wonder what else you're doing wrong
disco! in the panic room - bug hunter
i spend most of my time alone it's not all that bad, you know i lost some weight from anxious pacing talking on the telephone
pressure - billy joel
i'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale, but here you are in the ninth two men out and three men on nowhere to look but inside where we all respond to pressure
born under punches - angelique kidjo
i'm not a drowning man and i'm not a burning building i'm a tumbler
sad - lemon demon
we have a saying back in my hometown "when you're feeling down, sunlight fixes everyhing" but here, winter is getting longer everything's frozen still beautiful things no longer give me the chills
last december - good charlotte
in the end and after it all, there was nothing in general you were my best friend, i was sad 'cause i knew that you didn't know
spring/sun/winter/dread - everything everything
are these my people, or are they barbarians all? i need a shoulder to talk to about it swing the hammer, the fragments of skull exploded on you and showers on the infant's bed
dark days - pup
this winter hasn't been so rough oh, it was cold, but still, it wasn't cold enough to freeze the blood beneath my spine and at least i survived
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boop @sanscena tagged me in that fic meme that’s goin around!
recommend 3 of your fics: your most popular and 2 hidden gems
most popular: mike townsend (knows what he’s gotta do) was my first blb fanfic and i somehow still get comments on it to this day, which is wild. it’s about mike traveling to the trench during the season 6 election, realizing that the trench exists, and interacting with a bunch of the null team players on his way to get jaylen. i feel like you can see the seeds of a lot of headcanons i developed later through other fics in here, which is one of the reasons i still like it (even if i don’t 100% stand by everything in it anymore). this is also probably the least niche blb fic i’ve written just by virtue of it being about a popular character and a main discipline era plot event lmao
hidden gems are............most of my fics, i feel like. i like niche guys! i will pick two faves tho
bigger boat is a fic about the time that lorcan smaht and brisket friendo got attacked by consumers a couple days apart and i went completely ripshit over it. somehow it’s also the longest thing on my ao3 page that features my interp of briskie? i like these two, i like their intricate rituals, i like this fic a whole bunch even if i wrote and posted it literally RIGHT before briskie got alted lol
miss my family, merry xmas is about ella goodman and eliot schofield, snow crabs players who are also hosts of a local public access tv show, and have also been trapped in a time loop for 40 years. a lot of my short circuits fic was an excuse to play around more with style, and i had a lot of fun writing in script format for this one! also ella and eliot are very close to my heart, clowne pitched them being kids show hosts who keep taping the same christmas special over and over again and i was immediately hooked.
uhhhhhh idk who hasn’t done this yet so i will tag @impernaway @citadelofswords @dsj-839
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