phoebeyates-archive · 10 months
○ location: eli’s music studio ○ status: closed for @elifalvey
The strumming on the guitar stilled to a natural silence as Eli had come back into the room. It was a routine they both had now, she’d come down for a couple of hours when Aslihan no longer needed her but she wasn’t ready to just go home, him trusting her enough to leave her be whilst he finished off work. When home alone for too long, Phoebe would end up thinking about the rabbit cult to the point she’d freak herself out, which wasn’t helping now that she was doing this whole ‘I’m an adult making it on her own’ thing.  Also the studio was nice. It was comforting in a similar yet different way from Elijah and Aslihan’s house, and she got to play instruments better quality than her own crappy guitar all but collecting dust in the corner of her living room. The living room where Foster had told her he also liked her and kissed her in a way that made her head spin and…
Yeah. That was another reason she didn’t like being alone in her apartment. It made her think about things that she didn’t really want to; like how and when things with Foster would end (because things did end, no matter what) and what they’d even label whatever it was going on between them, if they were to label it at all. No, it was best to just be here, in the studio, safe away from it all. “What’s your favorite Christmas song?” She asked, glancing up at Eli. “I can give myself like a few minutes to learn it for you, if you want?”
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reggiefalvey · 7 months
reggie 📲 reggie rescue squad.
Reggie: Stop changing the name back to this Reggie: Didn't see any St. David's Day posts from either of you 🤨 Reggie: Twmffats
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mctildatautou · 6 months
𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : frontier foods 𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 : @elifalvey
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there was a lot of things matilda didn't really think through and the biggest one of all was neglecting the task of getting groceries for her new place. aweek had swiftly passed, sustained only by an endless take out containers from silk road. now, the moment had come to get those essential pantry staples she desperately needed.
but alas, grocery shopping wasn't exactly her forte. her cart was a mishmash of items that seemed to barely add up to one dish. lost in her thoughts and considering on just getting take out everyday , matilda wandered into the baby aisle, immediately drawn to the gerber baby snacks (noted to be her favorite snack from an allure article from 2013). cracking open the cranberry orange flavor, she indulged in a few, oblivious to the presence of another shopper.
distracted, she walked straight into them, the bottle slipping from her grasp and clattering to the floor. ' merde ! ' she muttered, eyes darting downwards before meeting the gaze of the person before her. panic gave way to confusion as she took a step back, crunching on the little stars, and ultimately bumping into her cart.
' fucking hell ? ' with a short, nervous laugh, matilda scanned her surroundings, half-expecting hidden cameras to reveal she was on an episode of prank'd. she reached out, poking the other person's shoulder with her pointer finger.
' elijah ? ' she questioned, as if encounters with doppelgängers were as common as they were rare.
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nadiamorgan · 1 year
location — drag brunch + bingo
character — @elifalvey
"I hope you don't mind, I ordered the pitcher of OJ and a bottle of champagne for us to share and when I say share, I mean, I get two glasses to your one." It wasn't a proper brunch if mimosas weren't passed around. "Also, I got us a few bingo cards each. I didn't know how many you could handle at a time, so I stuck with a safe number of two." It'd been too long since the pair of them had spent much time together, but seeing as she was at least trying to heal from the heartbreak she'd caused, she'd traded her lonely days for the company of another.
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cjwelford-archive · 9 months
○ location: cinematic, 19th december 2023 ○ status: closed for @elifalvey
God, CJ was starving. He had wolfed down his nachos and a hot dog already, stomach already grumbling as he made his way through the theater, diving in the nearest seat he could find. If it was reserved for someone, they could fight him on it. He turned to smile at his seat mate, eyes lighting up when he not only recognised Eli from the diner that one time, but the fact that he had a very large bucket of popcorn in his lap.
"Hey man!" CJ greeted cheerily, leaning over and grabbing a handful of the corn, shovelling it into his mouth before Eli could argue. "Knew you were a man of fine cinema! Fuck I love movie butter."
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malloryhuitson · 10 months
○ location: mallory’s office, hpf building ○ status: closed for @elifalvey
It had been a long day of endless meetings and video conferences, each one more boring than the last, and truly Mallory was tired. Since the divorce proceedings had started, the CEO had lost her spark for her job slightly; something she found solace and distraction in, she now found it to be a headache. She proposed to herself that when she finally had a free moment to herself that afternoon, she’d book some amazing beach getaway for her and Aspen in the New Year. 
She got to her floor, opening the door, and stopping in her tracks as she noticed that Elijah Falvey stood on the other end, looking unsurprisingly out of place in the office. “How the fuck did you get in here?” Mallory asked in greeting, walking past him. She pressed the button on her phone that linked to the temporary assistant she had been stuck with until after Christmastime, according to HR, Pamela or something. “Get Head of Security on the phone. Now.” She ordered, glancing back up at him as she hung up not waiting for a response. “...and to follow up, why the fuck are you here?”
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atlaswilliams · 10 months
location — the vinyl countdown.
character — @elifalvey
Even with a sleeve wrapped around the cup, the pumpkin spice latte still offered a fair amount of heat against his palm, combatting the chilly bite of the November air. He'd texted Elijah, hoping that the other would be interested in joining him for at the record store, but like the eager soul that he was, he hadn't been able to wait for the time he'd suggested. Thankfully, he'd only thumbed through a single section of the bargain bin when the doors behind him chimed, causing the contractor to turn slowly, a grin slipping at the corner of his mouth. "Well, look who it is. Lucky you came when you did, man. I was about to take all of the good stuff for myself. Good to see you, Falvey."
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mayxlee · 10 months
location: a random hiking trail
character: @elifalvey​​ & maya.
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"If I didn't know any better, I'd think this is becoming a habit for you," Maya half-joked, greeting the tall male. Random hikes were her favorite, and with her dog accompanying her in almost all of them, the brunette never felt lonely, not worrying about what could possibly go wrong. With work keeping her busy the past couple of days, this was the best way to detox her mind from all the stress and worries and allow Benji to run in nature and enjoy her time. Oddly enough, Elijah wasn't a face she often ran into. "How are you? Enjoying yourself?"
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albietorreschef · 1 year
location: vinyl countdown
status: closed for @elifalvey
There were not many regrets Albie had about what stuff he had decided to get rid of when constantly moving around but, after being settled in his apartment in town, he had come to regret not having many records in his current collection, making a note to remedy that as soon as possible. He was flicking through a bunch of records of his youth, glad that they hadn’t fallen into the “Classic Rock” section just yet, letting out a low whistle as he recognized an album cover he hadn’t seen in years. “Damm, never thought I’d see this again,” He commented, not even realizing he was speaking aloud until he caught eyes with one of the only other people in the quiet store that day. “Like I don’t know if this considered rare or whatever these days, but I remember owning this as a kid, and then this…well he was a friend but a little shit, stole it from me. Took years in my search to find it before giving up.”
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max-cortez · 2 years
location — the blue wolf
character — @elifalvey​
Ever since getting his hands on that very first paper, he hadn’t missed a weekly edition since. He wasn’t always the first person exchanging quarters for the Peak Times, but he made sure to to grab one, even if it meant persuading another to regift it elsewhere rather than to toss it in the trash. This time around, he’d found it sitting atop the bar with a few other pieces of mail stacked atop it. Maybe it belonged to a bartender, or even the owner of the place, but as the smooth music played behind him, it only eased his ability to give a damn. After nearly ten minutes of watching the stack go untouched, he gave a look around him before he leaned forward and swiped the paper beneath the stack of mail. It wasn’t a federal offense if it wasn’t technically mail, right? When he settled back into his seat, he noticed someone had settled in beside of him. “Look, it’s been sitting there for awhile and I haven’t gotten to look through this week’s paper. I’ll put it back.” Just not before he flipped through every page to see if a certain writer was featured. “Can I buy you a drink?”
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bennett-miller · 2 years
location: natural history museum
character: @elifalvey​
Bennett had always had a soft spot for the subject of history. It held far more importance to the medical field than anyone realized. Hospitals weren’t always so advanced and medications as the world knew today weren’t always available. With every step through the newly added wing, Bennett felt himself growing far more curious than he’d ever imagined himself to be. While work challenged his mind, it hadn’t left the wheels turning as quick as the perfectly pieced together exhibit was doing now. “It’s incredible, isn’t it?” He noticed a familiar male checking out a piece on the wall, leaving the surgeon to join him with eager eyes and a smile. “I wish I would have taken more history electives in college. I always enjoyed reading about all the medical advancements, but there’s more to it than medicine. I guess we’re never too old to stop learning new things, are we?” With a pause, Bennett flashed a welcoming smile towards the other. “It’s good to see you again, Elijah. How are you doing?”
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phoebeyates-archive · 11 months
Phoebe: so like what was the creepiest place you ever stayed in when you used to tour and stuff?
Phoebe: hope you don’t mind me just texting btw 😊 didn’t want to like bother asli
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reggiefalvey · 7 months
closed for: @elifalvey
where: reggie's place in bighorn hills
"You can put that one there," Reggie directs, using a half-eaten Red Vine as a pointer of sorts as he gestures to the general empty floor space beside where his TV and PlayStation 5 were. He has yet to source a bedframe, but he had ensured he was able to play FC24 from the second the space was his for the duration of his lease.
( It was the only way Wales would ever lift a trophy. )
Initially, he had helped, lugging two boxes that had previously been stored at their parents inside where he would unpack them at some point in the near -- or more likely, slightly distant -- future. Like most things with Reggie, the effort trickled off to less than nothing, as a quick glance at his phone had ended up in him sprawled on his couch replying to Instagram DMs while he chewed his way through the remnants of last night's snack of choice.
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"Is that the last one?" He asks, with full awareness that it was.
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thierrydupont · 1 year
status: closed - @elifalvey
location: lucky joe's
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Thierry strolled through the front doors of Lucky Joe's, welcomed by the aromatic scent of freshly made bagels and hot coffee. He had popped into the establishment to pick up some bagels for he and Jamal. Things had been going great since they decided to get back together. Although the couple was still working on trusting one another, Thierry strongly believed things were going to work out between them. As he glanced around the restaurant, the street cop spotted Elijah sitting in a booth nearby. Thierry caught his gaze and smiled. They met when Thierry ran into Asli at the library. He walked over in Eli's direction. “Good morning, Elijah. How are you doing on this fine Sunday?"
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nadiamorgan · 2 years
location — skyline shopping center
character — @elifalvey​​​​​​​
Her intention was to buy a couple of toys to donate and she hoped that Elijah was willing to do the same. After all, it was the giving season and seeing as he’d helped her out a lot already, it seemed in his nature. “So, I’ve been trying to write and I’ll be honest, I’m hitting a brick wall.” She couldn’t get past what Boyd had said, but maybe all she needed were enough distractions to help her get past it. “But I was hoping we could do a little shopping before you attempted to help me get past it?” She could be stubborn and seeing as the awful words always came back to her mind, she doubted that anyone would be able to help her move past them. “There’s a toy drive here today. The hot chief of police is accepting donations. Do you mind helping me pick out some good stuff for the kids? I happen to know next to nothing on what they’d like.”
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cjwelford-archive · 11 months
location: the burger joint
status: closed for @elifalvey
It was a busy night at the diner, which CJ didn’t mind, though it was difficult for him to find a place to sit. Craving everything on the menu meant that he needed a big enough flat surface for everything to go. Eyeing a booth with a just a man sat there, the lifeguard made a beeline for him, sliding effortlessly into the plastic seat, grinning widely. “‘Sup, dude? Been a while,” He greeted as if they were best friends, swiping a fry from the stranger's tray. “So here’s the deal, I need to eat.  Got the munchies like crazy. Wanna help? On me, obvs.” Or, well, on Todd, but what his stupid roommate didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, like CJ swiping the wallet he carelessly left hanging around on the side as he left the apartment.
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